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DOSENPENGAMPU : Dr. DinaSarahSyahreza. SE. M. Si


Human Resource Management Practices in Nigeria

Sola Fajana

Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management

Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos

Oluwakemi Owoyemi (Corresponding author) Department of

Industrial Relations and Personnel Management Faculty of
Business Administration, University of Lagos E-mail:

Tunde Elegbede

Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management

Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos

E-mail: telegbede@unilag.edu.ng

Mariam Gbajumo-Sheriff

Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management

Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos

Email: mgbajumo@unilag.edu.

Received: February 24, 2011 Accepted: April 18, 2011 doi:10.5430/jms.v2n2p57


The globalization of business is having a significant impact on human resource management practices; and it
is has now become more imperative than ever for business organizations to engage in human resource
management practices on an international standard. While the management of people is mostly associated
with HRM, the definition, parameter and context are contested by different writers. Some authors such as
Kane (1996) argued that HRM is in its infancy, while other authors such as Welbourne and Andrews (1996)
dispute it. However, other writers have attempted to differentiate between personnel management and HRM
(Sisson, 1990), by emphasizing on the strategic approach to managing people. Other writers such as Legge
(1995) have focused on the soft and hard approach to managing human resources. All these distinctions have
contributed to the fundamental differences in understanding and defining human resource management
practices, and therefore, HRM should not be incorporated within a single model, but rather adequate emphasis
should be on understanding human resource management issues, which will assists practitioners, authors,
mangers and organizations in developing and implementing HRM policies and practices that will be
productive and that can make businesses to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. This is paper is aimed at
exploring HRM practices in Nigeria.

Keywords: Human resource management, Strategic HRM, Management, Culture,

Organisation 1. Introduction

HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage
through the strategic development of a highly committed and capable workforce using an integrated array of
cultural, structural and personnel techniques (Storey, 2001). Beer et al, (1984) defined HRM as a strategic
approach to the management of human resources that involves all management decisions and actions that
affect the relationship between the organisation and employees. While Armstrong (2006) defines HRM as a
strategic, coherent and comprehensive approach to the management and development of the organisation’s
human resources in which every aspect of that process is wholly integrated within the overall management of
the organisation. Schuler and Jackson (1987) develop the strategic model of HRM by linking HR practices to
competitive strategies framework that an organisation can use to gain competitive

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advantage. They argue that the strategy that management of an organisation employs can affect the kind of
employees’ behaviour. However, this strategic model of HRM is not left with some flaws such as ignoring the
employees’ interest, not recognising the legal requirement, social norms and values of the environment in
which they operate (Legge, 1995:115; Budhwar and Debrah, 2001: 500). The strategic model according to
Legge labels this model as the hard HRM model, which contrast totally from the ‘soft model’ of HRM that
emphasises commitment HR strategy. This commitment strategy model was as a result of the interest in the
cultural factors that has promoted the Japanese economic performance making the country to have a
competitive advantage over countries in the late 1970 to 1980. Looking at these three definitions of what
HRM is, there is a major area of convergence, which is the ‘Strategic’ nature of the management approach.
These definitions have encompassed the linking of various HRM practices such as recruiting, selection,
rewarding, training, appraising and planning with organisational goals. Hence, strategic HRM is a more
integrative HRM practice that links the organisational goals with the strategic management process (Sparrow,
Brewster & Harris, 2004)).

All these definition indicates that HRM is an elusive concept with various meanings; deciding on an accepted
definition will lead to confusion. That is why Storey (2001) argues that HRM is elastic and it covers a range
of applications that varies from books, society and organisations. Moreover, in defining, HRM, these three
components should guide how the concept can be operationalised.

H: Human (something to do with people)

Management places domain of Business and Organisation

Ambiguous concept that people find it difficult to relate to.

According to Price (2000), much academic literature have forgotten the human element in HRM, rather
people have been tagged as a ‘resource’ along with other resources such as tables and desk. Price (2000)
believed that people cannot be discussed and treated in exactly the same manner as equipments. The ‘human’
aspect of HRM is concerned with the relationship between employer and employee and it associated with the
human relations movement and the concept of high commitment work practices developed by (Walton,
1985). This model defines HRM as the softer issues of strategic management (Beer et al, 1995). That is why
HRM should therefore be part of management strategies concerned with the decisions, strategies, factors,
principles, operations, practices, functions and methods related to the management of people as employees in
any type of organisation (Steering Committee for HRM Standards & Qualification in South African, 1999).

In order for HRM to function very well, Price (2000) argued it has to be pragmatic (aims to achieve practical
solutions to real work problems) and eclectic (the solutions can be drawn from a variety of theoretical &
managerial traditions. Given all these arguments, HRM is a philosophy of people management based on the
belief that human resources are uniquely important to sustain business success; and an organisation gains
competitive advantage by using its people effectively, drawing on the expertise to meet clearly defined
objectives (American Management Association, 2000). As the management of an organisation is accountable
for obtaining and maintaining qualified employees, in today’s complex environment, fulfilling that mission is
a major contribution to an organisation’s success (American Management Association, 2000).

There are three levels at which HRM can be operationalised following Budhwar and Sparrow (2004:7) which
are national level (this involves the external labour market, national culture, social-cultural environment,
legislations); contingent variables (such as the type and the nature of business, ownership, age etc);
organisational strategies (this relates to the HR functions and the internal labour market). This framework
will be the basis on which HRM practices in Nigeria will be based on. However, this model should be treated
with some caution because Budhwar and Sparrow (2004) developed this framework to analyse issues of
HRM in different countries.

2. HRM in Nigeria

HRM policies and practices are carried out within an economic, social, political and legal environment. Thus,
there is a need for considerable historical and cultural insight into local conditions to understand the
processes, philosophies and problems of national models of HRM (Hofstede, 1993). Nigeria is the most
populous country in Africa with an estimated population of 180 million people. The Nigeria’s population and
human resource base make it one of the most attractive countries for foreign investment in Africa. As foreign
and local firms increase their involvement in Nigeria, they will need to build capabilities and utilise local
competencies. The knowledge of human resource management (HRM) and more importantly perhaps,
knowledge of the factors that impact on HRM in Nigeria will become increasingly critical to the way we do
businesses in Nigeria and ultimately their success. Hence, the way to get things done cannot be divorced from
local values, customs, and the overall external cultural environment.

58 ISSN 1923-3965 E-ISSN 1923-3973

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HRM as a concept got introduced into the Nigeria literature in 1940 during the colonial era; with
industrialisation and commercializstion, which later became wage employment. Ever since then, there has
been a tremendous growth of HR in Nigeria, which in recent years has been characterised by lack of
professionalism and specialisation. Different reasons have been accounted for as the challenges facing HRM
practices in Nigeria. Some of which are discussed in this paper. The socio-cultural diversity of Nigeria has
influenced the HRM practices in Nigeria. Nigeria is characterised by over reliance on culture, language,
religion, gender and educational qualifications as a basis for determining who get employed. What this means
is that, the opportunity for an average Nigeria to get employed is a factor of the aforementioned variables.

Nigeria according to Fajana (2009) is one of the African countries troubled by abundant labour and scare
talent. Attracting, developing, deploying and retaining best talents had become a challenge. That is why
Fajana and Ige (2007) argued that the desire for top performance has driven the need for effective
management. HRM in Nigeria can be said to be ‘still in Infancy’ and lot of academic research is still required
in this area. Lack of indigenous and comprehensive HRM models is one of the challenges facing HRM
practices in Nigeria, which is why the majority of principles and practices evidence in workplaces in Nigeria
are all adopted from other countries. HRM practices in Nigerian are a convergence with western-inspired
approaches, with the evidence of cultural and institutional influences on it. That is, there is a blend of
transplanted and indigenous HRM practices. The sensitivity to individuals’ socialization as well as economic,
historical, political, and social contexts according to Azolukwam and Perkins (2009) may enable
organisations to capitalise on the potential to transplant forms of HRM from parent country cultures to
developing countries such as Nigeria.

Nevertheless, most organizations are characterized by lack of funding for human resource management
research and development. Nigeria’s democracy has enhanced the practice of HRM, determining the quota of
expatriates it permits. Nigeria’s economy allows the importation of new technologies to enhance HRM, but
training is still a bit slow, thus employment of expatriates to handle such is still encouraged. In Nigeria, there
is application of new management techniques and skills used in the running of organizations, all aimed at
running a cost- effective system. HRM practices in Nigeria cannot be totally diffused from what is evidence in
other countries. However, due the peculiarity of the social-cultural characteristic of Nigeria, HRM in Nigeria
is an area open for further research. Good employer-employee relations are therefore critical to the stable and
sustainable development of the Nigerian economy, as well as the world economy as a whole. Several other
factors have affected HRM practices in Nigeria namely; first, lack the internal manpower to complete all
necessary tasks. Second, the complexity of today's business climate as a result of deregulation, globalization,
and technology advancements has outpaced many companies' level for companies to get special projects done
without adding employees to the payroll (Olofin & Folawewo, 2006).

Most organizations in Nigeria now offer a continued education and training to help its people cultivate the
right skills and expand their career within a truly global/collaborative workplace. However, in recent time,
Nigerian workplaces are introducing different HR ideologies adopted from foreign organizations. For
instance, there has been a tremendous increase in level of contract or temporary employment and most of
these activities are contracted out to consultants, via outsourcing thereby reducing the number of personnel in
its payroll. The implication of this is that organizations are paying lesser for more work, and at the same are
losing the psychological attachment, commitment, loyalty of their employees.

In Nigeria, organizational control is firmly in the hands of management and the management’s role is to
effectively manage the number of employees and match them closely with desired goals and objectives. Both
the management and the Nigerian government strive to make coherent HR policies that fit closely with
overall business strategy. For example, in the oil industry (which is the most organized and highly paid
employment sector) the government of Nigeria has made concerted efforts over the last 50 years to promote
the participation of indigenous workers in the oil industry. Regulation 26 of the 1969 Petroleum and Drilling
Act represents one of government’s early efforts to increase Nigerian national oil workers’ participation in the
industry. Recruitment is selectively done in Nigeria, and employees are trained to perform required skills.
However, due to the complexities involved in the activities of the oil industries, a lot of skilled expatriate
services are required leading to a high level of expatriate employment till date. This is also because most of
the oil companies are multinationals, with parent companies in well-developed and advanced countries.

For most organizations in Nigeria, performance appraisal is a dialogue process and serves as a mentor to
generally mould the individual to perform at an optimal level. The employees are allowed to carry out a self-
evaluation based on engagements and projects they were involved in during the assessment period. It is
expected that performance appraisal system should be a fair process involving assessments on skills, technical
knowledge and how well the employee can offer quality service delivery. However, the lack of skill and
know-how of the appraiser have made some of the tools and

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parameters for appraising employees’ performance to be faulty. Such appraisal system and process might not
capture what it is expected to. The concern to develop the right performance appraiser system have pushed
indigenous companies in Nigeria to employ expatriate services, as trainers, in positions requiring special
skills and expertise, with which Nigerian workers cannot compete. These supervisors assess the performance
and recommend for promotions as the case may be.

Wages and other fringe benefits in organizations in Nigeria are by collective bargaining between unions and
employers or employees’ association. In some private organizations, the basic wages are generally higher
than the public sector organization. What is evidence in Nigeria is that wage scales are based on job analysis
and evaluation to ensure equity and increases are based on merit or performance. The higher the risk, time
allocation, skills requirement, experience required, the higher the wage. That is why jobs that are high in
occupational hazards are the highest paid job in Nigeria. In the case of public sector organizations owned by
Government, salary adjustments may result from annual merit reviews, promotions, individual special
adjustment or general adjustments. General adjustments are made when the Government decrees a general
wage increase in both the public and private sectors.

In recent years, most organizations in Nigeria are now re- emphasizing the need to train their employees.
Training is expected to generate enthusiasm for creating new ideas, and is mutually beneficial to employers
and employees. Managers, supervisors and HR departments are responsible for ensuring that workers are
effectively trained. Some organizations in Nigeria now provide workers with education and subsidies for job-
related training; while some other organizations have changed their wage structures to include education and
training subsidy allowance in workers' wages. The challenge here is that such training is expected to be job-
related and proven to be of mutual benefit to both employers and employees. This can limit the employees
from acquiring others skills that are not related to the job description. Nevertheless, most organisations in
Nigeria are constantly aware of the need and relevance of training and they equally design the right training
to meet identified needs. This will ensure that they have the right crop of qualified, competent and valuable
professionals to make the right input and be knowledgeable in diverse fields.

Another area of HRM practices that need further development and enhancement is the occupational health
and safety. There has not been reliable official statistics on the number of fatalities and non-fatalities in
organizations in Nigeria. This is because most organizations are not willing to share their experiences with
other because of the fear or being accused of not handling health safety issues properly and compensating the
victims adequately. There is also the challenge of employees in Nigeria not knowing there right to work in a
safe environment free of occupational hazards and appropriate compensation in the case of accidents or
hazards that can affect them both psychologically and physically.

Most organizations in Nigeria are highly unionized, especially the public sector organizations. Employees
unite to protect and promote their interest, so also do the employers. Until March 2005, the Government of
Nigeria promoted compulsory union membership at the workplace, which has resulted in almost 60 per cent
unionization rate. For instance, oil the workers are unionized by occupational category: white-collar workers
belong to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association (PENGASSAN) and production workers to
the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG). Some of industry-wide trade unions
affiliate with different national unions, such as the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) and the Nigeria
Labour Congress (NLC), respectively. It is only the private organizations that there has not been a high
participation in union. Rather what we have in some of these private organizations is employers and
employees forming and meeting at common forums to discuss issues, identified problems and map out
strategies for a better working relationship.

3. Lessons from the experience of other countries

Human resource managers and practitioners in Nigeria can learn and adopt the following best practices from
other developed countries:

Openness and objectivity of the recruitment and selection process

Strategic development of staff for optimal utilization

Flexibility in pay system

Balance of power in the application of equal employment opportunity

The efficiency of affirmative action in ensuring employment opportunity

 Group harmony which can enhance cooperation and decision-making

60 ISSN 1923-3965 E-ISSN 1923-3973

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4. Conclusion

The socio-cultural diversity of Nigeria has influenced the HRM practices in Nigeria. Both the management
and the Nigerian government should strive to make coherent HR policies that fit closely with overall business
strategy. Employment discrimination has not been adequately addressed because of the ‘quota system’ that is
still present is most of the public service organisations. Lastly, most organizations in Nigeria are highly
unionized, especially the public sector organizations and employees unite to protect and promote their
interest, so also do the employers. While in the private organizations, that there has not been a high
employees’ involvement in union activities. It is obvious that HRM practices in Nigeria has not been fully
developed and there is the urgent need to employ the services of HR professionals, consultants and
researchers to help shape and develop new directional focus that will ensure an efficient and effective human
resource practice in Nigeria.


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. Resume Jurnal 1

Globalisasi bisnis memiliki dampak signifikan pada praktik manajemen sumber daya
manusia; dan sekarang menjadi lebih penting dari sebelumnya bagi organisasi bisnis untuk terlibat
dalam praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia dengan standar internasional.Sementara manajemen
orang sebagian besar terkait dengan HRM, definisi, parameter dan konteks diperdebatkan oleh
penulis yang berbeda.
Beberapa penulis seperti Kane (1996) berpendapat bahwa HRM masih dalam masa
pertumbuhan, sedangkan penulis lain seperti Welbourne dan Andrews (1996) membantahnya.
Namun, penulis lain telah berusaha untuk membedakan antara manajemen personalia dan HRM
(Sisson, 1990), dengan menekankan pada pendekatan strategis untuk mengelola orang. Penulis lain
seperti Legge (1995) berfokus pada pendekatan lunak dan keras untuk mengelola sumber daya
Semua perbedaan ini telah berkontribusi pada perbedaan mendasar dalam memahami dan
mendefinisikan praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia, dan oleh karena itu, HRM tidak boleh
dimasukkan dalam model tunggal, tetapi penekanan yang memadai harus pada pemahaman masalah
manajemen sumber daya manusia, yang akan membantu praktisi, penulis , manajer dan organisasi
dalam mengembangkan dan menerapkan kebijakan dan praktik SDM yang akan produktif dan yang
dapat membuat bisnis memperoleh dan mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif. Makalah ini
bertujuan mengeksplorasi praktik HRM di Nigeria
HRM adalah pendekatan khusus untuk manajemen ketenagakerjaan yang berusaha untuk mencapai
keunggulan kompetitif melalui pengembangan strategis tenaga kerja yang sangat berkomitmen dan mampu
menggunakan berbagai teknik budaya, struktural dan personil yang terintegrasi (Storey, 2001). Beer et al,
(1984) mendefinisikan HRM sebagai pendekatan strategis untuk manajemen sumber daya manusia yang
melibatkan semua keputusan dan tindakan manajemen yang mempengaruhi hubungan antara organisasi
dan karyawan. Sementara Armstrong (2006) mendefinisikan HRM sebagai pendekatan strategis, koheren
dan komprehensif untuk manajemen dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia organisasi di mana setiap
aspek dari proses itu sepenuhnya terintegrasi dalam manajemen keseluruhan organisasi. Schuler dan
Jackson (1987) mengembangkan model strategis HRM dengan menghubungkan praktik SDM dengan
kerangka kerja strategi kompetitif yang dapat digunakan organisasi untuk mendapatkan keunggulan
kompetitif.Mereka berpendapat bahwa strategi yang dipekerjakan oleh manajemen organisasi dapat
memengaruhi perilaku karyawan.


Penelitian ini telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji strategi seperti apa yang perlu dilakukan dalam
mengembangkan sdm di nigeria . Penelitian ini juga telah dilakukan untuk
Mengidentifikasibagaimana Nigeria mampu untuk memanfaat kan ilmu manajemen terhadap
sumber daya manusia .
Sumber data dan metode pengumpulan data:
Penelitian ini telah dilakukan terutama pada data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui
Lembaga lembaga resmi yang bertanggung jawab mengembangkan kinerja ataupun skill yang
dimiliki oleh Negara tersebut.nama lembaga tersebut adalah Department of Industrial Relations and
Personnel Management.
Hasil Penilitian
Nigeria menurut Fajana (2009) adalah salah satu negara Afrika yang bermasalah dengan tenaga kerja yang
berlimpah dan bakat yang menakutkan.Menarik, mengembangkan, menyebarkan, dan mempertahankan
talenta terbaik telah menjadi tantangan.Itulah sebabnya Fajana dan Ige (2007) berpendapat bahwa
keinginan untuk kinerja puncak telah mendorong perlunya manajemen yang efektif.HRM di Nigeria dapat
dikatakan 'masih dalam masa pertumbuhan' dan banyak penelitian akademis masih diperlukan di bidang ini.
Kurangnya model HRM asli dan komprehensif adalah salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi praktik HRM di
Nigeria, yang mengapa mayoritas prinsip dan bukti praktik di tempat kerja di Nigeria semuanya diadopsi
dari negara lain. Praktik HRM di Nigeria adalah konvergensi dengan pendekatan yang diilhami Barat, dengan
bukti pengaruh budaya dan kelembagaan di dalamnya.Artinya, ada campuran praktik HRM yang
ditransplantasikan dan asli.Sensitivitas terhadap sosialisasi individu serta konteks ekonomi, sejarah, politik,
dan sosial menurut Azolukwam dan Perkins (2009) memungkinkan organisasi untuk memanfaatkan potensi
untuk mentransplantasikan bentuk HRM dari budaya negara induk ke negara-negara berkembang seperti

Sebagian besar organisasi di Nigeria sangat berserikat, terutama organisasi sektor publik.Karyawan bersatu
untuk melindungi dan mempromosikan minat mereka, demikian juga para majikan.Hingga Maret 2005,
Pemerintah Nigeria mempromosikan keanggotaan serikat wajib di tempat kerja, yang telah menghasilkan
hampir 60 persen tingkat serikat pekerja. Misalnya, minyak pekerja disatukan berdasarkan kategori
pekerjaan: pekerja kerah putih milik Asosiasi Staf Senior Perminyakan dan Gas Bumi (PENGASSAN) dan
pekerja produksi di Serikat Pekerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi Nasional (NUPENG). Beberapa serikat pekerja
industri yang berafiliasi dengan serikat nasional yang berbeda, seperti Kongres Serikat Buruh Nigeria (TUC)
dan Kongres Buruh Nigeria (NLC), masing-masing.Hanya organisasi swasta yang belum memiliki partisipasi
tinggi dalam serikat pekerja. Alih-alih apa yang kita miliki dalam beberapa organisasi swasta ini adalah
pengusaha dan karyawan membentuk dan bertemu di forum umum untuk membahas masalah,
mengidentifikasi masalah dan memetakan strategi untuk hubungan kerja yang lebih baik.

Keragaman sosial budaya Nigeria telah mempengaruhi praktik HRM di Nigeria.Baik manajemen
dan pemerintah Nigeria harus berusaha untuk membuat kebijakan SDM yang koheren yang sesuai
dengan strategi bisnis secara keseluruhan.Diskriminasi ketenagakerjaan belum ditangani secara
memadai karena 'sistem kuota' yang masih ada adalah sebagian besar organisasi layanan
publik.Terakhir, sebagian besar organisasi di Nigeria sangat berserikat, terutama organisasi sektor
publik dan karyawan bersatu untuk melindungi dan mempromosikan minat mereka, demikian juga
dengan para pengusaha.Sementara di organisasi swasta, bahwa belum ada keterlibatan karyawan
yang tinggi dalam kegiatan serikat. Jelas bahwa praktik HRM di Nigeria belum sepenuhnya
berkembang dan ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk menggunakan layanan profesional SDM,
konsultan, dan peneliti untuk membantu membentuk dan mengembangkan fokus arah baru yang
akan memastikan praktik sumber daya manusia yang efisien dan efektif di Nigeria.

DOI : 10.18843/rwjasc/v9i2/02 DOI URL :


The Influence of Communication and Work

Discipline on the Employee Performance
(A Case Study of Employee Performance of DwiArsa
Citra Persada Foundation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

HeruKuncorowati, SE. MM, Heru Noor Rokhmawati, SE. MM,

Lecturer, Lecturer,
Institute Economics of IEU, Institute Economics of SBI,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Competitiveness is essential in winning the competition in the business world, good

performance and quality of all sources owned by a company, especially qualified and
modern-thinking human resources (HR). This research aims to describe the influence of
communication and work discipline on the employee performance at of DwiArsa Citra
Persada Yogyakarta’s. According to the research result and the description of the
displayed data, communication and work discipline had significant influence on
employee performance both simultaneously and partially. The equation model of this
research is Y = 5,406 + 0.446 X1 + 0.444 X2. The F value was 52,524 with
significance value 0,000, it describes that communication and work discipline
simultaneously had significant influence on the employee performance. Furthermore, the
76.6% of the employee performance was influenced by communication and work
discipline and 23.3% was influenced by other factors that can be studied in the future

Keywords: Communication, work discipline, and employee performance.

Competitiveness is essential in winning the competition in the business world, good performance and
quality of all sources owned by a company, especially qualified and modern-thinking human
resources (HR).In a company, human as God’s most perfect creation is a very valuable asset. Human
has the ability to think, analyze, and creative in planning, trying, actualizing, and controlling all of
aspect in accordance with his/her function in management. Thus, a company can develop optimally
and always make improvement and development, effectively and efficiently, on all aspects to
maintain its life in global competition.
Previous research reveals that there was correlation between effective communication and
performance, productivity, also work commitment. Communication had significant influence on the
employee performance, mainly in big companies (Femi, 2014). Meanwhile, (Marchalina& Ahmad,
2017) noted that communication had a significant negative correlation with outside of company.
Communication systems that do not fulfill employees’ satisfaction will eventually influence their
work satisfaction and commitment (Carriere& Bourque, 2009).
Therefore, driving and controlling the employee to work as company’s expectation is not an easy job
remembering that human has dignity, feeling, ideas, desires and expectations. One way that can be
done by the company to get them to work as expected is through good communication and employee
discipline. The existence of good and easy-to-understand communication is expected to provide better
understanding for all employees. Meanwhile, discipline reflects the big quantity of someone's
responsibility towards his/her duty (Marchalina& Ahmad, 2017).
In general, work discipline is defined as when the employee always come and go punctually, do the
work well and on time, carry out orders from the leader, and comply with all company regulations and
applied norms. High work discipline is expected to improve the employee performance. When a
company owned a highly work-discipline employee yet did not provide good performance, the
advanced technology owned by the company would not produce qualified products optimally. A
company expects to have staffs with quality and good performance so that the company will develop
rapidly and is able to compete in the global competition era.
A company takes several steps to improve the employees’ performance, one of them is to improve the
communication between the staffs and the leaders as well as communication intra department and
communication among the staffs. It required support by work discipline. The program that aims to
improve the employees’ performance must be run by the members in all levels within the company.
After applying good communication and work discipline, the next step to take is the company assess
the performance of its employee. The assessment runs to reveal whether the members within the
company had fits the standard of the company with optimum results or the opposite. When the result
does not fit the expected outcome, then the company must motivate the employee to improve their
Moreover, with this assessment, the employee with good performance might have an opportunity to
be promoted and/or also increased their rewards to encourage them to work harder in order to achieve
the goal of the company.
Furthermore, for the employee, if the company gave high rewards, they could use it to fulfill their
High work discipline is required in order to face the global competition which getting fierce. It means
that every human resources are demanded to be able to well-perform all duties and responsibility,
work fast, work right on the intended target, and beneficial for the development of the company.
Thus, it can generate good employee performance and accelerate the achievement of the goal both
effectively and efficiently. Those are the reasons for the need of more in-depth study by conducting
research to explain how the communication and work discipline influence the employee performance.
The research is expected to provide more information, ideas, knowledge which can be practiced in the
business world and can be used to formulate policies and strategy related to human resources issues as
an effort to improve the employee performance at DwiArsa Citra Persada Yogyakarta – Indonesia.
DwiArsa Citra Persada is a foundation under the contorl of the Department of Manpower in
Indonesia. DwiArsa Citra Persada is engaged in health training for nurses and midwifes.

Communication is a medium to transfer information from communicator to communication in order to
build an interaction (Hasibuan, 2002). Communication is one of the efforts to unite opinions, ideas,
same understanding and group unity. The communication activities have a very wide scope. If the
study of communication is connected to company, then a study of corporate communication will
emerge. Especially, in optimizing the function of control, motivation, emotional expression,
regulative, persuasive, and integrative (Robbins, 2006):
a. Control Function – this communication function is for controlling the behavior of the
members in various ways. Every company has authority and formal guidelines that must be obeyed
by the employee. If an employee, for example, had to communicate his/her complaints about
his/her duty to the direct leader, according to the job description, or to the company policies, the
communication performs control function. However, informal communication is also controlling
b. Motivation Function – communication strengthens motivation by explaining duty that the
employee must do. How well they perform it and what can they do to improve their below
standard performance.
c. Emotional Expression Function – communication within a team or company is a fundamental
mechanism by which the members show their disappointment or satisfaction. Therefore,
communication facilitates the release of emotional expression and fulfills the social needs.
d. Informative function – a company can be viewed as an information-processing system. It
means all the members within a company expect to get more, better, and punctual information.
Basically, information is required by people in different positions within a company. People in
management level need information to formulate company policy and/or to resolve conflict within
the company. Meanwhile, employee need information to carry out the duty and also information of
security guarantee, social security and health.
e. Regulative Function – this regulative function is related to the applied regulations within a
company. In all institutions or companies, there are two things that affect this regulative function.
First, the leader or people within management level, i.e. those who have authority to control all the
information submitted. In addition, they also hold an authority to give instructions or orders, so
that in the company structure they are likely placed in the top level (position of authority) in order
to get their orders implemented properly.
f. Persuasive Function – in managing a company, power and authority will not always give the
expected results. The effect is that there are many leaders prefer to persuade their employee rather
than to give orders. It is because when the employee carries out their job voluntarily, they will do it
with greater concern compare to when the leaders always show his/her power or authority.
g. Integrative Function – every company tries to provide channels that enable employee to
perform their duties and jobs well. There are two formal communication channels, such as special
publishing within the company (newsletter, bulletin) and company progress report; as well as
informal communication channel such as interpersonal conversations during the break at the
workplace, sport competitions, or excursions. For the employee, these activities can foster greater
desire to participate towards the company.
Previous research shows a strong positive correlation between communication and changes in
company performance (Arif, Jan, Marwat, &Ullah, 2009). The practice of communication describes
50% variation of communication satisfaction, 23.4% variation of work satisfaction, and 17.5% in
company commitment. Twoways communication channels achieved the higher level of trust, work
satisfaction and company effectiveness (Chen, 2008). Communication and training significantly
influenced the effectiveness of company consistently (Chong, 2007). The deliberate value of
communication with effective employee helped to overcome uncertainty and increases employees’
motivation (Dolphin, 2005). The improvement of two-ways communication could increase
satisfaction from 52% to 81%, and improve the company performance (Taylor &Elsey, 2005).
Gathering information from the top management is very important for the employee and makes them
feel valuable and prefer a face-to-face communication. Employee forum as a form of communication
channels that leads to better communication (bulletin, staff meeting, etc.) could encourage employee
commitment ( (White, Vanc, & Stafford, 2010).
1.Work Discipline:
Work discipline can be interpreted as an attitude to respect, obey, and comply the applied regulations,
both of written and unwritten, and also able to perform it and accept the punishment if there was
violation during performing the duty and authority, (Gomes, 2000). Work discipline is to behave
according to the implemented regulations and the force of reward reduction by the leader due to a
certain case.
The disciplinary action excludes temporary dismissal or reduction of employee caused by their
behavioral incidents that resulting to low productivity or violations of regulations. A good discipline
will naturally grow and emerge from human conscience. The discipline which is not grown from the
human conscience will lead to weak and unsustainable discipline. Discipline will grow and can be
built through educational training or habitual refinement with certain examples. It must be started in
the family environment, starting from childhood and it will keep growing and create strong discipline.
Generally, work discipline can be seen when the employee come to the workplace regularly and on
time, when they are dressed neatly in the workplace, when they carefully use the supplies in the
workplace, when they produce a satisfactory amount and quality of work by following the rule of
work defined by the company, and when they finished their duty and work morale. Generally, the
work discipline of employee can be measured through:
a. Come to the workplace in order, on time, and regularly. Thus, work discipline is considered
b. Dress neatly in the workplace. Dressing neatly is one of many factors that influence the work
discipline of the employee because it creates comfortable ambience and establish confidence during
c. Use the supplies at the workplace with care. Careful attitude can show that someone has good
work discipline because if they do not use the supplies carefully then there might be an incident
resulting loss to the workplace.
d. Follow the rule of work from the company. It shows that the employee has good work
discipline and also shows the employee compliance to the company.
e. Have responsibility. Responsibility is very influential on the work discipline and it shows
high work discipline of the employee.
(Apalia, 2017) found that work discipline, employee promotion, remuneration, work environment, and
management commitment are the key factors in influencing the employee performance, motivation,
tools and equipment, and other resources as the second factor, and effective disciplinary policies can
help control employee behavior and teamwork within a company. (Gabriel, Stella, & Daniel, 2015)
found that majority of employee (64%) agreed that the procedure of work discipline to improve
company performance and disciplinary action within a company could improve the employee
performance. Other findings reveal that discipline standard should not be considered as punishment
but as a means of improving and implementing the standard of performance within a company
(Suledan&Ilesanmi, 2015).
2.The Employee performance:
According to (Hasibuan, 2002), performance is a result of work achieved by someone who carried out
his/her duty based on his/her skills, efforts, and opportunities. From this description, performance is
as a result achieved by someone who carried out the duty by employing his/her skill, experience,
seriously, and time according to the implemented standard and criteria.
Moreover, (Hasibuan, 2002), explains that to get the company to function effectively and in the path
of company goal, the company must have good employee performance i.e. performing the duty in
reliable way. (Mangkunegara, 2001) says that performance (working achievement) is the work result
based on the quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out the duty in accordance
with his/her responsibilities. Furthermore, (Handoko, 2000) says that performance factors are
influenced by motivation, work satisfaction, stress level, physical condition of work, compensation
system, job design, commitment to the company, and economic, technical, and behavioral aspects.
Tiffin and Mc. Cornick (As’ad, 2001) states that there are two kinds of factors which influence
someone’s performance: (1) individual factor – it is related to attitude, character traits, physical traits,
interests, experiences, age, gender, educational background, and other individual factors; (2)
Situational Factor – it is related to (a) physical factor, it includes work methods, condition and design
of working tools, determination of space, and physical environment (lighting, temperature, and
ventilation), (b) social and company factor – it includes company regulations, type of training and
supervising, wage system and social environment
According to (Siagian, 2003), the employee performance is influenced by salary, working
environment, company culture, leadership, work motivation, work discipline, and work satisfaction.
(Robbins, 2003) mentions that performance can be considered good when it fulfills these following
1. Work quality, it is measured from the employee’ perception on their work quality and the
perfection in carrying out duty based to their skills and abilities.
2. Quantity, it is measured from the employee perception on the amount of their activities and its
3. Production time, it is measured from the employees’ perception on the activity completed
from the beginning until the end of time (becomes output).
4. Effectiveness, the employees’ perception in assessing the employment of time in carrying out
duty, effectiveness in completing duty from the company.
5. Independence, it is the level in which employee can perform their function without help or
guidance from others and is measured from the employees’ perception in performing their
respective function according to their responsibilities.
6. Work Commitment, it is the level in which employee have a work commitment with the
institution and responsibilities to the workplace.
The indicators of employee performance, based on (Mathis & dan Jackson, 2006), are related to (1)
quantity – is the amount of results in terms of number of units and number of completed activities
cycles. Quantity is measured from the employees’ perception on the number of assigned activities
and the results; (2) quality – means compliant in procedure, discipline, dedication. It is the degree in
which the desired activity results are near perfect in terms of adjusting some ideal ways of performing
the activity, as well as achieving the intended objectives of an activity. The quality of work is
measured from the employee perception on the completed work, as well as the perfection of work
based on the employee skills and abilities; (3) reliability – is the ability to perform the required work
with minimum supervision. Reliability includes work consistency and reliability in serving, accurate
and correct; (4) attendance - is someone’s believe i.e. he/she will come to work every day according
to the working hours, (5) ability to work together – is the ability of an employee to work with others
in completing the task and job to achieve maximum score and results.

Research Design:
Research design, in narrow sense, is defined as the process of collecting and analyzing data. In a
broader sense, research involves the process of planning and conducting research. In this research, it
was started from observing and evaluating previous researches to determine the conceptual
framework and research hypothesis that need to be proven.
Research Variable:
Research variable is the research object or the focus of a research (Suharsimi, 2006). There were two
variables in this research i.e. independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). The operational
definition of variables consists of indicators of a certain variable which allows the researcher to
collect relevant data on that variable. The independent variables in this research were (a)
Communication (X1) – communicating complaints to the leader, explaining job description, giving
information to employee on time, credibility of the messages given to the employee; (b) work
discipline – employee come to work orderly and on time, dress neatly, use the supplies with care,
follow the rule of work, responsible. The dependent variable of this research was (c) employee
performance – quantity, quality, reliability, attendance, and ability to work together.
Population and Sample:
Population is a generalization area consisting of: object/subject which has certain quality and
characteristics determined by the researcher to study and draw the conclusion. (Sugiyono, 2008, p.
80). Sample is a part of the amount and characteristics of a population (Sugiyono, 2008). The
sampling technique applied in this research was total sampling i.e. all of employee in the company (50
Data Collection:
Technique of data collection is a technique or method used by a researcher to collect data in a
research. In this research, the data was collected by giving written questionnaire to obtain information
from the respondents related to personal responses against external stimuli or things they are already
know (Suharsimi, 2006).
Instrument Validity and Reliability:
Validity is a measurement to show the degree of validity of an instrument (Suharsimi, 2006). This
research was employing the technique of validity test i.e. the validity achieved when there is
conformity among the parts of instrument as a whole (Suharsimi 2006). The reliability test is used to
show that the instrument is reliable to use as a data collection instrument (Suharsimi, 2006). In this
research, the techniques used to test the reliability of the instrument is Alpha Cronbach (Suharsimi,
Data Analysis:
The multiple linear regression was employed to find the influence between independent variable and
dependent variable i.e. the influence of communication and work discipline on the employee
performance. Regression analysis analys the dependency of dependent variable to one or more
independent variables. It aims to estimate and/or predict the average population or the mean value of
dependent variable based on the existed variable (Ghozali, 2006) with significant value of 5%.

The Result of Instrument Validity and Reliability Test :
Table 1 shows that Alpha Cronbach’s coefficient and correlation of each indicator in the
communication, work discipline, and employee performance variables (in total) with probability value
is less than 0.05. It means that all of questions in each variable were valid and reliable.

Table 1: ResultofInstrumentTest
Item Correlation Alpha Cronbach’s
Variables Q u e s t i o n s S i g
Good communication between leader and employee will create good environment and
Q1 relationship 0 . 8 3 1

Every work/task that will be performed requires instructions from the leader
Q2 0 . 6 7 2
The leader will give reprimand if a task is not completed 0 . 9 2 0 0.000 Valid and reliable
Q3 0 . 9 7 1
The leader will give reprimand if a task is not completed
Q4 0 . 9 2 1
Instruction must be given by the leader and should be done in set time
Q5 0 . 9 4 0
The regulation of com and go to work must be effective for the employee Valid and reliable
Q6 0 . 5 5 6 0 . 8 5 2 0.000


Item Correlation Alpha Cronbach’s

Variables Q u e s t i o n s S i g
Attendance data collection system within the company is effective
Q7 0 . 7 9 5
Employee get holidays according to the
Q8 0 . 7 2 0
regulation from the government
Q9 Employee are demanded to work on time 0 . 9 1 5
Permit from the leader is needed when an employee want to leave the office
Q10 0 . 9 2 0
There is good supervision and communication that can improve the performance
Q11 0 . 5 6 5
Employee’ skills and abilities can improve the employee performance
Q12 0 . 8 0 4
The Employee performance

Leadership potency can affect the employee performance

Q13 0 . 9 2 6
0 . 8 9 4 0.000 Valid and reliable
Q14 Employee quality can improve the performance 0 . 9 4 3
The employee performance can improve caused by their own initiative

Q15 0 . 9 2 6

The Result of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis: Table 2 shows the result of
the multiple linear regression analysis can be explained as follows:

Table 2: The ResultofMultiple Linear RegressionAnalysis

Standardized Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients
M o d e l t Sig.
B Std. Error B e t a
(Constant) 5 . 4 0 6 1 . 5 2 3 3 . 5 5 1 .001
1 Communication . 4 4 6 . 0 9 8 . 4 9 1 4 . 5 4 2 .000
Work Discipline . 4 4 4 . 0 9 9 . 4 8 4 4 . 4 7 4 .000
F = 5 2 . 5 2 4 , S i g . . 0 0 0
R = .876
Adjusted R Square = .752
Std. Error of the Estimate = 1.267
Std. Error = 1.523
a. The value of Std. Error of the Estimate (1.267) was lower than the value of Std. Error (1.523),
it means that communication and work discipline is qualified to be used as the predicator of
employee performance, and the constant was 5.406. It means if communication and work
discipline are absent or the value is 0 then the employee performance is 5.406.
b. The regression coefficient of communication variable (X1) was 0.446. It means in a short
time, if communication increase 1 unit then the employee performance will increase for 0.446 unit
when the other variable in the ceteris paribus condition (constant). This coefficient is positive and
it means that there is linear relationship between communication and the employee performance. If
the communication is well conducted then the employee performance will increase. In the opposite
condition, it will decrease. On the other hand, the t-test value of the communication variable was
4.542 with significance value 0.00 (0.000 < 0.05). It means that communication (X1) positively
and significantly influenced the employee performance. Power distance of communication was
0.391 (39.1%) and it means that the employee performance can increase 39.1% when the company
communication indicators can be better improved.
c. The regression coefficient of work discipline variable (X2) was 0.444. It means in a short
time, if work discipline increase 1 unit then the employee performance will increase for 0.444 unit
when the other variable in the ceteris paribus condition (constant). This coefficient is positive and
it means that there is linear relationship between work discipline and the employee performance.
The more employee discipline in work then the employee performance will increase. In the
opposite condition, it will decrease. On the other hand, the t-test value of the work discipline
variable was 4.474 with significance value 0.00 (0.000 < 0.05). It means that work discipline
positively and significantly influenced the employee performance. Power distance of work
discipline was 0.389 (38.9%) and it means that the employee performance can increase 38.9%
when the work discipline can be optimally improved.
d. The multiple regressions coefficient, R was 0.876. It means that communication and work
discipline had strong influence on the employee performance. Furthermore, the F value was
52,524 with significance value 0,000. It means that, together, both of communication and work
discipline positively and significantly influenced the employee performance. The determinant
coefficient shows that communication and work discipline influenced on the employee
performance for 75.2% and the rest (24.8%) was influenced by the other factors that were not
being considered in this research.

Considering these results, communication and work discipline has significant influence on the
employee performance both of simultaneously and partially. Therefore, the success in improving the
employee productivity needs good communication and supported by the ability of the leader in giving
instructions and always make coordination between leader and employee. In order to improve their
ability to think and argue, the employee must be given freedom to express opinion, ideas, suggestion
related to management training program and/or skills development that specifically influence the
employee performance. This research confirm the result of the previous research of Arif, Jan, Marwat,
&Ullah, (2009), (Chen, 2008), (Chong, 2007) and (Taylor &Elsey, 2005).
The practice of communication is as an intervention to increase employee involvement which shows
(1) the practice of communication within company has significant influence on employee involvement
(2) the improvement of communication involvement of the employee can encourage the employee
commitment. Satisfaction in communication can encourage work satisfaction and intensive
communication involvement with the employee which will show positive result for the company in
the future.
The results of work discipline and employee performance shows positive and significant relationship.
It means that loyalty and obedience to the regulations can improve the employee performance. This
success can be seen from the employee attendance that has been better and the employee is very
careful when it comes to workplace regulation. Thus, those can improve the work quality by working
in the easiest and safe ways. All of employee is involved in formulating regulation and developing the
management ability in managing and implementing the discipline procedure, avoiding conflict and
communication barrier so that can improve the employee performance. This result confirm the
previous study of (Apalia, 2017) and (Gabriel, Stella, & Daniel, 2015) that found that work discipline
influencing the employee performance.

Considering the analysis result, it can be concluded that (1) the research equation model shows that
communication and work discipline, both of simultaneously and partially, positively and significantly
influenced the employee performance; (2) the determinant coefficient (communication and work
discipline) was 75.2% in improving the employee performance. The company was proven that they
were able to improve the employee performance.
This result is limited to the fact that it is only consider two factors, i.e. Communication and work
discipline, although many other factors of employee performance des not consider to the model.
Referring to this research results, there are some proposed recommendation can be considered (1)
company should optimize the employee welfare in order to encourage employee to be more
responsible to their duty; (2) the management must develop a coordination system on regular basis to
overcome obstacles and complaints in performing the duty; (3) the manager needs to communicate
regularly to improve the employee performance and the company must realize that bad
communication can lead to negative impact to the employee performance and vice versa; (4) the
management must ensure that there is good and open communication channel within the company; (5)
the company should strictly try to use the provided communication channel in order to be more
efficient and to encourage their difference in performance and work quality.
Regarding the discipline issue, the manager must (1) make disciplinary note, employee must
understand the objectives and target of the company and always communicate that there is regulation
for employee within the company; (2) the manager must try to solve problems related to discipline.
Complex discipline issue will hinder the employee performance, therefore manager must use the
manual (made together) of discipline implementation within the company.

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1. Latar belakang

Daya saing sangat penting dalam memenangkan persaingan di dunia bisnis, kinerja yang
baik dan kualitas semua sumber yang dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan, terutama sumber daya
manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas dan berpikir modern. Dalam sebuah perusahaan, manusia
sebagai ciptaan Tuhan yang paling sempurna adalah aset yang sangat berharga. manusia
memiliki kemampuan untuk berpikir, menganalisis, dan kreatif dalam merencanakan,
mencoba, mengaktualisasikan, dan mengendalikan semua aspek sesuai dengan fungsinya
dalam manajemen. dengan demikian, suatu perusahaan dapat berkembang secara optimal dan
selalu melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan, secara efektif dan efisien, pada semua aspek
untuk mempertahankan hidupnya dalam persaingan global.

oleh karena itu, mengarahkan dan mengendalikan karyawan untuk bekerja sesuai harapan
perusahaan bukanlah pekerjaan mudah mengingat manusia memiliki martabat, perasaan, ide,
keinginan, dan harapan. salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan untuk
membuat mereka bekerja seperti yang diharapkan adalah melalui komunikasi yang baik dan
disiplin karyawan.

2. Tujuan

Tujuan dari pembuatan jurnal ini adalah untuk meneliti dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh
komunikasi dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Dwi Arsa Citra Persada

3. Metode peneliti

Metode penelitian jurnal ini memakai metode pengumpulan data dengan cara dikumpulkan
dengan memberikan kuesioner tertulis untuk mendapatkan informasi dari responden terkait
dengan tanggapan pribadi terhadap rangsangan eksternal atau hal-hal yang sudah mereka
ketahui. Serta menggunakan regresi linier yg berganda digunakan untuk menemukan
pengaruh antara variabel independen dan variabel dependen yaitu pengaruh komunikasi dan
disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan.

4. Hasil dan pembahasan

Menurut hasil penelitian dan deskripsi data yang ditampilkan, komunikasi dan disiplin
kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan baik secara simultan maupun parsial.
Model persamaan dari penelitian ini adalah Y = 5,406 + 0,446 X1 + 0,444 X2. nilai F adalah
52,524 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000, itu menggambarkan bahwa komunikasi dan disiplin
kerja secara simultan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Selanjutnya,
76,6% dari kinerja karyawan dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi dan disiplin kerja dan 23,3%
dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang dapat dipelajari dalam penelitian masa depan.

5. Kesimpulan

Kesimpulan dari jurnal tersebut mengenai disiplin kerja karyawan dapat disimpulkan manajer
harus :

• membuat catatan disipliner, karyawan harus memahami tujuan dan target perusahaan
dan selalu berkomunikasi bahwa ada peraturan untuk karyawan di dalam perusahaan;

• menyelesaikan masalah yang terkait dengan disiplin. masalah disiplin yang kompleks
akan menghambat kinerja karyawan, oleh karena itu manajer harus menggunakan manual
(dibuat bersama) dari penerapan disiplin dalam perusahaan.

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