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xiodra5od bd eo .aeneS.

'drOo.-O d:od. dej, a$o6"

2018-19 SumrnatiVe Assessrnent - 1

Class : 10
Time : 10.15 ANI to 1.30 PM Maximum Marks : 80

General instruction to the candidate :

1) This question paper consists of objective and subjective types oJ'40 questions.
2) Follow the instt'uctiotts given against both the objectit,e and subjective types of ques-
3) Figures in the right and margin indicate maximum marks for the questions.
4) The maxirnum time to answer the paper is given at the top of the question paper. it
includes lSminutes .for reading the question paper.
I. Four alternatives are iven for each of the follorving questions/incomplete statements. only
one of them is correct alternative and write the complete ansrver along rvith its letter of alpha-
bet. 8x i:8
lf'If 8, , -6 in A.P. then the midclle term is
A)7 B)2 c)i D) -1
4 The rnid point of thc line joining origin and (-6,4) is
A) (-6,4) B) (3,2) c) (-3,2) D) (3,0)
j) When 0.375 is expressed in the fbrrn of p/q
A) 3123 B) 3t2 ' C) 32123 D) 3/2'}
,lylf the ratio of the areas oItrvo similar triangles is 25:16, then the ratio of their
conespondings sides is
A) 5:4 B) 25:16 C) 4:5 D) t6:25
fl-Whenwe draw the graph of 2x+3y-9:0 & 4x+6y-18:0, then the lines are
A) intersecting iines B) co-incidental C) ,parallel D) perpendicular
6/The length of an arc ol a sector of angle 0' is
.\)' 160 x ,rr B1-$* x ?ii'r
C) -:* x L{ta 1]1 -i- x ?*r'1
' 3ri'4 - JflI"J ' i*i)
TfThe point P(0,5) is distance from the x axis
A) 5 units B) -5 units C) 0 units D) l units
s/'Theprime factors of 140 i
A) 22x3x7 B) 2x52x7 C) 22x5x7 |) 2x52x7
II. Answer the follorving. 6x1:6
'4f Write the formula to find the sum of the first'n'terms of anA.P.
-to) Write standard form of pair of linear equations are a,x*b,Y*c,:O & arx*bry*cr:O
--fiy tntlre adjoining figure IOBA:900 AB:4cm, OA:5cm Find the radius of the circle is

12) Give an example for Pythagorous triplet.

Define tange of a cirlce.
the figr"rre IADE:ZACB then -= :
"1afln Ftt ri

III. Answer the following questions. 16x2:32

*S)'Find the 1Oth term of an A.P. 2,7,72
AffFind the sum of first 50 natural numbers.
'r1l lshoka starts repaying a loan with first monthly instalment of Rs.1000. If he increases the
instalhnent of Rs.50 every month. What amount will he pay in the 30 instalment.
.affiheck the similarity of these triangels.

,r(""" \
lofln an isoscales AABC, ZBCAright angle. Prove that AB2:2AC
eO) How many soloutions has these two pair of linear equations a,x*b,y*c,:0 .t arx*bry*cr:0
in the following conditions.

_rtt, bl ul fll_f,l* 11
il]' { , t,t.l'llr''"
fI r ,[I: +.** fl, fr

21) Solve by elimination method x+y:14

I x-y:4
--+2ftF:rve years ago, Nuri was twice as old as Sonu. Ten years later, Nuri will be twice as old as
Sonu. How old are Nuri and Sonu?

2dAquadrilateral ABCD is drawn to circumscribe a circle Prove thatAB+CD:AD+BC

24) Inthe adjoining figureAB:12cm, BC:5cm ,s AC:73crn Then Find the area of the shaded

In adjoining figure APQR, is an equiiateral triangle of side is 8cm. With each vertex of the
triangle as centre, a circle is drawn with radius equal to half the length of the side of the
triangle. Find the area of the shaded region.
iS Oru* a line segment of length 7.6cmand divicled it in the ratio 5:8 Measure two parts.
a circle of radius 3cm from a point 9cm away from its centre. Construct the pair of
tangents to the circle and measure their length.
27) Find the distance between A(2,3) & B(4,1)
-2&/Find the co-ordinates of the mid point of the line joiningA(6,1) & B(g,3)
p)4Jse Eculid's division algorithem to find the HCF of 135 and225.
}!frrove that J-{a. is an irrational.
IV. Answer the following questions. 6x3:18
a triangle o sides 4cm, 5cm and 6cm, then a triangle similar to it whose sides are
2/3 of the corresponding sides of the first triangle.
32) Find the value of 'k' , if the points A(7,-2), B(5,1) C(3,k) are collinear.
Find the area of triangle whose vertices are (2,3), (-1,10) & 2,-4)
33) The length of tangerrts drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the points of
34) From Mandya busstand, if we buy 2 tickets to Kaverinagara and 3 tickets to Swamasandra
total cost is Rs.46, but if 'uve buy 3 tickets to Kaverinagara and 5 tickets to Swamasandra, the
total cost is Rs.74. Find the fare from Mandya bustand to Kaverinagar and Swamasandra.
If we add 1 to the fraction, it becomes 112.If we substract 5 from same fraction. it becomes
5/11 then find the fraction.
itlA" an equilateral traingle ABC, AD is drawn perpendicular to BC, meeting BC in A. Then
prove that AD2:3BD2
In Triangle BAC, angle BCA is a right angle and 'Q' is mid point of BC. Prove that

36) A girl of height 90cm is rvalking a.,vay from the base of a lamp post at a speed of 1.2mls. If
the larnp is 3.6cm above the ground. Find the length of her shadow alter 4 seconds.
l-. Ansrver the lbllolving questions. 4x4:16
.17) State and prove Th;rle's theorem.
-i,9) Draw a graph of x-l-y-6 dsd: x-y:2

39) B In the figure OACB is a cluadlar.rt of a circlc with centre O and redius
3.5cm and OD:2cm, Find the area of the quadrant OACB and shaded region.
40) Aman started working in a firm in 1993 at an annual salary of Rs.5000 and received Rs.200
raise each year. In which year did his income reach at Rs.7000
The sum of first six terms of an A.P. is 42. The ratio of its iOth erm to its 30th Term is 1:3.
Calcuiate the first term and thirteen tenn of an A.P.

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