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Name: ___________________________________ Course: ___________ Independence Day in Colombia

In Colombia, we have a special holiday every year. We celebrate our Independence Day to remember our history; and on this holiday, the people in Colombia don't work. In the 19th century, 400 years after Christopher Colombus (Colon) discovered the New World (the continent of America), Colombia was governed by Spain. The people couldn't have a government place (a congress) because they were born in America.
Flag of Colombia

The Spanish settled along the north coast of today's Colombia as early as the 1500s, but their first permanent settlement, at Santa Marta, was not established until 1525. In 1549, the institution of the Audience in Santa Fe de Bogot gave that city the status of capital of New Granada, comprised in large part of what is now territory of Colombia. In 1717 the Viceroyalty of New Granada was originally created, and then it was temporarily removed, to finally be reestablished in 1739. The Viceroyalty had Santa F de Bogot as its capital. This Viceroyalty included some other provinces of northwestern South America which had previously been under the jurisdiction of the Viceroyalties of New Spain or Peru and correspond mainly to today's Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama. So, Bogot became one of the principal administrative centers of the Spanish possessions in the New World, along with Lima and Mexico City, though it remained somewhat backward compared to those two cities in several economic and logistical ways

On August 7th, 1819, the Colombian people fought the last battle at Boyaca's bridge and the patriot army won it. The Spanish army had a lot of cannons, guns, rifles, horses and soldiers. The patriot soldiers had only spades, knives, and lances (simple weapons) because they were a very poor army. They didn't have uniforms; they looked like homeless people because they had walked from Venezuela and they had crossed the Andes mountains. A lot of soldiers died from cold temperatures and the rest were very tired, but they has a strong faith. Their commander was Simon Bolivar who liberated five countries in South America. He was born in Venezuela, but he lived many years in Colombia and died there. Simn Bolvar became the first president of Colombia in 1819, but Independence was declared July 20th 1810.* Today Colombians all over the world remember the reason our flag has 3 stripes. The first one, yellow represent all the natural resources and rich soil or our nation. The second, blue represents the two oceans that our nation touches. The last one is the red, which represents all the blood that was shed and is still being shed in the name of freedom.

READING COMPREHENSION Answer the next question according to the reading: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Who was Colombia`s ruler? What happened in 1549? When and where was the last battle for Colombia`s independence? How died many of the soldiers? What were the main weapons of the soldiers? When was declared the independence day? Who Simon Bolivar was? What is the meaning of our flag`s color?

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