Pe 1ST Module in 1ST Quarter

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Lesson Coverage for First Quarter

Academic Year 2022-2023

Weeks 1 - 4

Prepared by
Miss Shynne Joy Marie Dueñas | | 09454181550

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Strength Training


Strength training is a type of physical

exercise specializing in the use of resistance to
induce muscular contraction which builds the
strength, anaerobic endurance and size of
skeletal muscles. When properly performed,
strength training can provide significant
functional benefits and improvement in overall
health and well-being. Through strength training,
bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are
developed, and bone density is increased. These
in turn, improve posture, provide better support
for joints and reduce the risk of injury from
everyday activities. Weight bearing exercise is an
example of strength training that helps prevent
osteoporosis and improve bone strength.
Strength training is also important to metabolic
and cardiovascular health. Recent evidence
suggests that resistance training may reduce
metabolic and cardiovascular disease risks.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

• Assess physical activity, exercise and eating habits

• Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of
• Express a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity- related
community services and programs

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PRE-TEST This is not recorded but this will help you in answering the next activity

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best answers to the given statement in each item.

1. How can one maintain an ideal body weight?

a. Follow the latest diet fads
b. Balance the amount of food you eat with regular physical activity
c. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you can take
d. Believe in the power of your genes
2. A desirable level of fitness can be achieved through at least how many workouts per week?
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6
3. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are often referred to as
a. Couch potatoes c. Physically fit
b. Athletes d. Low-health-risk people
4. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?
a. improved physical appearance c. hypertension
b. enhanced self-esteem d. Stress reduction
5. Which of the following can help you determine which fitness and recreational activities are realistic for you?
a. Cost c. Social needs
b. skills and attitude d. All of the above


What is your personal understanding of health and fitness? Do you practice healthy living or
are you someone who does not care at all? Welcome to the first part of your journey on active
recreation fitness lesson. In this phase, you will be exposed to a variety of activities that
would help you understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and weight

Activity #1:

Write your answers in your answer sheet. Put a check (/) mark on the appropriate column.

Are you into... ? Yes No

Hip-hop dancing
Playing badminton
Playing volleyball/ basketball
Strength training

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In one to two sentences, answer the following reflectiive questions.

Reflective Questions:

1. How do you feel about the different activities you are engaged in?
2. How do these activities affect you and your lifestyle?
3. How do you benefit from engaging in these activities?

Let’s continue exploring and knowing how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Are you ready to discover more about your fitness journey?


Lifestyle and Managing it

The way in which an individual lives is called lifestyle. This includes the typical patterns of an
individual’s behavior like every day routine at home, in school, or at work; eating, sleeping, and exercise
habits, and many others. These patterns of behavior are related to elevated or reduced health risk.

Teenagers like you may have practices or habits at home or in school that either elevate or reduce
health risks. Do you spend a lot of your time at home just sitting down and doing nothing? Do you move a
lot by helping out at home, cleaning your house for example? Do you love eating fruits and vegetables? Or
do you prefer junk food or fast food? Teenagers like you should be more aware on how your nutritional
practices can affect your health.

Managing your lifestyle entails making modifications in your routine especially in those aspects that
elevate health risks. Food choice, physical activity, and eating habits are some of the aspects of your lifestyle
that can be modified to improve it. These modifications should be done gradually, like reducing the intake
of fatty food, getting up to reach for something instead of asking someone to get it for you, or walking faster
and more often. The idea is that for health risks to be reduced, change in your lifestyle should be made.

Risk factors are variables in your lifestyle that may lead to certain diseases. Many aspects of your
lifestyle can be considered risk factors. Aside from genetics or heredity, age and physical make-up are some
of the factors that cannot be changed; however, your lifestyle can go around these factors to gain more
benefits. For instance, you cannot stop the aging process, but you can delay the signs of aging from showing
by being more active and avoiding vices.

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The other variables in your lifestyle, however, can be modified to achieve
a healthier life. Such variables include nutrition, body weight, physical
activity, and health habits. What should be kept in mind is that these
variables bring with them risk factors that are serious concerns. Some of
the risk factors associated with lifestyle variables include hypertension /
high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, excess body fat, high levels
of stress, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle, smoking, unhealthy
dietary practices, and alcohol consumption.

An unhealthy lifestyle brings with it certain diseases that can shorten your lifespan. These diseases,
known as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), are not transmitted from person to person, yet kill more
than 36 million people each year. Also called chronic diseases, they are of long duration, and are generally
of slow progression. The four main types of NCDs are cardiovascular diseases (like enlargement of the
heart and hypertension), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructed pulmonary
disease and asthma), and diabetes.

Strength Training


Strength training, also called weight training or

resistance training, is an important part of any fitness routine.
It helps make you stronger and also builds muscle endurance.

With strength training, you move your body against some

type of resistance, such as:

• your body weight

• free weights, like dumbbells or barbells
• resistance bands, also known as resistance tubing or workout bands
• resistance machines, like cable machines, single-exercise machines, or multi-gym systems

Strength training is a versatile type of workout that you can do almost anywhere. While it’s a popular
exercise option at many gyms, you can also build a robust strength training program that you can do in the
comfort and privacy of your home.

What are the benefits of strength training?

Research has shown that strength training can benefit your health and fitness in many different ways.
According to the Mayo Clinic, strength training may help:

• build lean muscle mass

• reduce body fat
• burn calories more efficiently, even after you’ve exercised
• boost metabolism and make weight loss easier
• increase bone density and improve bone health
• boost flexibility and improve range of motion

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• improve brain health and cognitive functions
• reduce the symptoms of many chronic conditions, including back pain, diabetes, arthritis, and heart
• improve posture, balance, and stability
• raise energy levels
• improve mood and overall sense of well-being

What are the benefits of working out at home?

A home-based exercise routine can be a super easy and convenient way of fitting in a workout without
having to hit the gym.


• It saves time. There’s no traveling or waiting for machines or equipment.

• It’s low cost. There are no gym fees or expensive equipment needed.
• Work out anytime. You can exercise on your own schedule, no matter the time of day or night.
• Privacy. You can work out without feeling self-conscious.

Go at your own pace. There’s no pressure to keep up with those around you or to push yourself beyond
what’s comfortable

Once you’re ready to start putting together your strength training workout, the first step is to find a place
in your home where you can exercise comfortably. You’ll want to find an area that has enough room for
you to move your arms and legs freely.

You don’t need to invest in much equipment, but if you do want to purchase a few items, here are some
that may be helpful:

• an exercise mat
• resistance bands or tubing
• dumbbells
• a kettlebell
• a stability ball
• a medicine ball

Instead of using dumbbells or a kettlebell, you can improvise by using water bottles, sandbags, or canned
goods in place of the weights.

If you’re just getting started with strength training, you may want to find a strength training workout for
beginners online. This can help you learn how to do different exercises with the right form, and also warm
up and cool down correctly.

Before starting your workout, do a warmup routine for at least 5 to 10 minutes. This can include brisk
walking, jogging on the spot, or movements that work your legs, arms, and other major muscle groups.

Bodyweight strength training exercises:

Once your muscles are warmed up and ready to move, you can start by doing a series of
bodyweight exercises. You don’t need any equipment for bodyweight exercises, except an exercise mat if
the floor is too hard.
With each of these exercises, use smooth, steady, and controlled movements.

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1. Lunges
A basic lunge works the muscles in your lower body, including your
quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Lunge variations
include walking lunges, jumping lunges, lunges with a torso twist, and side

2. Squat to overhead raise

If you’re new to strength training, start off by raising your arms overhead
without any weight. Once you can do this exercise with good form, you can add
light dumbbells, and increase the weight as you build strength.

This exercise not only works your glutes and leg muscles, it also works the
muscles in your core, back, and shoulders, as well as your triceps.

3. Planks

Planks are an excellent exercise for improving your core strength and
stability. This exercise can also strengthen the muscles in your back,
chest, and shoulders.

4. Pushups

Standard pushups work the chest muscles (pectorals), as well as the

shoulder muscles, triceps, and abdominals.

Free weight exercises

The following two exercises use dumbbells. Start with a 5-pound dumbbells. As you build up your strength,
you can switch to using 8- or 10-pound dumbbells.

You can also use canned goods or water bottles in place of dumbbells. Just be sure to grip them firmly to
avoid injury.

1. Dumbbell shoulder press

This exercise targets the muscles in your shoulders and arms, and can also
strengthen your core and chest muscles.

2. Dumbbell triceps kickback

This exercise works your triceps as well as your shoulder muscles.

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Resistance band exercises

Resistance bands are another great tool for your strength training workout. They’re lightweight and
versatile, and a 2010 studyTrusted Source has shown they work your muscles just as well as free weights
or weight machines.

1. Resistance band pull apart

This exercise works the muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms.

2. Hip extension

This exercise works the muscles in your hips and legs. You’ll need a light- to medium-
resistance band to do this exercise.

3. Resistance band leg press

This exercise works your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves,

and glutes. Like a leg press on a weight machine, this
exercise makes you work against gravity.

How to cool down

Finish your workout by cooling down for about 5 to 10 minutes. This allows your breathing and heart rate
to transition into a resting state. Options include walking on the spot and gentle stretches.

The bottom line

Doing 30 to 45 minutes of strength training two to three times a week is an excellent way of building lean
muscle mass, burning calories, and boosting your metabolism. This, in turn, can help you burn body fat and
make weight loss easier.

In addition, strength training can strengthen your bones and joints, lower your risk of chronic diseases,
improve flexibility, posture, and balance, and boost your mood and energy levels.

Many strength training exercises can be done in the comfort and privacy of your home, using just your body
weight or basic, low-cost equipment as resistance.

If you have any health concerns or an injury that makes exercising difficult, talk to your doctor or a certified
personal trainer before you start an at-home strength training routine.

Activity #2:

In three to five sentences, how can strength training improve one’s physical health? Cite a situation to
justify your answer. Answer this in your answer sheet.

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In this phase, you will be challenged to apply things you learned about the lesson into another
context. Your understanding of the lesson will be measured by your ability to provide tangible results
or evidence of your learning.


Activity: Create your own fitness plan integrating strength training, supposing on a weekend
Fitness Plan schedule on the table provided in your answer sheet. You may enumerate at least five
exercises you would want to include in your fitness plan. Have a fitness goal in mind to
align your fitness plan with and in maintaining an active lifestyle.


Physical Activity Strength Training Participation
Let’s - The students are about to join a strength training contest organized by the Four C
Fitness Club. The students will choose appropriate strength training exercises that will
suit them and shows active lifestyle among the community. The strength training
exercise performance will be judged or evaluated based on the rubrics. The students
will use the fitness plan (previous activity) as basis for practicing/training for the contest.

Goal: to create their own strength training exercise performance.

Role: students are about to join a strength training contest organized by the Four C Fitness Club
Audience: teacher/s
Situation: show active lifestyle among the community.
Product: active lifestyle
Standards: strength training exercises performance will be judged or evaluated based on the rubrics.

You just have to perform what you have created in the previous activity – fitness plan. Video-
record yourself performing each exercise. Every exercise routine should be repeated for 16
counts. Output is to be submitted through flash drive or through google classroom.



4 3 2 1
Application of Skills Students select the students select the Students select Students did not
and Safety appropriate appropriate appropriate performed the
exercise to match exercise to match exercise to match appropriate
the assigned muscle the assigned muscle the assigned muscle exercise.
group. Students group. Students group, but make
select proper weight select proper weight major errors in
and demonstrate but demonstrate demonstration.
correct skill and minor errors in Students need
demonstrate proper technique and/or assistance to
equipment minor errors in effectively complete
management. proper equipment the activity.
Personal/Social Students participate Students participate Students participate Students lack self-
Responsibility energetically and energetically and safely control and/or need
&Safety safely safely demonstrating self- reminders and

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demonstrating self- demonstrating self- control and respect encouragement
control and respect control and respect for others but are from others to
for the positive and for others. inconsistent in participate in a safe,
safe experience of energy. energetic, and/or
others. Students respectful manner.
themselves and
others to high levels
of performance.
LENGTH Between 5-6 Betweeen 3-4 Between 1-2 Between 0-1
minutes long minutes long minutes long minute long
PARTICIPATION Student was Student was Student was Student was rarely
always involved involved sometimes involved
throughout the throughout the involved throughout the
entire process, entire process, throughout the entire process,
actively engaged actively engaged entire process, actively engaged
in preparing for in preparing for actively engaged in preparing for
the routine and the routine and in preparing for the routine and
encouraging encouraging the routine and encouraging
others in his/her others in his/her encouraging others in his/her
family to stay on group to stay on others in his/her group to stay on
task. Student task. Student group to stay on task. Student
maintained a maintained a task. Student maintained a
positive attitude positive attitude maintained a positive attitude
and worked and worked positive attitude and worked
cooperatively cooperatively and worked cooperatively
within the within the cooperatively within the
members. members. within the members.
Deadline Submitted on or Submitted 1 day late. Submitted 2 days late. Submitted 3 days late.
before the deadline

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