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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

An Analysis on the Customer

Relationship Management Practices of
China-Bangla Ceramics Ltd.

©Dhaka City College

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Customer Relationship Management Practices of China-Bangla
Ceramics Ltd.

Submitted To:
Ms Manna Akter Lina

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

Submitted By:
Rashik Islam Roop

ID: BBA- 164

Batch: 19

Session: 2016-2017

Major in: Management

Section: A

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

Date of Submission: 31/03/2022

©Dhaka City College

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 31/03/2022
Ms. Manna Akter Lina
Assistant Professor
Department of BBA
Dhaka City College

Subject: Submission of Report on “An Analysis on the Customer Relationship

Management Practices of China-Bangla Ceramics Ltd”.

Dear Madam,
I have the honor to state that, I have done my report on customer relationship management of
China-Bangla Ceramics industry Ltd. and it is an honor to submit it to you.
I have put my best afford to prepare this report and gathered as much relevant information I
could. My goal was to make the report informative to all sorts of readers and it was indeed a
brilliant experience working on this project.
I therefore, hope that you would grant my evaluation on the basis of this report and obliged

Sincerely Yours,
Rashik Islam
ID No: 164
Major in: Management

Section: A

Department of BBA
Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.


First of all, the researcher is expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty Allah, the most merciful
& benevolent, for his special kindness to give him the opportunity to complete the report successfully
& timely.

I express my gratitude to my academic supervisor Ms. Manna Akter Lina. Without her constant
guidance, endless efforts and joyful encouragement, this study would have not been successful. It is her
perseverance and inspiration that encouraged and pushed me to successfully complete this report,

I would like to thank each and every one who helped me to collect data and other staff. Last but not
least, I am very thankful to the faculty members of Department of Business Administration, Dhaka
City College for allowing me to have this course.

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Executive Summary

In Chapter one, I gave an introduction about my project. Here is where I explained the reason behind
undertaking this project and have given an idea about the sources which I used to collect the data.

In chapter two, I tried to provide the historical background of CBC. I also tried to give a clear insight
about their mission, vision and corporate information.

Chapter three, I tried to discuss about the analysis & evaluation process of CBC and the way of
maintaining customer relationship and what they provide for maintaining relationship with the

In chapter four, I end the report with some discusses about the findings, recommendation & conclusion
on customer relationship management of CBC .

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Table of Contents

Letter of transmittal………………………………………………………………………… i
Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………… ii
Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………….. iii

Introduction Part

1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Origin of the Report...............................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Report.........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Methodology.........................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the Report...............................................................................................................................4
1.6 Limitation of the Report........................................................................................................................4

Organization Overview

2.1 About the company...............................................................................................................................6

2.2 Mission..................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Vision.....................................................................................................................................................6
2.4 product..................................................................................................................................................6
2.5 Technology............................................................................................................................................7
2.6 Organizational Structure of CBC............................................................................................................8

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Analysis & Evaluation

3.1ManagementPractice……………………………………………………………………………… 10
3.2 Concept of Customer Relationship Management................................................................................10
3.3 customer relationship management process.......................................................................................10
3.3.1 Database.......................................................................................................................................11
3.3.2 Communication............................................................................................................................12
3.3.3 Acquisition....................................................................................................................................12
3.3.4 Customer Care..............................................................................................................................12
3.3.5 Documentation.............................................................................................................................13
3.3.6 Analysis.........................................................................................................................................13
3.3.7 Customer......................................................................................................................................13
3.4 Customer relationship management of CBC........................................................................................14
3.5 Technique of CRM of CBC....................................................................................................................14
3.5.1 Acquiring the right customer........................................................................................................14
3.5.2 Crafting the right value proposition .............................................................................................14
3.5.3 Instituting the best processes.......................................................................................................14
3.5.4 Motivating employees..................................................................................................................14
3.5.5 Learning to retain customers........................................................................................................14
3.6 Gift for selective customer...................................................................................................................15
3.7 Changing nature of the customer relationship....................................................................................15
3.8 Capturing Customer Value of Customer..............................................................................................16
3.8.1 Creating customer loyalty and retention......................................................................................16
3.8.2 Customer's increasing percentage................................................................................................16
3.8.3 Building customer loyalty.............................................................................................................16
3.9 Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)................................................................................................17
3.9.1 Environmentalism.........................................................................................................................17
3.9.2 Buyer bargaining power................................................................................................................17

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.9.3 Replacement products threats.....................................................................................................17

3.9.4 Rivalry among competitors...........................................................................................................17
3.10 SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................18

Findings, Recommendation & Conclusion


Appended Part


Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Introduction Part

©Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

1.1 Introduction

Ceramics are classified as inorganic and nonmetallic materials that are essential to our daily
Lifestyle. Ceramic and materials engineers are the people who design the processes in which
these products can be made, create new types of ceramic products and find different uses for
ceramic products in everyday life. Ceramics are all around us. This category of materials
includes things like tile, bricks, plates, glass, and toilets. There are now a number of Ceramic
Industries in our country.
RAK Ceramics Bangladesh Ltd. is the leading Ceramic industry of our country. They are the
number one ceramic manufacturer in the world. China Bangla Ceramics is a china Bangladesh
joint venture company, was incorporated in Bangladesh on 26, November 2001 as a private
limited company. It has started its commercial production on 26 November, 2001. Passed a
resolution in extraordinary general meeting on 10 June 2008, certificate issued by Registrar of
Joint Stock Companies dated 11 February, 2009 it’s converted into a public limited company.
China Bangla Ceramics Ltd. Have BDT 4009 million global conglomerates in the ceramic
industry. They have always strived to create the right ambience in our life with a perfect blend of
technical finesse and aesthetics while creating thousands of designs in Ceramic Tiles & Gres
porcellanato & several models in Sanitary ware. China Bangla Ceramics Bangladesh produces a
very wide range of products in the Ceramic Range with products such as Ceramic Wall and Floor
Tiles, Décors and Borders, Cladding etc. China Bangla Ceramics Bangladesh produces an
extremely wide range of products in Gres porcellanato in several finishes suited for any
ambience. Hundreds of models in Salt & Pepper; Soluble Salt, Glazed Porcelain, Polished
Porcelain, Double Charge and other are part of the offerings. Also Rustic, 7 Wooden, Slate, Step,
Pavement tiles are exclusive in General Product range. In Sanitary ware various models are
produced in wash basins (mounted as well as pedestal types), bathroom sets (water closet &
water tank), Counter and many associated accessories. Marble shades products, Single set are
exclusive collection of product range. Moreover, Double flushing system, Jet flushing system,
Soft closing Hinges, Spreader is the available exclusive accessories

1.2 Origin of the Report

Report is a part of the BBA program and I have completed my report on China Bangla Ceramics
to complete my academic requirement. I completed my report under the supervision and
guidance of Ms. Manna Akter Lina, Assistant Professor of Dhaka City College and she
recommended to me to work on the customer relationship management of China Bangla

©Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

1.3 Objective of the Report

Following objectives are emerged, to accomplish the broad objective

 To evaluate the overall customer relationship management of CBC.
 To provide suggestions on how to improve customer relationship management of CBC.

1.4 Methodology:

Literature review – A wide range of literature will reviewed to gather necessary

information about the subject matters of this study. These literatures include the
texts, profile, annual reports, documentation, different Manuals etc.
Observation – A thorough and insightful observation will be conducted on the
various Administrative, Interventional and Marketing philosophies, approaches
and practices to collect benchmark information.
Interview – Study and information gathering through interviews employees
and personnel involved in the CBC’s interventions, administration and
other activities.
Field visits – Visit to the field level activities to generate vital information and enhanced
the study.
Discussion – Discussion with the staffs and other related persons to
generated benchmark information for the study as a comprising tool and also
important instructions from the project supervisor.

©Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

1.5 Scope of the Report:

This report covers CBC as a whole's organizational structure, context, product, services and
results, and the main part covers customer relationship management on China Bangla Ceramics.
This study helps us understand how they interact with clients of investment and their quality of
This study is only intended to collect information on customer relationship management.

1.6 Limitation of the Report

It was a great opportunity for me to know the marketing activities of Bangladesh specially CBC.
But still some limitations appeared in the report which are following;
1.5.1 Limitation of the report of traditional marketing is not
disclosing some data and information for obvious reason,
which could be very much useful.
1.5.2 Time limitation
1.5.3 Busyness of the employees.
The report has encountered these limitations that may hinder the progress of the study but with
constant effort, I gave my best to minimize the negative effect of these limitations.

©Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Organization Overview

©Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

2.1 About the company

In 2001, China Bangladesh Ceramics Industries Ltd. (CBC) was formed as the largest Chinese
direct investment in Bangladesh as a joint venture between Bangladesh and the
People's Republic of China. The corporation now belongs exclusively to local ownership.
Since Bangladesh is in the tropical climate, CBC has selected machinery for these production
lines. SACMI Italy has imported the press-which is the cornerstone of the entire installation,
being the best of its kind in the world. We have selected kilin with double firing system backed
by most state-of - the-art glazing and painting lines, mainly to preserve the exact size of CBC
tiles using state-of - the-art technology. CBC's very rich R&D department contributes
significantly to process innovation and the preservation of international standard efficiency. CBC
has taken on a new venture to set up its new state-of - the-art tiles plant and has selected SACMI
Italy's world-renewed technology and machinery for the manufacture of import replacement
The synthesis of technology, expertise and intellect of Chinese tile manufacturers and raw
materials from Bangladesh Malaysia, Thailand, India Turkey Italy, Spain, & China has set a new
standard in Bangladesh for wall and floor tiles.
It gives you absolute pleasure in living when you rely on CBC content.

2.2 Mission

Our mission is to cultivate an internal culture that we are committed to our dream of becoming
the world's leading supplier of ceramic lifestyle solutions, and we will do this through the use of
our expertise, our wide range of products, our innovative approach and continuous quality
delivery. We want to create an organization of world class. In some of the world's most famous
and groundbreaking projects, we have applied our experience and we hope to continue pushing
the boundaries in new and exciting projects as we move forward.

2.3 Vision

Our vision is to be the world's leading ceramics lifestyle solutions provider.

2.4 product
(1) The company manufactures ceramic wall tiles, ceramic floor tiles, matching border & decor
tiles, listellos and pencils & covers and a few other related items in the Ceramic range.
(2) In Bangladesh, with its three-fold expansion, Drive Company has an annual potential of more
than 8 million square meters of tiles and has more than 1000 different tiles.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

2.5 Technology

Modern technological machinery gang:

Flexible 5 presses, 5 kilns long range & 12 ball mills New equipment & technical application:
some special patterns and finishes: acquired by new technologies such as Roto Printing, Double
Loading, Granitech, MDR, Techno slate, Twin Press and Dry Glaze etc.
Thanks to such advanced Gres Procellanto technology, some exclusive "antique style" finishes
and many specialized finishes in tiles were possible.

Modern European machinery:

TGV machines controlled by robotics. Computer-controlled driven vehicles moved semi-finished
goods from station to station, robots selected and positioned semi-finished tiles in many
production phases as well as finished tiles sorting and packaging, professional technicians in
sophisticated control rooms tracked raw materials in mixing mills, wet and dry grinding vessels,
presses, kilns, drying and cooling cycles, and many others.

Water jet cutting technology machines:

Facilitate unique water jet designs, and diamonds cutting machine tools help make beautiful
vanity tops from Gresporcellanato slabs.

High Quality inputs:

Imported raw materials like soda feldspar, potash feldspar, clays from India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, and Thailand. Fritz & glazes from Spain & other European countries.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

2.6 Organizational Structure of CBC


Managing Director

Chief Executive Officer

Finance Controller GM- HR &Admin GM- Purchase GM-Sales Manage
& r-

Asst. Manager Accounts Asst. Manager Accounts Asst. Manager- Tiles Division
Asst. Manager- Sanitary Ware Div
Company Secret

Sr. Exe.- Production Sr. Exe. - Production

Executive- Sr. Exe.-A/C

Jr. Executive- Jr. Exe.-VAT Exe.-A/C Jr. Executive Jr. Executive

Asst. Manager- HR Jr. Exe.-A/C

Dy. Manager, Sales
Dy. Manager, Marketing

Asst. Manager -Admin

Asst. Manager, Marketing
Asst. Manager, Marketing
Sr. Executive-HR Executive- Admin
Sr. Exe. - Sales
Executive-HR Public Relation Officer Sr. Exe. - Mkt.

Exe. - Sales
Sr. Exe. - Sales
Jr. Executive- HR Executive- Front Desk Jr.
Exe.Exe. - Mkt.
- Mkt.

Asst. Manager, Local Purchase Asst. Manager, Import Asst. Manager, Export

Executive, Purchase Executive, Purchase Executive, Purchase

Jr. Executive, Purchase Jr. Executive, Purchase

Jr. Executive, Purchase

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Analysis & Evaluation

©Dhaka City College
China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.1 Management Practice

Management practices usually refers to the working methods and innovations that managers use to
improve the effectiveness of work systems. Common management practices include: empowering staff,
training staff, introducing schemes for improving quality, and introducing various forms of technology.

3.2 Concept of Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction

with current and potential customers. It uses customer history data analysis with a company to
improve business relations with customers, focusing specifically on customer retention and
ultimately driving sales growth.
One important aspect of the CRM approach is CRM systems that collect data from a variety of
different channels of communication, including the website of a client, telephone, email, live
chat, marketing materials, and more recently, social media. Businesses learn more about their
target audiences and how to better meet their needs through the CRM strategy and the tools used
to support it.

3.3 Customer relationship management process

The method of customer relationship can be a mechanism for managing the relationships of a
business with current and future customers. It often needs the use of technology to schedule,
automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer services, and technical support. A cycle of
customer relationships will change the way we do things. This allows you to be much more
efficient, make sure you can turn more customers into repeat customers, and it can allow teams
to work together and also make sales divisions more successful with other departments of the
interior. The customer relationship method consists of five steps: building confidence, identifying
need, proposing solutions, providing product or service, and satisfying customers.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.



CRM Acquisition

Analysis Customer care



3.3.1 Database

A database is a set of knowledge structured to access, maintain and upgrade it easily. Data
databases typically contain aggregations of data records or files that include sales transaction
information or customer-specific experiences.
Digital information about a particular customer in a relational database is organized into rows,
columns and tables that are indexed to make it easier to find relevant information through SQL
or NoSQL queries. A graph database, on the other hand, uses nodes and edges to define the
relationship between data entries and queries requiring a special syntax of semantic search
SPARQL is the only semantic query language accepted by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) as of this writing.
The database manager usually allows users to monitor read / write access, define report
generation, and evaluate use. Most databases provide compliance with ACID (atomicity,
consistency, isolation, and durability) to ensure consistent data and complete transactions.

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3.3.2 Communication

A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of

symbols, signs, or behavior.

3.3.3 Acquisition

An acquisition is when most or all of the shares of another company are bought by one
corporation to gain control of that business. By purchasing more than 50% of the stock and other
assets of a target business, the acquirer may make decisions about the newly acquired assets
without the approval of the shareholders of the company. Acquisitions, which are very common
in business, can take place with the approval of the target company, or with their opposition.
Upon consent, during the process, there is often a no-shop clause.

3.3.4 Customer Care

Customer care is the method of customer care to ensure the best possible satisfaction and
positive experience with a company and its products, goods and services. It is closely related to
"customer experience" but separate from "customer support" or "customer service."

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3.3.5 Documentation

Documentation is a compilation of paper or electronic or digital or physical media records, such

as audio tape or CDs. Sources include user manuals, white papers, online help, guides for quick
reference. Documentation on paper or hard copy has become less common. Documentation is
often transmitted through databases, product apps, and other online applications.

3.3.6 Analysis

Analysis is the act of splitting into smaller parts a complex topic or substance to gain a better
understanding of it. Since before Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), the method has been used in the
study of mathematics and logic, while analysis as a formal term is a relatively recent

3.3.7 Customer

A customer is a person or business that buys goods or services from another company.
Customers are critical because they drive income; companies have nothing to give without them.
Many public companies compete with other firms to attract customers, either by actively selling
their goods or by lowering prices to increase their customer base.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.4 Customer relationship management of CBC

CRM is called the overall method of building and maintaining productive customer relationships
by delivering superior customer service and satisfaction. Building blocks of relationships: the
perceived value of the client is the difference between the total value of the client and the total
cost of the client. The degree to which the output of the goods corresponds to a buyer's
expectation. Through offering high-quality products with a moderate price, CBC aims to
maintain a good relationship with its loyal customer. For its high-class client, CBC provides a
luxury product and a modest product for the consumer with moderate income. In every possible
corner of the country, CBC Ceramics have many dealer points. That’s why they can maintain a
good relation with their customer.

3.5 Technique of CRM of CBC

3.5.1 Acquiring the right customer

By this technique the company can identify the most valuable customer and less valuable
customer. The company can calculate their share of customer wallets for the CBC goods and

3.5.2 Crafting the right value proposition

By this technique CBC can understand what types of product and service customer want in
future. And also company can understand what product of service their competitors offer today
and will offer tomorrow.

3.5.3 Instituting the best processes

By this technique CBC can researched the best way to deliver company product or services to
customer, including the alliances company need to strike, the technologies CBC need to invest in
and capabilities need to develop or acquire.

3.5.4 Motivating employees

The company know what techniques need employees need to foster customer relationship CBC
identified HR systems CBC need to institute in order to boost employee loyalty.

3.5.5 Learning to retain customers

Bye this technique CBC can learned why customer defect and how to win them back. And CBC
analyzed what other competitors are doing to win CBC high-value customer. CBC senior
management monitors customer defection metrics.
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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.6 Gift for selective customer

 Platinum customer.
For being a platinum customer, the customer (Dealer) have purchase minimum 5 crore or
more within a year. When a dealer can fulfill target they will get some special from the
company foreign Europe trip, extra commission.
 Gold customer.
For being gold customer, the customer have purchase minimum 3 crore within a year. when
dealer can fulfill the target they will get also get foreign trip in middle east country.
 Silver customer.
Silver customer will get extra commission on the purpose of their buying.

3.7 Changing nature of the customer relationship

The way companies relate to their customers dramatic changes are taking place. Conventional
companies relied on mass marketing, but today's businesses are creating more intimate and
lasting relationships with more carefully selected customers. CBC is now providing its superior
customer with product updates via SMS, Online and Mobile. It also makes a relationship through
various payment systems, such as installments, payment by credit card, etc.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.8 Capturing Customer Value of Customer

3.8.1 Creating customer loyalty and retention

Good customer relationship management brings customer delight. Delighted clients, in effect,
remain loyal and discuss the company and its products and services favorably with others.
Customer relationship management's mission is not only to build customer satisfaction, but also
customer delight. CBC nowadays encourages problem-solving desk to make the general
customer loyal and retainable. Because making a customer loyal to a service is profitable, rather
than motivating new customers. The loyal customer's maintenance costs are lower than the

3.8.2 Customer's increasing percentage

the share of the customer's spending that a business gets into its product category. CBC leverages
customer relationships by providing more services such as after-sales service to current
customers to boost the depositing share of customers.

3.8.3 Building customer loyalty

Production of high customer equity is the ultimate goal of customer relationship management.
Customers are viewed by CBC as assets to be managed and maximized. But not all customers
are good investments, not even all loyal customers. CBC classifies and manages its relationship
with customers according to their future profitability.

Although CBC is a product-related company, it must provide the customer with greater services
to satisfy them. Services are something that distinguishes a business from others. That's why
CBC provides the customer with different services. The services of CBC are very effective. The
facilities are user friendly to some degree. Each service it provides to the final consumer can be
reached. The services offered by CBC to its client are as follows:

• Quality commitment to customer

• Help to select the appropriate tiles and sanitary product
• Product development of tiles and sanitary wares
• Process modification for low cost
• Customer contact
• Introducing webpage
• Online catalogue facilities
• Long time warranty
• Customized product
• Good qualities product
• After sales service
• Delivery service & Delivery commitment within 48 hours
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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.9 Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)

China Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd. has been actively engaged in CSR-related activities
covering areas such as climate, social group issues, product development, services, procedures,
environmental accreditation and health, safety and benefits for employees. CBC Ceramics
industry Ltd. has stated that the study acts as a benchmark for the company's future CSR
activities. Through the CSR Report, CBC Ceramics also aims to provide a roadmap for other
business entities to undertake various CSR activities, especially those operating in Shirajul Islam

3.9.1 Environmentalism

The environmental efforts of CBC Ceramics included an ambitious project to plant more than
4,000 trees throughout the year around its production facility. Initially, some 500 trees were
planted to mark the celebrations of Earth Day and launch the campaign.

3.9.2 Buyer bargaining power

The group's bargaining power is moderate due to the large number of buyers. The goods are
undifferentiated, which motivates purchasers to make price-based purchasing decisions.

3.9.3 Replacement products threats

In Bangladesh, the treatment of replacement products on the ceramics market is poor. Often, the
alternatives would require a competitive reworking of the design of the products produced by
various consumer products. Because of the high switching costs, low-priced alternatives are still
unattractive. If the cost of switching does not deter consumers, substitute goods can be found to
meet the demand.

3.9.4 Rivalry among competitors

The strongest force affecting the marketer rivalry between competitors. As mentioned above, in
order to enter the industry, a company has to invest a lot of capital. There are large capacity
improvements once in the industry. The lack of diversified products makes it small for customers
to trade prices to continue the rivalry. This can contribute to the price competition between
companies in the industry. The same competitors have diversified in other markets.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

3.10 SWOT Analysis


The strengths of CBC are its tools and skills that can be used to build a competitive edge.
Examples of such strengths include:

>Strong brand names.

>Good reputation among consumers.

>Cost advantages of proprietary know-how Unlimited access.

>High-grade natural resources.


the absence of certain abilities can be called a weakness. Weaknesses may be known as each of
the following:

 High cost structure

 Lack of access to the best natural resources
 Lack of access to key distribution channels
 High cost for importing raw materials

In some cases, the flip side of power can be a weakness. Take the case where a company has a
large production capacity. While this flexibility may be considered a strength not shared by
rivals, it may also be considered a weakness if the large investment in manufacturing capacity
prevents the company from rapidly responding to changes in the competitive climate.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.


Some new opportunities for benefit and development may be uncovered by external environmental
research. Such options include:

 An unfulfilled customer need in some cases Arrival of new technologies

 Loosening of regulations Removal of international trade barriers
 A developing market such as the Internet.
 Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances.
 Moving into new market segments that offer improved



The organization may also be affected by changes in the external environment. Threats of this
kind include:

 Shifts in consumer tastes away from the firm’s products

 Emergence of substitute products
 New regulations Increased trade barriers
 A new competitor in home market. Price wars with competitors.
 A competitor has a new, innovative product or service.
 Competitors have superior access to channels of distribution.

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.

Chapter 4
Findings, Recommendations & conclusions

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.


 Compared to the other sector, ceramic manufacturers are paying heavily for gas
 The industry is faced with a high import duty of 7.5 to 15% on certain ceramic raw
materials in addition to the high value added tax (VAT) of 15% on goods produced.
 They are an export company of hundred percent, so that they try to produce what is
taken from the ordered product.
 Return on equity, profit margin, return on assets were all negative, but all ratios begin to
increase as they set up the packaging facility


 Existing non-classified data that is not generally available due to its association with
classified or restricted studies (in particular, the Committee recommends that, wherever
possible, engineering data owned by the agency be made available and that new programs
avoid data restrictions)
 Data currently classified shall be re-evaluated to decide whether it can be declassified
and, if so, made available more widely
 Government should be decrease tax and tariff
 Make apps for easily order.
 Maintain customer data

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China-Bangla Ceramics Industry Ltd.


CBC Ceramics has been listed by the' Ceramic World Review' as the world's largest ceramic tile
producer, the best known and widely published international journal dedicated to ceramic tile
and sanitary ware manufacturing technologies. It leads the rankings of the top 25 manufacturers
of ceramic tile with a total output of 115 million square meters from 4 manufacturing facilities in
countries in 2001. The company had its first IPO in Bangladesh under the book building system,
which was the highest in selection in terms of quantity and number of applications. The
organization was ranked A+ in the long term and ST-1 in the short term.

Book -- principle of marketing.
catalog of cbctiles

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