Part - 2 MAWP Calcuation

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MAWP Calculation

Maximum allowable Working Pressure

ASME – Sec VIII Div-1

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Types of Pressure
1. Operating Pressure
2. Design Pressure
3. MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure)
4. Hydrotest Pressure
Operating Pressure
Operating Pressure

➢ It is a pressure at the top of the vessel

which is normally operating.

➢ Working pressure is the amount of

internal force exerted on the wall (under
normal conditions).

➢ System runs at optimal performance

when it reaches operating pressure. Inlet

➢ Operating pressure is 90 % of the design

pressure. ➢ Failure to maintain operating
pressure leads – The failure of the
entire pressurized system.
Pressure Vessel in Operating Condition
Operating Pressure shall be lower than


• Design pressure

• The set pressure of any pressure

relieving device.
This margin is necessary:
➢ To prevent the frequent and unnecessary opening of the safety relief valve.
Set pressure of a Safety Relief Valve = Design pressure. ➢ Which may occur during normal variations in operating pressure.

It includes a suitable Design margin above operating Pressure.
Design Pressure
• 10% of Operating pressure
+ Static Head of Operating liquid
• Or 30 PSI Higher than OP

Whichever is the Greater, will

satisfy this requirement

Used to Determine the Minimum thickness of

the vessel Component.

➢ Minimum Design pressure is – 15 PSI

➢ For Smaller Design pressure the
code stamping is not required. 0 PSIA
For Negative Gauge Operating Pressure
Pressure vessel is designed for Full Vacuum.

Note - Full vacuum means the complete absence of pressure and is also called
Absolute Pressure or absolute Zero pressure. So Full vacuum would be 0 PSIA.
• It is a condition of temperature and pressure
coincident under normal conditions.
• The “design pressure” should be mentioned “at” a
“design temperature” as a pair:
• The design pressure of this vessel is –
- 1440 PSI at design temperature of 80 °C
- 1440 PSI @ 80 °C
The BPV Code Sec. VIII Div. 1 doesn’t say much about
how to set the design pressure.

“A pressure vessel shall be designed for at least the

most severe condition of coincident pressure and
temperature expected in normal operation.”
Pt= Design Pressure At Top of the Vessel

Design Pressure = PT + Static Head of Operating liquid

➢ Thickness is calculated for each section in a pressure vessel.

➢ It must be calculated for both cases:

Design and Hydrostatic test

➢ For Example:
1. Wall Thickness for the tall vertical tower – Each section has a
different thickness.
2. And designer take Pt & Hydrostatic head into consideration.
3. Thick plates are used in – Lower section of the tower.
H = Liquid
High Bending Moment -
High Hydrostatic Pressure

Pb= Design Pressure At Bottom of the Vessel

Pressure level
LDP – Lower Design Pressure, Design vacuum
MiWP – Minimum Working Pressure
MiOP – Minimum Operating Pressure
MOP – Maximum Operating Pressure
OP – Operating pressure
MWP – Maximum Working Pressure
MAWP – Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

130 % of Design Pressure;

MAWP≥ Design Pressure
OP – 90 % of Design Pressure
Normal Design
Pressure Pressure
Types of Pressure
Part -2
What is MAWP??
• Maximum Allowable Working pressure – Designation of American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (AMSE).
Industrial plants use vessel’s MAWP to set safety
protocols. Which in turn prevents explosions.
It is the maximum pressure
- That vessel’s weakest part can handle a particular
operating Pressure & specific temperature.
• MAWP ≥ Design Pressure.
Material of Construction (MOC) & thickness of the vessel
Thickness are taken into consideration while calculating MAWP.

• MAWP do not remain the same throughout the life of the vessel due to the wear and
tear of the vessel.
MAXIMUM Allowable working Pressure Selection
Pressure vessel Design Data
Calculate the Shell and head thickness
Define the – Corrosion allowance & add in Design Calculated thickness
Total thickness = Design thickness + C.A
Fabrication Team – Elected thickness
• For Example –
• Design thickness – 19 mm
• Corrosion allowance – 3 mm
• Total thickness – 22 mm
• Fabricated Elected – 25 mm thickness ( 1in thickness) plate to satisfy the Design
Calculate the Maximum allowable Design Pressure

t = tnominal - CA
t = 1 in – 0.125 in

t =0.875 inch

Use the Second part of Formula – 1 in UG-27

P is less than – 0.385 SE
T is less than – R/2
Max allowable Joint Efficiency

𝑆𝐸𝑡 12000𝑃𝑆𝐼 ∗ 1 ∗(0.875𝑖𝑛)

P= P=
𝑅+0.6𝑡 MAWP
P = 173.5 PSI

Max . Allowable Working Note - that if this vessel under a Static head ,
Pressure(MAWP) is 23.5psi is Greater than The greater pressure is due to the
Excess thickness available in the then the design pressure and MAWP must be
the Design pressure . corrected for the Static head .

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