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Vladimir Ryann B.


Part 1: Reflection on my 24 hours schedule

My 24-hour schedule

School/Classes (9hrs) Sleep (6-8hrs) Eat (1hr) Gaming (4-5hrs)

Part 2. Something to ponder on

A. What I want to be accomplish
I envision myself as a college graduate in 4 to 5 years. Who has been studying and
preparing for the board exam in the hopes of passing the CPALE on my first attempt.
After 5 years, I envision myself as a successful CPA and assisting my parents in the
management of our family business. I foresee myself traveling and discovering new locations
both domestically and internationally.
Lastly, in 10 years, I see myself fulfilling my ambition of being a successful person and to be the
CEO of a large corporation with a national presence. Apart from that, I want to have a wonderful
family and make my parents be and live at their happiest.
At 40 years old, I consider myself a grateful and blessed person who helps the poor and weak
because I have fulfilled all of my life goals with God's help.

Part 3. Guide Question

1. How do you prioritize tasks?
I may prioritize tasks by making a list of all of my responsibilities and doing the tasks that are
most important to me.
2. How do you manage deadlines?
I can keep track of deadlines by prioritizing chores that must be completed first. I also check my
emails or activities on a regular basis.
3. Why do you think it is important to manage your time well?
In order to prevent cramming, we must effectively manage our time. We can pass everything on
time and simply reach our goals if we live a well-organized life.
4. How did you feel during and after this session?
I feel driven to pursue my goals in a systematic manner both during and after the session.
Whereas, I should concentrate more on organizing my time and making a strategy so that I can
stick to my goals and complete them on time.
5. What is your greatest realization and insight for session 4?
I have realized that correctly managing our time can lead to a more organized life. We can easily
complete the assignment and pass the time without having to cram. Visualizing our future is also
vital so that we can steer our lives in the appropriate direction.

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