bai tập ngày 11-7-2022

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Test 11-7-2022

Choose the correct answer

1. John's last statement had a definite _________ on the judges' decision.
A. bearing : chịu đựng B. Weight cân nhắc cẩn thận C. decision D. conclusion

have a bearing on sth ~ have an influence on sth

2. The coffee shop has _________ recently, and the drink is much better now.
A. had its hands full B. lived hand to mouth C. changed hands D. gained the upper hand

change hands: to pass to a different owner : bán lại, đổi chủ

have your hands full ~ busy
live (from) hand to mouth: to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra
If you have/ gain the upper hand, you have more power than anyone else and so have control
(nắm quyền)
3. He came into the room and sat down without _________ a word to anyone.
A. as far as B. too much of C. very much of D. so much as

without so as much: without even

4. One could see with the ________ eye that there was a lighthouse on the promontory.
A. naked B. sole C. nude D. shut

the naked eye: the eye unaided by any artificial means such as a telescope, microscope etc (mắt thường)
5. Unable to run the entire 42 kilometers, she decided to drop out of the race, ______ her a heat stroke.
A. the fatigue from the intense heat almost gave
B. the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
C. which the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
D. the fatigue from the intense heat had almost given

Loại A và D vì nếu chọn 2 đáp án này thì câu sẽ thành 2 mệnh đề ngăn cách bằng dấu phẩy là sai.
Loại C vì nếu dùng which thì phía sau phải là một mệnh đề
=> Đáp án chính xác là B. Đây là cấu trúc Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn.
6. Having gained a _______ victory in the general elections, they proceeded with their ambitious
programme. A. Galloping B. Staunch C. Landslide D. close-up

landslide (n): an election in which one person or party gets very many more votes than the other people
or parties
landslide victory: thắng cử
7. There are few exceptions to the rule that a solicitor may not act _____ both seller and buyer.
A. Out B. On C. For : đại diện cho D. as

act for/ on behalf of sb/sth: to represent a person, company, etc. in a court of law
8. He is such a kind and caring young boy - he wouldn’t hurt a ________ .
A. bird B. worm C. fly : không muốn làm hại người khác D. bug

wouldn't hurt a fly: to be too gentle to want to hurt anyone

9. The teenager ____ stamps for 3 years by the end of 2021. Tương lai hoàn thành
A. will have been collecting B. will have collected C. has collected D. will be collecting
10. _______ this workshop, you will know how to analyze large amounts of numerical data.
A. Completed B. You have completed C. Being completed D. On completing
MĐQH rút gọn với on

11.She had made a firm decision and wasn’t ______________ by anything I said against it.
A. detracted chê bai B. prevailed thắng thế C. induced (xui khiến, đem lại) to do sth D. swayed
(dao động) sb bị thuyết phục, ảnh hưởng
12. Salaries have not ______________ inflation ( bù đắp ) in the last few years.
A. Put up with chịu đựng B. taken up on nhận lời C. done out of ngăn cản ai đó D. kept up
with theo kịp
13. I wish you’d do the accounts. I don't have ________________ for numbers.
A. have a head giỏi về cái gì B. a mind C. the heart D. the nerve
14. Junior hospital doctors are thrown ___________ at the deep end in their first jobs.
A. In B. Away C. To D. with
Những bác sĩ còn ít kinh nghiệm ở bệnh viện bị buộc phải vượt qua khó khăn ngay trong công việc
đầu tiên của họ.
15. Be careful! The young horse hasn't been _________..
A broken in = train: huấn luyện B. got round = come round C. taken over D. set up
16. It is moved that the campaign (chiến dịch)____ funds _____ at once.
A. to raise – be launched B. raise – to be launched
C. raise – launched D. to raise – is launched
17. You can’t believe a word that woman says – she is a _____ liar.
A. dedicated B. devoted C. committed D. compulsive một người quen thói nói dối
18. The flights are full at the moment, so you’ll have to _____.
A. run a stroke of luck B. get a better luck
C. be down on your luck D. take pot luck
be down on your luck: to be experiencing a bad situation or to have very little money (trải qua một hoàn
cảnh éo le)
take pot luck: to take whatever happens to be available dễ dàng chấp nhận trong bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào

19. The demonstrations ________ in one hundred students being arrested.

A. Culminated B. Erupted phun C. Escalated leo D. concluded
culminate in/ with: end up with kết thúc ( một cách bất đắc dĩ )
20. Mrs Hurston was in deep ____ after her husband’s unexpected death.
A. Regret B. Grief C. Lament D. Disturbance
in deep grief: cực kì đau khổ

Rewrite the sentences

1. He was too frightened to admit that he had broken the window. (OWN)
→ So frightened was he that he couldn’t own up to having broken the window.
own up to sth/ doing sth: admit that you are responsible for sth bad or good. Thừa nhận, chủ động làm gì
2. I wish he would stop criticizing my work. (FAULT)
→ I’d sooner you didn't find fault with my work.
find fault with sth = criticise chỉ trích
3. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. (ACTS)
→ Zoe always acts on impulse when making her travel plans
act on impulse: do sth without thinking about it hành động không suy nghĩ trước

4. He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out. (TEETH)

→ He really kicked me in the teeth when breaking the promise to help me out
kick sb in the teeth: treat sb badly or fail to give them the help when they need it. Cảm thấy bị đối xử
không tốt, điều gì không tốt xảy ra với bạn, làm cho ai thất vọng

5. If her father hadn't retired, she wouldn't have taken over his work. (STEPPED)
→ But for her father’s retirement, she wouldn’t have stepped into his shoes.
step into one’s shoes: take over (continuing a job that sb has started) kế thừa

6. His efforts to find a solution didn't deserve such savage criticism...

→ He shouldn’t have been savagely (phũ phàng ) criticized for his efforts to find a solution
7. People became aware of the damage to the ozone layer when an enorm hole was discovered over the
South Pole.
→ It was the discovery of an enormous hole over the South Pole that made people aware of the damage
to the ozone layer.
8. When I grow up, I'm going to be really important. (CAT)
→ When I grow up, I’m going to be a fat cat
a fat cat: a person who owns or has a lot of Money giàu, tầm ảnh hưởng quan trọng, cần thiết

9. I thought very hard but couldn't remember the answer. (RACKED)

→ I racked my brain to remember the answer.
rack one’s brain: động não, cố gắng suy nghĩ
10. Alex grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (PULLED)
→ Alex pulled a face as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine.
pull a face ~ grimace: nhăn mặt, cau có, nhăn nhó

11. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. (wrapped)
=> She was so WRAPPED UP IN HER WORK that she didn’t notice when I came in .

Bận tâm, mải mê concentrate on

12. You are all welcome to take any food you like.
=> Help yourselves to any food you like

Tùy ý sử dụng
13. What was the reason for his resignation? (made)
=> What made him resign?

14. Did the children enjoy themselves during the performance? (good time)
=> Did the children have a good time during the performance?
15. We haven’t had any message from him since March. (heard)
=> We haven't heard from him since March
16. John has hinted that he doesn’t wish to remain in the group any longer. (hint)
=> John has given the hint that he no longer wishes to remain in the group.

Gợi ý, bóng gió

17. Five actors was competing for the leading role in the play. (contention)
=> There were five actors in contention for the leading role in the play.
18. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind your back. (best)
=> To the best of my knowledge , no one’s talking about you behind your back.
19. Maybe I didn’t explain exactly what I mean – our relationship is over. (clear)
=> Maybe I didn’t make myself clear our relationship is over.
20. I’m finding it difficult to cope with all the work I have to do. (top)
=> All the work I have to do is getting on top of me.


1.I advise you to put your money in the bank. => You’d better put your money in the bank.
2.Excuse me! I’d like some information about the English summer course, please.
=> Could you give me some information about the English summer course ?
3.John offered to carry Jane’s case for her.
=> “Would you like John offered to carry Jane’s case for her.” John said
4.The motor in this machine needs cleaning once a week. (has)
=> The motor in this machine has to be cleaned once a week

5.I’d like to invite you to luch. => Will you come to have lunch with me_?
6,It’s possible Louise is waiting for us at the airport. => Louise may be waiting for us at the airport.
7.It is not necessary for anyone to know who paid the ransom to the kidnappers.
=> No one need know who paid the random to the kidnappers. Trả tiền chuộc cho kẻ
bắt cóc
8.It may be necessary for us to cancel our holiday because my mother is ill.
=> We may have to cancel our holiday because my mother is ill.

9.He is very likely to come. (probability)

=> .He is very likely to come.
10.It’d be a good idea for you to come with us next Sunday. ought
=> Next Sunday you ought to come  with us.

11.Photography is not allowed in the museums. photographs

=> You mustn’t take photographs  in the museum.

12.There’s no need for you to do any work if you don’t feel like it. Have
=> If you don’t feel like it do any work.
13.It isn’t always necessary to be a member of the club. need

=> You don’t always need to be a member of the club

14. She was not certain about the trip. Decide

=> She could not decide about the trip.

15.A heavy shower prevented them from finishing their game of tennis
=> They were unable to finish their game of tennis because of a heavy shower

prevented from finishing their game of tennis because of a heavy shower.

16.He couldn't swim until he was in his twenties. ABLE

=> He wasn't able to swim/ was not able to swim until he was in his twenties.

17. Perhaps he’s working late. may

=> He ……may be working…. late.
18. Mother told Tom that he had to go to bed early. must

=> ‘You must go to bed early,’ Mother told Tom.

will expect you to wear a suit for the interview. HAVE
=> You'll have to wear/will have to wear a suit for the interview.
20.I'd see a doctor if I were you. OUGHT
=> You ought to see a doctor.
21.Could you speak English when you were younger? ABLE
=> When you were younger, were you able to speak English?

22. I think it’s time the children went to bed now. HAD

=> I think the children had better go to bed now.

23. I am sure Maria finds reading interesting because she has lots of books. MUST

=> Maria must be interested in/must have an interest in reading because she has lots of books.

24.Do you happen to know the time of the next train to London? COULD

=> I wonder if you could tell me the time of the next train to London?

25. I think Roman needs to see a doctor. His cough is terrible. ought

=> With that terrible cough, Roman ought to see a doctor a doctor.

26."Why don't you take a day off?" asked Magda. should

=> Magda suggested I should take a day off a day off

I were you, I wouldn’t tell anybody about the discovery.
=> You had better not tell anybody about the discovery.

28.Jerry had terrible problems with solving the riddle. (hardly)

=> Jerry could hardly solve the riddle hầu như không
29.Isn’t it high time you greased the hinges? (need)
=> Don’t the hinges need greasing/ to be greased?
30. You should take an umbrella with you. BETTER

=> You had better take/ 'd better take an umbrella with you.

31. It’s forbidden to take pictures. (not)

=> You must not take pictures.

isn’t necessary to feed the cats. I’ve already fed them. (have)
=>You don’t have to feed the cats.

33.It’s prohibited to take pets into the museum. (not)

=> You must not take pets into the museum.

34. It isn’t necessary to change the sheets. I’ll do it tomorrow. (need)

=> You don’t need to change the sheets.

35.Students aren’t allowed to leave the dormitory after 11 p.m. (not)
=> Students mustn’t/can not leave the dormitory after 11 p.m.
1.I’m sure it was Tom who cleared everything up.
=> Tom must have cleared everything up.
2.I’m sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill.
=> He couldn’t possibly have known that his brother was seriously ill
3.It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night.
=> You should not have left the windows open last night

4.I’m sure she didn’t do it on purpose.

=> She can’t have done it on purpose
5.Diane was supposed to write to her parents last week. (ought)
=> Diane ought to have written to her parents last week

6.Maybe Mathew forgot all about it. => Mathew might have forgotten all about it

7.I had the chance to do a parachute jump, but I was too scared.
=> I could have done a parachute jump (nhảy dù) , but I was too scared.
8.I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather
. => They can’t have (possibly) have been playing in this weather
9.It wasn’t necessary for you to go to so much trouble on my behalf.
=> You needn’t have gone to so much trouble on my behalf
10.Jean’s boss was extremely kind to her.
=> Jean’s boss couldn’t have been kinder.
11.Our worrying so much was a waste of time.
=> We needn’t have worried so much.
=> We didn’t need to worry so much
12.It is just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge!

=> The cat can’t have opened the fridge.

13.It would have been possible for Helen to give us a lift.

=> Helen might have given us a lift.
14.School uniform wasn’t compulsory at my school.
=> We didn’t have/need to wear uniform at my school.

15.His efforts to find a solution didn’t deserve such savage criticism.

=> He shouldn’t have been so savagely criticized for his efforts to find a solution
Nỗ lực tìm kiếm giải pháp của anh ta không đáng bị phê bình gay gắt như vậy.
16.Perhaps I didn't get a better job because I didn't study hard enough.
=> I might have got a better job if I had studied hard enough
17.Martin needn’t have paid for all our tickets.
=> It wasn’t necessary for Martin to pay for all our tickets
18.It’s impossible for them to have found him in that jungle.
=> He can’t have been found in that jungle

=> He  is impossible to have been found in that jungle.

18.It was wrong of you to scare your mother like that.

=> You oughtn’t to have scared your mother like that. 

20.I’m afraid there may be something missing from your report. (OVERLOOKED)
=> I’m afraid you may have overlooked something from your report.
Overlook không nhận ra, không chú ý, bỏ sót.
21.I think it was a mistake to lend your car to Joe. (SHOULD)
=> I don’t think you should have lent your car to Joe.
22.It was impossible to predict all the problems that we faced when we built our own house.

=> Nobody could have predicted we would/were going to face so many problems when we built our
own house.
23.You couldn’t have seen Mary in the park.
=> It couldn’t have been Mary (who/whom/that) you saw in the park.
24.He must have spent a small fortune renovating that told house
=> It must have cost him a small fortune to renovate that old house.
25.It’s possible that the building was burgled after midnight. may
=> The building may have been burgled after midnight.

26. It wasn’t necessary to meet me at the airport yesterday. needn’t

=> You needn’t have met me at the airport yesterday.

27. It was unkind of you to talk to her like that. not

=> You should not have talked to her like that.

28.Perhaps he hasn’t received the doctor’s results yet. may

=> He may not have received the doctor’s results yet.
29. It is likely that they have already left. may

=> They may have already left.

30. I’m sure he took the cheque-book with him. must

=> He must have taken the cheque-book with him.

31. It’s possible that she didn’t understand what I had said. might

=> She might not have understood what I had said.

32. She is certain to have heard about it on the news. must

=> She must have heard about it on the news.

33.You can’t vote unless you are over eighteen. Must

=> You must be over eighteen to vote.

34.I doubt very much that you saw Carla at the party as she’s in Scotland at the moment. can’tF

=> You cannot have seen Carla at the party as she’s in Scotland at the moment.

35.It was wrong of you to steal those apples from Mrs Brown’s garden. should

=> You should not have stolen those apples from Mrs Brown’s garden.
36 The thief ran right past you so I’m sure you saw his face. must

=> The thief ran right past you so you must | have seen his face.

37. It’s possible that they didn’t get the message in time. might

=> They might not have got the message in time.

38. I went to the office then remembered it was my day off. HAVE

=>I need not have

39. Perhaps we missed the correct turning. MIGHT => We .............. the correct turning.
40. We got a table at the restaurant without a reservation. NEED
=> We ................................................ book a table at the restaurant.
41. You were expected to answer all the questions on the exam paper. ANSWERED

=> You .............................................................. all the questions on the examination paper.

42. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat. MUST
=> It ........................................ Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.
43. I positively know they haven't accepted the raise.
=> They can't ___________________________________
44. Maybe John has not remembered about tonight’s party. COULD
=> I suppose John …………………………………………… about tonight’s party.
booked seats but it was not necessary because there was plenty of room. BOOKED
=> We ………………………………………… seats because there was plenty of room.
46.Marcin didn't come to the meeting yesterday. Perhaps he was ill. might
=> Marcin …………………………………… yesterday.
47. I took a jumper but it wasn't necessary. taken => I ………………… a jumper.
48.I'm sure he was at home last night. must => He…………………… at home last night.
49.Maurice didn't come to the meeting yesterday. Perhaps he was ill. might
=> Maurice …………………………………………… yesterday.
50.I took a sweater but it wasn't necessary. taken => I …….…………..…… a sweater.

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