Assets Report

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Pre-defined Asset Reports for Emossy

Asset Report column wise values:

 Asset Type — This shows the class or type where the asset belongs to.

 ID — This shows the asset ID.

 Category/Name — This shows the name of the asset record.

 Depreciation Start Date — This shows the date when the asset depreciation started.

 Asset Life — This shows the life of the asset.

 Beginning Balance — This shows the balance of all assets before the report date. This column
contains the following information:

o Beginning Cost — This shows the acquisition amount of the asset before the report start

o Beginning Depreciation — This shows the asset’s accumulated depreciation before the
report start date.

o Beginning Net Book Value — This shows the asset’s net book value before the report
start date.

Note:  Net asset value, is the value at which a company reports an asset on its balance
sheet. It is calculated as the original cost of an asset less accumulated depreciation,
accumulated amortization, accumulated depletion or accumulated impairment

 Purchase/Acquisitions — This shows the cost of all assets acquired within the report period.

Note:  If the asset was transferred to another department, location, or warehouse the acquisition
column will show the asset cost and the transferred amount.

 Warehouse Transfer — This shows the current cost of the asset that was transferred to another
department or warehouse.

 Sale — This shows the amount of assets disposed through sale during the report period.

 Disposals — This shows the amount of assets written off during the report period.

 Depreciation — This shows the amount of accumulated depreciation within the report period.

 Revaluation — This shows the amount of adjustment done to the asset because of the
revaluation (yearly).
 Lease — This shows the lease adjustment amount. The previous period lease adjustment is
considered in the computation of the cost beginning balance.

 Net Book Value — This shows the net book value of the asset at the end of the report period.
This report lists cost or valuation, depreciation, and net book value totals for the selected asset
types and the specified period. In the asset summary report, the report is divided into the
following three sections:

 The Cost section will include the following information:

o Beginning Balance — This shows the balance of the asset types at the start of the report

o Additions — This shows the cost of all new assets acquired during the report period.

o Sale — This shows the amount of assets disposed through sale during the reporting

o Disposal — This shows the amount of assets written off during the reporting period.

o Revaluation — This shows the write off amount.

o Ending Balance — This shows the balance of the asset types at the end of the report

 The Depreciation section will include the following information:

o Beginning Balance — This shows the balance of depreciation of the asset types at the
start of the report period.

o Additions — This shows the depreciation within the report period.

o Sale — This shows the amount of assets disposed through sale during the reporting

o Disposal — This shows the amount of assets written off during the reporting period.

o Revaluation — This shows the depreciation adjustment.

o Ending Balance — This shows the total depreciation of the asset types at the end of the
report period.

 The Net Book Value section will include the following information:

o Beginning Balance — This shows the net book value of the asset at the start of the
report period.
o Ending Balance — This shows the net book value of the asset at the end of the report
period. This can be computed as Asset Cost (ending balance) – Depreciation Ending
Balance = NBV Ending Balance.

1. Depreciation Schedule Report (Net Book Value and Period Depreciation): The depreciation
schedule net book value report shows the current value of the asset for the specified period.
The depreciation schedule period depreciation report shows the total depreciation of each asset
for the specified period. The following information is available in the depreciation schedule

Note: To view forecast amounts for depreciation, you can generate an asset depreciation
schedule report for future periods.

 Asset Type — This shows the class or the asset type of the asset.

 ID — This shows the asset ID.

 Name — This shows the name of the asset.

 Asset Life — This shows the life of the asset.

 Depreciation Method — This shows the asset’s depreciation method.

 Periods — This shows the depreciation period of the asset. Maximum period is 12 months. For
report periods that exceeds 12 months, the succeeding months are presented in the following

2. Depreciation Monthly Report: The depreciation monthly report shows the depreciation
expense for the period by asset, the asset records, and journal entries.

The following information is available in the depreciation monthly report:

o Date — Shows the last depreciation date of the asset.

o Asset ID — Shows the asset ID.

o Asset Name — Shows the name of the asset.

o Posting Reference — Shows the journal entry information.

o Transaction Amount — Shows the depreciation amount.

3. Asset Listing Report: The Asset Listing report shows the total acquisition or production costs,
additions, disposals, transfers, and write-ups for the fiscal year. It is an annual report, and by
default, is set to the current year. Customers, however, may also run the report monthly or
The following information is available in the Asset Listing report:

o Asset Record – Shows the asset name

o Asset ID – Shows the asset ID

o Asset Type – Shows the class or type where the asset belongs to

o Opening Balance – Cost – Show the beginning balance at the start of the report period

o Acquisition – Shows new acquisitions for the selected period

o Disposals – Shows disposals for the current year

o Transfer – Shows the adjustments, including WiP to activated assets and

interdepartmental or warehouse assets transactions

o Revaluation – Shows the revaluation

o Accumulated Depreciation – Shows the accumulated depreciation or YTD depreciation

o Net Book Value – Shows the NBV of the current financial year

o Depreciation – Shows the current financial year depreciation

4. Corporate tax Reports: These reports are supplemental documents used to calculate
corporate tax and are available. Assets with an asset life of 1y or more than 20 are excluded
from these reports. The following reports are available: 

o CT (1) - This report includes assets, leased assets, disposed and fully depreciated assets
that use Straight-Line depreciation method. This report does not include leased assets
that use the straight line depreciation method, and assets where the Depreciation
Active is false. 

o CT (2) - This report includes assets, leased assets, disposed and fully depreciated assets
that use the 200% Declining Balance and 250% Declining Balance depreciation methods.
This report does not include leased assets that use the old declining balance method,
and assets where the Depreciation Active is false. 

o CT (3) — This report includes all leased assets, disposed and fully depreciated assets
that use the standard Straight Line depreciation method. This report does not include
leased assets that uses the Straight Line and Declining Balance depreciation methods,
and assets where the Depreciation Active is false.

Pre-defined Asset’s Reports provide values for the assertions:

o Asset Register Report — This report lists cost, accumulated depreciation, and net book
value for each asset between the periods selected.
o Asset Summary Report (Type & category wise) — This report lists cost or valuation,
depreciation, and net book value totals for the selected asset types and specified
 Depreciation Schedule Net Book Value — This report shows the current value
of each asset for the period.
 Depreciation Schedule Period Depreciation — This report shows the total
depreciation of each asset for the period.
Note: To view forecast amounts for depreciation, you can generate an asset
depreciation schedule report for future periods.

 Depreciation Monthly Report — Shows the depreciation expense for the period
by asset, the asset records, and journal entries.
o Asset Listing Reports (Departmental & Warehouse wise) — Shows the total acquisition
or production costs, additions, disposals, transfers, and write-ups for the fiscal year.
Note: Show Custom Components in Reports — Check this box if you want to view only
the components on the report. Otherwise, clear this box to view only the parent
compound asset on the report. This option is available only when you are generating an
Asset Register Report or Asset Listing Report.

 Start Date — Enter or select a start date for the report period you want to
 End Date — Enter or select an end date for the report period you want to
 Assets to Include — Select which of the following assets to include in the
report: All Assets, All Assets except Leased, or Leased Only, digital, physical,
according to assets condition, warehouses, departments.
 Note: If you selected Depreciation Monthly report, this field will be set to All

 Alternate Depreciation — Select the depreciation method.

 Asset Types — Select one or more asset types to categorize assets in the report.
Note: Default values will be assigned to most of the asset configuration based
on the asset type.
 Subsidiary — Select the subsidiary or subsidiaries for which you want to
generate a report.
 Departments — Select a department if you want the report to only include
assets associated with a specific department. This field is available only if
the Departments feature is enabled in your account.
 Class/Category — Select a class if you want the report to only include assets
associated with a specific class. This field is available only if the Classes feature
is enabled in your account.
 Assets Location — Select a location if you want the report to only include assets
associated with a specific location. This field is available only if
the Locations feature is enabled in your account.

 General Assets Reports

 Assets by Product Types
 Assets by Product categories
 Assets by purchase Date
 Assets by Expiry Date
 Assets by Requester
 Assets by Assignee
 Unassigned Assets by Product Type
 Unassigned Assets by Product
 Assets not in Contract (by Product Type)
 Assets not in Contract (by Product)
 Assets from Vendor (by Product Type)
 Assets from Vendor (by Product)
Digital Assets Reports
 Software by Category
 Purchased vs Installed Software
 Software by Manufacturer
 CAL Purchased vs Installed
 License exp reports
 License Renewal costs reports

 License Records

 License Entitlement

 Device Details

 Software Usage by Asset

 Compliance Detail
 Compliance Analysis by Business Unit

 Compliance – Load Balanced Summary

Workstations or System Assets Reports
 Workstations by OS
 Workstations by Manufacturer
 Workstations by Domain
 Workstations by Network
 Unassigned Workstations by Domain
 Unassigned Workstations by Network
 OS Count by Domain
 OS Count by Network
 Model Count by Domain
 Model Count by Network
 Manufacturer Count by Domain
 Manufacturer Count by Network
Asset Audit Reports
 Audit History by Workstation
 Audit History by Time line
 Audit History by Changes
Asset Purchase Reports
 Purchase Orders by Vendors
 Purchase Orders by Ordered Date
 Purchase Orders by Required Date
 Purchase Orders by Status
 Purchase Orders by Cost Center
Asset Contracts Reports
 Active Contracts
 Contracts by Max Value
 Contracts by Status
 Contracts by Vendor
 Expired Contracts
 Contracts by Total Price
Corresponding Fixed Format Asset
Variable Format Asset Report

Reserve Detail Report

Accumulated Depreciation Balance Report
Reserve Summary Report

Additions by Date Place in Service Report Annual Additions Report

Additions by Period Report Asset Additions Report

Additions by Responsibility Reports Asset Additions Responsibility Report

Cost Detail Report

Asset Cost Balance Report
Cost Summary Report

Asset Listing by Period Report None

CIP (Clean in space) Capitalization Asset

Asset Capitalizations Report

CIP Detail Report

CIP Cost Balance Report
CIP Summary Report

Cost Adjustments Report Cost Adjustments by Source Report

Cost Adjustments Report

Financial Adjustments Report

Parent Asset Transactions Report

Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report

Fixed Assets Book Report Group Asset Report

Delete Mass Additions Preview Report

Mass Additions Delete Report
Mass Additions Create Report
Mass Additions Invoice Merge Report
Mass Additions Report Mass Additions Invoice Split Report
Mass Additions Posting Report
Mass Additions Purge Report
Mass Additions Status Report
Unposted Mass Additions Report

Mass Reclassification Review Report

Physical/Digital Inventory/Warehouse CIP is batch report with charts, tables, &

Comparison Report statistical cal within a scheduled period

Physical/Digital Inventory Missing Assets


Asset Retirements by Cost Center

Retirements Report
Asset Retirements Report
Reinstated Assets Report

Revaluation Reserve Detail Report

Revaluation Reserve Balance Report
Revaluation Reserve Summary Report

Transfers Report Asset Transfers Report

Asset Transfer Reconciliation Report
Asset Disposals Responsibility Report

Depreciation Analysis Report Audit Report

 Journal Entry Reserve Ledger


 Asset Additions Report

 Asset Transfers Report

 Asset Retirements Report

 Asset Transaction History


 Asset Reclassification Report

 Mass Additions Create Report

 Mass Additions Posting Report

 Cost Adjustments Report

Financial Reports  Cost Detail Report

 Cost Summary Report

 Reserve Detail Report

 Reserve Summary Report

 Mass Revaluation Preview


 Revaluation Reserve Detail


 Revaluation Reserve Summary


 CIP summary Report

 CIP Detail Report

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