Survey Questionnaire Capstone 1

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Survey Questionnaire Part 1: Assessing the Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Demographic Profile

Name (Optional): Sex:

Grade Level: Strand:

□ below 8,000 php

Estimated Family Income (Monthly):
□ 8,000 php – 16,000 php
□ 16,000 php – 32,000 php
□ 32,000 php – 80,000 php
□ above 80,000 php

Survey Questionnaire Part 2: Assessing the Level of Financial Literacy of Senior High

School Students

Put a check (/) on the box that corresponds to your answer. Make sure to read each question

carefully and do not leave any boxes black unless stated optional.

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Neutral 4 - Agree 5 – Strongly Agree

Section A. Financial Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5

I feel confident in my knowledge and ability to manage my own

I consider myself to be financially literate (able to maximize
present money in order to gain financial stability).
I am aware of the exchange rate of peso.
I am aware of the inflation rate in the Philippines.
I read and understand a contract/s especially involving money
before signing.
I learn financial management and obtain financial knowledge
through my parents.
I obtain financial knowledge and learn financial management on
my own.

Section B. Financial Attitudes

Q1. How sure do you feel about your ability to manage your own finances?

□ Not sure at all (I wish I knew a lot more about money management)

□ Not too sure (I wish I knew more about money management)

□ Somewhat sure (I understand most of what I'll need to know)

□ Very sure (I understand money management very well)

Q2. How interested are you in increasing your financial knowledge?

□ Very uninterested

□ Somewhat uninterested

□ Not sure

□ Somewhat interested

□ Very interested

Q3. Would you take a personal finance course as an elective if offered?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Not sure
Q4. Which topics would be of interest to you? (Check all that apply)

□ Budgeting □ Investing □ Taxes Credit □ Wills □ Life Insurance

□ Loans/debt □ Credit cards □ Saving Interest rates □ other(specify):

Q5. Using the scale given below, please rate the importance of items to you (1. not important, 2.

somewhat unimportant, 3. not sure, 4. somewhat important, 5. very important)

a. Maintaining adequate financial records

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

b. Spending less than your income

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

c. Maintaining adequate insurance coverage

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

d. Planning and implementing a regular savings/investment program

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

Q6. Rate the following items on a scale of 1-5 (1 =not at all true of me and 5 =very true of me)

a. I feel in control of my financial situation

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

b. I feel capable of usln my future income to achieve my financial goals

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

c. My finances are a significant source of worry or "hassle" for me

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

d. I am uncertain about where my money is spent

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

e. I feel credit cards are safe and risk free

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

f. Purchasing things is very important to my happiness

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

g. I feel capable of handling my financial future (e.g. buying insurance or investments)

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

h. I am afraid of credit and credit cards

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

i. I feel the cost of using a credit card is too high

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

j. I feel putting away money each month for savings or investments is important

□l □2 □3 □4 □5

k. I feel having life insurance is an important way to protect loved ones

□l □2 □3 □4 □5
Survey Questionnaire Part 3: Determining the Impact of Financial Literacy to their

Spending Behavior

Put a check (/) on the box that corresponds to your answer. Make sure to read each question

carefully and do not leave any boxes black unless stated optional.

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Neutral 4 - Agree 5 – Strongly Agree

Section A. Spending Habits 1 2 3 4 5

I tend to buy things on impulse.

The money I spend is greater when I have just received my

allowance or any source of cash
I treat people often/I spend money on others
I spend more on my wants compared to needs
I wait for sales before I buy my wants
I spend money using a card.
I spend more on branded items compared to non-branded ones.

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Neutral 4 - Agree 5 – Strongly Agree

Section B. Saving Habits or Budgeting Practice 1 2 3 4 5

I am able to allocate my budget to match with my spending.

I see to it that I would always have weekly or monthly savings.

I am able to determine what should be prioritized before and

during buying an item/s.
I do written or electronic budget planning/preparation.
I keep receipts and bills to be conscious of my spending
I use my personal money (savings) for my wants and needs.
I set aside money before budgeting for my needs and wants.

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