IMC - PUMA Future Rider

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Lớp học phần: 2111702049708

Họ và tên: MSSV: Lớp:

Trần Vương Thái Hiếu 1921005432 CLC_19DMA08
Ngô Kiều Phương 1921005612 CLC_19DMA08
Vũ Ngọc Thái 1921005653 CLC_19DMA08
Nhâm Hải Yến 1921005808 CLC_19DMA08

TP. Hồ Chí Minh, 2021

Question 1 _______________________________________________________________________ 1
Explain the communication process. ___________________________________________________ 1
PUMA FUTURE RIDER ___________________________________________________________ 4
IMC PLAN ______________________________________________________________________ 4
INTRODUCTION_________________________________________________________________ 5
OBJECTIVES ____________________________________________________________________ 5
TARGET AUDIENCES ____________________________________________________________ 6
PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________ 11
CREATIVE STRATEGY _________________________________________ 11
PUMA Future Rider ______________________________________________ 11
Media strategy ___________________________________________________________________ 12
Advertising _____________________________________________________ 12
Sales Promotion ________________________________________________ 12
Social Media ___________________________________________________ 13
Public Relations/Publicity ________________________________________ 13
Detailed action plan _______________________________________________ 15
Phase 1: TVC “As if I were a child” ________________________________ 17
Phase 2: Contest “Enjoy childhood games” __________________________ 18
Timeline and Budget ______________________________________________ 20
MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL _________________________________________________ 25
Measurement ____________________________________________________ 25
Control _________________________________________________________ 25
Two elements
represent the
major participants
in the
process, the
sender and the
receiver. Another
two are the major
tools, message
and channel. Four Figure: A Model of the Communication Process
others are the major
communication functions and processes: encoding, decoding, response, and feedback.
The last element, noise, refers to any extraneous factors in the system that can
interfere with the process and work against effective communication.
The sender, or source, of a communication is the person or organization that has information
to share with another person or group of people. The source may be an individual (say, a
salesperson or hired spokesperson, such as a celebrity, who appears in a company’s
advertisements) or a nonpersonal entity (such as the corporation or organization itself).

The communication process begins when the source selects words, symbols, pictures, and
the like to represent the message that will be delivered to the receiver(s). This process,
known as encoding, involves putting thoughts, ideas, or information into a symbolic form.

The encoding process leads to development of a message that contains the information or
meaning the source hopes to convey. The message may be verbal or nonverbal, oral or
written, or symbolic. Messages must be put into a transmittable form that is appropriate for
the channel of communication being used.

The channel is the method by which the communication travels from the source or sender to
the receiver. At the broadest level, channels of communication are of two types, nonpersonal
and personal. Nonpersonal channels of communication are those that carry a message
without direct, interpersonal contact between the sender and receiver. Personal channels
involve direct communication between two or more persons and can occur through
interpersonal contact (face-to-face) or via other methods such as e-mail or through social

Decoding is the process of transforming the sender’s message back into thought. This
process is heavily influenced by the receiver’s frame of reference or field of experience,
which refers to the experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values he or she brings to the
communication situation.

The receiver is the person(s) with whom the sender shares thoughts or information.
Generally, receivers are the consumers in the target market or audience who read, hear,
and/or see the marketer’s message and decode it.

Throughout the communication process, the message is subject to extraneous factors that can
distort or interfere with its reception. This unplanned distortion or interference is known as

The receiver’s set of reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message is known as a

Feedback is part of the receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender.


To illustrate the communication process, we use Shopee' sales promotion shown
through the following TVC:
The sender of this campaign is Shopee Vietnam, however since the company is not
the one who directly spoke the message, the source in this case is Park Han Seo, Tiến
Linh and Văn Thanh.
Shopee encoded its message by combining 4 forms: verbal, graphic, musical and
 Throughout TVC, the verbal form blends spoken and written words.
Highlighted keywords “Miễn phí vận chuyển 11 tháng 11”, “11 tỷ xu
voucher”, “Trúng căn hộ cùng Shopee Siêu Sale ngày 11 tháng 11”. These
keywords, as well as the time of the show "From 20.10 to 15.11," are
displayed on the same screen at the conclusion of the TVC for viewers to
easily grasp. This information is also synthesized using the Youtube
description. Song lyrics “Sale hết ở Shopee” appear twice as a feature.
 The 2 main images shown through TVC are coach Park Han Seo using the
phone (illustration of consumers who are hunting for sale) and the ball game
shown by Tien Linh, Van Thanh under Shopee's shirt.
 TVC is presented as a fiery match, fast-paced rhythm, with the voice actor's
voice emphasizing, playful. The music is energetic and upbeat, and it's
complemented with Shopee's own distinctive notification sound.

 The animation features Shopee's signature orange hue, and the basic typeface
is round, square, proportional, and easy to read, allowing viewers to readily
notice the image of the phone in use as well as the "super sale" message.
Coaches Park Hang Seo, Tien Linh, and Van Thanh's photos were turned into
cartoon depictions at the end of the TVC.
 Freeship 0Đ
 11 tỷ xu voucher
 Cơ hội trúng căn hộ
 Campaign run from October 20 to 11.11
Channel: TVC was uploaded on Shopee's official Youtube channel. Besides, it also
appeared in many other channels such as:
 Nonpersonal: Facebook, Instagram, Billboard, Standee,...
 Personal: Email, word-of-mouth,...
Decoding: Receivers decoded based on their field of experience, but ideally be able to
receive the entire key message.
Receiver: Every subject saw and heard the TVC. Mainly consumers tend to buy on e-
commerce sites and often use
social networks. Typically, they are young people from the last years of Gen Y and
Gen Z. Because the items offered are quite various in categories and sectors, the
campaign's target audiences are diversified in terms of age, income, and so on.
Noise: The reasons can be varied, such as line speed, receiver distraction,...
Response/Feedback: Receivers leave comments and questions about the program,
message the fanpage to ask about the program,... Number of vouchers used, clicks to
learn about the program,.


No one thinks about PUMA without
thinking of the Fast Rider, a legendary
shoe from the iconic brand. Fast Rider
was initially released in the 1980s,
when athletics was a prominent activity
and young people were getting into
running. Up to now, it has been 40
years, Fast Rider still maintains its form
to re-appear with a new version called
“Future Rider”. This new shoe retains
the basic design aspects of the first
generation of Fast Rider, but adds a  Convincing 600,000 new users
touch of freshness with the color  10% increase in sales for PUMA
scheme, material, and shock-absorbent  Increase PUMA's market share by
sole. 10% in Vietnam
 Increase customer preference for
The Future Rider is a casual-cool street products by 20%
style featuring a slimmer outsole, TPU  Create awareness and liking for
heel stabilizer, and lightweight PUMA in an aspirational way that
deconstructed upper with minimal makes PUMA a desire for every
padding and lining. Its styles join Generation Z and Millennials
PUMA’s growing FUTRO (future  PUMA Future Rider will be at the
meets retro) designs where styles from top of hot research and spread
the brand’s 70+ year archives are rumors by Gen Z and Millennials
stripped down, rebuilt, and take (word-of-mouth)
inspiration from new digital trends in  Create awareness of 90% of the
culture from now and into the future. target market over a six-month
The “PUMA Future Rider” IMC plan period
that takes place from January 2022 to  Reaching 80% of the target
June 2022 will combine Vietnamese customers know about the PUMA
cultural elements and FUTRO style Future Rider collection after the first
with a target audience of Gen Y and media campaign
Gen Z.  Reach 70% of the target audience at
least three times over the same six-
month period


Geographic Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City

Demographic Age: 16 - 30 years old

Incom: From 3 million or more.

Lifestyle  Have an urban-ish attitude.

 Always want to renew yourself, unleash creativity and
freedom to explore.
 Easily influenced by new trends and developments in
 Busy with college schedules, some have part-time jobs
outside, free and less dependent on families.
 Likes to wear retro, street, comfortable, trendy clothes.

Personalities Easy-going, Self-expression, Open-minded, Rebellious


Usage Frequency Medium to Heavy users

Occasion • When:
Every day from day to night.
• Where:
At home, at work, at the playground
• How:
Satisfy your need for self-expression
Benefits • Looking for a shoe that meets your walking needs
• Find friends with similar interests and lifestyle
• Likes to be noticed by others.
• Be able to express yourself, design your own shoes creatively.

Society Desire to live true to their nature, desire to experience many old

Reference Groups of Friends, KOLs/Influencers, Groups or Clubs on Social
Family Mainly The family of orientation.

Role Status May raise questions and contribute ideas but it is limited by
many factors around: family, school, and society


Self Concept How much their satisfaction about the cost and value of


Motivation • They do not want to miss the latest trend.

• They want beautiful, good quality, durable shoes.
• They want to show their style of dress to friends and colleagues.

Barriers • Expensive
• Lack of information
• Low quality
The taste of the drinks was quite similar, the layout of the product
was not attractive.
• Low attractiveness
The designs of some shoe models are the same

Belief • Some shoe models will meet quality, design, durability and be able
to express themselves

Attitude Positive attitude:

• Puma brand shoes spread
brand value.
• The shoe size fits the foot, but the experience must be different.
• Store has good service, feedback, fast online delivery
Positive attitude:
• Puma brand shoes spread
brand value.
• The shoe size fits the foot, but the experience must be different.
• Store has good service, feedback, fast online delivery


Geography Country Ho Chi Minh city

Demography Age 18-30 years old

Gender Male and Female

Main Vlogger, Youtuber, Tiktoker, KOLs

Income/ Pocket Over 15.000.000 VND

Psychographic Lifestyle • Love to experience new things, discover new

shoe models.
• Keep track of trendy things.
• Want to show and affirm their image to the
• Build a reputable, honest image with the
Personality • Dynamic
• Open-minded
Social class Middle class

Behavioural Benefit • Trends in choosing quality shoes and clothes at

a price that suits the target audience.
• Experience different shoe models.
• Willing to try new shoes with new creative
styles in front of the audience

The impact on the target • To make them understand clearly about the
market meaning of the campaign
• To make them express the brand image
• Describe the experience, shoes quality, and
shoes service honestly to viewers
• They often recommend places that sell shoes.
They introduce reputable models of shoes and


Geography Country Ho Chi Minh city

Demography Age 20-35 years old

Gender Male and Female

Main Reporter, Journalist

Income/ Over 5.000.000 VND
Psychographic Lifestyle • Always searching for the latest update in the
world, the hottest news, the latest trends.
• Love writing, doing reviews and feedback.
• Not having a certain opinion or self opinion in one
new trend.
• Easy to be affected by the opinion of the audience,
Personality • Dynamic
• Open-minded
• Curious
Social class Popular, Middle class

Behavioural Benefit • They tend to choose shoes that are quality and
• Wear different types of shoes.
• Always love trying new things and experiencing
• Ready to try on shoes with the latest trends in the

of the target • Gen Z and millenials often follow the process
market when buying an item and watch product review
• Media is one of the most reachable tools that the
Gen Z can see everywhere in their lives: their
phone, on the street...
• Media can bring both positive and negative
motion by the way they convey the messages.
• Provide information, attitudes…
• The Gen Z generation uses the media at least 2
hours a day.
• They are scared of missing news
=> the media always do update the latest news all
over the world.
• The opportunity is when users usually do most
social networks to create shoe related groups
targeting a wide audience for review purposes with
attractive and alluring shoe images.
• The challenge is that the media is a "double-edged
sword", and fake news articles, reviews and rumors
can turn a viable business into one that is
abandoned by customers.
=> Gen Z is rebellious, aggressive but also
sensitive, they are strongly influenced by the
influence of the media, easily fall in love with a
brand and easily abandon a brand and then switch
to another brand.

Insight: PUMA Future Rider
The sole of PUMA Future Rider uses
I enjoy the conveniences of contemporary rubber material with a nail structure from
living. People are drawn closer together as a Fast Rider named Federbein, in addition to
result of technological advancements. a balance structure at the heel made of
However, this is also why I am readily TPU. The upper is made of super-light
influenced by pictures of successful nylon material mixed with suede, and the
individuals, which puts me under pressure. I midsole is made of Riderfoam for
wish I could return to being a carefree child. flexibility and smoothness. As a result, the

Big Idea: Relive your childhood shoes will have a relatively small weight
and keep you comfy all day.
Help Gen Y and Gen Z who have just entered Color is one of the most appealing aspects
adult life relive with childhood games. of Future Rider shoes. The combination of
PUMA Future Rider combines folk games colors of the 80s and combined with
with fashion, 90s flair, and modern elements. cyberpunk inspirations from the future

Key Message: As if I were a child have made the shoes from PUMA look
different & more eye-catching.
The sneakers will be available in Puma
stores on January 10, 2020, with a retail price of VND 2,999,000.
Hồ Chí Minh
 Saigon Center: L3 - 28, 3rd Floor, Saigon Centre, 65 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1

 Van Hanh Mall: Cells 2 - 10, 2nd Floor, Van Hanh Mall, 11 Su Van Hanh, Ward 12, District
 SC VivoCity: Box 39, Floor 1, SC VivoCity Shopping Center, 1058 Nguyen Van Linh,
Tan Phong Ward, District 7
 PUMA Ton Dat Tien: 3F - 27, 101 Ton Dat Tien, Tan Phong Ward, District 7

 Vincom Center Dong Khoi: B01-9, Floor B1, Vincom Center Dong Khoi, 72 Le Thanh
Ton, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1
Hà Nội
 Royal City: Floor B1-R3-13, Royal City Shopping Center, 72A Nguyen Trai, Thuong Dinh
Ward, Thanh Xuan District
 Vincom Tran Duy Hung: L2-03, Vincom Tran Duy Hung, Tower A-B, Southeast Urban
Area, Tran Duy Hung, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District
PUMA Future Rider will also be sold online on Lazada, Shopee, Tiki and the distributor's

ADVERTISING's out-of-home advertising
options, which include billboards, LCDs,
frames, and outdoor LED screens.

Unique Media Group is Vietnam's first

integrated outdoor advertising unit, with a
thorough awareness of the industry, a
thorough understanding of all types of
advertising, and the ability to execute
outdoor advertising projects in 63

Many domestic and foreign units

collaborate with the unit (Japan, Korea,
USA, Thailand, Indonesia...). Hundreds of
outdoor advertising campaigns have been
completed for major brands such as Honda,
Panasonic, Koreno, Vinaphone,
Techcombank, and many more.

Posters and Standees will be placed at

PUMA stores during the campaign and

Sales Promotion
We plan to establish both online and
offline sales. In-store at PUMA
locations in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh
City. Online at Tiki, Lazada, and Shopee
e-commerce platforms.
In order to promote information for
sales efforts, social media, posters, and
standees will be utilized.

Social Media
Youtube: Upload TVC. Use Skippable In-
Stream Ads, Bumper Ads
Facebook: Post pictures and product
information. Support to convey the message for
the campaign.
Instagram: Similar to Facebook. Use stories to
interact with customers.
TikTok: Create a channel for PUMA Vietnam.
Upload TVC, cuts from short clips.
We will use Tinh Tế Ads' Facebook and
Youtube advertising services. With the
Facebook platform, we will use the VIP
Package to write articles and take care of the
Fanpage. Besides, flexibly run Facebook and
Youtube ads according to each campaign.

Public Relations/Publicity
Seeding in Facebook groups:


(533,300 members)
This is a gathering place for young people
from Gen Y and Gen Z who have an interest
in fashion, they often capture and follow
fashion trends. In addition, this group also
has an Instagram account
(18,800 followers). Interactions:
 45 posts/day
 1000 posts/month
THẦN KINH GIÀY (487.400 members)
This is the largest group of people with
passion for shoes and modern fashion in

Collaborating with KOLs, Influencers:
DeCao (Cao Minh Thang)
Decao is a prominent fashionista in the
Vietnamese fashion world, his image has also
been named many times in international
magazines. Decao's ability to mix and match
fashion has helped him establish his own
brand, which is always distinctive. Decao
became a role model for many young people,
which is why Cao Minh Thang was regarded
as a notable fashionista in Ha Thanh. Decao's
Instagram currently has 935 thousand
followers, each post hovers around 20,000

Fabo Nguyễn
Fabo Nguyen is regarded as one of
the most renowned rich kids in the
Vietnamese hypebeast community,
since he runs his own Youtube
channel named after himself, with the
main material focusing on sharing
life, unboxing branded items,
particularly paired rare, costly
sneakers. His YouTube channel now
has 797 thousand followers.

MV Sponsor
Lil Wuyn
Lil Wuyn, a talented rapper who is being sought
after by the media for the outstanding products he
has brought in recently. He is participating and is a
highly appreciated factor in the TV show Rap Viet,
one of the hottest shows at the moment. He also
owns a rather dusty street fashion style. Currently,
he is in the development stage, so the cost of
booking will be more profitable and in the long run,
the benefits he will bring will be great.
Wean & Naomi
Wean or Wean Le is a rapper who owns many cool,
magical, and addictive songs. Not only famous in
the underground world, the guy born in 1998 is also
mentioned by the media as a popular fashionista,
even once on the cover of China's ELLE magazine.
Huynh Roestel Naomi has mixed Vietnamese-German blood. Naomi is impressed by
the beautiful appearance of a "hybrid rose" with a rebellious and liberal style that is
extremely stylish. Naomi also has a very special voice, she used to be the main vocal
of an underground group called Danger From Deers.
Naomi and Wean are a famous couple, two fashionistas with fashion gout in the style
of 80s, 90s, 2000s.

PR Article
These are two sites specializing in
providing news about street
fashion, especially shoes. Rated as
the two largest communities for
sneakerheads in Vietnam.

Detailed action plan

Phase 1: Trigger Phase 2: Engage Phase 3: Amplify

Time 1/1 - 28/2 1/3 - 30/4 1/5 - 30/6

Budget 2.712.800.000 1.871.200.000 3.416.000.000

Tagline As if I were a As if I were a child: As if I were a child:

child Enjoy childhood games Dress like 90s kid

Objectives Convincing Convincing 200,000 Convincing 200,000

200,000 new users new users new users

Reach 80% of 5000 people Create awareness of

customers with the participated in the 90% of the target
short clip message. contest market

70% of target Reach 40% of the Reach 70% of the

customers' target audience at least target audience at least
awareness and three times over the three times over the
interest about the same six-month period same six-month period

Key TVC “As if I were Contest “Enjoy Challenge “Dress like

activity a child” childhood games” 90s kids”

Support Early Bird E-commerce 3.3 Flash MV Sponsor

activity Discount Sale PUMA’s Birthday Sale
MV Sponsor
Bamboo Jacks
with Future Rider

Channel OOH, Social OOH, Social Media, OOH, Social Media,

Media, PR Article KOLs/Influencers KOLs/Influencers

Phase 1: TVC “As if I were a child”
Key activity:
The 1.5-minute short clip will be published on 07/01/2022, to raise awareness for the
launch date.
Content: People are feeling overburdened by social expectations. They wish to revert
to their childhood selves. They get together and play traditional games, much like they
did before the internet, to recharge their batteries before returning to work better than
Message: Sometimes you simply need to take it easy and be a kid.
Production house: FREAKY MOTION
Founded in 2012, Freaky Motion is a hybrid studio specializing in 3D motion design
and VFX. Through technology, they deliver a spectacular visual experience and
explore more possibilities in every project.
They are also the production house who created the Biti’s Hunter footage. With
previous experience working with a shoe brand and a current design language, this
production house will be a suitable partner for us to build a modern masterpiece with
retro hues.
Support activities:
Early Bird Discount
 Discount 15% Future Rider
 First 100.000 customers purchasing
PUMA Future Rider at PUMA
 From 10 - 16/01
Bamboo Jacks with Future Rider (banh đũa)
 Customers who visit PUMA's store will
be able to play "bamboo jacks," a
childhood game. Customers who pass
each round will earn the equivalent
discount (1.5%/round, total 10 round).
 Each customer will only get one
 Discount applies to Future Rider shoes
only. Each customer can buy up to 2
pairs of shoes at a discounted price.
 From 14/02 - 27/02
MV Sponsor for Lil Wuyn. Sponsorship form:
 23 pairs of PUMA Future Rider shoes

 Cash VND 36.800.000

Phase 2: Contest “Enjoy childhood games”

Key activity:
The contest will run on Facebook from 04/04 - 17/04/2022. 50% of the results are
determined by popular voting, with the remaining 50% determined by judges Fabo
Nguyen and Decao.
 2 pairs of PUMA Future Rider shoes
 Appear on PUMA Future Rider poster with Decao and Fabo Nguyễn
 Dinner with Fabo Nguyễn
How to join:
 Step 1: Take pictures playing childhood games.
 Step 2: Write some words about the game.
 Step 3: Post public on personal Facebook with hashtag #puma #futurerider
#asifiwereachild #enjoychildhoodgames.
 Step 4: Invite your friends to vote for you.
Support activity:
E-commerce Flash Sale
 Discount 10% Future Rider
 On Tiki, Lazada, Shopee
 FlashSale 0H on 02/03, 9H on
03/03, 12H on 04/03

Phase 3: Challenge “Dress like 90s kids”
Key activity:
From 23 - 29/05/2022, PUMA will host a "Dress Like 90s Kids" contest on TikTok.
We will invite KOLs/Influencers to participate in the challenge in order to encourage
more participants to join. The challenge, which begins before International Children's
Day, provides an opportunity for people to reflect on their childhood. 100% of the
results will be based on the number of interactions with the video
 Cash VND 20.000.000
 2 pairs of PUMA Future Rider shoes
How to join:
 Step 1: Take a clip of your childhood style
 Step 2: Post public on TikTok with hashtag
#puma #futurerider #asifiwereachild
 Step 3: Invite friends to interact with the
Support activity:
MV Sponsor for Wean & Naomi. Sponsorship
 23 pairs of PUMA Future Rider shoes
 Cash VND 36.800.000
PUMA’s Birthday Sale:
 Discount 20% Future Rider
 At store; On website; On E-commerce Tiki,
Lazada, Shopee
 From 01 - 07/06

Timeline and Budget

January February March April May June
7 10 16 31 14 27 2 3 4 3 4 10 17 31 23 29 1 7
Tagline As if I were a child Enjoy childhood games Dress like 90s kids
OOH UNIQUE INTEGRATED OUTDOOR ADVERTISING's out-of-home advertising service
In-Stream Skippable In-
Upload Ads, Stream Ads,
Youtube TVC Bumper Ads Bumper Ads Skippable In-Stream Ads, Bumper Ads
about Content Content
Social Facebook Early Content about about
Media & Share Bird about Sales Contest “Enjoy Sale and
Instagram TVC Discount MV Promotion childhood games” Content about Challenge MV
Tinh Tế Ads' VIP Package
TikTok Channel Share TVC Content about Contest Challenge “Dress like 90s kids”
Early Jacks with E- PUMA's
Bird Future commerce Birthday
Sales Promotion Discount Rider Discount Sale
MV PR Article, MV
PR PR Article Sponsor KOLs/Influencers PR Article, KOLs/Influencers Sponsor


Internet Description Unit cost Unit KPI Total Cost

Facebook 15 seconds 90 View 300.000 27.000.000
advertising video TVC
Instagram 30 seconds 100 View 200.000 20.000.000
advertising video TVC
Youtube 90 seconds 150 View 500.000 75.000.000
advertising video TVC
Tik Tok 15 seconds 60 View 500.000 30.000.000
advertising video TVC
Total Cost 152.000.000


PR Description Unit cost Unit Quantity Total Cost

DeCao Appear on PUMA 30.000.000 Collab 1 30.000.000
Future Rider poster with
Fabo 1) Dinner with Fabo 20.000.000 1 85.000.000
Nguyễn Nguyễn 2)Appear
on PUMA Future 25.000.000 1
Rider poster
MV Sponsor 150.000.000 1 150.000.000

SNKRVN Post reviews, 8.000.000 Article 2 16.000.000

recommend products
of Puma

HNBMG Post reviews, 9.000.000 Article 3 27.000.000

recommend products
of Puma

Total 308.000.000

Community Description Unit cost Unit Quantity Total Cost
Activities (VND) (VND
Sponsorship MV Sponsor 1.600.000 Pairs 50 80.000.000
pairs of for Lil Wuyn
PUMA Future
Rider shoes
Bamboo Jacks (1.5%/round, 12.000 100.000
with Future total 10 Voucher
Rider round)
Max: 15%
PUMA will 20.000.000 Gift 20.000.000
host a "Dress
Like 90s Kids"
contest on

Total Cost 1.300.000.000

Support Positio Cit Duration Wee TVC Unit cost Total cost
Advertisi n y k Lengt
ng h
billboards, Buildin Ho Monday 12 10 20.000.000/w 240.000.0
LCDs, g, Chi Wednesd secon eek 00
frames, Shoppi Min ay ds
and ng h Thursday
outdoor center Sunday

Sale Description Unit Unit KPI Total Cost
Promotion cost (VND
Early Bird Discount 15% Future 12.000 Bill 100.000
Discount Rider

E-commerce Discount 10% Future 8.000 Bill 200.000 1.600.000.000

Flash Sale Rider On Tiki, Lazada,

PUMA’s Discount 20% Future 16.000 Bill 200.000

Birthday Rider
Sale At store
On website
On E-commerce

Total Cost

Total cost in 6 months: (VND)

For maketing campaigns on digital platforms and social networks including social
media, MV sponsor, PR article, collaboration with KOLs, Puma Future Rider will
cooperate with Nielsen Scarborough to use Digital Ad Ratings and Digital Content
Ratings measurement services, besides also using Google Analytics.

For the PR campain, Puma Future Rider will measure based on the following metrics:
brand mentions, sentiment, engagement, social reach, the percentage of positive and
negative articles and comments on the post.

For the Sale Promotion campaign, Puma Future Rider will be measured based on Social
Media Reach, Website Traffic, average sales per day during the sale period.

For advertising and offline activities, Puma Future Rider will conduct a quick survey
and mini interview. The questions will be related to brands, products and organized
campaigns. The purpose is to check if customers remember the product, customers
remember the campaign and the campaign is really attractive or not, the campaign
encourage them to buy?

After summarizing the communication campaign, Puma Future Rider will calculate the
ROI index, the percentage of the go-to-market campaign, the percentage of market
share in the market, and the percentage of target customers who remember the brand.

To control this plan, Puma Future Rider will use the plan control type through 5 main
tools: sales analysis, market share analysis, Marketing Expense to Sales Analysis,
Financial Analysis, Customer Attitude Tracking. Then it will compare with the goal
set out at the beginning, see how many percent of the goal has been achieved. Then
analyze and review the unmet goals. In addition, we also propose a backup plan if the
covid-19 epidemic situation becomes complicated again for the best optimal control.


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