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According to Koontz and O’Donnell,

“Communication is an intercourse by
words, letters, symbols or messages;
and is a way that one organization
member shares meaning and understanding
with another.”

 Community is Schemata-driven
In the words of Newmann and Summer,
It begins with yourself, you begin
“Communication is an exchange of
with what you have already stocked
facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by
in your brain or with what you
two or more persons.”
have already known or understood
As per Allen Louis A., “Communication
about the subject matter of the
is a sum of all the things one person
communicative act.
does when he wants to create
understanding in the minds of another.
Transmitted messages become
It involves a systematic and continuous
understandable and meaningful because of
process of telling, listening, and
your innate or old knowledge about the
messages. Communication is an
interpretative act.The only person who
knows the exact or full meaning of the
message transmitted is the sender or
The nature of communication is defined
as the process used to send and receive
Being the creator or source of the
messages, ideas, or information for a
ideas, he has the absolute knowledge
business, organizational or personal
about his message.
reason. Effective communication refers
to the continuous process of telling,
listening, and understanding.

Symbols, signs, or marks like letters,

FOUR NATURE OF COMMUNICATION words, sentences, graphs, pictures and
Verbal- other concrete objects represent or
Nonverbal stand for ideas that you intend to
Written convey verbally
Non-verbal Communication:

Community is a Schemata-driven ~ Bodily actions (e.g. gestures and

Communication makes you send to or facial expresstions)
receive messages from somebody by
~ Voice quality
activating your schemata, experiences
or background knowledge that you have
~ Space and time elements
stored in your brain since your early
developmental stages.
Communication always results in
The first expresses or sends a message
while the second responds or reacts to
the message. It is very much impossible
for any
person communicating a message not to
get any response or reaction at all from
his listeners. Examples: Facial expressions,
waving, head nod and making eye contact
 Written Communication
WHAT IS COMMUNICATION PROCESS -refers to the process of conveying a
Transmission of a message from a message through the written symbols. It
sender to a receiver in an is any message exchanged between two or
understandable manner. more persons that make use of written
SENDER words.
- The sender or the communicator
is the person who initiates the Examples: Emails, text messages,
conversation and brochures
- Encoding is putting thought or  Formal and Informal
informaion into words, signs or -formal communication refers to
symbols.This allow the message the flow of official information
to be conveyed to the receiver. through proper, predefined
MESSAGE channels and routes. Informal
Is the information being communication moves freely within
transmitted from the sender to organization and is not bound by
the receiver. pre-defined channels and
COMMUNICATION CHANNEL communication routes.
The sender chooses the medium
through which he wants to convey Examples: (Formal) Memos,
his message to the recipient. meetings, and conferences
(Informal) Gossip, cluster
RECEIVER and probability chain
The receiver is the person for  Visual Communication
whom the message is intended or -it is the use of symbols and
targeted visuals to convey information,
messages, and ideas to the target
DECODING audiences.
Is when the sender interprets
the message and gives it meaning Examples: Infographics, flow
from his/her perspective. charts and roadmaps

Is the response given to the Function of Communication
sender from the receiver. - is a two way process where
organizations’ members interact, react,
Types of Communication and establish relationships among
themselves. Moreover, it allows groups,
 Verbal Communication and organizations relate to their
- Is the use of language, sound, surroundings, and to one another.
and words to convey a message. It is
presumed that all thoughts can be The Different Functions of
communicated to others using sound. Communications are:
Examples: Public speaking,  Regulation/Control
interviews, and debates -This function includes requiring
listeners to follow authority.
 Non-verbal Communication This is done when set of rules
- is the use of body language which have to be observed to create
convey information about their order and harmony in an
emotions, attitudes and thoughts organization or society.
without the use of verbal language.
commercial failure of an organization.
-This refers to facts, figures, and
data arranged as per different purpose NEGATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE
of information. Communication
provides the information individuals The main aspect of organizational
and groups need to make decisions by climate that acts as communication
transmitting the data needed to barrier is the negative attitude of top
identify and evaluate choices. Thus, management. Negative attitude of top
communication helps to facilitate management discourages communication
decision making. initiative of the employees
 Persuasion/Motivation Well-designed communication policy
-Appealing to the emotion means encourages communication in the
an effort to touch the heart organization. In the absence of such
thereby change or influence the policies, employees fail or hesitate to
attitudes and behavior of others. communicate.
It fosters motivation by EXCESSIVE AUTHORITY LAYERS
clarifying to employees what they Excessive authority layers acts as a
must do, how well they are doing severe impediment to successful
it, and how they can improve if communication. In the case of excessive
performance is subpar. authority, layers, information reaches
 Emotional expression to its final destination passing through
-This function provides an avenue several hierarchical levels. As a
for one to fulfill his social needs of result, information may be distorted or
expressing his/her feelings with lost. Excessive authority layers also
another person. It is the nature of cause delay in communication.
humans to express themselves FILTERING
emotionally to other people as this Filtering implies willful distortion of
will help release the tensions they are information. This problem usually arises
experiencing. in upward communication. In upward
 Social Interaction communication, employees tend to pass
-Includes sharing of ideas, only those messages that create positive
insights, or opinions between two impression about them.
or among group of people is a PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIER
natural occurrence in a society. A psychological barrier is a person’s
state of mind that can limit their
COMMUNICATION BARRIERS ability to make the right decisions.
Communication Barrier implies any form Psychological barriers also affect the
of HINDRANCE in the flow of human capacity to communicate with
communication, when one party is not others with a logical state of mind.
able to understand or get the message Psychological barriers are also known as
conveyed by another partyaccurately, emotional barriers.
clearly &intendedly.
BARRIER TO COMMUNICATION What is a physical barrier to
ORGANIZATIONAL BARRIERS A Physical Barrier to Communication can
be defined as an element or a physical
Communication barriers that generate factor that acts as a distraction to
from within the organization are known hinder the flow of communication. A
as organizational barriers. This type Physical Barrier can be natural or
of Barriers refers to the hindrances in Human-Made.
the flow of information among the 5 examples of Factors That Can Create a
employees that might result in a Physical Barrier
Language Registers
- A poorly designed workplace can • In linguistics, the register is
create a physical barrier. defined as the way a speaker uses
DISTANCE language differently in different
Geographical distance is a major cause circumstances.
of physical barriers. It prevents • It is the level of formality in
personal communication, which is language as determined by
substuted by phome calls, video context.•Register is a subset of a
conferences, message or emails. language used for a particular purpose
or social setting.
TIME The term register was first used by
Limited time or different time zones linguist (language expert)Thomas Reid in
can both create a physical barrier 1956 to describe the different forms of
between two people. The sender must speech and writing.
construct a concise message for the
receiver if time is limited.
Registers (David Crystal, 2008) as “a
Environmental conditions can affect the
variety of language defined according to
flow of information. Thunder can create
its use in social situations” (e.g., a
noise that interferes with hearing.
register of scientific, religious,
Lightning and heavy rain can cause
formal English)(Crystal, 1964) Registers
faults in mainframes and disturbances
refer to a kind of language whose forms
in signals.
are of a definable social situation,
regardless of the status of the
A major cause for physical barriers is
participants - thus one finds the
disturbance in mediums or technical
register of legal language, liturgical
issues. Technology is a great tool to
language and etc
break time and distance barriers to
Language Register then refers to the
establish communication but technical
FORMALITY of language which one
disturbances can happen at anytime.
speaks.Different registers are used in
How To Overcome a Physical Barrier?
different situations.
Mechanical communication barriers are
technical sources of interference in
the communication process. These
barriers stem from a problem in
machinery or instruments used to Frozen register means that the type of
transmit the message. language used has not changedover time,
PERCEPTUAL BARRIER and will remain the same in the
Perceptual barriers are internal. If future.The words stay the same every
you go into a situation thinking that time they are spoken or written. It is
the person you are talking to isn't likethey have been frozen in time!This
going to understand or be interested in type of language is often learned and
what you have to say, you may end up repeated by rote.These are specific
subconsciously sabotaging your effort written or oral acts that never change,
to make your point. hence the name"frozen" or "static."
examples of perceptual barriers that
prevent individuals from effective
communication include:
2. TRIGGER AND CUES Formal Register describes speech that is
elevated, precise and professional,
official or legal settings where
communication is expected to be -Use a certain terms of endearment,
respectful, uninterrupted, and slangs or expressions understood by a
restrained.Also known as Academic certain group of people.
Register which includes academic
language from speeches, proclamations -Non-public - often a private vocabulary
and formal announcements. Avoids slang IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE REGISTER
and speaks in complete sentences. It is important to understand the
differences between registers so you can
Consultative Register use language that is appropriate for a
Consultative Register is similar to particular situation. If your register
formal register but used more in is too high,you may come across as being
conversation. This language is precise snobby, pretentious or arrogant. If your
and often technical.People use this register is too low, you can come across
register often in conversation when as being inappropriately informal or
they're speaking with someone who has too friendly.
specialized knowledge or who is
offering advice. Multimodal Communication
Tone is often respectful (use of method of communicating that uses 
courtesy titles) but may be more casual a number of different media and di
if the relationship is longstanding or fferent types of augmentative and a
friendly.Slang is sometimes used, lternative communication (AAC)
people may pause or interrupt one Methods of Multimodal Communication
another verbal to written language

INFORMAL/casual Register  body language

Casual Register(sometimes also called  sign language
informal register)describes speech that the use of speech-generating devices
is informal or imprecise.It is the
register people use when they're with Modes of Multimodal Communication
friends, close acquaintances and
coworkers, and family.Use of slang, Linguistic Mode- written or spoken words
contractions, and vernacular grammar is
all common, and people may also use Visual Mode- images and characters that
expletives or off-color language in people see
some settings.
Aural Mode- focused on sound
Intimate Register
Spatial Mode- is about the physical
arrangement, organization and proximity
Intimate Register is a type of language
of the text
used between or amongpersons who share
a close bond or relationship.
Gesture Mode-  refers to the way
movement is interpreted
-Has emotional relevance or connection.

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