Practice and Homework N 12 (T

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Write your answer in red

(Escriba su respuesta con rojo)
(Future tense)
EXERCISE I.- Choose the correct verb forms.
Rick: What do you and Luci do Tomorrow evening? (do you and Luci do/ are you and Luci doing)
Tom: Lucy goes to a concert. (is going/goes)
Rick: Are you go with her? (Do you go/ Are you going)
Tom: No, I can´t. I work tomorrow evening. (work/ ´m working)
Rick: What time does the concert start? (does the concert start/ the concert is starting)
Tom: Eight o´clock. I ´m meeting her after it´s over. (meet/ ´m meeting)

EXERCISE II.- Listen to Liza´s plans. Put the phrases in the correct columns.
Eat a big lunch eat chocolate eat breakfast join a sports club eat potato chips
Walk to school lose some weight eat a healthy dinner eat fruit

Liza´s going to … Liza´s not going to …

eat breakfast eat chocolate
join a sports club Eat a big lunch
Walk to school eat potato chips
lose some weight
eat a healthy dinner
eat fruit

EXERCISE III.- Listen to the statements. Click the sentence that follows each one. Write the text.

He´ll pay for dinner. I´ll be 21! She won´t be there.

You´ll feel better soon. He won´t lend it to you. I don´t think it will be
Write the text
I'm not worried about the math test on Monday, I don't think it will be difficult. Andy has a lot of
money right now he'll pay for dinner, don't look for lisa at the concert tonight she won't be there.
You'll paint better soon, you're really not very sick. When is my birthday, next month? I'll be 21!
You don't have to borrow, he doesn't lend you, just a car this weekend

EXERCISE IV.- Click the correct sentence in each pair.

1. We need to start planning the class party.
a. shall I call you tonight? b. Will I call you tonight?
2. Wait a minute!
a. I´m going to help you with that. b. I´ll help you with that.
3. I can´t go shopping with you on Saturday.
a. I´m working. b. I´ll work.
4. I need better job skills.
a. I´m going back to school next month b. I´ll go back to school next month.
5. It´s getting dark in here.
a. Should we turn on the light? b. Will we turn on the light?
6. I think someone is at the door.
a. I´m going to go and see who it is. b. I´ll go and see who it is.

EXERCISE V. Complete las siguientes oraciones con una forma de (will) y el verbo

1. (be) A: Next year Mary 1) will be eighteen.

B: That´s amazing! Is Violet eighteen. Too?
A: Oh, no. She 2) will be Eighteen for two more years.
B: And what about the twins? 3) be they will Twenty next year?
A: No. they 4) will be They were twenty last week.
2. (rain)
A: The weather forecast says it 5) will rain tomorrow, so take a raincoat!
B: That´s ridiculous! I´m sure it 6) will rain tomorrow.
A: Well. 7) rain it will this weekend? You´re the expert!
B: Yes. It 8) will! But it 9) rain tomorrow. Believe me!.

EXERCISE VI. Complete las oraciones con una forma de (ir a going to) y el verbo
Do have fly rain buy visit visit be get drive tell

a) We 1) going to have Chili with meat for dinner.

b) JOE: What 2) going to tell you going to get tomorrow?
KAY: I 3) going to visit My grandmother in San Francisco.
JOE: San Francisco! 4) going to get You going to drive There?
KAY: No. we 5) going to fly There´s a flight at 7:25.

c) DAN: Look at those clouds! It 6) going to rain

SUE: Yes, and those people out there 7) going to be wet!
d) John 8) going to buy a new house near the part. But he 9) going to visit his wife.
It 10) going to do a surprise.
EXERCISE VII. Escoja (will o going to) para estas oraciones.
1. The forecast says it going to Be fine today.
2. I going to See a show at 7:30. Do you want to come?
3. In 2010 they will celebrate their 50th anniversary.
4. Look at that man! He going to fall off his bicycle.
5. A: Coffee? B: Er. No. I think I will have tea.


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