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Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380

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Rapid repair of severely damaged reinforced concrete columns under

combined axial compression and flexure: An experimental study
M. Chellapandian, S. Suriya Prakash ⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Effectiveness of different repair schemes under combined compression and flexure is studied.
 Repair effectiveness of quickset cement mortar, NSM and hybrid FRP technique is studied.
 All the repaired columns are tested under concentric and eccentric compression (e/d = 0.63).
 The effectiveness of repair is estimated through stiffness, strength and displacement indices.
 Hybrid FRP technique fully restored the strength and ductility of columns.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Reinforced concrete (RC) columns are in general subjected to combination of axial compression and
Received 17 January 2018 bending loads. A rapid repair technique for effectively restoring the original strength and stiffness of
Received in revised form 26 March 2018 severely damaged RC columns under combined bending and compression loads is investigated. In total,
Accepted 4 April 2018
six RC columns are tested under uniaxial eccentric compression at an eccentricity (e) to depth ratio (d) of
0.63. The columns are initially subjected to severe damage corresponding to a concrete compressive
strain (ec) of 0.0035. Damaged columns had buckling of longitudinal reinforcement and concrete crush-
ing. After severe damage, the columns are repaired with three different techniques using (i) quick set
Concentric compression damaged column
cement grout mortar (QS), (ii) near surface mounting (NSM) of CFRP laminates and (iii) hybrid FRP
Eccentric compression strengthening using a combination of NSM and external bonding (EB) of CFRP fabric. The specimens
Hybrid FRP technique are tested under high ratio of eccentric compression (e/d = 0.63) in a displacement controlled mode.
Rapid repair The performance of different repair techniques under eccentric compression is compared with the similar
RC column specimens tested under concentric compression. Test results revealed that hybrid FRP strengthening is
very efficient in fully restoring the original strength and failure displacement under combined compres-
sion and bending loads. Only NSM strengthening is found to be very efficient under eccentric compres-
sion than in concentric compression.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction extreme loading conditions [7–9]. Moreover, the immediate occu-

pancy after earthquakes is necessary for certain important build-
Damage of reinforced concrete (RC) columns under earthquakes ings. Thus, it is necessary to restore the original capacity of
and in accidents due to fire and blast loading can lead to catas- columns in a quick time before adopting global repair solutions.
trophic failure of the entire RC structure [1–4]. Columns are the The repair technique adopted can be deemed to be successful only
main load bearing elements in the structural system and cannot if the columns can be brought to service in a short time after severe
undergo severe damages in order for the buildings to remain func- damage. Conventional strengthening strategies such as steel jack-
tional [5,6]. The current design code allows limited damages in RC eting and concrete enlargement has been used in the past by many
columns such as cracking and local concrete spalling under researchers [10–13]. However, their high dead weight and
increased cost of labour have made FRP strengthening as effective
repair solution [14,15]. Various FRP strengthening techniques such
as external bonding (EB) [16–22], near surface mounting (NSM)
⇑ Corresponding author.
[23–31] have been used to improve the behavior of RC elements
E-mail addresses: (M. Chellapandian), suriyap@iith. (S.S. Prakash).
under different loading conditions. However, only limited studies
0950-0618/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380 369

are available in the literature on evaluation of repair effectiveness improved the hysteretic behavior of columns and completely
of RC columns using different FRP techniques under different com- restored the original strength and ductility. Repair efficiency of
binations of bending and compression loading. CFRP wrapping technique for RC columns under torsion, combined
The effectiveness of FRP confined columns for restoring the torsion and bending loads have been recently investigated by some
original capacity of RC columns under concentric compression researchers [42–45]. They concluded that the damaged columns
has been investigated by some researchers [32–39]. They con- repaired using CFRP wrapping technique performed better than
cluded that the FRP confinement helps in complete restoration of the original specimens. Seismic repair of RC bridge columns using
the original capacity without much reduction in ductility under CFRP shells and epoxy anchored headed steel bars is carried out
different levels of compression. Elkin et al. [40] investigated the recently [46]. The performance of column elements under com-
seismic repair efficiency of FRP confined columns with moderate bined axial and bending loads has also been extensively studied
and severe damage. They found that the repair using CFRP confine- [47,48]. From the research work carried out in the past, it is clear
ment restored the strength and displacement capacity of moder- that the repair efficiency of severely damaged columns using FRP
ately damaged columns whereas the displacement capacity of under combined axial and bending loads has not been adequately
severely damaged columns is not restored. Saadatmanesh et al. investigated. The present study focusses on filling the knowledge
[41] studied the flexural repair efficiency of columns using CFRP gap on the effectiveness of different repair strategies for severely
wrapping. They found that the repair with CFRP wrapping damaged RC columns under combined compression and bending.

Fig. 1. Schematic details of RC column elements.

Table 1
Details of test matrix.

Specimen ID Dimensions (mm) Repair Technique Used

b d h
RCC-0 230 230 450 –
RCC-R-QS-0 Quick Set High Strength Grout
RCC-R-NSM-0 NSM CFRP Laminates
RCC-R-HYB-0 CFRP Laminates + CFRP Fabric
RCC-145 230 230 600 –
RCC-R-QS-145 Quick Set High Strength Grout
RCC-R-NSM-145 NSM CFRP Laminates
RCC-R-HYB-145 CFRP Laminates + CFRP Fabric
Note: The values 0 mm and 145 mm are used to represent the level of eccentricity in the test specimen. The details of test specimen under concentric compression are used
only for comparison purposes [32].
370 M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380

Fig. 2. Test setup and instrumentation details under eccentric loading. 1. Test Specimen 2. LVDT for Measuring Strain Gradient Effect 3. LVDT for Axial Displacement 4. LVDT
for Lateral Displacement 5. DAQ 6. DAQ Operating System. 7. CTM Operating System.

2. Research motivation

NSM strengthening performs well under flexure dominant load-

ing. Its performance can be improved further when their debond-
ing mode of failure is prevented by lateral confinement. The past
studies on hybrid FRP strengthening using a combination of NSM
CFRP laminates and EB CFRP fabric is shown to improve perfor-
mance of undamaged columns under compression and bending
loads [49–52]. The objective of the research work is to study the
effectiveness of different repair techniques. The columns are tested
under eccentric compression loading (e/d = 0.63). The performance
of these specimens are compared with the columns tested under
concentric compression to illustrate the effects of additional bend-
ing due to eccentric compression.

3. Experimental program

3.1. Details of test specimen Fig. 3. Load–displacement behavior comparison of RC columns.

The specimens are tested under uniaxial eccentric compression loading (e/d = in this study are of Fe500 grade. The mechanical properties such as yield strength,
0.63). The chosen e/d ratio is expected to result in a balanced failure condition in ultimate stress and failure strain are found to be 512 MPa, 620 MPa and 7.8%,
the axial compression and bending interaction diagram. The test specimens are respectively.
square in cross section of 230 mm dimension. The test zone at the centre is of
600 mm height (Fig. 1). Eight bars of 12 mm diameter are provided as the longitu-
dinal reinforcement. The ratio of longitudinal reinforcement ratio is 1.73%. Trans- 3.2.2. FRP properties
verse reinforcement of 10 mm diameter with volumetric reinforcement ratio of CFRP laminates of size 12.5 mm  4.2 mm is used for NSM repair technique. The
0.89% is provided at a spacing of 100 mm c/c. Both the longitudinal and transverse mechanical properties of laminates are found by testing the coupon specimens
reinforcement ratio considered in the investigation is typically used in mid-rise under uniaxial tension and compression [54,55]. The tensile strength and elastic
building columns. Some additional reinforcements are provided in the top and bot- modulus of CFRP are found to be 2300 MPa and 150 GPa, respectively. Uni-
tom to avoid cracking and premature failure of specimens. The details of the test directional CFRP fabric of 230 g per square meter (GSM) and 0.2 mm thickness is
matrix are provided in Table 1. used for EB strengthening. From the coupon test results, the tensile strength and
failure strain of CFRP fabric are found to be 1400 MPa and 1.3%, respectively. The
detailed description of the tensile testing of CFRP materials under tension and com-
pression loading is documented elsewhere [32,49].
3.2. Material properties

3.2.1. Concrete and steel reinforcement 4. Test setup and instrumentation details
All the test specimens are designed for M40 design mix as per IS10262-2008
[53] to have a target cubic compressive strength of 48.25 MPa. The proportion of
The test setup and complete instrumentation details for RC ele-
concrete mix used is as follows: cement – 360 kg/m3; fine aggregate (sand) –
752 kg/m3; coarse aggregate – 1196 kg/m3 and super plasticizer (admixture) – ments under high eccentric compression is shown in Fig. 2. The
3.6 kg/m3, water – 144 kg/m3. Auxiliary specimens such as cubes and cylinders columns are tested using a servo controlled compression testing
are also cast to determine the compressive strength and stress-strain properties machine (CTM) of 3000 kN capacity. Complete details of columns
of concrete after 28 days of water curing. Material characterization of concrete tested under concentric compression is documented in the previ-
and steel specimens are performed and minimum of five samples are used to char-
acterize the properties of these different materials used in this study. The average
ous work of authors [32]. The columns under eccentric compres-
cubic and cylinder compressive strength of concrete are found to be 55 MPa and sion are tested under displacement control mode at a loading
42 MPa, respectively. The longitudinal and transverse steel reinforcements used rate of 0.03 mm/s. The bottom support is movable (free to deform
M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380 371

Fig. 4. Failure mode observation for original RC columns.

vertically) and the top support is fixed (only vertical displacements the reinforcements in damaged condition. It will be interesting to
are arrested). Two linear variable displacement transducers consider the repair or treatment for these bars. It is scope for fur-
(LVDTs) of 20 mm stroke are used for measuring the axial displace- ther work. All the damaged specimens are initially repaired using
ments and strains. In addition, two LVDTs of 20 mm stroke are quick set cement grout mortar. Thereafter, two damaged columns
used on the tension and compression face of the specimens to mea- are repaired with NSM technique (RCC-R-NSM) and the remaining
sure the strain gradient and is subsequently used to calculate cur- two with hybrid FRP technique (RCC-R-HYB). In the past, numer-
vature. Two LVDTs of 50 mm stroke are used at the mid-span to ous work has focused on the behavior of FRP confined columns
measure the lateral (transverse) displacement. Strain gauges of and therefore repair with only FRP confinement is not carried out
120 X resistance installed on the longitudinal reinforcements are in this study. Moreover, FRP confinement is expected to show only
used for observing the strain variation in the reinforcement with marginal strength improvement under combined compression and
the increase in load. All the strain and displacement data obtained bending loads [18–20].
during the testing of columns are recorded using a HBM data
acquisition system (DAQ).
6.1. Repair of damaged columns using high strength cement grout

5. Tests to induce severe damage on columns Step by step repair procedure for QS technique is depicted in
Fig. 5. After initial damage, the specimens are straightened by
The columns without any strengthening are loaded under applying transverse load. Thereafter, severely damaged locations
uniaxial eccentric compression with an eccentricity of 145 mm with excessive cracking and concrete cover spalling are chipped
(e/d = 0.63). Out of six specimens, one specimen is tested until fail- off to obtain a strong substrate. Crack injection is not performed
ure (complete collapse) and the remaining five specimens are loaded since the cracked concrete is completely removed in the tension
until drop in peak load of up to 20% or minimum concrete compres- face. The bond between the old and new concrete is ensured by
sive strain of 0.0035. All the specimens reached concrete compres- the application of bonding agent (araldite). To measure the contri-
sive strain of 0.0035. All the columns are severely damaged at the bution of longitudinal reinforcement in load resistance, additional
end of testing. Longitudinal bars just yielded on the compression strain gauges are installed in the reinforcement (Fig. 5(ii)). There-
side. Buckling of longitudinal bars is also observed. The columns after, the cement mortar of high strength and good bonding capac-
had severe spalling and concrete crushing in the compression face. ity is prepared and poured [56]. The repaired specimens are water
The average load–axial displacement behavior of RC elements under cured for a minimum period of three days to achieve sufficient
high eccentric compression is compared with the similar specimens strength. The compressive strength of the grout material on the
tested under concentric compression (e/d = 0) in Fig. 3. Due to eccen- three, seven and twenty-eight days are 34 MPa, 45 MPa and 60
tricity level of 145 mm, peak strength of the column is only about MPa, respectively. In the companion study of authors, bond
33.4% of similar specimen under concentric compression (RCC-0). strength of high strength grout is investigated by embedding CFRP
The failure mode of original RC columns (RCC-145) under high laminates in the test material. The bond strength of high strength
eccentric compression is shown in Fig. 4. mortar is found to be 4.5 MPa [56].

6. Repair strategy for damaged RC columns 6.2. Repair using near surface mounting of CFRP laminates

The column specimens that are severely damaged under eccen- Out of five specimens repaired using cement mortar, NSM
tric compression loading are repaired employing three techniques. repair procedure is carried out for two column specimens as per
No reinforcements were treated/repaired after damage in order to ACI 440 provisions [14]. The dimensions of the grooves [20 mm
showcase the effectiveness of repair techniques for columns with deep  8 mm wide] are kept at least 1.5 times the dimensions of
372 M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380

Fig. 5. Repair procedure for columns using high strength cement mortar.

the NSM laminates. The choice of providing NSM is made based on inates in the compression face can buckle due to no restraints
the previous study from the authors [49]. The idea behind the available to support. This can be prevented in the hybrid repair
selection of particular NSM reinforcement ratio is to provide equal technique enabling the columns to undergo large strain before fail-
distribution of about 1% cross sectional area of laminates as addi- ure. Hybrid FRP strengthening is carried out as per ACI 440.2R pro-
tional longitudinal reinforcement. To avoid edge failure in NSM visions [14]. The repaired columns are initially strengthened using
strengthened columns, a minimum edge distance is provided in NSM technique after which they are confined using EB CFRP fabric.
the columns as per ACI 440.2R provisions [14]. The grooves are Two layers of CFRP wrapping are provided for better confinement.
cut, cleaned thoroughly and primer is applied for better bonding. This is selected based on the previous studies in which the authors
Thereafter, the grooves are half filled with epoxy resin and the performed a detailed parametric analysis [51]. It is found that FRP
NSM laminates are pressed against the epoxy. Once the CFRP lam- confinement of concrete with more than three layers of wraps are
inates are set in position, the grooves are completely filled with the found to be less effective for improvement in the load carrying
epoxy and the surface is finished (Fig. 6). The minimum curing per- capacity under concentric and eccentric compression. Moreover,
iod for epoxy to gain sufficient bond strength is about 48 h [49,57]. the strength improvement depends on a saturation point more
than which the increase in area of the material will not provide
6.3. Repair using hybrid CFRP technique any improvement in the strength [18–20]. The corners of the
NSM repaired specimens are ground to a minimum radius of 15
In this technique, the NSM CFRP laminates are confined using mm [14]. The column surface is cleaned thoroughly and applied
externally bonded (EB) CFRP fabric. The reason for providing this with primer. After 24 h of minimum curing time, two component
lateral confinement is to prevent NSM CFRP laminates from buck- based epoxy resin is applied (Base:Hardener = 2.8:1). The CFRP
ling or debonding under concentric or eccentric compression load- wrapping is carried out segment by segment with the minimum
ing. In eccentric compression, due to significant contribution of overlap length as per ACI 440.2R [14]. The specimens are
NSM laminates in the tension face, there is high chance of lami- tested after 48 h of minimum curing time. The hybrid FRP repair
nates to de-bond from the groove at peak load. Moreover, the lam- procedure is shown in Fig. 7. The schematics of hybrid FRP
M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380 373

(i) Grooving (ii) Primer Application (iii) Epoxy Application (iv) Repaired Specimen
Fig. 6. Repair procedure for columns using NSM technique.

Fig. 7. Repair procedure for columns using hybrid FRP technique.

strengthening for showing the position of laminates and wraps is in terms of three indices namely stiffness index (KI), strength index
shown in Fig. 8. (SI) and displacement index (DI) [58–62]. The relative effectiveness
of NSM and hybrid FRP techniques evaluated using percentage
7. Results and discussion increments in strength, stiffness and displacement indices are
summarized in Table 2.
Test results of columns repaired after severe damage under con- Stiffness index (KI) is defined as the ratio of stiffness of repaired
centric compression loading is used for comparison purposes to specimen first 30% peak load to the stiffness of original specimen at
illustrate the effectiveness of different repair techniques under 30% peak load as shown in Eq. (1).
combinations of compression and bending loads. The axial dis- Kr
placement measured from the specimens are used for comparing KI ¼ ð1Þ
the load–displacement behavior of columns under concentric and
eccentric loading conditions. The schematic representation of orig- Strength index (SI) is the ratio of peak strength of repaired spec-
inal and repaired columns with different indices are shown in imen to the peak strength of original undamaged specimen as
Fig. 9. The effectiveness of different repair techniques is evaluated shown in Eq. (2).
374 M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380

Fig. 8. Schematics of FRP strengthened columns. (**Note: Three CFRP laminates are provided in the compression face of the column as well similar to the tension face which is
not clear from this schematic view.)

concentric compression. However, the initial stiffness of similar

specimens under high eccentric compression loading (RCC-145) is
completely restored. The stiffness of damaged column is fully
restored as the original damage is localized due to strain gradient
effect under eccentric compression. However, complete section
undergoes damage under concentric compression loading. The
axial displacement of repaired specimen (RCC-145) reduces drasti-
cally to 59% of the undamaged columns under eccentric loading. For
similar specimens tested under concentric compression, the failure
displacement reduces only by 10% when compared to the original
column (RCC-0). The columns had reduced failure displacement
under eccentric compression specimens as it had localized failure
in the presence of additional bending moment.

7.2. Columns repaired using near surface mounting technique (RCC-R-


The load–axial displacement behavior of columns repaired with

NSM CFRP laminates under concentric and eccentric compression
Fig. 9. Representation of original and damaged columns for different indices.
loading is compared with the original columns without any dam-
Pr age (Fig. 11). The stiffness of NSM repaired columns under concen-
SI ¼ ð2Þ tric loading is restored only by 43% whereas the columns, under
eccentric loading had more than 100% restoration of stiffness
Displacement index (DI) is the ratio of displacement of repaired (Kr). This could be due to pre-existing cracks in the specimen
specimen after 20% decay in peak load to displacement of original which helped the NSM laminates to effectively contribute to the
specimen after 20% decay in peak load as shown in Eq. (3). bending resistance right from the inception of applied loads. In
Dr terms of peak load, NSM repair is able to completely restore the
DI ¼ ð3Þ strength under eccentric compression (102%). The peak strength
of two individual NSM repaired specimens are 824 kN and 717
kN respectively. The difference in peak load is due to difference
7.1. Columns repaired using high strength cement mortar (RCC-R-QS) in the level of damages during initial damage mechanism. How-
ever, for the concentric compression specimens, the peak strength
The load displacement behavior of columns repaired using high is restored only to 83% when compared to the original columns
strength cement grout under concentric and eccentric compression (RCC-0). This shows the NSM is more effective under bending dom-
loading is compared in Fig. 10. In Table 2, the indices of RCC-0 and inant loads compared to concentric compression. Ductility is an
RCC-145 are kept as 1.00 to understand the increase/decrease in the important parameter in evaluating the effectiveness of any
effectiveness of repair specimen with respect to the original column strengthening technique. For NSM repaired columns under concen-
behavior. Due to initial damage, the peak strength of the repaired tric compression, the axial displacement is fully restored (100%).
columns is reduced by 80% and 74% under concentric and eccentric However, it reduces to 57% for similar specimens under eccentric
compression, respectively. In terms of stiffness index (Kr), the compression (Fig. 11). This is due to sudden debonding of NSM
repaired columns with cement grout had stiffness reduction of up CFRP laminate and crushing of concrete soon-after reaching the
to 64% when compared to their original specimen (RCC-0) under peak load.
M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380 375

Table 2
Experimental results of damaged RC columns with different repair techniques.

Loading Type Specimen Yield Yield Axial Peak Axial Failure Failure Axial
Load Disp. Stiffness Load Strength Load Displ. Displacement
(kN) (mm) Index (kN) Index (kN) (mm) Index
Concentric Compression (e/d = 0) RCC-0 2277 0.21 1.00 2418 1.00 1903 0.74 1.00
RCC-R-QS-0 1919 0.30 0.36 1955 0.80 1335 0.83 0.91
RCC-R-NSM-0 1975 0.30 0.43 2005 0.83 1359 0.85 1.00
RCC-R-HYB-0 2508 0.33 0.64 2591 1.06 1702 0.97 1.26
High Eccentric Compression (e/d = 0.63) RCC-145 676 0.22 1.00 760 1.00 608 0.65 1.00
RCC-R-QS-145 552 0.18 0.99 564 0.74 451 0.27 0.41
RCC-R-NSM-145 591 0.14 1.41 771 1.02 618 0.27 0.42
RCC-R-HYB-145 700 0.15 1.56 951 1.25 761 1.20 1.84
Note: The values represented correspond to average of two individual specimens. The comparison of different indices is made with respect to their original column specimen
(RCC). Yield load and its corresponding displacement are mentioned just to highlight whether the reinforcement reaches its yield strain value.

Fig. 10. Load-axial displacement comparison of columns repaired with QS Fig. 12. Load-axial displacement comparison of columns repaired with hybrid
technique. technique.

Specimen Set - I Specimen Set - II

P a = 2418 kN P a = 2418 kN
2000 RCC-R-HYB-0 RCC-R-HYB-0
Load (kN)

RCC-R-QS-145 RCC-R-QS-145

P e = 760 kN P e = 760 kN


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Axial Displacement (mm)

Fig. 13. Overall load–displacement comparison of repaired RC columns. **Note:

Pa – Peak strength of original columns under concentric compression; Pe – Peak
strength of original columns under eccentric compression; Specimen set I and II
refers to comparison of two different specimens under same series.
Fig. 11. Overall comparison of columns repaired with NSM technique.

7.3. Columns repaired using hybrid FRP technique (RCC-R-HYB) cracks and complete damage of the specimen. However, the
stiffness is completely restored (156% of original column) for
The load-displacement behavior of damaged columns repaired specimens tested under combined compression and bending
with hybrid FRP technique is shown in Fig. 12. The stiffness of (e/d = 0.63) due to effective contribution of NSM laminates in crack
repaired column under concentric compression is not fully arresting on the tension side. The peak load capacity of columns is
restored (64% of original column) due to rapid progression of completely restored for specimens under both loading conditions.
376 M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380

The peak strength of two individual hybrid repaired specimens are

884 kN and 1018 kN respectively. The behavior of second specimen
strengthened using hybrid FRP is slightly different from the first
specimen in terms of post-cracking stiffness and post-peak behav-
ior. This is mainly due to difference in the level of damages
between them. Nevertheless, both the repaired columns attained
the original column capacity. The percentage of peak strength
restored for concentric and eccentric compression specimens are
106% and 125%, respectively of their original undamaged columns
(RCC). The important advantage of this hybrid strengthening is the
substantial improvement in strength without much compromise in
ductility under all combinations of bending and compression load-
ing. The failure displacement of columns under both loading condi-
tions are fully restored.

(i) Comparison of Axial Stiffness Index (KI) 7.4. Comparison of repair techniques under concentric and eccentric

A repair scheme which is effective under a particular loading

may not exhibit similar performance under differing loading condi-
tions. The importance of this research work is to propose a unique
repair scheme that works under different combinations of bending
and compression loading. Test results from this study has proven
that hybrid FRP repair technique is efficient in overall performance
improvement of damaged columns under different combinations
of compression and bending loads. Hybrid repair technique com-
pletely restored the axial strength and displacement of columns
under both concentric and eccentric compression (Fig. 13). NSM
repair scheme is found to be highly effective when the members
are exposed to bending dominant behavior (under high eccentric
compression). NSM technique is effective in improving the overall
load carrying capacity of the specimen under eccentric compres-
(ii) Comparison of Axial Strength Index (SI) sion load but resulted in brittle failure. As expected, the repair of
columns only with quickset cement grout is found to be the least
effective when compared to the other two repair techniques.

7.5. Comparison of different repair techniques

The effectiveness of different repair techniques for RC elements

under concentric and eccentric compression loading are compared
with their respective original columns (Fig. 14). The increasing
trend for stiffness, strength and displacement improvement for dif-
ferent repair techniques is shown in Fig. 14. It is clear that hybrid
FRP technique is highly effective in improving the overall perfor-
mance of columns even after being subjected to severe initial dam-
age under both concentric and eccentric compression loading. In
order to clearly compare the effectiveness of FRP repaired columns,
their behavior in terms of different indices are compared with the
QS repaired specimens and shown in Table 3.

(iii) Comparison of Axial Displacement Index (DI) 7.6. Failure mode comparison under high eccentric loading

Fig. 14. Overall comparison of RC elements with different repair techniques.

The failure mode comparison of column elements repaired
using different techniques and tested under high eccentric com-

Table 3
Comparison of different indices for FRP strengthened columns with RCC-R-QS.

Specimen ID Loading Type Strength Index (SI) Stiffness Index (KI) Displacement Index (DI)
RCC-R-NSM Concentric 3.8 19.4 10.0
Eccentric 42.4 37.8 2.4
RCC-R-HYB Concentric 32.5 77.7 27.7
Eccentric 57.6 68.9 348.7
M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380 377

a) Cracking – Tension Face b) Crushing - Compression Face c) Spalling – Compression Face

Fig. 15. Failure mode observation for repaired RC columns (QS).

a) Cracking – Tension Face b) Crushing - Compression Face c) Debonding – Tension Face

Fig. 16. Failure mode observation for NSM repaired RC columns.

pression is represented in Figs. 15–17. The failure progression is crete and the repair mortar layer can be further enhanced by
represented in stages in terms of tension and compression stress providing additional shear keys or through novel anchorage sys-
states observed in the specimen. tem. Investigating the effect of this interface behavior would be
interesting and scope for further work.
7.6.1. RC columns repaired using quickset cement mortar (RCC-R-QS-
145) 7.6.2. RC columns repaired using NSM technique (RCC-R-NSM-145)
The column specimen which is repaired using only quickset The column specimens which are repaired using NSM technique
cement mortar had initial cracking in the tension face of the spec- had initiation of cracking in the mid-span of the tension side
imen. At peak load, the crack propagated rapidly from the tension (Fig. 16) followed by development and propagation of cracks
face towards the compression face. A sudden drop in the behavior towards the other sides of the column. At peak load, there is a sud-
is observed due to the severe crushing of concrete observed in the den crushing of concrete observed in the compression face due to
compression face (Fig. 15). The failure is also due to the severe con- the high stiffness of FRP and good bonding by the epoxy resin. In
crete cover spalling. The interface behavior between the old con- the post peak regime, the NSM repaired specimen had ultimate
378 M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380

a) Cracking – Tension Face b) FRPRupture – Compr ession Face

Fig. 17. Failure mode observation for hybrid FRP repaired RC columns.

failure due to debonding of FRP laminates in the bottom of the col-

umn on tension face (Fig. 16c). The column failed in sudden brittle

7.6.3. RC columns repaired using hybrid FRP technique (RCC-R-HYB-

The failure propagation of hybrid FRP repaired columns under
eccentric compression loading is shown in Fig. 17. The column
had first crack initiation in the form of FRP rupture in the tension
face at a high compressive load of 750 kN. At increased loading
levels, these cracks opened up and propagated rapidly. After peak
load, the CFRP fabric which confined the NSM laminates opened
up due to sudden rupture (Fig. 17). This attributed to a sudden load
drop in the behavior of the specimen. The ultimate failure of the
specimen occurred due to significant rupture of CFRP fabric in
the compression face. However, due to effective restraining of
NSM laminates by EB CFRP confinement, the overall capacity is (a) Load – Longitudinal Steel Strain Behavior of Repaired RC Columns
enhanced significantly.
(-) Compression (+) Tension
7.7. Load–strain behavior comparison of columns 140

The strain behavior of steel reinforcement and FRP is observed 120

from the strain gauges installed at the mid-height of the column. 750
Moment (kN.m)

Load (kN)

The initial strain in the damaged specimen is not added to the

repaired specimens in order to quantify the actual contribution 80
of the damaged specimens even after the steel yielded initially.
To make it clear, the strain data obtained for the original column 60
(RCC-0, RCC-145) are shown in Fig. 18. It is clear that hybrid FRP
repair technique is very effective under eccentric compression 40
loading. The column repaired using quick set cement mortar indi-
150 RCC-R-HYB-145-Fabric 20
cated yielding of longitudinal rebar in the tension face followed by RCC-R-HYB-145- Laminate
the compression rebar yielding. Yield strain of reinforcement is 0 0
considered as 2500 lm/m from the material characterization of -12000 -8000 -4000 0 4000 8000 12000
steel rebar. NSM technique reduced the overall strain in the ten- -6
Longitudinal Strain ( x 10 )
sion/compression steel reinforcement due to additional contribu- (b) Load – CFRP Laminate/Fabric Strain of Repaired RC Columns
tion of CFRP laminates (Fig. 18(b)). Strain in the longitudinal
reinforcement is reduced further when the NSM CFRP laminates Fig. 18. Load–steel/CFRP strain comparison of repaired RC columns.
M. Chellapandian, S.S. Prakash / Construction and Building Materials 173 (2018) 368–380 379

are prevented from debonding because of lateral confinement from suddenly. However, the hybrid FRP technique improved the curva-
EB CFRP fabric in the hybrid repair scheme (Fig. 18). ture at failure of the specimen significantly (Fig. 20).

7.8. Axial load–lateral displacement behavior 8. Summary and conclusions

The axial load–lateral displacement behavior of columns under The overall objective of this work is to assess the effectiveness
high eccentric compression is shown in Fig. 19. The column of different rapid repair techniques for severely damaged columns
repaired using quickset cement mortar had a maximum lateral dis- under combined compression and bending loads. Six columns are
placement of about 13 mm. Due to repair of columns using NSM severely damaged and repaired using (i) high strength cement
technique, the lateral displacement at failure increased up to 24% grout (ii) NSM technique and (iii) Hybrid FRP technique. Test
irrespective of its brittle failure mode. Hybrid FRP technique results of repaired specimens under eccentric and concentric com-
increased the lateral displacement at failure of the specimens by pression are compared. The following major conclusions can be
98% when compared to similar specimens repaired with quick drawn from the results presented in this paper.
set cement grout mortar.
The presence of additional bending moment significantly
7.9. Moment–curvature behavior reduced the axial strength and stiffness of the repaired col-
umns. Repair of columns using quick set cement mortar is
The moment–curvature behavior of repaired columns under found to be least effective under both loading combinations.
high eccentric compression is shown in Fig. 20. The moment capac- Repair of severely damaged columns using hybrid FRP tech-
ity (M) is calculated from the corresponding load (P) and the eccen- nique is found to be the most efficient in restoring the original
tricity level (e) in the column (M = P * e). The curvature of the strength, stiffness and displacement. It improved the overall
specimen is calculated from the displacement measurements performance of RC columns in terms of initial and post cracking
obtained from the tension and compression sides of the test spec- stiffness, peak strength and failure displacement under both
imen (from strain gradient). Due to brittle debonding failure of concentric and eccentric compressions.
NSM laminates, the curvature of the NSM repaired column reduced Hybrid FRP repair technique prevented the debonding failure of
NSM laminates and led to increase in peak strength and failure
displacement. The failure of hybrid specimens occurred due to
1200 rupture of externally bonded fabric in the compression face
160 under eccentric compression.
Repair of RC columns using NSM CFRP technique exhibited a
140 good improvement in the strength and failure displacement
120 under high eccentric loading (e/d = 0.63). For similar specimens
Moment (kN.m)

Load (kN)

tested under concentric compression, the original strength of

100 column is not fully restored.
600 RCC-145
Conflict of interest
400 60
RCC-R-NSM-145 There is no conflict of interest to declare.
200 RCC-R-HYB-145
20 Acknowledgements
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 This research work was sponsored by ‘‘FAST – Center for Sus-
Lateral Displacement @ Mid-Span (mm) tainable Development” funded by Ministry of Human Resource
Development, India. The authors gratefully acknowledge the gen-
Fig. 19. Load–lateral displacement comparison of repaired RC columns. erous support provided. The authors would also acknowledge the
help of lab technicians at the structural engineering laboratory,
IIT-H during casting, strengthening and testing of columns.
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