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L-stands for listening and having a flexible approach toward what you hear. It is critical that
individuals are heard.

E - stands for evolve. To be willing to adjust yourself as the circumstances change in your teams.
People change over time and as a leader you must evolve as well.

A - is for awareness. As a leader you have to be aware of what is happening around you.
What is the word on the street. We cannot be distant from the pulse of the organization.

D- stands for determined. We must be capable, willing, and ready to act as a leader. We must be
able to give teams the vision and direction they need. It can also mean "Do-Over," as we must be
prepared to make corrections if we realize we made a mistake.

E - We need to be "Ego-Less" as leaders. Leaders must put their egos in their back pockets and
be receptive to criticism. We all should strive to be humble.

R - To me the "R" is for "Reachable". We need to be available for our teams. They need to
know that it isn't a hassle for you to speak with them. Make sure they know that you are here
for them and they can speak with you any time.

First and foremost, leadership relates to the ability to guide others. It is most likely one of the most significant components of
existence. Most significantly, leadership has aided in the advancement of human civilisation. There is no organization or group
that can succeed without strong leadership. Additionally, not everyone possesses this characteristic. This is so because effective
leadership necessitates a certain set of crucial traits. Clear objectives are provided by effective leaders, who also inspire and
direct their teams to accomplish the organization's goals. The leader aids in allocating resources within an organization for
increased effectiveness and goal-achieving. To become skilled in creating relationships among teams, defining identities, and
successfully completing tasks. as a leader, We must provide a positive example for others around us. Because we will serve as
their source of motivation to take decisions that will alter their lives or the lives of others. who will not give up on life's challenges
right away. who perseveres until he succeeds, preventing a leader from quitting when faced with challenges instead making
them stronger. The instruments of being a servant leadership is always having the support of the people we serve. We need to
build the respect of the majority in order to enhance the course we want for our countrymen or our constituents. not just for us,
but for everyone. We will all support it due to its development.

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