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Give a short description on the following:

A. Media Representation

 how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity. , national and
regional identity, social issues and events to an audience.

B. Media Stereotype

 describe or show people belonging to specific ethnic or cultural groups.

II. Reflection Question

A. How is the portrayal of women, men, and the LGBTQ+ in the media influence
people's views and attitudes towards each sector?

 The impact that media has created in our lives is still evident up to the present time and we
can’t deny how media played an important role in influencing people’s views and attitudes
with regards to gender. In this generation, people are more likely to be open-minded towards
all genders with the help of media. Before, women were most likely referred to as the
housekeepers and dependent of men or what we call as stereotyping. But with media,
equality is more prevalent because we now know that women are also capable of doing
things that people say only males could do.

B. Is media an effective way to influence people towards gender equity? How?

 Media is an effective tool to influence gender equity. Through social media , we can
share advocacy towards gender equity and it can promote diversity and plurality.

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