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What I am going to talk about is how Fortnite has changed and what is

going to happen there. It is showing what is happening between the

seasons before, problems were working together. When the zero points were at
risk of dying they came together to stop it from happening. Jonnys found out too
much will be explained.

Jonnys was going to different parts of the universe to get bounty hunters to
help them but what he did not know was he was messing with the zero pints and
that let aliens and other things come into their reality. Every time a thing came
from the zero points it became more and more unstable. When it was too
unstable it warped the gun and changed them back to the old days.

After the zero points were secure there was hard put to protect the zero
point by the other team were fighting too much to realize that aliens were taking it
and then the zero points were destroyed and all of the maps was out of whack
making people still come from different realities and it might be the end

When this happened people started to try to join the angst and see what
they were doing but that went bad because people started to kill the members
and try to take over and end the world and what was happening was aliens were
controlling people to do it and they did not realize what was going on in telling it
was too late to stop and now they have to see what they can do to survive

Now to end is that the world is split between good and bad but that isn’t
going to last long with all of the people that are coming and it is hurting people
that have a good stench one on the map so the thing is do not trust anyone in the
game or it will be bad for you.

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