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DETAILED Student Michelle Darlene Year Level: 7

LESSON Teacher: R. Berboso
PLAN Date: September 19-23 Subject: Arts

Week 5 First Day

8:10-9:00 Ruby
9:20-10:10 Pearl
9:20-10:10 Sapphire
6:30-7:20 Pearl
8:10-9:00 Ruby
9:20-10:10 Sapphire

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrates art elements and processes

by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and

B. Performance Standards The learners create artworks showing the characteristic

elements of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands).

C. MOST ESSENTIAL Incorporates the design, form, and spirit of the

LEARNING highland/lowland artifacts and object in one’s creation.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the famous architectural landmarks in Olongapo, Zambales, Nueva Ecija and Bataan
and the arts and crafts of Calabarzon and Bicol Region.
b. Create crafts that can be locally assembled with local traditional teachniques.


A. TOPIC: Famous Architectural Landmarks in Olongapo, Zambales, Nueva Ecija, and
The Arts and Crafts of Calabarzon and Bicol region
B. REFERENCE: Music and Arts 7: Unit I. Lesson 2, pg 162-163
Music and Arts 7: Unit I. Lesson 3, pg 164-167
C. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Laptop, TV, Powerpoint Presentation, Pictures and

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A.1 Prayer Classmates, are you ready to pray? In the
Before we start, please stand up and may I call name of the father and of the son and of the
on ______ to lead our morning prayer. holy spirit…

A.2 Greetings
Good Morning Ma’am Michelle and Good
Good Morning Grade 7 _________ ! Morning Teachers!

A.3 Checking of Attendance

Secretary, please write down all the names of

your classmates who are absent today. Kindly Yes, Ma’am!
give it to me after our class.

A.4 Checking of Assignment

None, Ma’am!

Do we have an assignment?

A.5 Review of the Previous Topic

If none, let us have a recall about our topic last Our topic last meeting was all about The
meeting. Arts and Crafts of Cagayan Valley and
So, what was our topic all about? Central Luzon.

Okay, very Good! Batanes and Isabela.

What are the places under Cagayan Valley? Nueva Vizcaya, Bulacan, and Pampanga.

How about the places under Central Luzon?

That’s Right. Vey Good!

I prepared a short activity for you Class. This
activity is called Pictoword.

For example:

Yes, Ma’am!

Is that clear Class?

Okay, number one. Who wants to answer?

Chocolate Hills

Correct. Very Good!

Fort Santiago

That’s right. Very Good!
Mayon Volcano
That’s correct. Very Good! Puerto Princesa

Okay, correct. Very Good!
Rizal Park

Okay, Very Good!

Landmarks, Ma’am.
This pictures are landmarks of different places
here in the Philippines.
So, who among you had an idea on what is the
topic we are going to discuss today?
That’s right. Very Good!

We have 2 topics but let us have a discussion
first about the Famous Architectural Landmarks None, Ma’am!
in Olongapo, Zambales, Nueva Ecija, and

Okay, Class what comes to your mind when

you heard the word Landmark?

Okay, let me explain to you what is landmark.

Who wants to read?
Yes, Ma’am!
Landmark. something (as a building, a large
tree, or a statue) that is easy to see and can help Landmark is for us to easily find the place
a person find the way to a place near it. we want to go Ma’am.

Do you know now Class what is landmark?

Okay, what can you say about the landmark?

That’s right. Very Good!

None, Ma’am!
(So, Landmark can help us to easily find the
place we want to go and we can easily tell if we
are near or still far to our destination.)

Any question Class?

Okay, let’s now identify the famous
architectural landmarks.
It was built in 1885 Ma’am!
Spanish Gate. Historic landmark in Olongapo,
City, Zambales. It was built in 1885.
Used as an entrance and exit to the naval

When was the Spanish Gate built?

Correct. Very Good!

(Spanish Gate is located in Olongapo City and

it was used as an entrance and exit of naval
station and as a jail during Spanish and
It is made from coral stones.
American occupation.)

San Andres Apostol Parish Church. It is

known for the use of coral stones instead of

What is the San Andres Apostol Parish Church

made of?
That’s right. Very Good!

(So, it said that people also called San Andres

Apostol Parish Church as Masinloc Church
because it is located in Brgy. Masinloc, The Parish of the Three Kings, Ma’am!

Parish of the Three Kings. One of the biggest

and oldest churches in Gapan City, Nueva
This Roman Catholic Church was built in
So, class what is the biggest and oldest church
in Gapan City?

Okay, correct. Very Good!

(So, it said that this church was built in 1800’s

and it is one of the biggest and oldest church in
Nueva Ecija.)
It has five-layers, Ma’am!
Abucay Church. Also known as Saint Dominic
De Guzman Parish Church in Bataan. It has a
five-layer bell tower ornamented with
semicircular arched windows. None, Ma’am!

(Abucay Church or Saint Dominic De Guzman The Arts and Crafts of Calabarzon and
Parish Church in Bataan. As you can see at the Bicol Region
picture the bell tower has five-layers.)
It’s Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and
Okay Class, how many layers its bell tower Quezon.

Okay, that is correct!

Do you have any questions Class?

If none, let’s proceed to our next topic.

Please read our topic Class.
Any one in our class who knows what
Calabarzon stands for? Paete, Laguna

That’s right. Very Good!

So, now let us first tackle the arts and crafts in


Paete, Laguna. Considered as the

“Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines.”

What is the “Woodcarving Capital of the


Okay, correct. Very Good! Higantes Festival

(Paete is popular for the carving of saints and

other religious image. Their other designs are
floral patterns and florid geometric designs.)

Angono, Rizal. Considered as the “Art Capital

of the Philippines.”
It is also known for its Higantes Festival every
22nd and 23rd of November.

What is the festival celebrated every 22nd and

23rd of november in Angono, Rizal?
Piña fabric is made from fibers of
That’s right. Very Good!
(It said that Angono, Rizal is considered as the
“Art Capital of the Philippines.” It represents
the hacienderos and the higantes are 7 to 10 feet

Taal, Batangas. Batangas is famous for

producing embroidered piña fabric, made from
the fibers of pineapple.

What is piña fabric Class?

That’s correct. Very Good!

(People in Batangas also called burda as calado. Batangas is considered as the “Balisong
It is made by three groups which is the capital of the Philippines”
designer, embroiderer, and a cutter. Most of
their designs are leaves and flowers.)

Batangas is also considered as “Balisong

Capital of the Philippines,”
Balisong or butterfly knife is derived from
“bali,” the Filipino term for broken, and
“sungay” which means horn.
Batangas is considered as what Class?
It is famous for their Pahiyas Festival.
That’s right. Very Good!

(Batangas considered as the balisong capital

because of the quality of their workmanship. As
you can see on the picture it looks like a fan
when its closed and folded.)

Lucban, Quezon. Pahiyas Festival celebrated

on the 15th of May to honor San Isidro Labrador
the patron saint of farmers.

Lucban, Quezon is famous for what Class?

Baskets, bags, slippers, and coin purses.
That’s right. Very Good!

(So, Pahiyas Festival is celebrated every 15th of

May to honor San Isidro Labrador. Before and
during the festival the people in Lucban
decorating their house with colorful rice wafers
or kiping.)

Bicol region. Their arts and crafts include None, Ma’am!

baskets, bags, slippers, and coin purses that are
made from abaca and raffia fibers.

What are the arts and crafts of bicol region?

That’s right. Very Good!

(It said that Bicol Region has plenty of natural

fibers and because of that they excel in
weaving. It means they are producing more
crafts than other region.)

Okay, questions Class?

If none, let us have an activity. This activity is
called Soap Carving. Create your own design as
long as it is 2D.
 Perla Soap (Any Color)
 Pencil
 Nail Cuticle Pusher
 Nail Brush

P A E T E, L A G U N A

A N G O N O, R I Z A L

L U C B A N, Q U E Z O N


None, Ma’am!

Let’s have a short review before we end our

“Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines”

_ A E _ _, L _ G _ _ A

“Art capital of the Philippines”

A _ _ O _ O, _ I _ A _

“Balisong Capital of the Philippines”


This town is famous for their Pahiyas Festival.

L U _ _ _ N, Q _ _ Z _ N

Arts and crafts of Bicol Region is made from


Do you have any questions Class?

TRUE OR FALSE. Write “Arts” if the statement is TRUE. Then write “Crafts” if the
statement is FALSE.
1. Angono, Rizal is famous for the Pahiyas Festival celebrated on the 15th of May.
2. Batangas is famous for producing embroidered piña fabric, made from the fibers of pineapple.
3. Lucban, Quezon is considered as the “Art Capital of the Philippines.”
4. Batangas is considered as the “Balisong Capital of the Philippines.”
5. Higantes is derived from “bali,” the Filipino term for broken, and “sungay” which means horn.
6. Paete, Laguna is considered as the “Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines.”
7. Calabarzon means Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon.
8. Balisong is also known as a dragonfly knife.
9. Arts and crafts of Bicol Region is made from avocado and raffia fibers.
10. Higantes Festival is celebrated every November 20 to 21.
“Dream House”
Bring the following materials in order to make your own Dream House.

 Short Bond Paper

 Pencil
 Color

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher in Physical Education MAPEH 7 Teacher

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