Drug Study

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MMMMoonica Atilano

BSN 2-YA-8

Using the Drug Handbook: Search for the Assigned drug classification showing its drug action/s and


1. Amphetamines

Amphetamine is indicated for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) as well as for the
treatment of central nervous system disorders such as narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder typically
resenting during adolescence and characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. Amphetamine is also being used
nowadays off-label for the treatment of obesity, depression and chronic pain. The mechanism of action of amphetamine
is complemented by the inhibition of the reuptake and of monoamine oxidase which acts synergistically to produce a
significant increase the monoamine concentration. Amphetamine is known to be an inhibitor of the mitochondrial-
bound enzyme MAO which is the catalytic enzyme in charge of degrading all the excess of neurotransmitters. This
mechanism of action is often overpassed as amphetamine is a weak MAO inhibitor but this mechanism cannot be

2. Anorexiants

Anorexiants are drugs that act on the brain to suppress appetite. They have a stimulant effect on the hypothalamic and
limbic regions, which control satiety. Anorexiants are used as therapy for obesity. CNS stimulants, anorexiants act on
the brain to suppress appetite and are administered as immediate and extended-release tablets. These are prescription
medicines to be used together with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise. Losing weight and keeping it off can lessen
several health risks associated with obesity.

3. Analeptics

Analeptics are central nervous system stimulants that include a wide variety of medications used to treat depression,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and respiratory depression. Analeptics can also be used as convulsant,
with low doses causing patients to experience heightened awareness, restlessness, and rapid breathing. Analeptics have
been used throughout history for two main purposes, to help patients recover from anesthesia more efficiently and to
manage respiratory distress and apnea, particularly in infants. Analeptics are a diverse group of medications that work
through a variety of chemical pathways; analeptic medications work through four main mechanisms to stimulate
respiration. Analeptics can act as potassium channel blockers, ampakines, serotonin receptor agonists, and adenosine

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1. Sedative-hypnotics (Anxiolytic)

Sedative-hypnotic drugs — sometimes called "depressants" — and anxiolytic (antianxiety) drugs slow down the
activity of the brain. Anxiolytics are a class of medications aimed at treating patients with panic disorders, generalized
anxiety, and various other uses. Sedatives(hypnotics) are a class of drugs used in different situations ranging from
treating insomnia to treating someone connected to a mechanical ventilator

2. Analgesics

Analgesics are medications that relieve pain. Unlike medications used for anesthesia during surgery, analgesics don’t
turn off nerves, change the ability to sense your surroundings or alter consciousness. They are sometimes called
painkillers or pain relievers. Analgesics can inhibit the sensation of pain by inhibiting transmission of non-nociceptive
impulses along primary afferents (ex; local anesthetics) or by altering the perception of pain (ex, opioids).

3. Anticonvulsants

Anti-seizure medications (anticonvulsants) were originally designed to treat people with epilepsy. But the nerve-
calming qualities of some of these medications can also help quiet the burning, stabbing or shooting pain often caused
by nerve damage. Anticonvulsants suppress the excessive rapid firing of neurons during seizures. Anticonvulsants also
prevent the spread of the seizure within the brain. Antiepileptic drugs may act to enhance Cl- influx or decrease GABA
metabolism. The GABA system can be enhanced by binding directly to GABA-A receptors, by blocking presynaptic GABA
uptake, by inhibiting the metabolism of GABA-by-GABA transaminase, and by increasing the synthesis of GABA. Gamma-
aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is a neurotransmitter that sends chemical messages through the brain and the nervous
system, and is involved in regulating communication between brain cells. The role of GABA is to inhibit or reduce the
activity of the neurons or nerve cells.

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