PH 2 Pengetahuan

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Materi : Simple Present Tense

Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Jumlah Soal : 20
Instruction : Choose the correct answer.

1. Tamara : Is your sister at home ?

Clara : No, she isn’t. She ....... to the hospital
A. goes B. went C. go D. doesn’t go
2. Oscar : Do you speak Spanish ?
Billy : No, I ........ . I speak Italian
A. didn’t B. don’t C. am not D. doesn’t
3. Karen : What do you do in the evening ?
Emily : I ......listen to pop music, because I like it.
A. seldom B. never C. always D. often
4. Hans : Where ........ James work ?
Dave : He works in a supermarket.
A. do B. does C. did D. is
5. Maura is a punctual student. She .... comes before seven.
A. never B. always C. sometimes D. seldom
6. The earth .......... around the sun
A. go B. goes C. don’t go D. doesn’t go
7. Esti always wake up early ?
Yani : I do. I like the fresh air \and I don’t like to rush
A. Is B. Do C.Are D. Does
8. Bats ........ during the day.
A. sleep B. sleeps C. sleeping D. slept
9. The train .................every thirteen minutes
A. depart B. departs C. departed D. departing
10. ........... you often visit the library ?
A. Is B. Do C. Are D. Does
11. Siti ............ meat. She is a vegetarian
A. don’t eat B. doesn’t eats C. isn’t eat D. doesn’t eat

12 They like durians, but they ....... jackfruits.

A. like B. likjes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like
13. Tea is popular. Many peoplein the world ......... it.
A. drink B. drank C. drinks D. drinking
14. The sun..... in the east and ...... in the west
A. rises – sets B. sets – rises C. rise – set D. set – rise
15. The students ....... happy. They smile a lot.
A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked
16. Ivan ...... goes to bed late. He always goes to bed at nine o’clock.
A. never B. always C. usually D. sometimes
17. Lia always ....... dinner every day. She like cooking very much.
A. make B. makes C. made D making
18. Oranges ...... a lot of vitamin C
A. contain B. contains C. contained D. containing
19. A mango tree usually ........... hundreds of fruits.
A. produce B. consume C. produces D. consumes
20. I’m new here. I .... know many people.
A. am B. do C. do not D. am not

Materi : Present ContinuousTense

Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Jumlah Soal : 20
Instruction : Choose the correct answer.
1. The girl looks very thirsty. She ........ the water greedily.
A. drinking is C. drinking are
B. is drinking D. are drinking
2. Imam : Who ........ beside Mr Paijo ?
Ratri : Mr Yoga, the new teacher.
A. sitting is C. sitting are
B. is sitting D. are siting
3. Yadi : Why ...... waving to us ?
Roni : Maybe, he needs help.
A. is the man C. are the man
B. the man is D. the man are
4. The classroom is empty. The children ....... in the playground now.
A. are playing C. plays playing D. play
5. Which one has the correct arrangement ?
A. Susi am not watching TV at the moment C. Bachtiar and Rudi isplanning a tree in
B. Susi is having dinner whileLuna are the garden
watching TV D. Luna and Susi are arranging the books
in the bookshelves
6. Which sentence is grammatically correct ?
A. Nona and Rafi is not travelling to Solo C. Elsa and Ana are not playing football
B. They is usually having dinner in this right now.
restaurant. D. Olaf is watching a horror movie now.
7. We have many books. We ..... the books now.
A. are reading C. reads
B. is reading D. read
8. The child is sitting on the floor.......
A. right now C. yesterday
B. last night D. tomorrow
9. My neighbour is busy. He ....... his garden.
A. clean C. was cleaning
B. cleaned cleaning
10 Look. Roni ...... down the hill
A. is running C. has ran
B. ran D. run

11 Mother : Where is your sister ?

Yuni : She is in her room.
Mother : ........
Yuni : She is playing with her dolls
A. Where is she playing C. What is she doing ?
B. What does she do ? D. Why is she playing?

12 Gani : What happened to Bob ?

Hari : He is very tired. He .....
A. slept C. is sleeping
B. sleep D. isn’t sleeping

13 Karen : What are they doing in the kitchen ?

Laura : They ...... a pizza for dinner
A. make C. is making
B.makes D. are making

14 I am looking at a picture of Jane right now. She is not at home in the picture. She is at
the park. She is sitting on a bench. She is eating her lunch. Some boys and girls are
running on a patch in the park. A squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Jane. The
squirrel is eating a nut. Jane is watching the squirrel.She always watches squirrels when
she eats her lunch in the park. Some ducks are swimming in the pond in the picture and
some birds are flying in the sky. A policeman is riding a horse. He rides a horse in the
park every day. Near Jane, a family is having a picnic. The go on a picnic every week.

15 Where is Jane in the picture ?

A. She is sitting on a bench C. She is eating her lunch
B. She is at the park D. She is watching the squirrel
16 What is she doing ?
A. She is eating her lunch C. She is swimming in the pond
B. She is swimming in the pond D. She is riding a horse
17 What is the squirrel eating ?
A. A worm C. Lunch
B. A carrot D. A nut
18 What is the policeman doing ?
A. He is watching the squirrel C. He is eating his lunch
B. He is riding a horse D. He is parking the horse
19 Which box contains the time signals for an action being done( present continous tense )
A. now, tomorrow, at the moment C. everyday, right now, at the moment
B. now, right now, at the moment D. now, right now, last night
20 The sun is ....... . People are enjoying their time at the beach
A. not in the sky C. shining brightly
B. leaving the sky D. hiding behind the thick cloud.

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