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BTEC Assignment Brief – Hafsa Khan (j57715)

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Business
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in

Unit number and title Unit 4: Managing an Event

Learning aim(s) (For NQF A: Explore the role of an event organiser

Assignment title Could I be an event organiser?
Eben Quarcoo
Issue date
13th September 2021
Hand in deadline
1st October 2021

Careers in events management are becoming popular and

competitive, with event’s organisers producing events that
range from huge music festivals to product launches for
small businesses.
As part of your research into your options for the future you
have decided to explore the role of an event organiser and
Vocational Scenario or your suitability for this role.
Context Your research into the role could include an interview with
someone who has experience of organising events, and a
record of the outcome in the form of an interview transcript.
Your research into your suitability for this role will involve
carrying out two skills audits, one for an event’s organiser,
and one for yourself.
You will use your research to produce a report.

Task 1
You will have to gather comprehensive research evidence
into the role and skills of an event’s organiser.

Your research should include:

● the tasks and procedures to be completed in
organising and setting up an event
● Formats for skills audit collection including an audit
of own skills
● an investigation of current legal requirements for
events organisation
Using this research, prepare an individual report which
explains the role and skills required to be an effective
event’s organiser.

You will need to measure your suitability for this role by

matching your own skills to those skills required by an
event organiser. Carry out a personal skills audit that
analyses your own skills, highlighting areas for development
and how this might be achieved.

Using the results from your skills audits, conclude your

report with a full justification of how your own skills match
those of an events’ organiser.

Checklist of evidence
required ● Evidence of research into the role and skills of an event
● An individual report that includes:
o the role of an event organiser
o the skills required to become an effective event
o a personal skills audit and justification of how
own skills match those of an events’ organiser.

Criteria covered by this task:

To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
4/A.D1 Fully justify how own skills match those of an event’s organiser.
Analyse own skills with those required by an
event manager, highlighting areas for development.
4/A.P2 Investigate own skills in the form of a skills audit.
4/A.P1 Explain the role and skills required to be an effective events planner.

Sources of information Websites

to support you with
this Assignment

Above are examples of websites. Further useful

resources may be found at

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BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015

Other assessment N/A

materials attached to
this Assignment Brief

Assignment 1

Introduction: In this assignment I covered P1P2M1D1 which was all about event organiser,
what skills they need in order to fulfil all the responsibilities as an event organiser and how
well you need to be in those skills. The skills included Communication skills, organisational
skills, problem solving skills, numeracy skills, interpersonal skills, IT skills and research skills.
As well as different business events and how they are carried out and the right way to manage
the event in order for it to be a success.

Event organiser

Event organiser is a person who organises the event and makes sure everything is done
accordingly. They manage everything that they are told to and they have to keep an eye on
everything. They have to ensure all elements regarding the event are meeting its purpose.
This includes catering where the type of food and three-course lunch and the way it’s going to
be delivered all needs to be considered. Certain food for certain type of customers e.g. halal
food, vegetarian, allergies all these need to be considered in catering. Venue is also needed as
the location has to suitable and reachable. Parking needs to be available and close to the
venue or even have a separate parking for the venue in order to give good customer service.
Also, the locations should be influenced by the event it is designed for e.g. an event that will
lead to noise should be done in a quitter or less visited area and not near houses/hospitals.
Planning and reserving facilities is done by the event organiser to ensure everything goes
according to the plan and how it was asked for. This includes making sure other similar or busy
events are not taking place at the same time as your event. This will ensure that your own
event doesn’t get neglected and is unique enough to stand out from other events taking place.
The organiser also needs to make sure the equipment needed for the event is available for
example, any IT equipment, certain displays, tickets, posters etc. Lastly setting up the
programme, all planning, services all need to be set in an order that they will be carried out in
which will have a great impact on the whole event as even though the event has everything it
needs the structuring and timing for everything is what will keep everything organised and will
make it easy for the customers to get around and know what to do next. For example, if the
event is supposed to give out tickets for a certain thing then the order of things should be set
out so people know when and where to get the tickets from so they don’t have to rush or get
delayed due to lack of planning out. So therefore, an event organiser has to make sure all
these aspects are considered when given the opportunity to organise an event.

Business events

1.Team building events – This includes having certain activities, experiments and games
planned in order to get the team together to brainstorm different ideas and plans for the
business. These will help the business to expand and the team would have different ideas
which will be used in order to help the business to think outside the box. This would be an
internal event with only the staff and the business team included and this would be organized

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in order to get the team working together. For example, to get new ideas coming into the
business and in order to innovate the team would have different people in from different
backgrounds and would have different way of thinking which would help the business to think
differently and in a unique way.

2. Product launches- These are held if the business is launching new product into the market
and these must be held with excellency as this is how you will be attracting customers and the
way you organize this will have an impact on how customers view your product. For example,
in this event you would have your product and all information about your product. Equipment
would include any samples or testers. For example, if you have a perfume business then
having small perfume sample to take for free would create a good impression. If it is
something electronic then testers should be available for the customers to test and be

3. Charity events – this would be to help the community to know and create a good impression
of the business. Charity events in order to show their concern towards the community and give
back to the community. This would make the business be known and would get visited often
due to its generosity. For example, if it is a clothing business then old clothing can be given to
a certain charity that the business is funding. This would be included in the news and internet
and would make the business become known.

Role required

Venue - For venue the event organiser would need to know exactly the size of the venue and if
it would be suitable for the event taking place. For example, if it is a charity event then a
venue should be not too small or massive but that could fit around 700 people. Space for
speech, monitor to resent any presentation or raise any awareness and equipment needed
should be available. For an internal meeting between employees and managers then a venue is
not required but a normal sized meeting room.

Location - Location needs to be decided according to the budget of the business itself and the
people around the area. If the rates of unemployment are high the people wouldn’t have
enough money to buy products or pay any entry fee required to attend the event. So
therefore, the location needs to be decided with considering both sides. For example, if your
business is a holding a big product launch then it should be located where people know the
product and majority of people in the area use it so for example for an iPhone having the
event in a poor country then no one would know or be able to afford it so that would be a
waste. Locating this event in a wealthy and well-developed country would be more beneficial.
If it is known that many wealthy people will attend the event then parking area should be
available especially if many people are coming from far away to attend the event.

Catering - This should be taken into consideration as not all people have the same food for
example people should be notified if the food suitable for them to have or not. Ingredients due
to allergies and due to religious beliefs. Halal food should be provided if the country or area or
the event will be expecting Muslim people, along with this food for vegetarians and vegans
should also be made and provided. This would make people aware of the fact that your
business does respect all people’s different choices and beliefs.

Planning and reserving facilities - Large events might include and would need facilities such as
first aid, baby changing facilities, signs and banners to instruct and guide people, parking and
refreshment drinks. There are many more facilities that would also be needed however
according to what your business event might need should be included. For example, if it is an
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event including stalls or finding out information about certain things then posters and banners
should be there to make it easy for people to get around. If it is an event launching an
electronic product or any product that is technology then staff or assistance to help people use
the internet or to guide them on how to use the device should be available.

Setting up programme - Timing of the event itself and the order in which the things will be
carried out are necessary too for an organiser to plan out. This will help guide the organisation
and staff that will be helping to be aware of any certain timings of a certain thing. For
example, if a speech is supposed to be made at a certain time or if food should be given out
after something all this needs suitable order and time for it to be carried out. This programme
will also include the start and finish of the event which is important to know.

Preparing and distributing documents - The organiser needs to make sure the format/language
and writing is all perfectly set out in the right form. For example, posters inviting people to
attend a certain interview, feedback reviews, speech then this all should be clear enough for
the people to understand. They should be enough for everyone to have and take with them if
needed and for documents such as tickets they should be sold in an orderly manner, fairly and
shouldn’t be too expensive.

Contacts - For contracts these are important documents that should have clear readings,
deals, instruction and should be placed and given to the right person carefully. If the business
has to make a certain deal and sign a contract then everything should be planned out and at
the end the contract should be dealt with. This should include clear order and information
cannot be manipulated or copyrighted.

Organisational procedures - This is the most important aspect of an event that the event
organiser needs to take extra care of. People as they come and attend the event should be
first told and warned about any hazard and how to deal with it. The fire exists and other safety
requirements should be told in order to keep everyone safe during the event. The organiser
needs to contact all health and safety agencies including police, ambulance, fire, licensing
team, local authorities in order to be safe. If anything does go wrong and someone is injured
then there could be consequences for the organiser under criminal law. So therefore, knowing
all places and where they lead to in the building should be known to the organiser, team and
the guests.

Legal requirements - Age restrictions, licensing and consumer protection are the current legal
requirements for an event organiser. Licensing of the place itself or the event is needed if the
evet causes disruptions on the road or areas and should ask for permission from local council.
Having contract with the suppliers being used in the business including intangible goods and
services and tangible for example caterers. The contract between the attendee and the
organiser so for example if a ticket is brought to attend the event then it should be allowed for
the guest to be part of the event without any delay. Consumer rights which provide protection
for organiser, customers and suppliers. Consumers can take the organiser to the court if digital
contents, apps or the event has hidden fee charges and which are unfair.


Organisational skills - For organizational skills which are needed in order to organize the event
and if you are good at this then the whole event will go according to the plan and its purpose
would be achieved. This would mean taking notes, make sure everything is done on time.
Rooms and all facilities are available when in need and cancelations are also taken in note.
This skill is important as it covers all the main aspects of the event so knowing when things
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will be carried out, by whom and being in charge of everything that will be included in the
event. For example, if the organizer hasn’t got any idea of the cancelations or attendance then
proving certain amount of food would be not noted correctly so 500 people would need food for
500 and not 300. So, this skill is needed to be able to carry out each step. Organizing food and
catering staff would be one of the places where this skill would be needed for an organizer.

Communicational skills- Different methods of commutation e.g. phones, messages, in person

and email. Being able listen as well as speak and do these at the right time so the
communication is heard and understood. This is important as an organizer would need to
speak and interact in order to get things planned and done. The organizer would need to be
clear in language, speak in an appropriate manner, speak with an appropriate volume so not
too oud or slow and leave suitable pauses and not say 1 sentence in 1 go. The way you
communicate with people would make them want to work with you in the future and would be
seen as a great quality to have in an event organizer. For example, if someone the organizer is
working with is new to English then speaking with high vocab would be useless and hard for
them to understand so therefore speaking using simple and basic English with pauses and slow
pace would be hander.

Problem solving - This means to be able to solve any minor and major problems or concerns of
the customers when needed. To be able to talk to the customers and ask them about their
concerns and dealing with it is what an organizer should be able to do. Thinking quickly and
acting without a delay is needed as well before these issues turn into complaints. The event
organizer needs to be creative, quick responder, sympathetic, understanding and
knowledgeable. This skill is required as many unexpected problems and issues can occur and
arise at any time so therefore being able to solve problems as organizer is needed. Things like
location problems would be easy to deal with but can be made bit easier by having parking
available or even reserved parking spaces. Many issues will be able to be solved so therefore
there will be a way the organizer needs to be able to deal with any problems. If the organizer
cannot do this then this would take the focus off the event and more on the problem that
occurred in the event so to avoid that and keep the attention on the purpose of the event,
problem solving should be a skill the organizer should have. For example, problems involving
weather, location transport and incident occurring such as a fire cannot be solved as quickly
however minor issues regarding facilities, schedules, catering arrangements, resources in the
venue can be dealt with. For example, if a fire takes place the building should be left empty
and the event must stop there is nothing an organizer can about this however if the heating or
cooling system is being an issue then this van be solved in a second. Communicating and
letting the guests know about what is going on is a must as this would make them feel
important and not neglected.

Time management - Good time management would mean the organizer being able to do things
on time and before the due date. They would need to focus and make sure everything is on
track. You would have to have a diary or a schedule to follow, avoiding social media due to it
causing distractions, setting goals and much more is needed in order to manage time. This is
required as if you are not organized and cannot know the important of time then you will be
late and would be delayed in many activities. You would have a lot of responsibilities and as an
event organizer you would have to deal with lots of different areas of work so therefore being

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able to get everything done on time would mean the service provided would be excellent. As
an event organizer this skill is needed in every task you perform for example making sure the
food is ready and given on time, any forms/survey are filled in ad submitted on time and the
emergency services are informed on time about the event taking place and many more things
that are a part of the event need to be managed correctly.

Negotiation skills - This means being able to agree, speak with others without any riot and
disagreements. Deciding which will benefit and is suitable for every other manager not only
you. This means to be fair, looking for mutual benefits and to develop such bond where the
whole team can work well. Skills needed are to be prepared, confident, calm, patient, reflect
on what they heard and be able to listen with care. This is important as an event organizer
won’t only be doing things on his/her own but many other people and staff will be contributing
as well. So therefore, being able to deal with different departments that are working on the
event as well is needed. This would help the event organizer get better service provided by
suppliers, staff and other services with better deal of money as well. For example, if the event
organizer needs certain products delivered by a supplier then the communication between
them two needs to be well enough for the supplier to deliver goods, provide an excellent
service as well and give a better deal for money. This is only possible if the organizer has the
ability and skills to negotiate without any problems.

Planning skills - With the common saying “fail to plan is planning to fail” which clearly states
that planning is the main thing and without it the event won’t be successful. This has a lot of
impact on others and people and how well you plan things out that is how smoothly and
productive the event will be for the audience. Planning required skills needed in an organizer
which include problem solving, time managing, negotiating, and interpersonal and
communication. These are important to have as an organizer because without these you won’t
be able to have the event run smoothly without any delay, disruption or issue. For example, If
the organizer doesn’t know how to manage time and then they would delay any things and this
would be a problem for the team and the guests. This could only happen if there is lack of
planning done as even if something goes wrong, planning can help you deal with the problem.

Interpersonal skills - These are skills the organizer would need while working with others and
this would be when working in a team or even interacting with suppliers and customers. This
skill is important to have as it includes having to have a positive and understanding mind,
calm, being confident, relaxed and be able to demonstrate empathy being shown and being
able to rapport with others. For example, if the supplier is having issues delivering the product
on time instead of running out on your mind and losing temper the event organizer would stay
calm and positive and allow the supplier to take time and itself to communicate with the
customers and ask for patience.

P2 – Investigating your skills audit

Likert scale - This can be used by organizers to get feedback of their experience and what best
suits their experience. This is done by them ticking a box with multiple choice options. This
helps the organizer to know how well the things were, what needs to be improved and why
which will help the organizer to improve their future events.

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Semantic differentiation scale - This is another method that can be used by the event planner
to check and get feedback from the attendees of the event. This includes a scale with number
from 1-8 suggesting how bad or good the service/event was. For example, 1 would be the
worst and any number higher or the last highest number would be best.

Observation - This would require a person who would watch the organizer and make judgment
based on how well the organizer is doing and what needs to be improved. This is a good way
to get live updates on how well the things are going on and if there is an issue then how fast
the organizer can solve the problem. This can be done openly and secretly where the organizer
would be aware of the observer observing him/her and on the other hand where the observee
wouldn’t know if he/she is being observed.

Questionnaire - This can be done in many ways paper, online, in person and on the phone.
Mostly nowadays this is usually done on online or over the phone. For example, after the event
has ended they can either send a questionnaire at home or at the end of the event ask them to
fill it in on paper or online before leaving the event. This would help the organizer know if the
event went well and what the people thought about it. For the organizer they need to prepare
the questionnaire in a manner

Appraisal - This helps the event organizer to know which skills of theirs were being used
perfectly and what they lacked. This can be carried out after each event, weekly, monthly and
even yearly. This helps the organizer know their medium- and long-term goals

Skills Audit

1= After
Compete the
nt event
2= Able
to show
ar use of
4= Some
5= No

Skills Activity Ability Action for Abilit Action for

Rating Improvement y Improveme
(1-5) Ratin nt
g (1-

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Communicati Written 1 I am very good

on at English
writing and I got
a grade 8(A*) in
language so
therefore my
written work is
done to the
best of its
ability and
graded with the
possible grade.

Verbal Speaking 3 With speaking I

am not as good
and this is not
due to me
problems but
because I
speak fast
which makes it
harder for
others to
understand. I
need to speak
slowly, taking
gaps between
each sentence I

Presentatio Speech, 3 I am not too

n skills presenting a bad at
PowerPoint presenting
however I
personally don’t
as a lot of effort
needs to be put
into it and you
need to make

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sure whatever
you are talking
about makes
sense and is
anyone or

Listening In general, 2 I am not that

good listener as
i normally find
speaking more
than listening
which makes
me come under
not be a very
good listener. I
need to
improve this by
keeping quiet,
listening and
what the other
person is
otherwise I will
come across as
careless and

Interpersonal Teamwork Group work, 2 I am quite good

team game at working in a
team as I can
listen, negotiate
and understand
the given work
without any
hesitation. I
cannot give
myself a 1 as I
lose focus
especially if I
am amongst
friends but the
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work will
always be
completed to
the best of its

Leadership Leading a 2 Leadership is

team, the skill I have
captain and can use
very well.
However, as a
leader I get too
into the work
and if the work
is not done to
the best of its
ability and
properly it
annoys me so
therefore I
believe in order
to keep my
leadership skill
good I need to
be able to deal
with everyone
and their efforts
and be able to
show patients.

Motivating Helping 1 I am really

others friends/famil good at
y, motiving and
helping people
and making
them feel better
This is because
I feel as if
everyone is
good at their
own things and
are unique in
their own way
so they
shouldn’t be
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doubting their

Organization Time Punctuality 2 Attending

al manageme in class, lessons on time
nt Work and not getting
late is mostly
done by me. As
well as work I
mange my time
well at work too
where I always
reach on time
and not getting
late as I leave
early in case
there are any

Prioritising Coursework 1 I always make

tasks , exams, sure my work is
Ucas done on time
and handed in
before the
date. I know
very well how
to priorities
tasks that need
doing for
example exams
coming up
would need
revision first
than any work
that is due after
the exams.

Multi- Multiple 1 I do 2 subjects

tasking subject at once which
work makes me
become good
at multi-tasking
as I have to
complete work,
course, revision

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for exam for
both subjects at
once which I
never fail in

IT Software Presentatio 3 I don’t do IT so

knowledge ns, using therefore I am
internet, not familiar with
knowing many IT skills
what app and computer
does what technology.
However, I
have been
ops for long
enough to know
how to do
certain things
such as making
a presentation
knowing what
each thing does
on the screen,
knowing how to
get around the
computer and
using it well to
get my work

Internet & Emails to 1 Social media

email college, and using the
social internet is quite
media familiar and I
have a lot of
about different
apps such as
the daily apps I
use e.g.
YouTube, tiktok
etc. Also,
college apps
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such as outlook
for emails is
also in use to
get updates
about college.
So therefore, I
rated myself a
1 due to the
amount of
times I use
them apps and
how well I know
them and each
function on

Keyboard Typing 1 In college and

skills high school, we
have been
computers and
laptops as well
as phones
which have a
keyboard that
helps you type
and send and
messages, type
up your work.

Numeracy Accounting Finance 3 Even though I

subject am not that
good at maths I
chose finance
as my subject
which I got a
grade A in and
in finance we
which makes
me know about
a few of the
skills required
to do

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Data Coursework 1 Handling data
handling , revision is not as hard
notes as you have to
skills in order to
keep your work
organized and
your data to not
deleted or
misplaced as
due to having
multiple work
from college
and other
places it is easy
for the data to
go missing or
be placed
where it is not
easily found. I
have good
skills as I have
OCD so
therefore I want
all of my work
to be placed in
a suitable
place. Which is
why my work
never got lost,
misplaced or
deleted by

Research Use of @source, 2 I am not too

source resources bad at finding
material the materials
related to work
on online
however I
never need
them as I prefer
hardcopy of
any work or
book I need.
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This is because
internet or
resources on
the internet is
distracting so
therefore I
cannot rate
myself a 1 for
knowing how to
use all source
However, I am
good at it as I
have certain
subjects which
require you to
find them
materials on
online and I can
do that without
any hesitation.
For example,
right now the
dry run I am
doing and the
template I am
filing in was
found by me on

Library Finding the 5 I am not good

skills books, I at library skills
need, as I hardly go
resources I to the library
need this is because
the things I
need are either
given to me in
class or I can
find them on
online so
therefore I do
not have the
change or need
to go to the
library to find
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Problem Any 2 I normally am

solving unexpected up-to-date so I
issue never face any
problems that I
have to solve.
However, if
there is any
problem I am
quite good at
finding the
solution. For
recently my
classmate left
her workbook
at home and
she didn’t have
anything to
work on so I
gave her mine
and me and my
partner shared
ours. This
made me and
my partner
have a work
book and my
friend and her
partner as well.
I did this
without any
hesitation and

Comparing skills

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As an event planner one of the skills needed is organisational skills which I am good at as I
can organise my work really well. As an event planner I would be able to use my
organisational skills needed for an event organiser because there you would need to keep track
of guests, suppliers and make a sure everything is done per given orders. These are the skills
needed to become an event organiser which I use on a daily by getting my work done on time
and making sure my things are organised. Also, knowing how to multi-tasking should also be
what an organiser should be able to do and I can also do that really well by doing my
coursework, exam unit and also revising for my exams as well. Knowing how to deal with
suppliers. Guest, customers, different partners and people who you are working with should be
a skill that an organiser carries out well. I need to improve prioritising certain tasks and doing
them before any other. This is because I intend to do everything all at once without any
Another skill needed as an event organiser is communication skill which can do quite good at
because I can communicate with people in a way they can understand what I am saying and
have a good communication going on. An event organiser needs to have this skill to
communicate with customers, suppliers and staff. This is very important as to be able to
explain the work to the staff and make deals with the suppliers would require good way of
communication. Communicating with friends, family and teachers has helped me improve my
communication skills and I know how to interact with different people of different age and
Interpersonal skills are also needed as having confidence, having a positive mind and viewing
things in a good way is what I can do and an event organiser needs to be good at as if
something goes wrong then instead of panicking and making things worse an organiser should
be able to have the ability to calm the matter down and instead of taking it in a negative way
he/she should be able to confidently handle the situation. I think positively and am confident in
whatever I do which makes me a good event planner if I were to be one. I need to improve on
thinking positively more as when something bad happened I tend to take it in a negative way I
need to improve by having a can do and positive attitude. However, leading a team and
motivating others is what I can do and are able to do daily without any hesitation or lack of
ability. As an event organiser knowing how to manage your own team (staff) and knowing how
to motivate customers/worker that need motivation shouldn’t be a problem for the organiser at
all. I need to improve on this skill by making sure I remain patient and understand everyone I
interact with.
IT skills are what I have but to a certain point this is due to the amount of time we spend on
social media, laptops and copters to interact with our friends/family and complete our college
work. Using different apps and knowing how to use them well is also a skill I and a event
planner should have within. An event can consist of any equipment and technology/devices
can be one of them. So therefore, knowing how to help the customers in the event out with
technology problems if they are struggling should b done by an event organiser. For me I am
not too bad at IT and numeracy however I have the basic skills needed to get my purpose
fulfilled such as use social media apps, use certain apps for college and to get college work
completed on.
Time management is an important skill for anyone to have not only an event organiser this is
because once the time has gone then you are going to be delaying many other things and not
being up to date with the latest. For an event organiser they have to make sure they arrange
and attend meetings regarding the event on time and if they don’t then they will be running
the event late and not to the best of its ability. Personally, I manage time really well due to
Turing up to college and lessons on time, submitting my work on time before the due date and
making sure I am ahead of everything and not behind.
Lastly, problem solving and knowing how to deal with any unexpected problem should be a
skill that an event organiser has and can carry out really well. Customer complaints, dealing
with issues regarding the even such as parking, temperature in the building, food and maybe
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the event itself should at all cost be solved with care if anything does occur. If a manager
struggles to solve problems then this would frustrate the guests and many other problems will
occur due to it. I am good at this skill as not being able to complete my work on time due to a
problem will never be heard by me this is because if there is an issue I intend to solve it
without the matters getting worse and creating gaps between my learning and as an event
planner this is needed in order to solve customer complaints or even any problems with the

M1 & D1

Skills for successful event organiser

Organisational skills would be needed for an event organiser to be successful as this would
mean the organiser is able to organise everything needed in the event and has the ability to
arrange the resources needed.

Problem solving skills would be needed as in an event not everything goes according to the
plan and there will be unexpected issues occurring which will require the organiser to have
problem solving skills in order to get rid of the issue occurring without any delay.
Interpersonal skills would be required as this is needed to work with a positive mind set and if
something does happen or not go according to the plan then the organiser should take it
lightly and resolve the issue instead of thinking negatively and not being patient and
understanding the situation.

Time management skills would be necessary as the event is all about the tasks being done on
time as people attending the event have other work to do and places to be so therefore they
would want every5thing to be organised and the event to be run according to the right and
said timings.

Negotiation skills will help the organiser interact with suppliers. Customer, staff and other
team members which is necessary as without it you wouldn’t know how to make deals and set
prices/orders with the suppliers and sort out any complaints with customers. So, knowing how
to negotiate and help the customers understand gin an orderly manner is needed for the event
to go as planned.

Communication skills are not just needed for an organiser but everyone who needs their work
to get done top the best of its ability. The organiser would need to know and an expert in
communicating as without it he/she wouldn’t be able to speak to anyone without having issues
or ending up not explaining the tasks properly. So, to be a successful event planner knowing
how to communicate with people around you be of any age, platform or place is needed.

Skill factors

For written work I have given myself a 1 as I am really good at literacy and written work. The
work includes coursework, speeches and any college work I have due. This is because I know
how to use the right vocab in order to do the work I need and complete it to the best of my
ability. In English writing I got (Grade A*) which shows that my English writing skills are
excellent so as a result I gave myself a 1. As an event organiser I would be excellent in this
skill as all the notes, written work, staff pdf/ppt will all be an easy job for me and I would put
it in the suitable format for everyone to be able to understand.

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Verbal I gave myself a 3 which mean I am not too good or too bad at it this is not because I
have difficulty speaking or I cannot speak English properly but this is because of the tone I use
and the speed. I find myself speaking a bit too loud or too fast in many cases which makes it
difficult for others to understand and stay up with what I am saying. I can improve this by
taking my time while speaking and making sure I use the right tone as for kids I should be
speaking softly and for deaf people I should be loud enough for them to understand me. So as
an event organiser I think I will need more practise on this as in an event speaking in a calm
and understanding way Is needed for the staff to understand and knew what you are saying.

Presentations which I am not the strongest or weakest at but average so I gave myself a 3 this
is because I do not like putting too much effort in presentation and you cannot fit everything
on 1 slide and your format and writing needs to be summarised and easily understood. Speech
is also a part of presentation skills which I am not too good or bad at so therefore as an event
manager I will be able to manage it.

Listening is needed in everyday life and not just as an event manager which I gave myself a 2
in this is because I am a good listener however I am more of a speaker than a listener. I need
to improve on this by understanding people and letting them have a say. I mostly end up
being the one doing the most speaking rather than listening as everyone needs to be
appreciated and heard. As an event organiser I wouldn’t really be as good with this skill as the
most important thing would be listening to the suppliers and their demands, customers and
their opinions and feedback and guests and their complaints which you would need excellent
listening skills because you need to hear the other side of the story and not just only you.

Team work which I gave myself a 2 in due to me having good interpersonal skills and knowing
and having the experience of working in a team without having any disagreements and
hesitation. I can listen and negotiate and make sure the whole team is heard and not only one
person. Keeping the team together and working with each other is a skill I have and as an
even planner it would require you to make the whole staff/managers and other leader all
agreeing with each other and working together instead of alone. I didn’t give myself a 1
because I get carried away and cannot remain patient if someone in the team is not listening
or is misbehaving and as an event organiser this shouldn’t be the case. As an event organiser I
will master this skill however I do need a few points to improve where I need to be more
patient and understand everyone.

Leadership is another factor needed to be an excellent event’s organiser as knowing how to

lead the team and make sure everyone is taking part in the task set. I gave myself a 2 which
is due to me having the experience on leading the team/group I have been made the leader of.
So, because of that I know exactly how an event organiser would be managing the role of
leadership and I can see myself toping in this factor as an event organiser as well. You have a
lot of people who you have working in the event too and as you are the leader you would have
to carry the whole team and different team leaders in all areas such as catering, staff, venue,
security, suppliers, IT techs etc. This leadership skill is needed to carry out all these tasks to
the best of its ability. However, I still would need to improve on some areas regarding my
patients as if the team doesn’t work well or doesn’t do as instructed then this would infuriate
me so therefore in order to improve this skill even further to become an event organiser I
would need to remain patient and be understanding.

Motivating others is a key skill in everyday life if you are a good person as helping and
encouraging others to do good should not only be an event organisers job but everyone should
have to ability to be motivational and inspire others to achieve their goals. In this skill I gave
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myself a 1 which I am highly confident about as I have been motivating others since high
school and helping them get over their insecurities and work out of the comfort zone. As an
event organiser I would be an expert in this skill and would be able to carry out this factor
perfectly. I would need this as an event organiser to encourage the team to work harder, extra
hours if needed, if the staff gets irritated by the audience I would motivate them to tolerate
the audience and let it be. I got no improvements to make in this skill of mine.

Time management which I gave myself a 2 in mostly I am good at managing time however it
is only few times I run a bit late but that too due to some serious problem. Event organiser
would need to be excellent in this skill because if he/she himself doesn’t care and respect time
then the team wouldn’t be on time either so therefore to be a role model and make sure
everyone is on time the event organiser needs to be on time too and manage the event really
well according to its set timings. If I took on this role I would be able to manage time but not
so well so therefore I need to make a few improvements. These include making it on time to
my lessons which will make me get into a habit of being on time and knowing how I should be
setting my routine in order to manage time perfectly. I also would need to finish all my work
on time and not delay it as this would then get me in practise already so I can have the perfect
time management skills as an event organiser would need.

Prioritising tasks is what needs to be done well as it effects a lot of work and in an event, it
would cause lots of trouble if the tasks are not done accordingly. I gave myself a 1 which is
because of how I do my coursework, exam revision etc in order of importance and needs in
other words I would make sure I prioritise my work and get them all completed without any
delay. An event organiser would need this to make certain meetings on time and deal and go
to people who need more attention than others for example if someone has issues parking and
someone is cold due to the AC being on in the hall then going to someone in the parking slot
would be wiser than helping someone who isn’t causing any other problems. I don’t need any
improvements as I am wise enough to know which task of mine needs more attention so as an
event organiser I would be able to prioritise tasks well enough and get them done.

Multitasking is something I am very good at so I gave myself a 1 as in college I do 2 subjects

which I have different work for and for one of the subjects I have 2 teachers and I get work
from both the teachers so therefore I know exactly how to manage more than 1 task and get it
completed without any hesitation. An event organiser would need this skill to manage and
organise many areas in the event and not just one such as catering, staff, security, hall,
parking, resources etc so therefore for an event organiser this skill would be necessary. I don’t
need any improvement on this however if I were to keep myself good in this skill I would need
to carry on working and making sure all my work from all subjects/teachers I up to date and

Software knowledge is what I am not that good in this is because I don’t do anything got to do
with IT so therefore I don’t have a lot of knowledge. I gave myself a 3 as I am not too bad at it
either as using computers and using the apps I need isn’t a hard job for me so I can do that
perfectly and know how to get around all the sources I need and where to find the things I
need using technology devices. As an event organiser I wouldn’t be able to use this skill
effectively because you need this skill in order to manage any presentations/PPT or online
surveys that might be included in the event so helping someone with that would only be done
if you know your way around different apps which I am not. I can improve on this by using and
exploring new apps and not just apps used in college by all students.

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Internet and emails are where my skills are really good in this and gave myself a 1 and this is
because I use these skills in my daily life. Using outlook/Gmail to receive and send messages
to my manager and teachers gave me the knowledge and experience to be good with emails
and as an event organiser I would perfectly be able to meet this requirement. Social media
which is used worldwide is also a good skill that I have and will be able to use as an event
manager. An event manager would use this and would need this skill while sending emails and
messages to suppliers, other team members etc and would need social media and its apps top
promote and advertise its event and let everyone know about the event. I don’t need to make
any improvements ion this as I use internet and emails everyday so I am an expert in it.

Keyboard skills where you have to know how to type is a skill everyone has and can do an
excellent job in this is because technology has advanced so everyone uses computers, laptops,
phones and iPad to get their work done, speak to friends and family and to use it to socialise
so therefore this skill would be something I have to become an event organiser. I gave myself
a 1 in this factor due to the experience and the amount of time I use this skill in my daily life.
An event organiser would need this skill to be able to send emails and interact with suppliers
and get to know about what is going on in the event.

Accounting is what I gave myself a 3 in because I am not so strong in maths so therefore I

wouldn’t be able to use this skill as an event planner. As an event planner you would need this
to calculate the number of guests attending, staff needed, salary for the staff and much more
calculations will be needed as an organiser. I can improve on this by using my subjects I chose
I college such as finance which will take time. However, I won’t be able to cover this factor if I
was to take on the role of an event organiser.

Data handling is another one that I am good at so I gave myself a 1 in it. I know how to
handle different data due to the experience and practice I am getting in college right now. I
have 2 subjects with 1 2 teachers for 1 subject and all the data, work, information we get from
them I can handle it really well just like I have done last year. I was able to work with the
right resources and use the right given data and with this skill I have been successful and
achieve grade A in finance and DD* in business. I don’t need any improvement but for an
event organiser I would need all this regarding the data I receive from the catering staff, other
managers, customers, suppliers and stakeholders sop this skill would be needed to be
successful in the role of an event planner.

Use of material sources which I gave myself a 2 in because I use this skill in college by using
the right resources, booklets, pdf etc to get my work done and I have been doing this for a
year has made me have the experience and enough practice to do it as an event planner as
well. Event managers would need this skill to get the right resources and equipment need for
the event so therefore this skill would be crucial. I would need more practise on this skill and I
will do this by using my 2nd year in college and in further education in the future to be able to
have enough knowledge and practise to become an event organiser.

Library skills which I gave myself a 5 which is the lowest I can give myself and this is due to
the lack of library skills I have. In high school I used to go to the library however now I am not
too good at going to the library and finding the resources and using them so therefore as an
event organiser I wouldn’t be able to use my library skills very well. An event planner would
need this skill in case he/she is managing an event regarding books or opening of a new library
etc. To improve this skill of mine I would need to visit my college library and use hardcopy
resources instead of online. This will give me experience on how to use the library, find the

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books needed and become more familiar with reading and my research skills instead of
sticking to online and technology resources.


For communication skills I gave myself the average score of 3 which in my speaking and
presentation skills and 2 in my listening and a 1 which is the highest in my writing skills. For
an event organiser they would be number 1 or 2 in all these skills above which I am not. This
is because without being really good at these skills the event wouldn’t be able to run very well
as the organizer would end up failing to communicate in a proper manner so therefore would
mess things up. According to my skills audit I don’t have the ability to do this job because I
gave myself an average score mostly and this is not what the score for an event organiser
should be.
For my interpersonal skills the average score I gave myself is a 2 which gives the ability to do
this job as an event organiser would need the 1 st two highest ratings in order to carry out the
job properly. So, for my interpersonal skills which includes teamwork, leadership and
motivating others which I am really good at due to me using these skills in my daily life so I
therefore have the experience of dealing with people. An event organizer would need this in
order to help and encourage the team to work even harder and deal with customers even if the
guests are hard to deal with.

My organisational skills will be similar to an event planner’s skill ratings as I gave myself the
average score of 1 which is the highest and the lowest score of 2 which is the second highest
rating possible so therefore if I were to take on this job I would be able to perfectly fit into it
due to my organisational skills. These skills include time management, prioritising tasks and
multi-tasking which I put into practise in college daily due to having multiple work, subject
teacher, courses and choosing the most important task 1 st before any other and completing it.
So therefore, I have good experience in my organisational skills and would be able to do the
same job as an event organiser.

For my IT skills the overall rating I gave myself is a 1 which is the highest and an event
organiser would have the same ratings for itself too. To take on this job I have the ability to
use emails, social media, apps, computer, keyboard skills and enough software knowledge to
carry out the tasks needed. An event organiser would need these skills in order to help anyone
in the event to complete a survey on a device if needed as well as help themselves with
reading and sending emails, using the internet and using social media in order to deal and stay
in touch with suppliers, stakeholders, audience and let others know about the event.

For my numeracy skills I gave myself a 1 in data handling because I have the experience of
managing all my work and given data in the right way and storing it in the right place so when
I ned it I can access it without any misplacing. An event organiser would have the same rating
as for them they have to manage and handle important data regarding the event which would
involve any dealings with the suppliers, staff, catering, security, catering, contracts and any
dealing done with the building owner and the emergency services if needed. So, all this and
the timing and resources need in the event would need extra care and shouldn’t be played
around or misplaced. So due to me having the same ratings an event organiser would have in
its numeracy skills I would be able to carry out this job without any problem. Another
numeracy skill which I gave myself a which is the average score which is not the highest or the
lowest is accounting. This is because my methanic skills are not really good however I got a
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grade A in my finance subject so therefore I would be able to use my accounting skills when
needed. So, this skill I would be able to do as an event organiser.

My research skills which I gave myself a 2 in for the use of material source and library skills
which I gave myself a 5 in. An event organiser should have higher ratings than that. They
should have a 1 or 2 in both of them skills which I do not have so therefore I wouldn’t be able
to carry out the role of an event organiser regarding my research skills. Even though
researching different things to complete my college work and other things I can do a great job
however if the event is on library then I would struggle as I do not know the right way to get a
book you are looking for or any resource you need. However, as an event organiser they would
need to be not too bad at these skills was their event could be regarding anything so the need
for these research skills is important. I do not have the ability to do this job because of the
lack of library skills I have but to improve I should visit the library often.

Lastly, problem solving skills are needed everywhere and not only as an event manger. I gave
myself a 2 which is one of the scores an event organiser would normally have as well because
to be an event organiser you don’t have to be perfect and you can have lower ratings for a few
things. This skill is needed to deal with any unexpected/unplanned problem that can occur at
any time so being ready for it and knowing how to deal with it is needed as an event planner.
For me I would be able to take on this role as my problem-solving skills are neither perfect nor
too bad and the practice I lack I would get it which working as an event organiser. This skill is
needed internally and externally as it can be used to solve any problems with the stakeholders
such as customers, staff, other managers and all of the team that is working together to carry
out this event.

In conclusion I believe that I can carry out the role and duties of an event organiser as the
only skill I am not as good at is research due to the lack of library visits I had but this can be
improved so therefore I would be able to take on the job of an event organiser. As you need to
be familiar with all of them skills and you don’t have to be perfect as every event and day you
will have the chance to learn more and improve on your skills.

Examples of skills used

For my communication skill I have used this skill every day and every time in order to
communicate with my friends, family and anyone I need. So, to talk to my teachers about my
work I have used the right vocab, tone and use of language in order to get my message
across. This matches with an event organisers skill as they have to use the right language,
tone and speed in order to get their message across to team members, staff to explain them
their tasks, security, emergency services to inform them about the event and suppliers to let
them know about the resources needed and when.

For my organisational skills which include time management, multi-tasking and prioritising the
tasks which I have done well in college. Coming to class on time and not getting late, doing all
my coursework and exam revision on time and not delay it or leaving to the last minute and
doing multiple subjects work at one is how I put my organisational skills into practice. For an
event organiser they would use this in order to manage different services and stakeholders at
once. E.G. dealing with customers and their complaints, managing the catering staff and food
to see if it is halal, vegetarian and if anyone hasn’t got any allergies, managing resources and
making sure the supplier delivers it on time and much more tasks that they can carry out
using their organisational skills.

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Interpersonal skills including teamwork, leadership and motivating others which I have used
more than once with friends and in school. Working in a team/group in sports and being the
team captain in the game football which we played in school on sports day. This is where I
have used my teamwork and leadership skills effectively and more than once. An event
organiser would use this to manage the people below him/her so the member of staff and
other managers by directing them to where they need to be and what they need to do. Making
sure the tasks are carried out without any problem and to the best of its ability would also be
their responsibility as a leader.
IT skills including software knowledge, emails and knowing how to use internet and social
media is a daily practice. This is because I use apps such as snapchat to interact with friends,
YouTube to socialise, outlook to stay up to date with any college news etc everyday so
knowing how to use these skills is easy for me and I am able to do it. Typing skills are perfect
for me as for about more than 3 years I have been typing up my coursework, CV, messages
and anything on internet when I need to so I have good practise of it. Doing my coursework on
the computer/laptop using a keyboard is also a daily task for me. For an event organiser they
would need to type up all the data for the event including deals and messages with the
suppliers and other stakeholders which would require the right app to do use and right way to
use their IT skills on.

Numeracy skills which I have used to handle data that I get during college work such as
coursework, emails and passwords for different websites and apps which I need to handle
properly in order to not misplace or forget. Accounting which I use and work on during my
finance classes and previous years business classes so therefore I can manage my numeracy
skills well. For an event organise they would use these skills to calculate the salaries/wages,
creditors, loans, profit and loss made during the event and while dealing with the suppliers and
banks. They would use data handling on things like keeping important emails insight and not
deleting or misplacing important information regarding the event.

Research skills which I use by researching and using resources for my college work such as
@source where I can find all my classes and any work the teachers have put up, Outlook
where I receive all emails and updates, timetable, personal data, UCAS for my university
purposes, teams etc all these places which I use in order to get my work done and get any
information that I need to. Library skills even though I don’t use the library for books because
nowadays everything is mostly on computer and not on hardcopy, I still use the library for
other purposes like using the computers and extra space to complete my coursework, do exam
revision and have some time to myself so I can study.

Lastly, problem solving skills are used by me when I have to revise and I don’t get time to at
home I do the revision before class when I get break so I am up to date and I use tutor to
catch up with any work I have. Also, when once my dad couldn’t come to pick me from college
and I didn’t know the way back home as I live far instead of panicking, I used navigation to
get home and now I know the way by heart. An event manager would use these skills to deal
with problems regarding the customers where the AC or heating in the building is too high so
the organiser would have the knowledge to put it in the preferred mode. If someone can’t find
a parking lot before this problem could occur the organiser might get reserved parking for
special guests and a parking lot available for other audience for free and with some parking
staff who can instruct the customers to where to park.

Achieve success

Having organisational skills would help me to plan and organise the event according to the
purpose of the event so if the event is meant to gain more employees, followers fora certain
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thing then it should be inspiring and convincing. This can be done by telling everyone about
the rewards, perks or any benefits they would get if they agree or sign up.

Having good communication skills would help to become a successful event organiser as this
would mean that everyone can understand what is being said to them and if there is any
problem then the way you communicate with them will help you negotiate with the problem.
For example, for a product launch you would need to communicate the product and use proper
presentation, speech and vocab in order to make your product seem interesting and convincing
to buy.
Having good interpersonal skills would help me to keep my team together, respectful,
motivated and being able to become a good leader which others will follow and listen to
without any doubt. This skill would make me be seen as responsible, understanding and make
my employees want to keep me as a leader. For a team building event this skill would be
required as to build the team you have to be a good leader and set a good example so others
can rely on you and be able to trust you. Also, in team building event where helping the team
come together as one and motivating them to do better would also require excellent
interpersonal skills.

Having IT skills which you are confident in would make me successful as an event organiser
would help me help and give out excellent quality of presentations. Helping the customers do a
survey at the end of the event or knowing how to sign them in if you are doing a protest or a
petition will be able to help the event run smoothly and without any issues being created. For a
seminar where you get the whole team together in a small session to let them know about all
tasks and how they should be done would require IT skills where you might have to present
and help the whole team learn how to use IT to help out in the event.

Numeracy skills are important to have as with this you will be able to do the right calculations
for dealings with the suppliers and other stakeholders such as the employees and give them
the right amount of salary. This would make you seem knowledgeable and trustworthy as you
will be aware of what and how to do things. Knowing how to keep certain data and information
safe and what to keep private and what to let others know about would also be required so the
employees and the team can be respected and be aware of what’s happening around them. If
it is a Shareholder / Corporate Board Meetings then this skill is necessary so the meetings can
include the right information and the data given and received can be managed well.

Research skills would help me to increase my knowledge about many things and use and
provide the right resources as an event manager so the event is taken seriously and everyone
knows exactly what to do. You would need this skill in a product launch where the product is a
new book by an author then knowing library skills and doing appropriate research about the
book/author would be needed. Also, in a press conference to give news about something
bad/good or a misunderstanding that took place can require research skills. As you would need
to know and research about the right facts and rumours to speak out on.

Problem solving skills would help me to become a successful event organiser by me knowing
how to solve any problem that occurs and before the problem could turn into a big issue or
complaint regarding the event. So, to make sure the event is run without any delay or issue
and everyone is happy with the service knowing and being good at solving problem is needed
for an event organiser to become successful. An event such as a press conference to talk about
a problem and by talking about it and solving it would require good problem-solving skills. For
example, the Palestine and animal testing matter which is a problem can be dealt with by
having a press conference to talk the matter out to the media and let others know about the

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right and wrong is required. So therefore, problem solving is an important skill to have in an
event organiser.

Developing skills

Organisational skills I need to improve on time management as I delay my work to the last
minute even though I do complete the work delay it so I have only 1 day to do it. So, I need to
improve on managing my time well and completing everything on time.

Communication skills I need to improve on the speed I talk in because I end up speaking a bit
too fast so I need to slow down and learn how to talk calmly. This would help me communicate
and I wouldn’t have the need to repeat myself.

Interpersonal skills where I need to improve on understanding people and my team when I am
working in a team and I am the leader. So, if someone cannot carry out the activity given and
is not good at a certain skill that is required to complete a task e.g. football, literacy, memory
game then I should stay calm and not get angry. So, I need to develop patients and be able to
understand the team member instead of getting angry.

IT skills where I need to gain more knowledge on software as I don’t do IT so I only have the
knowledge on internet, social media and emails as I use them daily. So due to my lack of IT
and computer understanding with apps that haven’t ever used I need to improve on it.

Numeracy skills where I have to improve on my maths skills needed for accounting. This is
because I got grade 4 in maths which is a pass but not a great pass and also because I am not
good with numbers despite getting a grade A in finance.

Research skills is where I need to improve on my library skills because I use computers mostly
so I don’t need books or any hardcopy resources in order to visit the library. So therefore, I
need to improve this skill by visiting the library often.

For my problem-solving skill don’t have to improve on anything but remaining patient as when
things don’t go according to my plan or as instructed I lose temper and it annoys me. So
therefore, my problem-solving skills would be put into practise by my becoming more patient
and understanding.

Courses available

The only skill that I lack is research skills and within that library skills which I can develop by
visiting my college library and getting some books to read in the half-term especially when I
have break. I can also visit the town library and get a staff member to help and provide me
with some knowledge of books and improving my library skills. Applying to be an employee or
do a part time job in the town library would also be helpful so to improve my research skills
overall, I have many things that I can do.

My numeracy skills can be developed and improved through my finance lessons and by helping
my younger nieces doing their mathematics homework. This will help me go over the things I
learnt in previous years and would refresh my memory. Also, in my finance subject I can pay
attention and work hard this year as well to get good grades and improve my financial skills.
As well as this I can also use this website which will lead me to ‘The
open university’ website which helps you with free education on any numeracy courses. They
are with
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
employability-courses-build-your-skills which is a website where you get to learn and work on
your numeracy skills that too for free. They have joined with ‘The open University’ which has 4
sessions which cover: These will give me the basic knowledge on numeracy which will allow
me to have the same skills as an event manager.
Session 1: Working with numbers
Sessions 2: Units of measure
Session 3: Handling data
Session 4: Shape and Space
For my IT skills which I have no control over and cannot improve and gain software knowledge
myself. One of my friends does IT so she can help me with basic knowledge. I can use online
website and internet as nowadays this is the only place where you can learn about new things
and increase your understanding of different things. I can also use
which is a website to learn IT or any other subject that too with free courses as well as proper
courses with payment so if I had to improve my IT skills I can use my apps and sites to use to
improve them. This covers learning about google IT support, key technologies for business,
IBM data engineering, data engineering foundations, cybersecurity, java, python, ethical,
Microsoft and much more will be covered in this course. Which won’t only give you basic but
the right knowledge for IT and this you can use as an event organiser.


My skills audit has the following skills Communication skills, organisation skills, IT skills,
research skills, numeracy skills, interpersonal skills and problem-solving skills. This helped me
know what I am good at and what ratings I would give myself out of 5, as well as what I need
to improve on and how. The skills audit has also helped me workout what I need to change
about myself to become a better person for myself and others. Even though I do not have any
interest in becoming an event organiser however the skills audit has given me the knowledge
and made me be aware and work on the skills that I would need to become an event
organiser. All the skills covered and factors which I worked on separately are what an event
organiser would need to have to do its job. It has also made clear for me on what skills I need
to improve on such as my IT, research and numeracy skills need the most working on and for
me organising, communication and my problem-solving skills do need as much work being
done on.

Resources used

@source – Book
I used the book named Managing an event 4 which included all of coursework details that we
needed and had to use to work on our assignment. I used page 188 – 207 for all my P1 work
and for M1D1 I used the skills audit which we filled in in order to complete the rest of the

Conclusion – So overall, I have completed all aspects needed to complete this assignment as
well I have learnt about the skills I need improving on, how I am going to improve on them
and different skills that I have/need to become an event organiser

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015

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