AEA PK232 Manual de Usuario

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ADVANCED ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS, INC. PAKRATT. Model PK-232 Multi-Mode Data Controiier OPERATING MANUAL USER’S GUIDE MODEL PK-232 DATA CONTROLLER ADVANCED ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS, INC PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Reproduction, dissemination or use of information contained herein for purposes other then operation and/or maintenance ia prohibited without written authorization from Advanced Electronics Applications, Inc. USER’S GUIDE PREFACE PREFACE 70 THE PK-232 DATA CONTROLLER MANUAL, Please read this preface in ite entirety. It conteina informetion about hoy to receive varrenty service from AEA, the current software installed in your PK-232, AEA’s aoftware update policy and hov to get involved in the digitel radio community. RE enc: tion To User ‘Thie PK-232 has been certified under Subpart J of Pert 15 of the FCC rules. ‘Thie equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy. If it i not in- stalled and used properly, that is, in strict accordence vith AEA’s instrucé tions, it may couse interference to radio and TV reception. It has been type- teated and has been found to comply vith the limits of a Clase B computing device in accordance vith the epecificetione in Subpart J of Part 15 of the FCC rules, vhich ere designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee ‘thet interference will not occur in a particular instelletion. If thie equip- nent does cause interference to radio or TV reception, vhich can be determined by turning the PK-232 on and off, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference using one or more of the folloving measures ° Reorient the antenna of the device receiving interference. ° Relocate the computer vith reapect ta this device. ° Plug the computer into a different outlet so the computer and the de- vice ere on different branch circuits. If necessary, the user ehould congult the dealer or en experienced radio/TV technician for additional suggestions. The user may find "How to Identify and Resolve Radia-TV Interference Problens,* a booklet prepared by the FCC, help- ful. USE SHIELDED CABLE FOR ALL RS-232 CONNECTIONS Aa part of its continuing program of product improvement, AEA reserves the right to make changes in thie product's specifications. Changes vill be made periodically to the information in this document. These chenges vill be in- corporeted in nev issues of thie manual. ‘There may be technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in thie document. Please addrese commente end corrections to AEA Incorporated, PO Box C2160, Lynnvood, WA 98036-0918. AEA reserves the right to incorporate and issue any information thus supplied in vhatever manner it deems suitable vithout incur- ring any obligations vhatever. SECOND ISSUE (SEPTEMBER 1986) Copyright Advanced Electronics Applications, Inc., 1986. All righte reserved. No pert of thie manual may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without prior written permisaion from the copyright ovner. NGRev. Bo 9706 i PK - 2 USER'S GUIDE PREFACE Welcome Congratulations!! You've purchased another fine AEA product. PLEASE, before ve go any further, may ve ask you to FILL OUT AND RETURN the Warrenty Regietration Card , which has been packed vith your PK-232 aysten. WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FURNISH YOU WITH ANY UPDATES TO THE SOFTWARE IF YOU DO NOT RETURN THE ABOVE DOCUMENT. AS NEW FEATURES ARE DEVELOPED, WE ARE SURE YOU WILL WAHT TO BE ABLE TO OBTAIN THEM. If you cell for any kind of customer aseietence, ve’ll ask you for the serial nurber on your warranty card. Because of the numerous situations in vhich our product is used by an unauthorized third party, ve MUST verify thet you are the licensed user. We may choose to cell you at the phone number listed in our recorda to verify your identity. THANK YOU for your patience. Product Update Policy From time to time AEA vill make available updates to the design of its prod- uste, These conetines are made available to the user who has previously pur~ chaged ite products. We can only tell you about theae updates if ve have your varrent card. PLEASE SEND IT IN If you have not already done ao. Future ver~ sions of software for the PK-232 will most likely become available. AEA will make these updates available, if possible. In Cese of Trouble Application and troubleshooting assistance may be had by calling AEA during our 8-12, 1-4:30 vorking houre in Seattle WA. Aak for the Customer Service Department. The phone number is (206) 775-7373. Please have your product seriel number, and veraion date of the softvare available. The version date ia on the firet ecreen that cones up vhen you turn on the PK-232, We will algo need to knoy the nature of any other equipment connected to the Pk-232. Please attempt to solve problens locally, using other hans or an AEA dealer. Substituting « PK-80 or other THC that you knov 4a vorking properly for your questionable one is a diagnostic technique thet vill check out the rest of your atation. Algo try running your PK-232 in another tation. Meny of the AEA products that are sent to us for repair ere in perfectly good order vhen ve receive them, Please perform vhatever eteps are applicable from the information on installation end troubleshooting. If you call for assistance, please have your Pk-232 up and running beside the phone. Our service technician vill likely aek you to perform certain keyboard routines to aid in diagnosie. If you have a voltmeter handy, you might have the PK-232 open so you can report measurenents to the service technician. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THE PK-292 TO US WITHOUT CONTACTING US FOR PERHISSION FIRST. WE WOULD LIKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO TROUBLESHOOT THE PROBLEM OVER THE PHONE FIRST, SAVING YOU BOTH TIME AND MONEY. PK232UG Rev. B 9/86 aL PK - @ USER'S GUIDE PREFACE If you gend ue the PK-232 by UPS it must he sent to the street address - not ‘the post office box number. The street address ia: ABA, Ine 2006 196'* st. SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 usa We vill need YOUR street addreas for UPS return - be sure and send it. UPS Surface (Brovn Lebel) takes 7-8 days, Blue takes 2-3 days and Red is pre- gently available on the West Coast only. Red is an overnight service and it da expensive, Send the PK-232 in a vay that it can be traced if ve cannot verify receipt of shipment. We suggest UPS or inured pastel shipment. If the PK-232 da still under the original owners varrenty, AEA vill pay the cost of the return shipment. The current policy ie that it vill be returned Brovn if received Brovn or by US Meil; returned Blue if received Blue or by ight service; or returned as the oyner states in hie letter if he fur- the return cost for the method he aelecte. aie} If the PK-292 de out of verranty, it vill be returned by UPS Brovn COD unless: 1) It was received UPS Blue/Red in vhich case it will go back UPS Blue COD, or 2) If you designate billing to VISA or MASTERCARD, or 3) you enclose @ BLANK pergonal check endorsed ‘not to exceed ...8*, or 4) you specify some other method of return. Ve will typically service the product in two or three daya if ve have all the facts. If ve must call you, it may teke longer. PLEASE, if you send it in, include a letter stating the problem and vere you can be reached. If you can be reached by phone in the evening on the East Cosst, let us knov vhere. Our current rate for non-verrenty service is #4@/hour vith @ 3/4 hour minimun. Parte and shipping are extra. AEA ie not responsible for danage auch as caused by lightning, nonprofessional alterations, poor storage/handling, etc. Should your varrenty card not be on file at AEA, you need ta eend the proof of purchase date to receive verranty service. Typically @ copy of your bill of sale from an AEA dealer vill suffice. ‘The varranty ie for the original ovner only and ie not transfereble. ‘RQUG Rev. B 9/86 adi PK - 4 USER’S GUIDE PREFACE. INTRODUCTION Welcome to the exciting varld of digital Amateur Radio! You've joined the ranks of the festest groving modes in Anateur Radio since the FM repeater. Your AEA PK-232 Data Controller is the connection betveen your computer and radios. The PK-232 performs all the "magic" of establishing date and text compunicationa betveen your station and many other communication facilities equipped for digital communications. With packet radio and ANTOR, you'll have e "private channel" vhile sharing a frequency vith other packet and ANTOR stations; you'll be able to tread the 41" of other Morse, RTTY end AMTOR QSOs, log on ta computer-based "bulletin board" or "mailbox? ctationg, handle message traffic - in short, you're now equipped to enjoy the advantages of digital communications and error-correct- ing radio techniques in your ham shack. Your new AEA PK-232 is the heart of your digital radio station. The PK-232's packet ayetem softvare is derived from the original TAPR TNC; it presente many ef the advanced features of that design, coupled vith aignificant enhancenente based on the experience gained by thousands of TAPR-equipped amateur packet stations vorldwide. This manual ia your guide into the realm of digital Amateur Radio. Join et Club - Subscribe To Nevelettere - Join e Voice Net Join a packet radio club - they exist in all states es of this writing. You might algo gubscribe to the ARRL publication "Gateway," which describes all ‘the "goings on* in packet radia, and ta the TAPR *Packet Status Register, * which describes the technically interesting happenings in the movement. There are many voice nete on VHF and HF; they uaually meet weekly. They are uaually dedicated to making the newcomer feel at hom Acknowledgement AEA, Inc. gratefully acknovledges the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corporation, Tucson, AZ for peraiesion to include excerpts from their TNC-2 docunentation in this manuel. This User’s Guide to the Pk-232 wee developed and written by Nora Sternberg, W2JUP and Barbara Argilo, on a Tandy 1@@0HD computer with IBN’s DieplayWrite 3 program, and en IBK Displeywriter using TextPack 6. Our thank aleo go to ‘Alan Chandler, Steve Stuart and Joe Schinnel. AEA, Inc. dedicates itself to the developnent of digital radio communications. PK232UG Rev. B 9/86 av PK - 5 USER’S GUIDE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION Introduction, SCOPE ss eeeeeeees Genera: Application.....s.cees Specifications...... 1 Description...... 2 Moder Characteristics. . 3 Processor Syst 4 Input/Output Connection 5 6 Controls and Indicators.......+ General.....++ Features. System Componente... 1 Input/Output Devices... 2 Syaten Tranamitter-Receiver Performance Requir seh ddddsnneeeedd CHAPTER 2 - INSTALLATION "QUICK START INSTALLATION. . Equipment Required, Precautione. Ingtallation. sy +2 LBL Initial Control Settings... ereeees 1.3.2 Power Connectiona.....sseeeeeeeeeeesseeeeeee ee 1.3.8 Radio Input and Output Connections. .....ssesseee 1.34 Computer Connections.........++ seteeteeeeeeenee Be A ppc 7 se sees 24 ASL Status LEDs... seeeee se we De 1.5.2 Mode LEDa...... panied senage cence nee recent ee 1.5.3 Tuning Indicator. He tatsaoslerpepeaa sees Be . Serial Port Configuration. . ebseaenpsed 22 Screen Digplaye. Echoes... Line Feeds and Carriage Returna......... Command List Displaya.......--eeseseeeee Peeteeteenes Digplay Conplete Command List Dieplay Display ? be DD ODIAHAGAOSSSOOONNE EEE PERE NND 1 2 3 5A. Display fe bctlec ti “10 5.5, Diapley 18 5.6 Display 2ad 5.7 Digpley Monitor Parameters. ........4+ party 5.8 Diapley Moree/RTTY/ANTOR Paraneters. 2-12 5.9 Digplay Timing Pereneters.... 2-32 PR292UG Rev. B 9/86 Toc-1 PK - 6 USER'S GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 2 - INSTALLATION Paragraph Page 2.6 Immediate Commands. -..-+-+eeeeeeeseseeseees cesses 243 2.7 "Quick Start" Radio Connections and Set-up. fesse Dodd 2.7.1 FY Inetalletion and Adjustment. .....0..4 +245 2.7.2 SSB Inetallation and Adjuatnent. + 216 2.7.24 Connections for Direct FSK Operation on RITY. tees 249 2.7.3 CW Inetelletion end Adjustment... tees 2°20 DC Keying. Peiies 2 2-20 AFSK CW Keying. ...ssseeeee + 2-20 2.7.4 Oscilloscope Connections. tates teteee 2620 CHAPTER 3 - BASIC OPERATION 2.1 Exploring the PK-232 Program......eeesee000+ 23d 3.2 LED Statue and Mode Indicatora...........465 2 od 3.2.1 Statua Indicetor LEDS....+-ssseeeeesee 23d 3.2.2 Mode Indicator LEDe.... art 132 The DCD LED - Data Carrier Detect. 1-2 3.2.3 LEDs at System Start... +32 3.24 Tuning Indicator..... + 3-2 3.3 13-3 3.34 Entering Comands....ssssssseees +33 3.3.2 Command Responses. 133 3.3.3 3-4 3.34 pra uiouieia ws a4 3.3.5 Defeult Values. . ves ree 35 3.3.6 Paraneters, Argumente and Valu 3-5 3.3.7 Using Commands Without Arguments... 3-7 3.3.8 PK-232 Controller Neasages.........++ 3-8 General Measages.......--.- a8 Commend Node Error Hessages... 32-9 Link Statue Measages.... 3-10 3.3.9 Special Keyboard Control Cades. 3-12 3.3.93 Norse Code. . 3-12 Packet Node. 3-12 Boudot and ASCET RTTY. « 3-13 ANTOR Hodes ..sseeees 3-43 Clear String Commands. 3-13 3.310 Detailed Command Descriptions. a + 3-43 3.4 Generel Operating Information....... a-14 Baad Signal Function Commands. abaeness 14 Bed Invert Received Data. a4 Invert Trenemitted Datas.eeseesee Seteeees Bedd 34.1.3 Return to Receive Hode..... Ditteseeees edd 341.4 Send Tine of Day.ssseeeeee 3-14 B4dS, CW Identifier... 3-15 2416 Wideshift....... 3-15 BA.1.7 Angwerback (AAB).. 3-15 WRU? (Who Are You?).. a6 PK232UG Rev. B 9/86 Tac-2 PK-7 USER'S GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 3 - BASIC OPERATION Paragraph Page 3.4.2 Formatting Conmands. Screen Line Length. Monitor Echo...... Automatic Word/Chai 24.2.4 Line Feed........5 Carriage Return. Automatic Carriage Automatic Line Feed. Backspace and Delete. Eacape Functions. . Echo as Sent.. Clear Tranenit Buffer. CHAPTER 4 General Information. Morge Code....... Baudot RTTY........5 ASCII RITY... AMTOR. Packet Radio... Morse Code Operationssssssesesseersecenseeeeee Tranamit/Receive Function Keye. Speed Change. Speed Lock. de eceene Speciel Morse Cheractere.. Moree Code Practict Beudot RTTY Operation. Tranemit/Receive Function Keys....... Baud Rate (Speed) Changi CCITT On/Off...+.04+ Unehift~On-Space..... ASCII RTTY Operation. Trangmit/Receive Function Key Baud Rate (Speed) Change........ General Use of Control Key Functions. AMTOR Operation.......+ seeteeeee Tranamit/Receive Function Keya.. Speed Change Not Permitted. SELCAL (Selective Sequentiel Calling). First SELCAL Installation... Prevent Duplicate SELCAL® LED Statue end Mode Indicatore......... Mode A (ARQ) Changeover (+? Command). Mode A (ARQ) Break-in (ACHG Command). naa End the Mode A (ARO) Contact, Return to AMTOR Standby... Mode A (ARQ) Listen Made - Start Monitoring (ALIST Cormand). Mode B (FEC) Call - Start the Contact (FEC Command) ° > 5 = 2 s 5 2 g 5 3 8 2 = B 8 9 8 3 g B PK232UG Rev. B 9/86 Toc-3 PK - USER'S GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 4 - OPERATING MODES (Continued) Pareareph 5.6.1 LED Status and Hade Indicators 5.6.2 Made B (FEC) Changeover ..... 5.6.3 End the Mode B (FEC) Contact - Return to ARO Standby. 5.7 Echo-Aa-Sent (EAS Command). .....++ Sar 5.8 ANTOR Svitching-Time Considerations. .......+ 5.9 Possible Areas for AMTOR Performance Inprovenent. 5.9.1 Suggested ANTOR Trial Operating Techniques........+ Packet Radio Operation... Change Redio Link Data Rate... peat Station Identification. MYCALL Required at Syaten Start-up......+ Subatation Identifiers (SSIDe Automatic Identification. .. Set Up Loopback Test Circuite...sseeseeee "Connect" and "Dieconnect* LED Status and Mode Indicators... LEDe at Syeten Start or React. 7 Syaten Quick-Check - Loopback Test Connection....... Connect Message. Send Packet Character. Return to Command Node. . Return to Converse Nod. Terminate the Link - Diaconnect. Your Firat Packet Qs01. Syatem Cable and Switch Check. Starting the QS0. Whet If?. Automatic Operation. . Beacon Operation... W411 You Accept Connectiona?.. Are You Available to Chat?v....++ Do You Want to Trananit? Digipester Details. ‘Are You a Digipeater?...ssssesseseee Do You Want to be a Digipeater?..... Unaucseseful Connections and Retries. Retries While Connected. Monitoring Activity on the Channel. . Monitoring Other Stations. Monitoring Digipeaters - The MRPT Command... Monitoring Other Statione While Connected Selective Monitoring. . ‘The MFROM Command. . The HTO Command... The MCON Command. The MFILTER Commend... The HHEARD Monitor Buffer. MSTAMP - The Monitor Time-Stamp Command........ DAYTIME - Set the Real-Time Clock......+. Bee BE REE EE EEE RE ODOR DR ROIINIDAAOROVUHONNNNE BeOne Re Boe deter eeee AE DAD ADAAAADARADAOAAAADAADARBADOB Re ween Ae bie BSREEEESSY BOUSOnE Pe a BP PPPEPPP PEDO DOD BBBSS PR232UG Rev. B 9/86 Toc-4 PK- 9 USER’S GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 4 - OPERATING MODES (Continued) Page 4.6.19 Packet Formatting.....s.ssesseeees 4-34 4,6.13.2 PACLEN - Long or Short?...... 4-35 Backspace and Delete......6..ces00e 4-35 Cancel Line... on : 4-35 Re-dieplay..... ve 4-36, XON/KOFF, START/STOP Display Flov Control. - cere 4°86, The PASS Character.....sssceseseseees 4-36 More Carriage Returne ond Line Feeds....sessssseceeesesse 4-36 4.6.14 Multiple Connections. ........6+ sdeeeeee seeeee 4°37 466.1401 Defeult Multiple-Connect Condition: fieetteteeeeee 4287 4.6.14. Multiple-Connect Active - The USERS Conmand...... we 4°97 Select the CHSWITCH Character..... so + 4-38 46.1404 Display Hultiple-Connect Call Signs - The CHCALL Command. 4-38, Display Doubled Cheractere - The CHDOUBLE Command......... 4-38 CHAPTER 5 - ADVANCED PACKET OPERATION 5.1 Introduction. Bees 5-1 S..e2 Using Hex Notation. S-1 5.2 Operating Modes..... oe Sd 5.2.4 Command Mode...... teetneceees seuss Sed Special Cheractera in Command Hode.. seeeeeenee BoD Display Control in Command Mode. seve FZ 5.9 Flow Control.......eeeesee creer 5-2 5.3.2 Type-in Flow Control... de eeeenneeeees 5-3 3.2 Data Flow Control we 5-3 XON/KOFF (Software) Flov Control. 5-4 Hardvare Flov Control.....s..+ 5-4 3.4 Data Transfer Hodes...... 5-5 S.Ad. Converse Mode. 5-5 S.A ded SENDPAC Cheracter...... 5-6 CANPAC Cheracter....... seeneeenee seteeeeee 56 Special Characters in Converse Mod 5-6 Display Features in Converse Mode... 5-7 5.4.2 Transparent Kade. a daseeee 5-7 Input Editing and Packet Timing...... 5-7 Display Features in Transparent Mode. 5-8 Escape or Exit from Transparent Made. 5-8 5.5 Commands That Affect Protocol. se : 5-9 5.5.1 AX. 25L2V2 - On or Off?... reres 5-9 5.5.2 UNPROTO Who?........00004 5-9 5.5.3 PASSALL - The *Junque Mode 3-3 5.5.4 Packet Timing Functions, . S-10 S.4ed ‘TXDELAY.... 5-10 AXDELAY and AKHAWG. 5-10 FRACK and RETRY. S-it DWAIT. we... B-l 5.4.5 MAXFRAME..... 5-12 5-13 5-13 5-13 PK292UG Rev. Bo 50 Toc-5 PK - 10

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