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BTEC Assignment Brief

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Business
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in

Unit number and title Unit 4: Managing an Event

Learning aim(s) (For NQF A: Explore the role of an event organiser

Assignment title Could I be an event organiser?

Issue date

Hand in deadline

Careers in events management are becoming popular and

competitive, with events organisers producing events that
range from huge music festivals to product launches for
small businesses.
As part of your research into your options for the future you
have decided to explore the role of an event organiser and
Vocational Scenario or your suitability for this role.
Context Your research into the role could include an interview with
someone who has experience of organising events, and a
record of the outcome in the form of an interview transcript.
Your research into your suitability for this role will involve
carrying out two skills audits, one for an events organiser,
and one for yourself.
You will use your research to produce a report.

Task 1
You will have to gather comprehensive research evidence
into the role and skills of an events organiser.

Your research should include:

● the tasks and procedures to be completed in
organising and setting up an event
● Formats for skills audit collection including an audit
of own skills
● an investigation of current legal requirements for
events organisation
Using this research, prepare an individual report which
explains the role and skills required to be an effective
events organiser.

You will need to measure your suitability for this role by

matching your own skills to those skills required by an
event organiser. Carry out a personal skills audit that
analyses your own skills, highlighting areas for development
and how this might be achieved.

Using the results from your skills audits, conclude your

report with a full justification of how your own skills match
those of an events’ organiser.

Checklist of evidence
required ● Evidence of research into the role and skills of an
event organiser
● An individual report that includes:
o the role of an event organiser
o the skills required to become an effective
event organiser
o a personal skills audit and justification of how
own skills match those of an events’

Criteria covered by this task:

To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
4/A.D1 Fully justify how own skills match those of an events organiser.
Analyse own skills with those required by an
event manager, highlighting areas for development.
4/A.P2 Investigate own skills in the form of a skills audit.
4/A.P1 Explain the role and skills required to be an effective events planner.

Sources of information Websites

to support you with
this Assignment
Above are examples of websites. Further useful
resources may be found at

Other assessment N/A

materials attached to
this Assignment Brief

In this assignment I will be talking in detail about the skills required to become a
successful event organiser. I will analyse what I need and what I am good at in
order to see the weak areas which need improving. I will then show how I will
imrpove by doing research of what courses I will undertake in order for me to
improve in my weak areas.

Roles and skills required to be an effective event organiser.

I as an event organiser is an individual who takes ownership of an event taking

place. This includes catering for customers whether that is foods, ensuring
customers/participants are aware of ingredients in the foods and to have a
variety for those with allergies. It is also part of their job to ensure health and
safety measures are set and met to the appropriate standards.
solve queries and complaints
time efficient/good time management
organisational skills and ensure things are neat and prepared well
communication skills

One skill I will be required to have as an event organiser will be to ensure I am

able to solve queries and complaints efficiently. By this it Is meant that if a
customer is unhappy with a particular service I am able to solve this issue for
them by refunding them or providing future discounts. I must also be able to do
this in a professional manner even if customers raise their voice in frustration. In
addition to this another skill I will require is being able to be time efficient/good
time management. This is because if on the day I am required else where I
must be prepared and ready to help out where there are difficulties and to do
this, I must consider issues or different possibilities of things going opposite to
how planned. For example, if food that is meant to be served at an event is
dropped, we must have extra food prepared rather than wasting time and
delaying the dish being served which may cause clients/participants to become
agitated. I will also require to have organisational skills and ensure things are
neat and prepared well. This Is because i am running the event so if there is a
birthday party I must ensure everything that has been requested is fulfilled
without complication to provide and efficient service to clients to ensure return
customers. If things aren't organised well, customers will have complaints and
the event will not run smoothly which will have a negative impression on me as I
am the event organiser. Finally, one last skill I will require is communication
skills. This is because as I am the event organiser, I will have colleagues and
they must know what their tasks and responsibilities are. If I do not communicate
well, they may not be clear of their responsibilities which can cause
complications once the event begins as things will run smoothly due to the
instructions not being followed and things not being organised to how I had
instructed them to be done.

One example of an event a business may organise is a wedding. This is an

event because people tend to invite a lot of people together in one place to
celebrate the wedding.
another example may be a charity event taking place. This is also an event as it
is done by people coming together to donate to a charity by participating in
one final example could be a birthday party at a venue. This is an event as
people sometimes invite a lot of people into one place to celebrate a party.

I as an event organiser would need to ensure they inspect the venue that is to be
used in advance to check that the space required to run the actual even is
sufficient and wouldn’t become too crammed. I would also need to consider
people with disabilities that may not be able to walk upstairs and cater for them
by ensuring the venue has an elevator. I also must ensure it is suitable for all
participants and also that the location is easy to find as it may be a multi-story
building and participants may not be able to find their way. The venue also must
have electricity and toilets. These are basic facilities I will ensure it has so that
customers feel catered for.
The location must be easy to locate. This is because if the instructions of how to
get to the event aren't clear or the event is hard to locate in a building it can
cause customers/participants to complain and will showcase that I'm not
organised and failed to cater for customers who may have difficulties walking.
The location where the event is taking place must be cost efficient as it must
comply with the spending budget. This means that it also depends on the sort of
event taking place. If it was a special occasion such as a wedding, I would
consider increasing the budget for the event as it must be a fancy looking event
plus clients may look to spend more on events such as a wedding rather than a
birthday party. For example, a wedding may be in main city location where it may
be more costly in contrast to this, a birthday party may be rural as it isn't an
occasion as big as a wedding so people will spend less.
Moving onto catering, I will ensure that customers and participants allergies are
taken into consideration and ensure there is a variety of foods available for
people. For example, if they have a nut allergy i would consider that and use that
information by providing them nut free chocolate or a range of different
chocolates so they have a choice of what they would like. On the desk where
foods may be located, I will note down for people who may have allergies to be
aware of certain foods to meet health and safety guidelines. I will also ensure
that there are sufficient car park spaces for customers as it will be time
consuming for them to drive around circling the arear for parking. Different foods
will also be considered such as hot food, snacks and cold food. This is because
customers should not be limited to one food and should have a variety of foods
as it keeps them satisfied.
Planning and reserving facilities. In order to help participants, arrive at the
event without complication, I will ensure banners/cards are set out around the
area to direct them if the location is slightly complicated to find. This will have a
positive impact as it will help them arrive on time without being frustrated and it
will be appreciated as it makes life easier for customers. If customers would like
to bring pets/animals with them I will ensure there is a play area/park for
customers to be directed to where they can stay with their pet and leave it under
supervision at their will. There will be toilets for gents and females to ensure they
are able to use it at their will whenever they need to go to help cater for them in
the best possible way. Free WIFI as well as electricity will be available to
customers at the event. This is because some clients may need to charge their
phones and were in a rush meaning they weren't able to, but they will be able to
charge their phones/devices at the event whilst they are enjoying themselves.
Finally, one last thing that will be available to customers will be a rubbish point is
different locations. This will help us tidy up after the event more efficiently and it
also enables customers to throw away rubbish they may not need, meaning they
will not have to hold onto it themselves.
Setting up programme. I will ensure the timings of the event are met punctually
and when things are requested such as food to be served, we will meet the
timing to ensure the clients are satisfied and the event runs smoothly without
friction. In order to achieve this, the foot will be prepared beforehand however it
will not be prepared as a time where it is too early, and the food becomes cold. It
will be given enough time to be cooked to the correct standard and will be hot
enough but not too hot where it isn't edible when it is served. Also, I will ensure
the event is ready and prepared the day before the actual date as it is essential
that things are in order. For example, furniture. It is important the correct number
of tables and chairs are at the event in order to host the total amount of
participants. If this is not met then customers will not have seating which gives a
bad impressions to customers at the event which may lead to negative word of
mouth to potential customers.
Preparing and distributing documents. Before the event takes place, I will
ensure flyers and posters will be posted to participants as well as stuck around
the location/premises of the event informing customers and potential customers
of the event or what is taking place here to people who may not know of us. This
is to raise awareness within the community of the services provided and different
events we host. I will also politely ask customers to participate in a quick survey
either on their mobile devices or on paper whilst they are waiting. This is to gain
a better understanding of the needs of wants of the customers and how to better
cater in the future as it will give an idea of different personal preferences of
When booking the event contracts will be made, filled and signed. I will see to
this as clients who we are hosting the events for must be aware of our health and
safety guidelines and cannot break the rules or regulations set. The contract they
read, and sign will ensure they were aware of these if they proceed to break any
of them. Also, on our side we will sign and read the requests of the clients to
ensure what is requested is provided and is there in written evidence ensuring
neither side backtrack. This is ideal as both sides will comply with one another as
they are both aware of the rules and regulations and standards. An example of
this may be, no animals being permitted on the site. If that is written and clients
fail to follow those regulations, they can't say they were unaware as they have
read and signed off on a contract regarding the issue.
In order to ensure all safety procedures are followed the health and safety act
1974 will be put in order. The health and safety act 1974 ensures that there is
mutual respect and consideration between employees and members of the public
being the customers/clients. It also addresses the same thing between
employee-to-employee Aswell as self-employed individuals and others. An
example of one of the main points of this legislation is that the working
environment for employees is safe enough for them to carry out their work with
no threat to their wellbeing. I will ensure that clients are aware of the nearest fire
exit for their safety. I will also ensure that colleagues are trained well before
manual handling to prevent injuries.
One example of the legal requirements for event organisers is that they must
have a business license. This is required for them to conduct business legally. If
you do not have one some cities/towns may proceed to give businesses
bans/fines for not holding a business license. This can be solved by paying off
the fine and registering the business to prevent it from happing again. Another
example is a child protection policy/ health and safety. As I am running the
event, I must be aware of the threats and dangers of the site/locations and it is
my duty to ensure the safety of children. Keeping them away from things that
may be considered harmful or if they are underage keep them far from things like
alcohol or tobacco. If we are to have liquor on premises, then I will ensure we
have a liquor license to avoid any complications in the future such as fines/bans.
If we are to serve food at an event, we will ensure ethe hygiene standards are
met and that no food will triggers allergies as it will be noted down to make
customers aware of ingredients in foods.

Organisational skills
It is important to be good at organising; having organisational skills. This is
because if you are organising an event and you do not have any, the event will
be a mess. There will be many complaints from customers as the event won't run
smoothly and there will be many gaps as everything hasn’t been considered and

It is also important to have organisational skills as the event wont be neat and it
will have a negative impact on you as it shows that you do not know how to cater
for customers. You must ensure you are able to consider every possible
loophole/outcome if something is not done and find an answer for it to ensure
customers feel important and looked after.

An Example of having organisatioal skills would be. For instance, if a customers

had an issue with the lay out of the foods and couldn’t figure which label was for
which food if they had allergies. You could ensure this doesn’t happen by
spacing the food sand or attaching the labels to the actual food tray may help
customers as food may be moved and touched and can get put in different
places. This also must be considered as possibility and I must ensure I am aware
of what foods are what to know exactly how to deal with any answers customers
ask me.

Problem solving skills

Problem solving skills are an important skill to have as it enables you to handle
almost any issue that you may face that you were unprepared to face and didn’t
see coming.

This is because if you do not have these skills customers may feel they have not
been looked after which I spart of my job as an event organiser. It can lead to a
negative impact on me as it may look as if I am out of my depth and cannot
handle the role. I must be able to provide customers with a good solution
efficiently on the spot as you cannot afford to waste their time.

An example may be of where this skill may be required is if for example, a

customer cannot find their way to the venue and are struggling to find their way
up as it is a multi story building and they have called me asking for directions.
The solution to this could I get a few employees and tell them to help to stick out
posters with arrows directing them to which floor. This could also be done around
in the area to give them an idea of where the event is taking place and I could
advise them to look for posters/arrow and tell me their location so I am able to
stick some there Aswell in case of any other struggling participants.
Time management skill
Time management skills are important, this is because you are able to ensure
everything runs smoothly and all things are on time. Making customers happy
with your service leaving a positive impact on you.

This skill is required to be an event organiser because. If I am not efficient with

time given to me, it can cause friction during the event as I haven't pre-planned
and ensured everything is on time. It may cause employees and customers to
become frustrated as customers will be unhappy with the service and employees
will receive stick from customers and that will be down to me having poor time
management skills.

An example of having poor time management skills could be if for example, the
client wanted the food out at 4pm during the wedding event and we were running
late. This would cause the client to be unhappy with my service and deter them
from coming back to us or promoting us to others. It may leave participants of the
wedding hungry and frustrated as the food is arriving late.

Negotiation skills
Negotiation skills are important as an event manager. This is because I must be
able to haggle down prices and save money. This is because initial rates aren't
always the best prices and there is always room to negotiate a better price.

Negotiation skills will helps me be a better event organiser as I will be saving

money and working better to the budget giving me more money to use on other
things. If I'm not able to negotiate I will lose out on money as I won't be using my
money efficiently.
An example of this may be for example, if we were finding clients to provide
furniture for a wedding and they are charging £1500 for 200 chairs and tables
and we need 450. If I offer them an increased number of tables and chairs such
as 250 and say charge me £2000 as I'm increasing my number and they accept.
I will feel satisfied as I feel I'm getting my money's worth as they have provided
me with an offer.

Communication skills.
Communication skills are important. This is because I must be able to
communicate effectively with my employees on the day to ensure my instructions
are clear and there is no misunderstanding at the event which may put us in a
ditch where it may cause problems during the event.

These are important as if I'm unable to give clear instructions to employees they
may do things wrong which can lead to the event having friction on the day as
things are not as I wanted them to be meaning I will be required to provide a
solution to prevent any further issues. However, if my instructions are clear the
likelihood of the event running smoothly are much greater saving me from
unnecessary hassle.

An example of good communications skills may be if my colleagues ask me to

explain how the tables are to be set. I must be able to tell them exactly in which
formations and how many chairs should be at each table and to ensure there is
sufficient space to move in and out of tables for when serving or if someone is to
get up and move.

Planning skills
Planning skills are very important. This is because before the event, I must plan
everything from the layout to certain requests made by the client on the day. I
must also have back up plans should anything fail to be able to ensure there are
no gaps in my planning and clients requests are fulfilled giving them no reason to
be unhappy with my service.
Planning skills are important as if I am not able to plan efficiently it may lead to
gaps during the event which have not been considered leading to pressure on
me as I now have to plan on the day as I didn’t consider it before which may
cause problems as I may be required elsewhere.

For example, I would show my planning skills by if for instance a wedding event
was taking place. I would need t plan the layout of furniture such as tables and
chairs. I should consider and plan spaces and gaps between the tables and
chairs enabling participants to move between them and go elsewhere.

Interpersonal skills
It is important to have interpersonal skills such as teamwork and patience. This is
because everything may not go as planned. However, I must remain patient and
cool minded to provide a solution. As I will be running an event, I will have
colleagues and I must be able to cooperate with them effectively to get them to
work to the best of their abilities and comply with what I've asked.

This will help me become a good event organiser as happy employees that
cooperate with me will work willingly and it gives a good atmosphere around the
workplace ensuring everything goes to plan. Patience also helps as I may face
unhappy employees who may have an attitude or customers who are frustrated
and I must be able to diffuse the situation by remaining calm and maintaining a
professional attitude.

An example of interpersonal skills would be if for instance. During the wedding

event the customers were unhappy with the labelling of the foods section and
their complaint was the font is too small and they cannot identify which foods will
trigger their allergies. I would reassure them remain calm even if they were
frustrated and shouting and solve the issue by re printing the notes in a bigger
size so they are able to read it easier.
Common formats for skills auditing

Likert scale
A Likert scale It is a questionnaire/survey which enables users to get a better
understanding of the needs of wants of participants. whether it may be for
customers or the general public. It is a popular method used to extract
information. A Likert scale is important for me as an even organiser as it gives
me a better understanding of what I do weel and what i need to do better to
improve my service for future events.

Semantic differential scale.

A Semantic differential scale enables users to gain a rating/review on a
product/service of theirs. It’s a method helped used to improve their services and
gain knowledge on how to improve it and understand their weaknesses. It
provides different levels of satisfaction ratings on the scale which the user is able
to select to give the user an understanding of how satisfied they were/weren't
with the service.

Observation is when for example If I were managing an event and I had
colleagues with me, I would observe how they carry out my instructions and see
if they work efficiently. However, another method of observation may be a
mystery shopper. If I was to own a shop, I could observe by entering the shop
and seeing how it is run by maybe asking an employee to help me look for
something and see how they perform as they will not know I am the owner and
see how the provide a service to the members of public.
A questionnaire enables users to ask questions to their customers or members of
the public to ask them about the pros and cons of their service and how it can be
improved. This is important to an events manager as it enables them to
understand how their service at events can be improved as it tells them what
wasn’t good vs what was good.

An appraisal gives users a review of their performance. It tells them what was
good vs what was poor. Helping them improve their overall service/performance.
This is important to an events manager as it enables them to look at how they
performed, leading them to be able to improve their overall performance by
understanding what they didn’t do so well.

Skills Audit – Unit 4

1= Competent After
2= Able to show the
skill event
3=Familiar use
of knowledge
4= Some
5= No current
Skills Activity Ability Rating Action Ability Action for
(1-5) for Rating Improveme
Improve (1-5) nt
Communi Written Writing 2 Improve
cation my vocabul
college ary in
assignme my
nts writing
Verbal Talking to 2 Maintain
customers professi
at work onal
for the
Presentati Presentin 1 Project
on skills g my voice
informatio more
n at work just to
leave no
Listening Listening 2 Keep
to my focus
teacher whilst
whilst they they
tell me explain
about my for the
assignme full
nt duration
of their
Interperso Teamwork Working 1 Even
nal with my when
colleague shifts
s at work can get
to me
able to
Leadershi Help to 1 Take
p manage more
an event responsi
at work bility on
and not
be afraid
such big
Motivating Motivating 2 Keeping
others my the
partners same
are my motivate
MMA gym d morale
to work for
harder myself
when I
feel less
d than
Organisati Time Arriving to 2 Wake up
onal managem college on earlier to
ent time leave
time in
Prioritising Prioritising 1 Keeping
tasks my my
education priorities
and work inline
even if
Multi- An 1 Ensuring
tasking example I give
of me sufficient
multi- time to
tasking is both and
how I'm not
Working becomin
parti time g
and complac
studying ent
full time
IT Software My 3 Do more
knowledge knowledg research
e in my IT in my
classes personal
on time to
software understa
and nd it
devices better
Internet & Being 1 Improvin
email able to g
send out structure
emails at of email
Keyboard Knowing 1 Underst
skills how to be and the
time features
efficient of my
when keyboar
typing up d to be
emails or able to
assignme save
nts time
Numeracy Accountin Handling 3 Practice
g money at handling
work money
at home
Data Handling 2 Keeping
handling data such it
as my organise
files at d in
college sections
and which
keeping are
them suited to
organised them
me to
Research Use of Finding 2 Do
source and using deeper
material sources research
online to to
help me ensure
with the
assignme sources
nts I am
Library Finding 3 Underst
skills the right and
books to which
help with books
my are
college required
work and
time by
Problem Keeping 1 Ensure
solving calm and everythi
maintainin ng I can
g possibly
profession do is
al attitude done so
at work they
with have no
unhappy reason
customers to pick
. on

One comparison with the skills I've talked about in P1 from the skills audit is, my
communication skills. I think my communication skills are at a good level
however I believe there is room for improvement. This is because I scored 2 for
written 2 for presentation and 2 for listening and 1 for presentation skills. No all
are at the highest level that they could and should be at. To improve I will
Improve my vocabulary in my writing, maintain professional attitude for the
duration of the whole day and try to keep focus whilst I am listening to an
individual and understand what they are saying better.
Another skill is interpersonal skills. I scored 1 for team work, 1 for leader ship
and 2 for motivating others. I believe my interpersonal skills are excellent
however I can improve my motivating others skill as I scored a 2. to do this I will
increase my work ethic to showcase a better example and bring others in to
show them how to work improve leadership although I scored a 1, I can
try take on more responsibilities with no fear to make a bigger statement and lea
day example. Moving onto teamwork, I can improve by ensuring I don’t become
complacent when preforming well and let the load increase more on colleagues
even though I scored a 1.
Organisational skills are another skill that I believe I am excellent at. This is
because I scored 2 for time management, 1 for prioritising tasks and 1 for multi-
tasking. I believe I must improve my time management skills as they are not at
the highest level. I will do this by ensuring I leave myself more time in the
morning before an event, occasion or responsibility. For prioritising tasks, I may
look to improve by ensuring my priorities are kept inline even though it's easy to
get distracted and to improve multi-tasking when multi-tasking I will give sufficient
time to all operations that are going on or responsibilities to ensure none are
deprived of attention and give it room to lack.
IT skills are skills which I am fairly good at although it does need improving. This
is because I scored 3 for software knowledge. I will improve this my doing more
research in my free time to know more and understand software's. However, for
basics such as internet and email, and keyboards skills scored 1’s which I feel
don’t need much improving as they are at the highest score. For internet and
email I may look to improve email structure to give it a more professional look. In
addition to this, I will look to understand features of keyboards enabling me to
save time when typing something up to improve my keyboard skills.
Numeracy skills. I scored two 2’s for numeracy. This implies that I can improve
my numeracy skills a lot. i will improve them by practising my mental maths and
making scenarios of handling money to improve my accounting skills. I will
improve my data handling by keeping all files/data organised and neat enabling
me to save time when trying to locate sources/files when needed. These actions
may help me increase my scores to 1s for both accounting and data handling.
My research skills aren't good. This is because I scored 2 for use of source
material. I will improve this score to a 1 by increasing my research time enabling
me to do deeper research and ensure all sources are factual. My library skills
were scored a 3. this is poor and needs improving. I will improve my library skills
by understanding the topic better by paying more attention and understand which
books are required which enables me to save time and not reading/picking the
wrong ones.
Finally, problem solving skills. I scored a 1 for problem solving skills and I also
feel my problem-solving skills are excellent. However, it can still be improved by
me ensuring I can possibly do and consider is done and planned to ensure that
there are no gaps and that am able to provide a solution for whatever the issue
may be.

The 7 skills needed to be a successful event organiser are problems solving,

research, Time management, planning, organisational, interpersonal and

For communication the skills I was scored on were, written, verbal, presentation skills
and listening. My activity for written skills was writing my college assignments and I
scored a 2. This is fairly good however, it can be improved. I believe it is a sufficient
enough score to be an event's organiser as it isn't low and I am able to write at a
professional level. This will help me become a good events manager as I am able to
write professionally which leaves a positive impact on me as I'm maintaining a
professional appearance and I'm able to write to clients in a professional manner.
I scored a 2 for verbal and the activity was talking to customers at work. This score is
also only 1 away from the highest score. Hence, I believe that it is at the standard to be
an events manager. This will help me be a good events manager as I am able to
conversate with customers professionally making them feel comfortable and know that I
am understanding them. It also helps me express myself in the best way possible and
not in an unprofessional way.
My presentation skills were scored a 1 and the activity was presenting information at
work. This score is the highest score however, there is still room for improvement. This
can be done by me projecting my voice so people are able to hear me clearer. Once
this is done, I believe it is at a suitable level to be an events manager as it will help me
get my instructions across clearer.
The activity for listening was listening to my teachers whilst they explain my
assignment which I scored a 2. This is rated as able to show skill. 2 is not the highest
score available so this has to be improved. I will improve this by keeping focus. Whilst
something is being explained to me and ensuring I remain focused for the entire
duration of the explanation.

For interpersonal skills the skills were, Team work, leadership and motivating others.
For teamwork the skill was working with my colleagues at work and I scored a 1. this is
rated as competent and is the highest rating. However, I will look to improve is still by
remaining positive when being frustrated and keeping a professional attitude even when
I become tired. For leadership I scored a 1; competent and the activity was helping
managing an event at work. This score can be improved by me taking on more
responsibility than I have now and not being afraid of the cons of having such
responsibility. For motivating others, the activity was motivating others at my MMA
gym to train and work harder. I scored a 1; competent. This shows I am good at
motivating others however, I can improve by keeping the same motivated morale for
myself when things aren't going my way or when I feel less motivated than usual
For organisational skills the skills were, time management, prioritising tasks and multi-
tasking. For time management the activity was arriving to college on time I scored a 2.
This isn't the highest score hence I will improve it. This will be done by waking up earlier
in the morning to leave myself extra time enabling me not rush or stress. For
prioritising tasks, the activity was prioritising my work and education and I scored a 1.
although it’s the highest score, I still believe I can improve it. This can be done by me
ensuring I keep my priorities inline even if they may sway. This should make me more fit
to be an events manager. finally, for the multi-tasking the activity was me multi-tasking
working part time and studying full time and I scored a 1. I feel it can still be improved by
me making sure I give sufficient time to both tasks that I am involved in and not allowing
one task to outweigh the other by it consuming more of my time.

For IT skills I was scored on, software knowledge, internet and email and keyboard
skills. For software knowledge I scored a 3 and the activity I was scored by was my
knowledge in my IT classes. This is not acceptable for an events manager so I will
improve this by doing further research in my time to understand software's in more
detail to gain a better score and be a better events manager. For internet and email
the activity was being able to send out professional emails at work and I scored 1. This
score is good enough to be an events manager however, I will still look to improve by
improving the structure of my written emails to give it a more professional look. Finally,
onto keyboard skills. I scored a 1 and the activity was knowing how to be time efficient
when typing up emails or assignments. This score is good however, I would like to still
improve by understating the features of my keyboard better enabling me to save time as
there are shortcuts I may not be aware of.

Moving onto Numeracy. The skills were accounting and data handling. For accounting
I scored a 3 and the activity undergone was handling money at work. This is poor and
must be improved as its not suitable for the role. I will improve this by practicing
handling money at home to improve my mental maths and my money handling skills in
general. For data handling the activity was handling data such as files and keeping
them, organised which I scored a 2 in. this score is decent however will be improved. I
will improve it to a 1 by keeping myself and the data organised in sections which are
suited to the data. This enables me to be more efficient as I know where to look and

The Research skills were use of source material and library skills. The activity for use
of source material was finding and using sources online to help me with assignments. I
scored a 2. this is not the highest grade and can be improved. I will improve this by
doing further/deeper research online to ensure the information is factual and giving me
more detail. For library skills the activity was finding the right books to help with my
research. I scored a 3. This isn't suitable and will be improved. I will improve this by
understanding the topic better by doing research which will enable to find the required
books which saves time rather than me reading up on wrong information.

Finally for problem solving the activity was keeping calm and maintaining a
professional attitude with an unhappy/frustrated customer. For this skill I scored a 1. this
is a good score as I will need this skill to deal with customers who may not be satisfied
making me a better events manager.

For communication, I scored myself a 2 for my writing. This is because I feel

as if it is suitable for the role however, it can be still improved a lot. I say this
because I know that it isn't the neatest writing. However, I believe this skill is
required for an event organiser as your written instructions must be clear. I
scored myself a 2 for verbal, 1 for presentation skills and 2 for listening. I
believe my verbal and listening are 2’s as they can be improved. Although I feel
they are suitable enough to be an events manager and that they fit the role
however, I know there is room for improvement, and it isn't at the highest level. I
gave myself a 1 for presentation skills because I feel I am always ready and am
able to capture the attention and present the information in a way that
participants do not get bored. I feel I am at a good level to be an events manager
with my presentation skills and will be able to get my message across to my
Interpersonal skills. I scored myself a 1 for teamwork, 1 for leadership and 2
for motivating others. I feel I scored myself 1’s for leadership and teamwork
because in my experience I've been able to cooperate with others whether it's in
a workspace or educational purposes. I feel I'm able to get along and work well
with others. This will help me be a good events manager as I will need to be able
to cooperate with my colleagues to get them to preform efficiently and like their
role. I gave myself a 1 for leadership as I feel in my experience, I take control of a
bad situation to return it back to a better place and I'm able to get people to calm
down and retain focus. This will be crucial as an events manager as there will be
ups and downs, but I must be able to take responsibility of the situation and lead
the way for my colleagues. However, I scored myself a grade lower; 2 for
motivating others. This is because I feel sometimes, I may lack motivation slightly
and to give myself a1 that must not happen because, as an events manager you
are InCharge and must ensure the work morale is good.
Organisational skills. I scored myself 2 for time management, 1 for
prioritising tasks and 1 for multi-tasking. I gave myself a 2 for time
management as on the odd day I will not arrive on time, which means I cannot
give myself a 1. this will impact me negatively if it happens as an events manager
as if I'm not there on time, but colleagues are then time is being wasted and they
may get slightly frustrated. I gave myself a 1 for prioritising tasks and multi-
tasking as I feel I'm able to do many things at once and know which task is of
more value and what requires more time and attention and divide my attention for
tasks efficiently. These are both important as an events manager as you must be
able to do multiple things at the same time whilst maintaining a cool head to think
straight and get the job done.
IT Skills. I scored myself 3 for software knowledge, 1 for internet/email and 1
for keyboard skills. I gave myself a 1 for software knowledge as I know that my
knowledge in that sector isn't great. I believe it can be improved by a lot as it will
be required of me to know how to operate certain software's to make my life
easier when handling data or storing items on a PC, so I do not have to
remember. I gave myself 1’s for keyboard skills and internet/email as I feel that I
am at a level that is more than good enough in those sectors for the role. This is
because I feel I am able to compose emails at a professional level from
experience at work/college and am able to use keys on the keyboards as
shortcuts to help me compose the email quicker making it time efficient. This will
be important as I will be required to send out emails at work, for example a
report. I will need to be able to do this efficiently and not make it a time-
consuming thing as it will be regular.
Numeracy. I scored myself a 3 in accounting and 2 in data handling. I feel my
numeracy skills need to be improved a lot to be 100% ready for this role. I
scored myself a 3 in accounting as I know my mental maths and skills with
numbers in general isn't great and that it must be improved. This will be crucial
as I will need to be able to have good accounting skills when onsite as I won't
have time to be writing and doing adding/subtracting methods. Plus, it makes it
more time efficient if you are able to do it on the spot rather than consume time
and do it any other way. I gave myself a 2 for data handling. This also will have to
be improved as 2 is suitable but not the level I want it to be at. Data handling is
crucial as you must be able to access data efficiently knowing where and what is
required for the situation at hand.
Research. I gave myself the scores 2 for use of source material and 3 for
library skills. I gave myself a 2 for use of source material as I feel I could be
better and that it is not at a level at which I'm content. This skill is required to be
an effective events manager as you must be able to ensure your sources are
reliable and you have enough detail to make use of the information and that you
are effective in doing so. I scored a 3 for library skills. This is because I know this
isn't at a good level and that it must be improved to be appropriate for the role.
This is because you must be able to understand the topic/situation and know
what information/book is required for it to know how to provide a solution.
Finally, problem solving. I scored myself a 1 for problem solving. This is
because I feel I am able to maintain a professional attitude and a cool head when
dealing with unhappy customers/colleagues. This is above crucial for an events
manager role as you must be able to deal with frustration and provide a solution
to make both sides content and look forward. I feel I'm able to do this very well as
in my experience at work I've been able to do it on many occasions.

I have used my communication skills whilst working. For example, when at work
if a customer is unhappy with a particular service I will communicate with them,
understand them and provide them the best solution possible. This links to the
skills of an event organiser as i may have to deal with not only unhappy
clients/customers, but unhappy colleagues and you must be able to
communicate with them affectively to help them.


I have used my interpersonal skills at work and college. For example, at work I
have to work as part of a team to work efficiently and effectively. In college I must
cooperate with teachers and motivate my friends to complete assignments/work
on time. This links to the skills of an event organiser as i must be able to
cooperate with colleagues to achieve your targets/goals and avoid friction in the
process. They must be able to follow your footsteps in order to achieve and must
be motivated by you to work together.


Organisational. Examples of when I have shown organisational skills are when at

work I arrive on time to set the event up. Furthermore, being able to multitask my
education and social life and give a sufficient amount of time to both. This links to
the skills of an event organiser as I must be able to be organised and punctual to
lead by example to my colleagues and show them how to improve. I must also be
able to divide by time equally to give enough time to different prioritise and tasks.


Examples of when I have showcased IT skills is at college. This is in class when I

am required to create an entire data base efficiently. Another example may be
when at work I must compose emails professionally to send to
colleagues/managers. This links to an event organiser as i must be aware of how
to operate your mailbox and compose emails without troubles and save time by
using shortcuts on your keyboard. This will help you as you can communicate
and send instructions via email.


Numeracy skills. An example of when I have shown these is when I'm required to
handle money at work and utilise my mental math skills. Another example is data
handling at college. These skills are required for an event organiser as i must be
able to use my mental numeracy skills to be time efficient and not consume time
of those who may be in a rush. I must be able to handle data accordingly.


I have shown my research skills on many occasions for example, when writing up
assignments. Using source of material efficiently to write up my assignments. In
addition to this my library skills, understanding the situation/topic at hand and
being able to find the right information for it. These skills will be required as an
event organiser as I must be able to research to stay ahead of the curve and find
what's best. For example, I may need to find better prices for an event and must
be able to research and find better prices to cooperate with my budget.

Problem solving

An example of when I have shown problem solving skills will be at work. This is
when a customer is frustrated and has several queries. One approached I am
able to make them feel content and feel the issue is resolved by providing them a
solution. This will be required of me as an event organiser as if a client is
unhappy, I must be able to understand them and ensure they feel looked after by
providing them a solution which satisfies both parties.

As an event organiser if feel as if time management skills are extremely

important and this is something I have. This is because without time
management you are not able to think or act efficiently. For example, time
management enables you to leave yourself a sufficient amount of time to plan for
the event at a hand and understand what is needed. This is because, you are
able to consider every possibility and the pros and cons of these possibility and
what the outcome will be. If you do not plan it will lead to friction and cause you
to be unprepared for random turn of events on the day. Another example is that if
you aren't good at time keeping and being punctual. It can cause your event to
have many issues. For example, if the event was a wedding and you were not on
time to begin preparing for the day. If you are late staff may wait around and not
begin preparing for the event which can cause you to be slow for the day and in
future may cause staff to become complacent. Also, it can cause you to delay
services promised to clients on the day. Services such as food at a certain time,
this may lead to a negative impact on myself as an event organiser and may
deter customers from returning to my services in future. So, in order to be a
successful event organiser, I must ensure that I am punctual and giving enough
time days before an event in planning enabling me to foresee any issues that
may occur and prepare a solution for them. Planning skills are a part of time
management, this is because when you are planning it enables you to be time
efficient. It enables me to fill gaps and help me run the event smoothly. An
example of where this skill may be important is if I'm planning the layout out of
the furniture on a wedding event. The furniture must be set out neatly leaving
sufficient space for participants and servers to manoeuvre in and out. I fi do not
plan this it may mean staff and customers are unhappy as they are not able to
get up and move around/take pictures and will have a negative impact on me as
it seems as if customers and staff were not considered

Interpersonal skills are very important as I must be able to be a team player as

an event manager. This is because I must be able to cooperate with my staff to
work effectively as a team to get the betas out of them and provide the best
service to our clients. This will Create a good atmosphere/morale around the
workspace and keep staff motivated. On the flipside however, if I am unable to
cooperate with staff it can cause friction and staff to work out of frustration which
can cause the event to be run poorly. I must be able to lead by example and
keep staff motivated as it will help them follow in my footsteps and give their
100% attention to putting on a well-run event.

My problem-solving skills are suitable for this role. I must be able to show this
by ensuring any unhappy customers or staff are dealt with in a professional
manner and are given a solution so that they feel satisfied with their service/job.
Part of being an event organiser is to ensure staff feel valued and catered for as
well as clients. For example, if staff didn’t like the role given to them, I must be
able to be diplomatic and ask other staff wo wouldn’t mind taking this role and
maybe switching the two as they will both feel satisfied with their roles. Another
example may be, if a client was unhappy with the food being served late, this can
be resolved ed by either offering a discount on a future deal or proving a free
food service such a desert to participants to make up for the inconvenience

As an event organiser I must ensure my negotiation and communication skills

are suitable for the role. This is because I must be able to haggle down prices
and communicate clear and effectively with clients and customers. I must be able
to negotiate with clients to a point where both parties are content. This will help
me as an event organiser as I will be staying within my budget giving me and
increased budget when dealing with other things. For example, if I was
researching the market to find furniture for a wedding event. I must be able to get
the client to reduce their prices and ensure the initial offer given isn't the offer we
take. This I must improve on as initial offers are not always the best price and
may by much more expensive than what other businesses may be offering. If I'm
unable to do so it will impact me negatively as it takes a big hit on my budget,
and I potentially may not stay within my budget. This is why negotiation skills are
a big part as you have budget targets to hit and must remain in them and if you
are not able to negotiate you may fail to remain within your budget. A way I may
be able to improve is increasing the quantity of furniture I am ordering and
express this to the client which may lead to them dropping the price slightly. This
will impact be positively as I was successful in reaching a fair price which suits
the budget. If I do not communicate effectively with staff it can cause the event
to be run poorly as they did not catch my instructions and were not 100% of the
roles/responsibilities delegated.

My organisational skills require improving. This is crucial because if am not

organised as the event manager it will lead to unclear and unmotivated staff. This
is because, the event may become a mess as staff do not know where to go or
what to follow and it's all disorganised which may cause them, and customers to
be frustrated as they are clueless. I must ensure the event is neat and well
organised to keep both staff and customers satisfied. For example, if there was a
food desk at an event and the food labels were muddled. Not only is this
disorganised it also become a health and safety issue as they are in place to
prevent customers from eating foods containing ingredients which may trigger
their allergies. His can be avoided by sticking notes to the food bowls and boxes
and it cannot become disorganised, and it is clear to customers and staff are able
to answer any questions about allergies without panicking.

I will take on a course for Organisational skills, Communication, Problem

Solving skills and Negotiation skills. I will do this as it enables me to improve
on the areas that require improving to be a suitable event organiser. After taking
these courses I will have developed my communications and negotiation skills
enabling me to be a more complete event organiser as these skills I lack in in
addition to this, I will have improved my organisational skills which will ensure
that I do not run any unorganised events. Furthermore, I will also research in my
free time to improve these skills. I will research how to and what to do to become
an effective events manager and improve the skills that require attention to do
so. The courses will help me because I'm poor in those skills but they will tell me
what I need to do. The courses I will be taking are listed below. By improving my
problem solving skills it will enable me to handle uncomfortable situations with
employees in the correct manner even if it is heated and it will enable me to
provide them with solutions without friction helping me provide an efficient

Overall, all these skills listed enable me to become a good events manager. This
is because they help me in every aspect for example, time management and
communication skills. They both enable me to be professional and punctual
helping me lead by example for colleagues working with me. An event organiser
is required to be professional, punctual and have general skills such as
interpersonal skills but to a high standard. These skills all match the skills
required of a events manager. My skills audit is above average however can be
improved much more in certain areas such as the numeracy section. The skills
audit highlighted and enabled me to understand what is required of me to
become a better events manager enabling me to work on it and achieve that. It
helps as the scores tell me what is good enough and what isn't on that level yet.
It also tells me what to work on hence, I have researched courses I will undertake
to improve my skills to become a better events manager. The courses I will take
are for Organisational skills, Communication, Problem solving skills and
Negotiation skills. This is because I feel they need improving the most.

Overall, I have discussed my skill and rated them to see if they match those skills
required of an events organiser. I have identified what I lack and needs improving
and what I'm good at but can still be better at.


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