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A Study on marketing strategies of the NEO banks.


Name: Student Name: Anu Sharma

Designation: HOD (AIT) UID: 21MBA7103
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University
Mohali MBA-Batch 2021-23





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This is to certify that the project work entitled “A STUDY ON HR PRACTICES WITH


Bonafede work carried out by me Ms. Tania Uppal, a student of MBA-SHRM at

Chandigarh University.

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Chandigarh University has given me an excellent opportunity to do the institutional

summer internship. The main purpose of this study is to understand the HR practices with

special reference to Performance Management System. This study is aimed towards

understanding the implementation of performance management system in Sun

Pharmaceutical Limited. Sun Pharmaceutical Limited is a largest company

pharmaceutical which owns 19 brands. The relevance of the study is that performance

management system is very important as it evaluate the performance of employee and

bring efficiency and effectiveness in the organization. This study aims to understand how

performance system works in an organization which would definitely help me in my

career in the future.

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I hereby declare that the project report titled “A STUDY ON HR PRACTICES WITH


genuine research undertaken by me under the guidance of Bhaswati mam (Assistant

professor). This information has been collected from the genuine authentic sources.

The report is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of MASTERS OF




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I would like to express my sincere and deepest gratitude to Chandigarh University for

providing me the opportunity to gather invaluable knowledge and practical experience of

corporate in the toughest time of lockdown due to COVID-19 by conducting an

Institutional Summer Internship for the students.

I am really thankful to Dr. Gagandeep Kaur, for providing me her able guidance and

inspiration to complete the project.

I cordially thank the honorable teacher Mrs. Bhaswati Jana who guided me how to carry

on with the project and provide me the opportunity to apply classroom learning in


I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way in order to

achieve desired career objectives.


Tania Uppal

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1. Introduction: executive summary of internship 8

2. Industry profile 9-12

3. Company profile/ market share 13-21

4. Internship Overview: 21

Objective of internship/project 22

Methods/ Technique Adopted 22-23

Performance Management System 24-44

PMS of Sun Pharma 44-47

Key challenges Faced 47

Key Achievements 48

Key Learnings 48-49

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5. Analysis and Discussions 50

6. Recommendations/ Managerial Applications 51

7. Conclusion 52-53

8. Bibliography 54

9. Appendix 55-61

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Performance Management is a systematic method to measure employee performance.

This is the process by which the organization adjusts its task, goals and objective with
available resources and determines the priority of the system. It includes the standards,
measurements & processes to use in discussing past performance and improving future
performance. It involves the use of performance assessment tools. When skill gaps are
identified by the employee’s manager, that information is provided to HR, who can
conduct a gap analysis and advice an appropriate intervention strategies. Organizations
use this system to assess the performance of individual. In this project, the whole
performance system is described for Sun Pharmaceutical Ltd. The important objective of
SPL is ‘Reaching People and Touching Lives Globally as a Leading Provider of Valued

This project starts from the industry and company profiling. Besides this, I have also
prepared job description, job specifications for a profile of HR executive.

Beside this, I have listed the various methods which are used for performance appraisal of
an employee. There are traditional & modern methods for appraisal. But now, most of the
organizations uses modern methods for the performance appraisal of employees like 360
degree feedback and management by objective.

So, at last I have prepared the performance appraisal chart for HR executive. It
accomplishes the major three purposes. It provides feedback and counselling, helps in
allocating rewards and opportunities and helps in determining employees’ aspirations and
planning developmental needs. This all has been done for the Sun Pharmaceutical

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Introduction: Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies provide products to

customers with high turnover and high innovation. The market is extremely competitive,
and every company tries to inspire, inspire and encourage people to buy and use their
products. From a chemical point of view, you may be working to ensure that the product
"fits the intended function," that is, it cleans properly or smells good, and adds any value.
Other teams may be studying cases and packaging, and how people put them on shelves
for customers to buy. The FMCG industry overview shows that India’s demographic
status plays an important role in the growth of the industry. India’s population is not only
young, but the region is characterized by increased urbanization and increased spending.
The government's urban development plan and India's growing middle class have led to
an increase in the number of markets that the country attracts. Ernst & Young's research
on Indian cities highlighted the emergence of 30 "trend" cities such as Jaipur and Surat.

Market share: The FMCG industry is one of the largest industries in the Indian
economy. According to the FMCG industry overview, the revenue of the FMCG industry
reached US$52.75 billion in FY18 and is estimated to reach US$103.7 billion by 2020.
As consumption in India is growing at an unprecedented rate, the fast-moving consumer
goods industry remains a key industry for investors. Acknowledging these trends in the
fast-moving consumer goods industry, the Indian government has taken various measures
to promote the development of the industry. For example, 100% FDI is allowed in SBRT
and cash plus carry mode retail, and the minimum capital for foreign fast-moving
consumer goods companies to invest in India is US$100 million.

The fast-moving consumer goods industry in India is divided into rural areas and urban
areas in India. The urban market contributes 60% of consumer income in the fast-moving
consumer goods market in India. In 2017, the market size of this industry was US$29.4
billion. Although urban areas have driven the growth of the fast-moving consumer goods

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industry in India, the growth rate of semi-urban and rural areas cannot be ignored. Semi-
urban and rural areas account for more than 40% of the total income of the fast-moving
consumer goods industry in India. Compared with urban areas, India’s FMCG companies
have higher growth in rural areas.

Investments/ Developments:

According to the latest development of fast-moving consumer goods, it is assumed that as

the income level of Indians in rural and urban areas increases, the consumption of fast-
moving consumer goods will grow satisfactorily. By 2010, it is estimated that
approximately 200 million people will become consumers of processed and packaged
food. The main activity of the food processing industry is to allow 100% foreign equity or
100% NRI and overseas legal entity (OCB) investment to meet the growing needs of

A portion of the ongoing improvements in the FMCG sector are as per following:

● The Minister of Finance, Mr. P. Chidambaram, announced several tax measures

for the fast-moving consumer goods industry in India, while also highlighting the
country’s infrastructure development.
● Cooking oil for kids launched in 2019 by Mother Sparsh.
● Dairy beverage range Sunfeast Wonderz Milk in four variants launched by ITC.
● The usual growth drivers such as penetration rate, per capita consumption,
population and household income were very strong in 2007, and consumption of
FMCG products also increased significantly in 2007.
● In November 2019, Santoor launched Santoor Deo pocket perfumes exclusively
for West Bengal.
● Nestle plans to invest 700 crores to open a new factory in Sanand for Maggi.
● ITC to invest 700 crores in food park in Madhya Pradesh.
● Our scientists have expertise in developing generic drugs, difficult to manufacture
technology-intensive products, active pharmaceutical ingredients, new drug
delivery system and new chemical entities.

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Government Initiatives:

Major initiatives taken by the government are:

● The Government of India has approved 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) in the cash and carry segment and in single-brand retail along with 51 per
cent FDI in multi-brand retail.
● India’s hospital industry (which accounts for 80% of the entire healthcare market)
is witnessing huge investor demand from global and domestic investors. By 2023,
the hospital industry is expected to grow from US$61.8 billion in 2017 to US$132
billion; a compound annual growth rate of 16-17%.
● By 2020, the Indian medical tourism market is expected to grow from the current
US$3 billion to US$700-800 million India’s diagnostic industry is currently
valued at US$4 billion.
● In this field, the share of the organized sector is almost 25% (15% for laboratories,
10% for radiology).
● Currently, the value of the primary care industry is $13 billion. In this case, the
share of the organized sector is practically negligible. The Government of India
has made a new Consumer Protection Bill with special focus on setting up an
extensive mechanism to ensure simple, speedy, affordable and timely delivery of
justice to consumers.
● The GST is expected to transform logistics in the FMCG sector into a modern and
efficient model (larger logistics and warehousing).

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Road Ahead:

● The report provides an in-depth analysis of the current trends, motivations and
dynamics of the FMCG market to clarify current opportunities and tap investment
● It offers subjective patterns and quantitative investigation of the worldwide
FMCG market from 2018 to 2025 to help partners to comprehend the market
● Inside and out investigation of the key sections exhibits the sorts of quick moving
shopper products accessible.
● Serious knowledge of the business features the strategic policies followed by
central participants across geologies and the predominant market openings.
● Central participants and their procedures and advancements are profiled to
comprehend the serious viewpoint of the market.


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About Company:

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (SPIL) is the fifth biggest strength conventional drug
organization on the planet. The organization makes and markets an enormous crate of
drug definitions covering an expansive range of constant and intense treatments. It
incorporates generics marked generics mind boggling or hard to make innovation serious
items over-the-counter items against retroviral Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and
intermediates. The item arrangement of more than 2000 excellent atoms covers numerous
measurements structures including tablets cases injectables inhalers treatments creams
and fluids. The items take into account an immense scope of restorative fragments
covering psychiatry against infectives nervous system science cardiology
orthopedic ,diabetology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, nephrology, urology,
dermatology, gynecology, respiratory, oncology, dental and nutritionals.

The organization started activities in Kolkata with only 5 items to treat psychiatry
sicknesses. They set up a reduced assembling office for tablets/containers at Vapi. Deals
were at first restricted to two states in Eastern India. In the year 1986 the organization set
up an authoritative office in Mumbai. They stretched out the client inclusion to choose
urban communities in Western India. In the year 1987 they revealed their advertising
tasks country wide. In the year 1988 the organization propelled Monotrate and Angizem
items. In the year 1989 they presented Products utilized in gastroenterology. They moved
their corporate office to Baroda. Likewise they started sending out their items to
neighbouring nations. In the year 1998 the organization set up their first exploration place
SPARC and this made the base for solid item and cycle improvement that empowered
development in the resulting years.

Additionally they started office in Moscow. In the year 1994 the organization was
recorded on the primary stock trades in India. They began creation in a measurement

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structure plant at Silvassa. Additionally they finished the significant extension at Vapi

In the year 1996 the organization procured an API plant at Ahmednagar from the global
Knoll Pharmaceutical and extended and significantly overhauled for managed markets
with limit expansion throughout the years across separated API lines, for example,
anticancer and peptides. Additionally the organization procured value stake in Gujarat
Lyka Organics Ltd. a maker of Cephalexin Active with a USFDA endorsement for the
transitional 7ADCA.In the year 1997 the organization's central command was moved to
Mumbai India's business capital.


In order for everyone to enjoy good health, their goal is to rank among the top ten Indian
generic and over-the-counter drugs within the next ten years. They intend to achieve this
goal through strategic growth and strict quality measures.

‘‘Reaching People and Touching Lives Globally as a Leading Provider of Valued



Provide health and happiness for all. They firmly believe in using modern science to
discover the essence of nature and provide effective and high-quality medicines at
affordable prices.


● Quality

Take care of business the first run through

● Reliability

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Keep up productivity and order in all cycles and frameworks and satisfy the guarantees
made to partners

● Consistency

Attempt to carry new items to the market and reliably convey an incentive to partners.

● Trust

Be transparent in dealings

● Innovation

Actualize novel thoughts and innovations to address neglected issues and consider ahead

SWOT Analysis of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited:


The following are the Strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Sun Pharma Industries:

1. Solid development in developing business sector business.

2. Presentation of Pantoprazole and Eloxatin in US market has exceptionally

restricted rivalry.

3. They have solid showcasing and deals power of more than 12,000 workers.

4. They have effectively procured Taro pharma which has additionally solidified
their situation in Indian business sectors.

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5. Strong brand influence in the Indian and American.

6. Productive in overseeing Assets to create Profits - ROA improving since most

recent long term.

7. Company with Low Debt.

8. Annual Net Profits improving for most recent 2 years.

9. Book Value for every offer Improving for most recent 2 years.

10. Company with diminishing Promoter vow.


Here are the shortcomings in the Sun Pharma Industries SWOT Analysis:

1. Solid rivalry from numerous Indian and other worldwide brands implies restricted
piece of the overall industry development

2. Restricted nearness in developing business sectors and European nations

3. MFs diminished their shareholding last quarter

4. Decrease in Net Profit with falling Profit Margin (QoQ)

5. Decrease in Quarterly Net Profit with falling Profit Margin (YoY)

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6. Degrowth in Quarterly Revenue and Profit in Recent Results(YoY)

7. Declining benefits each quarter for as far back as 4 quarters

8. Declining Net Cash Flow : Companies not ready to create net money

9. Significant fall in TTM Net Profit

10. Fall in Quarterly Revenue and Net Profit


Following are the Opportunities in Sun Pharma Industries SWOT Analysis:

1. They can use their acquisitions to additionally expand the development

2. They can expand their quality in contract producing

3. Expanding human services mindfulness in India

4. The broker has raised the suggested or target price in the past three months


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1. The dangers in the SWOT Analysis of Sun Pharma Industries are as referenced:

2. There is developing rivalry in generics market

3. Severe patent guidelines

4. Significant expense affectability of purchasers

5. Ongoing Broker Downgrades in Reco or Target Price

6. Warnings: Firms connected to progressing administrative examinations/lawful


7. Benefit to Loss Companies

8. Expanding Trend in Non-Core Income

9. Stocks with high (PE > 40)


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Competitors of Sun Pharmaceutical Limited:

Cipla Limited is an Indian global drug organization, headquartered in Mumbai,
India. Cipla principally creates prescriptions to treat respiratory, cardiovascular
malady, joint inflammation, diabetes, weight control and discouragement; other
ailments. Starting at 17 September 2014, its market capitalisation was ₹49,611.58
crore (proportionate to ₹530 billion or US$7.5 billion of every 2019), making it
India's 42nd biggest traded on an open market organization by market esteem. On
23 April 2019, Cipla named Dr. Raju Mistry as Global Chief People Officer

Lupin Co., Ltd. is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered
in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is one of the world's largest generic

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pharmaceutical companies by revenue. The company's focus areas include
pediatrics, cardiovascular, anti-infection, diabetes, asthma and anti-tuberculosis.
Lupin was founded in 1968 by Desh Bandhu Gupta, who is BITS in Rajasthan -
Pilani's chemistry major. Gupta moved to Mumbai in the 1960s to work for his
commercial company. Initially, he borrowed 5000 rupees from his wife to fund his
business. The founder Desh Bandhu Gupta passed away in June 2017, and his
wife Manju Deshbandhu Gupta took over as chairman. In October 2019, the large
pharmaceutical company Lupin Co., Ltd. announced the appointment of Sreeji
Gopinatham as the Chief Information Officer (CIO). In March 2019, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notified some lupin drug manufacturers due
to quality problems and indicated that they may not approve future lupin drug

Ranbaxy Laboratories was built up in 1961. It is an exploration based global drug
organization serving clients in more than 150 nations and has understanding of
over 50 years in giving high caliber, reasonable medications trusted by social
insurance experts and patients. Ranbaxy is an individual from the Daiichi Sankyo
Group which is a main worldwide pharma trend-setter, headquartered in Tokyo,
Japan. Ranbaxy has tasks in 43 nations and 21 assembling offices spread across
eight nations. The organization covers all the main 25 drug markets of the world
and has a hearty nearness across both created and developing business sectors.
Driven by advancement and through their proceeded with center around research
and improvement (R&D), Ranbaxy has accomplished a few administrative
endorsements in both created and developing business sectors. Colgate-Palmolive
is one of HUL's biggest competitors


Dr. Reddy's began as a supplier to Indian drug manufacturers, but it soon started
exporting to other less-regulated markets that had the advantage of not having to
spend time and money on a manufacturing plant that would gain approval from a
drug licensing body such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). By
the early 1990s, the expanded scale and profitability from these unregulated
markets enabled the company to begin focusing on getting approval from drug

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regulators for their formulations and bulk drug manufacturing plants - in more-
developed economies. This allowed their movement into regulated markets such
as the US and Europe. In 2014, Dr. Reddy Laboratories was listed among 1200 of
India's most trusted brands according to the Brand Trust Report 2014, a study
conducted by Trust Research Advisory, a brand analytics company.


An internship is an opportunity to gain experience in the field of professional work. It’s

an experience that allow you to apply the knowledge and skills you’ve been gaining in
class to a work environment in your field of interest. The experience also helps you in
beginning the transition from college to work.

Under this, I got a chance to work on HR practices with special reference to Performance
Management System which is an Institutional Summer Internship designed by the
Chandigarh University. My internship program started from 04 May 2020 under the
supervision of Mrs. Bhaswati Jana. In this report, I focused on the process of Performance
Management System of Hindustan Unilever Limited which is a well-known FMCG
company. This internship program enhance or polish various skills Data Analysis skills,
Competence skills, Presentation skills and Knowledge and Learning.

In this internship I follow a particular process which include Job Analysis ( Job
Description and Job Specification), Recruitment & Selection- How to onboard,
Performance Management System and lastly Report and Discussions.

Objectives of the Internship

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Broad Objectives:

● To complete my MBA degree in Strategic Human Resource Management,

it is required.
● To apply the theoretical knowledge into practical implementation.
● To gain professional experience.

Specific Objectives:

● To study the process and to understand the need & importance of “Performance
Management System”.

● To portray the profile of “Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (SPIL)”.

● Observe and participate in business operations.

● To study the performance management system implementation in Sun

Pharmaceutical Industries Limited.

● To have an idea how the performance management system works in an


● To study the various HR Practices like recruitment and selection process.

● Gain practical work experience in human resources.

Methodology of the Study

A methodology defines the source of research, how it proceeds, how to measure progress
and what constitute success with respect to the objectives determined for carrying out the
study. It is said to be a procedure or way in which the project work has been done.

Descriptive methodology is used in this study. Descriptive methodology is characterized

as an exploration strategy that portrays the attributes of the populace or wonder

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considered. This procedure concentrates more on the "what" of the exploration subject
than the "why" of the examination subject.

Descriptive methodology basically centers around portraying the idea of a segment

fragment, without concentrating on "why" a specific marvel happens. At the end of the
day, it "portrays" the subject of the exploration, without covering "why" it occurs

Sources of Data:

There are two methods or techniques for data collection. Primary or Secondary.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic I am not able to go out for survey, research, industry visit
and to meet mentors or employee, so I am not able to collect primary data. For making
internship report I used only secondary data.

a) Secondary Data:

Secondary data include the use of information already collected or published.

The secondary sources of data are as follows:
● Website of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (SPIL)
● SHRM Books
● Annual Reports of SPIL
● Internet and various related reports.

Performance Management System

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A performance management system is a persistent efficient cycle by which the HR arm of
an organization makes faculty participatory in propelling the adequacy of the
organization, by accomplishing the expressed vision, strategic, goals of the association.
Execution the executives embodies key human asset capacities like regular
correspondence, worker preparing for improved execution, affirmation of good work,
introduction of advantages for improved execution, objective setting, persistent
advancement audit, and continuous criticism. Performance Management system is a
continuous process of measuring actual results with planned outcomes. It includes
standards, measurement and processes which are used for improving the future
performance of an employee. The performance management system can help the human
resources department clearly set expectations so that employees can easily understand
their job expectations. It is a reasonably structured method that can effectively evaluate
employee performance based on employee goals. Through in-depth analysis of the
strengths and weaknesses of employees, and find out the areas that need improvement, it
helps to check the problems. If done correctly, it will also promote employee engagement.
It is a source of motivation for employees and can increase their productivity and
efficiency. It should be aligned with the organization's strategy, mission, vision and goals.

An effective performance management system is a system that accomplishes the

following tasks:

● The performance management cycle is incessant, not yearly

● Leaders, executives and senior management have joined performance
● It is very important to have some oral performance exchanges and comments, not
just daily work
● Verify that your manager is willing and able to provide results-oriented
performance management every day
● Utilize user-friendly performance management software that allows you to view
performance management activities

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Performance Management Process:

values and goals

Business results Performance

and employee Management
growth Standards

Measurement and
Performance /

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Importance of Performance Management:

1. Improve the company's profit margin:

Performance management improves business performance by reducing staff
turnover, which helps increase the company's profit margin, resulting in excellent
business results.

2. Guide employees on a suitable career path:

According to the best practices of global performance management, personnel in
supervisory roles should guide their subordinate employees in accordance with a
clearly defined and progressive career path.

3. Provide employees with valuable progressive feedback:

Timely real-time feedback makes the performance management system of human
resource management more attractive and proactive

4. Ensure that employees achieve their SMART goals:

Company employees can only achieve the goals set for them and exceed
expectations when they are fully aware of their expectations of them. Regularly
set, short-term and frequently discussed goals are usually more effective.

5. Ensure that employee goals are related to organizational goals and advance
organizational goals:
The Human Resources Department uses a performance management system to
help employees understand the connection between their personally assigned
goals and the overall organizational strategy. This gives employees the meaning
and purpose they seek in their careers.

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Performance Appraisal:
An Employee performance appraisal is a process that usually combines written and oral
elements, so that management can evaluate and provide feedback on employee
performance, including steps to improve or redirect activities as needed. Recording
performance provides the basis for salary increases and promotions. Evaluation is also
very important to help employees improve their performance, and it can be used to
reward or recognize outstanding staff. In addition, they can also serve as other functions
and provide a starting point for companies to clarify and determine responsibilities based
on business trends, clarify the communication methods between managers and
employees, and encourage re-examination of possible traditional business practices.
When developing an appraisal system for small businesses, entrepreneurs need to
consider the following:

● Number of workers
● Employees have other work schedules.
● Company goals and expected employee behavior to help achieve goals.
● Measure performance/work.
● Salary increase and promotion
● Evaluation system and communication of individual performance.
● Performance planning.

Goals of an effective appraisal:

Performance evaluation can consider the following goals:

● Keep records to determine the salary plan, salary structure, salary increase, etc.

● Identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees so that the right person can do
the right job.

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● Maintain and evaluate people's potential growth and development potential.

● Provide employees with feedback on their performance and related status.

● Provide employees with feedback on their performance and related status.

● It is the basis for affecting employees' work habits.

● Review and retain promotional and other training programs.

Characteristics of Performance Appraisal:

1. Job related criteria-

Job relevance may be the most basic criterion in employee performance
evaluation. More specifically, the evaluation criteria should be determined
through job analysis. Subjective factors such as initiative, enthusiasm, loyalty and
cooperation may be important; However, they should not be used unless they are
clearly related to work.

2. Standardization-

The company should use the same evaluation tool for all employees in the same
job category who work under same supervisor. Supervisors should also conduct
similar assessments. Regular feedback sessions and appraisal interviews are
essential for all the employees.
The official record of the assessment data has many uses, including protection
against possible legal action. Employees should sign their assessment. If the
employee refuses Sign, the manager should record this behavior

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3. Conduct performance reviews-

In addition to the need for continuous communication between managers and

employees, a special time should also be arranged to formally discuss employee
performance. Since improving performance is the common goal of the evaluation
system. Continuous employee performance documentation is essential for
accurate performance evaluation.

4. Due Process-

Ensuring due process is crucial. If the company does not have a formal grievance
procedure, A method should be developed to give employees the opportunity to
present assessment results that they believe are incorrect or unfair. They must
have a procedure to pursue their grievances and resolve them objectively

5. Performance expectations-

Managers and subordinates must agree on performance expectations before

evaluation period. If employees do not know what they are doing, how will they
operate effectively. On the other hand, if employees clearly understand
expectations, they can evaluate your own performance and make timely
adjustments as you perform your work, without waiting for formal review.
Appraisal should be take place on the basis clearly understood expectations.

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Uses of Performance Appraisal:

1 2 3 4

Human Training & Compensatio Assessment

Resource Development n Programs of Employee
Planning Career Internal Potential
Recruitment Planning Employee
& Selection Relations

⮚ Human resource planning: It is important to record the company's employee

data/information so that it is easy to determine the potential of talents who should
be promoted or need improvement. Performance evaluation also helps reveal
whether the number of workers is insufficient. After considering the advantages
and disadvantages of the organization's human resource management, an
evaluation system should be designed and planned.

⮚ Recruitment and Selection: Through the performance analysis process, the

organization can determine the applicant's performance potential. Studies have
shown that successful employees exhibit specific behavioral characteristics when
performing tasks. The data processed through performance evaluation helps to
develop behavioral interview standards. In the selection process, employee scores
can also be used as a variable to compare test scores.

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⮚ Training and development: Training and development are vital to any employee
because it serves as a way to communicate expectations and methods.
Performance evaluation helps draw attention to the specific needs of these
training. For example, if an employee’s work involves creative writing skills, and
the evaluation process shows that he or she lacks or does not understand this
knowledge, the employee will need appropriate training. When the company’s
managers lack the ability to perform disciplinary actions, they need the necessary
training to solve the problem.

⮚ Career planning: Career planning can be described as a never-ending cycle in

which a person sets professional goals and achieves them throughout his life.
However, career development is a more formal method used by organizations. It
includes recruiting appropriately qualified and experienced personnel when
needed. Performance evaluation can determine the potential of employees by
evaluating their weaknesses and strengths. The data is also useful for consulting
junior employees and assisting career planning.

⮚ Compensation plan: Performance evaluation evaluation helps to make decisions

about wages or salary regulations. It is believed that organizations should reward
salary increases for outstanding performance. In order to improve performance,
organizations should implement a well-planned and designed performance
evaluation system and reward efficient employees.

⮚ Internal employee relations: Performance appraisal can provide key information

for decision-making on internal employee relations, such as promotion, demotion,
transfer, and dismissal. For example, performance evaluation data is also used for
decision-making in multiple areas of internal employee relations, including
promotion, demotion, dismissal, layoffs, and transfer.

⮚ Assessment of employee potential: Some organizations try to evaluate employee

potential when evaluating employee performance. Although past behavior can
predict the future behavior of certain jobs well, the past performance of employees
may not accurately indicate the future performance of other jobs. The best
salesperson in the company may not have the requirements to become a successful
regional sales manager because their tasks are completely different. Recognition
of this issue has led some companies to separate performance evaluation from past
behavior. Assess potential, which is future-oriented.

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The Appraisal process:







Methods ofTAKE
Performance Appraisal:

1. Establish performance standards-

The first step in the performance appraisal process is to establish the standards. It
is important to tell the employee that what is expected from them.

2. Mutually set measurable goals-

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The goals should set and communicated in such a way so that everyone is aware
of their objectives or on the basis of what they are measured.

3. Measurement of actual performance-

The next step after setting the goal is to measure the actual performance of an

4. Compare actual performance with standards-

In this step, employee actual performance is compared with the standards. It

includes finding out the differences in actual and the standard.

5. Discuss the appraisal with employee-

Discussing the evaluation with the workers is very critical. The input which they
get for their examination is important to them for their self-assurance in addition
to energy. That is the reason to discuss appraisal with employees.

6. Take corrective action-

The last step in the appraisal process is to take corrective actions in case of any

Methods of Performance Appraisal:

1. Traditional Methods:

✔ Rating Scales
✔ Confidential Report
✔ Grading System
✔ Checklist

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✔ Forced Choice
✔ Ranking
✔ Paired Comparison
✔ Forced Distribution
✔ Essay
✔ Performance Tests
✔ Field Review

2. Modern Methods:

✔ Human Resource Accounting

✔ 360degree performance Appraisal
✔ Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
✔ Management by Objectives
✔ Assessment Centre Method
✔ Psychological Appraisal

1. Traditional Methods:

● Rating Scale-

It assesses an employee on the basis of quality and quantity of work. In

this method, appraiser checks the appropriate place on the scale for task
listed. For example- Five points rating scale in which scale ranging from
excellent to poor.

● Confidential Report-

34 | Page
Confidential reports are mainly maintained by government departments,
although their application in the industry is not ruled out. These reports
vary by department and by level. Confidential reports are prepared for a
certain unit and last for one year, and are related to the performance,
abilities and personality of the employees during that year. The report is
not based on data, but subjective. There is no feedback to the employees
being evaluated, so its credibility is very low.

● Grading System-

In this way, certain performance characteristics or abilities can be

determined in advance and grouped into one category based on employee
behavior and characteristics. These categories are defined by letters (such
as A, B, C, D, E) as outstanding, good, average, below average and poor,
where A represents the best and E represents the worst. This method is
used for performance-based promotions.

● Checklist-

In this method, a list is given to the appraiser and he checks the item on the
list that describes the performance and characteristics of the employee.
Checklist includes a series of statements. Appraiser marks an employee’s
performance on a designated form.

● Forced Choice-

It establishes objective standards of comparison between employees. In

this method, appraiser is required to check two statements: Employee is
most like and employee is least like.

● Ranking-

35 | Page
It is the oldest method of performance appraisal. It is a kind of
Comparative method in which appraiser compares the performance of
employee with others. In this method, appraiser ranks the employee from
highest to lowest i.e. 1 to 20- best to poorest in performance.

● Paired Comparison Method-

In this method, each employee is paired with other employee and

compared by using same scale for measuring performance. This method is
better than ranking method because it provides more information.

● Forced distribution-

In this method, Employees are rated and placed at different points along a
bell -shaped curve. It reduces bias. It is easy and simple method for
appraising the employees.

● Essay-

In the essay method, the assessor prepares a written statement about the
employee being assessed. The statement usually focuses on describing
specific strengths and weaknesses of job performance. It also recommends
actions to correct the problem areas found. The statement can be written
by appraiser.

● Performance Tests-

In the case of a limited number of jobs, the employee evaluation can be

based on his knowledge or skills test. The test may be a paper-based test or
a practical test of skills. The test must be reliable and proven to be useful.
Even so, performance testing is easier to measure potential than actual
performance. In order to make the test work-related, observations should
be made where possible.

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● Field Review Method-

The review process is usually carried out by the personnel officer of the
HR department. The HR interviews the supervisor on the performance of
each employee. After the interview, HR will compile a comparative grade
for each employee, and then submit the grade to the supervisor for
approval or change.

2. Modern Methods:

1. Human Resource Accounting-

In human resource accounting, the value of money is attached to the value of the
company's internal human resources and the reputation of external customers. In
human resource accounting, employee performance is judged based on the cost
incurred and the employee's contribution.

Basis for calculation of cost:

● Human resource planning expenditure,

● Recruitment and selection expenditures,

● Compensation expenditure,

● Training and development expenditure.

The measure of contribution is as follows:

● The monetary value of labor productivity,

● Value-added human resources.

2. 360- Degree performance appraisal-

● It provides feedback from superiors, peer groups and subordinates to provide

holistic and objective evaluation of employees.

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● Assessment is communicated transparently to all employees.
● Career paths are shared with them.

3. Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)-

The BARS method was designed to overcome the drawbacks of category rating by
describing desirable and undesirable behavior. It clearly indicates the behavior
associated with each level of performance. It helps in reducing the limitations of
other appraisal methods.

It offers several advantages:

✔ Clear standards of performance

✔ More accurate measure of performance.
✔ Gives Feedback

Different BARS are prepared for different jobs. BARS requires an organization to
✔ Generate critical incidents
✔ Develop the performance dimensions
✔ Scale the incident
✔ Develop the final instrument

Example of BARS method:

Performance Points Behavior

Extremely Good 7 _
Good 6 _
Above Average 5 _
Average 4 _
Below Average 3 _
Poor 2 _
Extremely Poor 1 _

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4. Management by Objectives (MBO)-

● The MBO focuses attention on participate goals that are tangible,

verifiable & measurable.
● The superior and subordinates jointly determines goals to be considered
during appraisal period & what level of performance is necessary for
subordinates to satisfactorily achieve specific goals. Mutual agreement
may be used to finalize the goals.
● The superior & subordinate update the goals as necessary due to changes
in business environment during performance appraisal period.
● Find the deviation in case if goals not achieved.

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5. Assessment Centre method:
In this method, employees are evaluated on the basis of their confidence,
communication skills, administrative ability etc. Activities like discussions, in
basket exercises, role playing are arranged for the employees in this method. These
activities are done under the rater who checks the behavior of employee and
discuss with the appraiser who finally evaluates the employee’s performance.

6. Psychological appraisal:
This is one of the most interesting method. This method assesses the potential of
the employee’s future performance, not the past performance. It focuses on the
emotional, intellectual, and other personal characteristics that affect employee
performance. Employees are now very vulnerable and often get into trouble while
balancing work and personal life. This approach understands this aspect and allows
employees to shine in the future.

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Objectives of Performance Appraisal:

● Help employees to set goals:

Goal setting has always been proven to be a management process that produces
excellent performance. The performance evaluation process is generally used to
ensure that each member of the organization sets and achieves effective goals.
After improving performance, one of the most important goals of performance
evaluation should be to help employees set goals for the coming year. Employees
need to know what you expect them to do and whether the goal is for customer
service, operations or professional development. The goals you help employees
set should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

● Providing Feedback:
Providing feedback is the most common reason an organization has a performance
evaluation system. Through its performance evaluation process, an individual can
accurately understand his/her performance in the past twelve months, and then can
use this information to improve his/her future performance. In this regard, another
important purpose of performance evaluation is to ensure that boss expectations
are clearly communicated.

● Motivating high performing employees:

Almost everyone in the organization wants to succeed. How should the company
decide who gets the brass ring? Performance evaluation makes it easier for
organizations to make the right decisions to ensure that the most important
positions are filled by the most capable individuals. Since the vast majority need
to be superior workers — it normally prompts a raise or potentially an
advancement — giving your representatives this data will leave them with
something to focus on. They'll likewise be searching for models in their own work
to highlight once they recognize what "high performing" signifies in your

41 | Page
● Plan for New Hires:
In case you're leading ordinary performance evaluations and seeing a typical
subject, for example, representatives being extended excessively flimsy, this can
assist you with building the case for recruiting extra employees. Performance
examinations can likewise assist you with distinguishing the concealed jewels in
your organization who can possibly go up or even be a benchmark for future

● Supporting Manpower Planning:

Well-managed organizations regularly evaluate their bench strength to ensure they
have the talents they need in the future. Organizations need to figure out who and
where their most skilled individuals are. They have to recognize the offices that
are rich with ability and the ones that are enduring an ability dry spell.
Performance evaluation gives organizations the instrument they have to ensure
they have the scholarly torque required for what's to come.

● Determine overall training needs-

Part of the performance evaluation cycle will be to figure out which
representatives need singular preparing. As you do this, you can design the
general preparing financial plan and organize preparing for the whole association.
This can likewise assist you with estimating how successful your present
preparing rehearses are. By evaluating the information from performance
appraisal, preparing and advancement experts can use sound judgment about
where the association should think far reaching preparing efforts. These appraisals
additionally recognize the important preparing and improvement needs to
representatives to close the hole between current performance and expected

Errors in Performance Appraisal:

1. Central tendency-

42 | Page
Bring everyone in the intermediate performance category together to avoid
extreme situations of good or bad; it's simple, but it's wrong. This is unfair to
employees who really work hard, and it may depress morale.

2. Halo Effect-
Let a positive work factor that you like influence your overall assessment of
performance. The halo effect is one of the most common errors in performance
evaluation. This happens when the appraiser summarizes one characteristic of an
employee and extends it to all other aspects.

For instance: one individual in the group consistently hits their business targets
and surpasses desires a seemingly endless amount of time after year. During the
assessment, their supervisor's judgment might be obfuscated by this and they rate
the representative as superb in all angles, without cautiously looking at their
outcomes in different zones.

3. Recency Error-
Recency error refers to the tendency of raters to make the most recent events
(effective or ineffective) employee behavior have too much influence on
performance evaluation during the entire rating period. This may be extreme on
both ends of spectrum. Either the employee has just successfully completed a
large-scale project, or the employee has a negative incident before the
performance appraisal, and this is the forefront of the manager's idea of that
employee. Therefore, it is very important to maintain accurate performance
records throughout the year for reference in performance appraisal.

4. Lack of Professional Development Plan-

Most workers endeavor to improve their abilities and push ahead into all the more
testing places that offer higher pay. Once in a while, however, chiefs focus totally
around performance inside the worker's present position, prompting a botched
chance. The representative passes up open doors for proficient development, and
the business neglects to tap the worker's latent capacity.

5. Similarity Error-

43 | Page
In many organizations, some employees are similar to managers in management
style. Some managers even prefer these employees compared to managers who
have different behaviors or ideas.

It's normal to relax a little bit with people we believe to be like ourselves.
However, if we are not careful, this feeling can interfere with the evaluation
process. This is called a similarity error.

Performance Management System in Sun Pharmaceutical Industries


The Sun pharmaceutical industry firmly believes in a performance-oriented culture. Their

team members recruit, reward and give opportunities in the organization purely based on
their own talents. The performance management system is the backbone of their elite
management culture. The system is established to evaluate employee performance in a
fair and transparent manner.


● PMS is used for quality check:

✔ On-site tests and check

✔ Defect classification
✔ Product Requirement
✔ Packaging Requirement
✔ Quality Assurance
✔ Processing supervision

● PMS is used for administration processes:

✔ Promotion
✔ Transfer
✔ Layoffs of employees
✔ Decide the need of training

44 | Page
✔ Retention
✔ Salary related decisions

● It is also used for development processes:

✔ Providing feedback
✔ Communication
✔ Identify strengths and weaknesses
✔ Helping employees in setting the goals
✔ Decisions regarding increment

Appraisal methods used in SPIL:

Evaluate the performance of the Sun pharmaceutical industry by comparing expected

results with actual results, and considering external and internal factors that may
determine actual results. On the basis of this comparison, an overall evaluation of the
employees is carried out, while the results of previous evaluations and other evaluation
factors must be considered.

Finally, SPIL put forward some suggestions by suggesting that appropriate steps be taken
to take advantage of and encourage employee's strengths and eliminate their weaknesses.

In SPIL evaluation of performance take place twice in a year i.e. after every six months
and Performance Appraisal Form is signed by agreement of both employee and Reporting
Manager/ Supervisor.

SPIL mainly follows these two Performance Appraisal Methods:

● Grading System
● 360 Degree performance appraisal

45 | Page
Process of PMS in SPIL:

Annual Goal Mid Year
Setting Evaluation

Benefits of Performance Appraisal:

● Improve employee performance.

● Highlight top performers.

● Improve employee morale.

● Improve quality as well as quantity of work.

● Make well-informed decisions.

● Enable the achievement of departmental objectives.

● Employee Satisfaction.

46 | Page
● Align employee’s objective to organizational objective.

● Clarify performance expectations.

● Increase engagement.

● Reduce turnover and absenteeism.

● Provide a written record of performance.

● Identify training needs at a departmental level

● Prepare for potential anticipation.

Key Challenges Faced

1. The challenge that I faced most of the times during my internship was lack of
information. Performance Management System is very sensitive issue. All
information was not available on internet.

2. Due to COVID-19, my internship was virtual, so I didn’t get exposure to

professional culture.

3. I have lost a wonderful chance to enhance my soft skills and competencies.

4. I miss out the chance to interact with mentors and professional networking in the
physical work environment.

5. Absence of actual office or organization environment.

Although, it was a hard and difficult experience for me, but I gained a lot from this

Key Achievements
47 | Page
I have gained a lot of practical knowledge and experience from this internship and

definitely it would help me a lot in my career. In this internship, I have done a thorough

research on a particular industry and organization which enhance my various skills like

data analysis skills, Critical thinking and Data Visualization. And also I came to know

that how to work under limited Resources. My research is completely based on secondary

data as due to covid-19 pandemic I am not able to go out for any research and survey. I

have gained a lot of knowledge about the various HR practices with special reference to

Performance management system. Now, I have gained a knowledge about that how

performance management system works in an organization and how important it is used

to achieve the organization goals and objectives and how important it is to increase

employee’s motivation or morale.

Key Learnings

I have learned various things from my internship.

● I have gained knowledge that how to prepare or design Job description and Job
specification for a job position or for a specific role.

● I came to know that what all points or things get included when you made a Job
description or Job specification.

● In addition to job description and job specification, I learnt about recruitment

including its sources, methods and what all sources should be used for recruitment
of HR- executive.

● Apart from this, I have learnt about selection process. SPIL is using which
selection method for selecting the candidates and what should be the step.

48 | Page
● Learning and development initiatives by the Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
Limited and what are methods of training and the methods particularly are using
for HR- executive position.

● I have also learnt about the complete Performance Management Process including
importance and Performance Appraisal.

● Beside this I came to know that how to prepare KRAs and KPIs by taking help of
Job description and Job Specification.

I have also learned that how to prepare a performance appraisal

form of a job role.

Overall, it was a great experience for me and I have learned a lot of things that would
help in my career in future.

49 | Page
Analysis and Discussions:

Sun Pharma: NSE-2.35%

⮚ They honed long term professional development.

⮚ Take advantage of the opportunity provided by the merger of Ranbaxy and Sun
Pharma to review and redesign the existing process, which merges two very
different cultures and performance management concepts.

⮚ Acquire Pola Pharma in Japan and enter into license agreement for novel
oncology products in China.

⮚ PRIDE was planned as the new worldwide performance management process for
Sun Pharma, empowering a worker to perform, reflect, contribute, create and
exceed expectations. This cycle is tech-empowered and incorporates long term
proficient advancement targets, upheld by a formal mid-year measure.

50 | Page

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited is already doing good in performance

management system. It has using modern methods for performance appraisal like 360

degree performance appraisal and also a traditional method like Grading System. SPIL is

following very good and effective performance appraisal process for evaluating the

employees. It includes annual goal setting, mid-year review and annual performance

review. Mid-year review is very important at it provides feedback about performance to

the employees. I would want to give one suggestion that SPIL should use more modern

methods for performance appraisal and also does quarterly performance evaluation

instead of doing twice in a year so that there should be continuous feedback provided to

the employees so that they are aware of their performance and able to work on the areas

in which they are lacking. It will increase the efficiency of performance management

system and would be beneficial for both the employees and the organization.

51 | Page

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited is having an effective performance management

system in place to measure the performance of employees effectively and efficiently. Sun

Pharmaceutical Industries Limited is a largest Pharmaceutical company having world’s

famous brands. Both rural area people and urban area uses Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

Limited’s products. They create a good brand image among medical segment of the


The Human Resource Department of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited is very much

effective and efficient because its dealing about 32000 employees. It requires very hard

job to maintain and coordinate such a large amount of workforce. It is very difficult to

make plans and strategies for a vast group of employees.

Performance management system in Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited is basically

for three purposes i.e. Quality Check, Administrative purposes and Developmental

purposes. SPIL follows modern method for appraising the employees as well as

traditional method for appraising. Performance Management in SPIL is done by an online

system. It basically includes the three steps. Annual goal setting, Mid-year evaluation and

the annual performance evaluation. Sun Pharma observes some principles for

performance appraisal implementation. Like –

● The employee is neither good nor poor, but is considered more or less suitable for

the job or duty he expects to be accomplished.

● Therefore, his suitability can only be measured by objectively evaluating his


52 | Page
● Personal circumstances and characteristics that have nothing to do with his

performance and performance, and related behaviors shall not be allowed to affect

the evaluation results.

● Every employee is internally motivated to engage in a certain activity and has the

urge to develop himself. Therefore, evaluation should aim to cultivate its impulse

for development.

53 | Page











7. SHRM portal

8. SHRM handbook of performance management


54 | Page
Job description format:

Division/Department : Human Resources

Job Location : Karnataka

: Problem Solver
Skills Job Title

Reports to : Executive Director Executive-HR

Title :

Level/Grade : Type of position: Hours________ / week

Entry Level ☐ Full-time ☐ Exempt

☐ Part-time ☐ Nonexempt

☐ Contractor = Exempt

☐ Intern

= Full Time

GENERAL PURPOSE: The Human Resources Executive manages and directs all human resources (HR) tasks for an
organization or company. These executives sit at the top of the HR department and take the lead when it comes to any
and all human resources matters and functions. HR Executives must educate, train, monitor, problem-solve, and ensure
company HR policy is followed across all employees, managers, and executives. Additional HR Executive
responsibilities include directing and overseeing the hiring, training, and dismissal processes and administering and
monitoring benefit programs.


Facilitating newcomers joining formalities , Reviewing & updating job descriptions for all positions regularly , Handling

55 | Page
Division/Department : Human Resources

Job Location : Karnataka

: Problem Solver
Skills Job Title

Reports to : Executive Director Executive-HR

Title :

all employee enquiries & grievances , Dispute settlements according to labor law, Factory rules & compliance guidelines
, Communicating and explaining the organization's HR policies to the employees , Handling administration of all
contract labor , Preparing and submitting all relevant HR letters/documents/certificates/ attendance as per the
requirement in consultation with the management , Liaising with all government agencies to ensure adherence to
compliance laws and regulations , Follow up on confirmation records statutory obligations - PF, ESIC, taxes, gratuity,
bonus etc.

Work experience requirements

− Minimum 3 years of experience in an HR executive or higher post.

− Knowledge and experience in employment law, compensation, organizational planning, recruitment, organization
development, employee relations, employee engagement.

Education requirements

− Bachelor’s Degree in human resources, business administration, finance, or related field

− Highly computer literate in Microsoft Suite (especially Excel) and various HR software programs including HRIS

Mr. ______ Manager-HR


Executive Director/Reporting
Mr. ______
APPROVED BY: Title: Manager

Job Specification Format:

56 | Page
Person requirements
Education / Qualifications / Training required:

Essential: Bachelor/Masters in Human Resources Management, Business, Organization

Development or relevant field.

Previous work experience required:

Essential: 3+ years of management experience in HR

Knowledge and experience:

Essential: Proven 3 years work experience as an HR Executive, HR Generalist or similar role.

Familiarity with Human Resources Management Systems and Applicant Tracking Systems.

Desirable: Knowledge and experience in employment law.

Personal skills/ Behavioral Skills /qualities:

Essential: Excellent interpersonal and verbal skills, good writing skills, multitasking, able to work in
challenging environment, empathetic, training and development skills, Positive, go-getter attitude,
Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills.
Additional information:
Monitor employee progress and stay abreast on company climate and culture, ensuring it stays
positive and productive , Coordinate and direct work activities for managers and employees

Performance appraisal chart for the Executive-HR:

Name: _______________________________________________

Completed by: _________________________________________

Designation: __________________________________________

57 | Page
Department: ___________________________________________
Date: __________________

Using the following rating scale, please circle the number that best reflects your rating of
your manager’s performance during the past year.

Rating Scale

1 Unacceptable

2 Needs improvement

3 Meets standard

4 Exceeds standard

5 Outstanding

6 Have not experienced or observed

Valuing Behaviours

Seeks input from all team members 123456

Measures results instead of individual styles 123456

Maintains a balance between "people" issues and "business" 123456


Shows genuine concern for team members 123456

Keeps the focus on fixing problems rather than finding someone 123456
to blame

58 | Page
Treats people fairly, without showing favouritism 123456

Cares about me 123456

Protects confidentiality 1 2 3 4 5 6

Recognizes and rewards my individual contributions in a manner 123456

meaningful to me

Interdependent Behaviours

Supports a team environment by recognizing and rewarding    1 2 3 4 5 6  

collaboration, cooperation and activities contributing to others'

Recognizes and rewards team-supportive actions and behaviours   1 2 3 4 5 6 

Doesn't criticize those who are not present   1 2 3 4 5 6 

Considers the impact of actions and decisions on other   1 2 3 4 5 6 

departments before implementing

Recognizes and supports the work of other departments   1 2 3 4 5 6 

Communication Behaviours

Encourages others to express different ideas and perspectives 123456

Is open to other perspectives and is willing to change his or her 123456

position when presented with compelling information

Is open to negative and/or constructive feedback 123456

Keeps me informed on the status of my work and updates in the 123456

59 | Page

Gives open and constructive feedback 123456

Effectively deals with conflict 123456

Let me know how I am doing 123456

Involves me in decision-making when appropriate 123456

Sets a clear direction for our department 123456

Valuing Diversity Behaviours

Ensures that department activities are inclusive by verifying 123456

scheduling needs

Seeks input/feedback from diverse individuals and groups, 123456

including internal and external customers

Treats everyone with respect and fairness 123456

Leadership Behaviours

Encourages and embraces change by challenging the status quo 123456

Provides cross-functional development opportunities for team 123456


Encourages and supports my involvement in training and 123456

development activities and events

Encourages and supports my involvement in community activities 123456

60 | Page
and events

Encourages and supports my involvement in company activities 123456

and events

Uses actions and behaviours that are consistent with his or 123456

her words

Is trustworthy 123456

Is a role model for continuous improvement 123456

Uses a coaching management style, rather than an authoritarian 123456

boss management style

Supports me and helps me achieve results 123456

Supports a customer service approach for both internal and 123456

external customers

Deals with issues that need to be addressed 123456

Provides a clear sense of purpose and direction, roles and 123456

responsibilities, for me individually and for our group team

61 | Page

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