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Teaching has gone online because of Covid-19.

All schools across the globe have closed and children are out of
school. Online education takes place over the internet. It is also called e-learning. Online classes provide good
quality of education to students like us in the comfort of our homes and also help in controlling virus spread. There
is no barrier to time. We can study at our convenience. Another positive effect of online education is to become
more tech-savvy. We got to know more about various apps like: zoom, google meet, classroom, canva, eskuela,
Edmodo and the like. All the study material is safely stored in an online database. If we need further explanations,
they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly. We have a lot of options to choose an online
education program.
But there are some drawbacks of online education. There is no face-to-face conversation between teachers and
students. This puts a barrier in communication skills and personality development. 
Internet connectivity is also a big issue in some areas. Internet prices are also increasing and everyone cannot
afford online education. Online education provides freedom to students which are not good for them as it lacks
discipline. In online education, everything is scripted. It lacks emotions like laughter, excitement, or anger. Thus,
there are both advantages and disadvantages of online education but in this lockdown time, this is truly helpful in
providing continuous and uninterrupted learning. 

Online learning, which came as a panacea for the crisis, is increasingly seen as a new paradigm in education. But
there are lots of disadvantageous factors like there are no exams; students are being given marks by the internals.
This may impact their career. students are missing the days in the schools and colleges. Hoping the government
takes good decisions on education with clear instructions as early as possible to avoid the situations that occurred
during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Be My True Friend
Hey! Are you a good friend? Are you a True Friend?
A friend that will never leave me? It is you? If it is, then... Can you be my friend?
I needed a friend like you, not like them.
They are my Friend when they need me.
I can still remember when they ignore me.

"Hey Julia, can you come with me?" I ask my friend.

"Wait for us" they replied. So as what they've said. I waited, waiting for the time, but one
hour has passed. They didn't come back. So I turned to my other friend whose doing nothing.

"Hey Lisa, can you come with me?" I asked. "sorry, I busy" they replied.
I feel alone. I feel Ignored. I feel Rejected. I want to cry but I can't and I don't want them to
see me crying just because of rejection. I ran away from them and went to the rooftop.




I shouted and I cried so hard. And after that I felt relief. I felt okay. So I decided to go back to
our classroom and the one of my friend approached me and said

"Hey Ana, can you come with me to the canteen. We'll buy some snacks" by that time I want
to say YES but I found myself running away from them after realizing what they've said a
while ago. And went back to the rooftop

"When you need me, I'm always there, but when I need you, you reject me! You ignore me!"

"Is that a real friend?"

And you! You! Are you like that? If not! Then please! Please be with me!
Be my friend. Be my True Friend!

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