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Seatwork No. 3
Name: Magalindan Gerson R. Section: C2
Date: 19/07/2021

Direction: Solve the problems using your own handwriting and a BLACK INK. Make your
solution organized by presenting it according to the order of the required and place your
final answers in a box. Submit the scanned document/s in a PDF format together with the

1. A hydro-storage plant uses a turbine-pump which has 20,000 kW rated output capacity,
with a plant use factor of 75%. For 1.5-hour peak, determine the hydraulic impoundment
in cubic meter of water required. Friction loss is at 6%. Dam elevation is 120 ft, hydraulic
turbine elevation is 40 ft and tail race elevation is 20 ft. Generator efficiency is 92%,
evaporation loss at the impoundment is 20%. Over-all turbine efficiency is 85%.

Working as a pump, the system returns the water to the dam. At this operation, the friction
loss is 8%, pump efficiency is 76% and motor efficiency is 85%. Calculate the power
required to return the water to the impoundment within 1.5 hr operation; (kW-hr). Compare
the power generated by the system when working as a turbine against when working as
a pump; (%).

2. In a cooling tower with an efficiency of 70% receives water at 45 0C and flowing at

130 m3/min. The surrounding air is at 50% relative humidity and 32 0C. The air
leaves the cooling tower at 28 0C and saturated. Calculate,
a) The temperature of the water leaving the cooling water; 0C
b) The heat rejected by the cooling tower; kW
c) The amount of make-up water; kg/s

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