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An Evaluation of the Breathing Strategies and

Maximum Phonation Time in Musical Theater

Performers During Controlled Performance Tasks
*Tommi Sliiden, †Sara Beck, and *Ian MacDonald, *†London, UK

Summary: Objectives. Breathing strategies for athletic dancing are quite different from those needed for legato
singing. This study considers the respiration data recorded by a telemetric heart rate monitor, mask, and gas analyzer
collected from 20 musical theater professionals performing set tasks.
Methods. Scores were taken of maximum phonation time (MPT), relative oxygen uptake, and heart rate immedi-
ately after three tasks: (1) singing only, (2) dancing only, and (3) singing while dancing. Scores were also collected of
the ability to sustain unbroken notes immediately before performing and then immediately after each of the above
tasks (1), (2), and (3). Vital capacity scores were recorded at the beginning and at the end of the testing schedule.
A questionnaire took demographic information and asked questions regarding performer perception, training,
and experience. Most were aware of breathing inconsistencies and adjustments related to changes of task and/or
Results. (Means) Tidal volume was constant for (1) singing and (2) dancing; MPT reduced by 65.2% for singing
while dancing; and minute volumes reduced by 16% but relative oxygen uptake (mL/kg/min) remained unchanged,
despite increased heart rates, and when singing while dancing compared with dancing only. The mean MPT dropped
from 20.4 seconds to 7.1 seconds (change of 65.2%) between the at rest and postsinging while dancing scores.
Conclusion. The likelihood of developing vocal dysfunction (overtime) and the risk of compromising performance
aesthetic lead the researchers to the conclusion that further study is required in this area.
Key Words: musical theater performers–respiration–maximum phonation time–relative oxygen uptake–heart rate.

BACKGROUND aesthetic and the performer’s well-being. Yet this combined skill
The physical act of breathing forms a vital part of various tasks, is one of the basic tenants of musical theater.
such as respiration and phonation; changes in intra-abdominal Being relatively unique as a study, the aim was to design tasks
and thoracic pressure, combined with peri-abdominal and tho- that would imitate a performance scenario as closely as possi-
racic muscle activities, also affect fluid dynamics, postural support, ble. The hope was to take into consideration not only freedom
movement, efficacy of the kinetic chain, and so on with priori- of movement and ease of voicing but also to somehow recreate
tization of effort changing, depending on the activity being the heightened sense of excitement (arousal/anxiety) perform-
undertaken. ers experience prior and during performance.
During physical exercise, such as dancing, bodily process nor- Reliable data on respiratory function, laryngeal function,
mally focuses on increasing gas exchange to a level high enough degrees of movement, acoustic measures, and heart rate (HR),
to meet the demands of the increased muscle work. Particular- as well as creating (or finding) settings that would not under-
ly taxed are the respiratory muscles simultaneously contributing mine the performers’ psychology, were collected and these were
to postural support and movements of the body. In contrast to discussed as part of the preparation process. Realizing the spe-
this, singing demands that the control of the airflow takes pri- cific research question, setting the hypotheses, and deciding on
ority. If the singing is relatively static, postural support worries the equipment and the most authentic experimental arena were
cause less concern to the performer as the need for rapid gas debated in the few months, preparing the research proposal with
exchange for larger postural movements is less of an issue. experts from different performance and performing arts medi-
From personal experience and from discussions (informal re- cine backgrounds.
search) over the years, combining both singing and dancing, at Various types of instrumentation were considered
the athletic end of the performance spectrum, is often fraught (Appendix S1) before deciding on the use of a portable gas ana-
with difficulty. Indeed this research has made it even more dif- lyzer that fitted snuggly on the performer like a waistcoat, a simple
ficult to imagine how these two tasks can successfully be recording device to monitor what was sung, a stopwatch, and
combined seven (or more) days per week without such physi- decibelometer to record and guide the participants’ voicing. This
ological adaptations as to warrant concern for both the musical allowed us to collect a broad spectrum of respiratory and acous-
tic data.
Accepted for publication June 30, 2016.
From the *University College London, 74 Huntley Street, London WC1E, UK; and the
†Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London. Questionnaire
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Ian MacDonald, 11 Falmouth House,
1 Seaton Close, London SE11 4ET, UK. E-mail:
A questionnaire collected the base demographic data and pro-
Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 253.e1–253.e11 vided some information on training, experience, and perceived
© 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
difficulties and expectations regarding the participants’ abili- ties and concerns (Appendix S1).
253.e2 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2017

Breathing during exercise and breathing At rest, a highly coordinated diaphragm, abdominal, and in-
during singing tercostal muscle recruitment keeps the shape of the rib cage
The main difference in the pedagogy between the use of breath preferentially undistorted.1 During exercise (dancing), the in-
in singing and its use in dancing begins early on in the teach- crease in minute volume comes predominately from increases
ing environment. Because the prosody of the art itself requires in tidal volume (which can more than triple in some athletes).
the fuel for voicing to adapt to the fluctuations within the music, This increased volume is gained by recruiting peri-abdominal
early on it becomes part of the artistic kitbag. In dancing, fitness, musculature to contract, pulling the ribs inferiorly and medi-
suppleness, strength, balance, and proprioception are the initial ally, which in turn increases the volume of expired breath utilizing
focus. Breath and body awareness are certainly a part of the expiratory reserve volume within the lungs. This action enables
learning-to-dance-well process, but it is not difficult to argue that a greater diffusion rate as the distal part of the lungs allows for
the control of breathing in singing is more crucial, particularly greater gas exchange. During times of high ventilation, in-
in the early days. creased RR is preferred.1–3
Therefore, this piece of research focuses on the type of pro- Rapid breathing and increased airflow during high intensity
jected singing and athletic dancing associated with musical theater exercise are facilitated by an unconstricted airway, and this can
and extensive runs. Making comparisons between the breath- be helped by keeping the breathing constant, or if necessary
ing patterns required for singing and dancing separately and making only slow and gradual changes. Problems in this area
singing while dancing proved challenging as there is sparse re- can include exercise-induced asthma or bronchoconstriction,
search in this area. exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction, vocal cord dysfunc-
Research on breathing when singing has tended to involve clas- tion, paradoxical vocal fold motion, adduction or collapse of
sically trained singers standing still, often focusing on subtle supraglottic structures, and inappropriate closure of the glottis.4,5
movements of muscle activity and/or changes to sound quality,
whereas research examining breathing patterns in dancers tends
to focus on the demanding cardiovascular aspects of the activity. Differences between breathing during dancing
This sparse research on breathing in the field of musical theater (athletic movement/exercise) and breathing during
(much, to this day, due to limitations of suitable testing meth- singing (athletic voicing/musical theater singing)
odology) required the researchers to draw heavily from sources The following comparative table (Table 1) bullet-points the main
such as sports exercises associated with running and cycling. points of differences between the strategies employed for breath-
Running, in particular, is similar to many dance movements. ing during singing and those needed for dancing. These are the
During exercise, gas exchange, particularly the efficient elim- perceived norms taught in many institutions and are well rec-
ination of the biproduct carbon dioxide, is crucial. Once athletic ognized within the literature (Table 1). The point of labeling them
activity reaches a certain intensity, lactic acid enters the blood clearly here next to each other is to highlight the differences likely
stream and needs to be broken down. To maintain a healthy blood to cause physiological and ergonomic challenges for the musical
pH, sodium bicarbonate buffers the increase of acid by break- theater performer when attempting to sing while dancing.
ing it down into water and carbon dioxide. It is essential that It is not difficult to see the potential for respiratory difficulty
this carbon dioxide elimination process remains effective and when we examine this table. It is true that some items in table
consistent. Too high a level of pH will have a negative effect “a” could appear in table “b” and vice versa. But we do not need
on a wide range of chemical processes in the body. to concern ourselves with the vagaries of stylistics for the pur-
A healthy body adapts well to these increased demands, spon- poses of this study. In the more athletic arenas of dance and
taneously increasing minute volume by increasing tidal volumes singing, having to sing while dancing will likely create some-
and/or respiratory rates (RR). Although there are many factors thing of a challenge.
involved in regulating this automatic response, it can be over- Certainly when it comes to artistry (the non-subjective type
ridden consciously when needed, such as in swimming under such as sustaining long high pitches as required within the score,
water or singing long phrases. or performing a jete and singing an accented note, again as

A Comparative List of Patterns of Breathing for Singing and for Dancing
Breathing During Singing Breathing During Dancing
1. Consciously controlled breathing 1. Spontaneous breathing
2. Varied minute volume 2. High minute volume
3. Controlled expiration 3. Free expiration
4. Lower air flow 4. Higher airflow
5. Airway—some impedance most of the time 5. Airway—low impedance most of the time
6. Adducted vocal folds most of the time 6. Abducted vocal fold most of the time
7. Valsalva maneuver discouraged 7. Valsalva—reasonably common
8. Breathing pattern regulated by musical structure 8. Breathing patterns regulated by respiratory need
9. Changes likely to depend on musical prosody 9. Slow progressive changes related to respiratory need
Tommi Sliiden et al Evaluation of Breathing Strategies and Maximum Phonation Time 253.e3

demanded of the performance), it is easy to appreciate how the MPT has been shown to have a correlation to various types
musical theater performer may run into difficulty. of voice disorders and can easily be used to help in assessing
Thus, demanding cardiovascular work involves spontaneous progress of treatment, surgery, or voice therapy.12–18 None of this
breathing with high minute volumes and high airflow, open literature or previous research, however, included the possible
airways and glottis with vocal folds abducted, and as regular impact of increased cardiovascular demands from physical ac-
breathing rate and tidal volumes as possible. tivity as a cofactor.
Singing, on the other hand, requires controlled breathing pat- Although dysfunction of the respiratory muscles does occur,
terns, with focus on low and controlled airflow through the partly the issue for singers often lies in the imbalances in muscle func-
adducted vocal folds during expiration, with varied and often tion or commonly hyperfunction of musculature, leading to
sudden changes to rate, air volume, and airflow depending on irregularities at the level of the vocal folds (such as insufficient
the prosody of the piece. approximation). This can lead to increased airflow and reduced
Among singers, there are many schools of thought with regard breath efficiency and is associated with shorter MPT, and often,
to optimum breathing for any given role and vocal quality. But but not always, a breathier sound.14,16,19 Breathiness does not nec-
despite a greater body awareness in this group of performers, essarily indicate pathology, and is often used as a vocal quality
it has been demonstrated that there is often a discrepancy between by jazz singers to create a more intimate sound, or as one study
perceived and actual actions, and even among highly trained suggests be an indication of a hypofunctional voice production
singers there can be a lack of accurate knowledge of the mecha- and vocal fatigue.20
nisms associated with their singing performance.6,7 Vocal training has regularly been shown to affect MPT; one study
Control of rib cage movements, in particular, is considered demonstrated classically trained female singers having higher MPT
to be of great relevance in singing technique. Some studies suggest than non-trained women, whereas in classically trained men this
that breathing when singing resembles more that of rest than difference only pertained to the higher pitches and greater volumes
of athletic activity, with less differentiation between rib cage (in other words, sustained voicing outside of their normal speak-
and abdominal wall excursion, with the rib cage and abdomi- ing range). Results showed a declining MPT with an increasing
nal muscles jointly activated so that the respiratory system acts sound pressure (3 seconds per 10 dB).21 This was not factored into
as a single compartment.8,9 Other studies, most of them em- the analysis as the number of the participants was too low.
ploying trained opera singers, indicate that there are many Vital capacity (VC, the maximum volume of air that can be
individual variations in muscle recruitment patterns from the rib expelled following a maximum inhalation) in normal healthy
cage, abdominal wall, and accessory respiratory muscles, sug- adults is usually between 4 and 5 liters, depending on chest size,
gesting that professional opera singing does not require strictly rib cage, physical fitness and health, age, gender, and the testing
uniform breathing strategies.10,11 posture. One study found no significant correlation between VC
Respiratory muscles also play an important role in postural and MPT,19 whereas in another there was a correlation between
support. The great variations in intra-abdominal pressure and the classically trained female scores.21
muscle vector tension (diaphragm, pelvic floor, and peri-
abdominal musculature) assist stability and poise. This stability Aims
is an important factor of balance, delicate control of airflow during This study investigates the breathing patterns of musical theater
phonation, as well as larger movements of limbs and trunk as- performers during some common performance tasks by care-
sisting smooth transference of weight and changes to the center fully considering the measuring instrumentation. It evaluates the
of gravity. The more stability that is needed, the more the breath- data with respect to the respiratory effort required for pro-
ing musculature is recruited into this process, with increased jected voicing and athletic dancing, and considers the impact upon
contraction reducing lower rib excursions and creating a flatter performance ability and artistic aesthetic.
diaphragm resulting in smaller excursions for breathing.
Maximum phonation time The following are the study hypotheses:
When singing or playing wind instruments, the ability to control
the airflow is vital, especially when attempting long, sustained (1) The equipment chosen for collecting real-time data from
phrases. This ability is more challenging during the dynamic task musical theater performers would yield reliable and useful
of singing and dancing simultaneously. information.
Maximum phonation time (MPT) (or maximum phonation du- (2) The singing while dancing task would produce the great-
ration) measures the ability to sustain a long note (voicing) and est respiratory measures for all compared with the singing
is a simple and non-invasive method often used as a rough es- only and dancing only tasks.
timate of breath control and vocal proficiency. Procedures of (3) There would be significant differences for respiratory
testing MPT are not standardized, but often the vowel sound /a:/ scores taken for singing only compared with dancing only.
or consonants /s/ and /z/ on an habitual pitch and with normal (4) The MPT for the four sets of MPT scores would de-
amplitude are used. Various factors affect MPT, but reported crease incrementally as the testing sequence progressed
normal values in non-singers include an MPT of 30.0 seconds and this will show an inverse with HR.
(standard deviation [SD]: 10) for men and 22.6 seconds (6.0) (5) Decreasing MPT was a result of increased efforts in car-
for women. diovascular activity in performers.
253.e4 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2017

Demographic Data
Female Male All
Age (mean) 25.3 24.7 25.00 (SD: 03.45)
Height (m) (mean) 1.63 1.78 01.71 (SD: 00.11)
Weight (kg) (mean) 57.01 70.26 63.60 (SD: 10.32)
Body mass index (kg/m2) (mean) 21.20 22.17 20.36 (SD: 05.33)
Years as professional performer 05.40 (SD: 03.70)
Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

(6) VC should remain the same at the beginning as at the Inclusion and exclusion criteria
end for these healthy performers. Inclusion was straightforward in so much as the self-reported
vocal and physical (dance) health of the performer must meet
METHODS three specific points.
A protocol in 10 sections was designed to collect respiratory and
acoustic data from the participants (Table 2). (1) No reported illness within the past month
The final methodology selected for data collection was a result (2) That they had performed yesterday and are expected to
of several small pilot experiments (Appendix S1: Pilot infor- perform tomorrow
mation) addressing ease of performance movement and continuity (3) That they would take part in the study within a few hours
of vocalization for the performers. The protocol that follows is of performing that evening
the result of the most optimal outcome from apparatus and process
according to testimonials from the performers and consistency Instrumentation
of the readings (Figure 1). A telemetric HR monitor, mask, and gas analyzer (METAMAX
3B, CORTEX, 04229 Leipzig, Germany) (Figure 1), as used in
Demographics studies of athletes and contemporary dancers,22–25 collected the
Twenty healthy participants took part: 10 female and 10 male majority of data on respiration. An independent decibelometer
(age range: 21–34 years), all currently working professionals in (Precision Gold, Model N05CC, fast response) (Maplin Elec-
London’s West End theaters. tronics Ltd, Brookfields Way, Manvers, Rotherham S63 5DL)

FIGURE 1. Performer with instrumentation (gas analyzer, fitted demonstrating various athletic dance moves unhindered).
Tommi Sliiden et al Evaluation of Breathing Strategies and Maximum Phonation Time 253.e5

Musical Excerpts
Test Pieces
Show (Bold) Song From the Show Extracted Segments (3 min)
Prestudy ONLY “The opening,” Act 1 London cast live show recording, 1994: 1’45”–3’35” + 4’25”–5’35”
(musical Cats)
Wicked (all) “Loathing” (“What is this Original Broadway cast recording 2003, track 4: 1’56”–3’28,”
feeling?”), Act 1 repeated
Singin’ in the “All I do,” Act 1 London cast rehearsal accompaniment recording, 2012: first 40 s,
Rain (women) repeated
Singin’ in the “Singin’ in the rain,” Finale, London cast live show recording, 2012: Last 1’15”–2’25,” repeated
Rain (men) Act 2
Top Hat (all) “Let’s face the music and London cast live show recording, 2012: whole number, 2 min,
dance/Top Hat,” Finale, repeated (repeating lyrics from previous phrase twice during
Act 2 dance break)

(A-weighted, low setting [30–100 dB]) recorded the phonation recorded on the iPod Nano placed exactly 25 cm directly in front
intensity levels. A pitch pipe kept the performers on the allo- of them.
cated pitches, and a portable recording device (iPod Nano with The HRs of all the participants were noted before they per-
built in microphone) was secured to the performer so as not to formed and were labeled as “subject resting heart rate.” A return
interfere with either the singing or dancing tasks. The prere- to this resting heart rate was required for each performance (length
corded accompaniment for performance was played on a portable of time it took varied slightly for each) before the next task could
sound system. commence. During the three performances (singing only, dancing
only, and singing while dancing), continuous measurements were
Performance music taken of HR, relative oxygen uptake volume, minute volume,
Table 3 details the music chosen for a prestudy pilot and the final tidal volume, and RR.
pieces selected, as well as timings showing the content used from
the final edits. Protocol sequence (lasting between 30 and
Prerecorded excerpts from suitable musical numbers were 45 minutes)
chosen on the advice of the current or resident musical direc-
tors. All of the musical excerpts had been slightly edited to provide (1) Resting HR was recorded and labeled resting HR.
a more homogenous section, in which both singing and dancing (2) MPT was taken voicing a steady “Ah” at 80 dB
were required more or less continuously throughout. Simply put, (+/−5 dB).
this was achieved by adding singing to any “dance breaks” or (3) The task singing only was performed and scored (1).
repeating the extract, if too short, to make up an exactly 3-minute (4) MPT was taken immediately following the task.
test piece. (5) Resting HR returned to baseline.
(6) The task dancing only was performed and scored (2).
Pitch selection for sustained pitch exercise to (7) MPT was taken immediately following the task.
demonstrate MPT (Table 4) (8) Resting HR returned to baseline.
Literature has stipulated “average intensity” being 60–70 dB for (9) The task singing while dancing was performed and
speech and average habitual speaking pitch being 128Hz for men scored (3).
and 225Hz for women. (10) MPT was taken immediately following the task.

Setup for sustained phonation VC was taken prior and post protocol sequence. Participants
Performers were instructed to phonate for as long as possible were asked to empty their lungs fully after a full inspiration (in
in their normal voice (no effect or qualities) on the vowel “Ah” their own time) with three consecutive tries with no extra breaths
(as in car) and at a steady volume of 80 dB (+/−5 dB), which in between. Although as stated earlier the correlation between
was guided by a decibelometer that they held. The sound was MPT and VC is unclear, measures were obtained from the par-
ticipants and these were compared with similar measures from
a bicycle exercise study.3
Pitches for Male and Female Participants
Pitch Sustained on a “Ah” [a:/] Questionnaire
A short questionnaire (17 questions) gathered additional infor-
Female A3/220.0 Hz
mation from participants regarding their technique, the length
Male C3/130.8 Hz
and type of training received, and their knowledge of the science
253.e6 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2017

and physiology of singing and dancing (Appendix S1: Partici- required much more energy. The results reflect these antici-
pant questionnaire). The researchers also hoped to gain some pated changes (Table 5). No significant differences were seen
insight, from these answers, as to which direction future re- between groups; however, significant differences between
search should take. tasks were observed. So comparing changes between singing and
dancing, men increased their RR on average 24.13 units (SD:
5.94), an increase of 120.46% (P < 0.001), and women in-
Statistical analysis
creased their RR by 20.01 units (SD: 15.25), an increase of
The statistical package SPSS 17.00 (SPSS Inc. Released 2008.
100.91% (P = 0.002).
SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 17.0. Chicago) was used.
When comparing singing task with the singing while dancing
Analysis of variance analyzed the differences between group
task, the results were as follows: Men’s RR increased at an
means. Analysis tested for normality, comparisons of means, dif-
average of 9.33 units (SD: 4.95), a change of 46.58% (P < 0.001),
ferences of variables between tasks, groups, gender, and
whereas women’s RR increased at an average of 9.82 units (SD:
any correlation between MPT and HR. Significance was set at
6.60), a change of 49.52% (P = 0.001).
P < 0.05.

Tidal volume (liters)

RESULTS There were significant changes for this parameter except between
Table 5 shows the results from the instrumentation. the singing task and the dancing task.

Differences due to gender and musical pieces Differences in MPT

Overall, the analysis showed few significant differences (P < 00.5) The average MPT was 20.4 seconds, widely spread with an SD
for gender or musical excerpts. Scores that were significant were of 5.5 seconds. At a higher HR, after dancing, it went down to
related to demographic and physical characteristics. The fol- as low as 7.1 seconds. There were no significant differences for
lowing are the differences between the genders: mean height of the four MPT readings for gender or musical pieces. There were
men were on average 15 cm taller and 13 kg heavier. One show significant differences related to the tasks being performed, as
piece (“All I do”) required performers to need lower tidal volumes clearly represented in Figure 2 (mean MPT).
(35% less) and lower minute volume (44% less) ONLY with the Figure 2 clearly describes the changes in the ability to sustain
singing only task. However, these differences did not signifi- voicing in relation to the task being performed. There is a marked
cantly influence VC scores. difference in phonation time once the much more physical task
of dancing is included, with a reduction efficacy of more than
Differences in heart rate (1/min) 50%.
The average resting heart rate was surprisingly high at 80.7 beats
per minute, but with no significance between gender or for the Vital capacity (liter)
musical pieces. Significant scores for HR readings were taken VC was generally unaffected in our healthy professional per-
after each of the three performance tasks. formers, although it is interesting to note that for men the percent
of VC used during the MPT reduced from 90.15% (SD: 18.02)
Differences in relative oxygen uptake (VO2 max) to 75.11% (SD: 17.69), a reduction of 15.03% (SD: 13.87), which
(mL/kg/min) at 16.68% gave a significance score of P = 0.008.
Some significance for most scores between groups (men/
women) was observed. The greatest increase and the greatest Results from the questionnaire
significance were found between singing and dancing, and The results from the questionnaire showed consensus between
between singing and the singing while dancing task, with our group of performers around issues of preparation and train-
P > 0.001 for all. There was no significance between the tasks ing (Table 6).
involving dancing. Apart from the information that may be of potential use in
future studies, this table shows a clear pattern in the issues per-
formers find difficult in musical theaters. These included a 100%
Minute volume (liter/min)
agreement that dancing had the greatest potential to negatively
Significance for comparisons of all tasks lies between P < 0.001
impact upon prosody and phraseology of singing because the
and P < 0.026. (Table 5). Interestingly, for the dance task com-
control of the breathing apparatus diminished rapidly over time.
pared with the singing while dancing task, minute ventilation
The majority of them also agreed that the cardiovascular (80%)
(MV) of men decreased by 14.82% (P < 0.026) and that of women
demands of dancing and the types of movement (jumping, spin-
decreased by 17.59% (P < 0.001).
ning, running, twisting, etc) (75%) had the most negative effects
upon singing.
Changes to respiratory rate Most (70%) were aware that repertoire or direction required
The rate at which the performers needed to respire necessarily constant modification of breathing strategies for singing while
increased when the activity they were being asked to do dancing.
Tommi Sliiden et al
Results of Respiration From the Gas Analyzer and From MPT Readings
During 3 Min Singing and
Rest/Activity Rest (R) Singing (S) Dancing (D) Dancing (S + D) Statistically Significant Differences (P < 0.05)
Heart rate M: 75.75 (11.98) M: 91.88 (11.10) M: 143.46 (11.75) M: 146.59 (12.64) Statistically significant differences when comparing any task
(1/min) W: 85.63 (10.18) W: 101.35 (19.18) W: 139.06 (30.09) W: 156.03 (10.13 combination (all between P = 0 < 0.001–P = 0.004), apart from
d: no difference d: no difference d: no difference d: no difference) D versus S + D for women (P = 0.063)
Relative oxygen M = 5.94 (1.43) M = 9.02 (1.55) M = 37.39 (8.56) M = 36.60 (11.25) Statistically significant differences when comparing any task
combination (all P < 0.001), apart from D versus S + D; no

Evaluation of Breathing Strategies and Maximum Phonation Time

uptake W = 5.43 (0.75) W = 7.55 (1.07) W = 28.98 (3.22) W = 28.31 (3.35)
(mL/kg/min) d: no difference d = 1.48; P = 0.024 d = 8.41; P = 0.009 d = 8.29; P = 0.038 statistically significant difference for either gender
Minute volume M = 11.54 (2.95) M = 24.43 (2.61) M = 64.84 (13.58) M = 55.23 (9.48) Statistically significant differences when comparing any task
(L/min) W = 9.18 (1.06) W = 16.75 (4.00) W = 45.08 (6.43) W = 37.15 (6.54) combination. (all between P < 0.001 and P < 0.026)
d: no difference d = 7.68; P < 0.001 d = 19.75; P = 0.001 d = 18.07; P < 0.001 Special interest: D versus S + D
Men: 9.61 L/min (11.44) [14.82%], P < 0.026
Women: 7.93 L/min (2.58) [17.59%], P < 0.001
Respiratory rate M = 13.52 (4.76) M = 20.03 (1.24) M = 44.17 (6.24) M = 29.36 (5.03) Statistically significant differences when comparing any task
(1/min) W = 15.59 (3.11) W = 19.83 (3.64) W = 39.85 (15.04) W = 29.65 (7.70) combination (all between P < 0.001 and P < 0.0461)
d: no difference d: no difference d: no difference d: no difference Special interest: S versus D
Men: increased by 24.13 (5.94) units [120.46%], P < 0.001
Women: increased by 20.01 (15.25) units [100.91%], P = 0.002
S versus S + D
Men: increased by 9.33 (4.95) units [46.58%], P < 0.001
Women: increased by 9.82 (6.60) units [49.52%], P = 0.001
Tidal volume (L) M: 0.96 (0.38) M: 1.32 (0.13) M = 1.51 (0.28) M = 2.03 (0.32) Statistically significant differences when comparing any task
W: 0.63 (0.14) W: 0.96 (0.27) W = 1.08 (0.20) W = 1.38 (0.39) combination apart from S versus D; no statistically significant
d: no difference d = 0.33l, P = 0.018 d = 0.431, P = 0.001 d: no difference difference for either gender
% of VC used (TV/ M = 22.87 (9.50) M = 32.22 (7.15) M = 36.89 (11.15) M = 49.33 (11.19) Statistically significant differences when comparing any task
VC) W = 22.57 (77.96) W = 35.93 (16.07) W = 38.84 (12.50) W = 51.89 (22.72) combination (all between P < 0.001 and P = 0.011), apart from S
d: no difference d: no difference d: no difference d: no difference versus D; no statistically significant difference for either gender

Standing Still
3 Min Rest/
Vital capacity (L) M = 4.24 (0.85) M = 3.76 (0.84) No statistically significant difference between the tasks
W = 3.05 (1.21) W = 3.29 (1.21)
d: no difference d: no difference
Maximum M = 20.23 (5.10) M = 7.37 (1.80) Statistically significant differences between the tasks
phonation W = 20.49 (5.81) W = 6.92 (1.59) M: reduced by 12.84 s (4.21) [63.47%], P < 0.001
time, MPT (s) d: no difference d: no difference W: reduced by 13.57 s (13.49) [65.84%], P < 0.001
% of VC used M = 90.15 (18.02) M = 75.11 (17.69) W: no statistically significant difference between the tasks
during W = 79.57 (26.07) W = 76.79 (23.72) M: reduced by 15.03 (13.87) units [16.68%], P = 0.008
MPT test d: no difference d: no difference
Notes: Baseline values. Mean (standard deviation) [% difference] for men (M) and women (W). Differences of mean values between genders (d) are only specified when statistically significant (P < 0.05).

Abbreviations: MPT, maximum phonation time; TV, tidal volume; VC, vital capacity.
253.e8 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2017

That being said, we are pleased that we have a project that

satisfied the research objectives, was enthusiastically taken up
by our professional participants, and that has yielded some
interesting data that could perhaps be a good starting place for
several qualitative and quantitative studies in the future.
Thoughts on the differences of scores between the various parts
of the study follow and some notes on the pilots studies under-
taken in advance.

Music selected for the performance tasks

It is more usual in voicing research to give participant the same
vocal exercise and to make comparisons between the execu-
tion of these exercises. However, it was more important to us
that the participants had already performed the pieces profes-
sionally and that we were able to include performers from
different shows.
In the end, we opted for a different approach. The reasons are
FIGURE 2. Mean maximum phonation time. that from those who volunteered, from a very thorough and intense
advertising campaign, getting them to learn a new song and new
steps would have:

Another interesting piece of information related to feeling com- • meant most would not have thoroughly embodied the piece
pletely prepared for public performance, with the majority to performance standard;
admitting to not feeling ready for opening night in most • would have therefore moved the project away from its over-
situations. riding concern.

Research into dance specific fitness and singing fitness has

DISCUSSION shown the importance of the familiarity of tasks for test
This study was designed to understand the impact on the human subjects24,26 as positively relating to greater efficacy of the uti-
respiratory system of an athletic musical theater performance. lization of lung volumes and rib cage movements.
The overriding concern was that we and the performers felt that Respiratory and acoustic measures were included as between-
the performances being tested were as close to actual real-life subject control measures in the four MPT tasks between each
performances as possible. performance piece.
As one of the first studies to attempt to understand the complex
transitions within human respiratory physiology during change-
able athletic performance (musical theater), we would accept that Environment for testing
one of the major limitations, apart from time and financial re- Pilots were run in a dance studio and a sports lab, with a dis-
straints, was the inability to look back through previous literature cussion concerning the differences and suitability of these
to fine-tune the processes. The relevant literature, in the main, environments raised.
only partly furnished us with clues to methodology pitfalls and All agreed that:
confounding variables.
• the studio, although suitable, was somewhat alien that the
“atmosphere” of the actual show and testing would have
to be done at unsuitable times; and
• the lab while boasting good equipment interfaces and with
TABLE 6. its obvious suitability for experimentation induced an ad-
Scores of the Time Taken for These Performers to Feel ditional layer of stress (perhaps akin to “White Coat
Fully Able to Demonstrate Their Full Potential, Sing All Syndrome” [conjecture]).
Notes, and Articulate All Words While Dancing
Preparedness of the Performers for Performing Hypothesis 1: The equipment chosen for collecting real-time data
from musical theater performers would yield reliable and useful
By opening night 45%
After first week of the run 50%
By week 5 75%
By week 8 85%
Equipment used in the experiment
Notes: 15% (n = 3) still not 100% confident at 11 (n = 1), 108 (n = 1), and The two alternative pieces of equipment we considered but
200 (n = 1).
decided in the end not to use were the following:
Tommi Sliiden et al Evaluation of Breathing Strategies and Maximum Phonation Time 253.e9

EGG—electroglottography—laryngoscope— logical for warming up the body and voice in the most health-
(Laryngograph Microprocessor EGG-D200 with conscious way (conjecture).
interface for EGG electrodes, analog output of
Hypothesis 2: The singing while dancing task would produce
speech and EGG/Lx + omnidirectional microphone,
the greatest respiratory measures for all compared with the singing
20 Hz–20,000 Hz response, −65 dBA, 3.5 mm
only and dancing only tasks.
jack + medium electrodes and elongated electrodes
for singing) This hypothesis was not met. Although there seemed to be a
This piece of equipment would have given clear and reliable data logic to this assumption, the readings reveal a more complex ap-
for numerous acoustic parameters for voicing but not for res- proach to the singing while dancing task than for the separate
piration. The EGG is very well regarding for identifying tasks. We concluded from the data that aerobic and anaerobic
perturbations of amplitude and frequency within speech and respirations were employed to generate the extra effort re-
singing, and can be used as predictive of vocal pathology. As quired, giving smaller readings for VO2 for the combined task.
our subject caused perturbations not related (necessarily) to vocal Reductions in liters per minute (MV) were significant. We con-
pathology but rather to the necessary movement needed for dance, clude that in experienced performers, a more complex approach
the researchers considered it useful for only some of the readings. to combined task meant that breathing was regulated, necessar-
ily, to accommodate the prosody and sense of the text, but despite
• The performers found the piece equipment to be the most attempts to be faithful to the singing phraseology breathing was
physically restrictive. compromised by the need to fuel the “dance muscles” with
• The researchers had concerns about the position of the elec- oxygen.
trodes (level of the thyroid cartilage) remaining stable As no one confessed to ever having been taught how to modify
throughout the testing. breathing to accommodate both tasks, we assume a posteriori
• The equipment was less easy to set up and remove than that each individual chose his or her own adaptations to their
the gas analyzer (for this cohort). breathing. Further, we assumed it is likely these adaptive pat-
terns changed regularly (and perhaps unconsciously) throughout
Previous research using the first two methods required a near any long theater run. This randomness of execution, in the absence
static positioning for reliable readings.11,26–28 of any proffered strategy, during high levels of athleticism could
be causative of stress- and strain-related injury. However, on a
positive note, if adaptation can be made unconsciously, it is pos-
Spirometry: Micro 1 Spirometer—using the Micro I™
sible that they could also be taught, although the researchers accept
PC configuration software
lesson plans for such tutoring may prove difficult.
The spirometry method of respiratory data collection was con-
sidered as a simple and effective process; however, the method Hypothesis 3: There would be significant differences for respi-
of securing and standardizing the positioning was much better ratory scores taken for singing only compared with dancing only.
achieved (for this cohort) with the gas analyzer.
With this hypothesis, we assumed correctly that athletic
In addition to this, the performers having tried the other equip-
dancing (for this cohort) would eclipse singing in its respirato-
ment found the gas analyzer easier to move around when reporting
ry requirements.
about no impediment to articulatory accuracy, although unfor-
tunately the mask did prevent any high-quality recordings of the Hypothesis 4: The MPT for the four sets of MPT scores would
sound made. High-quality singing, however, was not a re- decrease incrementally as the testing sequence progressed and
quired parameter for this study. this will show an inverse with HR.
This assumption was met with a dramatic fall of phonation
The order of the tasks time as HR practically doubled. These changes were consis-
We surmise that a more rigorous set of results would likely have tent across the group. A slight increase in phonation time for the
transpired if we could have repeated the study with a different singing only task may be due to differences in the effort re-
ordering of tasks and compared both sets of results. Although quired to sing pitches other than the controlled lower sustained
care was taken to assure all performers had returned to their resting pitches selected for this part of the study (women: 220 Hz/
RR before proceeding on the next task, this one order is a lim- men: 130.8 Hz). The ability of these performers to sustain pitch
itation (conjecture) of the study. once the body has assumed the posturing and energizing re-
quired for (athletic) dancing is clearly affected by the whole range
Order 1: singing only followed by dancing only followed by of supportive, stabilizing, torsion, acrobatic, and other varia-
singing while dancing. tions in biotensegrity the body is required to undergo.
Order 2 (potential): dancing only followed by singing only
Hypothesis 5: Decreasing MPT was a result of increased efforts
followed by singing while dancing.
in cardiovascular activity in performers.
We concluded that the first order allowed the performers a The significance is difficult to call because of the small numbers
gentler and more uniform start to the testing protocol. It was also involved here, but it does seem like a clearly inverse relation-
the order they all preferred. This order also seemed the most ship between the increased HR and the reduced MPT, and opens
253.e10 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2017

the door for further investigation on the subject of the perfor- to sing while dancing. They also indicated little training in breath-
mance impact for these parameters. ing functions and technique during their initial training, with only
45% of them feeling able to perform the combined singing while
Hypothesis 6: VC should remain the same at the beginning as
dancing to their full potential by opening night.
at the end for these healthy performers.
We assumed that in our healthy, experienced professionals, SUMMARY AND FURTHER LIMITATIONS
their ability to utilize as much capacity as was required of them Apart from these limitations related to time frames, resources,
during athletic performance would remain high and consistent and the sparseness of examples within the literature, the main
across all tasks. This hypothesis was met. limitations were the low numbers of participants, the neces-
Furthermore, resting HR seemed high in this group even after sary imposition of the instrumentation (although minimal),
they had rested and calmed down between tasks. As the testing potential differences in skill and effort for the tasks, and our in-
was performed at their venues within a few hours prior to curtain ability to ratify anxiety into the analysis.
up (and with some people milling around and watching in the
background), we assume a posteriori that some level of perfor- CONCLUSIONS
mance anxiety was responsible (conjecture). Singing (projected) while dancing (athletically) will lead to some
As at the higher HR (after dancing) MPT was reduced to as compromises of both tasks. The results showed drastically reduced
little as 7.1 seconds, it is interesting to mention that the final MPT at high exertion levels with singing, restricting the natural
note sung in the Singin’ in the Rain finale is 7 seconds long, response of breathing when dancing and resulting in reduced
begging the question how many could actually achieve this night minute volume. Despite the increase in HR, there was no in-
after. crease in relative oxygen uptake, indicating a likely increase in
It would also be interesting to examine the “overtime fatigue anaerobic energy yield when combining the two tasks.
effect” in musical theater as in this study only half of the sub- In our study, dancing did not incur a shallower breathing than
jects who scored above average MPT at rest were able to attain when singing, mean tidal volume stayed the same, and mean RR
above average at higher HRs. only increased when dancing.
Our questionnaire revealed that the specific training and prep-
Oxygen uptake aration for successfully combining these athletic tasks repeatedly
Singing produced higher HR and relative oxygen uptake scores is not satisfactory, even for performers of some ability, with seem-
compared with the at rest scores but much less than the other ingly little training in breathing outside singing classes. Most
two tasks. The slight drop-off when singing while dancing likely also felt that rehearsal periods were too short for them to achieve
indicates an increased use of anabolic energy sources or a much their perceived full potential by opening night.
modified employment of effort overall for this simultaneous task. This study found the equipment, previously used on athletes
The normal oxygen uptake requirements at rest according to and dancers, helpful in studying aspects of singing and breath-
the literature are 250 mL/min, during light and moderate exer- ing under performance-like conditions, with little negligible impact
cise (for everyday tasks such as dressing, washing, walking) 300– upon normal dancing or singing presentation.
1000 mL/min, during heavy work (laborious jobs in heavy More research in the field is needed to support the possible
industry, building, mining, etc) 1000–2000 mL/min, and during development of training methods that could better equip those
severe work >2000 mL/min.29 Our performers’ mean (men/ performers required to sing while dancing, play wind instru-
women) was, at rest, 417/310 mL/min, during singing 634/ ments while moving (marching bands, etc), and for those involved
430 mL/min, during dancing 2627/1652 mL/min, and during in leading aerobic circuit training classes.
singing while dancing 2572/1614 mL/min.
The literature goes on to say that tidal volume can increase SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
up to 300% during exercise 1; the increase in our subject group
was only 68% comparing rest and dancing, or 125% compar- Supplementary data related to this article can be found online
ing rest with singing while dancing. Maximum tidal volume at doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2016.06.025.
during maximal exercise has been quoted for men as 50–60%
of VC3; our male dancers used 37% during dancing and 49% REFERENCES
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