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The LINE project

current energy problems: ( cause and effect)

human need fossil energy to

- Transportation
- Maintain living conditions
- Expand living space

The Line is a 170-kilometer-long, 500-meter-tall smart city designed to house up to 9 million people
and would be free of cars and streets and have zero carbon emissions. The Line will feature an outer
mirror facade that will allow its unique character to blend with nature. The Line will address the
challenges facing humanity in today's urban life and will pave the way for new ideas. No roads, cars,
or emissions will run on 100% renewable energy and 95% of the land will be preserved for nature.
Line project has a total area of more than 26,500km², and is a new urban solution that green and
sustainable development, without harming the environment.

Why the line project is our future?

The line help solve the 4 great problems of mankind

Population boom, urban expansion:

The city will preserve 95% of the site’s natural environment, highlighting humanity's relationship
with the natural world. Vertically layered homes, offices, public parks, and public
schools. Year-round climate control of all indoor and outdoor spaces. The city will bring the entire
human living environment into a space designed to optimize the area. With the elimination of the
trend of building living space in the direction of expansion, The Line instead focuses on a
comfortable living space without causing too much impact on the natural environment. Controlling
living space also creates a premise to help control population explosion. pollution problems and
concreting problems will also be solved

pollution caused by the vehicle, and transportation:

The Line project is the first time in 150 years that a major urban development has been designed
around people, not roads. The city solves transportation energy pollution problems by transforming
core technology and smart design. The city will eliminate private vehicles and roads. Walkability will
define life in the city, with all essential daily services, such as schools, medical clinics, recreation
centers, and green spaces, within a five-minute walk. High-speed transportation will be one of the
ways residents can travel longer distances, making all areas of Neom accessible within 20 minutes.
An urban environment that prioritizes walking, cycling and personal mobility devices will be
enhanced by access to high-speed public transit services connecting all neighborhoods. The city uses
only electric and robotic vehicles. Eliminating the vehicle will help eliminate emissions from
transportation altogether.

reduce energy consumption:

Designed to meet some of the most pressing global challenges facing urban areas and inspire an
alternative lifestyle. The Line will be the world's first city powered by energy Renewables include
wind, solar, and hydrogen. all energy in The will be 100% renewable - from solar, wind, and
hydrogen generation - ensuring a zero-emission, carbon-positive ecosystem. Water in the city will be
taken from 2 main seats: wastewater filtration and seawater. The conversion of seawater into
freshwater is one of the most advanced technologies today of mankind. Besides, the issue of food
and agricultural waste is also focused on so that it can completely not affect the environment.

limit the negative effect of humans on expanding living space:

The reduction of human living space will help us to protect the environment. problems of
deforestation, the urban expansion will no longer increase. The preservation of the natural
environment will accelerate the recovery of nature, and the species will keep their living space. in
that way, man can maintain the natural environment of the earth.

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