Criminal Misc. Case No. 4496 of 2022 at KASAI

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In the Court of the Ld.

Sessions Judge, South 24-Parganas, Alipore

Criminal Misc. Case No. 4496 of 2022
Present : Sri Rana Dam, (WB00729) Sessions Judge-in-charge,
South 24 Parganas, Alipore

Order No. 02, dated 17.09.2022

The application U/s. 438 Cr.P.C. filed by the petitioner/accused, namely,

Kasai @ Sourav Pradhan, who apprehends arrest, in connection with,
Parnashree P.S. Case No. 297/22, dated 01.09/2022 U/s. 326/506/114 I.P.C,
is taken up for hearing.
Ld. Advocate for the petitioner/accused submits that no such application
U/s. 438 Criminal Procedure Code is pending or filed or rejected before the
Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta.
Ld. Advocate for the petitioner/accused submits that the petitioner/accused
has been falsely implicated in this case. It is further submitted that other accused
persons of this case have been enlarged on bail. As such, he prays for anticipatory
bail of the petitioner/accused.
Ld. P.P.-in-charge produces the C.D. and raises objection to the prayer for
anticipatory bail.
Heard the submissions of Ld. Advocates for both sides.
Perused the materials in the C.D.
Considering the materials in the C.D., this Court is of the view that custodial
interrogation of the petitioner/accused is not required for the purpose of
investigation. Accordingly, the prayer for anticipatory bail of the
petitioner/accused is allowed.
The petitioner/accused, in the event of arrest, may find bail of Rs. 5,000/-
with two sureties of Rs. 2,500/- each, subject to the satisfaction of the Arresting
Officer and subject to the provisions enumerated in clause 438(2) Cr.P.C.
Thus, the criminal misc. case is disposed of accordingly.
Return the Case Diary.
D/c by me
Sd/- Sri Rana Dam Sd/- Sri Rana Dam
Sessions Judge, I/c Sessions Judge, I/c

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