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Grammar Aux Verb Use

Simple (?) (-) Present - Actions that started/finished in the past.
Past (+) Simple Past - We always use Specific Time Expressions.
Past Past - An action before another action.
Perfect Participle - We need a Simple Past connection.
Past Was - We need 3 specific situations.
Continuous Were - We need a Simple Past connection.

- What did you do the last weekend?

1. I went to the cinema with my mom.
2. I saw the movie “Morbious”.
3. I ate ice cream.
4. I bought clothes.
5. I forgot my sweater in the cinema.

Past Perfect:

- She arrived late to the party and everyone

had left.

- Angie went
to the store to
buy boots on sale, but Lina had bought
the last pair.

- The policeman closed the street because

two cars had crashed.
- By the time the ambulance arrived, the
patient had already past away.
- The old man sat on the park bench afte the
painter had just painted it.

Past Continuous:

1. Interrupted Action
- The action in progress is Past Continuous
- The interruption is Simple Past

- Why didn’t you do the homework?

Because I was working on my computer last night when the power went
off and I lost all the information.

- Why did you arrive late?

Because I was coming to Jamestown in taxi but it ran out of gasoline.

2. The Past Continuous is a complement to Simple Past

- Why are you so sad?

I broke up with my boyfriend because he was dating my best friend.

- What happened to your arm?

I broke my arm last night while I was playing basketball with my friends.

3. To specify the time/moment/hour of an action

- What were you doing yesterday at 7pm?

I was having dinner with my wife in Jardin Plaza.
I was eating with my best friend in a restaurant.
I was watching series with my mom.
I was playing games with my sister.

Used to:

- This is a Simple Past Expression.

- Expressions don’t have literal meanings.
- This is to express routines or habits from the past that we didn’t

My Childhood:
- I used to watch the power rangers every day.
- I used to have very long hair.
- I used to drink “Emulsion de Scott” in the afternoons.
- I used to read “La Opinion Kids” on Saturdays.
- I used to collect marbles.

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