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History | THE RISE OF NATIONALISM IN EUROPE PREVIOUS YEARS’ QUESTIONS Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 1 Ans. 2 Ans. Interpret the concept of ‘liberalisation’ in the field of economic sphere during the nineteenth century in Europe. [Dethit Liberalism, in the field of economic sphere, stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital. Explain the aim to form ‘Zollverein’, a Customs Union, in 1834 in Germany. [AI Ajmer] Zollverein was formed to abolish tariff barriers which was hindering movement of goods, people and capital. It created a network of railways which further stimulated mobility, harnessed economic interests to national unification. ‘Why did most of ‘conservative regimes’ impose censorship laws to control printed material associated with the French Revolution in 1815? IAI Chennail Most of conservative regimes imposed censorship laws fo control the ideas of liberty and freedom associated with the French revolution Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 4. Ans. 5 Ans, How had Napoleonic code exported to the regions under French control? Explain with examples. [Dethi} ‘The Napoleonic code exported to the regions under French control in following ways: (@) Inthe Dutch Republic, in Switzerland, in Italy and Germany, Napolean simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues. (®) In the towns too, guild restrictions were removed. (c) Transport and communication systems were improved. How did Britain come into existence as a nation-state? Explain. [Al Chennai] In Britain the formation of a nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval, revolution or national struggle but of a long drawn out parliamentary process. England had people of many ethnic groups such as English, Welsh, Scot and Irish with their own cultural and political traditions. The English nation steadily grew in importance, wealth and power and extended her influence over other nations of the island. ‘The British Parliament, which had seized power from the monarchy in 1688, was the instrument through which a nation-state, with England at the centre, came to be forged. ‘The Act of Union of 1707 between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain. Ireland, after a prolonged conflict between Irish Catholics and British Protestants, was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801. The symbols of the new Britain—the British flag (Union Jack), the national anthem and the English language—were actively promoted. Long Answer Type Question [5 Marks] 6. Describe the explosive conditions prevailed in Balkans after 1871 in Europe. {cBse] ‘Ans, The Balkan region during 1871 comprised modern-day states like Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and ‘Montenegro. Its inhabitants were known as Slavs. (a) This region had various ethnic and geographical diversities and was under the Ottoman Empire for a long period. As the ideas of romantic nationalism spread in this region, it resulted in breaking up of the Ottoman Empire which made the situation even more serious. (b) The Ottoman Empire could not do much to integrate these regions. As a result, most of the Furopean subject nationalities broke away from the Ottoman Empire’s control and declared their independence. (©) The Balkan people based theirclaim tobe independent on the basis of nationality. ‘They referred to the examples from history as a proof that they were once independent and were subjugated by foreign powers. Therefore, they thought of their struggles as attempts to win back their long-lost independence. (d) Because of this development, various other Slavic nationalities also struggled to define their identity and independence which made the Balkan a region of severe conflicts. At the same time they were jealous of each other and wanted to gain more territory at the expense of the others. (e) European powers like Russia, Germany, England, Austro- Hungary too fought with each other to control more colonies and establish their naval and military might. They were also keen to grab more of the Balkan region for expanding their trade. This made the situation more serious which ended up with the ‘waging of the First World War. 2018 (Compartment) Long Answer Type Question [5 Marks] 7. Describe any five measures introduced by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. [CBSE] ‘Ans. The following measures were introduced by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people. (a) The ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasized (®) The notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution. (©) Anew French flag, the tricolor, was chosen to replace the former royal standard, (d) The Estate General was elected by the body of active citizens and rename the National Assembly. (€) New hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated, all in the name of nation, (f) Acentralized administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform ‘aws for all citizens within its territory. (g) Internal custom duties and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weights and the measures were adopted. (h) Regional dialects were discouraged and French, as it was spoken and written in Paris, became the common language of Nation. (any five) Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 8. Describe any three steps taken by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the Freneh people. (Delhi) Refer to Ans. 7 Describe any three economic hardships faced by Europe in the 1830s. [All India] ‘Ans. The following were the economic hardships faced by Europe in the 1830s: (a) There was a rapid increase in population during the first half of the nineteenth century which led to widespread unemployment, (b) The unemployed rural people migrated from villages to cities for earning bread, This worsened the living conditions in towns. (©) Cheap machine-made goods from England made it impossible for the small producers to compete. (@) Peasants suffered because of less agrarian facilities, burden of feudal dues and obligations, bad harvest and price rise. It led to widespread rural poverty (any three) 10, Describe any three conditions that led to the form: Ans. \n of the British Nation State. Foreign} The following are the conditions that led to the formation of the British Nation State: (a) ‘The primary identities of the people who inhabited the British Isles were ethi ones ~ such as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. (®) Allof these ethnic groups had their own cultural and political traditions. But as the English nation steadily grew in wealth, importance and power, it was able to extend its influence over the other nations of the islands. (©) The English parliament, which had seized power from the monarchy in 1688 at the end of a protracted conflict, was the instrument through which a nation- state, with England at its centre, came to be forged. (@) The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the “United Kingdom of Great Britain’ meant, in effect, that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. (e) The British parliament was henceforth dominated by its English members. (any three) Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] u. Ans. ‘Who hosted ‘Vienna Congress’ in 1815? Analyse the main changes brought by the ‘Vienna Treaty? [Delhi ‘The Congress was hosted by the Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich. The following changes were brought about by the Vienna Treaty: (@) The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed during the French Revolution, was restored {0 power. (b) France lost the territories it had annexed under Napoleon. (c) Asseries of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French extension in future, (@) Kingdom of the Netherlands, whieh included Belgitim was set up. (c). Prussia was given important new territories onjits western frontiers while Aust was given control of Northern Italy. “The first clear expression of nationalism came with the ‘French Revolution’ in 1789.” Examine the statement. [All India} .. The feeling of clear-cut expression of nationalism or collective identity came to France with the French Revolution in 1789. Political and constitutional changes led to the transfer of sovereignty from monarchy to a body of French citizens. Various measures and practices were introduced by French revolutionaries which proclaimed that a nation is made by its people and only they can shape up its, destiny. Concept of a community, which is united under one flag and enjoying equal rights, came into being. Following were the three steps taken by French revolutionaries to create a feeling of collective identity among the French people. Refer to Ans. 7 1B. Ans, Examine the ‘Nation State Building’ process in Germany after 1848. [Foreign] ‘The process of German unification was carried out in the following way (a) The first attempt to unite Germany was made in 1848 through the establi of aconstitutional monarchy under the Prussian king Wilhelm IV by convening a parliament at Frankfurt. The Prussian king rejected this move and joined the other monarch to oppose the elected assembly. (©) There were widespread nationalist feelings among middle-class Germans, who in 1848, tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state, (©) Prussia took the initiative and the leadership of the movement for national unification, Otto von Bismarck, the Chief Minister of Prussia, with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy, carried the process further. (@) He fought three wars over seven years against Austria, Denmark and France, which ended in Prussian victory. This victory completed the process of German unification. (e) Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed the German emperor at Versailles. On 18 January, 1871, the new German empire headed by Kaiser Wilhelm of Prussia was proclaimed, 2017 (Compartment) iment Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 14. Ans. 15, Ans. ‘To which country did the artist Frederic Sorriew belong? {ahi} Artist Frederic Sorrieu belonged to France, ‘Who implemented the ‘Civil Code’ of 1804 in France? [An India} ‘The ‘Civil Code’ of 1804 in France was implemented by Napoleon. Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 16. “Ideas of national unity in early nineteenth century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of Liberalism.” Analyse the statement. twa Ideas of national unity in early nineteenth century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of Liberalism because liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law. Politically, it emphasized the concept of government by consent. During the French Revolution, liberalism stood to end autocracy and privileges based on birth, a constitution and representative government through parliament. 7. Ans. Deseribe the process of unification of Italy. [All India} ‘The following were the processes of unification of Italy. (@) Inthe 1830s, Mazzi made efforts to unite Italy by forming aseeret society called Young Italy which failed. (©) This led to King Victor Emmanuel II taking responsibility to unify the Italian states through war for which he got wholehearted support of his Chief Minister Cavour. Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France, Cavour defeated Austrians forces in 1859, (©) Further, Garibaldi with his armed volunteers aso joined the efforts. They succeeded in gaining the support of local peasants and drove out the Spanish rulers and freeing the Italian states from Bourbon rulers (d) With this, the unification process of Italy was completed and Victor Emmanuel It was proclaimed the ruler of united Italy. (any three) Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 18. ‘Ans. 19. Ans. Explain the nation building process of Germany after 1848. (Dai) Refer to Ans. 13 Explain any five reforms introduced by Napoleon in the regions under his control. TAN India} ‘The following were the reforms introduced by Napoleon in the regions under his control. (a) In 1804, he did away with all privileges based on birth and placed everyone equally before the law. (®) The right to property was secured. (©) Administrative divisions were simplified. (@) The feudal system was abolished the peasants were freed from serfdom and manorial dues. (©) In towns, guild restrictions were removed that allowed free trade. (A). Uniform weights and measures were adopted. A common national currency helped in the movement of goods and capital from one region to another. (g) Transport and communication systems were improved which led to easy and quick movement of goods. (any five) Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 20. Ans. Name the Treaty of 1832 that recognised Greece as an independent nation. (Dethi) The ‘Treaty of Constantinople (1832) recognised Greece as an independent nation. 21. Name the event that mobilised nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe in 1830-1848? (Dethid ‘Ans. The event that mobilised nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe in 1830-1848 was the Greek War of Independence. 22, What was the main aim of the revolutionaries of Europe during the years following 1815? (Dethil ‘Ans. The main aim of the revolutionaries of Europe during the years following 1815 was to oppose monarchical forms of government, that had been established after the Congress of Vienna and to fight for liberty and freedom. 23. Who remarked “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold”? {Att India} Ans. Duke Metternich, the Austrian Chancellor, remarked “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold”. 24, Who was proclaimed the German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871? {All India} ‘Ans. Kaiser William I of Prussia was proclaimed the German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871 25, What was the meaning of liberalism in early 19th century in Europe? (Foreign) ‘Ans. For the new middle classes, liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and ‘equality of all before the law. Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent. Economically, liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital. 26. What was main aim of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815? Foreign} ‘Ans. The Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was signed with the main aim of undoing most of the changes that had come about in Europe during the Napoleonic wars. It was signed 27. What was the strong demand of the emerging middle classes in Europe during 19th century? [Foreign] Ans. Menand women of liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism with national unification. Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 28. How had the female figures become an allegory of the nation during the 19th century Europe? Analyse. [Delhi ‘Ans. In the 19th century in Europe, the female figures became an allegory of the nation in the following ways. (a) The artists, in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe, wanted to represent a country, as if it was @ person. In other words, they wanted to personify the nation, Nations were represented as female figures. The female form did not 29. Ans. 30. Ans, belong to any particular woman in real life. It was an abstract idea, which gave the nation a concrete form. The female figure became an allegory of a nation. (©) In France, the female form was given the name of Marianne, which represented the nation. Her characteristics were red cap, the tricolour and the cockade, drawn from those of Liberty and the Republic. (©) Similarly, Germania became the allegory of the German nation. Germania wears a crown of oak leaves because oak stands for heroism, “The decade of 1830 had brought great economic hardships in Europe’. Support the statement with arguments. {AU India} Refer to Ans. 9 Culture had played an important role in the development of nationalism in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. Support the statement with examples. [Foreign] Culture played an important role in creating the idea of a nation in Europe in the following ways. (a) Art, music, literature and drama helped to express, shape and strengthen nationalist sentiments. (®) Romantics like the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder held the view that true German culture could be discovered only among the common people, the das volk. (©) Glorification of reason and science was criticised by the romantic artists, rather they favoured emotions, intuitions and mystical feelings. (a) Language too boosted nationalism. The Polish people opposed the Russian ‘occupation and the ban on Polish language, by using it in the Church gathering forall religious ceremonies and for religious instruction. The Polish language became a weapon of the nationalists, (€) Two Germans, Grimm Brothers, used stories and folktales written in German to promote the German spirit against thé. domination of the French. (f) Operas and music, like that of Karol Kurpinski, kept alive the national spirit (g) Folk dances like the polonaise and mazurki became national symbols. (any three) Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 3. Analyse the measures and practices introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of coll identity amongst the French people. (Delhi) Refer to Ans. 7 Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient. Analyse the statement with arguments. {All India} Refer to Ans. 19 33. ‘Ans. ‘Nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal democratic sentiments by the last quarter of the 19th century in Europe’. Analyse the statement with examples. [Foreign] (a) Towards the end of the 19th century, nationalism became a narrow belief with inadequate ends. (b). This period saw nationalist groups becoming increasingly prejudiced of each other and ready to wage a war at the slightest of the pretext, (©) Nationalism was now identified with increasing one’s sphere of influence, by establishing control over more territories. Balkan states became jealous of each other and entered into a conflict to establish more control and power in the region at the cost of others. (@) The chief European authorities saw this as an opportunity and manipulated the nationalist desires of the subject peoples. (©) European powers were keen on countering the hold of other powers over the Balkans. They did nothing serious to solve the Balkan issue rather watched the situation to turn fruitful for them. “The most severe tensions emerge after 1871, leading to a series of wars and ultimately Ied to the First World War in 1914. Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 34. Ans. 38. Ans. 36. Ans. Short 37. Ans, What was the major change that occurred in the political and constitutional scenario due to French Revolution in Europe? [Dethi} ‘Major political and constitutional chanige that occurred aftér the French Revolution of 1789 was the end of the rule of absolute monarch and transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to @ body of French citizens. What was the main aim of the French revolutionaries? IAM India} ‘The main aim of the French Revolutionaries was to transfer sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of French citizens and to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people, ‘What was the major issue taken up by the liberal nationalists? [Foreign] ‘The major issue taken up by the liberal nationalists was the freedom of press. Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] How did nationalism develop through culture in Europe? Explain. [All India] Refer to Ans. 30 38. Ans, Ans. How did a wave of economic nationalism strengthen the wider nationalist sentiments growing in Europe? Explain. [Foreign] ‘Awave of economic nationalism strengthened wider nationalist sentiments growing in Europe with: (a) the demands of new commercial classes for a unified economic province for unconstrained transfer of commodities, people and funds. (®) the formation of the zollverein in 1834. (©) the elimination of tariff barriers by the union. (@) the reduction in the number of currencies from over thirty to two. (¢) the formation of a network of railways that further helped mobility and connected ‘economic interests to national unification. (any three) Describe the events of French Revolution which had influenced the people belonging to other parts of Europe. [Dethi} Events of French Revolution that influenced the people of other parts of Europe were as follows (a), When the news of the French Revolution reached different cities of Europe, students and other members of educated middle classes began to set up Jacobin clubs which influenced the French army. (0) The French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad, (c) The Napoleonic Code, introduced in 1804, abolishing privileges and upholding. ‘equality and other reforms, exported these new ideas to the European regions under French Control. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 40. Ans. 4. Describe the process of unification of Germany. (Delhi Refer to Ans. 13 “Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation.” Support the statement. [Dethi} . The term nationalism refers to the feeling of oneness based on common heritage and common identity and a sense of belonging to one’s nation. (a) The spirit of nationalism can spread and develop only when people discover some bond or unity that binds them together. (b) The sense of collective belonging develops through the experience of united struggles. (©) There are a variety of cultural process through which nationalism captures people’s imagination. (d) History and fiction, folklore and songs, popular prints and symbols, all play a role in the spread of nationalism. (e) Any image or symbol that is identified as nation is also recognised as a bond and help in the spread of nationlism. 2. Ans. Ans. Short 46. Describe the process of unification of Italy. [Delhi] During the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into seven states, of which only Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by Italian princely house, : (@) Mazzini, a great revolutionary leader of Italy, inspired the youth with the ideas of establishing a single unified Italy. He set up secret societies like Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne with like-minded young men from Poland, France, Italy and German states. (b) Mazzini prepared the ground for Cavour to complete the process of unification. (c) After a series of failures of Mazzini, King Victor Emmanuel IT took to unifying Italy through wars. (@) Cavour, the Chief Minister, through his tactful diplomatic alliance with France, defeated Austrian forces in 1859, (e) Under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi, armed volunteers marched into South Italy in 1860 along with the Kingdom of two Sicilies and won the support of local peasants and drove the Spanish away, thus unifying Italy in 1861. Victor Emmanuel II was made the King of united Italy Describe the process of unification of Britain. (Demi Refer to Ans. 5 Describe any five steps taken by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people. TAM India} Refer to Ans. 7 “The idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment of nationalism in the first half of the nineteenth century became a narrow creed with limited ends.” Examine the statement. [Foreign] Refer to Ans. 33 Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] How did the local people in the areas conquered by Napoleon react to French rule? Explain. (Dethi} (a) The reactions of the local populations to French rule were mixed. Although the economic reforms introduced by Napoleon were welcomed by businessmen and small producers of goods. (6) Initially the French armies were welcomed in Holland, Switzerland and in cities like Brussels, as messenger of liberty, but they soon realised that administrative reforms did not go hand in hand with political freedom. (c) The people reacted against increased taxation and censorship. (d) Local people had to serve in the French army to conquer other parts of Europe, these all seemed to outweigh the advantages of administrative changes. (any three) Ans. Ans. Explain the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during the 19th century in Europe. [All India} ‘The conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during the 19th century in Europe were: (a) There were many states imposed restrictions on the movement of goods, capital and people. (6) Each confideration had its own system of weights and measures that involved time-consuming calculations. (©) Because of countless principalities, there were many check posts where custom duties were paid by the merchants. It resulted in price rise and delay in supply. What were Jacobin Clubs? How did their activities and campaigns help to spread the idea of nationalism abroad? Explain. [Foreign] Jacobin clubs were the political clubs that were set up by educated middle class in all over Europe to replace autocratic regimes in Europe with democratic governments. ‘They were inspired by the events in France. (a) The activities and campaigns of these clubs paved the way for the French armies which moved into Holland, Belgium and Switzerland and much of Italy in 1790. (®) With the outbreak of revolutionary wars, the French armies carried the ideas of nationalism in foreign countries. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 49. Ans. 50. Ans. Explain any five social and administrative reforms introduced by Napoleon in the regions under his control. [Dethi} Refer to Ans. 19 How had revolutionaries spread their ideas im'many Kuropean states after 1815. Explain with examples. [AN India} (a) After the Congress of Vienna in 1815 when conservative regimes were restored to power, many liberal minded people went underground because of the fear of repression, Secret societies sprang up in European states to train the revolutionaries and spread their ideas. (®) Many revolutionaries opposed monarchial rule and fought for liberty and freedom of their respective states. (©) One such revolutionary was Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian patriot, was sent to exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria, He became the member of a secret society carbonari (@) He founded two underground socities, first Young Italy in Marseilles and the other Young Europe in Berne. The society had members from Poland, France, Italy, Germany, etc. The members believed in the formation of nation states and they were liberal minded people. si. Ans, Short 32. Ans, 53. Ans, 54. Ans. 55. Ans. 56. Ans. (e) Following the example of Italy, secret societies were set up in Germany, France Switzerland, Poland. Mazzini’s vision of democratic republics frightened the conservatives. “Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation in Europe.” Support the statement with examples. [Foreign] Refer to Ans. 30 Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] Explain the process of unification of Italy. [Detniy Refer to Ans, 42 Explain the process of unification of Germany. (Delhi) Refer to Ans. 13 How had Britain come into existence? (Delhi) Refer to Ans. 5 ‘Why was the decade of 1830s known as great economic hardships in Europe? Explain any three reasons. [AN Ine Refer to Ans. 9 Name the female allegory, which was invented by artists in the 19th century to represent the nation of France, Explain any two features of it. [Foreign] ‘The name of the allegory, to represent the nation of France was Marianne. ‘The following were its features: (a) It underlined the idea of a people's nation. (6) Her characteristics were drawn from libérty and republic. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 37. Ans, 58. Ans. 59. Ans. How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of the nationalism in Europe? Explain with examples. [Dethil Refer to Ans. 30 Describe the role of culture in shaping the feelings of nationalism in Europe from 1830 to the end of 19th Century. IAI India} Refer to Ans. 30 How did Balkans become the most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871? Explain with examples. {Foreign} Refer to Ans. 6 Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 60. Ans. 61. Ans. 2. Ans. Describe the process of unification of Germany. [Dethid Refer to Ans. 13, Describe the process of unification of Italy. [AIL India} Refer to Ans. 17 Describe the impact of the ‘Revolution of Liberals’ of 1848 in Europe. [Foreign] ‘The Revolution of the Liberals in 1848 was led by the educated middle classes. The impact of the Revolution was: (a) In France, it brought about the abdication of monarch and a republic based on the principles of universal male suffrage was set up. (®) Germany, Poland, Italy, Austro-Hungarian Empire did not exist as independent nation states. Men and women of liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism and national unification. They wanted a nation state on parliamentary principles—a constitution, freedom of the press and freedom of association. (6) Inthe German regions, middle class professionals, businessmen and rich artisans came to the city of Frankfurt to vote for an all-German National Assembly. The Frankfurt Assembly was convened, they drafted a constitution, headed by a monarchy subject to the crown. However, the king Friedrich Wilhelm-IV of Prussia refused to accept. the crown, Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 63. Ans. 64. Ans. 65. Ans. “Napoleon had, no doubt destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient”. Support the statement. [Dethiy Refer to Ans, 19 Describe any four measures which were introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. [All India} Refer to Ans. 7 “The 1830s were years of great economic hardship in Europe.’ Support the statement with four examples. [Foreign] Refer to Ans. 9 Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 66. Ans. 70. Ans. Explain any three beliefs of the conservatism that emerged after 1815. (Delhi Following were the beliefs of conservatism that emerged after 1815: (a) The conservatives held the belief that established, traditional institutions of state and society like monarchy, church, social hierarchies, property and family ‘must be protected and preserved. (®) They never proposed a pre-revolutionary period to return to but they knew that as Napoleon had carried out changes, modernisation would in fact contribute to a strong monarchy. They believed that it would strengthen power of the state and make it much mote effective. (©) For them it was a firm belief that aristocratic monarchies of Europe would gain much from a modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom. Explain any four economic hardships that Europe faced in the 1830s. [Delhi] Refer to Ans. 9 Describe any three reforms introduced by Napoleon in the territories he conquered. [Dethi) Refer to Ans. 19 Explain the contribution of Otto von Bismarck in German unification, [Delhi] . Otto von Bismarck was the chief architect of German unification. He carried out the process with the help of Prussian army and bureaucracy. He helped in infusing nationalism in the mind of the masses»-Three warsfor over seven years were fought to seek the German nation and defeat of Austria, Denmark and France. Bismarck initiated in proclaiming the new Gerinan slation under Kaiser William I of Prussia, thus completing the process of German unification. Explain any three ways in which nationalists feelings were kept alive in Poland in the 18th and 19th century. [All India} Polish people used their culture in a big way. They strived hard to keep their national identity. Nationalist feelings were kept alive in Poland in the following ways: (a) They used music to keep their unity and identity. Karol Kurpinski raised the national struggle by staging his Polish operas and music. (b) Traditional dance forms of Poland polonaise and mazurka became their national symbols, (©) In the regions occupied by the Russia, Polish people used their language to develop nationalist feelings. It was used as a weapon of national resistance in Church gatherings and religious instructions. n. Ans. n. Ans. Explain any three causes of conflict in the ‘Balkan area’ after 1871, [All India] ‘The Balkans comprised of modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro. A large part of this region was under the control of the Ottoman Empire. This was a region of great geographical and ethnic variation and its inhabitants were known as Slavs. The following were the main causes of the conflict in the Balkan area after 1871: (a) The feelings of nationalism of these countries were in conflict with one another. They were fiercely jealous of each other and struggle to define their identity They were extremely intolerant of one another. (0) The disintegration of Ottoman Empire which had throughout the 19% centuries tried to strengthen itself through modernisation and reforms. (©) The breaking away of each of these nationalist group one by one from control of the Ottoman Empire was the another cause of conflict. They declared themselves as independent with political rights on the basis of the history. They proved that once they had been independent but were subsequently subjugated by foreign powers. (d) Bach of these counties attempted to gain more territory at the expense of the others, (e) The Balkans became a scene of big power of rivalry. Major European power— Russia, Germany—England—Austro-Hungary—manipulated nationalist aspirants to complete their own aims. There was a rivalry between the European powers over trade and colonies as well as naval and military superiority. (P) There was a rivalry among the big powers to counter the hold of other powers, over the Balkan region and extending their own control. (any three) Explain the contribution of Giuseppe Mazzini in spreading revolutionary ideas in Ennrope. TAN India} Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini was born in Genow in 1807. He became a ‘member of the secret society of the Carbonari. At the age of 24, he was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. He founded two underground societies, first, Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne. The members of the society were drawn from Poland, France, Italy and the German states. Mazzini strongly believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units, of mankind. So Italy could not continue to be a patchwork of small states and kingdoms. It had to be forged into a single unified republic within a wider alliance of nations. This unification alone could be the basis of Italian liberty. Following his model, secret societies were set up in Germany, France, Switzerland and Poland. Mazzini’s relentless opposition to monarchy and his vision of democratic republics frightened the conservatives. Metternich described him as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order’, Ans. 14. B. Ans. ‘The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 17 Explain in three points, how Ireland was incorporated into United Kingdom in 1801. [Foreign Ireland was incorporated into United Kingdom in 1801 in the following ways: (@) Ircland was deeply divided between Catholics and Protestants. The English helped the Protestants to establish dominance over the largely Catholic country. (©) Catholics revolted against this dominance but were suppressed. Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen led a revolt but failed. (©) Asthe English nation grew in power and influence, Ireland’s distinctive culture and language was suppressed. The new symbols like British flag, national anthem and English language was promoted. Explain any three features of the ‘Nation State’ that emerged in Europe in the twentieth century. Foreign] . The following were the features of the ‘Nation State’ that emerged in Europe in the ‘twentieth century: (@) This period witnessed intense rivalry and group were formed among nations over trade and colonies as well as naval and military might. () Ottoman Empire had disintegrated and subject nationalities declared their independence. (©) Colonies waged anti-colonial struggle which led to the independence of these nations. Explain the process of unification of Germany. [Foreignt Refer to Ans. 13 Long Answer Type Questions [5/Marks} 16. Ans. 7. Explain any four ideas of Liberal Nationalists in the economte sphere. (All India} Liberal nationalists had the following ideas in the economic sphere: (a) They wanted the freedom of markets and abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital () They argued for the creation of unified economic territory. (6) Reduction of currency disparities and following of uniform weights and measures. (d) Creation of infrastructure to stimulate mobility and harness economic interests to national unification Explain any four changes brought about in Europe by the Treaty of Vienna (181s). [Foreign] Napoleon was defeated in 1815 by collective European powers ie. Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The representatives of European powers drew up the Treaty of Vienna at a congress hosted by Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich with the objective of undoing the changes that had come about the Europe during the Napoleonic wars. Following changes were brought about in Europe by this treaty: Refer to Ans. 11 Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 2B. Ans. 9. Ans. 80. Ans. 81. Ans. 82. Ans. Mention the proclamation of the French Revolution. (Detnit ‘The French Revolution proclaimed that it was the people who would constitute the nation and shape its destiny. Who founded the secret society, ‘Young Italy’ during the 1830s? {All India} Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary, founded secret society, “Young Italy’ during the 1830s. Name the female allegory representing the Republic of France. {All India} ‘The female allegory representing the Republic of France is Marianne. Name the female allegory of the German nation, [Att India} ‘The female allegory of the German nation is Germania ‘What was the result of the first upheaval that took place in France in July 1830? [Foreign] ‘The first upheaval that took place in France in July 1830 resulted in the overthrowing of the Bourbon kings and installation of a constitutional monarch with Lo Philippe as its head. Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 83. Ans. Explain any three features of Napoleonic Code. [Delhi] The following were the features of the Napoleonic Code: (@) Monarchy was restored after destroying democracy. (b) The administrative system was made rational and efficient. (c) Administrative divisions were simplified. (d) Privileges'based-on birth were/abolished and/equality before the law was established. (any three) |. Explain any thtee measures introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. Refer to Ans. 7 “Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation in Europe”. Support the statement with examples. {All India} Refer to Ans. 30 Describe in brief the great economic hardships during the 1830s in Europe. (Foreign] Refer to Ans. 9 Describe in brief the process by which the ‘British Nation’ came into existence, [Foreign] Refer to Ans. 5 Explain the significance of portraying nations as female figures by the European artists of the 18th and 19th centuries. Foreign Refer to Ans. 28 NATIONALISM IN INDIA PREVIOUS YEARS’ QUESTIONS Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 1 Ans, 2 Ans. Who had organized the dalits into the ‘Depressed Classes Association’ in 1930? Describe his achievements. [Dethi} Dr. BR. Ambedkar had organized the dalits into the ‘Depressed Classes Association’ in 1930, Following were his achievements. (a) He advocated for the political empowerment of the depressed classes. He believed that it was only through political empowerment that the situation of the depressed classes could be made better. (6) He tried to improve the condition of dalits and thus formed an organisation, (c)_Hedemanded separate electorates for dalits at the second Round Table Conference, which was finally conceded by the British. (@) He signed the Poona Pact with Gandhiji and gave up the demand for separate electorates but secured reserved seats for dalits in the provincial and central legislative councils to be voted in general election: Define the term ‘Civil Disobedience Movement.’ Deseribe the participation of rich and poor peasant communities in the ‘Civil Disobedience Movement.” [Delhi] The civil disobedience movement is the movement that dealt with the breaking of the Jaws formed by the British government. The main aim being violation of laws, it ‘was carried out by breaking salt law and forest laws besides holding demonstrations. The participation of rich and poor peasant communities in the Civil Disobedience Movement are as follows: (a) The rich peasant communities, ike the Patidars of Gujarat and the Jats of Uttar Pradesh, were active in the movement. Worldwide trade depression affected the rich peasants as the prices of agricultural produce fell sharply. They demanded reduction in land revenue but were denied. (b) These peasants had organised their communities, and at times forcing reluctant members to participate in the boycott programmes. For them, Swaraj meant reduction in taxes, (©) The poor peasants wanted the lowering of the revenue demand and the unpaid rent to the landlord to be remitted. @ They joined a variety of radical movements, often led by Socialists and Communists. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 3. How did Non-Cooperation movement start with participation of middle class people in the cities? Explain its impact on the economic front. {nse} Ans. ‘The movement started with middle-class participation in the cities. Thousands of students left government-controlled schools and colleges, headmasters and teachers resigned, and lawyers gave up their legal practices. The council elections were boycotted in most provinces. The following was the economic impact of the Non-Cooperation Movement on the economy of India. (a) The factory-manufactured cheap and abundant foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops were picketed and foreign cloth burnt in huge bonfires. (6) Import of foreign cloth decreased to half causing huge economic loss to the Britishers, (c) The merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade even though it meant loss of profits to them, (d) As the Non-Cooperation Movement spread, more and more people began to discard, imported clothes and use Indian made clothes. (©) Production of Indian textiles went up which was good for Indian industralisation and economy. 4. Why was Congress reluctant to allow women to hold any position of authority within the organisation? How did women participate in Civil Disobedience Movement? Explain, [CBSE] ‘Ans. The Congress, led by Gandhiji, had a view that it was the duty of women to look after home and hearth, be good mothers and good wives. And for a long time the Congress was reluctant to allow women to hold any position of authority within the organisation. It was keen only on their symbolic presence. ‘There was a large scale participation of women in the Civil Disobedience Movement. ‘When Gandhiji began the salt march, thousands of women came out of their homes to listen to him. They participated in protest marches, manufactured salt, and picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops. Many went to jail. In urban areas these women were from high-caste families; in rural areas they came from rich peasant households. Moved by Gandhiji’s call, they began to see service to the nation as a sacred duty of women. 2018 (Compartment Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 5 Ans. Ans. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide ‘Satyagraha’ against the proposed Rowlatt Act (1919)? How was it opposed? Explain. 1cse} Gandhi ji decided to launch a nation-wide Satyagraha: (a) This act had been hurriedly passed through the Imperial Legislative Council. (®) Indian members opposed the act. (©) It gave the government enormous powers to repress political activities (d) It allowed detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. It opposed in the following ways: (a) Rallies were organized in various cites. (b) Workers went on strike. (©) Shops were closed. (4) Communication, railway, telegraphs lines were disrupted. Why was the ‘Salt March’ considered an effective symbol of resistance against colonialism? Explain. [CBSE] ‘The Salt March was an effective symbol of resistance against colonialism. It was undertaken in protest against imposition of tax on an essential commodity— salt, used by the rich and the poor alike. The tax on salt and the government monopoly over its production was an oppressive administrative move. The Salt March proved effective as Gandhiji met a large number of commoners during the march and taught them the true meaning of swaraj and non-violence. By peacefully defying a law and making salt against government orders, Gandhiji set forth an example to the whole nation how an oppressor could be confronted in a non-violent manner. This also led tothe Givil Disobedience’ Movement in/1930. Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 1 Ans. ‘Name the writer of the novel ‘Anandamath,’ (etn Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay was the writer of the novel ‘Anandamath’. ‘Who organised the Dalits into the ‘Depressed Classes Association’ in 1930? (Delhi Dr. B. R. Ambedkar organised the Dalits into the ‘Depressed Classes Association’ in 1930. Under which agreement the Indian ‘Depressed Classes’ got reserved seats in the Provincial and Central Legislative Councils in 1932? [Delhi Through Poona Pact the Indian ‘Depressed Classes’ got reserved seats in the Provincial and Central Legislative Councils in 1932. 10, Ans, uL. Ans. 2 Ans. 1B. Ans. Name the writer of the book ‘Hind Swaraj’. [All India} ‘The book ‘Hind Swaraj’ was written by Mahatma Gandhi. What is the meaning of ‘Begar”? {All India} Forced labour without payment in return is termed as Begar. What is meant by Satyagraha? {All India} Satyagraha is a policy of passive political resistance that emphasis the power of truth and the need to search for truth, Who wrote the song ‘Vande Mataram’? Foreign} Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay wrote the song Vande Mataram. Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] 14, Ans. 15. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act 1919 ? Explain any three reasons. (Dethi} Gandhiji decided to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt ‘Act 1919 because of the following reasons: (a) The Rowlatt Act had been hurriedly passed through the Imperial Legislative Council despite the united opposition of the Indian members. (®) The Act gave the colonial government enormous powers to repress political activities. (©) Itallowed detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. Rallies were organised in various cities, workers went on strike in railway workshops, and shops were closed down. Gandhiji decided to launch a nationwide satyagraha against the act. He wanted a non-violent civil disobedience against such unjust laws. Evaluate the contribution of folklore, songs, popular prints etc., in shaping the nationalism during freedom struggle. [Delhi] Nationalism developed through revival of the‘Indian folklore in the following ways. (a) Indian nationalists took the responsibility of collecting legends and recording folktales sung by bards. (b) Folk songs, folk tales and legends to give a true picture of traditional culture that had been corrupted and damaged by the outside forces. (c) They felt that it was necessary to preserve folk tradition to discover national identity and restore a sense of pride in one’s past. (@ Rabindranath Tagore began collecting ballads, nursery rhymes and myths, and led the movement for folk revival (e)_ Natesa Sastri began working on a massive four-volume of Tamil folk tales. called The Folklore of Southem India. He assumed folklore as national literature and the most trustful source of people’s thoughts and characteristics. (any threes 16. Ans. 17. Ans, Ans. Analyse any three reasons for the slow down of the Non-Cooperation Movement in cities. [Detnid ‘The Non-Cooperation Movement slowed down in towns and cities because of the following reasons. (@) Khadi clothes were very costly and beyond the reach of the poor. In the course of time, people again took to machine-made cheap cloth. (©) Boycott of daily-use products was also not possible because of lack of swadeshi industries. Indians had to roll back. (c) Similarly, boycott of foreign institutions too could not continue for long. There were no alternative institutions to fill the gap. So teachers and students had to return to government schools. Lawyers too reported back in the government courts. Explain any three effects of the ‘Non-Cooperation Movement’ on the economic front. [Dethi} ‘The following were the effects of the Non-Cooperation Movement on the economy of India. (a) The factory-manufactured cheap and abundant foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops were picketed and foreign cloth burnt in huge bonfires. (®) Import of foreign cloth decreased to half causing huge economic loss to the Britishers. (©) The merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade even though it meant loss of profits to them, (@ As the Non-Cooperation Movement spread, more and more people began to discard imported clotties and used "Indian made’ Clothes. (e) Production of Indian textiles went up whieltwas good for Indian industrialisation and economy. (any three) ‘Why did Gandhiji decide to withdraw the ‘Non-Cooperation Movement’ in February, 1922? Explain any three reasons. {allt Gandhiji decided to withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement because of the following reasons (@) Gandhiji felt that the movement was turning violent, e.g, incident of Chauri- Chaura. (0) Satyagrahis needed to be properly trained. (c) Some Congress leaders were tired of mass struggles and wanted to participate in elections to the provincial legislatures. These elections were to be held under the Government of India Act, 1919. 19, 20. Ans, 21. Ans, 2. Ans. Evaluate the role of business classes in the ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’. [All India} The business classes reacted against colonial policies that restricted business activities. ‘They wanted protection against imports of foreign goods and a rupee sterling foreign exchange ratio that would discourage imports. In order to organise business interest, they formed the Indian Industrial and Commercial Congress in 1920 and the Federation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) in 1927. They gave financial assistance for the movement. They refused to buy and sell imported goods. Why did Gandhiji relaunch the Civil Disobedience Movement after the Second Round Table Conference? Explain any three reasons. (Foreign) Gandhiji relaunched the Civil Disobedience Movement after the Second Round ‘Table Conference because of the following reasons: (a) The negotiations with regard to India’s freedom broke down in the Second Round Table Conference held at London. (0) Back in India, he discovered that the government had begun a new cycle of repression. (©) Ghaffar Khan and Jawaharlal Nebru were put to jail, (a) The Congress had been dectared illegal (€) Asseries of measures had been taken to prevent meetings, demonstrations and boycotts. In such a situation, Gandhiji decided to relaunch the Civil Disobedience ‘Movement. (any three) Evaluate the ‘Satyagraha Movement’ of Gandhiji against the proposed Rowlatt Act, 1919. (Foreign) In 1919, Gandhiji decided to launch a nationwide satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act (1919), He wanted a non-violent civil disobedience against such unjust Jaws, which would start with a hartal on § April. Rallies were organised in various cities and workers went on strike in railway workshops and shops closed down, ‘Communication lines, such as the railways and telegraph, were to be disrupted. The British administration decided to clamp down on the nationalists. Local leaders were arrested and jailed. On 13 April, the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre took place which angered the Indians. They took to streets and began a series of strikes and clashes with the police and attacks on government buildings. The government began a brutal repression. Seeing widespread violence, Gandhiji called off the movement. How did the First World War create a new economic situation in India? Explain with examples. [Foreign] ‘The First World War created a new economic and political situation. (a) Itled to an increase in expenditure which was met by imposing additional taxes on Indian people. (6) ‘The war led to a price rise—leading to extreme hardships for the common man.

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