Political Science Assignment (SEM 2nd)

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itically Analyse and Compane

the Liberal,Maist and handhian

AppMooch to the Study o Tndlan
Polltical Science eeainy and enda with thu Staute
-CnaHn e
Politica is abou politica Intitutlons, procee
0no SAUeA Concening sectonu o Society PoliH
involven relekionuhps Omona People wih Stake
nek non- tate groups 04OHqanisotiony
Seholas ecplaimed politiu im dik{aenk wa
ThUse weu OUHL Known appro Ches 6H
pASpekiven Thse ae difeHent appHoLche O
Study Indian politlcs; Libeial, Maxzis and
LibeMal AppMoach
Libeal PppHoeh do study Tndian politics is a
vOHien ooSkemic o SkauckwHLLumctlonal
appiooch Thus OAo
ColledStemic Apptoach in
nis appHouch he politico 8tem Compuice
o politicol IntituiomA Strutunes and
DHOLeMe key do undeutandins the stte
and politica poweH The Libed democrotic
0tm StOnes on the Ao und.ution odemoCracy
Roni Kothai, S Rudelph andfrankel, ibeual
Seholas hove StretdAh meed 0
0-cepFance o n Centtulity o Sate
as On
outo nO moLs 0uot 034 Headive Quulono m
wheye Skate ha do plo h i g h y Trtenverdionist
developrment Hole. fwthe Rule o
0ne po
Im Tndiai Comgre pouty's domimance to
to Strengthen
meandyow decodes hoo huped
the polltico buNe to the êmengence of
Sirong steuteeRayni Kothaui, comnnented on
mod e as a soie o 'donminont poliHcadl centre",
he Conatdened. t h exi enee p l u o l i t
fo1Manee and C emiusA doH inteqrotion aA t h

Impoukant actosHSOH th &ucceskul etablishmen

o mocroey im Jndia. Accordinq to CBDhambhti
KothaxP's romewoxk pHohibit Hasin bagi c
Quetion imIndian politics Such a t h clOAA
ChaiactH o t h Stake, location and distri butlon
poli politicoul pow Ound tnL Hole oimpeHia lism
Economic Ospek a also miuin an Tnellan
politic tudli ed
withoulthL Hrence role o
trode unionbq molutrial how, lotbies o
Hich0med Qnne land e peavnt
MoHHis Jon, StrAed on huL copabi tity o po litice
enutitwtions in brinainq a-bou ecomomic an soeial
chanqe" ( Witn a libeto democrakic conatitu&ional
Stem a n univea r a q , t h e Tndian
politico Sykem develop its Owm proceMA o
democratic dtcisiom - M e k i n g ' 34dionad a d ministrasion

ane mmod.eHm CitIzenship 2) Demoerotic. Jdeologu

EcOnomie developmert, distribueive uAic provrded
Uniqu 0ppouUnik rano Ami dd itlo nolly
apolicoul Sociee in whith thL Stete becam
centroL trurme anLel politia
principa 00P nk oR rnormatio0n.
Caunn MyHdol, Soid t h Indian State wous so
OA it had poweA to Heckit inutitwttor
that Stooo in h O HeHm Cuno
clevelopmunt As a Esult it Coule. mok taccle th
imAituhon o CoLt diretly ake meoune o
eAkective land HejoaM , eHadicate Couuption o4
norr-e ideous o oevelopmenk eecthvely htbugh
h people Coy equemeel gowth o ler-wing
remis m, which Moun mo han SInah called tht
e CHavek inteumaLL hieo do Jh c0Untry' seety
My 4deul"S had gtate woule. 0ble to Jackle
Ndbceulisi which h s qrvel altecked. h e
mation Th Stute is omideuel. h . central
Intrumen o Soci proqrem a n
Lent oRrohormati6n Acodimaprincipol ofh
Rudolph Tnolian teute chanadte ised in two qroups
()dwmdy o produckiom
0 Labouyey
two onAlickin
Jea e
StcA e s anmediafos4 betwee n
aroup andt Lutonomow im orden t0 malmtaih
tructMcl unity o t h tate Thind Acka.
HL believe Tndian Stake CA weoak Strong Stee
9trone because Lonae bou ic TndutriA Ideolag o
Secul AiS m Demoero.cySociauisan and mixed
econemy minimized tonyli.. weak beca.wse,
cote Conglics. Reieios undamentodtsm ouno
CoMMumtrsnM ing1-eve o polittcoal mobllizatlen

MaHist AppHoadhe
Moizis AppHoach implies applicoutiorn o pinciple o
dialecttcal maleiculisn 0H higkoricas mak lalrsm
ane eplamhe naune o l a s truggle and
9ugAek o s +0 end Cla ecploltakion CloA is
Knoun A baAe o n thL othe ope cS. thu Statl
Cuwtwe reltuion ekt Ce known 0
ThL MaIappHOaah eplaim dn HLdtionahip
betwe en baAe nd SupeAAAkuetne The uuL 'two
groups o moutout approach E) Cloaical o
Mechanleol Mauiek Appueaoh ) Ne0- Mouik Approach
In Stvdy Tndi) Poli tioA, The principal Concem
6R+h Muurit0-pproLeh is JO explain o s
oUe worKlmnq
Heloalios Mou? munts o peouants
th gkake
elanseA Hole and. Metuu o state
Tmcludin th JHelctlonship beluween t h
ane voiou clang es
The Tndian State
State is a soveeig n politlco imtitulon in 0. CoUr
Maunise view th gtute cus om' ex.ecuwive, Of
o hJ
boueorsie 0H o d p.Ho pedied comes.Moig
appobchen anly1e dh e m b Ain {ollgudirg
) Views tate aA Heprs entatiue o c l , intewA anD
Seek +oid fhe how diAAent Aes He
elated +o thu taure in emA oC Comtrali f
One imluencing t toke policies
) AHempt o See Kow ute ormulabe its polici aboue
t pHOpentle One p00H UMeA
T) I Seek o troe hdevelopon 04hu ele
u) to see thu ideological inljuences OHientaHon o
poicies oA Cu tute wih
Iattempk He imk th
intewnarloal politicoueconomyApecioulyinanclal
iAltutlomy world Bank M
ACCordinto PI(M)1+he Tndian tafe is bowHqEoISie-
andlond which Collabo rotea with h oe
capi tal 0M AccoNdir to th CPI, it is a nati0ncd
boueoise State hich collaboroteA wth the
OHen capi o Oiktewenk Kinds View
o NacculifeA
th ute as Hepresentati veA 0 °compHcdo4
boweoisie o1
t h pHopeukied elauAe which
Hepresent the nte4èAk o thoMeigm Copitel
Ma4oust ike AR OAai ) Called Tndio c
CapitaUiS kaute BouHeoisre Cottuloon
Onquedthat inulwsion o h t to prope
mtu Comtitution w fo ve t Aigh
twjou owneni which HeAtted
im Socio TnequauiHieHL Said h tiIE
India's mied ecomomy 1S TOU privose secost

C:P ambaii hus hYqhlighted +ha COnllct within

oHelative weokni
o ha 3Hare
Homzo Alvi atqued tha Indio a o poxt- C0lonial
SHcule hed ulative econom in mediarm9 th
Competin intexest o t h din CloneHe conlendn
theut u e is no cleLA - bauyed.
and thUe CULL muui- clons paJtieApolitioA im Jndia
Pothe Checttex4ee, s u then haus be en ConareM
Coal tio
CLOMimone Clounne Since imdependence The pouse
LA Shaued tuHh lancd ed elit e to er
OAcise Control
OveH fhe state
Th cads chQUH CLLteN o the taute, SeHving he
dommaut clouse andl wsin CoAcive mé ans o
Seuequad heia Socio-ecomorit Structune

handhian Appxoach
nundhian oppoach is difuent rom #h libenas
appuoCLch in thu follo wima wuyibenal
expeciau ik vOHTn Sytem appHoah does not
emphouisès chenge, it UndelIne t h HeAilenee oha
Syem ane onAenAu building m iE But iE haA
Somu Similaii und dilfekences nith thuMaurist
appMOCth Tk similaities with the MoHu apptoach
CL hat both
approach euUL e d swa kop
deHpret thange t h $ociek Onel cs vigion to
Sociol chaun e.Counlhicun Opp4oloch like thu
MCUHOu abproaeh hes beèn wed b both politician,
pelitical 0ckivss /Caandhian Helormers, boliticlamy and
mkelectual like Chanan Sh Ram Mamohan Lohic
GnelScholoato Critique h eisin devel oprmunt
node ane to pHovde an altenoli ve
CUAe So 6Cic diRReHRniA btween Cacnd hian
anel MaH Cuppyb0hesCnndlhian app.Hooch
principl e o
Mon violenceuhic
+rwtteAnip thL MUHgct
Cppuo 0Lh Seeka
r u 4 1 e A Caondhis m Suee t h o thwye shoud

be WOHkU4 CAel t h
pMOpeukied close Th taHey shnold ealblish
Atrusteeship an Shoe Jheiu weolth. TF will Heduce
aap beween ich and tha poo
C0ndKian oppHuach do tuely thu matwte osicte is
beAed 0m thuL Conce pt o Swua T means
Abtence o Alien Rule ans ekdblishmank o
Se OvOHNment
Cnandhi am app460ch 1S u 3 00 ep[aim and
vision o Rec thange nSOCrey. T haus
Leen Rollowed by thHed Kimos e0nssueh
Os pvoMiona CCAcdemitiaA Oivik Cund
poltteicana inspised by ndhian philosephy.
T h Jollowes o thiS appHoach tr o see' cus
o ho bOuyicHenes o Uondhign Such s
ruth Mon-Violence SayoLArouh SwaHOL 1 Ram R
SaHvod t Co be pplied t o epl ouim i u e
in Indicn politcs
Th iAUA which hove Heceivedfh mo
attention of politicol Scientist indud decentraHon
olrten in deMocro.e Sbcio houtTMonM 1MpoUkence
HuHo 0ci ploee riculkuL uhe moL-SCale
1duskries heov 1nduAry-beye
developunt l u huve LAo uAeo ouneltan
peupe civ t Cri Fique Neuv iu mode op
devubpunt Chonal hion outi vis ana po litici nA
im addition, hevve wse ond hian u c k i such as
Seyorah, hunqH trike du mobiliSe populay
SU ppout ApEeH olependeneth Stress 6n eqalitarian
Socie UMtouchabili n Specic Cau todands
h weoken sectiogu o Socie Cundw wonted
to eblish decendraizattonO pGw +hHOugh
Panchosyak Ro &tem aull ove India. fwtaH
A i e d t h e ecistenee o e e teM
ot oo h
Lu Unibus
îF peoms, So fUncioms
Penf oMA n
lonq a an

eo Ho 0000 welau an Oplif4vmenE

humon beings

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