At-In-On Position

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in aroom ina grden ina pool in a building ina tewn/country the sea ina box in thecity centre a river = There's no-one in the riom / in the building / inthe garden. What have you got in yur hand / in your mouth? When we were in Italywe spent a few days in Venice. I have a friend who livesin a small village in themountains, There were some peopl swimming in the pool /in the sea / in the river. At & a I} at the bus stop ‘@ the door atthe roundabout at reception Who is that man standig at the bus stop / at tle door / at the window’ Turn left at the traffic ights / at the church / a: the roundabout / at thy junction. We have to get off the lus at the next stop. When you leave the hoel, please leave your key t reception. (= at the reeption desk) On x onthe ceiling on he nose onthe door onthe floor 5 on th: wall on the table pa onapage —_onanisland | sat on the floor / on he ground /on the gras:/ on the beach / on a chair. Inere’s 2 aurty mark on:ne wall / on the ceiling’ on your nose / on yourshurt. Have you seen the notie on the notice board /» the door? You'll find details of TVsrogrammes on page seren (of the newspaper). The hotel is on a small sland in the middle of a ake. Compse in and at: There were alot of peole in the shop. It was vey crowded Goalong this road, ther turn left at the shop. I'll meet you in the hot lobby. I'll meet you at the entance to the hotel. Compae in and on: There is some water in he bottle. There is a label on the lottle. inthe Dottie ‘on the bottle Compze at and on: There is somebody at tie door. Shall | goand see who it is? There is a notice on thedoor. It says ‘Do not disurb’. (wom AMS ONC dl.cOM wits Exercises 172s) qSV Answer te questions about the jictures. Use in, at or on with the words below th: pictures. Og Opaya (arm) (traffic ints) © @ (wall) (Paris) (gete) Wheres thelabel? On the. bttle, Wheres the fly? Whereis the car waiting? 2 Whue's the notice? b Whwe's the key? Whereare the shelves? Wheres the Eiffel Tower? 7 a Whire's the man standing? b Whrre’s the bird? & Whereare the children nlaving? RWNS ow FD complet: the sentences. Use in, # or on + the following: the wirdow yourcoffee ——themountains__—that tree my guiar the river the island the next petrol statin 1. Look a those people swimming. in the river 2 One ofthe strings i: broken. 3 There'ssomething wrong with tle car. We'd better stop 4. Wouldyou like sugar ? 5 The leaves are a beuutiful colour. 6 Last yar we had a wonderful skng holiday 7 There'snobody living It’s uninhabited. 8 He speids most of the day sittrg and lookiry outside. FB complet: the sentences with in, it or on. 1 There vas along queue of peop? a4. the bus stop. 2. Nicolawas wearing a silver ring her little finger 3 There vas an accident the crossroads this moniing 4 I wasnt sure whether !had corm to the right office. Ther was no name the door. © Thera va cama haaiitifil trase the park 6 You'll ind the sports results the back page of tie newspaper. 7 Iwoulin’t like an office job. I ccildn’t spend the whole diy sitting a conputer. 8 My brether lives asmall village the :outh-west of England. 9. The mun the police are looking br hasa scar hs right cheek 10 The hadquarters of the compayy are Milan. 11 {like that picture hanging the wall the kitchen. 12 Ifyou ome here by bus, get off. the stop after he traffic lights. +rdiiontoaa AWW 27 We saythat somebody/somethiig is: in aline /in arow/ ina quere inbed in he sky / in the world inthe cwuntry / in the countryse a office /in a departmeit ina picture /in a photo / ina plotograph in chant Jina paper (= newspaper) Jina magazine in aletter When | go to the cinem, | like to sit in the frontrow. James isn’t up yet. He'still in bed. It was a lovely day. Thee wasn't a cloud in the xy. I've just started workin, in the sales departmert. Who is the woman in tiat photo? Haye you seen this picure in today's paper? in arow onthe left / onthe right _ on the left-hand side /on the right-hand side ‘on:ne grouna Toor / on tn TIrst oor / On the secung riv~r ELL. ‘ona map / ona menu /on list ona farm In Britain we drive on tie left. or... on the left-hand side Our apartment is on th second floor of the buiding. Here's a shopping list. Don’t buy anything that'snot on the list Have you ever worked in a farm? We say that a place is on a river/ on aroad / on the coat: Budapest is on the (rive) Danube. The town where you liv is it on the coast or inland? Jauoarest DANUBE Also o1 the way: ‘We stopped to buy sone things in a shop on theway home at thetop (of) / at the bottom(of) / at the end (of) Write your name at thi top of the page. Jane's house is at the aher end of the street. at the top (of the page at the bottom (of the jage) inthe ront/ in tne back oF a cr | was sitting in the bac: (of the car) when we crshed at thefront / at the back of a Lillding / theatre / group «f people etc. ‘The garden is at the bzk of the house. Let's sit at the front (o the cinema). ‘We were at the back, 9 we couldn't see very wal on thefront / on the back of aetter / piece of paper etc I wrote the date on theback of the photo. at the front inthe:orner of aroom — The TV is in the cornerof the room at thecorner oon the corner if a street There is a small shop a/on the corner of the stret. inthe corner —_at/on the comer inenword fy VEY FOIA pai GFA erain > avpenanr_) Exercises Unit aa ap Answer:he questions about thesictures. Use in, at or onwith the words below tle pictures. @ pi (corner) (corner) 1 Va

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