To at in Into

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We say o/come/travel (etc.) toa place or event. For exanple: goto thina gob bed cone tomy house go bak to |taly go the bank be taken to hospital To returrto London go ba concert be ent to prison > weicone somevoay to ¢ place rive to the aport When are your friends giing back to Italy? (not joing back in Italy) Three people were injurd in the accident and taken to hospital Welcome to our countr! (not Welcome in) In the sime way we say ‘a journg to / a trip to / a visit te/ on my way to ... etc. Did you enjoy your trip 0 Paris / your visit to the 200? Compae to (for movement) and n/at (for position): They are going to Franc. but They live in Frane. ag ie ar On lemme orcs We say een to a place or an evett: I've been to Italy four tines, but I'venever been‘o Rome. Amanda has never bento a football match in ter life Get ancarrive We say et to a place: ‘What time di they get 0 London / to work / tothe hotel? But we iay arrive in ... or arrive t ... (not arrive to). We say arrive in a town, city or ountry: They arrived in London’ in Spain a week ago. For other places (buildings etc.) c events, we say arrive at When did they arrive atthe hotel / at the airport / at the party? Home We say zo home / come home /get home / arrive home/ on the way home etc. no preposition) We do rot say 'to home’ I'm tired, Let's go homenow. (not go to home) | met Lisa on my way hime. (not my way to hone) Into Go inte get into ... etc. = enter a room / a building / a cz etc) llopened the door, wentinte the room and sat dawn. A bird flew into the kitaen through the window. Every month, my salary s paid directly into my bink account. | With sone verbs (especially go/gt/put) we often use in (nstead of into): She got in the car and dove away. (or She got irto the car...) Iread the letter and putt back in the envelope. ‘The opposite of into is out of: She got out of the car aid went into a shop, We usuilly say ‘get on/off a bus a train / a plane’ (not usially into/out of) She got on the bus and never saw her again. Exercises GB Putin tvatvinyinto where necesary. if no preposition isnecessary, leave the spze empty. 1 Threepeople were taken ©. hospital after the accident 2 ImetKateon my way - bme. (no preposition) 3 We let our luggage he station and went to find something to eat. 4 Shall ve take a taxi ‘fhe station or shall we wak?- 5 Ihaveto go the ban today. What time does t open? 6 The Anazon flows tle Atlantic Ocean. 7 ‘Do you have your camera witkyou?’ ‘No, | left it the car.’ 8 Haveyou ever been china? 9 Thad ost my key, but | managed to climb. thehouse through a window. 10 We get stuck ina traffic jam orour way the arport. 11 We hid lunch the aiport while we were waitiig for our plane. 12 Welcume the hotel. We hope you enjoy yourstay here, 13. We dove along the main road or about a kilometre andthen turned anarrow side sreet. 44 Did ou onjoy your viele the mucaum? 15 Imtied. As soon as| get home, I'm going bed 16 Marcil is French. He has just reurned Franceafter two years Brazil. 17 Carl vas born Chica, but his family moved New York wher he was three He stil lives New Yck. Have yas been to these places? f so, how many times? Choose three of the place and write a sentenc using been to. Athers Australia Hon;Kong Mexico Pris Rome Singapore Swelen Tokyo tle United States 1 (exanple answers) I've neve been to Australia. /I’ve been to Mexico ore, 2 3 4 EB Putin tw/at/in where necessaryif no preposition is necessary, leave the space enpty. 1 Whattime does this train get t2 London? We arived Barcelom a few days ago. Whattime did you get home last night? Whattime de you uaually ari avork Inthe norning? Wher we got the ciema, there was a long queue outside. larried home feelirg very tired. auswn qa Write smtences using got + inte/ out of / on / off. 1 You vere walking home. A fried passed you in her car. she saw you, stopped anc offered you a lift. ne opened the door. Whit did you do? | got ivto the car. 2 You vere waiting for the bus. # last your bus came. The doors opened. What dicyou do then? \ the bus, 3 You dove home in your car. Yau stopped outside your touse and parked the car. Nhat did you vy Unt 4 You vere travelling by train to Nanchester. When the trén got to Manchester, whit did you do? 5 You reeded a taxi. After a fewminutes a taxi stopped fer you. You opened the dior. What did you & then? 6 You vere travelling by air. At tle endof your flight, yourplane landed at the airpet and stopped. The doors were opend, you took your bag an¢stood up. What did you io then? + sdéiontoncee MEW Unit 126 253 erie i iN /, In/cl n/at (other uses) In in the nin / in the sun /in the siade /in the dark / in bai weather etc. We sat in the shade. It vas too hot to sit in the un. Don't go out in the rain Wait until it stops. (write) i ink/ in pen /in pencil When you do the exam,ou're not allowed to wrie in pencil. Also (wite) in words / in figures’ in capital letters etc. Please write your name a capital letters Write the story in your wn words. (= don't copy somebody else) the shade (be/fall’in love (with somebody They're very happy togeher. They're in love. in (my) opinion In my opinion. the movs wasn't very gnod On onTV /on television / on the ralio | didn't watch the news in television, but | heardit on the radio. onthe phone I've never met her, but Ive spoken to her on the shone a few times. (be/go)on strike There are no trains toda. The drivers are on strike. (be/go)on adiet I've put on a lot of weiglt. I'll have to go ona die. (be) onfire Look! That car is on fire ‘onthe vhole (= in general) Sometimes | have problens at work, but on the vhole | enjoy my job. ‘on purjose (= intentionally) {'m sorry. | didn’t mean o annoy you. | didn’t doit on purpose. On holiday / on atrip etc. We say:(be/go) on holiday / on vusiness / on a trip / on i tour / ona cruise etc I'm going on holiday nett week. Emma's away on busings at the moment. ‘One day I'd like to go ora world tour. You caralso say ‘go toa place fo a holiday / for my holidy(s)' Steve has gone to Franc for ah ‘hia aco new flying at a enancot 300 kilometres an hour and ¢ an altitude of 9,000 metres. cue We OF... EL We sayat the age of 16 / at 120miles an hour / at 100 legrees etc. Tracy left school at 16. or... at the age of 16. The train was travelling tt 120 miles an hour. ‘Water boils at 100 degnes Celsius. Infat/an (time fat i Exercises comple the sentences using ir+ the following: capitdletters coldweathr —_ love my spinion pencil -the-rain- the shade 1 Don'tgo out in the rain Wait until it stops. 2 Matt ikes to keep warm, so hedoesn’t go out much 3 Ityouwnite ‘and make a misbke, you can rub it out anv correct it. 4 Theyeell almost immediately and were married in a fev weeks. 5 Pleas: write your address cleary, preferably 6 It’s to hot in the sun. I'm goirg to sit 7 Amarda thought the restauran was OK, but it wan't very good. ED complee the sentences using o1 + the following: businsss adiet fre holiday ‘tthe phone purpose strike v atour the whole 1 Look! That car ison twe... !Somebody call the fire bigade. 2 Worlers at the factory have gore for better pay and onditions. 3. Soonafter we arrived, we weretaken of the city. 4 [feel azy this evening. Is thereanything worth watching ? 5 I'm sarry. it was an accident. Wdidn’t do it, 6 Richad has put on alot of weiftt recently. | think he stould go 7 Jane'sjob involves a lot of traviling. She often has to gc away 8 & I'going next week &: Wiere are you going? Somwhere nice? 9 & Is ‘arah here? 8: Ye, but she's at the morrent. She won't be long 4: Haw was your exam? : Will, there were some diffialt questions, but it wa OK. 10 GBD complee the sentences with inon orat. 1 Wate boils 4% 100 degree Celsius. 2 Wher | was 14, | went a trip to France organied by my school. 3. Therewas panic when people ralised that the building vas fire. 4 Julia'sgrandmother died recenty the age of 72. 5 Can,ou turn the light on. pleae? | don’t want to sit the dark. 6 We din't go holiday last year. We stayed at iome. 7 \hatedriving fog. Yiu can't see enything, 8 |wont be here next week. I'll le holiday. 9 Techrology has developed great speed. 10 Alan jot married ‘T7which is rather young to yet married. 11 |head an interesting programne the radio ttis morning. ar my opinion, violent ilms should not be show: television. 13 I woudn't like to go a cruise, | think I'd get bared. 14 | shoildn’t eat too much. I'm apposed to be adiet AE lweude't like bie job. He cperda mest of his tiene talking shephsns 16 The arth travels round the sur 107,000 kilonetres an hour. 17 ‘Did sou enjoy your holiday?” Not every minute, but the whole, yes.’ 18 Alot of houses were damaged the storm last week. + hasiontoccse MW 2s

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