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As = at he same time as ) You canuse as when two things fappen at the same time: We all waved goodbye t: Liz as she drove away. y wy (We waved and she drow away at the same time Az lwallad along the staat, | leeked in the shop vindows, Can you tur off the ligh as you go out, please? Oryou an say that something hppened as you were doing somethng else (in the middle of wing something else): Kate slipped as she waszetting off the bus. ‘We met Paul as we wert leaving the hotel. For the jast continuous (was geting / were going etc.), se Unit 6. You canalso use just as (= exactl’ at that moment): Just as | sat down, the dorbell rang. had Wo leave Just a URCUnver sation was getty HneereauliR. We alsouse as when two things fappen together in a longir period of time: the day vent on As the day went on, the veather got worse. | began to enjoy the job nore as | got used to it. the weatler got worse Compar as and when: We ue as only if two things happen at the Use vhen (not as) ifone thing appens after same ime anotler ‘Aa | droors Hervey | anes tatmuste ‘Wei liges hci Liki somnsaniigies (cat the same time) eat. (not As |got home As= beause Asalso neans ‘because’ ‘As Iwas hungry, | decidd to find somewhere to «at. yecause | was hurgry) As we have plenty of tine before our flight, let’sgo and have a coffee. We watched TV all evenig as we didn’t have anything better to do, As Idon’t watch televison any more, | gave myIV to a friend of mine. You canalso use since in this way Since we have plenty of ime, let's go and have a woffee. Compar as (= because) and wher | couldn't contact Davidas he was on David's passport was stden when he holiday. (= because hewas on holiday) was on holiday. (= during the time he we away) As they lived near us, ve used to see When they lived near ts, we used to them quite often, see them quite often. (= because they lived ner us) at the time they livecnear us) As... > Uni nd it iis Exercises maa © (section A) Use as to join senterces from the boxes. 1 Weall waved goodbye tobi we were driving dong the road 2 Ilisened | was taking a ho'dish out of the oven 3 I bunt myself -she-drove eway- 4 Thecrowd cheered she told me her sory 5 Adigran outin front ofthe or | the two teoms cene onto the field 1 Weal waved goodbye toLiz as she drove aay 2 3 4 5 GD (sectior 8) join sentences from:he boxes. Begin each sentence with as. 1 4ewes-hunory | need some advce 2. todyy isa public holiday l was very quiet 3 I dien’t want to disturb anybidy +-decided to findsomewhere to-eat 4 Idor't know what to do we didn’t know vhat time it was 5 nore of us had a watch many of the shoss are shut As | was hungry, | decidd to find somewhere to eat. GB what ces as mean in these sertences? becaus| at the same timeas As tley live near us, we see thm quite often 4 Kateslipped as she was gettin, off the bus. v As | vas tired, | went to bed edly. Unfotunately, as | was parkin; the car, | hit the car behnd me. ‘As w climbed the hill, we gotnore and more tired. We @cided to go out to eat arwe had no food at home ‘As w: dor't use the car verv oten. we've decided to selit Nouaswuna B® 1 somcoF these sentences, youneed when (not as). Corect the sentences whee necessary. 1 Juliazot married as she was 2 when she was.22 2 As the day went on, the weathr got worse. Ok 3. He dopped the glass as he wa taking it out of the cuptoard. 4 | lostmy phone as | was in Lorion. 5 As I lft school, | didn't know vhat to do. 6 The tain slowed down as it aproached the station. 7 | usel to live near the sea as I vas a child GB Vs your own ideas to completethese sentences. 1 Isawyou as 2 It stated to rain just as 3 As! ddn’thave enough monesfor a taxi, 4 Just s | took the picture, + vont ence MMW 233 Like = ‘smilar to’, ‘the same as’. ‘bu cannot use as in this vay: What a beautiful house! t's like a palace. (not a a palace) "What does Sandra do?’ ‘She's a teacher, like me’ (not as me) Be carefull The floor hasbeen polished. It's like walking onice. (notas waking) It’s raining again. | hate veather like this. (not asthis) In thesesentences, like is a prepoition. So it is followed bya noun (like a palace), a yronoun (like me/ like this) or ~ing (\ike witking]. You canalso say °... like (someboly/something) doing sonething’ “What's that noise?’ ‘It ounds like a baby crying’ Sometines like = for example: | enjoy water sports, ikesurfing, scuba diving ard water-skiing You canalso use such as (= for example}: | enjoy water sports, suci as surfing, scuba di \, and water-skiing. As = in he same way as, or in thesame condition as. We we as before subject + ver: I didn’t move anything. left everything as it was You should have done it 1s | showed you We alsouse like in this way: | left everything like it vas. Compan: as and like: You should have done itis | showed you. or ... ke | showed you. You should have done it ike this. (not as this) Note thit we say as usual / as alvays: You're late as usual. As always, Nick was thefirst to complain. Sometines as (+ subject + verb) fas other meanings. For «ample, after do: You can do as you like. ‘= do what you like) They did as they promisd. (= They did what they promised.) We alsosay as you know / as | sid / as she expected / as! thought etc. ‘As you know, it’s Emmas birthday next week. (=you know this already) ‘Andy railed nis ariving tet, as ne expectea. (= ni expected tnis Derore) Like is mt usual in these expressins, except with say (likel said): As I said yesterday, I'm sire we can solve the protiem. or Like I said yesteday . As can dso be a preposition, but te meaning is different fom Compan As ataxi driver, | spend nost of my Everyone wants me to dive them to working life in a car. places. I'm like a taxi diver. (lama taxi driver, that isny job) (I'm not a taxi driver, bu'I'm like one) As (preposition) =n the position sf, in the form of ete. Many years ago | workedas a photographer. (nc like a photographer) Many words, for exampl«'work’ and ‘rain’, can be ised as verbs or nouns. London is fine as a placeto visit, but | wouldn't lile to live there. The news of the tragedy:ame as a great shock. AS. eo U at ted sé > Uni 118 nia Exercises nh A © "0 som of these sentences, youneed like (not as). Corrict the sentences where iecessary. It's rining again. | hate weatter as this. weather like this ‘Andy failed his driving test, as te expected. Ok Do you think Lisa looks as her nother? Tim jets on my nerves. | cartstand people as him, Whydidn't vou do it as | told wu to do it? Briaris a student, as most of tis friends. You tever listen. Talking to yor is as talking to the wall. 8 As | gid before, 'm thinking o changing my job. 9 Tom: idea seems a good one. Let’s do as he suggests. 10 I'll plone you tomorrow as ustal, OK? 11. Sudenly there was a terrible roise. It was as a bomb expleding 12 She'sa very good swimmer. Sle swims as a fish. Nowuasuns GB Complte the sentences using lke or as + the following: abegnner blocks ofice -apalace _a birthday present a chill a theatre winter a tour guide 1 This touse is beautiful. It's ke. a palace 2 My fiet are really cold. They'r 3 I've teen playing tennis for yees, but | still play 4 Marin once had a part-time jib 5 I worder what that building is. It looks 6 My nther gaua ma thie watel lang time agn 7 It’s wiry cold for the middle ofiummer. It's 8 He's22 years old, but he someimes behaves GD Pur in tke or as. sometimes eitler word is possible. 1 Weleardanoise like a bay crying 2 YourEnglish is very fluent. | wsh | could speak you. 3 Don' take my advice if you dav't want to. You can do you like. 4 You vaste too much time doirg things sittingin cafes all day. 5 |wisl | had a car yarrs. & Vem dem'tnaed tn change clotlac Vau can gn eit yew are 7 My reighbour's house is full ofinteresting things. It's a museum, 8 We sw Kevin last night. He vas very cheerful, always. 9 Sallyhas been working a waitress for the lasttwo months 10 In several countries in Asia, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand, traffic driveson the left. 11 You'e different from the otheipeople | know. | don’t krow anyone else you. 12 We ann't need all the bedroons in the house, so we useone of them astudy. 13. The ews that Sarah and Garywere getting married care ‘a complete urprise to me. 4 her father, Catherirt has avery good voice. 15. At tle moment I've got a temporary job in a bookshop. It’s not great, but it’s OK a reeves. 16 you can imagine, wi were very tired after suc a long journey. ‘17 This ea is awful. It tastes water. 18 | thirk | prefer this room itwas, before we deworated it. 235 You can se like to say how some@ody or something lookssounds/feels: That house looks like it‘going to fall down. Helen sounded like she lad a cold, didn’t she? I've just got back from hdiday, but | feel very tired. | don’t feel like I'v: had 2 holiday. The house Looks like it'yoing to fall down. You canalso use as if or as thoug, in all these examples That house looks as if it! going to fall down. Helen sounded as if shead a cold, didn’t she? | don't feel as though I'v had a holiday. ‘Compar You look tired. (look + djective) You look like you havent slept. (look like + subiect + verb) As if ancas though are more fornal than like. You cansay It looks like ../It soinds like . = Sarah is very late, isn't se? It looks like she [{* founds tke they tas ny . a having a party next door. isn’t coming We took an umbrella beause it looked like it was going to rain. The noise is very loud net door. It sounds like they're having a party. You canalso use as if or as thougy: It looks as if she isn't caning or It looks as though she in't coming It looked as if it was goiig to rain. It sounds as though the’re having a party. You canase like / as if / as thoug with other verbs to say10w somebody does sonrthing: He ran like he was runmg for his life. After the interruption, the speaker went on talkingas if nothing had happened. When | told them my pla, they looked at me as trough | was mad. After asif (or as though). we sonetimes use the past wher we are talking about theoresent. For exanple: I don't like Tim. He tatksas if he knew everything The meaiing is not past in this settence. We use the past 6s if he knew) because th idea is not real: Tirrdoes not know everything. We use the past in thesame way in other senterces with if and wish (se Unit 39) Like is mot normally used in this vay. Some rrore examples: She's always asking me ti do things for her - as if didn’t have enough to db already. (dn hava annuigh #0 An) Gary's only 40. Why do-ou talk about him as if Fe was an old man? (he ist an old man) When yeu use the past in this way you can use were insted of was: Why do you talk about hm as if he were (or was)an old man? They treat me as if | wer (or was) their own son. (I'm not their son) (weve SARS V tot BREN Cob fo gH oS Olt dor var ) ei Exercises 118 GBD war & you sayin these situatons? Use the words in backets to make your sertence 1 Youneet Bill, He has a black ye and some plasters onvis face. ((ook/like/ be’a fight) You aytohim: You look ike you've been in a fight. 2 lain comes into the room. Sie looks absolutely terrific. (look / like / see / a giost) You ay toher: What's the mater? You 3 Joe ison holiday. He's talking o youcn the phone and ounds happy. (sound / a if / have / a gooctime) You ay tohim: You 4 You lave just run one kilomete. Youare absolutely extausted. (feel /like / run a marathon) You ay toa friend: | GB Mike sintences beginning It lois like ... / It sounds lile you siouldsee adoctor —thre's been an accident they're having an argumunt it's gcing to rain -shisn't coming. we'll have to walk 1 Saral said she would be here a hour ago. You ay: It looks like sheisn’t coming 2 The ky is full of black clouds. You gy: It 3 You lear two people shoutingat each other next door. You ay: 4 You ge an ambulance, some plicemen and two damaged cars at the side of the oad. You ay: 5 You ind a friend have just mised the last bus home, You gy. 6 Daveisn't feeling well. He tell vou all about it You ay: GD comple the sentences with atif. Choose from the box putting the verbs in thecorrect form. she /2njoy / it 1/0 / besick te / not / eat / for a week horeed/agosd-rest —shi/ hurt / her leg te / mean / what he / say I/n0'/ exist she/ not / want / come 1 Marklooks very tired. Helook . as if he needs a god rest 2. I dort think Paul was joking. fe looked 3. Wha's the matter with Amana? She's walking 4 Peteiwas extremely hungry ard ate his dinner very quicly. Heae 5 Tanys hada bored expression in her face during the movie. She «idn’t look 6 I've jist eaten too many choctates. Now | don't feel wall. I feel 7 | phoned Liz and invited her tothe party, but she wasn'tvery enthusiastic about it She ounded 8 I wert into the office, but nobidy spoke to me or lookec at me Fuenhndy tgnnved me GD These entences are like the ons in Section D. Complets each sentence using asf. 1 Andyis a terrible driver. He dives as if he were te only driver on the road 2 I'm@ years old, so please dort talk to me. I a child, 3 Stevi has never met Nicola, bit he talks about her hi:best friend. 4 Itwaa long time ago that wefirst met, but | rememberit yesterday. 237

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