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Cumulative Techniques

and Procedures in
Clinical Microbiology
New Developments in
Antimicrobial Agent
Susceptibility Testing:
a Practical Guide I

American Society
for Microbiology
Washington, DC
Cumitech IA Blood Cultures II June 1982 l l

Cumitech 2A Laboratory Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections March 1987

l l

Cumitech 3A Quality Control and Quality Assurance Practices in Clinical Microbiology

l l

May 1990
Cumitech 4 Laboratory Diagnosis of Gonorrhea October 1976
l l

Cumitech 5 Practical Anaerobic Bacteriology April 1977

l l

Cumitech 6 New Developments in Antimicrobial Agent Susceptibility Testing September

l l

Cumitech 7A Laboratory Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections September 1987
l l

Cumitech 8 Detection of Microbial Antigens by Counterimmunoelectrophoresis

l December l

Cumitech 9 Collection and Processing of Bacteriological Specimens August 1979
l l

Cumitech IO Laboratory Diagnosis of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections December 1979

l l

Cumitech 1I Practical Methods for Culture and Identification of Fungi in the Clinical

Microbiology Laboratory August 1980 l

Cumitech 12 Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Diarrhea October 1980

l l

Cumitech 13 Laboratory Diagnosis of Ocular Infections May 1981

l l

Cumitech 14 Laboratory Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Infections January 1982

l l

Cumitech 15 Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infections March 1982

l l

Cumitech 16 Laboratory Diagnosis of the Mycobacterioses

l March 1983 l

Cumitech 17 Laboratory Diagnosis of Female Genital Tract Infections August 1983

l l

Cumitech 18 Laboratory Diagnosis of Hepatitis Viruses January 1984

l l

Cumitech 19 Laboratory Diagnosis of Chlamydial and Mycoplasmal Infections August 1984

l l

Cumitech 20 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Antimicrobial Agents October 1984

l l

Cumitech 21 Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Respiratory Disease March 1986

l l

Cumitech 22 Immunoserology of Staphylococcal Disease August 1987

l l

Cumitech 23 Infections of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues June 1988

l l

Cumitech 24 Rapid Detection of Viruses by Immunofluorescence

l August 1988 l

Cumitech 25 Current Concepts and Approaches to Antimicrobial Agent Susceptibility


Testing December 1988 l

Cumitech 26 Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infections Producing Enteritis September 1989

l l

Cumitechs should be cited OS follows, e,g.: Neumann, M, A., D. F. Sahm, C. Thornsberry, and J. E.
McGowan, Jr. 1991. Cumitech 6A New developments in antimicrobial agent susceptibility testing: a practical
guide. Coordinating ed., J. E. McGowan, Jr. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC

Editorial Board for MM Cumitechs: Steven C. Specter, Chairman, Carl Abramson, Ellen Jo Baron,
Mary J. R. Gilchrist, Willram J, Martone, John E. McGowan, Jr., Frederrck S Nolte Arne C. Rodloff. James
W. Smrth, John A. Smith, Thomas J. Trnghrtella, and Alice S. Weissfeld.

The purpose of the Cumitech series is to provide consensus recommendations by the authors CIS to appropriate
state-of-the4 operating procedures for clinical microbiology laboratories which may lack the facilities for fully
evaluating routine or new methods.
The procedures given are not proposed as “standard” methods.

Copyright 0 1991 Amerlcon Society for Mlcroblolom

1325 Massachusetts Ave , NW
Washington. DC 20005
MARK A. NEUMANN, Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Virology Laboratories and Clinical
Pharmacology Investigations Division, Diagnostic Services, Inc., and Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine, Naples Community Hospital, Naples, Florida 33940

DANIEL F. SAHM, Clinical Microbiology Laboratories and Department of Pathology, University of Chicago
Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois 60637

CLYDE THORNSBERRY, Institutes for Microbiology Research, 357 Riverside Drive, Franklin,
Tennessee 37064

JOHN E. MCGOWAN, JR., Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of
Medicine, and Clinical Laboratory, Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia 30335


JOHN E. MCGOWAN, JR., Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of
Medicine, and Clinical Laboratory, Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia 30335

Since the first printing of Cumitech 6 (182) in smallteaching and nonteachinghospitals(1, 21,
1977,a number of developmentshave occurred 32). Community-acquiredORSA outbreaks, par-
with regard to our understandingand recogni- ticularly in intravenous drug abusers and pa-
tion of antimicrobial resistancefactors, trendsin tients with serious underlying disease, have
occurrence for certain bacterial pathogens,and been reported as well (153).
recognition of the importance of certain fastidi- Coagulase-negative staphylococci are cur-
ous or unusual bacteria in infectious diseases. rently recognized as significant nosocomial
These factors have led to several changesand pathogens found in association with surgical
developments in antimicrobial susceptibility wounds, intravenous catheters, shunts, joint
testing of microorganisms. In certain cases, prostheses,prosthetic valves, septicemia, and
modificationsof the current standardagar disk catheter-relatedurinary tract infections (4, 167).
diffusion (124) and broth and agar dilution Staphylococcus epidermidis is a leadingcauseof
(121-123, 125) susceptibility tests have been nosocomialbacteremia in someU.S. hospitals,
necessaryto produce reliable and reproducible resulting in a crude-mortality rate of 35% (138,
test results. This Cumitech reviews theserecent 167). Immunocompromisedpatients, particu-
changes, developments, and observations. A larly those in critical care units, are at greatest
companionCumitech (no. 25)provides a general risk of infection with this organism(167). One-
guide to help laboratories decide what testing third to one-half of these isolates have been
methodswill be usedand how the methodswill reported to be resistantto penicillinase-resistant
be implemented. Both Cumitechs supplement penicillins (e.g., oxacillin, nafcillin, and methi-
publications such as the American Society for cillin). Several types of resistance have been
Microbiology’s Manual of Clinical Microbiol- noted.
ogy (180) and the documents of the National
Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Intrinsically Resistant(Heteroresistant)
(NCCLS) (121-125), to which readers are re- Staphylococci
ferred for detailed descriptions of the most The most important intrinsic mechanismof
recently recommendedtest methods. staphylococcalresistanceto oxacillin is a chro-
mosomallymediatedalteration in the penicillin-
OXACILLIN-RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCI binding protein (PBP) called 2’ or 2a (56,66-68).
Uxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Several reports have shown that this PBP of
(ORSA), described by some as methicillin-re- ORSA has a low affinity for penicillinase-resis-
sistantS. aureus, hasemergedinternationally as tant penicillins, and probably for all beta-lactam
a major nosocomialpathogen (179, 197, 198). antimicrobial agents,at physiologic pH (66-68).
The incidence of ORSA in U.S. hospitals has Becauseof this low affinity, the concentration of
increasedsteadily through the 198Os,not only in oxacillin necessaryto inhibit growth of the or-
large tertiary care teaching centers but also in ganismsfar exceedsthat which can be achieved


therapeutically. The presence of beta-lactams tion method (124), (ii) use a 1-pg oxacillin disk
also may induce increased production of low- since it is most likely to detect cross resistance
affinity PBPs (143, 187). to other penicillinase-resistantpenicillins, (iii)
The term “heteroresistant” denotesthe phe- incubate inoculated Mueller-Hinton agar plates
notypic heterogeneity of the staphylococci that for a full 24 h (not less,not more) at 35°C(avoid
are genotypically (intrinsically) oxacillin resist- 37”C), and (iv) examine and interpret suscepti-
ant. Even though all of the cells within this bility zone diameters in a manner that will
population have the genetic potential to express maximize detection of significant inner zone
oxacillin resistance, it has been estimated that colonies or a film of growth within the zone.
only 1 in 104to IO6 organismsdoes so in the Interpret zone diameter breakpoints by using
presenceof a penicillinase-resistantpenicillin at NCCLS criteria (124); zone diameters of 2 13
37°C (3, 146, 172). Heterogeneity occurs not mm are interpreted as susceptible,resistanceis
only with the penicillinase-resistantpenicillins equated with zone diameters of ~10 mm, and
but also with most of the cephalosporinsand zone diameters of 11 to 12 mm reflect “inter-
imipenem.The proportion of this resistantpop- mediate” susceptibility. Staphylococcal iso-
ulation can be influenced by factors such as lates demonstratingintermediate susceptibility
temperature, osmolarity, length of incubation, by the disk test shouldbe further tested using a
presenceof beta-lactams,and other factors (1, broth or agar dilution method.
18, 146). For example, lowering the incubation Some studiessuggestthat agar disk diffusion
temperature to between 30 and 35°C or using testing with a 4-pg oxacillin disk might better
hypertonic growth mediumcan considerably en- correlate with oxacillin susceptibility and resis-
hancethe size and growth rate of the population tance MIC breakpoints (103). However, 4-pg
manifestingresistance. oxacillin disks are not commercially available,
The difficulty in accurately detecting intrinsi- andthe needto start testingwith a 4-Fg oxacillin
cally oxacillin-resistant’staphylococci has been disk has not been resolved by NCCLS.
the topic of several studies(2,6, 11, 14, 29,95). Broth microdilution test. For the broth micro-
It was clearly shown that the standard disk dilution test use the procedure outlined in
diffusion and broth microdilution tests, as well NCCLS M7-A2 (125), but be certain to care-
ascommercially available susceptibility test sys- fully perform the following essential steps to
tems, did not reliably detect staphylococcal re- optimize detection of oxacillin-resistant staph-
sistanceto penicillinase-resistantpenicillins and ylococci: (i) use the direct inoculum prepara-
cephalosporins(2, 12, 13, 64, 103, 183). A sig- tion method, (ii) oxacillin is preferred for test-
nificant number of truly oxacillin-resistant ing sinceit is the most reliable for testing and is
staphylococci therefore may have beenreported the most likely to detect cross resistance to
to be falsely susceptible to the penicillinase- other penicillinase-resistantpenicillins, (iii) use
resistant penicillins and cephalosporins,poten- cation-supplemented Mueller-Hinton broth
tially compromising patient managementand containing 2% NaCl, and (iv) incubate the
very likely underestimating the incidence of inoculated microdilution trays for a full 24 h at
oxacillin-resistant staphylococci in certain hos- 35OC. Interpret results by using the current
pital settings(55, 134). NCCLS MIC breakpoints (52 kg/ml, suscep-
In response,changesin antimicrobial suscep- tible; ~4 pg/ml, resistant) (125). Some (103)
tibility test methodologieshave focused on en- suggestusingoxacillin susceptibility breakpoints
hancingthe growth rate, and thus proportion, of of ~2 pg/ml as susceptible,2 pg/ml as border-
the resistant population of cells. Lowering the line, 4 kg/ml as intermediate, and 28 pg/ml as
incubation temperature, increasingthe inoculum resistant; to date there are few data to suggest
size, and increasing the osmolarity of the me- that thesebreakpointsare more clinically useful
dium have beenusedto modify standardsuscep- than current NCCLS recommendations.
tibility test methodsto increaseoxacillin-resist- A major clue that a staphylococcal isolate is
ant staphylococcal detection rates (103, 124, oxacillin resistant is the concurrent manifesta-
125157,183). Currently NCCLS is recommend- tion of multiple in vitro resistancesto antibiot-
ing the following techniquesfor the increased ics, including other beta-lactams,erythromycin,
detection of resistanceto penicillinase-resistant clindamycin, aminoglycosides,tetracycline, and
penicillins and cephalosporinsamong staphylo- chloramphenicol in various combinations. Al-
coccal isolates(124, 125). though ORSA strainswill always be resistantto
Agar disk diffusion test. For the agar disk beta-lactamantimicrobial agents, in vitro resis-
diffusion test use the procedure outlined in tance to other antimicrobial agentsvaries. Until
NCCLS M2-A4 (124), but be certain to care- 1985,essentiallyall oxacillin-resistant staphylo-
fully perform the following essential steps to coccal strains were susceptibleto vancomycin,
optimize detection of oxacillin-resistant staph- teichoplanin, and ciprofloxacin. However, resis-
ylococci: (i) use the direct inoculum prepara- tance of oxacillin-resistant staphylococci to van-

comycin (in coagulase-negative staphylococci) lanic acid, while intrinsically resistantstrainsare

(52, 158) and ciprofloxacin (71, 126, 156) has resistantto both antimicrobial agents.
been reported, thus necessitating routine sus- The clinical, epidemiologic, and therapeutic
ceptibility testing of ORSA against these antimi- significance of AORSA is largely unknown.
crobial agents. There is some debate over whether to report
Screening tests. It may be advisable for labo- suchstrainsassusceptibleor resistant(104, 163,
ratories to screen S. aureus isolates;either meth- 200). Two retrospective casestudiesreported a
icillin ( 10pg /ml), oxacillin (6 pg/ml), or nafcillin combinedtotal of 22 patients with AORSA in-
(6 Fg/ml) incorporated into Mueller-Hinton agar fections who demonstrateda favorable clinical
supplementedwith 4% NaCl can be used for outcome when patients were treated with a
testing. The mediumis “spot” inoculated using penicillinase-resistantpenicillin or beta-lacta-
a swabsaturatedwith a freshly standardized(0.5 maseinhibitor-penicillin combination. This sug-
McFarland standard equivalent [approximately geststhat infection with such strainsmay possi-
10’ CFU/ml]) cell suspension,incubatedfor 24 h bly be reported as susceptible(65, 101). How-
at 35”C, and observed for growth (resistant) or ever, these limited data do not permit a
no growth (susceptible)(157). The test is reli- definitive recommendationof this approach at
able, economical,and simpleto perform. These present. In clinical situations (e.g., bacteremia,
screening media are available in plated form endocarditis, meningitis, or osteomyelitis) in
through several commercialsuppliers. which bactericidal levels of an antimicrobial
Intrinsically oxacillin-resistant (heteroresis- agent are needed,penicillinase-resistantpenicil-
tant) staphylococci (both ORSA and coagulase- lins and beta-lactamaseinhibitor-penicillin com-
negative staphylococci) should be reported as binations will likely be less effective against
resistantto all beta-lactamantimicrobial agents, these strains than are other antistaphylococcal
including all cephalosporins and imipenem, antimicrobial agents(e.g., vancomycin, teicho-
regardlessof in vitro test results, becausemost planin, or daptomycin) (96). Resolution of the
patients with documentedinfection with intrin- clinical, epidemiologic, and therapeutic signifi-
sically resistant strains respondpoorly to these canceof AORSA through larger, controlled pro-
agents. spective studies,however, is greatly needed.
Although the currently recommendedsuscep-
tibility test modifications have significantly im- Other Oxacillin-ResistantStrains
proved the detection of oxacillin-resistant staph- Two additional subgroupsof S. aureus strains
ylococci, further modifications for certain test with intermediate-rangeoxacillin MICs (2 to 4
systemsmay becomenecessary(12, 13, 64, 65, pg/ml) were reported in 1988by Sierra-Madero
103). and co-workers (163). One subgroupof isolates
produced beta-lactamase, but clavulanic acid
did not lower the oxacillin MIC; a second sub-
Acquired Oxacillin-ResistantS. aureus group of isolatesdid not produce beta-lactamase
(AORSA) and were susceptibleto penicillin. These inves-
In 1986, McDougal and Thomsberry (104) tigators observed that some of their strains
offered convincing evidence that borderline (2 would be called susceptibleif incubated at 35°C
pg/ml) or intermediate (4 kg/ml) susceptibility but resistantif incubatedat 3O*C,suggestingthat
to oxacillin in strains of S. aureus is causedby they are heteroresistant(163). These subgroups
beta-lactamaseactivity. These strains produce of S. aureus isolates, therefore, appear to be
largequantities (are “hyperproducers”) of beta- distinct from the classicacquired borderline ox-
lactamasewhich is capableof slowly inactivat- acillin-resistantstrainspreviously reportedby Mc-
ing penicillinase-resistantpenicillins. Resistance Dougal and Thomsberry (104). The mechanism
via hyperproduction of beta-lactamaseis an ac- responsiblefor this phenomenonis currently un-
quired (plasmid- or transposon-mediated)trait known; however, there is somesuspicionthat the
and appearsto be unrelated to the “classical” “regular” PBPs (not PBP2a)with low &nity to
chromosomally mediated intrinsic resistance oxacillin may be important (163). As with
(i.e., PBP2amediated).The beta-lactamasepro- AORSA, the clinical, epidemiologic,and thera-
duced by these strains is inhibited by beta- peutic significanceof these strainsis largely un-
lactamaseinhibitors such asclavulanic acid and known but deservesfurther evaluation. Unless
sulbactam.One convenient methodfor differen- they can be proven susceptibleby clinical re-
tiating plasmid-mediatedhyper-beta-lactamase sponse,the strainsshouldbe reportedasresistant.
oxacillin resistancefrom intrinsic resistancein
S. aureus is to test these isolatesagainstamox- StaphylococcalToleranceto Beta-Lactam
icillin-clavulanic acid and oxacillin. Generally, Antimicrobial Agents
plasmid-mediatedhyper-beta-lactamase-produc- Another form of resistance described for
ing strains are susceptibleto amoxicillin-clavu- staphylococci is the phenomenonof tolerance in

which the growth of somestrains of staphylo- Resistanceto High Levelsof Aminoglycosides

cocci is inhibited at low concentrations of beta- Until the mid-198Os,enterococcal isolatesal-
lactam antimicrobial agents, but much higher most universally demonstratedsome degree of
concentrations of drug are required for tidal susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, and van-
(killing) activity. The mechanismof tolerance is comycin. Although the enterococci are often
thought to involve antagonismof autolytic en- refractory to the bactericidal activity of such
zyme activity by cell-wall-associatedsubstances agentswhen tested or usedalone, the combina-
(e.g., lipoteichoic acid) or substancesin the
bacterial milieu. tion of a penicillin or vancomycin with an ami-
noglycoside has been shown to act synergisti-
Tolerance is determined in vitro by perform-
ing an MIC and MBC test. Tolerance is defined cally, achieving bactericidal activity in vitro
as an MBC-to-MIC ratio of ~32: 1. The repro- (105, 112-114, 155). The bactericidal action of
ducibility is low due to a large extent to meth- this synergistic combination is believed to be
odologic errors such as the use of a stationary- causedby the disruptionof the bacterial cell wall
growth-phaseinoculum, organismadherenceto by penicillin or vancomycin, which facilitates
the walls of the tube or well above the broth the penetration and uptake of the aminoglyco-
meniscus,andwhen a 24-h incubation is allowed side (81). Therefore, it has become standard
before MBC subculture. practice to treat seriousenterococcal infections
Pelletier and Baker (135)reported a 48-h mod- (e.g., bacteremia, endocarditis, meningitis, and
ification of the MBC method of Taylor et al. osteomyelitis) with combination antimicrobial
(177)that avoided thesepitfalls. Theseworkers therapy (69, 82, 108, 110, 113, 155). The recog-
determinedthat antimicrobial toleranceis in fact nition of the phenomenonof high-level amino-
quite rare even among preselected, allegedly glycosideresistance,however, now requiresthe
oxacillin-tolerant staphylococcal isolates (135). performance of additional tests to support this
The experience of these authors supports the practice.
view that tolerance among staphylococcal iso- Synergy between penicillin or vancomycin
lates is more a laboratory artifact than a true and an aminoglycosidecan be predicted reliably
biological phenomenon. As a result, routine by in vitro susceptibility testing. Clinical isolates
testing for tolerance in clinical microbiology of enterococci may be tested using a singlehigh
laboratories should not be performed (149). concentration of aminoglycosidein a modifica-
Standardization of methods for MBC testing tion of the agardilution, broth microdilution, or
(122) is in its infancy. Thus, such testing, if agar disk diffusion test. Generally, for the agar
clinically justifiable, should be performed by and broth dilution methods, clinical isolatesare
experiencedreference laboratories only. tested against2,000 pg of streptomycin per ml
and either 500or 2,000 p,gof gentamicinper ml.
If the agar dilution screeningmethod is used, an
ENTEROCOCCI inoculum of lo6 CFU provides reliable test re-
During the last 10to 15years we have recog- sults (150). Although the type of agar medium
nized an apparent increasein the frequency and used does not affect the test outcome, use of
mortality of serious infections associatedwith Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 5%
the enterococci (58, 83, 114). In the, 1980sen- sheepblood provides reliable and easily inter-
terococci emerged as significant nosocomial pretable test results (150). The broth microdilu-
pathogens, accounting for over 10% of noso- tion screening method is included in several
comial infections, and were associatedwith an commercially prepared antimicrobial suscepti-
overall mortality rate of 19.6to 71.4%in casesof bility test systems. However, as yet, certain
bacteremia(178). It hasbeen suggestedthat the commercial test systems do not perform con-
increase in nosocomialenterococcal infections sistently (164); therefore, commercial test sys-
has been correlated with an increased use of tems must be carefully evaluated for reliability
broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, particu- of test results before formal implementation
larly the cephalosporins(108). and test reporting are initiated. Growth in the
Approximately 90% of clinical isolatesof en- presence of a high level of aminoglycoside
terococci are Enterococcus faecalis, with E. indicates that synergy between the amino-
faecium accounting for most of the balance of glycoside tested and penicillin or vancomycin
clinical isolates and E. durans and E. avium is unlikely. Conversely, absenceof growth in
being rarely encountered. The enterococcal in- the presenceof a high level of aminoglycoside
fections recognized most frequently involve the predicts probable bactericidal synergism with
urinary tract or heart valves; however, soft combination therapy.
tissue abscesses,osteomyelitis, meningitis, and Sahmand Torres (151) evaluated a simpleand
peritonitis due to enterococci also occur, albeit reliable modified agar disk diffusion test for
infrequently. screeningisolates of enterococci for high-level

aminoglycoside resistance (142). Because of its portedly conferred by resistance genes or trans-
ease of performance, this method is outlined in ferable plasmids which code for inactivating
brief below. enzymes, similar to the plasmid-mediated resis-
Modified agar disk diffusion test (151). A4e- tance found in gram-negative bacilli (88, 111,
dium. Use Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented 155). Enterococci isolated from blood, cerebro-
with 5% sheep blood. spinal fluid (CSF), and other normally sterile
Inoculum. Use pure fresh growth from an body fluids (except urine), bone, or single-patho-
overnight blood agar plate to prepare a suspen- gen soft-tissue abscesses should routinely be
sion in 5 ml of Mueller-Hinton broth to a turbid- screened for high-level aminoglycoside suscep-
ity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard. tibility. If all aminoglycosides are inactive by
Test procedure. (i) Susceptibility disks may be high-level aminoglycoside screening, bacteri-
prepared in-house, using sterile blank &mm cidal therapy probably will not be achieved
disks (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.). using these agents and should not be expected.
Disk-drug combinations may be prepared by Therapeutic options beyond this point may in-
applying 25 ~1 of aminoglycoside stock solution clude high-dose penicillin, ampicillin, or vanco-
containing 40x the final desired drug potency. mycin, depending on the site of infection.
The final concentration of aminoglycoside per
disk is 120 pg of gentamicin or 300 pg of Enterococci Resistant to Beta-Lactams
streptomycin. A disk containing 120 pg of kan- In addition to the therapeutic problems posed
amycin should be prepared since amikacin disks by the emergence of high-level aminoglycoside-
do not predict amikacin synergy. Disks may be resistant enterococci, treatment of enterococcal
stored at 4°C for up to 4 months or longer at infections has been complicated further by the
-2OOC. discovery of strains exhibiting higher-than-nor-
(ii) Perform the agar disk diffusion test accord- mal resistance (MIC, >lOO Fg/ml) to penicillin
ing to the procedure outlined in NCCLS M2-A4 and in some cases resistance to vancomycin.
(124). Incubate susceptibility test plates at 35°C These observations suggest that the choice of
for 20 h. antimicrobial agents for treating enterococcal
(iii) Perform quality control tests each time infections may become extremely limited.
that the test is performed, using isolates of Penicillin-resistant enterococci were first dis-
enterococci with known aminoglycoside suscep- covered in the early 1980s (116). Resistance to
tibility (e.g., E. faecalis ATCC 29212) and resis- E. faecalis occurs as a result of a plasmid-
tance (strain acquired from a reliable reference mediated beta-lactamase. In the case of E. fue-
laboratory or ATCC). cium, resistance (penicillin MIC, ?lOO pg/ml)
Test interpretation. Zone diameters of 210 appears to be due to altered PBPs with dimin-
mm predict synergy between the aminoglyco- ished binding affinity for penicillins (109, 115,
side tested and penicillin or vancomycin. Con- 116, 133, 155, 161). Resistance due to alteration
versely, zone diameters of 59 mm predict lack of PBP constitutes the more common of the two
of synergy. enterococcal penicillin resistance mechanisms,
The recognition of high-level aminoglycoside- but currently the prevalence of such strains is
resistant enterococci has clearly increased dur- low (152). Beta-lactamase-producing strains ap-
ing this past decade. Medical centers in the pear to make an enzyme similar to the plasmid-
United States and elsewhere are reporting resis- mediated enzyme found in S. aureus; since this
tance rates ranging from 4.5 to 55% (83, 119, plasmid is self-transferable, the potential exists
203, 204). The prevalence of high-level amino- for spread (109, 116, 133, 155, 161). The beta-
glycoside resistance shows considerable geo- lactamase is a constitutively produced cell-
graphic variation. Approximately 40 to 60% of bound enzyme and is readily detected by the
clinical isolates of enterococci from the United nitrocefin test (109, 133). Beta-lactamase can be
States presently exhibit high-level resistance to inhibited by clavulanic acid and sulbactam, im-
streptomycin, and approximately 25 to 40% are plying a favorable therapeutic response with
resistant to synergism with penicillin (or vanco- combinations of beta-lactamase inhibitors and
mycin) in combination with kanamycin or ami- penicillins (161). All beta-lactamase-producing
kacin (109). Ten to 50% of enterococcal isolates strains reported to date also have demonstrated
are resistant to high-level gentamicin; however, high-level resistance to gentamicin, and no syn-
25 to 33% of these strains are susceptible to ergy seems to occur when a beta-lactam and an
streptomycin (109). Therefore, as a minimum aminoglycoside are used concurrently (109,
routine, high-level aminoglycoside screening 155). Even though the prevalence of beta-
should include gentamicin, which is the amino- lactamase-producing enterococci appears to be
glycoside of choice. Preferably, both gentamicin low, it is important to note that these strains
and streptomycin should be tested. High-level exhibit a striking inoculum effect; at a low
aminoglycoside resistance in enterococci is re- inoculum, the MICs for these strains are simi-

lar to those for beta-lactamase-negative ampi- penicillin, vancomycin, and cephalothin (154).
cillin-susceptible strains and therefore may go Therefore, if a nonenterococcal group D strep-
undetected by routine broth microdilution or agar tococcus is isolated from blood, particularly in
disk di#!usion testing (109). Thus, routine screen- cases of endocarditis, an MIC should be deter-
ing using the nitrocefin disk test is the optimal mined for penicillin, using the broth microdilu-
method for detection of beta-lactamase-producing tion method (125). An isolate requiring a peni-
enterococci. As a minimum, enterococcal isolates cillin MIC of 20.5 Fg/ml should not be consid-
which exhibit high-level gentamicin resistance and ered for therapy with either penicillin or
isolates from treatment failures should be ampicillin alone. Penicillin or ampicillin plus an
screened for beta-lactamase (109, 115, 133). aminoglycoside, or vancomycin with or without
an aminoglycoside, is a reasonable therapeutic
Enterococci Resistant to Vancomycin and alternative.
Enterococci exhibiting resistance to the gly- NUTRITIONALLY DEFICIENT
copeptide antimicrobial agents (e.g., vancomy- STREPTOCOCCI
tin and teichoplanin) were first reported in 1988 The term “nutritionally deficient” strepto-
(92, 189). In some strains, resistance appears to cocci (NDS) refers to viridans streptococci that
be plasmid mediated, but the precise genetic or are unable to grow on media lacking thiol or the
biochemical mechanism of resistance to vanco- active forms of vitamin B,, pyridoxal, or pyri-
mycin and teichoplanin is largely unknown (92, doxamine (19). The major clinical significance of
189). Some plasmids encoding vancomycin re- these organisms is their role in causing en-
sistance have been shown to be transferable to docarditis. Viridans streptococci have been
E. fuecalis, various streptococcal species, and cited as the cause of approximately 50% of the
Listeria species, sparking concern about the cases of endocarditis, and the NDS comprise
potential for dissemination of resistance among about 5 to 6% of the cases of viridans strepto-
these organisms (93). By the standard agar disk coccal endocarditis. A corollary to this is that
diffusion method, current NCCLS interpretive approximately 17 to 33% of isolates of NDS
criteria for vancomycin may not accurately iden- require MICs to penicillin G of >O.l Fg/ml,
tify all vancomycin-resistant enterococci (147, suggesting possible therapeutic failure if penicil-
174). Swenson and colleagues (174) have deter- lin G is used alone to treat systemic infection
mined that enterococcal susceptibility to vanco- (3 1, 70). As a result of these findings, combina-
mycin is more accurately determined using in- tion therapy with penicillin or ampicillin and an
terpretive zone sizes of 514 mm as resistant and aminoglycoside has been prescribed frequently.
215 mm as susceptible. In addition, there is Stein and Nelson (166) reported a clinical failure
some concern that commercial susceptibility rate of approximately 40% with this combina-
test systems may not accurately predict vanco- tion. Alternative combination therapy with van-
mycin resistance in enterococci (147). comycin and rifampin offers more promise for
To date, all of the enterococci resistant to therapy of endocarditis due to NDS (165).
beta-lactams, high-level aminoglycosides, and Because of the- fastidious nature of NDS,
vancomycin have demonstrated susceptibility to attempts to perform antimicrobial susceptibility
the lipopeptide antimicrobial agent daptomycin tests with inappropriately supplemented media
(171, 194), and many of the strains exhibit in may lead to false susceptibility patterns (19).
vitro susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (148, 171). Generally, these organisms can be grown quite
However, the clinical importance of this suscep- easily on agar medium containing 0.001% pyri-
tibility is unclear, as daptomycin is still in the doxal or thiol, or satellite growth can be pro-
early stages of clinical investigation and cipro- duced around an S. aureus streak.
floxacin therapy of enterococci with high-level A standard method for susceptibility testing of
gentamicin resistance has been unsuccessful NDS does not, as yet, exist. Two simple and
(155). reproducible methods will be described below.
Medium. Use cation-supplemented Mueller-
NONENTEROCOCCALGROUPD Hinton broth or agar plus 5% lysed horse blood
STREPTOCOCCI and 0.001% pyridoxal, or use double-strength
In contrast to the enterococcal species of Schaedler broth with 10% Fildes enrichment,
group D streptococci, in vitro data indicate that 10% horse serum, and 0.001% pyridoxal.
Streptococcus bovis and other nonenterococcal Inoculum. Prepare the inoculum by inoculat-
group D streptococci are generally highly sus- ing tryptic (Trypticase) soy broth containing
ceptible to penicillin, ampicillin, cephalothin, 10% (vol/vol) of a 1-mgldl pyridoxal solution.
clindamycin, and erythromycin (18 1). However, Incubate overnight; then adjust the suspension
some strains of S. bovis associated with en- to equal the optical density of a 0.5 McFarland
docarditis have been reported to be tolerant to standard.

Test procedure. Perform susceptibility testing not be used. When 10-U penicillin disks are
as describedby NCCLS (125). Incubate at 35°C used, penicillin-resistantS. pneumoniae strains
for 24 h. An enriched CO, atmospherewill be frequently produce zone diameters of >30 mm
required for strainsthat will not grow well in its and occasionally even >35 mm; therefore, a
absence. penicillin disk should not be used to screen for
Test interpretation. Interpret MIC endpoints decreasedsusceptibility to penicillin. Indiscrim-
according to NCCLS criteria (125). inate use of the penicillin disk results in report-
How well data from thesein vitro susceptibil- ing false susceptibility to this drug and has been
ity methodscorrelate with therapeutic responses cited as a continuing problem in somelaborato-
of patients infected with NDS has not been ries participating in Collegeof American Pathol-
firmly established. Thus, combination therapy ogists Proficiency Surveys (74, 75). Thus, only
with penicillin and an aminoglycosideor therapy oxacillin disks shouldbe usedto predict suscep-
with vancomycin alone or in combination with tibility to penicillin therapy for S. pneumoniae.
an aminoglycosideor rifampin is recommended Medium. Use Mueller-Hinton agar supple-
in casesof systemic disease(e.g., endocarditis) mented with 5% sheep,rabbit, or horse blood.
becauseof the risk of relapsefrom these strains Znoculum. Remove several colonies from a
of NDS. blood agar plate that has been incubated over-
night, and prepare a suspensionin Mueller-
PENICILLIN- AND CHLORAMPHENICOL- Hinton broth. Adjust the turbidity to equal that
RESISTANT STREPTOCOCCUS of a 0.5 McFarland standard.
PNEUMONIAE Test procedure. Inoculate the surface of the
Penicillin-resistantS. pneumoniae strains are agar plate with the adjusted inoculum, using a
defin(edas those for which the MIC of penicillin sterile cotton swab,and apply in three directions
is 21.0 pg/ml. In addition, strains that require asdescribedfor the standardagar disk diffusion
MICs of 0.12 to 1.0 pg/ml are defined as rela- test (124).Allow the surfaceto dry. Place a 1-p,g
tively resistant. Infections due to these bacteria oxacillin disk on the agar surface, and press
have been detected over the past 20 years in firmly with sterile forceps. (A 30,pg chloram-
many countries (130, 195).In the United States, phenicol disk may also be placed on the agar
the reported incidence of S. pneumoniue with surface to screen for chloramphenicol resis-
decreasedsusceptibility to penicillin (resistant tance.) Incubate the platesat 35°Cfor 18to 24 h.
or relatively resistant) is rather low (3.7%) (24). Incubation in CO* is unnecessary, except for
However, these strains of S, pneumoniae are rare strainsthat grow poorly or not at all without
endemic in certain areas of the United States, it.
with reported rates of relative resistanceranging Test interpretation. Penicillin-susceptible
from 6.9 to 15.5%(72, 145). SO.06pg/ml) strainswill produce oxacillin zones
The resistanceof S. pneumoniae to penicillin, of ~20 mm. Penicillin-resistant(MIC, >1 pg/ml)
as well as to other beta-lactam antibiotics, ap- or relatively resistant(MIC, 0.12 to 1.Okg/ml) S.
pearsto be due to alterations in PBPs (62, 63). pneumoniue will produce oxacillin zones of 519
Not infrequently, penicillin-resistantS. pneumo- mm (124, 173).The ‘diskdiffusion test shouldnot
niae strainsare alsoresistantto other antimicro- be usedto separatestrainsthat are resistantfrom
bial agents, including chloramphenicol,tetracy- those that are relatively resistant.To accomplish
cline, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (73, this, follow-up testingof all strainswith zone sizes
130).Also, these strains show a decreasedsus- of 519 mm shouldbe done usinga broth or agar
ceptibility to other beta-lactam antimicrobial dilution test (131).Usethe NCCLS zone diameter
agents, including extended-spectrum cephalo- breakpointsfor interpretingchloramphenicolsus-
sporins,althoughthe decreasemay be muchless ceptibility (124).
than with penicillin, dependingon the specific Determinationof MICs. For the determination
cephalosporinbeing tested. of MICs, usethe generalmethodsrecommended
S. pneumoniae isolatedfrom CSF, blood, and by NCCLS (125), except that Mueller-Hinton
other closed body sites should be tested rou- agar or broth is supplementedwith blood (33).
tinely for susceptibility to penicillin, as should For the agar dilution method, supplementwith
strainsfrom treatment failures. 5% defibrinated blood, but for the broth micro-
Agar disk diffusion test. Screeningof S. pneu- dilution method 5% lysed horse blood is pre-
moniae for resistanceto penicillin by agar diffu- ferred. Jorgensenet al. (78) have demonstrated
sion shouldbe performed using a I-lg oxacillin consistently accurate susceptibility test results
disk (124, 173).Use of a methicillin disk results for S. pneumoniae, usinga clear highly supple-
in an unacceptableincidence of false suscepti- mentedbroth, haemophilustest medium(HTM),
bility readings and should not be used (173). now recommendedfor testing Haemophihs in-
Since nafcillin cannot be reliably tested on jluenzae. This protocol is currently being evalu-
blood-containing media, this drug also should ated by NCCLS. For MIC tests, incubation

shouldbe at 35°Cfor 18to 24 h. Incubation in a associatedwith (i) children’s hospitals or labo-

CO,-enriched atmosphere is generally not re- ratories serving active pediatric medicalgroups,
quired but may be used if necessaryto support (ii) patients between 3 months and 5 years, and
growth. Antimicrobial agents that should be (iii) isolates from invasive infections such as
consideredfor testing include penicillin, chlor- meningitisand bacteremia.
amphenicol, tetracycline, erythromycin, tri- The primary mechanismof resistance of H.
methoprim-sulfamethoxazole, cephalothin, and influenzae to ampicillin is plasmidmediated, by
vancomycin. In laboratories where penicillin- the production of a transposon-encoded,consti-
resistant or relatively resistant strains are iso- tutively produced, extracellular, TEM-l-type
lated with frequency, testing with cefotaxime or beta-lactamaseor a lesscommonone designated
ceftriaxone shouldbe considered,especiallyfor ROB-l. In a multicenter national collaborative
S. pneumoniae isolatesfrom casesof meningitis. study conducted in 1986,20% of 2,811 clinical
Penicillin MIC results should be interpreted as isolatesof H. injluenzae were found to be resist-
follows: (0.06 Fg/ml, susceptible;0.12 to 1.0 ant to ampicillin by virtue of TEM-1 beta-lacta-
pg/ml, relatively resistant; and >l.O pg/ml, mase production (42). Encapsulated type b
resistant. Susceptibility breakpoints for other strains of H. influenzae were found twice as
antimicrobial agents should be interpreted ac- commonly as non-type b strains to produce
cording to NCCLS criteria (125). TEM- 1 beta-lactamase. Other Haemophilus
When S. pneumoniae is being tested, com- spp. may also contain these plasmidsand pro-
mercially prepared broth microdilution systems duce beta-lactamase,but they are much less
have shown an unacceptably high rate of false- frequently involved in systemic infections. The
susceptibleMIC test resultsfor penicillin and, to problem of ampicillin resistancewith H. in&-
some extent, chloramphenicol (159, 175). This enzae is further complicated by the subsequent
underscoresthe recommendationthat the 1-pg description of ampicillin-resistant isolates that
oxacillin disk test should serve as the standard lacked the typical TEM-1 beta-lactamase(8,99).
methodfor screeningS. pneumoniae isolatesfor Resistanceto ampicillin among these isolates
resistanceto penicillin. appears to be the result of a chromosomally
Disagreementexists concerning the useful- mediated alteration in PBPs (8, 132, 144). The
nessof penicillin in the treatment of relatively true incidence of non-beta-lactamase-producing
resistantpneumococci(130,195).Pneumococcal ampicillin-resistantstrains is believed to be rel-
meningitis due to relatively resistant strains atively low. A nationwide surveillance study
clearly shouldnot be treated with penicillin (131, conducted in 1986 revealed that 2 of 2,250
195). Infections at sites other than the central (CO.1%) isolatesof beta-lactamase-negativeH,
nervous systemmay respondto higher dosesof intuenzae demonstratedclear resistanceto am-
penicillin therapy (195). Pneumococcalpneumo- picillin (42). A more recent report by Gutmann
nia due to strainsthat require MICs of ~0.1 and and colleagues(61)revealed chromosomallyme-
52 pg/ml may respondfavorably to high doses diated ampicillin resistance rates of 2 to 4%.
of penicillin therapy (130). Treatment of infec- Thesestrainsappearto be more commonamong
tions due to penicillin-resistantor relatively re- nontypable respiratory tract isolates. Non-
sistant pneumococci should be carefully based typable H. influenzae has been increasingly im-
on results of MIC testing of alternative drugs, plicated in community-acquired and nosocomial
suchas chloramphenicol,vancomycin, cefotax- pneumoniain those adultswith chronic obstruc-
ime, or ceftriaxone (186, 190). tive pulmonary disease.In addition, nontypable
strains of H. influenzae play a major role in
AMPICILLIN- AND CHLORAMPHENICOL- certain pediatric diseases,such as otitis media
RESISTANT H.ZNFLUENZAE and pneumonia.Of clinical concern are data that
H. influenzae causesa variety of human dis- suggestthat these ampicillin-resistant strains
eases,including epiglottitis, sinusitis,otitis me- exhibit decreasedsusceptibility (four- to eight-
dia, meningitis, septicemia,cellulitis, and pneu- fold-greater MICs) to extended- andbroad-spec-
monia. Until 1974,H. injluenzae wasconsidered trum cephalosporins(137).
to be susceptible to ampicillin, the drug of Somestrainsof H. injluenzae are resistantto
choice. In that year, however, a beta-lactamase- chloramphenicol(15,84, 140, 188).Although the
producing strain of H. influenzae was isolated exact prevalence of chloramphenicolresistance
from the CSF of a child who later died of is largely unknown, two publishednational col-
meningitis(59). Beta-lactamase-producing H. in- laborative studies conducted in 1984and 1988
fluenzae serotype b strainsare now recovered at reveal chloramphenicolresistancerates approxi-
rates varying from 0 to 50% (meanrate of 21%) mating 0.5% (41, 42). In a few strainsthe mech-
in U.S. hospitals(41). No geographicresistance anismof resistanceto chloramphenicolmay be
trends have been observed, but higher beta- chromosomally mediated, but in most strains
lactamaseprevalence rates are more commonly chloramphenicolresistance is due to plasmid-

mediated reduction of the enzyme chloramphen- transferase-producing II. iltfluenzue is a sensi-

icol acetyltransferase (15, 140). Nearly all chlor- tive assay that is simple to perform and useful if
amphenicol-resistant strains are also resistant to positive; however, isolates yielding negative re-
tetracycline, and most produce TEM-l-type beta- sults should be tested using the disk diffusion or
lactamase. “Since most chloramphenicol resis- a dilution test. Commercially available chloram-
tance is plasmid-mediated and may be linked to phenicol acetyltransferase disk tests may also be
the R-plasmid encoding for beta-lactamase pro- used for screening H. infl~enzue isolates for
duction, a plasmid that is readily exchanged chloramphenicol resistance (37, 39).
among bacteria by conjugation, genetic transfer There is little need or justification to test H.
of chloramphenicol resistance is almost a certain- influenzae for susceptibility to antimicrobial
ty” (37). agents other than ampicillin and chloramphen-
Because invasive hl. inJEuenzaeinfections are icol. Routine susceptibility testing is of mini-
quite serious, the early and accurate recognition mal value with antimicrobial agents that are
of ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and other drug uniformly active (e.g., newer cephalosporins,
resistance is crucial to guide the selection of imipenem, aztreonam, fluoroquinolones, and
effective antimicrobial chemotherapy. II. infEu- beta-lactam inhibitor combinations), that are
enzae isolated from CSF, blood, and other body relatively inactive (e.g., erythromycin and sul-
fluids or associated with otitis media, ocular fonamides), that lack a clinical indication for
infections, and epiglottitis should be tested for treatment (e.g., tetracycline and penicillins
beta-lactamase and, if resistant, tested for sus- other than penicillin G and ampicillin), or for
ceptibility to other antimicrobial agents. which interpretive criteria and standards do not
Beta-lactamase of Ii. influenzae may be exist (42). Examples of drugs for which suscep-
readily detected using the rapid acidometric tibility tests may be of some potential usefulness
method (49), the rapid iodometric technique in illnesses that are not life threatening include
(20), or the rapid chromogenic cephalosporin trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, rifampin, and
method (129), using either nitrocefin or pyridine- selected cephalosporins (e.g., cefaclor, cefa-
2-azo-dimethylaniline cephalosporin as a sub- mandole, or cefuroxime). When susceptibility is
strate. Commercially available filter paper disk being tested to other antimicrobial agents, dis-
tests based on either the acidometric or the cretion must be used to restrict testing to organ-
chromogenic cephalosporin method may be ism-drug combinations for patients with an in-
used. In performing beta-lactamase tests, it is fectious process for which that particular anti-
extremely important to test more than 1 colony microbial agent is of potential therapeutic
(about IO is preferred) from a culture plate benefit (example: test isolates from CSF to cef-
because both beta-lactamase-positive and -neg- triaxone, not cefaclor, cephalothin, or cefaman-
ative strains have been simultaneously recov- dole) (42).
ered from the same patient specimen (87). Beta- Because susceptibility testing of hl. injhenzue
lactamase-producing strains of hl. infEuenzae requires modification of the standard agar disk
should be considered resistant to ampicillin. It is diffusion and dilution procedures, these methods
equally important to note that beta-lactamase- will be briefly detailed. The most significant
negative strains are not necessarily ampicillin modification recommended for susceptibility
susceptible since at least a small percentage of testing of H. injluenzue is the employment of
strains of H. influenzae are resistant to ampicil- HTM in agar or broth formulation (79, 81, 124,
lin via mechanisms other than the production of 125). HTM theoretically offers advantages over
TEM-1 beta-lactamase. Because ampicillin re- previously used media formulations due to its
sistance may occur in the absence of beta- optical clarity that results in easier test interpre-
lactamase production, susceptibility testing of tation, better reproducibility of test results,
all isolates from systemic infections, including greater stability, and utility for testing sulfon-
epiglottitis, cellulitis, CSF, and blood isolates as amide-containing antimicrobial agents (40).
well as isolates from pulmonary infections in While HTM is commercially available, quality
which treatment has failed, should be performed control problems have occurred. As a result,
using the agar disk diffusion method or broth or great care must be exercised in its use. Revised
agar dilution test. All beta-lactamase-negative, interpretive breakpoints are reported in the
ampicillin-resistant H. influenzcre isolates should NCCLS M2-A4 (124) and M7-A2 (125) docu-
be referred to a public health laboratory for ments (Tables 1 and 2). Quality control testing
confirmatory testing. for HTM, using appropriate test ranges for H.
If screening for resistance to chloramphenicol illfluenzae ATCC 49247, is summarized in Ta-
is clinically or epidemiologically indicated, the bles 3 and 4.
agar disk diffusion test or a broth or agar dilution Agar disk diffusion test. The modified disk
test is preferred. A rapid (ca, 70-min) tube test diffusion test continues to most accurately as-
(5) to quickly screen for chloramphenicol acetyl- sess H. influenzue resistance to ampicillin and

TABLE 1. Zone diameter interpretive standards and equivalent MIC breakpoints

for Haemophilus species (124)”
Equivalent MIC
Zone diam (nearest whole mm)
Antimicrobial agent Disk content (p,g) breakpoint (pg/ml)
Resistant Intermediateb Susceptible Resistant Susceptible
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 20110 519 220 r8/4
Ampicillin 10 521 22-24 225 24
Ampicillin-sulbactam lo/lo 519 220 2412
Aztreonamb 30 226
Cefaclor 30 ~18 19-23 224 232
Cefamandole 30 520 2 l-23 224 116
Cefiximebpc 5 230
Cefonicid 30 520 21-23 224 216
Cefotaxime’ 30 ~26
Ceftazidimeb 30 226
Ceftriaxoneb 30 226
Ceftizoximeb 30 126
Cefuroxime 30 520 2 l-23 224 116
Chloramphenicol 30 525 26-28 229 28
Ciprofloxacii? 5 221
Imipenem 10 216
OfloxacirP 5 216
Rifampin 5 ~16 17-19 220 24 51
Tetracycline 30 525 26-28 229 28 52
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 1.25i23.75 510 11-15 216 24176 50.519.5
aThese zone diameters and MIC breakpoints apply only with Haemophilus species, using HTM.
‘The category “Intermediate” should be reported. It generally indicates that the result should be considered
equivocal or indeterminate.
“Information for cefixime and ofloxacin is considered tentative for 1 year after publication of reference 124.

other clinically applicable antimicrobial agents lower level of resistance compared with plas-
(124). mid-mediatedbeta-lactamase-producingstrains.
Medium. UseHTM (Mueller-Hinton agarsup- Vis-&vis, asreported, there may be a 40 to 50%
plementedwith 15 Fg of purified bovine hematin failure rate for detecting chromosomally medi-
per ml, 15pg of NAD per ml, and 5 mg of yeast ated ampicillin-resistantH. infiuenzae when the
extract per ml) (81). lO+g ampicillin disk is used (61). This impor-
Inoculum. Usepure fresh growth (10 colonies) tant observation deserves further evaluation.
from an overnight chocolate agar plate to inoc- Occasionally, double zones of inhibition will be
ulate 5 ml of Mueller-Hinton broth to a turbidity observed when testing the susceptibility of H.
equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard, prefer- injluenzae against certain drugs on HTM. This
ably usinga photometric device. (Note: A major
source of error in performing and interpreting most notably occurs when testing cefaclor, cef-
agar disk diffusion susceptibility test results for uroxime, cefonicid, and some newer cephalo-
H. h..uenzae is due to improper inoculum prep- sporins, particularly when performing quality
aration. It is therefore critical that the inoculum control testing with H. influenzae ATCC 49247
be prepared carefully.) (76a). The inner zones generally contain nonvi-
Testprocedure. Perform the test accordingto able organisms;thus, the outer zone should be
the procedure outlined in NCCLS M2-A4 (124). usedfor determining susceptibility.
Incubate HTM at 35°Cin 5 to 7% CO, for 16to Broth microdilution susceptibility test (125).
18h. Medium. UseHTM (cation-supplementedMuel-
Test interpretation. Interpret zone diameters ler-Hinton broth with 15 pg of purified bovine
according to the current NCCLS M2-A4 docu- hematin per ml, 15 pg of NAD per ml, 5 mg of
ment, usingbreakpointsfor testingH. injluenzae yeast extract per ml, and 0.2 IU of thymidine
on HTM (Table 1). The 2-pg ampicillin disk may phosphorylaseper ml). Usea final volume of 100
be better than the lo-pg ampicillin disk for ~1of broth per well.
predicting in vitro resistance for all plasmid- Inoculum. Use pure fresh growth (10colonies)
mediatedand particularly chromosomallymedi- from an overnight chocolate agar plate to inoc-
ated ampicillin-resistant H. injhenzae isolates ulate HTM broth or plain Mueller-Hinton broth
(59, 106, 107). Chromosomally mediated non- to a turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland
beta-lactamase-producing isolates express a standard,preferably usinga photometric device.

TABLE 2. MIC interpretive standards for Haemophilus species (125)”

MIC breakpoint (pg/ml)
Antimicrobial agent
Susceptible Intermediateb Resistant
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 5412 2814
Ampicillin 51 2 24
Ampicillin-sulbactam 52/l ~412
Aztreonamc 52
Cefaclor 58 16 232
Cefamandole 54 8 216
Cefiximecpd 51
Cefonicid 54 8 ~16
Cefotaxime” 52
Ceftazidime” 52
Ceftriaxone” 52
Ceftizoxime” 52
Cefuroxime 54 8 216
Chloramphenicol 52 4 18
Ciprofloxacin” 51
ImipenemC 54
Ofloxacincpd 52
Rifampin 51 2 r4
Tetracycline 52 4 28
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (l/19) 50.5l9.5 l/19-2/38 ~4/76
aThese interpretive standards are applicable only to broth microdilution susceptibility tests with Haemophilus
species, using HTM.
?I’he intermediate category should be construed as indicating an equivocal or indeterminant result.
=For these antimicrobial agents, the absence of resistant strains precludes defining any result categories other
than “susceptible.” Strains yielding results suggestive of a nonsusceptible category should be submitted to a
reference laboratory for further testing.
“See Table 1, footnote c.

Dilute to producea final concentration of 5 x lo5 ing strains.To date, no isolatesof H. injluenzae
CFWlml in the broth in each well. have been reported to be resistant to ciproflox-
Test procedure. Perform the test according to acin, albeit this drug is contraindicated for the
the procedure outlined in NCCLS M7-A2 (125). treatment of meningitisor for infected patients
Incubate MIC trays at 35°Cin ambientair for 20 who are lessthan 18years of age.
to 24 h. There is growing concern about the emer-
Test interpretation. Interpret MIC endpoints gence of rifampin-resistantH. influenzae since
according to the current NCCLS M7-A2 docu- this antimicrobial ‘agent has been the drug of
ment, usingbreakpointsfor testingH. inJIuenzae choice for chemoprophylaxis when sporadic
in HTM (Table 2). outbreaks or epidemics occur (91, 127). Ri-
Multiply resistantisolatesof hl. ,inJluenzaeare fampin MIC and disk diffusion susceptibility
not an infrequent occurrence (17, 77). Such breakpoints for H. influenzae have been estab-
strainsoften showresistanceto ampicillin, chlor- lished by NCCLS (124, 125) (Tables 1 and 2).
amphenicol,tetracycline, or trimethoprim-sulfa- However, in outbreak situationswhere rifampin
methoxazole in various combinations. Often, susceptibility is not known, chemoprophylaxis
multiply antibiotic-resistant, beta-lactamase- with rifampin plus minocycline for adults, and
producingstrainsof H. injluenzaeare susceptible rifampin plus trimethoprim for children, has
to beta-lactamaseinhibitors in combinationwith been reported to demonstrateepidemiologicef-
beta-lactams,as well asto other newer cephalo- ficacy (10, 102).
sporins (e.g., ceftriaxone and cefonicid) (91,
170). Conversely, non-beta-lactamase-producing PENICILLIN-RESISTANT MORAXELLA
ampicillin-resistantstrainsfrequently demonstrate (BRANHAMELLA) CATARRHALIS
reducedsusceptibility(higherMICs) tobeta-lactam- M. catarrhalis hasbecomeincreasingly recog-
aseinhibitor--beta-la&amcombinationsand ex- nized as an important human pathogen capable
tended-spectrumcephalosporins(170). Suscep- of causing a diverse spectrum of human infec-
tibility of suchstrainsto newer cephalosporinsis tions. These include acute and chronic otitis
conserved although the MICs for these strains media, acute and chronic maxillary sinusitis,
are up to lo-fold higher than those observed for andbronchopulmonaryinfections particularly in
ampicillin-susceptibleor beta-lactamase-produc- patients with obstructive pulmonary disease

TABLE 3. Control limits for monitoring antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests with Huemophilus zone
diameter limits for individual tests (124)”
Antimicrobial agent Disk content (p,g) Zone diam (mm)
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 20/10 15-23
Ampicillin 10 13-21
Ampicillin-sulbactam lo/lo 14-22
Aztreonam 30 30-38
Cefaclor 30 14-22
Cefamandole 30 17-25
Cefixime 5 25-33
Cefonicid 30 19-27
Cefotaxime 30 31-39
Ceftazidime 30 27-35
Ceftizoxime 30 29-39
Ceftriaxone 30 31-39
Cefuroxime 30 17-25
Chloramphenicol 30 3 l-40
Ciprofloxacin 5 34-42
Imipenem 10 21-29
Rifampin 5 22-30
Tetracycline 30 14-22
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 1.25123.75 24-32
uThese quality control limits apply only to tests conducted with H. injfuenzae ATCC 49247, using HTM.

(36). This organism is rarely recovered from penicillin, ampicillin, or amoxicillin (43). There-
blood, CSF, and other “sterile sites.” fore, detection of beta-lactamasefrom clinical
Beta-lactamase-producingstrains of 1M. ca- isolatesof M. catarrhalis doesnot always imply
tarrhalis were first reported in 1977(98). Cur- in vitro or in vivo resistance to penicillin or
rently, most clinically significant isolatesof 1M. ampicillin (40).
ca tarrhalis produce beta-lactamase and are All clinically relevant isolates of M. catarrh-
therefore resistant to penicillin and ampicillin alis should be routinely tested for beta-lactam-
(36, 38, 44, 86, 128). The beta-lactamases(see ase production. The procedure of choice for
below) of M. catarrhalis are cell-associated, testing M. catarrhalis isolatesfor susceptibility
constitutively produced enzymes that are chro- to penicillin and ampicillin is to determine
mosomallymediatedand are more active against beta-lactamaseactivity (46, 139, 199). Of the
penicillins than cephalosporin antimicrobial beta-lactamase-screeningtests, the nitrocefin
agents(38, 44, 50). chromogenic cephalosporin method is report-
M. catarrhalis strainsmay produceone of two edly superior to the acidometric and iodometric
types of beta-lactamase,each with a distinct tests (36, 44, 46, 50, 90). The superior perfor-
isoelectric profile, designatedRavasio and 1908 mance and increased sensitivity of the nitro-
(97, 120). Most strains in the United States cefin chromogenic cephalosporin reagent are
produce the Ravasio-type beta-lactamase, al- most likely due to the fact that M. catarrhalis
though a smaller but significant number of beta-lactamaseis produced in small amounts
strains produce the 1908-type beta-lactamase and is strongly cell associated(46, 50, 76). A
(38, 120), The hydrolytic activity of both types survey conducted by the College of American
of beta-lactamaseis inhibited by clavulanic acid Pathologistsfor a single strain of M. catarrha-
and sulbactam. The Ravasio-type strains are lis indicated that the nitrocefin substrate was
beta-lactamasepositive by the nitrocefin test, 96% accurate in predicting the beta-lactamase
and for these strainsthe MICs are generally ~2 production whereas other approved methods
PgIml by the broth microdilution test, thus indi- were less than 80% accurate (76). Since the
cating frank resistanceto ampicillin and penicil- nitrocefin test cannot differentiate Ravasio-
lin. In contrast, the 1908-type strains produce type M. catarrhalis strains from 1908-type
lo- to lOO-fold-lower quantities of beta-lactam- strains, all beta-lactamase-producing strains
ase, and although these strains demonstrate a shouldbe interpreted and reported as resistant
positive nitrocefin test, the penicillin and ampi- to penicillins.
cillin MICs for the strains could generally be SinceM. catarrhalis is predictably susceptible
interpreted as susceptible (40, 97, 168). This to cephalosporins,extended-spectrum penicil-
observation may explain why some infections lins (e.g., mezlocillin and piperacillin), imi-
due to beta-lactamase-producing M. catarrhalis penem, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,aztreo-
have responded favorably to treatment with nam, ticarcillin-clavulanate, amoxicillin-clavu-

TABLE 4. Acceptable quality control ranges of MICs resistance has not been reported. Because of
for dilution tests with Haemophilus species (125)a this, it is not possibleto know whether zone size
Antimicrobial agent MIC range @g/ml) interpretive criteria, establishedwith other bac-
teria, alsoconsistently apply to detecting poten-
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 2/l-16/8 tially resistant M. catarrhalis.
Ampicillin 2-8
Ampicillin-sulbactam 211-814 Broth microdilution susceptibilitytest (40). Me-
Aztreonam 0.12-O-5 dium. Use Mueller-Hinton broth.
Cefaclor 4-16 Inoculum. Inoculum suspensions are prepared
Cefamandole 2-8 as per NCCLS (125), using a final inoculum
Cefixime 0.12-l concentration of 5 x lo5 CFU/ml. Incubate the
Cefonicid 0.5-2 MIC trays at 35°Cin ambient air for 20 to 24 h.
Cefotaxime 0.12-0.5 With the exception of penicillin and ampicil-
Ceftazidime 0.12-l lin, the MIC interpretive criteria published by
Ceftizoxime 0.0&0.5 NCCLS for usewith nonfastidiousaerobicbacte-
Ceftriaxone 0.0&0.25
Cefuroxime 2-8 ria may alsobe appliedto M. catarrhalis. Ampi-
Chloramphenicol 0.25-l cillin andpenicillinMICs shouldbe interpretedas
Ciprofloxacin 0.004-0.03 follows: ~1 pg/ml, resistant;0.125to 0.5 Fg/ml,
Imipenem 0.12-l moderatelysusceptible;and (0.06 Fg/ml, suscep-
Rifampin 0.25-l tible (40). Thesediffer from NCCLS interpretive
Tetracycline 4-32 criteria (125).
Trimethoprim- 0.03/0.57-0.2514.75
“These quality control ranges are only applicable to PENICILLIN- AND TETRACYCLINE-
H. injluenzae ATCC 49247 tested by a broth microdi- RESISTANT NEZSSERZAGONORRHOEAE
lution procedure using HTM. In 1976,strains of N. gonorrhoeae that pro-
duced plasmid-mediatedbeta-lactamase(peni-
cillinase) were reported in the United States
lanate, ampicillin-sulbactam,ciprofloxacin, and (136). Currently, penicillinase-producing N.
erythromycin, routine susceptibility testing is gonorrhoeae (PPNG) annually accounts for
generally unnecessary(40,45,47). However, in 1.6%(ca. 17,000)of the casesof gonorrheain the
vitro susceptibility testsperformed by useof the United States that are reported to the Centers
disk diffusion or the broth microdilution or agar for DiseaseControl (CDC). PPNG strains are
dilution test may be relevant in selected cases now endemicin certain regions of the country,
(e.g., meningitisor refractory or recurrent bac- with resistancerates of as high as 35% reported
teremia). The disk difIusion and broth microdi- in Dade County, Florida (22, 27).
lution tests may be performed as follows. A secondmechanismof penicillin resistancein
Agar disk diffusiontest (40, 45). Medium. Use N. gonorrhoeae wasreportedby Dougherty et al.
unsupplementedMueller-Hinton agar (chocola- (48) in 1980. They observed penicillin-resistant
tized Mueller-Hinton agar may be needed to strainsof N. gonorrhoeae that did not produce
support growth of somestrains). plasmid-mediatedpenicillinasebut in fact were
Inoculum. Inoculum suspensions are prepared resistant to penicillin due to a chromosomally
as per NCCLS (124). mediatedalterationof PBPs. In 1983,a localized
Test procedure. Inoculate the surface of the outbreakof gonorrheadueto chromosomallyme-
Mueller-Hinton agar plate as described for the diated resistantN. gonorrhoeae (CMRNG) was
standarddisk diffusion procedure (124). Allow reportedin North Carolina(51). By October 1984,
the surfaceto dry. Placea lO+g ampicillin disk 446casesof CMRNG infection hadbeenreported
(or a 10-U penicillin disk or both) and other to CDC from 23 statesthat had been screening
additional drug disks to be tested on the surface for this type of resistance (25). Unlike PPNG,
of the agar plate, and gently pressonto the agar CMRNG cannot be detected by screening for
surfacewith sterile forceps. Incubate the plate at beta-lactamase. However, by direct suscepti-
35°Cin ambient air for 20 to 24 h. bility test methods, CMRNG strains produce a
Test interpretation. An ampicillin zone diam- zone diameter of 525 mm with a 10-U penicil-
eter of 519 mm reflects resistanceto ampicillin lin disk and for these strains the MICs are > 1.O
and penicillin, a zone of ~38 mm indicates pg/ml; for 75% of these strains, the MICs are
susceptibility, and a zone of 20 to 37 mm indi- >2.0 pg/ml by the agar dilution susceptibility
catesmoderatesusceptibility to thesedrugs. For test method (23, 28). Most of these strains
other drugs that are tested, follow interpretive show moderate resistanceto tetracycline (e.g.,
criteria outlined by NCCLS (124); however, MIC, 22.0 kg/ml) and decreasedsusceptibility
definitive susceptibility rangesfor most of these to erythromycin, cefoxitin, and trimethoprim-
agents are uncertain at this time since frank sulfamethoxazole (25, 51).

In 1985, CDC reported the isolation of strains antimicrobial susceptibility testing of gonococ-
of N. gonorrhoeae from Georgia, New Hamp- cal isolates, it has been outlined briefly below.
shire, and Pennsylvania which were penicillin However, there are a few important limitations
susceptible but demonstrated plasmid-mediated that must be carefully considered. With the
high-level resistance to tetracycline (MIC, 2 16 exception of penicillin and spectinomycin, test-
pg/ml) (26). Most of the tetracycline-resistant ing and interpretive criteria for alternative anti-
N. gonorrhoeae isolates were recovered from microbial agents (e.g., tetracycline, ceftriaxone,
cases of treatment failure with oral tetracycline. and cefoxitin) have not as yet been thoroughly
All clinical isolates of Iv. gonorrhoeae in areas standardized. Use of the penicillin interpretive
where therapy other than ceftriaxone is being criteria given in the NCCLS M7-A2 document
used should be screened for resistance to peni- effectively categorizes beta-lactamase-produc-
cillin. PPNG may be easily and accurately de- ing strains as being resistant since PPNG strains
tected using one of the rapid beta-lactamase typically produce zone sizes of 519 mm. How-
tests previously described (20, 49, 124, 129). ever, these criteria may fail to detect CMRNG
Due to the relatively low prevalence of CMRNG strains. In 1987, the CDC Sexually Transmissi-
strains, there is little justification or need to ble Diseases Section addressed this issue, rec-
routinely examine primary isolates which are ommending that a disk zone breakpoint of (25
beta-lactamase negative. However, antimicro- mm be used to identify CMRNG strains (28).
bial susceptibility testing may need to be per- Susceptibility testing guidelines and interpretive
formed on isolates from cases of treatment fail- breakpoints for testing N. gonorrhoeae against
ure or isolates recovered in laboratories that penicillin, tetracycline, spectinomycin, and cef-
serve an active CMRNG-endemic area. Tests triaxone are available (Table 5), along with qual-
that detect both CMRNG and tetracycline-resis- ity control performance standards for N. gonor-
tant N. gonorrhoeae should be used. rhoeae ATCC 49226 (Table 6) (124, 125).
Although the agar dilution test is the most Agar disk diffusion test. Medium. Use GC agar
accurate and reproducible method for determin- base supplemented with 1% IsoVitaleX.
ing antimicrobial susceptibility of N. gonor- Inoculum. Use pure fresh growth from an
rhoeae isolates, it is not practical for most overnight chocolate agar plate to inoculate 5 ml
clinical laboratories, and results vary greatly of Mueller-Hinton broth (or sterile physiologic
according to the method used for inoculum nonbacteriostatic saline) to a turbidity equiva-
preparation (35). Those laboratories that wish to lent to a 0.5 McFarland standard. Do not delay
use the agar dilution test, due to high-volume inoculation once the inoculum is prepared as
test demands, should follow currently recom- autolysis will decrease viability of the inoculum.
mended test standards (40). Test procedure. Perform the test according to
The conventional broth microdilution test has the procedure outlined in NCCLS M2-A4 (124).
been generally unsuccessful for determining Incubate plates at 35°C in 5 to 7% CO, for 24 h.
MICs for gonococcal isolates due to organism Test interpretation. Results for penicillin
autolysis in Mueller-Hinton broth. However, (10-U disk) and spectinomycin (lOO-pg disk)
newer broth-based formulations that avoid orga- may be interpreted using the NCCLS M2-A4
nism autolysis have been developed and proven document. Gonococcal strains with penicillin
reliable for manual and automated broth micro- zone sizes of ~47 or 526 mm are interpreted as
dilution tests (40, 161). Briefly, the broth formu- susceptible and resistant, respectively. Gono-
lation now recommended for testing gonococcal coccal strains with spectinomycin zone sizes of
isolates consists of peptone broth no. 3 supple- ~18 or 514 mm are interpreted as susceptible
mented with 1% IsoVitaleX. Susceptibility test- and resistant, respectively. Interpretive catego-
ing is performed according to the NCCLS ries established by CDC for penicillin, spectino-
M7-A2 document guidelines (125). This method mycin, and other alternative antimicrobial
provides reliable and reproducible results com- agents are provided in Table 5. However, at this
parable to those obtained with the NCCLS agar time, these interpretive criteria should be re-
dilution procedure for the penicillins, doxycy- garded as tentative until validated by more ex-
cline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, erythro- tensive corroborative studies.
mycin, spectinomycin, and the fluoroquinolones
(40, 160). Additional work and experience with NEZSSERZA MENZNGZTZDZS RESISTANT TO
the broth microdilution method for testing gono- PENICILLIN OR RIFAMPIN
coccal isolates will be necessary before testing Until 1983, N. meningitidis was considered to
in routine clinical microbiology laboratories can be universally susceptible to penicillin and
be recommended. chloramphenicol when meningitis due to this
Because the modified agar disk diffusion test organism was being treated. However, Dillon et
is the most practical and widely used procedure al. (34) in 1983 reported isolating a strain of N.
bv routine clinical microbiology laboratories for meningitidis resistant to penicillin. Extensive

TABLE 5. Zone diameter interpretive standards and equivalent MIC breakpoints for N. gonorrhoeae (124)”
Equivalent MIC
Zone diam (nearest whole mm)
breakpoint (pg/ml)
Antimicrobial agent Disk content
Resistant Intermediateb Susceptible Resistant Susceptible
Ceftriaxoned 30 w 235 SO.25
Penicillin” 10 u 526 27-46 247 22 SO.06
Spectinomycin 100 l43 514 15-17 218 1128 532
Tetrac yclinef 30 ha 530 31-37 238 22 ~0.25
aAll information in this table is considered tentative for 1 year after publication of reference 124.
‘An intermediate or indeterminate result for an antimicrobial agent indicates either a technical problem that
should be resolved by repeated testing or lack of clinical experience in treating organisms with these zones or
MICs. The latter seems to be the case for ceftriaxone and spectinomycin.
“Moderately susceptible organisms have a documented lower clinical cure rate (85 to 95%) compared with
~95% for susceptible strains.
‘For ceftriaxone, the current absence of resistant strains precludes defining any result categories other than
“susceptible.” Strains yielding results suggestive of a nonsusceptible category should be submitted to a
reference laboratory for further testing.
eGonococci with 10-U penicillin disk zone diameters of 519 mm are likely to be beta-lactamase-producing
strains. However, the beta-lactamase test remains preferred to other susceptibility methods for rapid, accurate
recognition of this plasmid-mediated penicillin resistance.
qetracycline disk zone diameters of (: 19 mm usually indicate a plasmid-mediated tetracycline-resistant
N. gonorrhoeae isolate. These strains should be confirmed by the dilution test (MIC, 16 pg/ml) or referred to a
public health laboratory for epidemiologic investigation or both.

investigation revealed that penicillinaseproduc- ratory or CDC or both for further characteriza-
tion was plasmidmediatedand that the plasmid tion.
wasidentical to the 45MDa “Asian-type” plas- Although routine susceptibility testing of N.
mid found in PPNG isolates. The samemenin- meningitidisagainstrifampin is not necessaryto
gococcal isolate also carried a conjugative plas- direct therapy at this time, it may be used at
mid of the samesize (24.5 MDa) asthat found in times for epidemiologicdata, for selection of a
somegonococcal isolates. The presenceof the drug for prophylaxis, or in casesof suspected
transfer plasmid in this isolate “signals” the treatment failure. A simple, rapid disk diffusion
possibletransfer of antibiotic resistancegenes method is briefly describedbelow.
from other bacterial pathogenssuch asN. gon-
Agar disk diffusion test (9). Medium. Use
orrhoeae. Mueller-Hinton agar.
Only one beta-lactamase(penicillinase)-pro-
ducingN. meningitidisisolatehasbeenreported Inoculum. Suspendgrowth from an overnight
to date. Therefore, routine susceptibility testing agar plate into Mueller-Hinton broth and adjust
of these organisms is not necessary (149). the turbidity to that of a 0.5 McFarland stan-
Should beta-lactamaseproduction or relative dard.
resistanceto penicillin becomea characteristic Test procedure. Inoculate a Mueller-Hinton
of N. meningitidis, routine beta-lactamase agarplate with the adjustedinoculum as done in
screeningor susceptibility testing of N. menin- the standarddisk diffusion method (124).Place a
gitidis isolates in clinical laboratories would 5-pg rifampin disk on the inoculated surface of
becomenecessaryat somefuture time. Screen- the plate. Incubate at 35°C in a 5% CO, atmo-
ing for beta-lactamase,and subsequentMIC spherefor 18 to 24 h.
testing if a screeningtest is positive, should be Test interpretation. A zone diameter of 220
performed on all isolatesfrom suspectedtreat- mm indicates susceptibility, a zone diameter of
ment failures of casesof bacteremicmeningitis. 17to 19mm is interpreted asintermediate, and a
Penicillin-resistant isolates of N. meningitidis zone diameter of 516 mm indicates resistance
shouldbe referred to a state public health labo- (124).

TABLE 6. Acceptable zone diameter quality control limits for N. gonorrhoeae (124)
Zone range (mm)
Penicillin Tetracycline Spectinomycin Ceftriaxone
N. gonorrhoeae ATCC 49226 26-34 3&42 23-29 39-51
S. aureus ATCC 25923 33-39 27-33 9-15 23-29

ANAEROBES The selection of antimicrobial agents to test

The indications for antimicrobial susceptibil- against anaerobesmust be carefully based on
ity testing of anaerobeshas been the subject of hospital formulary policy, the pathogen iso-
considerabledebate among clinical microbiolo- lated, the type and site of infection, and the
gistsfor many years (53, 54, 100, 117, 141).The method of the susceptibility test used. The
problem of increasingresistanceto certain con- accuracy of certain anaerobic susceptibility
ventional antimicrobial agents (e.g., penicillin, tests is method dependentwith regard to deter-
mining susceptibility endpoints. In particular,
carbenicillin, clindamycin, and cefoxitin) among there is a lack of agreement regarding which
anaerobic bacterial pathogensmight be usedas
test method provides accurate susceptibility
an argumentin support of routine susceptibility test results for newer cephalosporins(53). This
testing. However, the current availability of problem is further compounded by general
several newer antimicrobial agents (e.g., imi- disagreementwith regard to the levels of clin-
penem, ampicillin-sulbactam,amoxicillin-clavu- ical effectiveness, antimicrobial activity, and
lanate, ticarcillin-clavulanate, piperacillin, and predictability of in vivo correlation of suscep-
metronidazole) that are essentially universally tibility results when anaerobesare being tested
active against clinically significant anaerobes against newer cephalosporins.
strongly suggeststhat testing of individual pa- A variety of susceptibility test methods are
tient isolates need not be performed routinely available for anaerobes.The standardagar disk
(149). Finegold (Wadsworth VA Medical Center diffusion method, however, should not be used
and UCLA) and the NCCLS Working Group on to perform susceptibility tests on anaerobesbe-
Anaerobic Susceptibility Testing recommend cause this technique is intended for rapidly
performing susceptibility testing of anaerobesin growing aerobic or facultatively anaerobicbac-
the following four settings(53): (i) to determine teria. The interpretive standardsfor this method
antibiogram patterns of anaerobesfor newer are not meant to be used with anaerobes.The
antimicrobial agents,(ii) to periodically monitor agardilution method is the reference procedure
susceptibility patterns in local hospitals, (iii) to described by the NCCLS Working Group on
periodically monitor susceptibility patterns and Anaerobic Susceptibility Testing. The agar di-
trends in various geographicregions,and (iv) to lution test has been questioned as a suitable
provide specific antimicrobial susceptibility test reference method since the medium, Wilkins-
resultsto guide physician managementof infec- Chalgrenagar, doesnot support the growth of all
tions in selected individual patients. Examples anaerobesand certain organism-drugcombina-
of infections where susceptibility testing of tions do not producereproducibleresults(202).
anaerobesmay be usefulfor specificpatientsare NCCLS has published a proposed guideline
brain abscess,meningitis, endocarditis, refrac- for alternative methodsfor antimicrobial suscep-
tory or recurrent bacteremia,osteomyelitis, sep- tibility testing of anaerobic bacteria (121, 123).
tic arthritis, and prosthetic valve and vascular Both the broth disk elution (Kurzynski) (89) and
graft infection (53). When two or more anaer- broth microdilution methodsare described. De-
obesare cultured in theseclinical settings,con- spite its flexibility, ease of performance, and
sideration of which “organism-drug” combina- recommendation as an alternative anaerobic
tions to test remains a dilemma. A practical susceptibility test method, the disk elution test is
approachin this setting is to assesswhich anaer- fraught with technical and interpretive prob-
obesare more virulent or are likely to be resis- lems. The major problems associatedwith the
tant to conventional antimicrobial agents. An- disk elution methodinclude difficult-to-read end-
aerobic pathogenswhich should be considered points (80, 201, 202) and false-negative and
for susceptibility testing include subspeciesof false-positive results (7, 162, 201), particularly
the Bacteroides fragilis group, pigmentedanaer- with newer cephalosporinsand imipenem.As a
obic gram-negativebacilli, Bacteroides gracilis, result, the NCCLS Working Group on Anaero-
Fusobacterium spp., Clostridium perfringens, bic Susceptibility Testing has reconsideredthe
and Clostridium ramosum (53). In casesof poly- suitability of the disk elution method for routine
microbial infection including two or more anaer- use and hasabandonedit altogether (201).
obes (e.g., intra-abdominal sepsis),one of us “In the opinion of many experiencedworkers,
(M.A.N.) notes on the microbiology patient re- the best approach for anaerobic susceptibility
port that “anaerobic pathogensare almost uni- testing is clearly the broth microdilution tech-
versally susceptibleto metronidazole, piperacil- nique” (202). However, further in-depth collab-
lin, ampicillin-sulbactam, ticarcillin-clavulanic orative studiesare neededto achieve more stan-
acid, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, and imipenem dardization with this methodology. Key issues
and generally susceptibleto cefoxitin and clin- that need to be evaluated or agreed upon by
damycin.’ ’ This approach has worked well in consensusinclude the choice of medium, the
practice. method of inoculumpreparation, and the inocu-

lum size. At this time, microdilution tray well lates are lesslikely to be clinically significant,
volumes of 100 ~1 and incubation at 35°C for a only multiple positive specimens with large
full 48 h in an anaerobic atmosphere have been numbers of organismspresent in each of the
generally agreed upon. cultures would support the need to perform
Beta-lactamase testing of anaerobes (e.g., susceptibility testing.
Bacteroides spp., Fusobacterium spp., and C. Four different susceptibility test methods
perfringens) may offer useful information per- have been used for testing M. fortuitum-M.
taining to the susceptibility of these organisms chelonae. They are agar dilution (196), disk
to penicillins; however, little, if any, informa- diffusion (191), broth microdilution (176), and
tion pertaining to cephalosporin susceptibility agardisk elution (169). A comparative review of
is gained (149). the advantagesand disadvantagesof these test
In addition to, or in lieu of, routine antimicro- methodshasbeenpublished(193). Each method
bial susceptibility testing of anaerobicisolates,a has proven to be useful in selecting drugs for
numberof rapid test methodsfor detecting beta- treatment, but none have yet been well stan-
lactamase production and clindamycin resis- dardized for all drugs and each has certain
tance have been used successfullyto screenfor limitations and pitfalls that must be considered
and/or predict antimicrobial resistance,particu- (193).
larly with clindamycin-resistant Bacteroides NCCLS (125) currently recommends the
spp. (16, 54, 118). With regard to performing broth microdilution method, using cation-sup-
beta-lactamase(e.g., nitrocefin) testing, micro- plemented Mueller-Hinton broth. Cultures are
biologistsmust remain aware that resistanceto incubated at 35°C (or 30°C for isolates from
beta-la&am drugs is not always mediated by cutaneoussites)for 72 h. Inoculum is prepared
beta-lactamase(e.g., B. gracilis and Bacteroides from overnight growth in Mueller-Hinton broth
distasonis) (53). supplemented with 0.02% Tween 80 and
adjustedto a turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 Mc-
MYCOBACTERZUM FORTUZTUM- Farland standard.Antimicrobial agentsthat may
MYCOBACTERZUM CHELONAE COMPLEX be tested are listed in the antimicrobial menu
Since the early 197Os,the M. fortuitum-M. outlined in Table 7. The NCCLS M7-A2 (125)
chelonae complex has becomeincreasingly as- document may be used for interpretive break-
sociatedwith a wide rangeof infectious compli- point guidelines.
cations. These include diseasessuch as post- Those laboratories using commercially pre-
traumatic cellulitis, infections of prosthetic de- pared broth microdilution susceptibility test
vices, prosthetic valve endocarditis, ulcerative panelsmay be limited with regard to the choice
keratitis, peritonitis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, and concentrations of antimicrobial agentsthat
and a variety of postsurgical wound infections they can test M. fortuitum-M. chelonae isolates
(193).Frequently, infections with the M. fortui- against. Since the agar disk elution method has
turn-M. chelonae complex are progressiveand the advantage of being simple to perform, has
can become serious or life threatening; hence, flexibility in antimicrobial agents that can be
someform of therapy is essential. Successful tested, is practical -for routine microbiology lab-
treatment of M. fortuitum or M. chelonae infec- oratories, has good correlation with other test
tion involves surgicaldebridementand appropri- methods(161), and is amenableto standardiza-
ate antimicrobial therapy. M. fortuitum and M. tion, it may serve as a useful alternative to the
chelvnae are resistant to the usual antitubercu- broth microdilution test. Because of this, the
losis drugs. This group of mycobacteria, how- agar disk elution test is briefly describedbelow.
ever, demonstratesvariable susceptibility to the Agar disk elution susceptibilitytest. Medium.
tetracycline congeners, erythromycin, sulfon- Use OADC (oleic acid, albumin, dextrose, and
amides,trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,amika- catalase) and molten (SOOC)Mueller-Hinton
tin, kanamycin, gentamicin, and cefoxitin. Be- agar.
cause of the unpredictable susceptibility to Inoculum. Pick several colonies from fresh
many drugs among the six subgroups of M. growth on blood agaror Middlebrook 7HlO agar
fortuitum-M. chelonae, susceptibility testing of and transfer them to cation-supplementedMuel-
clinically significantisolatesis essentialto deter- ler-Hinton broth plus 0.02% Tween 80 (this
mine drugs likely to be effective in treatment. helps to produce a smooth suspension).Incu-
Pendingresultsof susceptibility testing, empiric bate overnight at 35°C. Adjust the inoculum to
therapy for patients with serious infections equal a 0.5 McFarland standard. Dilute the
shouldinclude the combination of cefoxitin and suspensionto 1:100and 1:1,000.
amikacin. Test procedure. (Prepare duplicate sets of
Essentiallyall isolatesfrom wounds, bone, or trays.) (i) Place the appropriate number of se-
normally sterile sites should be identified and lected antimicrobial disks (Table 7) into each
tested for drug susceptibility. Since sputumiso- well of a 24-well tissue culture plate (Linbro,

TABLE 7. Preparation of antimicrobial agent concentrations for the agar disk elution method for testing
M. fortuitum-M. chelonae complex ( 169)
Final concn (pg) of
Antimicrobial agent Disk content (pg) No. of disks per well antimicrobial agent per
ml of agar
Doxyc y cline 30 1 6
Amikacin 30 2 12
Kanamycin 30 2 12
Cefoxitin 30 5 30
Erythromycin 15 1 3
Sulfisoxazole 300 1 60
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 1.25i23.75 5 l/19
Imipenem 10 5 10
Ciprofloxacin 5 2 2
Tobramycin 10 3 6

Flow Laboratories, Inc.). Placethe disk(s)in the which method provides the more appropriate
center of the well. (Allow one well without result are lacking.
antimicrobial disksto serve as a growth control
(ii) Pipette 0.5 ml of OADC to each well, Nocardia speciesare associatedwith a broad
being certain to immersethe disks. Allow 15min spectrum of clinical disease,including wound
for the drugs to elute. infections, mycetomas,lymphocutaneoussporo-
(iii) Pipette 4.5 ml of melted Mueller-Hinton trichoid syndrome, posttraumatic keratitis, pul-
agar into each well with a swirling motion to monary infection, and disseminateddisease(94,
adequately mix the drug eluent and OADC. Be 185). Pulmonary and generalizedinfections are
certain to center the disks with a sterile wooden particularly prominent in patients with debilitat-
stick. Allow the agar to harden. ing diseasessuch as lymphoreticular neoplasms,
(iv) Pipette 10 lull of the adjusted inoculum chronic pulmonary disorders including alveolar
(1:100, 1:1,000) onto the agar surface in each proteinosis, collagen vascular disease, chronic
well of the duplicate trays, Spreadthe inoculum ileitis and colitis, cirrhosis, and immunosuppres-
evenly acrossthe agar.Incubate at 35°Cfor 72 h. sion(185).Pulmonary and disseminatednocardi-
Somestrainsof A4. chelonaemay need a longer osis has also been described in alcoholics. In
incubation period or incubation at 30°C rather addition, renal and cardiac transplant recipients
than WC. Mycobacterium mar&m can alsobe have been reported to be at high risk for nocar-
testedwith this methodbut shouldbe incubated diosis. Pulmonary diseasemimicking tuberculo-
at 30°Cfor 7 to 14 days. sis is the most frequent presentationof nocardi-
Test interpretation. Colony counts of the in- osis; it can remain confined to the lungs or may
oculum which grows 100 to 500 CFU in the disseminateto various organs,especiallythe cen-
control well are reported. Susceptibility is de- tral nervous systemwith involvment of the brain
fined as no growth (for other than sulfonamide and meninges(94).
antimicrobial agents)or greater than 80%inhibi- Nocardia asteroides is the most frequent
tion of colony size (for sulfonamides)compared causeof nocardiosis,although Nocardia brasil-
with the control well. iensisand Nocardia caviae can also cause hu-
Quality control. Quality control of the agar man disease.
and susceptibility disks can be done using stan- Since mortality rates range from 40 to 80% in
dard NCCLS quality control bacterial strainsfor untreated cases,effective medical management
both Mueller-Hinton agar and antimicrobial of pulmonary or disseminatednocardiosis re-
disks. Possible mycobacterium control strains quires prompt treatment with an appropriate
are also available (169). antimicrobial agent (185). Although sulfon-
The only major problemencounteredwith this amideshave been widely used as the drugs of
method is that reading an endpoint for erythro- choice for treating nocardiosis, not all patients
mycin is difficult becauseof the trailing end- show a favorable response and some are not
point, and many strains that are erythromycin able to tolerate drug therapy. Sulfonamide
susceptiblein the broth microdilution procedure therapy results in treatment failure in 20% of
produce fine dysgonic colonies when tested by cases of pulmonary nocardiosis and 50% of
the agar disk elution method. Therefore, some casesof central nervous system disease(185).
erythromycin strains may be interpreted as re- Becauseof this, alternative antimicrobial regi-
sistantby this method; clinical data to determine mens can be critically important in effective

medical management of nocardiosis. Alterna- Test procedure. Inoculate the surface of the
tive antimicrobial agents, including trimetho- agar plate with the adjusted inoculum, using a
prim-sulfamethoxazole, amikacin, ampicillin, sterilecotton swab,and apply in three directions
erythromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, mino- as describedfor the standardagar disk diffusion
cycline, newer cephalosporins, and imipenem, test (124). Allow the surface to dry. Place the
have been used with promising results (30, 57, disks to be tested on the surface of the agar
60, 85). plate, allowing for a spatial distance of approx-
Justification of and methods for the perfor- imately 70 mm; zone sizes of 30 to 60 mm may
mance of antimicrobial susceptibility testing of be produced with some antimicrobial agents.
clinical isolates of Nocardia were publishedin Antimicrobial agents tested should include
1988by Wallace and Steele (192). In addition to erythromycin, ampicillin, amoxicillin-clavu-
variable patient tolerance and treatment failure lanate, ampicillin-sulbactam,cefuroxime, cefti-
with sulfonamides,these investigators note an- zoxime or cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, imipenem,
other phenomenonthat calls for susceptibility amikacin, sulfisoxazole or sulfamethoxazole or
testing. When tested in vitro, N. asteroides in trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and minocy-
particular demonstrates variable susceptibility cline. Other antimicrobial agents, including flu-
to a numberof antimicrobial agents(192). Since oroquinolones, gentamicin, tobramycin, doxy-
a broad range of antimicrobial agents are now cycline, and ticarcillin-clavulanate, may alsobe
available, susceptibility testing of clinical iso- tested. Incubate the inoculated plate(s) at 35°C
lates of Nocardia provides clinicians with a in ambient air and humidity for 48 to 72 h.
pertinent guide in the selectionof antimicrobial Test interpretation. Measure zone diameters
therapy for treating nocardiosis. with a caliper or millimeter ruler. Assessand
Although susceptibility testing of Nocardia record clear zones of inhibition except for
isolateshasnot beenconsideredor evaluatedby sulfisoxazole or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
NCCLS and is best performed by a competent for which an 80%inhibition of colony sizeis used.
reference laboratory, experienced clinical mi- Confirmatory readingson theseantibioticsat 72 h
crobiology laboratories may choose to provide shouldbe done. Colonieswithin the zone should
clinicians with rapid presumptive antimicrobial be regardedas significantgrowth. Carefully ob-
susceptibility information by performing the serve for smallercoloniesinside the zone with
modified disk diffusion test described by Wal- aminoglycosidesand beta-lactam antimicrobial
lace and Steele (192). agents. Breakpoint zone size interpretations
Agar disk diffusion test, At present, the mod- should be assessedand recorded as shown in
ified disk diffusion test is the most reproducible Table 8. Caution must be used in interpreting
and practical methodfor susceptibility testing of zones due to antimicrobial agents adjacent to
Nocardiu species(192). amoxicillin-clavulanate and/or imipenem since
Medium. Use a 1500mmMueller-Hinton agar drug synergymay occur andresultin falsesuscep-
plate. Ten percent of Nocardia strainsmay not tibility readings.
grow on unsupplementedMueller-Hinton agar.
Therefore, if no growth is observed, retest the
isolate, using Mueller-Hinton agar supple- UNUSUAL OR FASTIDIOUS BACTERIA
mented with 5% sheep blood or chocolatized There is an ever-expanding list of unusualor
Mueller-Hinton agar; this, however, may result fastidiousbacteria associatedwith opportunistic
in an unreliable interpretation of sulfonamide infections in compromised patients that chal-
antimicrobial agents. lenge both clinicians and clinical microbiolo-
Inoculum. Usepure fresh growth from an agar gists.Many of theseclinically important bacteria
plate to inoculate a 5-ml tube of Mueller-Hinton have characteristics that preclude their being
broth or other suitablenutrient broth. Incubate testedby the standardizedagar disk diffusion, or
the broth tube at 35°C to match the optical broth or agardilution susceptibility tests recom-
density of a 0.5 McFarland standard. (Frequent mendedby NCCLS. They may grow too slowly,
shakingof the broth tubesand/or vortexing with require special nutrients, require special atmo-
a few sterile glassbeadsadded will provide a spheresor specialincubation temperatures, or
smoother suspension.)Be careful to avoid too simply not have been tested adequately to show
heavy an inoculum (i.e., so confluent that no that current standardized susceptibility test
spacesbetween the colonies are visible on the methodsare valid. Although certain unusual or
plate) asthis could result in an interpretation of fastidious pathogensmay not satisfy the neces-
false resistanceto sulfonamides. sary criteria or perform well with currently
Quality control shouldbe monitored eachtime established susceptibility tests, clinicians de-
that Nocardia susceptibility testing is per- mand and deserve someform of antimicrobial
formed, using N. asteroides ATCC 19247as susceptibility information to guide them in dis-
reported by Wallace and Steele (192). tinguishingwhich antimicrobial agentswill likely

TABLE 8. Preliminary interpretive disk diffusion susceptibility breakpoints for Nocardia species (192)
MIC breakpoint
Antimicrobial agent Zone diam (mm) Susceptibility categorya
Ampicillin 235 51 S
16-34 2-16 I
515 ~16 R
Amikacin 130 S
520 >16 R
Cefotaxime 125 4 S
20-24 16-32 I
519 >32 R

Ciprofloxacin 230 S
25-29 I
524 R

Doxycycline 235 51 S
20-34 2-4 I
519 >4 R

Erythromycin 229 so.5 S

20-28 l-4 I
519 >4 R
Gentamicin 225 54 S
16-24 8 I
515 >8 R
Minoc ycline 235 51 S
20-34 2-4 I
(-19 >4 R

Sulfisoxazole 235 532 S

515 ~32 R

Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazoie 220 50.5-9.5 S

115 >2/38 R
Tobramycin 225 54 S
16-24 8 I
515 >8 R
“S, Susceptible; I, intermediate; R, resistant.
b*, Inadequate strains for evaluation of “intermediate” for disk diffusion testing. By broth microdilution
testing, isolates could be either susceptible or resistant.

not be effective versus those that at least dem- anaerobic versus microaerophilic), (ii) optimal
onstrate potential antimicrobial activity. temperature to support growth (e.g., 30°C ver-
Clinical microbiologists sometimeshave an sus 35”C), (iii) nutrients or supplements(e.g.,
obligation to implement “impromptu” methods amino acids, blood, serum, carbohydrates, and
in order to provide the physician with “best yeast extract), (iv) growth medium consistency
guess” antimicrobial susceptibility test results. (e.g., agar and broth versus semisolid),and (v)
In thesesituationswhere an isolatedoesnot test pH. Once these factors are determined, an at-
appropriately with current standardizedsuscep- tempt to test antimicrobial agents by using a
tibility methods,one shouldevaluate the neces- modifieddisk diffusion, agaror broth dilution, or
sary growth factors of the organismin order to disk elution can be made. Modified or unique
test it for susceptibility to a battery of antimicro- susceptibility test methodsand interpretive pa-
bial agents. Factors to be considered are (i) rameters are available for a wide range of
atmosphere(e.g., ambient, CO, enrichment,and specialproblem pathogens(184). Susceptibility

test results can be carefully interpreted by going cardiac surgery. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
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The Index Medicus also shouldserve asa useful 13. Boyce, J. M., L. S. Lytte, and D. A. Walsh. 1984. Detec-
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When performing standardized susceptibility microdilution and disk elution susceptibility systems. J.
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14. Boyce, J. M., R. L. White, M. C. Banner, and W. R.
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Nelson-Jones and Agnes Suarez for their helpful suggestions Temperature effect on the susceptibility of methicillin-
and technical assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. resistant Staphylococcus uureus to four different cepha-
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