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Internet in the Classroom Assignment 3 Issues Taylor Patton

Bedford Central School District (2010).School district policies. Retrieved from %20Bullying%20Final.pdf.

This policy defines bullying, which includes cyber bullying. The district outlines specifically what behaviors constitute cyber bulling. A list of subsequent consequences for bullying or cyber bulling someone is listed as well. In my opinion, there is much strength within this policy. One of the things I think is the best is that an incidence does not only have to occur at school; as outlined in the policy, cyber bullying may take place away from school, but is considered harmful to a student. Another strength is that the policy outlines who is informed of these parameters; students, teachers, and parents, as well as other school staff. There was only one real weakness that I found with this policy. I think that it should be specifically stated as to what disciplinary action will be taken if someone is found to be a cyber bully.

Warwick School District. Bullying/cyber-bullying policy. Retrieved from 7&mid=248.

This policy goes into much detail about bullying and cyber bullying. Definitions are given as to what cyber bullying technically is. This policy also outlines a delegation of responsibility, as well as procedures to report infractions. Each section is detailed and thorough. There ismuch strength in this policy. First and foremost, it is very specific and detailed. When cyber bullying is defined in this policy, it says, Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology The wording but not limited to is so important in my opinion. This allows for less loop holes to be discovered by an offender. This policy also lists a clear delegation of responsibilities, so everyone involved knows the steps they should be taking if they know or think cyber bullying is taking place. There are no major standout weaknesses for me within this policy.

Lake County Schools (2009). Student bullying and other forms of aggression. Retrieved from df.

This policy is about student conduct which includes cyber bullying, as well as other forms of aggression such as harassment and stalking. Procedures to report such actions are listed within this policy also. One thing this policy outlines that the others did not is specifically why their board has these policies in place, listing the effects it has on students. One major strength within this particular policy is that cyber bullying isnt only limited to bullying. Also included in this policy is cyber stalking. This policy like the one before also used the important language includes but is not limited to, when defining cyber bullying.

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