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1) What do you think about Santa’s fashion

2) What do the most annoying relatives do
during Christmas dinner?
3) Tell me how you felt about Christmas
when you were a child. Has it changed?
4) Everyone knows Santa is the nicest man
ever. But is he also smart?
5) What do you think Santa looked like and
was like when he was young?
6) What does Santa do in the summer?
7) How would you feel if you got no present
for Christmas?
8) Is Santa married? Does he have any
1) What do you think Santa’ home looks
2) Do you think Santa helps his wife with
the housework?
3) Do you decorate your home for
Christmas? Why (not)? How?
4) Do you help with the housework
around Christmas?
5) If, as a Christmas present, you could
for one day swap houses/flats with
someone, who would it be and what does
their house/flat look like?
1) What usually happens at school around
2) Do you think there should be more
Christmas related lessons at school? If so,
what kind?
3) What kind of school would elves have to go
to? What kind of things would they learn?
4) How much do you miss school during the
Christmas break?
5) Have you ever given and/or received a
present in the Secret Santa (=when
students give each other presents but only
you know who gets your present)? What was
it? Did you like your gift? Did the person
who you gave the present to like it?
6) Do you think Christmas break is too
7) Do you think the Headmaster should dress
as Santa in December?
1) What are the advantages of being
2) What are the drawbacks of being Santa?
3) What would Santa do if his elves went on
4) How much should elves earn and why?
5) Should supermarkets work at Christmas?
6) What kind of people can’t take a day off
at Christmas?
1)What do you think Santa’s wife thinks about
Santa’s duties?
2) What does she say to him when he leaves her at
3) How old were you when you learnt Santa doesn’t
exist? (oops, sorry if you didn’t know…)
4) What kind of present would you like to get this
5) What Christmas traditions/customs are
important to your family? Why?
6) Imagine Santa had a brother or sister. What
would they be like and how would they make a
7) Imagine you could interview Santa’s mother-in-
law. What would you ask her?
8) What does Santa do in his free time?
9) How do you spend the extra free time around
10) What do you think Christmas will be like in a
hundred years’ time?
11) Tell me about your best Christmas ever.
1) What is your favourite Christmas dish?
Can you make it yourself?
2) Do you help with the cooking around
Christmas? Why (not)? What do you do
3) What kind if diet would you recommend
to Santa if he was trying to lose weight?
Should he lose his weight? What about his
4) Do you ever eat out during the Christmas
5) What do you think about ordering food
for Christmas?
1) Why do people go mad shopping around
2) What do you think about shopping
centres starting the Christmas season in
3) Have you done your Christmas shopping
this year?
4) What present do you hope NOT to get
this year?
5) What toy would every child would want
for Christmas?
6) What presents could you give that don’t
cost any money?
7) Do you have a favourite TV advert
connected with Christmas?
1) How does Santa travel? Do you think it’s
2) Where does Santa live and how can you
get there?
3) Do you travel to visit your family at
Christmas or do they visit you?
4) How far have you ever travelled during
the Christmas break?
5) Do you think Santa uses a GPS?
1)What’s your favourite Christmas movie
and why?
2) What’s your favourite Christmas song
and why?
3) Do you and your family sing Christmas
carols? Do you enjoy that? Why (not)?
4) If there was a book/film entitled “The
Death of Santa Clause”, what would its
plot be?
5) Imagine a reality show called “Santa’s
Elves”. What would you be able to see in
1) Do you do any sports around Christmas?
What kind? Why (not)?
2) What sports would you recommend to
Santa who was trying to lose weight and
couldn’t leave the North Pole for the
whole year?
3) What sports would elves be good at?
4) Can you think of a name for a sports
team for Santa’s elves?
1) If Santa and Easter Bunny were to meet
at the dentist’s, what would they talk
2) What would happen if Santa got sick at
3) Have you ever been ill at Christmas?
What happened?
4) What kind of disease is “Christmas
1) Why doesn’t Santa have a homepage?
2) Some people say it’s scientifically
impossible for Santa to visit every child at
Christmas. What do you think?
3) If you could talk to Santa on the phone,
what would you say?
4) If there was a new phone app called
“Santa”, what would it do?
5) How has technology made Christmas
better? How has it made it worse?
1) Do you have a real or fake Christmas
tree? Why?
2) Come up with four other ways to use a
Christmas tree.
3) What weather do you prefer for
Christmas? Why?
4) What would Christmas look like if there
was no winter?
5) What smells do you associate with
1) What should be done for the homeless
around Christmas?
2) What voluntary work would be most
appreciated around Chrismas?
3) What political party do you think Santa
would vote for? Why?
4) Do you think Santa should be elected?
Why (not)?
5) What punishment should be given to an
elf who stole a toy from Santa’s
6) If Santa was a politician and wanted to
become the President of Poland, would you
vote for him? Why (not)?

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