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Lesson Plan

(Highlight all that apply to this lesson)

Teacher Lama Debany
Torch Values: Tolerance, Organization, Respect, Caring, Honest
UBD/Topic Earth's Rotation & Revolution Learning Skills (Highlight all that apply to this lesson)

Subject Environmental Science Critical Thinking- analyzing, comparing and contrasting, explaining, problem
solving, tracking cause and effect
Grade Level 10, 11, 12 Creative Thinking- brainstorming, designing, innovating, overturning,
problem solving, questioning
Communicating- analyzing a situation, choosing a medium, listening actively,
Lesson date 5/10/2022 speaking, using technology, writing
Collaborating- allocating responsibilities, decision making, delegating, goal
setting, leading, managing time, resolving conflicts, team building

Total number of Boys 27 Girls 17 Resources

(Specify what tools, manipulatives, and learning technology will be used)
Emirati EAL 1 SEND 3 G+T MC graw hill , PPT, worksheets , ,

Health and Safety Considerations

● Masks must be worn at all time

Lesson Overview
Big Picture/
Essential Question Why is Earth warmer at the equator and cold at the poles?
(State the overarching
Essential Question)
Prior Learning
(provide a brief I will plan activities that meet the needs of ALL students
Higher Order
Questions for the
(State what your Why is Earth warmer at the equator and cold at the poles?
questions will be for
the lesson. These
should be linked to
Blooms Taxonomy)
Standards and
(list ONLY the
standards and HS-ESS1-1, HS-ESS1-2 (Science/English)
(Math/Science) that will
be addressed in this
lesson. Which
standards from Stage 1
of the UbD unit will be
Links- Real Life, UAE,
and Cross Curricular
(Explicitly state what
will be evident in the
lesson. How will this
learning relate to the
world around them? Why is UAE weather hot?
What are the
connections across the
content areas?
Consider the relation
to Stage 2 of the UbD
Innovation Strategies,
(enterprise skills,
inquiry, research, inquiry, research, collaboration
collaboration )

Literacy Strategies
(What is the
integration? How will
students become Rotation, Revolution, Solstice, Equinox, Tilt, Axis
proficient in the
cognitive academic
language of the

ALL students must be challenged beyond their current achievement!
(Explicitly add student names and state what resources/tools/activities will be used to differentiate learning)
Specific differentiation strategies (content/process/outcome): How will the content, process, product, and/or environment differ for the students to give better
opportunity to access learning at their level? How will the students learn in each model?

EAL, SEND, G+T -Some Special Education Accommodations & Modifications.

Also, always refer to students’ IEPs.
*Size: Adapt the number of items that the learner is expected to learn/complete (reduce the length of an assignment, etc.)
*Time: Increase amount of time learner has to complete a task (provide students with extra time, etc.)
*Level of Support: Increase the amount of personal assistance to an individual learner (one-on-one conferencing, collaborative team teaching, peer-tutoring, etc.)
*Difficulty: Adapt the skill level, problem type, or rules on how the learner may approach the work (allow the use of a calculator, simplify content, decrease task
directions, etc.)
*Input: Adapt the way instruction is delivered (visual aids, media presentations, demonstrations, flexible grouping, etc.)
*Output: Adapt how the student can respond to instruction
*Participation: Adapt the extent to which a learner is actively involved in the task
*Alternate Goals: Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same materials
*Substitute Curriculum: Provide different instruction and materials to meet a learner’s individual goals.
(Add specific student
Progress Concerns (including SST
names and info from EAL (registered) G+T (registered) SEND (registered)
the IEP)
gifted children
Feelings of Embarrassment to
Barrier to learning struggle a lot with Communication with Peers
social difficulties
Ensure tests and assignments
Challenge Them
Accommodation are written in clear concise Encourage them to ask for help
language and are easy to rea
Exert effort in the I want students to understand/learn/know the
IEP/Learning Goal enhance a child's self esteem
right places lesson
Lesson Plan
Lesson Objective - Define axis, orbit, rotation, and revolution.
(should be connected to the standard and - Demonstrate how the earth moves around the sun.
should be written using student-friendly - Explain how and why the seasons change.
terminology for what they are supposed to be

These should start with a different Blooms

All (100%) - linked to the standard/lesson
(set at grade level expectation)

Majority (50-60%) - this is the extension of the

standard / above the grade level expectation

Few (up to 15%) - students who are working

well above grade level expectations

Check this LINK for Teaching and Learning


Check this LINK for guidance on BLOOMS.

Success Criteria - I can define an axis, orbit, rotation, and revolution.

(Based on the outcome of the product, what is - I can demonstrate how the earth moves around the sun.
the progression in how we know they have - I can explain how and why the seasons change.
learned? Blooms taxonomy should be used.
This can be demonstrated through a rubric,
checklist or an AFL strategy)

Starter (5min) Pre-Knowledge Assessment & Warmer Activity

(how will you hook/provocation/Do Now task?
This information should be used as a checking
for understanding/starting point of the lesson)

Introduce the lesson (I Do) (10min) Explain the lesson and use video if it needs

Main part of the lesson (20min) (We Do) ● collaboration/group work

Include opportunities: ● hands-on activities
● student agency (voice and choice) ● project work
● for questioning to promote critical thinking
● collaboration/group work
● hands-on activities
● stations/centers
● project work
(Secondary to define 80mins of the
Main part of the lesson)

Closing (You Do) (10min) Self-activity (Worksheet,)

Demonstration of knowledge using an exit
ticket or other AFL strategies to determine
End of Lesson progress.

Formative Assessment Strategies quizzes, kahoot, games

How will you know that the students have

made progress?

Consider self / peer assessment strategies,

and when/how you plan to conduct progress
checks throughout the lesson.

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