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Teacher Lama Debany Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs (Highlight or circle all that apply.

) Resources
Evaluation- argue, convince, design, disprove, invent, prove, support, validate
Environmental Synthesis- adapt, compose, convert, elaborate, hypothesize, predict, transform Student Book page
Science Analysis- categorize, compare, distinguish, examine, infer, order, test for
Application- associate, connect, develop, link, model, represent, solve, use Activity Book page
Grade Level 10, 11, 12
Comprehension- classify, demonstrate, explain, interpret, predict, restate
Dates Executed Knowledge- define, find, list, name, retell, state Equipment, Tools, etc.
Laptops and copybooks
Number of Students per Subgroup 3 - 4 - 5 Learning Skills (Highlight or circle all that apply.)
Critical Thinking- analyzing, comparing and contrasting, explaining, problem
Boys 27 solving, tracking cause and effect
Creative Thinking- brainstorming, designing, innovating, overturning, problem
Girls 17 solving, questioning
Communicating- analyzing a situation, choosing a medium, listening actively, Health and Safety Considerations
SEND/EAL/GAT 4 speaking, using technology, writing
Collaborating- allocating responsibilities, decision making, delegating, goal setting,
Emirati 4
leading, managing time, resolving conflicts, team building
Lesson Overview

Why is Earth warmer at the equator and cold at the poles?

Big Picture/ Why do Earth’s seasons change as Earth orbits the Sun?
Essential Question What is Earth’s seasonal cycle?
How do the position of the sun, earth, and moon affect each other?

HS-ESS1-1, HS-ESS1-2, HS-ESS1-3, HS-ESS1-4


Links- Real Life, UAE, Why is UAE weather hot?

and Cross Curricular Search about the UAE's plan for space in future

Literacy Strategies Vocabulary Instruction.

Beginning Developing Achieving Mastering Exceeding

match definitions related to identify and describe Illustrate sun and moon motions Criticize and do a search about Criticize and do a search about topics
Differentiation the lessons definitions related to the topics related to the lesson related to the lesson
ALL students must be lessons
challenged beyond their
current achievement!

Progression of Learning
Learning Activities
Objective(s) and
Lesson Starter Assessment Closure and Reflection
Success Criteria
I do. We do. You do.

Pre-Knowledge Explain the lesson work through some students demonstrate quizzes and games What did you learn
- list the four spheres of Earth.
Assessment examples together their initial level of today?
- Identify and describe the
(partner with teacher understanding of the Self-assessment
1 geosphere.
or classmates) new concept being
- Explain the layers of the
taught through
independent practice.
- I can list the four spheres of Pre-Knowledge Explain the lesson work through some students demonstrate quizzes and games What did you learn
Earth. Assessment examples together their initial level of today?
- I can Identify and describe the (partner with teacher understanding of the Self-assessment
geosphere. or classmates) new concept being
- I can explain the layers of the taught through
geosphere. independent practice.
- I can define an axis, orbit, Pre-Knowledge Explain the lesson work through some students demonstrate quizzes and games What did you learn
rotation, and revolution. Assessment examples together their initial level of today?
- I can demonstrate how the (partner with teacher understanding of the Self-assessment
earth moves around the sun. or classmates) new concept being
- I can explain how and why the taught through
seasons change. independent practice.
- I can describe what the Solar Pre-Knowledge Explain the lesson work through some students demonstrate quizzes and games What did you learn
System is. Assessment examples together their initial level of today?
- I can describe the properties of (partner with teacher understanding of the Self-assessment
different planets and classify or classmates) new concept being
them into rocky and gassy. taught through
- I can differentiate between independent practice.
comets, asteroids, and
- I can define and describe a solar Pre-Knowledge Explain the lesson work through some students demonstrate quizzes and games What did you learn
eclipse and a lunar eclipse. Assessment examples together their initial level of today?
- I can recall how the appearance (partner with teacher understanding of the Self-assessment
of the Moon changes throughout or classmates) new concept being
the lunar cycle taught through
independent practice.

Planning for Instruction

Teacher: Who is facilitating the learning?

Course/Subject: In which course/subject will this learning occur?

Grade Level(s): Which grade or grade levels will have these learning experiences?

Dates Executed: When will this learning occur?

Number of Students per Subgroup: How many of each subgroup is in front of you?

Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs: Which verbs are associated with the learning that will occur?

Learning Skills: Which skills will be developed during this learning?

Resources: What are the essentials necessary to enhance the learning? THIS IS NOT YOUR PLAYBOOK.

Big Picture/Essential Question: Where is the learning leading?

Standards: What will students be learning in this part of the unit? Which standards from Stage 1 of the UbD unit will be covered?

Links- Real Life, UAE, and Cross Curricular: How will this learning relate to the world around them? What are the connections across the content areas? Consider the relation to Stage 2 of the UbD unit.

Literacy Strategies: What is the vocabulary integration? How will students become proficient in the cognitive academic language of the course/subject?

Differentiation: How will the content, process, product, and/or environment differ for the students to give better opportunity to access learning at their level? How will the students learn in each model?

Progression of Learning: Consider the relation to Stage 3 of the UbD unit.

Lesson: Determine how many lessons are needed for learning to occur. If less than 7, delete the excess. If more than 7, add more rows.
Objective(s): What is the student-friendly terminology for what they are supposed to be learning?
Success Criteria: What is the progression in how we know they have learned?
Starter: How will you engage students? Consider their prior knowledge.
Learning Activities: What activities will challenge at or beyond the aligned depth of knowledge of the standard(s)? Refer to the Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs. How are students exploring ideas and
constructing meaning and explanations? HOW ARE STUDENTS ENGAGING IN PRODUCTIVE STRUGGLE?
I do: Be sure to minimize teacher talk.
We do: Focus on questioning. Consider the pose-pause-pounce-bounce method.
pose- Given a context, provide a question or series of questions for students to ponder and remain reflective.
pause- Allow students to productively struggle as they think and think again.
pounce- Solicit a response and determine the support needed.
bounce- Solicit a response from another student or group. Be sure to get students into the habit of acknowledging what their peer said by either adding on or giving
reasons/examples of why they disagree.
You do: This is not a worksheet. What will the students do independently of the teacher, not necessarily independent of each other?
Assessment: How will you know that the students have made progress? What purposeful information do you need? How will you get it?
Closure and Reflection: What is the stickability of this learning? How will the learning experiences be brought together and reinforced to be sure that students have solidified their thinking/learning?

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