My Friends Sun and Shadow (UPWORK VERSION)

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By Rossana Gonzalez

Page 1: Child: I can’t wait to go out and play with my friends Sun and Shadow! [Mother applies
sunscreen and places a hat on her son’s head)

Page 2: Mother: Ok, you are ready to go out and play now! [Child goes outside, the sun is shining bright
and beautiful]

Page 3: [Child turns his gaze at his shadow on the ground]

Page 4: Child: My friends Sun and Shadow always come out to play with me!

Page 5: Shadow always dances when I dance! [Child dances while looking at shadow]

Page 6: Shadow always wears a hat when I wear a hat!

Page 7: Shadow always jumps with me when I jump! [Child jumps watching his shadow]

Page 8: Shadow always runs with me when I run! [Child runs around in circles]

Page 9: And sun is always up there watching us play!

Page 10: [Wordless page showing three vignettes of boy playing outside and the sun moving in the sky,
changing the angles of Shadow that “plays” with him]

Page 11: Mother: It’s time to come in. It will be dark soon!

Child: But I want to play with my friends Sun and Shadow some more…

Page 12: Mother: Let me show you something I think you’ll like… [Mother beckons him inside from the

Page 13: [MOTHER AND CHILD IN CHILD’S BEDROOM: With the light of the lamp, mother begins to play
with her hands’ shadows on the wall]

Page 14: [Child is joyfully surprised to learn the lamp can take the place of the sun’s light while mom
forms a dog with her hand].

Page 15: QUACK, QUACK! [Child forms a duck with his left hand…]

Page 16: WOOF, WOOF! […and a dog with his right hand]

Page 17: How fun! [Scene showing both mother and child making an animal each, nestled against each
other in bed]

Page 18: Mother: It’s time to go to bed. Time to turn off the light and shadow will go to bed too.

Page 19: [Morning comes and the sun’s rays enter the room through the window.]

Page 20: [The boy wakes up and sees his shadow next to his bed and smiles]

Page 21: Child: Mommy! You have a friend too! [Mother enters the room and the boy sees her shadow
on the wall]
Page 22: Mother: Yes, my love, I have a shadow friend too! [Mother hugs her son and he smiles as he
sees their shadows hugging on the wall too]

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