16 09 2022 Behaviour Change

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Make something more attractive so people will do what you want.

Why do we behave in a
certain way? Our brains are very complicated. It is difficult to perform research on humans.
What we know is that our brain produce dopamine. When we only get the reward half of the
times we get a lot more dopamine. (think about casino’s in this case). When you know what
is going to happen, your dopamine level is lower; more stable. Like you’ve learned that you
get it. Nut if you know you get it sometimes (like a guess) the dopamine rises again.

We behave is a certain way because we are creatures of habit. You can change it to define
what you really accomplice with the same reward just another routine added.

We are social creatures we need social contact. We want to have approval. When your
young you develop the skill to be in the society. You cannot force people to do something,
you need to get their attention to do something (they need to feel like it’s their own choice.)

People want to take their own decisions instead of the feeling that things happen to you.
Environment: you react to your environment. (also think of culture). Research shows you feel
more social pressure. Like your doing something sooner when there is more crowd around
you. (there is also social pressure with social media) it is in our brains that we compare
ourselves (it is in our system). If you think something is easy you find higher intention to
actually do it. If it is difficult to do they just don’t do it.

Dia 13 picture:
Everyone has habits. But there are also stages of changes. If you like truly want to change of
behaviour you need to be aware at the stages of change.
Example: start eating healthy; you have no intention of changing (precontemplation) but than
you seeing that it is going the wrong way; you have a que. (contemplation phase (you are
aware), or someone told you) than make a plan, need to have a goal and with that
motivation. (preparation) ans last is of course keep going (action/maintenance). And this is
not going to be easy so you can always relapse at every stage.
Each phase requires different types of interventions. For example education.

Nudge: alter people’s behaviour in a predictable way without forbidding any options or
significantly changing their economic incentives. It’s like making choices. Cheap way to alter
behaviour. For example commercial purposes. (showing the stars, showing how many people
have already done it. So you feel like an outcast. (framing))

Hackathon you need to focus on precontemplation/contemplation/preparation or

3 assignments related to the hackathon.
Two things to do. 1) need to make a storyboard. 2) need to make a video. Next Tuesday;
play with different designs, helps with the exam. Also brainstorm about the video, like your
target group. A lot of doing and doing research. Later a workshop about storyboarding. And
the storyboard will you discuss during the hackathon. And during the hackathon you have
time to work on the storyboard. You will be guided. The message is important. Which type of
massage do you want to show. Yes it is about your skills, but also about the message.
Guest lecure about behaviour change supportive systems
A behaviour change supportive systems is an information system designed to from, alter or
reinforce altitudes, behaviour or an act od complying without using deception coercion or ir.
What is the system? Consider things like agenda, a fitbit or smartwatch. This because you
can reach achievements with it (different features).

Persuasive technology; understanding key issues behind PS. It is always on and it is a

process it is trying to tell you something. There are a lot of different ways (hints) to remind
people of their behaviour. Sometimes it is really hard to do like 10.000 steps a day, it is not
immediately there. Always be clear on what your goal is, like put it on your lock screen.

Context: the intent, who is willing to persuaded you? The developer, who supplied the PS. Or
was it yourself? Like was it the one who created the fitbit, was it the doctor who gave you the
fitbit or was it yourself who had to set the goal with the fitbit after it was given to you. Different
types of change need different types of strategie. And also different outcomes.

The event: you need to know the context. what is the problem domain , who are the users,
technical and what are the opportunities an strength/weaknesses.
And then last is the stragegy: what type of massages you want to send to the user. What do
they need is in indirect or direct.

Design of system qualities: there are 4 categories. Primary task-, dialogue-, credibility-, social
Primary task: monitoring, simulation
Dialogue support: user interaction.
Credibility support: if your system is from a doctor see the features etc.
Social support: features that motivate you more, running together or against each other
things like that.

You always have to be clear on the target group. The intent: the persuader, change type. The
event: use, user, technology. The strategy: message, route.
You can use theory, like that humans react the same way to virtual reality humans and real
life humans.

Aspects of behaviour change:

-releases dopamine
-make it feel like its their own choice
-encourages social contact or provides social pressure
-Sets a standard of thinking bases on providing a warped image of what other people are
doing, creating a need to follow along
framing, call to action and social pressure
aspects: creating social pressure via giving a distorted image of what everyone does and
should do
Make people think that they have their own choice
Hackathon ideas:
● WW2
● music industry
● addictions
● cooking/restaurant
● badly behaving children
● unsolicited phone usage in classrooms
● theft
● breaking traffic rules
● social stockade

relapse reasons:
● Stress. Stress is the top cause of relapse. ...
● People or Places Connected to the Addictive Behavior. ...
● Negative or Challenging Emotions. ...
● Seeing or Sensing the Object of Your Addiction. ...
● Times of Celebration.

INT. Protopolis - Early morning

the room is dimly lit, outside the sun is barely coming up as Justen comes in for the morning


shot from inside of protopolis filming the door, camera slowly turning towards the
fridge as Justen walks to the fridge

(justen enters the protopolis with a massive hangover, craving for coffee and a toastie)

O god i want a flame toastie, (sighs)

shot from behind shoulder of Justen filming the fridge door

(tries to open the fridge on the wrong side and gets slightly angry, slamming his head (softly)
on the fridge one time. After opening the fridge right, he grabs his favourite ‘flame’ toastie out
of the fridge)

closeup of flametoastie packaging

Damn I need this flame toastie

shot of Justen and toastie iron from the right

(puts toastie in toastie iron)

shot of Justen from the left following him towards the sofa

(Justen walks towards the sofa and lays down and falls asleep)


close up shot of the toastie iron

*shot of toastie iron starting to smoke*

closeup of Justen his face

(Justen wakes up smelling the toastie smoke)

Yo, this toastie smells fire. hell yeah

shot of Justen and toastie iron from the right

(Justen walks towards the toastie iron)

closeup shot of toastie iron handle

(Justen grabs the handle)

shot of Justen standing in front of the toastie iron from the right and slightly below

*and a giant flaming bird comes out of the toastie iron when he opens it*

AAAAAAAH *sound fades out*

Call to action:

(moves to shot of flame toasty packaging and giant flaming bird mascot with screaming
electric guitar solo)

Can you handle the heat of Flame toasties?!
try the NEW and Enhanced flavour with extra HEAT!
Get your flame toasties before the supply burns out!

Er wordt te makkelijk gedacht over alcohol – en dat is gevaarlijk

Monfay, teusday, blablablab

Drinking as a student, everyday

-alarm clock morning
-get up
-in class
-closeup alarm clock night

-alarm clock morning

-get up hungover
-hungover in class
-closeup alarm clock night

30% studnets heavy drinker

they underestimate the dangers of alcohol
its ok to say no to a beer

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