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Facing Urban Conflicts: A Chance for Experimentation?

Bachelor-Project WiSe 2016-2017

Laurenz Blaser

Date | Time: 29.11.2016

Author(s): Laurenz Blaser
Moderator(s): Laura D. and Laura G.
Absent participants: ?
Delayed participants:

Agenda Topics
1. Intro and Organisation
2. Presentation 1: Social Innovation as a concept
3. Presentation 2: Social innovation in Scampia – Piazziamoci
4. Input and summary

Responsibility, Date
T 1 Intro and Organisation
Excursion to Milano: 7th – 13th May 2017
Program still to be discussed Sunday till Saturday official
Confirmation to be given, after that booking of flights
Overview next week
For workshop: Dictionary, synthetic map, results of
presentations till now

T 2 Presentation 1: Social innovation

By Boris and Rhea
Literature: Moulaert, F. (2010) “Social innovation and Community
Development: concepts, Theories and Challenges”, in F. Moulaert, F.
Martinelli, E. Swingedouw, S. Gonzales (eds.) Can Neighbourhoods
Save the City? Community Development and Social Innovation,
London & NY: Routladge University Press, pp.4-16.
Baker, S. and A. Mehmood (2013), “Social innovation and the
Governance of Sustainable Places”, Local Environment: The
International Journal of Justice and Sustainability: 1-14.

What is the difference between the conservative and the progressive

Wat are advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
How social innovation impact/ operate on the broader social/ economical/
political/ environmental context that created the problem in the first place?
What negative externalities of social innovation can you think of in terms of
benefits & private value?

- Conservative approach more Top-Down orientated while the

progressive is Bottom-Up
- Mix of terms social innovation and
- Social innovation is once equal interests, once for whole population
- Neighbourhoods are spatial, innovation

Protocol 1
Facing Urban Conflicts: A Chance for Experimentation? Bachelor-Project WiSe 2016-2017
Laurenz Blaser

- Different levels of social innovation: a change, aiming to satisfy some

human needs
- Can be embedded in institutional framework or it can be a radical
attempt to have a significant change

T 3 Presentation 2: Social innovation in Scampia - Piazziamoci

By Viviana and Diana
Literature: Moulaert, F. (2005) “Social Innovation: Institutionally
Embedded, Territorially (Re)produced”, in MacCallum, D., F.
Moulaert, J. Hillier and S. Vicari Haddock (eds.), Social Innovation
and Territorial Development. Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 11-24.
De Muro, P., P. Di Martino and L. Cavola (2007) “Fostering
Participation in Scampia: Let’s make a Piazza”, European Urban and
Regional Studies 14(3): 223-237.

How can association be more influential and effective while promoting

neighbourhood development?
Similar architecture can be found in Berlin as well. Is the social situation
similar? What could be effective here?

- Only achieved what was supposed to be an instrument for their real

goal, the connection and networking, rising of initiatives
- Top-down/bottom-up is always relative, considering the social
capital of the part of population starting the initiative
- Lack of leadership
- Question if initiatives really are democratic, because they often gain
power, being considered as the voice of the public, although often
they only represent a small group
- Social innovation as an alternative to state action is depending on
the system and possibilities to reach goals against states will
- Sometimes are not necessary but just beneficial, but especially in
spatial changes it is hard to reach aims without support of
- Community organisations could be interesting as a field of research
- How can social innovation be not just a response to crisis, but
prevent problems? – example of support of climate friendly projects
having a common goal of climate protection
- Social innovation as a catalyst for social transformation ( Dragoner
Areal-> specific location but stress on rent prices rising in Berlin in

Protocol 2
Facing Urban Conflicts: A Chance for Experimentation? Bachelor-Project WiSe 2016-2017
Laurenz Blaser

- Important to consider private actors because in neo-liberal states

these get more and more important next to state and public

T 4 Input Irene, summary of social innovation

Moulaert, F. (2005) “Social Innovation: Institutionally Embedded,

Territorially (Re)produced”, in MacCallum, D., F. Moulaert, J. Hillier and S.
Vicari Haddock (eds.), Social Innovation and Territorial Development. Surrey:
Ashgate, pp. 11-24.

29.11.2016 Laurenz Blaser

Protocol 3

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