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places and change

understanding space
· places underlie a constant chan-
· through the extension and ge through social influences
asemblance of things one becoming · one place can have multiple so-
perceives space as specific, cial meanings
material space · places can be manipulated, re-
· a basis for scientific concepts signified and subverted to achieve
· Newton interpreted space as different processes, create a diffe-
homogenous, infinite and inde- rent meaning
pendent of obstacles, ·this strategy is especially used in
assuming that space is existing contested urban places, to ques-
without material presence tion a meaning, represented by a
socio-spatial understanding of places place

+ · place has distinct materiality, an environment

historically constructed through roads, objects and see
space as a formal structure · sites where people live, work, move, form attachments,
negotiate between each other, practice their relations places and power
· understood as polydimenti-
· complicated set of social relations, individually experienced
onal metric frame system, in · through regulating and medi-
· constituted through the polyvalent inter-connectivities linking
which objects can be located ating social relations and daily
different protagonists
and portrayed routines, places places become
· latest conceptual idea connecting different understandings of
· filled with social relations and an instrument of power
socio-economic places is the “matrix-space“ theory, which
legal, political, economic and - are used for representation,
assumes space (place) to be an inherent aspect
historic dimensions it becomes distinction
of social practice

Blotevogel, H.H. (2005) “Raum”, in Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ed.), Handwörterbuch der Raumordnung, Hannover: ARL.
Leitner H., Sheppard E. and K.M. Sziarto (2008) “The spatialities of contentious politics”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 33(2). Johannes Griem
Martin, D., E. McCann and M. Purcell (2003) “Space, Scale, Governance and Representation: Contemporary Geographical Perspective on Urban Politics and Policy”, Journal of Urban Affairs 25(2). Laurenz Blaser

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