The Adventurous Couple - TAC - Walkthrough - CH12

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The Adventurous Couple


Walkthrough made by Sjoher

Made by Sjoher TAC Walkthrough

List on contents, short version:

List on contents, short version: ................................................................................... 2

List of contents, longer version ................................................................................... 3
Problems that might occur........................................................................................ 16
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................. 22
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................. 33
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................. 39
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................. 42
Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................. 48
Chapter 10 ............................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 11 ............................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 11 part 2 ..................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 12 ............................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 13 ............................................................................................................... 76

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List of contents, longer version

List on contents, short version: ................................................................................... 2

List of contents, longer version ................................................................................... 3
Problems that might occur........................................................................................ 16
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................. 17
ryan = True ........................................................................................................... 18
massagestroke = True .......................................................................................... 18
nicole = True ......................................................................................................... 19
nicole = False ....................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................. 20
fernanda = True .................................................................................................... 20
Leads to a sex scene ........................................................................................ 20
nicgym = True ....................................................................................................... 20
Sex scene between dialog options 4 and 5, no requirements required ............. 20
january = True ...................................................................................................... 21
barista = True ....................................................................................................... 21
januarybusted = True ............................................................................................ 21
january = False ..................................................................................................... 21
niclunch = True ..................................................................................................... 21
satryan = True ...................................................................................................... 21
Sex scene ......................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................. 22
love - 2 .................................................................................................................. 22
cuck = True ........................................................................................................... 22
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 22
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 22
elenaass = True .................................................................................................... 22
elena + 2 ............................................................................................................... 22
oldchap = True...................................................................................................... 22
cornell = True........................................................................................................ 23
v3_sex + 1 ............................................................................................................ 23
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 23
love - 4 .................................................................................................................. 23

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hallwaytits = True .................................................................................................. 23

randall = True ....................................................................................................... 23
v3_sex + 1 ............................................................................................................ 23
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 23
boobflash = True ................................................................................................... 23
love - 1 .................................................................................................................. 23
will = True ............................................................................................................. 24
willroom = True ..................................................................................................... 24
v3_sex + 1 ............................................................................................................ 24
Eventually leads to a sex scene ........................................................................ 24
poolfun = True ...................................................................................................... 24
v3_sex + 1 ............................................................................................................ 24
Sex scene? ....................................................................................................... 24
v3_sex + 1 ............................................................................................................ 24
waiter = True......................................................................................................... 24
faithful = False ...................................................................................................... 25
couple = True........................................................................................................ 25
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 25
faithful = True........................................................................................................ 25
v3_confess = True ................................................................................................ 25
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 25
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 25
elena + 2 ............................................................................................................... 26
elenahead = True ................................................................................................. 26
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 26
elena - 2................................................................................................................ 26
annewatch = True ................................................................................................. 26
carmen = True ...................................................................................................... 26
faithful = False ...................................................................................................... 26
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 26
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 26
anne_yulia = True ................................................................................................. 26
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 26
sat_cornell = True ................................................................................................. 26
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 26

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cuck = True ........................................................................................................... 27

love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 27
Sex Scene? ....................................................................................................... 27
cuck = False ......................................................................................................... 27
love – 1 ................................................................................................................. 27
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................. 28
elena += 2 ............................................................................................................. 28
v4_nic = True ........................................................................................................ 28
v4_jan = True........................................................................................................ 28
january_suck = True ............................................................................................. 28
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 28
faithful = False ...................................................................................................... 29
v4_nic_fuck = True ............................................................................................... 29
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 29
nicole = False ....................................................................................................... 29
eric = True ............................................................................................................ 29
dre = True ............................................................................................................. 29
dre_gym = True .................................................................................................... 29
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 29
v4_tues_massage = True ..................................................................................... 29
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 29
naomi = True ........................................................................................................ 30
naomi = False ....................................................................................................... 30
naomi_boobs = True ............................................................................................. 30
Sex Scene? ....................................................................................................... 30
v4sat_sex = True .................................................................................................. 30
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 30
love - 5 .................................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................. 31
naomi = False ....................................................................................................... 31
v5naomi_suck = True ........................................................................................... 31
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 31
v5wedsex = True .................................................................................................. 31
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 31

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Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 31

love - 1 .................................................................................................................. 31
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 32
mike = True........................................................................................................... 32
swing = True ......................................................................................................... 32
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 32
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 32
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 32
Eventually leads to a Sex Scene ....................................................................... 32
love – 1 ................................................................................................................. 32
annemovie = True................................................................................................. 32
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................. 33
v6gym = True........................................................................................................ 33
v6beach = True..................................................................................................... 33
v6work = True ....................................................................................................... 33
cayley = True ........................................................................................................ 33
brittany = True ...................................................................................................... 33
cayley = False....................................................................................................... 33
brittany = False ..................................................................................................... 33
angela = True ....................................................................................................... 33
katrina = True ....................................................................................................... 33
katrina = False ...................................................................................................... 34
angela = False ...................................................................................................... 34
gymbusted = True................................................................................................. 34
love - 2 .................................................................................................................. 34
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 34
cinemastop = True ................................................................................................ 34
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 34
v6tuesbeach = True .............................................................................................. 34
v6tuesbeach = True .............................................................................................. 34
v6nicole = True ..................................................................................................... 34
v6_january = True................................................................................................. 34
v6_january_fuck = True ........................................................................................ 35
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 35
january = False ..................................................................................................... 35

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january_suck = False ............................................................................................ 35

jennifer = True ...................................................................................................... 35
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 35
jennifer_fuck = True .............................................................................................. 35
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 35
v6nicfuck = True ................................................................................................... 35
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 35
nicole = False ....................................................................................................... 35
brittany = False ..................................................................................................... 35
brittany = False ..................................................................................................... 35
brittany = False ..................................................................................................... 36
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 36
cayley = False....................................................................................................... 36
cayley = False....................................................................................................... 36
cayley = False....................................................................................................... 36
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 36
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 36
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 36
v6tattoo = True ..................................................................................................... 36
tat_boob = True .................................................................................................... 37
tat_pussy = True ................................................................................................... 37
tat_both = True ..................................................................................................... 37
v6_satbrit_beach = True ....................................................................................... 37
brittany = False ..................................................................................................... 37
v6_satcay_beach = True ...................................................................................... 37
cayley = False....................................................................................................... 37
Both lead to a Sex Scene, just different scenes ................................................ 37
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 37
tat_suck = True ..................................................................................................... 37
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 37
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 38
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 38
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................. 39
drewatch = True.................................................................................................... 39

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cuck = True ........................................................................................................... 39

Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 39
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 39
erictell = True ........................................................................................................ 39
Leads to a Sex Scene ....................................................................................... 39
Leads to a Sex Scene ....................................................................................... 39
v7elena = True...................................................................................................... 39
Both choices lead to the same Sex Scene ........................................................ 39
v7wedgym = True ................................................................................................. 39
v7wedbeach = True .............................................................................................. 39
mia = True ............................................................................................................ 40
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 40
anne2 = True ........................................................................................................ 40
swing = True ......................................................................................................... 40
annefaith = False .................................................................................................. 41
martincheat = True ............................................................................................... 41
stripper = True ...................................................................................................... 41
sunbeach = True ................................................................................................... 41
sunmall = True ...................................................................................................... 41
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................. 42
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 42
martinwatch = True ............................................................................................... 42
mondiner = True ................................................................................................... 42
olivia = True .......................................................................................................... 43
tiffany = True......................................................................................................... 43
chloe = True.......................................................................................................... 43
tiffany = True......................................................................................................... 43
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 43
love - 1 .................................................................................................................. 43
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 43
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 43
love - 1 .................................................................................................................. 43
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 43
fridinner = True ..................................................................................................... 44

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v8oliviafuck = True ................................................................................................ 44

Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 44
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 44
faithful = True........................................................................................................ 44
faithful = False ...................................................................................................... 44
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 44
damien = True ...................................................................................................... 44
swing = False........................................................................................................ 44
swing = False........................................................................................................ 44
swing = False........................................................................................................ 44
swing = False........................................................................................................ 45
swing = False........................................................................................................ 45
swing = False........................................................................................................ 45
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 45
love – 1 ................................................................................................................. 45
swing = False........................................................................................................ 45
23 a and c lead to the same Sex Scene............................................................ 45
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 45
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 45
cuck = True ........................................................................................................... 45
annefaith = False .................................................................................................. 46
love – 1 ................................................................................................................. 46
Masturbation scene depending on different choices ......................................... 46
thursdinner = True ................................................................................................ 46
Zarah = True ......................................................................................................... 46
pizza_suck = True ................................................................................................ 46
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 46
pizza_fuck = True ................................................................................................. 46
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 46
shannon = True .................................................................................................... 46
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 46
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 47
anne_panties = True ............................................................................................. 47
Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................. 48
Tiffany = False ...................................................................................................... 48

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homelunch + 1 ...................................................................................................... 48
zarah = True ......................................................................................................... 48
martin = True ........................................................................................................ 48
martintues = True ................................................................................................. 48
martin = False ....................................................................................................... 48
homelunch + 2 ...................................................................................................... 48
if martintues = True, Sex Scene in between here ............................................. 48
homelunch + 2 ...................................................................................................... 49
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 49
shannon = False ................................................................................................... 49
zarahhome = True ................................................................................................ 49
zarah = False ........................................................................................................ 49
if martintues = True, Sex Scene in between here ............................................. 49
drakebeach = True ............................................................................................... 49
drake = True ......................................................................................................... 49
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 49
anal = True ........................................................................................................... 49
Sex Scene no matter what you choose here..................................................... 49
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 49
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 50
cuckquean = True ................................................................................................. 50
homelunch + 2 ...................................................................................................... 50
quean_shannon = True ........................................................................................ 50
quean_mia = True ................................................................................................ 50
quean_zarah = True ............................................................................................. 50
homelunch + 2 ...................................................................................................... 50
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 50
friparty = True ....................................................................................................... 51
friparty = False ...................................................................................................... 51
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 51
satclub = True ....................................................................................................... 51
v9slut = True ......................................................................................................... 51
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 51
v9int = True........................................................................................................... 51
v9quean = True .................................................................................................... 51

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Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 51

Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 52
Chapter 10 ............................................................................................................... 53
josie = True ........................................................................................................... 53
emma = True ........................................................................................................ 53
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 53
couch = True......................................................................................................... 53
cuck = True ........................................................................................................... 53
couch = True......................................................................................................... 53
faithful = False ...................................................................................................... 54
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 54
v10chloefuck = True ............................................................................................. 54
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 54
malcolm = True ..................................................................................................... 54
malcolm_eat = True .............................................................................................. 54
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 54
malcolm = True ..................................................................................................... 54
malcolm_beach = True ......................................................................................... 54
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 54
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 55
phil = True............................................................................................................. 55
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 55
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 55
emma = False ....................................................................................................... 55
emma = False ....................................................................................................... 55
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 55
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 55
plumbersuck = True .............................................................................................. 56
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 56
plumberfuck = True ............................................................................................... 56
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 56
swingparty = True ................................................................................................. 56
holly = True ........................................................................................................... 56
voyeur = True ....................................................................................................... 56
holly = True ........................................................................................................... 56

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Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 56

swing = True ......................................................................................................... 56
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 56
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 56
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 56
fritease = True ...................................................................................................... 57
v10fri_mc = True ................................................................................................... 57
v10fri_anne = True ............................................................................................... 57
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 57
fri_massage = True ............................................................................................... 57
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 57
kelsey = True ........................................................................................................ 57
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 57
Leads to a Sex Scene ....................................................................................... 57
anne2bar = True ................................................................................................... 58
Sex Scene at the end of chapter ....................................................................... 58
Chapter 11 ............................................................................................................... 59
annefaith = True ................................................................................................... 59
erika = True .......................................................................................................... 59
mon_diner = True ................................................................................................. 59
v11_tiffany = True ................................................................................................. 59
v11_kelsey = True ................................................................................................ 59
v11_tiffany_sex = True ......................................................................................... 59
faithful = False ...................................................................................................... 59
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 59
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 59
mon_mad = True .................................................................................................. 59
love – 1 ................................................................................................................. 59
ryan = False .......................................................................................................... 59
erika = False ......................................................................................................... 60
erika_gym = True .................................................................................................. 60
erika = False ......................................................................................................... 60
tues_strip = True ................................................................................................... 61
Strip Scene ....................................................................................................... 61
tues_play = True ................................................................................................... 61

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Masturbation Scene .......................................................................................... 61

tues_fuck = True ................................................................................................... 61
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 61
robert_stroke = True ............................................................................................. 61
robert = True ......................................................................................................... 61
robert_suck = True ............................................................................................... 61
robert = True ......................................................................................................... 61
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 61
v11_home_lunch = True ....................................................................................... 61
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 61
cynthia = True ....................................................................................................... 61
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 62
wed_phil = True .................................................................................................... 62
wed_kelsey = True ............................................................................................... 62
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 62
Layla = True.......................................................................................................... 62
v11_donny = True................................................................................................. 62
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 62
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 62
Bonus Sex Scene.............................................................................................. 62
alexandre = True .................................................................................................. 62
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 62
gym_banned = True ............................................................................................. 63
erika_shower = True ............................................................................................. 63
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 63
erika_shower = True ............................................................................................. 63
erika = False ......................................................................................................... 63
gym_banned = True ............................................................................................. 63
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 63
erika_fuck = True .................................................................................................. 63
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 63
karen = True ......................................................................................................... 64
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 64
Chapter 11 part 2 ..................................................................................................... 65
v11_fribeach = True.............................................................................................. 65

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v11_nicole = True ................................................................................................. 65

v11_emma = True ................................................................................................ 65
v11_emma_walk = True ....................................................................................... 65
cynthia = False ..................................................................................................... 65
v11_emma_sex = True ......................................................................................... 66
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 66
v11_emma_suck = True ....................................................................................... 66
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 66
v11_emma_fuck = True ........................................................................................ 66
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 66
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 66
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 66
v11_victoria = True ............................................................................................... 66
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 66
v11_sat_young = True .......................................................................................... 67
v11_sat_old = True ............................................................................................... 67
v11_salesman = True ........................................................................................... 67
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 67
v11_sat_car_fuck = True ...................................................................................... 67
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 67
faithful = True........................................................................................................ 67
love = 0 ................................................................................................................. 67
gescina = True ...................................................................................................... 68
v11_ari = True ...................................................................................................... 68
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 12 ............................................................................................................... 69
martincheat = False .............................................................................................. 69
annefaith = True ................................................................................................... 69
v12_martin_confess = True .................................................................................. 69
annefaith = False .................................................................................................. 69
v12_mon_coffee = True ........................................................................................ 69
home_lunch + 1 .................................................................................................... 69
v12_tues_beach = True ........................................................................................ 69
v12_martin = True ................................................................................................ 69
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 70

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victoria = True ....................................................................................................... 70

victoria_sex = True ............................................................................................... 70
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 70
vic_pregnant = True .............................................................................................. 70
v12_anne_martin_sex .......................................................................................... 70
Sex Scene (I think, can’t confirm it though) ....................................................... 70
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 70
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 70
v12_tues_porn = True .......................................................................................... 71
v12_emma_shower = True ................................................................................... 71
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 71
v12_laundry = True ............................................................................................... 71
v12_neighbor = True ............................................................................................ 71
v12_both = True ................................................................................................... 71
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 71
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 71
v12_danny = True................................................................................................. 71
v12_dentist = True ................................................................................................ 71
v12_dentist_tell = True ......................................................................................... 71
Sex (Masturbation?) Scene ............................................................................... 72
v12_chloe = True .................................................................................................. 72
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 72
love – 1 ................................................................................................................. 72
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 72
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 72
v12_not_home = True .......................................................................................... 72
luke = True............................................................................................................ 72
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 73
love + 2 ................................................................................................................. 73
makeup = True ..................................................................................................... 73
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 73
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 73
v12_sun_run = True ............................................................................................. 73
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 73
cum_kiss = True ................................................................................................... 73

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Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 73

luke_sex = True .................................................................................................... 75
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 75
v13_luke = True .................................................................................................... 75
v13_luke_alan = True ........................................................................................... 75
v12_sun_emma = True ......................................................................................... 75
v12_emma_bar = True ......................................................................................... 75
Sex Scene ......................................................................................................... 75
Chapter 13 ............................................................................................................... 76

Please note:
I try to keep track of when a choice leads to an extra scene and when sex scenes
happen. I might however miss some of those since I’m only looking at the code but
not playing the game itself.
This is a complicated game with lots of different dialogs that lead to multiple different
things, so multiple playthroughs are recommended and multiple saves don’t hurt

Problems that might occur

Nothing found so far. Earlier problems have been fixed

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Chapter 1

1. How can I convince Anne that this fantasy of mine is not just a fantasy but
that I want it to be a reality
a) Do some research for ideas to spice up your sex life
b) Work at least half the day

(Changes nothing, just some dialog changes)

2. Anne is now home from work and you join her in the living room
a) Tell her about what you found on the internet
Game Over Screen
b) Ask Anne about her day

3. (Only if 2b) Thanks for dinner babe, I'm going to have a shower before
going to bed
a) Go to bed
b) Peek in on Anne in shower
Extra Scene

4. You wake up before Anne and watch her sleeping for a few minutes
admiring her beauty
a) Get up and make breakfast

No other option available

5. We're definitely getting these Bonus points

a) Go to mall and wait for Anne

No other option available

6. Yeah but at least we're here together

a) Tell her about the new email activity
He leans a little as he watches Anne undresses
6a1.1) Confront the man
Extra Dialog
6a1.2) Let him watch
(Both lead to the same scene)

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Where shall we go next?

6a2.1) Go home
Extra Dialog
6a2.2) Visit the shoe store
(You will go buy shoes no matter what)

b) Don't tell her about the email and just shop

Extra dialog

7. You decide to check your emails before continuing to work

a) Allow Ryan to come over
ryan = True
b) Don't allow Ryan to come over

8. Do you mind rubbing my feet a little?

a) Not at all
Extra Scene
b)Sorry baby, I'm too tired

9. Fuck! My back is fucking killing me!

a) Get a massage
Extra Scene
b) Stay on couch
Extra dialog
10. (Only if 9a) Let me help you release some of that tension
a) Let her do it
Extra Scene
massagestroke = True

b) Say no, and end massage

11. You have a quick breakfast

a) Work on your project
b) Relax on couch
(Just some dialog changes)

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12. Where do you want to go first?

(You will come back to this menu screen until you decide to go home. You
can do all of them or only getting food)
a) Clothing shop
b) Shoe store
c) Get food
d) Go Home (Only pops up once you get food)

13. Thanks for having me over, I've been looking forward to tonight all week
a) Check out her ass
Extra Scene
b) Don't

14. You save your work and finish for the night
a) Check on Nicole
nicole = True
Extra Scene
b) Go to bed

15. You wake up Saturday morning alone in bed

a) Have a shower
Extra Scene
b) Join Anne in Kitchen

16. (only if 14 b) Nicole stretches her leg out puts her foot to your crotch.
a) Move her foot
Extra dialog
nicole = False
b) Leave her foot on your crotch
Extra Scene

17. (if Nicole = True) Oh shit! Not what I expected

- Reply to Nicole
Extra Scene
- Ignore and delete photo
Extra Scene

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Chapter 2

1. I should try to get some work done, might make this day go by faster or..
a) Do some work
b) Sleep on couch
c) (if massagestroke=True) Go for a massage

2. (Only if 1c) Good to hear, let's get right to it then

a) Take a closer look
Extra Scene
b) Don't

3. (Only if 2a) Would you like me to take my clothes off too?

a) Yes
fernanda = True
Leads to a sex scene
(Does not matter where you cum)
b) No

(There is a different scene inbetween here if Nicole = True)

4. (Only if Nicole = True) You go to your office and work for a couple hours
a) Meet Nicole at the gym
nicgym = True
Extra Scene
b) Don't meet up with Nicole

Sex scene between dialog options 4 and 5, no

requirements required

5. What to do now?
a) Continue working
b) (Only if Nicole = True) Go to the gym
c) (Only if Fernanda=True) Get a massage

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6. (Only if 5b) You make your way over to Nicole, and glance over at the girl
who was bent over
a) Take a closer look
b) Continue to Nicole

7. (Only if 6a) Cute! She's really cute

a) Say hi
january = True
Extra Scene
b) Continue to Nicole

8. (Only if 7a) Coming right up

a) Check out her ass
barista = True
januarybusted = True
january = False
b) Don't risk it

9. (Only if 6b OR 7b) I actually just finished, but you could join me for lunch if
you’d like?
a) Join her for lunch
niclunch = True
b) Decline the invite for lunch

(Here you will tell your wife about what happened during the day.)

10. (Only if ryan = True) Me too actually, I'll come with you
a) Peek in kitchen
(Ryan grabs Anne’s butt)
b) Don't peek

11. (Only if ryan = True) Hmmm, what should I do?

a) Head home to spy on them
satryan = True
Sex scene
b) Stay at the bar

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Chapter 3

1. You both get undressed and get on the bed

a) Play with Anne
b) Just go to sleep
love - 2

2. (Only if 1a) Oh god I love you inside me!

a) Talk about Cornell fucking her
cuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Just fuck your wife

Sex Scene

3. Oh shit! That's hot

a) Check out her ass
elenaass = True
Extra Scene
b) Nahh

4. She's really beautiful

a) Compliment Elena
elena + 2
b) Don't Compliment Elena (Not sure what happens here)

5. (Only if elenaass = True) Should I take this opportunity to look at her

sexy ass again?
a) Of course
Extra Scene
b) Nah! An ass is an ass

6. Do you want to go back to the beach or the pool?

a) Go to the pool
oldchap = True
b) Go to the beach
(Extra scenes depending on where you go)

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7. Yes if you are still ok with it

a) Of course I am
cornell = True
v3_sex + 1
Sex Scene

b) I don't know
love - 4

8. Cute and nice tits

a) Quickly glance at her breasts
hallwaytits = True
Extra Scene
b) Don't chance it

9. Is there a better place to do that then

a) Invite Randall over in the evening
randall = True
v3_sex + 1
b) Don't invite him

10. (Only if randall = True) Do you think I should put on some lingerie or
stay in this dress for when he arrives
a) Stay in dress
b) Put on lingerie
(Different scenes depending on clothing)

(Only if Randall = True)

Sex Scene

11. Hmmm, do you think I should flash a boob?

a) You should definitely flash a boob
boobflash = True
b) Don't you think you have enough attention
love - 1

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12. Do you want to go to the pool or back to the beach?

a) Go to the pool
b) Go to the beach
(Different scenes depending on where you go)

13. (Only if 12 b) She's not feeling well today so she's up in the room
a) Anne asks Will for help with her lotion!
will = True
b) Anne send Will on his way

14. (Only if 13 a) Do you think I should've invited to the room?

a) Yes baby, that would have been fun
willroom = True
v3_sex + 1
Eventually leads to a sex scene
b) Nah, he's a big boy
(Leads to a scene in the bar)
In between dialog choices 14 and 15 there are different dialogs depending on if
randall = True, if cornell = True or if both = False)
15. Do you want to have some fun?
a) Yes I want to have fun!
poolfun = True
v3_sex + 1
Sex scene?
b) Nah
(There is a different dialog here if v3_sex is 3 or higher)
16. Kinda yeah! But I moved my leg just before he did
a) Do you want to have fun with him?
v3_sex + 1
waiter = True
b) Just continue dinner

17. (Only if 16 a) You don't have to, you can stay out if you want?"
a) Stay out without Anne
b) Stay with Anne

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18. (Only if 17a AND randall = True) And how about you? Would you like
to join us for some fun?
a) Accept their offer
faithful = False
couple = True
b) Decline their offer

19. (Only if 18 a) That's a nice ass

a) Take a closer look
b) Don't

(Only if 18 a)

Sex Scene

20. (only if elenaass = True) Take care Elena

a) Check out her ass as she walks away
b) Don't

21. (only if couple = True) You never told me about your night last night
a) Tell Anne the truth
faithful = True
v3_confess = True
love + 2
b) Don't risk it

WARNING If v3_sex is 0 or less, you will get a game over screen at this point

Sex Scene
(There are different dialogs during this sex scene depending on if cuck
= True or not)

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22. Yes it is and I have chosen you if you accept

a) Accept a blowjob from Elena
elena + 2
elenahead = True
Sex Scene
(Different dialogs here depending on if you already confessed on
cheating of wife or not)
(WARNING Wife will catch you and if truthful = False, you will get a game over
b) Decline Elena's offer
elena - 2

23. (Only if 22 b) Should I go to the bar now or...

a) Go to the bar to watch Anne
annewatch = True
b) Go visit girl from the beach
carmen = True
faithful = False
Sex Scene
c) (If waiter = True) Hang out here for a while

Sex Scene

24. (Only if 23 a) Shall we go back to your room and have some fun
together for my birthday?
a) Anne is Yulia's birthday present!
anne_yulia = True
Sex Scene
b) Anne declines Yulia and waits for Cornell
sat_cornell = True
Sex Scene

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25. I sure did and we had a blast

a) Tell Anne to continue
cuck = True
love + 2
Sex Scene?
b) You don't want to hear any more
cuck = False
love – 1

Sex Scene
(Different dialogs during this sex scene depending on if watier = True or not)


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Chapter 4

1. What to do now?
a) Work
b) (only if elenahead = True) Text Elena
elena += 2
c) (Only if Nicole = True) Text Nicole
v4_nic = True
d) (Only if january = True) Text January
v4_jan = True

2. (Only if 1d) Wasn't thinking about that but..

a) I sure would
january_suck = True
Sex Scene
b) No not interested

3. (Only if 1c) Nicole works as a Pharmaceutical rep and typically wears

sexy outfits to help with sales.
a) Go with Nicole to the mall
b) Go home

4. (Only if 3a) Sure, I’d love to help you out

a) Peek
Extra Scene
b) Don't peek

5. (Only if 3a) What do you think?

a) I like it
b) I don't like it
c) Ask to see the back
(Mostly just dialog changes)

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6. (Only if 3a) Do I have to spell it out for you? Doesn’t take a genius to
figure out what I want
a) Have fun with Nicole
faithful = False
v4_nic_fuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Politely decline
nicole = False

(Lots of different dialog scenes depending on your choices above)

7. Of course not
a) Keep pushing with Eric
eric = True
b) Change the subject
dre = True

8. (Only if 7b) I took off my shorts and headed to the changerooms

a) Anne asks Dre to join her!
dre_gym = True
Sex Scene
b) Continue

9. You make yourself breakfast and ponder what to do for the day.
a) Work on your project
b) (Only if v4_nic = True) Go to the gym
c) Get a massage

10. (Only if 9c) … but if you’d like, Samantha is available?

a) Get massage from Samantha
v4_tues_massage = True
(at least it’s supposed to, might be a code error here line 1167 for

Sex Scene
b) Decline and go home

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11. You spend the morning working on your project

a) Have lunch at home
b) Go out for lunch
naomi = True

12. (Only if 11b) What to do now?

a) Go home
naomi = False
b) Talk with waitress

13. You have a quick breakfast

a) Go to your office and work
b) (Only if nicole = True) Go to the gym

14. (Only if 13a) You spend the rest of the morning working on your project
a) Make yourself lunch
b) (Only if naomi = True) Go to the diner for lunch

15. (Only if 14 b) Hope you enjoy your lunch

a) Flirt with her
naomi_boobs = True
Sex Scene?
b) Just thank her

16. (Only if 13b) You try calling Nicole again, but still no answer
a) (ony if v4_nic = True) Go check on Nicole
b) Just go home
(there is a lot happening between here depending on earlier choices…)
17. Not just Mike, everything about today was arousing
a) Have sex with Anne
v4sat_sex = True
Sex Scene
b) You're too tired
love - 5

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Chapter 5

1. You have breakfast

a) Have sex with Anne
b) Just work

2. (Only if 1b) Anne turns to leave the office to pack her overnight bag
a) Keep Anne company while she packs
b) Continue working

3. You work for the next couple hours.

a) Have dinner at home
b) (Only if naomi = True) Have dinner at the diner

4. (Only if naomi_boobs = True) Naomi begins to undo your jeans

a) Stop her and leave the diner
naomi = False
b) Stop her and continue lunch with Naomi
c) Let her continue
v5naomi_suck = True
Sex Scene

5. Maybe! He's fun!

a) Have sex with Anne
v5wedsex = True
love + 2
Sex Scene
b) You're too tired
love - 1

6. (Only if 5a)
a) Fondle her tits
b) Get up and make breakfast

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7. I would love that, and this time you can choose which part you want to touch!
Choose wisely
a) Touch Boobs
b) Touch Ass
c) Touch Pussy

Sex Scene

(Only different scenes here, touching pussy leads to fingering scene)

8. Mike you can choose

a) Panties
b) Top
(Only different scenes here)

9. Well, I guess that’s the game. I don’t really want to try and get %(t)s naked
a) Continue
mike = True
(Different scenes here depending on if cuck = True or not)
b) End game

10. (Only if 9a) I love you too baby! Enjoy yourself

a) Join them
swing = True
Sex Scene
(Different scenes depending on if cuck = True or not)
b) Just watch

Sex Scene

11. I kinda want to go see a movie

a) See a movie with Anne
love + 2
Eventually leads to a Sex Scene
b) Stay home
love – 1
annemovie = True

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Chapter 6

1. What should I do now?

a) Go to the gym
v6gym = True
b) Go to the beach
v6beach = True
c) Just work
v6work = True

2. (Only if 1b) Which girl do you prefer?

a) Girl on left (pink bikini)
cayley = True
b) Girl on right (blue bikini)
brittany = True
c) Neither one

3. (Only if 2a) You see her trying to apply lotion all over her back and having
trouble with it
a) Offer to help
b) Just watch
cayley = False

4. (Only if 2b) You see her trying to apply lotion all over her back and having
trouble with it
a) Offer to help
b) Just watch
brittany = False

5. (Only if 1a) Which girl do you prefer?

a) Girl on left (Turqoise hair)
angela = True
b) Girl on right (Pink hair)
katrina = True
c) Neither one

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6. (Only if 5b) She smiles at you

a) Smile back
b) Don't smile
katrina = False

7. (Only if 5a) She smiles at you

a) Smile back
b) Don't smile
angela = False

8. (Only if 1a) Fuck! Now that's a fucking hot ass!

a) Take a closer look
gymbusted = True
b) Just go home
(Lots of different dialogs happening here depending on your choices above and last
9. (Only if annemovie = True) Nope, and he took the bait and moved his
hand up to my pussy
a) Tell her to stop! You heard enough
love - 2
b) Continue
love + 2
cinemastop = True
Sex Scene

10. Hmmm, what to do for the rest of the afternoon?

a) (Only if brittany = True) Ask Brittany to go for coffee (Go to 16)
v6tuesbeach = True
b) (Only if cayley = True) Ask Cayley to go for coffee (Go to 19)
v6tuesbeach = True
c) (Only if v4_nic_fuck = True) See if Nicole wants company (go to 15)
v6nicole = True
d) (Only if january_suck = True) See if January wants to meet up (go to
v6_january = True
e) Just work for the rest of the day

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11. (Only if 10d) Today I want you to fuck me here in this alley
a) Agree to fuck her
v6_january_fuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Decline and go home
january = False
january_suck = False

12. (Only if 11a) You're finding hard to focus on fucking January with this girl
playing with herself watching you
a) Let January know that she is there
jennifer = True
13. (Only if 12 a) Now lets see how good you are with a pussy!
a) Leave them play together and go home
b) Watch them play together

Sex Scene

14. (Only if 13b) Look at that ass and such an inviting pussy! Unbelievable!
a) Take the invite and fuck Jennifer
jennifer_fuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Just continue watching!

15. (Only if 10c) You want to ummm..... have some fun with me?
a) Have fun with Nicole
v6nicfuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Decline and go home
nicole = False

16. (Only if 10 a) What have I gotten myself into?

a) Leave and go home
brittany = False
b) Keep listening to her

17. (Only if 16b) Can I kiss you?

a) No
brittany = False
b) Yes

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18. (Only if 17b) Do you want to go somewhere and have a little fun?
a) No
brittany = False
b) Yes

Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)

19. (Only if 10b) What have I gotten myself into?

a) Leave and go home
cayley = False
b) Keep listening to her

20. (Only if 19b) Can I kiss you?

a) No
cayley = False
b) Yes

21. (Only if 20b) Do you want to go somewhere and have a little fun?
a) No
cayley = False
b) Yes

Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)
22. Wanna watch a movie?
a) Watch a movie with Anne
love + 2
b) Ask Anne to go to bed

Sex Scene

23. What do you think?

a) Love the idea
v6tattoo = True
b) Don't like the idea

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24. (Only if 23a) Here you make the choice for Anne
a) Just on my boob
tat_boob = True
b) Just by my pussy
tat_pussy = True
c) I want both
tat_both = True

25. (Only if brittany = True) I could really use your magic hands lol
a) Agree to meet at the beach
v6_satbrit_beach = True
b) Decline her invitation.
brittany = False

26. (Only if cayley = True) I could really use your magic hands lol
a) Agree to meet at the beach
v6_satcay_beach = True
b) Decline her invitation.
cayley = False

27. (Only if tat_boob = True) Thank you, I will

a) Ask Anne to take her shirt off
b) Don't

Both lead to a Sex Scene, just different scenes

(only if if tat_pussy = True)

Sex Scene

28. (Only if if tat_pussy = True) If you want me to, then turn around and I will
suck his cock while you watch
a) Go back to the shop
tat_suck = True
Sex Scene
b) Just go home

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(only if if tat_both = True)

Sex Scene

(Only if if v6_satbrit_beach = True)

Sex Scene

(Only if if v6_satcay_beach: = True)

Sex Scene

(There’s lots of different dialogs and scenes here depending on previous choices)

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Chapter 7

1. (Only if dre = True) You gonna watch?

a) Of course
drewatch = True
cuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Join in

Sex Scene

2. (Only if eric = True) He’ll be here in a few minutes, he said

a) Tell her about Eric seeing her pictures
erictell = True
Leads to a Sex Scene
b) Don't tell her

Leads to a Sex Scene

3. (Only if elenahead = Ture) Do you want to meet up?

a) Yes
v7elena = True
b) No

4. (Only if 3a) Sounds like a plan to me

a) Take a quick look at her ass
b) Just get in

Both choices lead to the same Sex Scene

5. (Only if v7elena = True) No missed call but you do have texts from Anne and
a) Read Anne's text first
b) (Only if elena >=4) Read Elena's text first

6. Now what?
a) Go to the gym
v7wedgym = True
b) Go to the beach
v7wedbeach = True
c) Just work through it

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7. (Only if 6b) + (Only if brittany = True, OR cayley = True) Fuck! Now what?
a) Go to the beach anyways
b) Stay home and watch tv

8. (Only if 6a) Holy shit her nipple is showing...I should say something
a) Tell her
mia = True
b) Don't tell her

Sex Scene
(Pretty sure there is one here while talking to wife on the phone)

9. You work until lunch

a) (Only if v6_satbrit_beach = True) Go to the beach
b) (Only if if v6_satcay_beach = True) Go to the beach
c) (Only if katrina = True) Go to the gym
d) (Only if if angela = True) Go to the gym
e) Just continue working

10. (Only if 9c OR 9d) + (if v7wedgym = False) Fuck! She's hot

a) Look at her ass when she walks by
b) Don't look

11. (Only if 9c OR 9d) + (Only if mia = True) You follow Mia out of the gym to the
change rooms to get changed.
a) Take a close look at her ass
b) Just continue

12. (Only if 9a OR 9b)+(Only if v6_satcay_beach = True) You don’t see Cayley

but you do see a group of naked women and the milf from the other day but
without her husband..
a) Stay at the beach near group!
b) Stay at the beach near milf
anne2 = True
c) Just go home

13. I was just thinking the same thing.

a) Talk to Anne about the swinging couple
swing = True
b) Just go to sleep!

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14. Make the choice for Anne

a) Ok I'll do it
b) Won't do it
(Only different dialogs here)

15. How does Anne react?

a) Anne gets mad at Martin
b) Anne allows him to do it
annefaith = False
martincheat = True

16. Yeppers
a) Go to amateur night
stripper = True
b) Stay home

17. (Only if 16a) Do you want to stay for a drink or go home now
a) Go home now
b) Stay for a drink
(Different dialog here depending on annefaith = True or not)

18. (Only if 16b + annefaith = false) Should I ask her about the beach?
a) Yes
b) No
(Just different dialog here)

19. Ok! What do you want to do today?

a) Go to the beach
sunbeach = True
b) Go to the mall
sunmall = True
c) Ask Dad

Sex Scene
(Only if annefaith = False (Sex with MCs father I think). Scenes depend on your
choice in 19)

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Chapter 8

1. Fuck, fine! Yes you caught me creeping on your wife

a) Let him look
b) Tell him to go in
c) Stop him

2. (Only if 1b) How does Anne react and respond to Martin barging in
a) Get mad and tell him to get out
b) Allow him to use the toilet
c) (Only if annefaith = False) Be flirty and tease him

3. (Only if 2c) Here you get to make the choice for Anne again. Be careful
a) Masturbate for Martin
b) Invite Martin in the shower
c) Let Martin finish up and leave

4. (Only if 3b) Hmmm tempting....ok maybe just a little touch

a) (Only if cuck = True) Intervene
b) Watch Anne with your Dad

5. (Only if 4a) Now you will stand back while your dad and I get to know each
other better
a) Stay and watch your dad with Anne

Sex Scene
b) Leave and go to work

6. (Only if 5a) Oh my god is she going to fuck my dad?

a) Continue watching your wife about to fuck your dad
martinwatch = True
b) You can't watch anymore, leave and go to work

7. As Anne shifts in her chair her towel slips a little exposing her gorgeous
a) Tell her
b) Don't say nothing

8. What should I do for lunch.

a) Go to the diner
mondiner = True
b) Go home
c) No lunch

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9. Do you have an interest in one of the girls?

a) Nah! I'm good thanks
b) Olivia
olivia = True
b) Tiffany
tiffany = True
c) Chloe
chloe = True

10. (Only if 9b) 4 years and engaged for just under 1

a) Take a closer look
b) Let her know about the button
tiffany = True

11. (Only if martin = True) Are you upset with me for this morning?
a) No
love + 2
b) Yes
love - 1

12. Do you feel like watching a movie or going straight to bed?

a) Watch a movie
b) Go to bed

Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)

13. (Only if martinwatch = True) Ok, are you sure you're ok with this?
a) Yes of course
love + 2
b) I've changed my mind
love - 1

14. (Only if 13b) Oh well I'm not chasing her out there
a) Watch them

Sex Scene
b) Just go to work

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15. (Only if chloe = True) I was wondering if you and your wife would like to have
dinner with my husband and I this Friday at our place?
a) Agree to dinner
fridinner = True
b) Decline dinner

16. (Only if tiffany = True) You notice that her buttons have again opened up a
little more on her shirt
a) Tell her
b) Just take a quick look

17. (Only if olivia = True) What's something from in here?

a) Fuck Olivia
v8oliviafuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Just a coffee

18. (Only if v8oliviafuck = True) I know

a) Tell Anne about fucking Olivia
love + 2
faithful = True
b) Don't tell Anne about Olivia
faithful = False

19. I know
a) Comment on the outfit
love + 2
b) Just have dinner

20. What do you feel like doing tonight?

a) Meet up with Damien
damien = True
swing = False
b) (if swing = True) Meet the swinger neighbors
c) Watch tv
swing = False
c) Visit Donny and Phil
swing = False

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21. (Only if 20 a) Yeppers

a Meet the swinger neighbors
b) Watch tv
swing = False

c) Visit Donny and Phil

swing = False

22. (Only if 20b OR 21a) We just opened a bottle of wine, would you like to join
a) Accept the invitation
b) Decline the invitation
swing = False

23. (Only if 22a) Sure why not?

a) Let Anne answer
love + 2
b) Not tonight
love – 1
swing = False
c) Sounds fun

23 a and c lead to the same Sex Scene

24. And are you ready for some fun with me?
a) Just watch

Sex Scene
b) Have fun with Vicky

Sex Scene

25. (Only if 24a) Do you want to kiss me with this cum on my face?
a) Kiss her
cuck = True
b) No thanks

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26. (Only if 22b) What if I want to stay?

a) Tell her to stay
annefaith = False
b) You prefer she come home
love – 1

Masturbation scene depending on different choices

27. (Only if naomi = True) She also asked me to invite you to our place tomorrow
a) I'll be there.
thursdinner = True
Zarah = True
b) Politely decline

28. So have you had enough of me or would you like to do something else?
a) I need to get back to work
b) Would you suck my cock?
pizza_suck = True
Sex Scene
b) Can I fuck you?
pizza_fuck = True
Sex Scene

29. You spend the morning working and decide to break for lunch
a) (Only if weddiner = True OR if thursdinner = True) Go to Shannon's for
shannon = True
b) Have lunch at your desk

30. (Only if thursdinner = True) Hmmm should I? I'm suppose to be at a work

a) Have a glass
b) Better not

Sex Scene

31. (Only if 30a) But I can have some fun with this..hmmm*
a) I'm gonna need a better look.

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32. (Only if 31a) It's just for fun! So which ass is it?
a) Naomi's
b) Zarah's
c) Both

33. (Only if 32)

a) Skip Anne's dinner with Nicole
b) Continue

Sex Scene

34. (Only if fridinner = True) Would you like to stay for some wine or do you have
to leave
a) Stay and have wine
anne_panties = True
b) Go home
(Lots of different scenes here depending on previous decisions, including a few sex

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Chapter 9

1. (Only if fridenner = False) I know but I wanted to thank you one more time.
a) Compliment her dress
b) Don't
Tiffany = False

2. What should I do for lunch today?

a) Go to the Diner
b) Go home for lunch
homelunch + 1
c) Eat at your desk

3. (Only if 2a OR b) As you enter the diner you see Tiffany there having lunch by
herself and Zarah looking happy to see you.
a) Join Tiffany for lunch
b) Take usual spot
zarah = True
(Different dialogs depending on what you have done previously)
if martincheat = True
martin = True
martintues = True
martin = False
(This segment above here happens automatically, you cannot do anything about

4. You work through the morning until lunch

a) Go home for lunch
homelunch + 2
b) Eat at desk

if martintues = True, Sex Scene in between here

5. Fuck! Do I ever love that body of hers

a) Carry her to bed
b) Get a quick grab of her ass first

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6. You spend the morning working with no distractions

a) (Only if Shannon = True) Lunch at the Diner
b) Lunch at home
homelunch + 2

7. (Only if 6a) like adults do

a) Agree to go with Shannon

Sex Scene
b) Politely decline
shannon = False

8. (Only if 7b AND if zarah = True) What do you say?

a) Accept her invitation
zarahhome = True
b) Decline her invitation
zarah = False

if martintues = True, Sex Scene in between here

9. (Only if annefaith = False) Hi, what’s a beautiful girl like you doing on a beach
like this all alone?
drakebeach = True
a) Just trying to enjoy the sun alone
b) Flirt back with him
drake = True
Sex Scene

10. (Only if 9b) Your pussy feels amazing but I bet your ass feels even better
a) Try anal
anal = True
b) Don't try

Sex Scene no matter what you choose here

Sex Scene
(It’s after work but only if zarahhome = True)

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Sex Scene
(Another sex scene here but only if annefaith = True AND cuck = True)

11. Really?
a) I would love that
cuckquean = True
b) I don't think so baby

12. (Only if cuckqueen = False OR if cuckqueen = True + v6nicfuck = True) Your

morning is peaceful and you work straight through to lunch with no
a) Go home for lunch
homelunch + 2
b) Have lunch at your desk

13. (Only if cuckqueen = True + v6nicfuck = False)

a) (Only if shannon = True) Shannon
quean_shannon = True
b) (Only if mia = True) Mia
quean_mia = True
c) (Only if Zarah = True)
quean_zarah = True
d) (Only if shannon = False and mia = False and zarah = False) Nobody
comes to my mind

14. (Only if cuckqueen = True + v6nicfuck = False) Your morning is peaceful and
you work straight through to lunch with no distractions
a) Go home for lunch
homelunch + 2
b) Have lunch at your desk

15. Ok then
a) Take a peek
b) Don't peek
(Different scenes play out but nothing major)

Sex Scene
(Only if annefaith = False)

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16. Ya of course, was just checking to see if you were still coming to my get
together tonight?"
a) Yes we will be there
friparty = True
b) No, sorry we can’t make it
friparty = False

Sex Scene
(Before the party and only if drake = True)

17. Ya if you’re still up to it?

a) Yes of course!
satclub = True
b) No, not really feeling it

18. (Only if 17a) You now have a decision to make!

a) Excuse yourself to keep watching Anne
v9slut = True
Sex Scene
b) Spend a little time with Mia

19. (Only if 18b) He followed her in

a) Stay with new friend
v9int = True
Sex Scene
b) Go see what %(t)s is up to.
v9quean = True
Sex Scene

20. (Ony if satclub = False) Looks like Anne’s mom, forgot to shut the door……or
did she forget?
a) Peek
b) Don’t peek
(Extra scene if you peek but nothing major)

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21. What should I do? Should I go to the gym or....?

a) Go to the gym!
b) Stay home and lounge
(Different scenes but nothing major)

Sex Scene
(Different sex scenes depending on if cuck = True AND drake = True or

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Chapter 10

1. You work through the morning until lunch

a) (Only if if homelunch >= 4) Go home for lunch
b) (Only if if zarah = True) Go to the diner for lunch
c) Have lunch at your desk

2. (Only if 1a) That’s better! Don’t you agree?

a) Agree with Josie
josie = True
b) Dissagree with Josie and go back to work

3. (Only if 1b) Join me

a) Join Emma
emma = True
b) Don't join Emma

4. (Only if 3a) But before you do

a) One more quick look at Emma
b) Just go to work

5. (Only if drake = True) Take your pants off, close your eyes and let me tell you
about my day at the mall
a) Take your pants off

Sex Scene
b) Keep you pants on

6. (Only if 5b) It's up to you

a) Take your pants off
b) Keep pants on
couch = True

7. (Only if drake = False) Anne goes to bed as you sit there comtemplating your
next move!
a) Go to her and apologize
cuck = True
b) Spend night on couch
couch = True

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8. (Only if couch = True) Wonder what Josie is up to?

a) (Only if josie = True) See what Josie is up to
b) Go back to sleep

9. (Only if couch = False) What was that?

a) (Only if josie = True) Peek in
b) Just go back to sleep

10. (Only if 9a) If you want to see more I'm right in here
a) Join Josie
faithful = False
Sex Scene
b) Go back to sleep until morning

11. You work until lunch

a) Have lunch at the diner
b) Eat lunch at your desk

12. (Only if 11b) I have a meat pizza and wondering if you would like to share it
with me?
a) Have pizza with Chloe
b) Decline pizza with Chloe

13. (Only if 12a) Can I hug you?

a) Allow Chloe to hug you
v10chloefuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Decline

14. Do you want to go grab a bite to eat with me and catch up?
a) Grab a bite to eat with Malcolm
malcolm = True
malcolm_eat = True
Sex Scene
b) Stay on the beach and catch up
malcolm = True
malcolm_beach = True
Sex Scene
c) Brush him off

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15. (Only if 14a OR 14b) Do you think they might want to join us?
a) Ask them to join

Sex Scene
b) Don't ask them to join

16. Why don't we go visit Phil?

a) Go visit Phil
phil = True
Sex Scene
b) Don't go visit Phil

17. Back at the office it’s lunch

a) (Only if friparty = True) Go home for lunch

Sex Scene
b) Have lunch at your desk

18. (Only if emma = True) Join me for a drink?

a) Join Emma for a drink
b) Politely decline Emma
c) Ignore Emma's text
emma = False

19. (Only if 18a) So! Shall we go in?

a) Go in with Emma
b) Make her drive you back
emma = False

20. (Only if 19a) I want to suck your cock

a) Let her suck your cock

Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)
b) Just fuck her

Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)

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21. Hmmm looks like you have something for me down here
a) Suck him off
plumbersuck = True
Sex Scene
b) Fuck him
plumberfuck = True
Sex Scene

22. Also Mike is wondering if we want to go to the swingers club tonight?

a) Yes to swingers party
swingparty = True
b) No to swingers party

23. Hmmmm it's lunch time!

a) Have lunch at your desk!
b) (Only if zarah >= 2) Have lunch at the diner

24. (Only if swingparty = True) So would you like to spend a little time with me?
a) Spend time with Holly
holly = True
b) Spend time checking the place out
voyeur = True

25. (Only if 24a) Would you like to follow me upstairs?

a) Go upstairs with Holly!
holly = True
Sex Scene
b) Politely decline

26. (Only if 24b) Are you going to join us or just stand there?
a) Join them
swing = True
Sex Scene
b) Just watch the action

Sex Scene

Sex Scene
(At home but Only if anal = True AND swingparty = False)

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27. Hmmm! To tease or not to tease them

a) Tease them
fritease = True
b) Just leave

28. (Only if 27b) Hope to run in to you again some time

a) Spend the afternoon with MC
v10fri_mc = True
b) Spend the afternoon with Anne
v10fri_anne = True
Sex Scene

29. (Only if 28a) Fuck is my back ever sore today

a) Go see Fernanda for a massage
fri_massage = True
Sex Scene
b) Have lunch at your desk

30. (Only if 29b) This morning, you said come by anytime so here I am wondering
if I can have lunch with you?
a) Of course you can
kelsey = True
b) No

Sex Scene
(At the doctors office, plays out differently depending on if anal =True
or not)

31. Would you?

a) Yeah sure, go for it

Leads to a Sex Scene

(This plays out differently depending on if annefaith = True or not)
b) Sorry bro, not this time

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32. (Only if 31a AND anne2 = True) Should I say hi

a) No just leave
b) Yes, say hi to Anne
anne2bar = True

(There’s lots of different dialogs here depending mostly on if annefait = True

or not but also other variables)

Sex Scene at the end of chapter

(Only if annefaith = false)

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Chapter 11

1. (Only if annefaith = False) This will be the last decision you make for Anne
a) Anne confesses about Ryan
annefaith = True
b) Anne doesn't confess

2. Time for lunch!

a) Go to the diner for lunch
erika = True
mon_diner = True
b) Have lunch at your desk

3. (Only if 2a) You enjoy your lunches together

a) (Only if if tiffany = True) Talk with Tiffany
v11_tiffany = True
b) (Only if Kelsey = True) Talk with Kelsey
v11_kelsey = True
c) Go back to the office
(Different scenes here depending on if martincheat = True or not)

4. (Only if 3a) Do you have any objections to me continuing?

a) Hello no
v11_tiffany_sex = True
faithful = False
Sex Scene
b) Actually yes

5. (Only if annefaith = False) What the fuck?

a) Keep watching!

Sex Scene
b) (Only if love >= 1) Walk in and bust Anne
mon_mad = True
love – 1
ryan = False
c) (Only if love <= 1) Walk in and bust Anne
Warning, leads to a game over screen
(Lots of different dialogs here depending on previous choices)

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6. (Only if mon_mad = True) Sure thing

a) (Only if v4_jan = True) Go to coffee shop
b) Have lunch in office

7. (Only if mon_mad = False) We're going to the diner for lunch, would you
like to join us?
a) Go with the girls
b) Stay in your office
c) (Only if v4_jan = True) Go to coffee shop

8. (Only if mon_diner = True AND zarah = True) Is she your favorite

a) Yes she's hot
erika = False
b) You're my new favorite

9. (Only if 8b OR mon_diner = True AND zarah = False) Take me to the gym

with you next time you go and you might find out
a) Sure! Let's go tomorrow after work
erika_gym = True
b) I don't think that's a good idea
erika = False

10. (Only if 6a OR 7c) I'll get a Misto please and thanks

a) Check out the girl's ass beside you
b) Check out the barista's ass
c) Don't bother
(Just some extra scenes, nothing major)
(There’s lots of different dialogs here depending on annefaith, if you are mad
and some other choices you made along the way)

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11. What would you say if I wanted to do a strip tease for him?
a) That's a great idea
tues_strip = True
Strip Scene
b) Sure and masturbate for him
tues_play = True
Masturbation Scene
c) Sure and lets fuck for him
tues_fuck = True
Sex Scene
d) I don't think that's a good idea

12. (Only if 11c) Oh I'll come for you honey! Watch me

a) Get Anne to stroke your uncle off
robert_stroke = True
robert = True
b) Get Anne to suck your uncle off
robert_suck = True
robert = True
c) Just let her watch him cum

Sex Scene
(Depends on what you chose above here in 12)

13. What to do for lunch today? Hmmmm

a) Go home for lunch
v11_home_lunch = True
Sex Scene
(depending on if dre = True OR if eric = True)
b) Eat in office
c) (Only if v4_jan AND tues_coffee = False) Go to coffee shop
cynthia = True

14. (Only if 13c) I'll get a Misto please and thanks

a) Check out the girl's ass beside you
b) Check out the barista's ass
c) Don't bother
(Just some dialog changes, nothing major)

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15. You work and keep on working all afternoon

a) Anne's afternoon
(Just some scene of her in the park)
b) Keep working

16. So which of the ideas would you like to do?

a) Cuddle on couch
love + 2
b) (Only if Phil = True) Go say hi to Phil and Donny
wed_phil = True
c) Go to Kelsey's get together
wed_kelsey = True
Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)

17. (Only if 16b) I do have to be going home but please meet up with me
Friday afternoon when Donny is not around to tell me more
a) Agree to meet Layla
Layla = True
b) Don't meet with Layla

18. (Only if 16b) Poor guy

a) Suggest Anne to help out Donny
v11_donny = True
Sex Scene
b) Don’t

Sex Scene

Bonus Sex Scene

(Only if 16b AND if love >= 7)
19. (Only if 16a) So I'm guessing before we get to sleep you want to hear
about Alexandre and I
a) Yes I would love that
alexandre = True
Sex Scene
b) Nah I know what you did

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20. (Only if erika_gym = True) Well then let's get this work out started
a) Check out her ass
b) Don't

21. (Only if erika_gym = True) Enjoy

a) Take a closer look
b) Don't

22. (Only if erika_gym = True) Erika walks away to the change rooms
a) Go in the ladies changerooms
b) Just wait for her outside

23. (Only if 22a) You enter the girls change rooms to look for Erika
a) Go to the left
gym_banned = True
b) Go straight ahead

24. (Only if 23b) No, we're just going to the corner to have a little fun together,
is that ok?
a) Yeah! Of course that's OK
erika_shower = True
Sex Scene
b) I was only wanting to watch
erika_shower = True
c) I've changed my mind, this doesn't feel right
erika = False

25. (Only if 24a) Yes that's it Erika! Suck it!

a) Cum and leave Erika
gym_banned = True
Sex Scene
b) Continue the fun with Erika
erika_fuck = True
Sex Scene

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26. (Only if 25b) Maybe I should ask her to join us?

a) Agree to let Karen join
karen = True
b) Nah, just let her watch

Sex Scene
(Both lead to the same sex scene)

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Chapter 11 part 2
1. What should I do today?
a) Go to work!
b) Go to the beach
v11_fribeach = True
c) Spend time with Nicole as Anne suggested
v11_nicole = True
(Different dialogs here depending on Love 8 or higher or not)
(Also different dialog if naomi = True or not)

2. (Only if 1a) What should I do for lunch today?

a) (Only if emma = True) Go to the diner for lunch
b) Eat at your desk

3. (Only if 2a) Come join me

a) Join Emma
v11_emma = True
b) Don't

4. (Only if 3a AND martincheat = True) Let's get out of here and go for a walk
a) Go for a walk with Emma
v11_emma_walk = True
b) Go back to the office

5. (Only if 1b) Nice butt

a) Go to the left
b) Go to the right
(Only different scenes, nothing major)

6. (Only if 1b AND cynthia = True) You spend a few hours on the beach with
Cynthia enjoying the sun and each other's company
a) Ask Cynthia to have a little fun
cynthia = False
b) Don't

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7. (Only if 4a) Are you sure about that?

a) Let Emma take your mind off Anne
v11_emma_sex = True
Sex Scene
b) Go back to the office

8. (Only if 7a) Shall I suck your dick or would you like to fuck me right here in
this alley
a) Have Emma suck your dick
v11_emma_suck = True
Sex Scene
b) Fuck Emma
v11_emma_fuck = True
Sex Scene

9. (Only if v11_nicole = True) How do you want to cum?

a) Fucking her tits
b) Cum in her mouth
c) Cum on her face

Sex Scene
(You will get a different one depending on your answer in 9)

10. (Only if v11_nicole = True ) Ah fuck I feel like a shit

a) Sleep a little longer

Sex Scene
(Only if love >= 7)
(Different dialog if love <= 6 and love >= 5 (so either 5 or 6)
(Different dialgo (Anne gets mad) if love <= 4)
b) Get up and make breakfast

11. (Only if 10a AND love <=4) How do you handle this situation?
a) Just drop it and go back to your office
b) Tell him you want to fuck Victoria too!
v11_victoria = True
Sex Scene

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12. (Only if if v11_nicole = False OR 10b OR 10a + love > 4) So are you
hoping for a young salesman or an older one?
a) Young
v11_sat_young = True
b) Old
v11_sat_old = True

13. If you want to see me tease him more then pull over so I can get in the
back seat
a) Pull over and let Anne play with Salesman
v11_salesman = True
Sex Scene
(What you get depends on your answer in 12)
b) Don't pull over and end the test drive

14. (Only if 13a) Oh course I did

a) Tell Anne to fuck him
v11_sat_car_fuck = True
Sex Scene
(What you get depends on your answer in 12)
b) Tell Anne it's time to get home

15. (Only if love <=4 AND 10a) If you can't do that then yes I need to go
a) Agree to be completely honest with Anne
faithful = True
b) Part ways with Anne
love = 0

16. (Only if 15b) Fine with me

a) Call Nicole
b) (Only If v11_emma = True) Call Emma
c) (Only if v10chloefuck = True) Call Chloe
d) (Only if kelsey = True) Call Kelsey
e) (Only if if v11_tiffany_sex = True) Call Tiffany
f) Don't call anyone
If you get to this point, you will get a game over screen no matter
what you choose but with different endings.

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17. What shall we do today?

a) Send the ladies shopping and stay home
gescina = True
b) Suggest going to the beach

18. I've thought about it and if you're up to it babe, you can have sex with Ari
and I'll record it for her husband
a) Have sex with Ari
v11_ari = True
Sex Scene
(Scene depends on what you chose in 17. Keep fucking pussy or
switching to ass does nothing code wise, just different scenes)
b) Should wait for her husband

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Chapter 12

1. (Only if martincheat = True AND v11_emma = True) So you're fucking him

a) Anne confesses to cheating with Martin
martincheat = False
annefaith = True
v12_martin_confess = True

b) Anne denies cheating with Martin

annefaith = False

2. What should I do for lunch today?

a) Go to coffee shop (Only if tues_coffee = True)
v12_mon_coffee = True
b) Go home for lunch
home_lunch + 1

c) Skip lunch and just work

3. (Only if 2a and v11_fri_beach = True) So you feel like meeting on the

beach again tomorrow afternoon?
a) Agree to meet Cynthia at the beach!
v12_tues_beach = True
b) Decline

4. You leave the coffee shop and go back to your office

a) See how Anne's day is going
v12_martin = True
Please note: There’s going to be different dialogs based on if MC knows about Anne
and Martin cheating, found out in 1a or has no idea.
b) Don't

There’s lots of different text here based on; martin = True, martincheat = True, or
none of them. Nothing major though.

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Sex Scene
(Only if 4b and martincheat = True)
5. (Only if v11_victoria = True) So one night while laying in bed I began
thinking about my dad and how I could help him be happy again
a) Tell her you've heard enough and to get back to work
b) Just keep listening to what she is saying
victoria = True

6. (Only if 5b) I bet! And maybe a little turned on

a) Yes I am
victoria_sex = True
Sex Scene
b) No!

7. (Only if 6a)
a) Cum inside her
vic_pregnant = True
b) Cum on her stomach

8. (Only if 1a) Do you want to continue our conversation from this morning?
a) No! I don't want to hear any more
b) Sure! And I'd like to hear details please!

9. (Only if 9b) What details do you want to hear?

a) Tell me about Florida

Sex Scene (I think, can’t confirm it though)

b) Tell me about the last time you and dad fucked

Sex Scene
(Only if v12_martin = False)

Sex Scene
(Happens automatically when you are about to go to sleep)

10. Hmmmm should I make a quick stop before going home?

a) The Diner
(Just some different dialogs depending on erika_gym = True/False and
Zarah = True/False)

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(This also leads to more dialogs depending on naomi = True/False and

v11_nicole = True/False)
b) Just head home

11. What do I feel like watching?

a) Porn
v12_tues_porn = True
b) Sports News

12. If you want to, then go ahead and maybe I'll join you in there with her too!
a) Join Emma in the shower
v12_emma_shower = True
Sex Scene
(Does not matter where you cum)
b) Don't

13. So which one do you like?

a) I like the laundromat one
v12_laundry = True
b) I like the neighbor one
v12_neighbor = True
c) I like both
v12_both = True

Sex Scene
(Happens automatically with the MC)

Sex Scene
(Happens automatically between Anne and the dentist. Different
dialogs depending on v9slut=True or v9int= True as well as anal=True)
v12_danny = True
(Only if v9slut=True or v9int= True. Happens automatically)
v12_dentist = True
(Only if v9slut=False AND v9int= False. Happens automatically)
14. (Only if annefaith = True) Are you wanting me to tell you now?
a) Yes tell me
v12_dentist_tell = True
b) Nah! I guess I don't need to hear about it

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Sex (Masturbation?) Scene

(Only if 14a)
15. (Only if v10chloefuck = True) I don't think we have a lot of time before
Kelsey and Tiff get back so you better hurry and fuck me!
a) Fuck Chloe
v12_chloe = True
Sex Scene

b) Don't"

16. (Only if v12_both = True OR v12_laundry = True) Yes, of course the

activity! What do you think? Are you up for it?
a) Sure, let's go
(Extra dialog)
b) Nah, not in the mood tonight
love – 1
(Extra dialog if love is 5 or higher or 4 or lower)

17. What to do?

a) (Only if gescina = True) Go visit your new neighbor Gescina
(Bad timing for her, just some extra dialog and leads back to this
question. Nothing major happens)
b) Watch TV

Sex Scene
(only if love is 5 or higher)
c) Go to bed

Sex Scene
(Only if love is 5 or higher)

v12_not_home = True
(Happens automatically only if annefaith = False AND love is 4 or less)

luke = True
(Happens automatically if friparty = True)

Lots of different dialogs and scenes here depending on:

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Malcolm = True/False, v11_donny = True/False Layla = True/False

friparty = True/False, v11_ari = True/False

Sex Scene
(Happens automoatically but has different dialog based on if love is 8 or higher as
well as if Malcolm = True/False)

18. I'll go put my face on and then we can go

a) Ask her not to put make-up on
love + 2
b) Let her put make-up on
makeup = True
(As far as I can tell it’s only different dialog as well as if luke = True)

19. Just making sure you're old enough to see a naked woman
a) Send him to Anne

Sex Scene
(Different dialog depending on makeup = True/False)
b) Don't

Sex Scene
(Different dialog depending on makeup = True/False)

20. I was just gonna go for a run, why don't you come with me?
a) Go running with your wife
v12_sun_run = True
Sex Scene
b) Stay home

21. Can I have a kiss from my husband first?

a) Kiss your cum covered wife
cum_kiss = True
b) Don't

Sex Scene
(only if luke = True)

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22. (Only if on the sex scene with luke) Anne looks to you for her next move
a) Nod yes
luke_sex = True
Sex Scene
b) Shake no

23. (Only if Luke = True) Luke wants to know if he can come over next
a) Sure, why not?
v13_luke = True
b) I don't think that's a good idea!

24. (Only if 24a) Would it be OK if Alan comes too

a) Sure
v13_luke_alan = True
b) Nah

25. I think that would be fun, do you want to go?

a) Yes, go to the bar with Anne and Emma
v12_sun_emma = True
(Different dialog depending on if you went to the shower with Emma ot not)
v12_emma_bar = True
(Only if v12_emma_shower = True)

Sex Scene

b) Nah, just go home

26. (Only if 25a) What the fuck?

a) Tell Emma to suck him off too
b) Don't
(Nohting major happens, just different scenes depending on your choice)

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Chapter 13
1. s
2. s
3. s
4. ss
5. ss

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