2022 - Stomatal Opening Ratio Mediates Trait Coordinating Network Adaptation To Environmental Gradients

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Stomatal opening ratio mediates trait coordinating network

adaptation to environmental gradients
Jiangbo Xie , Zhongyuan Wang and Yan Li
State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture, Zhejiang A&F University, Hangzhou 311300, China

Author for correspondence:  A trait coordination network is constructed through intercorrelations of functional traits,
Yan Li which reflect trait-based adaptive strategies. However, little is known about how these net-
Email: liyan2016@zafu.edu.cn
works change across spatial scales, and what drivers and mechanisms mediate this change.
 This study bridges that gap by integrating functional traits related to plant carbon gain and
Received: 25 October 2021 water economy into the coordination network of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila), a eurybiont
Accepted: 22 April 2022
that survives along a 3800 km environmental gradient from humid forest to arid desert.
 Our results demonstrated that both stomatal density and stomatal size reached a physiolog-
New Phytologist (2022) 235: 907–922 ical threshold at which adjustments in these traits were not sufficient to cope with the
doi: 10.1111/nph.18189 increased environmental stress. Network analysis further revealed that the mechanism for
overcoming this threshold, the stomatal opening ratio, gratio, was represented by the highest
Key words: covariation, eurybiont, guard
values for centrality across different spatial scales, and therefore mediated the changes in the
cells, maximum theoretical stomatal trait coordination network along environmental gradients. The mediating roles manifested as
conductance (gsmax), Siberian elm (Ulmus creating the highest maximum theoretical stomatal conductance (gsmax) but lowest possible
pumila), stomatal, water availability. gratio for pathogen defense in humid regions, while maintaining the gratio ‘sweet spot’ (c. 20%
in this region) for highest water use efficiency in semihumid regions, and having the lowest
gsmax and highest gratio for gas exchange and leaf cooling in arid regions.
 These results suggested that the stomatal traits related to control of stomatal movement
play fundamental roles in balancing gas exchange, leaf cooling, embolism resistance and
pathogen defense. These insights will allow more accurate model parameterization for differ-
ent regions, and therefore better predictions of species’ responses to global change.

the trait coordination networks change across spatial scales and

what drivers and mechanisms mediate this change.
Coordination networks of key traits related to plant carbon and A trait coordination network is constructed by intercorrelating
water economy and their variation along environmental gradients functional traits (Poorter et al., 2013; Messier et al., 2017), and
reflect trait-based adaptive strategies and their interactions with therefore changes in the network depend on variations in plant
climatic, edaphic or topographic drivers (Wright et al., 2004; Liu functional traits that are brought about by evolutionary and envi-
et al., 2010; Poorter et al., 2013; Rosas et al., 2019). Quantifying ronmental drivers operating at different spatial scales. Previous
these patterns at multiple spatial scales is essential to understand- interspecitic analyses have revealed that higher variation in plant
ing the ecology and evolution of diversity in plant form and func- traits relating to carbon or nutrient economy appear at finer scales
tion (Messier et al., 2010, 2017; Poorter et al., 2013; Osnas (i.e. local sites and plant communities) rather than coarser scales
et al., 2018) and to identifying the dominant drivers and strate- (i.e. region) (Ackerly & Cornwell, 2007; Liu et al., 2010).
gies behind species distributions and diversity in plant form and Indeed, a global synthesis has shown that higher interspecific vari-
function (Liu et al., 2017). This, in turn, helps in understanding ations in leaf economic traits are found within sites (Wright
and predicting the consequences of climatic changes on ecosys- et al., 2004). However, the above conclusions based on inter-
tems (Du et al., 2021). There have been significant advances in specitic analyses may collapse at the species level (Rosas et al.,
our understanding of coordination networks for functional traits 2019). An experimental study of Metrosideros polymorpha (which
related to carbon and water economy at different biological levels, survives over a broad range of annual precipitation, from < 400
such as stomatal (Franks et al., 2009; McElwain et al., 2016; to > 10 000 mm yr–1) in Hawai‘i showed that traits related to
Lawson & Matthews, 2020; Haworth et al., 2021), leaf (Wright drought tolerance (i.e. stem vulnerability to embolism) were
et al., 2004; Rosas et al., 2019) and whole plant (Poorter et al., inflexible across sites; however, several other traits related to water
2013; Messier et al., 2017) levels, but little is known about how supply and gas exchange (i.e. photosynthetic capacity and

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hydraulic conductivity) differed among sites (Cornwell et al., mechanisms for stomatal control under different environmental
2007). More critically, different spatial scales (i.e. regions or sites) conditions (Haworth et al., 2021), and relevant experimental
may be accompanied by different environmental factors, and this studies have produced a rich library of literature on stomatal con-
further complicates the issue. Thus, the contributions of different trol that has fostered numerous hypothetical correlations with
spatial scales to trait variance depend on the species and traits photosynthesis (light-saturated CO2 assimilation rate (Asat), oper-
considered. To realize the adaptive value of trait combinations in ational stomatal conductance (gop), water use efficiency (WUE),
different environments, it is best to elucidate intraspecific trait Table 1), stomatal anatomy (stomatal size (Ss), stomatal density
covariance structures or carry out direct intraspecific analyses (Sd), stomatal area fraction (Sf)), stomatal function (anatomical
(Rosas et al., 2019). maximum stomatal conductance (gsmax), stomatal opening ratio
The ability of eurybionts to grow under a wide range of envi- (gratio)), leaf economics (leaf mass per unit leaf area (LMA), light-
ronmental conditions has long attracted the attention of scien- saturated CO2 assimilation rate per unit leaf mass (Amass)) and
tists, because eurybionts minimize phylogenetic signals (Lens water relation (leaf water potential at the turgor loss point (π tlp),
et al., 2011) and maximize the detection of intraspecific trait Dv, Huber value (Hv)).
variability (Messier et al., 2017). More critically, eurybionts can Previous studies have demonstrated that, in dry conditions,
survive along continuous environmental gradients, and therefore about half of plants show opportunistic and rapid growth during
may provide evidence for the physiological threshold of trait- short periods of relative high water availability with high
based adaptive strategies. Previous studies have revealed a operational stomatal conductance, gop, and therefore a high
parabolic response in stomatal density, Sd, which comprises an light-saturated CO2 assimilation rate, Asat (Hetherington &
increase in Sd under moderate drought but a reduction under sev- Woodward, 2003; Cornwell et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2017).
ere drought (Fraser et al., 2008; Xu & Zhou, 2008). These Generally, gop is determined by stomatal anatomy (Ss, Sd and Sf),
results imply that the plants may have reached a physiological stomatal behavior (gratio = gop/gsmax) and the water supply capac-
threshold (Fraser et al., 2008) at which increasing the Sd is not ity of the veins (Dv) (McElwain et al., 2016; Henry et al., 2019;
sufficient to cope with the increased environmental stress, and Kostaki et al., 2020; Lawson & Matthews, 2020). Therefore,
plasticity in some other traits is needed to compensate for it there are at least three nonexclusive ways to increase Asat and gop.
(Forsman, 2015; Xie et al., 2015a; Wang et al., 2022). If there is
only one trait (i.e. Sd) showing a physiological threshold along Table 1 Definitions of traits studied and units used.
the environment gradient, it should regulate a change in the trait
coordination network. Therefore, the physiological threshold Units
represents a turning point in plant behavior (i.e. a change in the Symbol Definition employed
trait coordination network) driven by environmental change, and Photosynthesis Asat Light-saturated CO2 μmol m−2 s−1
thus has great significance in predicting the consequences of cli- assimilation rate per unit leaf
matic changes on ecosystems. area
Stomata are turgor-driven valves on the leaf epidermis that gop Maximized operational mol m−2 s−1
stomatal conductance
perform at least four key functional roles: regulation of water loss
WUE Water-use efficiency, the ratio g CO2 kg–1
in exchange for CO2 uptake; evaporative cooling and the mainte- of CO2 uptake for Asat by the H2O
nance of optimal leaf temperature for metabolic processes; (3) water lost through the
protection against catastrophic embolisms (McElwain et al., stomata
2016); and pathogen defense (Muir, 2020; Ye et al., 2020). The Stomatal Ss Stomatal size μm2
anatomy Sd Number of stomatal pores per mm−2
stomata influence physiological/ecological processes across scales
unit leaf area
(Yamauchi et al., 2019), from carbon gain and water loss in Sf Stomatal area fraction, the –
leaves to global carbon and water cycling (Hetherington & average fraction of the leaf
Woodward, 2003; Wolf et al., 2016; Henry et al., 2019; West- epidermis that is allocated to
brook & Mcadam, 2020; Haworth et al., 2021). Recent evidence stomata
Stomatal gsmax Anatomical maximum mol m−2 s−1
has established their central role in physiology, evolution and
function stomatal conductance
global ecology (Hetherington & Woodward, 2003; Wolf et al., gratio Stomatal opening ratio during –
2016; Lawson & Matthews, 2020; Matthews et al., 2020). Thus, gas exchange at light-
potential traits that mediate change in the trait coordination net- saturated conditions
work may be related to stomatal traits with a physiological Leaf economic LMA Leaf mass per area g m−2
Amass Light-saturated CO2 μmol g−1 s−1
threshold along the environmental gradient. Photosynthesis and
assimilation rate per unit leaf
transpiration are mediated by stomatal conductance, which is mass, Amass = Asat/LMA
determined by short-term stomatal physiological responses (the Water relation π tlp Leaf water potential at turgor MPa
regulation of stomatal pore aperture), long-term anatomy adap- loss point
tion (the density, size and total epidermal area allocated to the Hv Huber values calculated as mm−2 cm−2
sapwood cross-sectional area
stomata) and hydraulic acclimation (hydraulic supply according
relative to leaf area
to leaf vein density, Dv) (Lawson & Matthews, 2020). These Dv Vein density mm mm−2
traits operate in a coordinated manner to produce distinct

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First, both Asat and gop are positively related to gsmax, which is cal- simultaneously within a species across a wide range of environ-
culated from Ss and Sd (Franks & Beerling, 2009b; Dow et al., mental conditions. The present study bridges this gap by inte-
2014; McElwain et al., 2016). Larger stomata have been demon- grating these traits into a coordination network for Siberian elm
strated to acquire nonoptimal behavior (Franks & Beerling, (Ulmus pumila L.), a eurybiont that survives along continuous
2009b; Franks et al., 2009). Thus, smaller, denser stomata (de- environmental gradients.
creased Ss and increased Sd) result in higher gsmax, and therefore Siberian elm is naturally distributed throughout China, Mon-
higher Asat and gop (Franks et al., 2009). However, denser stom- golia, Korea and Russia and covers a broad range of environmental
ata need more air spaces and higher hydraulic supply from veins, gradients (Go et al., 2016). It is a deciduous tree with a broad,
all of which are at the expense of the photosynthesizing cells upright crown. Its narrow leaves have single teeth along the
(Fiorin et al., 2016; Lawson & Matthews, 2020). Furthermore, a margin, and its winged seeds are hairless. The abundant, wind-
recent study along the north–south transect of eastern China dispersed seeds allow this plant to spread rapidly. The trees are
(NSTEC) has revealed that gop is independent of, and even very drought- and cold-tolerant, which allows this species to grow
opposes, gsmax across communities regionally (Liu et al., 2017). in areas that others cannot. Thus, in China, Siberian elm has been
Moreover, previous studies have shown that Asat is not always used widely in rehabilitating arid and semiarid areas to combat
related to Sd, as increased Asat can cope with no change in Sd, sug- desertification (Go et al., 2016). The trees have also been intro-
gesting that the link between Asat and stomatal anatomy is com- duced into North America, where they have been planted
plex (Lawson & Matthews, 2020). The second way to enhance throughout the Midwest and Great Plains as windbreaks and for
Asat is to manipulate gop close to gsmax (increasing gratio), which is lumber. They form dense thickets that close open areas and dis-
equally important in the plasticity of stomatal anatomy (Henry et place native vegetation, thereby reducing forage for wild animals
al., 2019; Lawson & Matthews, 2020). However, increasing gop and livestock. The trees self-sow freely and sometimes escape from
is at the expensive of WUE, although this has facilitated greater cultivation. In fact, they have been listed as ‘invasive’ in some areas
CO2 diffusion and therefore higher Asat (Lawson & Matthews, such as the American Midwest. Many studies (Shi et al., 2004;
2020). Furthermore, the scaling relationship between gop and Jiang et al., 2006; Song et al., 2006; Li et al., 2007; Dulamsuren
gsmax of plants along the environmental gradients remains poorly et al., 2009; Tanaka-Oda et al., 2010; Wesche et al., 2011) have
understood, and knowledge is even more limited regarding its revealed huge variations in the morphological and physiological
adaptability to the varing environment. Finally, the way to characteristics of Siberian elm between arid regions and mesic
enhance Asat and gop is to increase Dv, as the water supply via areas. Although the striking ability of Siberian elm to establish at
high-density veins to the stomata enhances photosynthetic rates the very wet and dry ends of an enormous precipitation gradient,
(Lawson & Matthews, 2020). Thus, the vein density hypothesis little is known about how the coordination network of functional
predicts positive relatinships between gop, gsmax and Dv (Brodribb traits and its variation across and within spatial scales allow for the
& Feild, 2010; McElwain et al., 2016; Westbrook & Mcadam, species’ success in such varied conditions.
2020; Wilson et al., 2020; Du et al., 2021). However, increased To address these critical issues, we studied the variability in a
Dv has a cost linked with it due to the space that would otherwise set of photosynthetic, stomatal anatomy, stomatal function, leaf
be occupied by photosynthesizing cells. Thus, results in support economic and water supply traits along a water availability gradi-
of this hypothesis are mixed (Lawson & Matthews, 2020). These ent in Siberian elm from the southeast to northwest transect of
conflicting findings come from studies of different species in dif- China (SENWTC), focusing on the following questions:
ferent envrionments, implying that trait-based adaptive strategies (1) How much trait variation was observed and how was it strati-
are species-specific. Equally, however, this may reflect the weight- fied among spatial scales? We hypothesized that differences
ing of the functional roles (balancing gas exchange, leaf cooling, among regions (e.g., humid, semihumid and arid) explain most
embolism resistance and pathogen defense) of stomata under dif- trait variability in Siberian elm along environmental gradients.
ferent environmental stresses. Under field conditions, plants are (2) What traits exhibit physiological thresholds along environ-
routinely subjected simultaneously to a number of different envi- mental gradients? We hypothesized that at least one trait (i.e. Sd)
ronmental factors, and therefore trade-offs among the different related to stomata would exhibit a physiological threshold.
stomatal functions produce distinct mechanisms for stomatal (3) How does the trait coordination network change on transect
control (Zandalinas et al., 2018; Guerrieri et al., 2019). How- and region scales? What drives the change and what trait or
ever, how stomatal control adapts to the combination of different mechanism mediates it? We hypothesized that the coordination
environmental factors remains unclear. network would change on different spatial scales and the stomatal
Stomatal opening to maintain photosynthesis is partly com- traits with physiological thresholds would be central to mediating
pensated for by other efficient morphological adjustments. For changes in coordination network along environmental gradients.
example, higher LMA (Rosas et al., 2019) and/or higher Hv (the
plants that grew under the no precipitation treatment had a
Materials and Methods
higher defoliation rate; Xu & Li, 2006; Xu et al., 2007) in low
precipitation habitats maintain Asat and prevent water loss
Study area and field sampling
through the leaf surface. However, to date, the aforementioned
traits (photosynthesis, stomatal anatomy, stomatal function, leaf A survey along the SENWTC was conducted in 2019. Siberian
economics and water supply) have not been studied elm was found to be a eurybiont in this transect, and systematic

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sampling of the trees was conducted in 2020. From July to AI, were collected from the China Meteorological Background
September 2020, we studied 10 Siberian elm populations in situ Data Set (Xu & Zhang, 2017) using ARCGIS v.10.2 (ESRI, Red-
at 10 sites along the SENWTC, a length of 3800 km (Fig. 1a). lands, CA, USA). For each site, the coordinates (including lati-
We carried a mobile laboratory fully equipped to study plant tude, longitude and altitude) were recorded using a geographical
water relations and anatomy (Fig. 1a,b). The 10 sites belonged to positioning system (Thales, USA).
either the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN) or Chi-
nese Forest Ecosystem Research Network (CFERN); they were
Photosynthetic light response curves
far from cities and thus free from significant human interference.
The SENWTC passes through arid (from Xinjiang to Hexi Cor- At each site, 15 dominant trees were selected in a 100 × 100 m
ridor, China), semiarid/humid (Loess Plateau, China) and humid plot. Before measurement, we labeled three healthy branches
(southeast mountainous region, China) regions and is perpendic- (length > 30 cm) of similar diameter (5.19  0.08 mm) in the
ular to the isohyet line along the precipitation gradient, which middle of the south-facing crown for each tree using a mobile
facilitates systematic comparisons of the zonal vegetation. The scaffold (purchased from Taobao, Alibaba; maximum scaffold
vegetation passes from temperate desert to subtropical forest. The height 15 m). We then selected two fully developed sun-exposed
10 sites (four sites in arid, three in semiarid/humid and three in leaves (i.e. alternate leaves, similar in size) on each labeled branch
humid regions) spanned a longitudinal range from 87°460 E to to measure the light curves. Thus, there were six replicates (two
119°280 E and latitude range from 30°110 N to 45°300 N (Fig. 1a). leaves × three branches) for each tree. Photosynthetic light
Mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranged from 54 to 1390 mm, response curves were measured with a LI-6800 portable photo-
mean daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from 24.59 synthesis system (Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA). In-chamber
to 37.70 mol m−2 d−1 in the growing season (from May to photosynthetic photon flux density was controlled using a 30 ×
September), aridity index (AI = mean annual potential evapo- 30 mm leaf chamber with a light source (6800-02). The maxi-
transpiration (PET)/MAP) from 12.62 to 0.59 and mean annual mum photon flux density was 1800 μmol photons m−2 s−1 to
temperature (MAT) from 6 to 15.3°C (Table 2; Supporting ensure light saturation and was dropped in steps during measure-
Information Fig. S1). Climate data, including MAT, MAP and ment (i.e. 1800, 1500, 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400, 300, 200,

(a) (b)

Fig. 1 Geographic distribution of the sampling sites of Ulmus pumila along the precipitation gradient in China (a) and the scheme for coordination of leaf
photosynthetic, gas exchange, stomatal and water relationship traits (b). The transect from arid (Hexi Corridor) to semiarid and semihumid (Loess Plateau)
to humid (southeast mountainous region) is perpendicular to the isohyet line along the precipitation gradient. This transect also avoids the Mongolian
Plateau, China, and systematically compares the difference in zonal vegetation under the precipitation gradient. TMS, Tianmushan Forest Ecosystem
Observation and Research Station, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China; JGS, Jigongshan National Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Xinyang,
Henan, China; BTM, Baotianman Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Nanyang, Henan, China; JY, Jiyuan Forest Ecological Station, Jiyuan,
Henan, China; AS, Ansai Field Experiment Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yan‘an, Shanxi, China; GY, Guyuan Ecological Station of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guyuan, Ningxia, China; SPT, Shapotou Desert Research and Experiment Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Zhongwei, Ningxia, China; MQ, Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem, Wuwei, Gansu, China; GZ, Guazhou Anxi Extra-arid Desert
Nature Reserve, Jiuquan, Gansu, China; FK, Fukang Station of Desert Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changji, Xinjiang, China. Abbreviations
for the traits studied are given in Table 1.

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Table 2 The 10 study sites and their environmental features.

Region Site Lon. (°E) Lat. (°N) Elevation (m asl) MAT (°C) MAP (mm yr−1) AI PAR (mol m−2 d−1) VPD (kPa)

Humid TMS 119.44 30.34 1142.00 15.30 1390.00 0.59 37.94 0.64
JGS 114.09 31.87 260.00 15.20 1118.00 0.99 40.29 0.74
BTM 111.93 33.52 1426.50 14.00 823.30 1.02 40.10 0.72
Semihumid JY 112.50 35.05 384.75 9.60 614.50 1.27 42.35 1.08
AS 109.32 36.86 1218.00 7.90 534.00 2.23 45.41 1.04
GY 106.40 35.97 1831.00 6.80 495.70 1.85 43.60 0.70
Arid SPT 104.99 37.46 1247.00 6.60 186.00 4.90 49.98 1.38
MQ 103.14 38.66 1376.00 7.90 113.20 9.10 52.08 1.79
GZ 95.78 40.50 1139.00 7.60 54.40 12.62 56.05 2.43
FK 87.93 44.29 465.00 6.00 158.80 6.50 51.66 1.99

Lon., longitude; Lat., latitude; asl, above sea level; MAT, mean annual temperature; MAP, mean annual precipitation; AI, aridity index (AI = PET/MAP);
PAR, mean daily photosynthetically active radiation in the growing season (from May to September); VPD, vapor pressure deficit in the growing season
(from May to September). See details in Supporting Information Fig. S1. Abbreviations for sites are the same as in Fig. 1.

150, 100, 75, 50, 25 and 0 μmol m−2 s−1). The leaf tempera- 25°C and 1.0 kPa, respectively (McElwain et al., 2016). The leaf
ture, CO2 concentration, humidity and flow rate were set to was kept under optimal conditions for at least 20 min, until the
25°C, 400 μmol mol−1, 60% and 500 µmol s−1, respectively. stomatal conductance reached a plateau. The gop of each leaf at
Measurements were carried out from 08:30 to 11:30 h. each measurement was then calculated as the average of three
Following the photosynthetic measurements, the leaf in the recordings when stomata were fully open. The maximum gop for
chamber was marked using an oily pen and scanned for opera- each leaf was taken as the highest value for of the 7 d of measure-
tional stomatal conductance (gop) and stomatal anatomy (see fol- ments. The maximum gop for each tree was then calculated as the
lowing section). The scanned image was processed and the surface average of six leaves (two leaves × three branches). To ensure our
area of the leaf calculated using IMAGEJ (1.8.0v for PC, W. Ras- gop measured in 2020 produced a robust maximum gop in each
band, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). The site, the entire photosynthetic light response measurement was
photosynthetic rate was then converted to a leaf-specific value. We repeated in July–September 2021 (for details see Figs S2, S3;
used PHOTOSYNTHESIS software (1.1v for PC; LI-COR Inc.) to fit Table S1 in Notes S1).
the light response curves for each set of measurements and obtain The branches (length > 30 cm) used in the gop measurement
the Asat value. Intrinsic instantaneous WUE was calculated as Asat/ were then removed from the trees and recut immediately under
Esat (transpiration rate at the light-saturated point). The average water, while simultaneously keeping the incision under water
Asat and WUE of each tree were then calculated as the average of (simulating optimal water supply) to avoid embolism. (Two
six replicates (two leaves × three branches). selected small terminal twigs that did not contain the marked
leaves were also excised under water, and these were used to mea-
sure leaf water potential at the turgor loss point, π tlp; see follow-
Maximized operational stomatal conductance (gop)
ing section.) After the leaves were excised under water, they were
The value of gop is affected by dynamic environmental signals, and divided into three groups: the marked leaves on each branch were
there are many protocols used to measure it. In this study we did used to measure stomatal anatomy and vein density (group 1);
not follow a ‘variance protocol’ to capture mean gop (Drake et al., the selected terminal twigs (including leaves) from each branch
2013; McElwain et al., 2016). Instead, our purpose was to capture were used to measure π tlp (group 2); and all remaining leaves
the utilization of the anatomical potential in terms of gas exchange were used to measure LMA (group 3).
under optimal conditions, which include saturating light intensity, The leaves in group 3 were scanned and their areas measured
and optimal soil, water and nutrient conditions (Drake et al., using IMAGEJ. Then, the leaves were oven-dried at 60°C and
2013). Thus, the gop used here refers to maximized stomatal con- weighed. LMA was calculated as follows:
ductance under optimal conditions, which was measured over a LMA ¼ leaf dry mass=area
7 d period at each site, following the definitions provided by
Drake et al. (2013); Dow et al. (2014) and McElwain et al. The cross-sectional sapwood area was measured as the total
(2016). The marked leaves used for the photosynthetic measure- xylem-filled area on images of dyed (safranine-methyl blue) 15
ments were also used to measure gop in the field, with two measure- μm thick sections using IMAGEJ. The images were taken under a
ments per leaf taken over the course of the day, one during Leica DM3000 microscope (DM3000; Leica, Wetzlar, Ger-
midmorning (08:30–11:30 h) and one during early afternoon many). The Hv is the ratio of the cross-sectional sapwood area to
(13:00–15:00 h), respectively. Maximum gop was measured using leaf area (area of group1 + group2 + group3). The average LMA
an LI-6800 photosynthesis system at 400 μmol mol−1 CO2 and and Hv of each tree were then calculated as the average of three
saturating light intensity (obtained from preliminary light curves). replicates (three branches), respectively. Then, Amass = Asat/LMA
Leaf temperature and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) were set to (Wright et al., 2004).

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photographed using a Leica DM3000 microscope at 100× mag-

Stomatal anatomy and anatomical maximum stomatal
nification. The length of the veins was measured manually using
IMAGEJ. Dv was then measured as the mean value of more than
The leaves used for the gop measurement were immediately taken five digital image fields on each leaf. The average value of Dv for
for stomatal anatomical measurements (Fig. 1b) using the nail- each tree was then calculated as the average of six replicates (two
polish imprint method (Russo et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2016). leaves × three branches).
Clear and transparent nail polish was applied to the middle of
the abaxial leaf surface (avoiding the major veins; stomata on the
Leaf water potential at turgor loss point (π tlp)
adaxial leaf surface were rare), and it was left to dry naturally (<
10 min). Then the nail polish was peeled off the leaf and The value of π tlp was measured using a pressure chamber
mounted ont a glass slide. At this point, the marked leaves used (1505D-EXP; PMS Instrument Co., Albany, NY, USA), follow-
for photosynthetic measurement were collected for scanning, and ing the protocol described by Leuschner et al. (2019). The peti-
the surface area was calculated using IMAGEJ. The stomatal prints oles of Siberian elm were too short to insert into the pressure
were photographed under a Leica DM3000 microscope at a mag- chamber; therefore, we measured small terminal twigs (which
nification of 200× to measure Sd and 400× to measure the stom- were collected after the gop measurement). The average π tlp of
atal size and pore size. each tree was then calculated as the average of six replicates (two
The number of stomata (Ns) was recorded in each image, and selected twigs × three branches).
Sd = Ns/0.3072, where 0.3072 was the measured image area
(mm2). Sd was the mean value from more than 25 digital image
Statistical analysis
fields from each leaf (five images per leaf).
Stomatal length (SL), stomatal width (SW), maximum stomatal Trait variability was assessed via the coefficient of variation. The
pore area (amax) and guard cell width (w) were averaged from > spatial distribution of variability for each trait studied was tested
20 open stomata per leaf (400× magnification). Then, Ss was cal- using nested ANOVA. A four-level nested ANOVA was designed
culated as π/4 × SL × SW and Sf was calculated as Sd × Ss × 10–4 as follows: the first level was among-region (different climatic
(Liu et al., 2017). The average value for the stomatal anatomical regions); the next level was among-site (among-site within-
traits for each tree was then calculated as the average of six repli- region); the third level was within-site among all trees (the trees
cates (two leaves × three branches). at each site); and the final level was within-tree (the replications
The maximum stomatal conductance of water vapor, gwmax, within each tree). The commonly measured traits (Asat, gop,
can be calculated using the following formula, which assumes an WUE, Ss, Sd, LMA, π tlp, Dv and Hv) were tested by a four-level
elliptical stomatal shape for kidney-shaped guard cells: nested ANOVA. The calculated traits (Amass, gsmax, gratio and Sf,
which were calculated as a combination of mean measured traits
 S d  a max at the tree level) were tested by a three-level nested ANOVA
g wmax ¼ v
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Eqn 1
w þ π2 a max =π (among-region, among-site and within-site). All variables were
checked for normality and loge-transformed whenever required
where d and v are both constants (d = 0.0000249 m2 s−1, which to ensure normality. To further explore the overall variability in
is the diffusivity of water vapor in air at 25°C; all measured traits, we performed a principal component analysis
v = 0.0245 m3 mol−1, which is the molar volume of air), Sd is (PCA).
the stomatal density (m−2), amax is the maximum stomatal pore Before exploring the environment–trait relationships, a PCA
area (m2) and l is the stomatal pore depth (m; considered to be was performed to summarize the environmental variables (all
equivalent to the width (w) of an inflated, fully turgid guard cell) variables were nondimensionalized). Most studied environmental
(Franks & Beerling, 2009a,b; Boer et al., 2016). Here, gsmax was variables were correlated with one another (collinear; Fig. S4).
considered to be the maximum stomatal conductance to CO2, Thus, the environment–trait relationships were first examined by
gsmax = gwmax/1.6 (Farquhar & Sharkey, 1982; Franks et al., a stepwise generalized linear model (GLM) that started with the
2009). Thus, the stomatal opening ratio, gratio, was equal to gop/ ‘saturated’ model for each trait, including all seven environmental
gsmax: variables as fixed explanatory variables (without interactions; all
g ratio ¼ g op =g smax variables in the GLM were dimensionless), and iteratively
removed the least significant explanatory variable until a best
model with the lowest Akaike information criterion (AIC) was
obtained. The best model corrected the collinearity among envi-
Vein density
ronmental variables and simultaneously obtained a reasonable
Following the stomatal anatomical measurements, the marked amount of explanatory power that affected trait variability. Based
leaves were used to measure Dv. The leaf samples were placed in on the stepwise GLM, the environment–trait relationships and
5% sodium hydroxide aqueous solution for 3 d, followed by intercorrelation of functional traits were further examined using a
sodium hypochlorite solution for 12 h. The leaves were then modified Mantel’s test. Standardized Mantel’s statistics calculate
soaked in deionized water for 30 min, dyed with 1% toluidine the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between two correlation
blue, mounted on glass slides (Zhao et al., 2016) and matrices. Here, in the modified Mantel’s test, we used the

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coefficients between environmental variables and traits within the (a)

GLM instead of Pearson’s correlation coefficients. The parabolic
relationships between environmental variables and traits were
then also tested. Because some traits appeared physiological
thresholds along the transect (although the above linear relation-
ships between these traits and environmental variables were not
significant) and thus showed parabolic relationships with some
environmental variables.
Trait coordination networks at different spatial scales were
described by statistically significant correlations among traits and
illustrated using the IGRAPH package. Traits in the network were
represented as vertices and their correlation as the edges linking (b)
them. Network centrality was characterized by two indicators: D,
the number of its adjacent edges (the degree of a vertex); and Dw,
the sum of the edge weights of the adjacent edges for each vertex.
Data were loge-transformed to improve the linearity of the rela-
tionships. All analyses were performed in R (R 3.5.3; R Core
Team, 2019).


Climatic regional differentiation of the studied traits

The original data for the studied traits are presented in Fig. S5.
The gratio, gop and Asat were the most variable traits, whereas π tlp,
Dv, gsmax and Sd showed the least variation (Fig. 2a). Ten out of
the 13 measured traits (π tlp, Asat, gratio, gop, Ss, Sd, Sf, gsmax, Dv
and Amass) exhibited substantial variability among-region and
among-site within-region (sites nested into region), but a much
higher variability occurred among-region than among-site
within-region. Only three measured traits (LMA, WUE and Hv)
showed higher variability among-site within-region than among- Fig. 2 (a) Coefficient of variation of the studied traits in Ulmus pumila;
region (especially Hv, for which the contribution of climatic (b) variance components of the studied traits based on nested ANOVAs
region was close to 0). (except for the TMS site). Four-level nested ANOVAs for measured traits
(black x-axis tick labels): the first level was among-region (different cli-
To explore the overall variability in the measured traits, we matic regions); the next level was among-site (among-site within-region);
performed a PCA, which revealed that regional climate (humid, the third level was within-site among-trees (the trees at each site); and the
semihumid or arid) explained 53% of the variance (PC 1 in Fig. final level was within-tree (the replications within each tree). Three-level
3a). In addition, the first axis (PC 1) was mainly described by the (among-region, among-site and within-site) ANOVAs for calculated traits
10 traits that showed higher variability among-region than (red x-axis tick labels). Traits are ordered (left to right) from higher to lower
percentage variation among-region in (b). Abbreviations for the traits
among-site within-region (see Fig. 2b). Furthermore, the second studied are given in Table 1.
axis (PC 2) was mainly related to LMA, WUE and Hv, which
contributed another 15% of the total variation. These results
were consistent with the nested ANOVA (Fig. 2b) and suggested Environmental driver of trait variance and intercorrelation
that the functional traits were stratified by regional climatic of functional traits
parameters such as light, rainfall and temperature. We called this
phenomenon climatic regional differentiation. Given this cli- Hv and LMA were decoupled from the studied environmental
matic regional differentiation, we further characterized the mea- variables. Apart from Hv, the other measured traits were signifi-
sured traits among the three regions. Leaf water potential at the cantly related to at least one but not more than three environ-
turgor loss point (π tlp), Asat, gop, gratio, Dv and LMA at arid sites mental variables (Fig. 4a; Table 3). Among them, Asat, gop and
were higher than at humid sites, whereas gsmax, Sd, Ss and Sf at LMA were solely associated with MAP. Ss, Sd and Sf showed
arid sites were lower than at humid sites. No difference in the Hv physiological thresholds along the environmental gradient
was found among the three regions. In particular, there were (Fig. 4b–d). Furthermore, MAP was significantly associated with
physiological thresholds in WUE, Sd (Fig. 3h,i) and Ss (although most studied traits (Fig. 4a; Table 3; there were parabolic rela-
Ss was not statistically well supported in Fig. 3j, and the follow- tionship between MAP and Sd and Sf, but no linear relationship
ing analysis (Fig. 4c) confirmed this point). among them, Fig. 4b–d).

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(c) (d) (e)


(f) (g) (h)

(i) (j) (k)

(l) (m) (n)

Fig. 3 Climatic regional differentiation of the studied traits in Ulmus pumila along the transect (except for the TMS site). (a) Principal component analysis
(PCA) performed on the studied traits shows that the samples are significantly separated by climatic regions (i.e. humid, semihumid or arid). Boxplots of the
first PCA illustrate differences between climatic regions (b). The first two axes accounted for 68% of the variance. The confidence ellipses are drawn at the
90% level. (c–n) Boxplots of each trait at climatic regions. Horizontal lines within boxes indicate the median for each trait based on measurements (circles)
within a region. Boxes indicate the upper (75%) and lower (25%) quartiles. Whiskers represent the ranges of the minimum and maximum values. Circles
outside whiskers are statistical outlier values. Different letters indicate a significant difference between means at P < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA, followed by
multiple comparisons of treatments by means of a Tukey test). Abbreviations for studied traits are given in Table 1.

The intercorrelations between the functional traits are illus- A higher Asat value was achieved through greater gop, which
trated in the upper triangle in Fig. 4a and r1–r10. The Hv was enhanced by higher gratio and Dv (gratio was positively corre-
appeared to have no significant relationships with the other mea- lated with Dv) values but not gsmax. Counterintuitively, both Asat
sured traits, and the same held true for WUE and LMA. For and gop were significantly negatively related to gsmax. No signifi-
these three traits, the within-site variation was greater than the cant negative relationship appeared between Amass and LMA.
among-region variation, according to the ANOVA (Fig. 2b).
The turgor loss point, π tlp (the π tlp values used were converted
Trait coordination network changes at different spatial
from negatives to positives), was higher in elm occupying arid
sites, exhibiting significant positive relationships with Asat, gop
and gratio and significant negative relationships with gsmax, Ss and Trait coordination differed on the transect scale and region scale
Sf. The Asat value was significantly positively correlated with gop, (Fig. 5). On the transect scale, gratio exhibited the highest value of
gratio and Dv but significantly negatively correlated with gsmax and centrality. Surprisingly, Asat and WUE were unrelated across the
Sf. There were significantly positive correlations between gop and regions (Fig. 5a), although a consistent, negative relationship
gratio, π tlp and Dv (gratio was positively correlated with Dv and π tlp appeared in each region (Fig. 5b–d). At the regional scale
but significantly negatively correlated with gsmax). Furthermore, (Fig. 5b–d), gratio also showed the highest value of centrality in
gratio was significantly negatively correlated with gsmax, whereas semihumid and arid regions but not in the humid region (Ss
gsmax was significantly positively correlated with Sf but signifi- showed the highest centrality). The results were almost the same
cantly negatively correlated with Dv. Finally, Sf was significantly as in Fig. S7.
negatively related to Dv and significantly positively related to Ss At the site scale (Fig. S8), gratio showed the highest value of
rather than Sd. centrality at eight (TMS and BTM in humid, JY, AS and GY in

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(b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

Fig. 4 Environmental drivers of trait variance of Ulmus pumila along the transect (except for the TMS site). (a) Edge width (r-size) corresponds to the coef-
ficients between each trait and environmental variables within the best model (obtained from the GLM; see details in Table 3; the intercorrelations of envi-
ronmental factors and traits based on bivariate analyses are illustrated in Supporting Information Fig. S6). The edge color denotes the statistical significance
(P-value; only significant correlations are shown (P ≤ 0.05)) between each trait and environmental variables within the best model. The parabolic relation-
ships between environmental variables and traits are described in detail below the panel (b–e). The solid black curve represents the significant parabolic
relationship between the environmental variable and trait across the sites. The broken gray line (f–g) represents no significant relationship between the
environmental variable and trait; however, when the TMS site was excluded from the analysis, the relationship was significant (solid red line). Pairwise com-
parisons of traits (in upper triangle of (a)) are shown, with a color gradient denoting Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The numbered squares (r1–r10) in the
upper triangle are described in detail in the left panel. Abbreviations for the traits and environmental variables are given in Tables 1, 2, respectively.

semihumid, SPT, MQ and GZ in arid) of the 10 sites. The high- S9). Thus, the highest centrality of gratio was not achieved by gop
est centrality at sites JGS and FK was shown by WUE and LMA, or gsmax alone.
Because gratio was a combination of gop and gsmax, which inde-
pendently showed responses, the following trait network analysis
omitted gratio and included gop and gsmax to study the robustness We found that most of the studied traits (except Hv) of
of the inferred centrality of gratio. The results showed that gop or Siberian elm along environmental gradients (i.e. MAP) were
gsmax did not show the highest centrality at the transect scale, clearly stratified by climatic region, which means that traits
within humid and arid sites even when gratio was omitted (Fig. varied primarily among-region. Most studied traits responded

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Table 3 Results of the generalized linear models examining the relationships between traits of Ulmus pumila and environmental variables.

π tlp Asat Amass gop gsmax gratio WUE Sd Ss Sf† Dv† LMA Hv

MAP −0.55** −0.95** −1.15* −0.90** −1.86* ni 1.51* ni −1.84* −1.06 −1.66* −1.27* ni
PAR 0.80* ni ni ni −2.35 1.76** −1.17 ni −2.18** −4.46* 3.86* −1.36 4.32
AI ni −0.42 −0.59 ni ni ni 1.66 ni ni −0.23 ni ni ni
VPD −0.46 ni ni −0.28 1.23 −1.27** ni 0.97 ni 2.53* −2.51* 1.01 −2.95
Lon −0.09 −0.36 ni −0.33 −2.82* ni 5.60** −2.25 ni −0.90* 0.68 ni ni
Lat ni ni ni ni −3.30* 0.37 6.27** −2.83* ni −1.04 ni ni ni
RH ni ni ni ni 0.83 ni ni 0.69 ni −0.55* 1.77* ni 1.32

ni, not included in the best model.

Abbreviations for traits and environmental variables are the same as in Tables 1, 2, respectively.
The model’s standardized coefficients are shown. Significant correlations (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01) are shown in bold type.

Data except for the TMS site.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5 Trait correlation networks of Ulmus pumila at the transect scale (n = 9 sites except for the TMS site) (a) and for each climatic region separately
(b–d). gsat and gsmax were excluded from the network, because of the inherent relationship (gratio = gsat/gsmax) between gratio and gsat and gsmax. Amass
(Amass = Asat/LMA) was also excluded from the network. The full coordination networks including these three traits are illustrated in Supporting
Information Fig. S7. The coordination network at each site is illustrated in Fig. S8. Figs 2, 3 show that the samples are significantly separated by climatic
regions (i.e. arid, semihumid and humid), and thus the samples within a region are considered to be homogeneous. Therefore, the network within each
region (b–d) is based on resampling of the data within the region. Namely, the intercorrelation of the functional traits is calculated by using the data within
each 90%-level confidence ellipse (see Fig. 3a). Solid and dashed edges show positive and negative correlations, respectively. The correlation strength is
represented by edge thickness. Only significant correlations are shown (P ≤ 0.05). Traits identified by red circles show the highest centrality value in terms
of both degree (the number of edges of a node) and weighted degree (the sum of all the significant coefficients of correlation of a node). All traits were
loge-transformed before analysis. Abbreviations for the traits studied are given in Table 1.

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to water availability, with increasing π tlp, Asat, gop, gratio, Dv a previous study, which demonstrated that intraspecific adjust-
and LMA and decreasing gsmax and Sf with MAP. However, ments along water availability gradients relied primarily on
two traits (Sd and Ss) demonstrated physiological thresholds changes in Hv (Rosas et al., 2019). These results suggested that
along the environmental gradient. Although the trait correla- the contributions of the different spatial scales to trait variance
tion network was scale-dependent, the gratio had the highest depend on the species and the measured trait. To understand the
values of centrality across different spatial scales, suggesting functional variability of a plant in different environments, the
that stomatal traits related to control of stomatal movement best way is to elucidate intraspecific trait covariance structures or
mediate changes in the trait coordination network along use direct intraspecific analysis.
environmental gradients.
Environmental variables affect trait variance and
Climatic regional differentiation of the studied traits intercorrelation
Our results showed that traits differed substantially in their vari- The trait–environment relationships were very tight, suggesting
ability along the same environmental gradient (i.e. MAP; Fig. 4a; that the studied environmental variables associated trait variance.
Table 3), with a four- to five-fold magnitude difference in the Most traits were linearly (π tlp, Asat, Amass, gop, gsmax, WUE, Dv
coefficient of variation between the most variable (gratio, gop and and LMA, Fig. 4a) or parabolically (Sd, Ss and Sf, Fig. 4b–d)
Asat) and least variable traits (gsmax and Sd; Fig. 2). The high vari- related to MAP. Thus, MAP showed the strongest association
ability of gratio, gop and Asat was consistent with previous studies with trait variation (Fig. 4a). PAR ranked second and was signifi-
within species. McElwain et al. (2016) revealed that there is large cantly associated with stomatal traits (Sf, Ss and gratio), Dv and π tlp
variability in gratio (the scaling relationship between gop and gsmax) (Fig. 4a). VPD ranked third and was strongly associated with Dv,
within some tropical crops. Moreover, Cornwell et al. (2007) Sf and gratio. These results indicated that MAP, PAR and VPD
showed that large variation in photosynthetic capacity exists in significantly affected leaf functions related to water supply and
M. polymorpha across a broad range of precipitation conditions. water consumption along the transect.
The high variability in gas exchange capacity has significant eco- With decreasing precipitation, Asat, Amass, gop, gratio, π tlp,
logical implications, as discussed further below. By contrast, LMA and Dv increased, whereas gsmax decreased (Fig. 3).
species with narrow habitats often showed high variation in Hv Moreover, the PAR–trait relationships were opposite to the
and low variation in LMA, WUE and Asat. For example, the pho- MAP–trait relationships (PAR showed an opposite trend to
tosynthetic capacity and leaf-specific apparent hydraulic conduc- MAP; Fig. S4). The Asat and gop values were significantly posi-
tance of three xeric shrubs (Tamarix ramosissima, Haloxylon tively related to, and both increased with, decreasing precipita-
ammodendron and Reaumuria soongorica) were stable under tion (Fig. 3d,e), which indicated that the Siberian elm in arid
drought and after rain (Xu & Li, 2006; Xu et al., 2007). The conditions displays opportunistic and rapid growth during
observed stability in Asat was associated with their defoliation short periods of water availability, which is consistent with pre-
under drought (higher defoliation rate, and thereby higher Hv vious studies (Hetherington & Woodward, 2003; Cornwell et
values under drought). These xeric shrubs even evolved succulent al., 2007; Liu et al., 2017). This opportunistic nature under
leaves that allowed them to reduce water loss (Xie et al., 2015b), arid conditions was explained by a recent model (Lu et al.,
and therefore always kept higher LMA than that of eurybionts. 2020) that simulated stomatal behavior under stochastic rain-
The large variance in most studied traits explained by among- fall in a competitive environment (water was ‘stolen’ by other
region differences demonstrated that all traits (except Hv) were plants, similar to deficiency in soil water availability). The
stratified by bioclimatic zones (i.e. humid, semiarid/humid and model proposed that plants maximized carbon gain and there-
arid; Figs 2, 3), which is of particular relevance when studying fore stomata remained open to allow gas exchange and xylem
mechanisms of species distribution. Bioclimatic zones were classi- was partly damaged (because of embolism) until the direct car-
fied by moisture regime (i.e. MAP) and temperature regime (i.e. bon cost of xylem recovery exceeded the potential future profit
MAT), and therefore, not surprisingly, variability was mostly dis- (xylem recovery no longer increased plant net carbon gain in
tributed among-region, reflecting the combination of tempera- this scenario). Dang et al. (2017) examined the capacity for
ture and moisture regimes (i.e. AI) as determinants for the embolism recovery in six drought-resistant tree species on the
distribution of plants. PAR was another factor of influence at the Loess Plateau and showed that Siberian elm ranked second.
region level. Furthermore, other edaphic or topographic variables Therefore, the opportunistic characteristic of Siberian elm in
are also important, mainly because they modify macroclimates arid conditions allows it to store carbon so that it can recover
into mesoclimates and microclimates. Three traits (LMA, WUE the damaged xylem using stored energy. Xeric trees and shrubs
and Hv) showed higher variability among-site within-region than tend to maintain Asat under drought conditions by increaseing
among-region, especially Hv (the contribution of region climate nonstructural carbohydrates in the roots (stored carbon), which
was close to 0; Fig. 2b), which suggested that these traits were in increases water capture (Xu & Li, 2006; Xu et al., 2007, 2016)
fact adaptations to local edaphic or topographic features. An and even facilitates plant resprouting following drought (Zhang
alternative interpretation is that Siberian elm regulates water sup- et al., 2016).
ply capacity per unit of demand (Hv) to compensate for the other Stomatal conductance is determined by stomatal anatomy and
inflexible traits among-sites within-region. This result agrees with behavior (Lawson & Matthews, 2020). However, gsmax was

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significantly decreased (excluding at the TMS site) with decreas- results of a previous study that showed a strong positive correla-
ing precipitation, whereas gratio strongly increased (Fig. 3f,g). tion between Dv and gsmax (McElwain et al., 2016). By contrast,
This resulted in Asat and gop being strongly positively related to a strong positive relationship between Dv and gratio (Fig. 4a)
gratio but significantly negatively related to gsmax, which implied linked the higher Dv with higher gratio in arid regions (Fig. 3g,l),
that the higher gop and Asat in the arid region was regulated by suggesting that supplying more water in an arid region main-
gratio rather than by gsmax (Fig. 4). The gratio in the arid region tained guard cell turgor pressure and ultimately enhanced gratio
was two- to four-fold larger than that in the humid region and rather than gsmax. As discussed above, the stomata operate near
even reached 60% of gsmax for some plants in the Guazhou the limit of gsmax in arid regions, and therefore the margin of dif-
extraarid desert (GZ site, Fig. S5E), which also suggested that ference between gsmax and gop also decreased with increasing Dv.
Siberian elm in arid regions has an innately higher Asat, which These results agree with the vein density hypothesis (Brodribb &
takes greater advantage of the anatomical potential in terms of Feild, 2010; McElwain et al., 2016). However, they might also
gas exchange than individuals in humid regions with lower Asat, reflect the different weighting of the functional roles (gas
which aligns with a previous study (McElwain et al., 2016). At exchange, leaf cooling, embolism resistance and pathogen
the same time, caution should be taken when considering these defense) of stomata under field conditions that are routinely sub-
results, because the in-chamber conditions (temperature and jected to a number of different environmental stresses and there-
VPD were set to 25°C and 1.0 kPa) were far less stressful that fore produce distinct mechanisms for stomatal control. Our data
the real growth conditions in arid. These in-chamber conditions showed that the Siberian elm in arid regions with high PAR
may lead plants adapted to dry conditions to open their stomata developed moderate Sd and Ss compared with those in humid
more than the stomata of plants adapted to more humid condi- and semiarid/humid regions (Fig. 3i,j), consistent with a previous
tions. However, as discussed above, the opportunistic characteris- study proposing that the requirement for leaf cooling in arid
tic of Siberian elm in arid conditions allows its xylem to be partly regions (hot climates with high PAR) may select for species with
damaged in order to allow stomata to remain open for carbon moderate densities of midsized stomata (McElwain et al., 2016).
gain, which suggests that the elm could increase gratio with This stomatal anatomical pattern was not conducive to increasing
increasing temperature (or VPD) within a certain temperature gsmax in arid conditions, and therefore enhancing gratio through
(or VPD) range. To reveal the opportunistic characteristics under high Dv was the alternative path to increasing gop. Our results
arid conditions, the best way is to infer gs by using δ18O instead revealed a strong negative relationship (Fig. 4a, r6 and r8)
of in-chamber measurements (Lin et al., 2016, 2019, 2021). between adaptation for stomatal opening (denoted by gratio and
In arid regions, the aggressive stomatal behavior of Siberian gop) and anatomical adaptation of maximum stomatal conduc-
elm suggests that the stomata operated near the limit of gsmax and tance (donated by gsmax and Sf), in agreement with a recent study
therefore is vulnerable in the context of climate variation. Hence, (Liu et al., 2017). Liu et al. (2017) also demorestrated that gop is
the aggressive stomatal behavior must have been compensated for independent of, and even opposes, gsmax across communities
by other conservative traits to ensure the survival of Siberian elm. regionally along the NSTEC.
The key drought tolerance trait, π tlp, showed a significant rela- At least three traits (WUE, Sd and Ss; Sf was calculated using Sd
tionship with precipitation, with higher π tlp (more negative) asso- and Ss) showed a parabolic response to MAP and PAR, with WUE
ciated with drier conditions (Fig. 3a), allowing the maintenance and Ss reaching a maximum at intermediate levels of MAP and
of guard cell turgor pressure and stomatal opening under drier PAR, while simultaneously Sd reached a minimum (Figs 3, 4b–e).
conditions (Rosas et al., 2019; Deans et al., 2020). LMA A recent field experiment on the same species (Siberian elm) along
increased with decreasing precipitation (Fig. 3m), which also a similar environmental gradient (from humid, through semiarid,
enhanced plant resistance to drought (Rosas et al., 2019; to arid) also reported the same results (table 2 and fig. 5 in Go et
Haworth et al., 2021). al., 2016): Ss showed a maximum under semiarid and was reduced
Hydraulic capacity and supply also influence stomatal conduc- under humid (or river side) and arid (or sand dune) conditions,
tance. The hydraulic supply trait, Dv, increased with decreasing while simultaneously, Sd reached a minimum under semiarid and
precipitation and increasing PAR (Fig. 3l), which aligned with increased under semiarid and was reduced under humid (or river
previous studies showing that higher gop was associated with side) and arid (or sand dune) conditions. Simultaneously, Go et al.
higher hydraulic supply capacity (Brodribb & Feild, 2010; (2016) also reported that Sf (calculated by multiplying Ss by Sd) of
McElwain et al., 2016; Lawson & Matthews, 2020). Further- Siberian elm was highest in humid and lowest in arid conditions,
more, higher PAR resulted in higher temperatures on the leaf sur- which aligned with our findings for Sf (Fig. 2k). Several reports
face under drier conditions, which led to a higher water supply have shown a parabolic relationship between stomatal anatomy and
via a higher Dv to stomata, enabling greater gop for leaf cooling environmental variables. For example, Liu et al. (2017) demon-
(Boyce et al., 2009; Brodribb & Feild, 2010; McElwain et al., strated a parabolic relationship between climate factors (i.e. MAT,
2016; Lawson & Matthews, 2020) and ultimately enhancing the MAP) and community-weighted means of Sd, Sf and Ss along the
Asat. These did not, however, prevent a decrease in gsmax under NSTEC. In particular, Ss also reached a maximum at an intermedi-
drier conditions (Fig. 3f). The trend of increasing Dv (Fig. 3l), ate level of MAP (see fig. 6e in Liu et al., 2017). In grasses, an
decreasing gsmax (Fig. 3f) with decreasing precipitation and there- increase in Sd was observed under moderate drought (Sd reached a
fore a strong negative correlation between Dv and gsmax (Fig. 4a) maximum), but a decrease occurred under severe drought (Fraser
was unexpected in the current study and contrasted with the et al., 2008; Xu & Zhou, 2008).

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The largest stomata enhanced the distance for gas molecule different environmental stresses simultaneously and therefore
diffusion (Franks & Beerling, 2009b), and thereby compared trade-offs between different traits produce distinct mechanisms,
with the smaller, denser stomata, the larger, less dense stomata which can effectively decouple traits at certain scales (Messier
resulted in a lower gsmax (Fig. 3), which was accompanied by an et al., 2017; Rosas et al., 2019). Our results revealed a related
improvement in WUE (Franks & Beerling, 2009b; Franks et al., mechanism indicating that a higher LMA in arid regions was
2009) in semiarid/humid regions. For the same reason, a decrease largely achieved by higher Dv, which tended to supply more
in WUE in drier and wetter conditions was brought about by water to maintain guard cell turgor pressure and ultimately
smaller stomata (Fig. 3). The highest WUE in semiarid/humid enhanced gratio, Asat and Amass, rather than enhancing leaf
environments was also associated with the ‘sweet spot’ of gratio (c. longevity.
20% in this region; Fig. 3g). Maintenance of stomatal function Despite the trait correlation network being region- and
in this sweet spot indicates faster responses to environmental sig- scale-dependent, a general role (highest centrality) in trait coor-
nals (Franks et al., 2012; Dow et al., 2014; Mcelwain et al., dination networks holds for gratio (Figs 5, S7, S8; except for
2016) and facilitates greater CO2 uptake, while simultaneously the humid region in Fig. 5b). At the same time, caution is
avoiding unnecessary water loss, which improves intrinsic WUE needed when interpreting these results, because the measure-
(Lawson & Matthews, 2020). An alternative interpretation of ments are a relative snapshot of conditions that would occur
lower WUE in humid regions is that WUE is not selected in a across the growing season at each site over a period of 7 d.
wet environment, whereas stomatal functions related to pathogen For example, Ss also appeared to be particularly important,
defense are selected. A related extreme example appeared in especially in the humid region where it showed the the highest
Siberian elm at the TMS site: the smallest stomata (Fig. S5H) centrality (Fig. 5b). However, at site level, gratio also showed
and lower gratio and Sf (Fig. S5E,I) were unfavorable to photosyn- the highest centrality at both TMS and JGS sites of the humid
thesis and evaporative cooling; however, they were key to region (Fig. S8a,b). In spite of the highest gsmax and Sf at the
pathogen defense (Muir, 2020; Ye et al., 2020). Stomata control BTM site in the humid region (Fig. S5d,i), Siberian elm also
gas exchange, but also provide a channel for many foliar maintained the lowest gratio (Fig. S5E) because of pathogen
pathogens to enter plant tissues (Ye et al., 2020); therefore, defense. As discussed above, the trade-offs among stomatal
trade-offs between pathogen defense and other stomatal functions traits caused by pathogen defense require further study. gratio
(gas exchange, leaf cooling and embolism resistance) always exist. participated in all stomatal functional roles. In particular, at
The weighting of pathogen defense tends to be greater in humid least two traits exhibited physiological thresholds along envi-
regions due to the hot climate and high humidity, which may be ronmental gradients; both Sd and Ss (Sf was calculated from Sd
fundamental to why Siberian elm in humid regions has devel- and Ss; WUE also resulted from stomatal adjustment) reached
oped a low gratio. Nevertheless, further research on pathogen a physiological threshold, which implied that adjustment of
defense at the stomatal level and the trade-offs between pathogen both traits was not sufficient to cope with the increase in envi-
defense and other stomatal functions is required. ronmental stress. Therefore, the integrative traits, namely gratio
that combines Sd and Ss, must be changing to alleviate envi-
ronmental stress. Network analysis further demonstrated that
Trait coordination network changes at different spatial
gratio offered the highest values of centrality across different
spatial scales, suggesting that stomatal traits related to control
To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to test the of stomatal movement mediate the change in the trait coordi-
covariation within traits related to photosynthesis (Asat, gop, nation network along environmental gradients. Namely, the
WUE), stomatal anatomy (Ss, Sd, Sf), stomatal function (gsmax, interconnected traits elect an intermediate agency, gratio, to
gratio), leaf economics (LMA, Amass) and water supply (π tlp, Dv, adapt to environmental gradients. The mediating roles were
Hv) simultaneously at different spatial levels. The trait correla- manifested as developing the highest gsmax but lowest gratio for
tion network was region- and scale-dependent (Fig. 5). One of pathogen defense in humid regions, maintaining the ‘sweet
the traits that received more attention was the leaf economic spec- spot’ of gratio (c. 20% in this region) with the highest WUE in
trum (LES), which highlights the trade-off between leaf longevity semihumid regions and equipping the plant with the lowest
and productivity. In arid regions (Fig. 5d), elm exhibited conser- gsmax and highest gratio for gas exchange and leaf cooling in arid
vative leaf economic strategies (i.e. higher LMA), possibly to sup- regions. Siberian elm thus succeeds at the very wet and dry
port longer leaf life spans with higher Asat and Amass. This result ends of an enormous precipitation gradient. These results also
was opposite to the findings for the LES, which implied that an suggested a critical mechanism that mediates changes in trait
increase in LMA coincided with a decrease in photosynthetic coordination networks along environmental gradients, namely
capacity (Wright et al., 2004). The same applied at the transect stomatal movement (i.e. gratio), which was independent of, and
scale (Fig. 5a), where Amass and LMA were unrelated. By con- even opposed, the stomatal pattern of development (i.e. gsmax).
trast, in humid and semihumid regions (Fig. 5b,c), we found evi-
dence for an LES with a strong negative correlation between
LMA and Amass. These results are consistent with previous find-
ings that the LES is not always conserved across scales, because Our study shows that Siberian elm, a eurybiont, is routinely sub-
plants under field conditions are routinely subjected to several jected to several different environmental stresses and harbors

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Supporting Information Fig. S8 Trait correlation networks of Ulmus pumila within each
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
Fig. S9 Trait correlation networks (excepted Amass and gratio) of
Ulmus pumila at the transect scale (n = 9) and for each climatic
Fig. S1 Climate data.
region separately.
Fig. S2 The gop of Ulmus pumila measured in 2021.
Notes S1 The relationship between gop measured in 2020 and
Fig. S3 The relationship between stomatal conductance of Ulmus
pumila in 2020 and 2021.
Table S1 Operational stomatal conductance of Ulmus pumila
measured in 2020 and 2021.
Fig. S4 PCA summarizing environmental variables at the site
Please note: Wiley Blackwell are not responsible for the content
or functionality of any Supporting Information supplied by the
Fig. S5 Boxplot of each trait of Ulmus pumila at each site.
authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
directed to the New Phytologist Central Office.
Fig. S6 The intercorrelations of environmental factors and traits
of Ulmus pumila based on bivariate analyses.

Fig. S7 Full trait correlation networks (including all traits) of

Ulmus pumila on the transect scale and for each climatic region

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