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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Aloguinsan District
Angilan National High School

Narrative Report on the Conduct of

DepEd Psychosocial Support Activities
“Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her
ownabilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to
make a contribution to his or her community.”(WHO,2021) Also, Mental health refers to
cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and

Per DepEd Order (DO) No. 34, s. 2022 titled School Calendar and Activities for the
School Year 2022-2023, psychosocial support activities must be conducted during the quarter
of School Year (SY) 2022-2023, beginning on August 22, 2022. The psychosocial support
activities are imperative in promoting, protecting, and prioritizing the learners’ socio-
emotional well-being as they transition back to in-person classes. These activities will be
facilitated by classroom advisers or designated teachers.

Last September 12, 2022, I conducted the Psychosocial Support Evaluation of learners.
The Psychosocial Support Evaluation will quickly assess how learners respond to the activities
and gauge their overall adjustment to the transition to In-Person Classes through specific
items aligned with the Psychosocial Support Activity Pack. Before I started the evaluation, I
opted to do an icebreaker or introductory activity. It is important to first welcome the
learners warmly to assure them that the incoming evaluation activity is not meant to judge
their academic abilities or performance in class but rather to check in on their psychosocial
status after a time away from school or from an in-person learning modality. This also
ensures that the learners can engage with the task and respond genuinely. The results of the
evaluation informed me which psychosocial skills to focus on the conduct of the activities.
After the students completed the evaluation, I utilized the PSE Guide to interpret the learners’

After I interpreted the results, I then scanned the PSA Guide for the recommended
activities for Key Stage 3 for Grade 7-10, and activities for all key stages. I chose Feelings
Charades, Body Map, Cloud Relaxation, and Let’s Dance.

For the first activity, we did the Body Map. This activity tackles the psychosocial
competency for self-regulation. This activity will allow learners to experience the connection
between their mind and body, learn how their mind affects their physical well-being, and
identify where they hold these feelings in their bodies. This awareness is the foundation for
learning self-regulation. The learners enjoyed mapping their feelings and showing to the class
where they feel their emotions. The second activity was Let’s Dance where learners danced
their hearts out. This activity will help learners to develop skills to deal with stress through
dance, movement, and social interaction and connection. I prepared a music playlist that
started from sow music for warm-up, then followed by songs that are a little more upbeat,
and finally went full blast in playing dancing songs. The third activity was the favorite of the

Address: Angilan, Aloguinsan, Cebu

Cellphone Nos.: 09228078804/ 09068558693
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Aloguinsan District
Angilan National High School

class, it was cloud relaxation. During this activity, the learners were able to unwind and relax.
This activity provided an opportunity for learners to relax and experience feelings of calm in
the body. I invited the learners to breathe gently, relaxing their chest and shoulders as they
do so, and noticing how their stomachs expand when they inhale, and contract as they
exhale. I then read the script in a soothing, soft tone, giving instructions gently and slowly, to
encourage relaxation. For the last activity, we did the Feelings Charades which tackles the
competency for self-awareness and self-expression. This activity allowed the learners to
reflect on how we can have varying or similar feelings in response to different life situations.

The endeavor ended with a reflection by each of the students. They were able to share
what they felt during the activities. They also shared to the class what was their favorite
activity and why. It is evident that the students were able to enjoy and learn from the
activities. They also grew closer as a class.

Prepared by:


Teacher 1/ G7 Mahogany Adviser

Noted by:

School Guidance Designate

Address: Angilan, Aloguinsan, Cebu

Cellphone Nos.: 09228078804/ 09068558693
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Aloguinsan District
Angilan National High School

Documentation of the Conduct of

DepEd Psychosocial Support Activities

Address: Angilan, Aloguinsan, Cebu

Cellphone Nos.: 09228078804/ 09068558693
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Aloguinsan District
Angilan National High School

Documentation of the Conduct of

DepEd Psychosocial Support Activities

Address: Angilan, Aloguinsan, Cebu

Cellphone Nos.: 09228078804/ 09068558693
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Aloguinsan District
Angilan National High School

Address: Angilan, Aloguinsan, Cebu

Cellphone Nos.: 09228078804/ 09068558693
Email Address:

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