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ETHICS - concerns objective questioning of right and wrong

rather than subjective cultural standards

Ethics - how things ought to be
- derived from the Greek word “ethos” which means - what the standards ought to be
“way of living” - objective (based on facts)
- custom or character 6 Features of Morality
- branch of philosophy that deals and examines at 1. People experience a sense of moral obligation and
how people behave, particularly how they act in accountability
social situations. 2. Moral values and moral absolutes exists
- guidelines 3. “Moral law” therefor exists
- science of morals 4. Moral law is known to humans
- studies the rightness or wrongness of a human 5. Morality is objective
action 6. Moral judgment must be supported by reasons.
Greek Tradition- “Good Life” happiness/ being happy Moral Agent
Judeo- Christian- righteousness before God; love of - being capable of acting with reference to right and
God and neighbor “Doing what is right” wrong
- “theory” of right action and greater good - can be held responsible for behavior or moral
Importance of ethics decisions
- through ethics, people can determine the difference - an intelligent being who has the power of choosing
between right from wrong, good and bad and scope to act according to his choice
- people can eliminate actions that do not conform to - must have self-consciousness, memory, moral
what is right principles
- people will be very careful to the actions and - able to reason out
decisions to make - allows you to create plans to achieve specific
Types of Ethics objectives
Normative Ethics - allows him to devise plans for achieving his
- prescriptive in nature objectives, weigh alternatives and so on
- develop guidelines / theories how we ought o - in order to be a moral agent, one must live in a
behave world of scarcity rather than paradise
-seeks to set norms or standards that regulate right Moral Action
or wrong or good and bad conduct - actions will spring from choice and is not
- the study of what makes actions right or wrong, necessitated either by mental propulsion or external
what makes situations or events good or bad and circumstances
what makes people virtuous or vicious Moral VS. Non- Moral Standards
- Do good at all times! - some values have moral implications, while others
Meta-ethics do not “You cannot impose on them that your value
- descriptive is the right value”
- aims to understand the nature and dynamics of - different cultures have different morals
ethical principles and the way we learn and acquire - a matter of taste in one culture may be a matter of
moral beliefs moral significance in another “You don’t have to
- the study of how we engage in ethics force other people what you believe into because we
- What is good? have different customs”
Applied Ethics How can we understand this confusion?
- actual application of ethical or moral theories for the - people have to understand the difference between
purpose of deciding which ethical or moral actions moral standards and non-moral ones.
are appropriate in a given situation Moral Standards
Casuists- adherents of applied ethics - force others to act accordingly
Different Fields: - you can’t force others, no if’s no buts
- Business Ethics - example: killing, theft, stealing
- Biomedical and Environmental Ethics -norms that individuals or groups have about the
- Social Ethics kinds of actions believed to be morally right or wrong
- the study of how we should act in specific areas of - normally promote the good, the welfare and well-
our lives; how we should deal with issues being of human etc.
Morality - Norms + Values = Moral Standards
- set of standards that enable people to live Norms
cooperatively in groups - general rules about actions or behavior
- practice of ethics Values
- “practice” rightness or wrongness of human action - enduring beliefs about what is good and desirable
Types of Morality or not
Descriptive Morality Characteristics of Moral Standards
- relative to culture and individual 1. Deal with matters we think can seriously injure or
- subjective cultural standards benefit humans, animals, and the environment.
- how things are 2. Not established or changed by the decisions of
- deals with describing/ explaining the way things are authoritative individuals or bodies.
- based on religion 3. Overriding, that is, they take precedence over
- subjective (based on individual perception/ beliefs) other standards and considerations, especially self-
Normative Morality interest.
4. Based on impartial consideration. It is fair and just.
5. It is associated with special emotions and - categorical imperatives are our moral obligations,
vocabulary. and Kant believed that they’re derived from pure
Non-Moral Standards reasons
- refer to standards by which we judge what is good Imperative- command
or bad and right or wrong in a non-moral way 4 Concepts of Kantian Ethics
- we have no right to impose on others 1. Idea of the Good Will
- example: abortion, euthanasia, standards of 2. Duty and the Moral Worth of an act
etiquette, law, standards of aesthetic, rules in games, 3. The Universalizability Principle/ Principle of
fashion standards Universality
Rules 4. The Formula of Humanity/ Formula of the End
- considered as a guidelines to people Good Will
- provides sense of physical, moral, emotional safety - wider conception than the will of obligation
Why do we need rules? - act that has an intrinsic value
- a world would be consists of chaos among societies - you’re not doing it because of reward
and unfairness, human rights would be affected and How to manifest good will?
our freedom would depend on the authorities of - when the action/ act is done for the sake of duty
governments. - not asking anything in return
Dilemma Autonomy of the Will
- are situations where persons who are called “Moral - not influenced by external factors
Agents” in ethics are forced to choose between two The Universalizability Principle/ Principle of
or more conflicting options, neither of which resolves Universality
the situation in morally acceptable manner - “Act only according to that maxim which you can at
Moral Dilemma the same time will that it should become a universal
- making an option to one moral value over the other law without contradiction.”
- a situation where moral values are equally Maxim- rule or principle of action
significant Universal Law- something that must always b done
- a scenario where a person has a strong moral in similar situations
reason in action, but not equally strong moral reason - before we act, we should ask ourselves, what’s the
in acting in another way maxim of our action?
- a conflict in which you have to choose between two - what’s the general rule that stands behind the
or more actions and have moral reasons for particular action I’m considering?
choosing each actions. - Kant’s view that moral rules apply to everyone
- dilemmas involve human actions which have moral equally sounds nice and fair. But it can sometimes
implications lead to some pretty counter-intuitive results.
Three Levels of Moral Dilemma - It’s not fair to make exceptions for yourself
Individual or Personal Dilemma - universality of our actions
- are situations of an individual, another person or a - example: stealing of the properties of the rich and
group that encounters and settles on their own distribute them to the poor, helping a friend in times
- conflicts arrives when a person is asked to choose of need
between two important values for him or her The Formula of Humanity/ Formula of the End
Organizational Dilemma - “Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your
- ethical cases experienced and addressed by social own person or in that of another, always as an end,
organizations. and never as a mere means.”
- situation that causes an organization to respond Mere Means- is to use it only for your own benefit,
negatively or positively to an ethical issue that affects with no thought to the interests or benefit of the thing
staff, shareholders, and society you’re using.
Structural Dilemma - Kant argued that proper, rational application of the
- are concerned with matters involving a system of categorical imperative will lead us to moral truth that
institutions as well as operational theoretical is fixed and applicable to all moral agents.
concepts - example” cheating on someone, treat others as
- it is a conflict of viewpoints among different fields, means to own selfish end
groups and organizations that might be influenced by The Role of Freedom in Morality
decision making. Freedom
- selecting a proper system of responsibilities and - essential to a genuinely good human life
relationships, which is continuing universal challenge - right to control one’s actions based on reason, not
Categorical Imperative desire
Hypothetical Imperative - do what we want to do in our lives
- conditional command - right or power to act without any hindrances
- prudence rather than morality - to decide things for ourselves
- if-then statements Morality
- command you should follow if you want something - values, conducts at all levels of morality or principle
- example: If you don’t want money, you can always - there is a standard that you should follow whether it
choose not to work. is good or evil
Categorical Imperative - teach us to choose from right and wrong behavior
- according to Kant, it is a principle of morality Kant’s Morality and Freedom
- commands you must follow, regardless of your - To act freely is to act autonomously
desires - To act autonomously is to act according to the law.
When you have freedom, you also have Acts of Man
responsibility. - involuntary Action
Freedom is always associated with Morality. - these are the acts of perception or sensation,
Freedom: The foundation of Moral Act; Freedom actions that proceed without man’s deliberate free
and Free Will will.
Foundation in Ethics - acts that do not make use of free will and intellect,
- basis to build more ethical behavior some are done naturally or instinctively
- freedom - example: blood circulation, blinking of the eyes,
- ethics would not have a life to stand on beating of the heart
Freedom Essential Qualities
- power or right to act free and think without 1. done without knowledge
hindrance or restraints 2. without consent
- not absolute/ not limitless 3. Involuntary action
- we must be responsible in exercising our freedom Modifiers of Human Act
- freedom is human’s greatest quality and it is a - may affect the essential quality of human act
reflection of our creator Ignorance
- every action you choose further determines our Fear
character Innocence
- having freedom means having responsibility Violence and Force
- freedom is the power rooted in reason and will, to Concupiscence/ Passion
act or not to act, to do this or to do that and so to Habit
perform deliberate actions on one’s own Ignorance of the law- excuses no one
responsibility Virtue- good habit (helping others)
“Only Human Beings can be Ethical” Vice/ Violence- bad habit (drinking alcohol, stealing,
- Another basic tenet in ethics is the belief that only cheating)
humans can be truly ethical. Most philosophers hold Requirement of True Freedom
that unlike animals, human possess some traits that True Freedom
make it possible for them to be moral. - According to Christian worldview, true freedom is
Traits that make it possible for them to be moral not a matter of doing what you want without restraint,
A. Only human beings are rational, autonomous and but cultivating the right wants and living in obedience
self-conscious to God’s will.
B. Only human beings can act morally or immorally - happens when you create a relationship with God
C. Only human beings are part of moral community - our actions must be the truth
Freedom - not about absence of restraint
- the right or power to act without hindrance - begins the moment you have nothing to hide
Two Types of Freedom - requires responsibility, there’s no such thing as
Internal Freedom irresponsible freedom
- comes from within Freedom
- the truth will set you free - free to do things without someone controlling us
External Freedom Since true freedom is centered on God. Our
- actions can affect the society actions (human actions) must be in line with the
- cannot exist without internal freedom truth. Our actions must not be persuaded by evil.
- people are never satisfied (aim higher/ seek for The requirement of freedom is to center our lives
higher) in the name of God. If God exists in our lives, we are
Free Will free. Because of that our actions must be the truth
- the power or capacity of humans to make decisions and true freedom comes with responsibilities.
independently True Freedom is dependent upon truth
- able to make decisions - “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you
- kusang-loob free” - John 8:32
Human Acts VS. Acts of Man What is Culture?
Human Acts Culture
- voluntary - Latin word “Cultura” or “Cultus” which means care
- actions done consciously and freely by the agent or or cultivation
by man - describes a collective way of live, or way of doing
- act that is under the control or direction of will and things
performed with full knowledge which is proper to - culture as cultivation implies that every human
humans being is a potential member of his own group
- example: walking, listening, dancing Edward B. Tylor
3 Qualities of Human Acts “Culture is that complex whole which includes
1. Knowledge of the Act knowledge, belief, law, art, moral, custom and other
- doing an act with knowledge make the act capabilities and habits acquired as a member of
deliberate society.”
2. Freedom Types of Culture
- you have the free will without the command of Material- physical objects that society produce
others Non- Material- includes language, values, arts
3. Voluntariness Real- can be observed in social life
- this require the other taken students the knowledge Ideal- presented as a pattern for the members of
and freedom society
Enculturation - it is the practice of comparing other cultural
- process of learning a culture in all it’s uniqueness practices with those of one's own and automatically
and particularity finding those other cultural practices to be inferior
Inculturation - focus on your own culture and not recognizing other
- introduction to Christianity culture
Acculturation - being insensitive to other culture
- cultural modification of an individual judging other culture what we don’t used to
- group or people by adapting to or borrowing traits Importance of Cultural Relativism
from another culture 1. It helps to understand other cultures in their own
Culture: Influence of Culture in Moral context.
Development 2. It is used as a tool for unbiased critique.
Culture has been with us since the dawn of 3. It helps us to re-examine and correct our
human existence. Significant as it is, a culture assumptions and bias on cultures and people of the
considerably shapes its members on how they live world.
and relate within themselves and with other cultures. 4. It builds respect and cooperation.
(Bretzkr, 2004) 5. It creates a society without judgement.
Culture functions to mold and establish a social Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural
identity that brings people as well to the knowledge Relativism
of common objectives which members would try to 9 Advantages of Cultural Relativism 
achieve, Culture, indeed, provides norms, customs, 1. It is a system which promotes cooperation.
laws, and moral demands that are to be followed. So - The potential for a greater society is fostered by
to speak, in general, in a culture there is consistency accepting the various differences we have.
and systematic patterns of behavior. (Palispis, 2007) 2. It creates a society where equality is possible
How culture influences the moral development of - Each person is free to define success according to
the people? their own standards, resulting in equality.
1. Culture is always social and communal by which 3. People can pursue a genuine interest.
the relationship of the people towards one another - You have complete freedom to follow your own
and their experience as a people are the culture's interests.
meadow. 4. Respect is encouraged in a system of cultural
2. The culture defines the normative principles and relativism.
behaviors of the society. - A natural level of respect exists since the system
3. Culture develops restrictions and sets boundaries supports each person's definition.
and limitations as they live and relate with one 5. It preserves human cultures.
another. - Human traditions don't have to be discarded in
4. Culture helps in generating the character and order to satisfy a certain set of standards.
identity of its people, it also includes their moral 6. Cultural relativism creates a society without
character. judgment.
5. The culture identifies the authorities or the - You are the only one who can judge yourself
governing individuals or group. 7. Moral relativism can be excluded from cultural
Culture is very significant in the development of relativism.
the human person and in moral development - The theory of cultural relativism allows for the
particularly. It is also the conditioning principle of the treatment of each culture as an individual.
moral development of its members. 8. We can create personal moral codes based on
Cultural Relativism societal standards with ease.
The ability to understand a culture on its own terms - Cultural relativism enables people to refer to the
and not to make judgement using the standards of norms of their own society or culture.
one's own. 9. It stops cultural conditioning
The concept of cultural relativism also means - People are permitted to have individualistic
that any opinion on ethics is subject to the perspectives.
perspective of each person within their particular 8 Advantages of Cultural Relativism
culture. 1. It creates a system that is fueled by personal
Cultural relativism is closely related to ethical bias.
relativism, which views truth as variable and not - Due to the way humans functions, every culture has
absolute. some inherent biases.
- no objective standard which can apply to all culture 2. It would create chaos
Cultural relativism is considered to be more - Since there is neither "good" nor "wrong," people
constructive and positive conception as compared to adhere to their own moral standards.
ethnocentrism. 3. It is an idea that is based on the perfection of
Cultural relativism tries to promote the humanity
understanding of cultural practices that are unfamiliar - People are not perfect.
to other cultures. 4. It could promote a lack of diversity
- when you are able to relate to other culture - When the focus of society is on  individualistic
- you’re adjusting to other people’s culture benefit that may be at  the expense of
Ethnocentrism others,diversity cannot be created.
- it comes from the Greek "ethno" which means 5. It draws people away from one another
people and "centric" which means center. - Instead of embracing one another, people move
away from one another
6. It could limit moral progress
- It could limit being inclusive - considered as one of the biggest holidays in the
7. It could limit humanity’s progress archipelago
- Progress cannot be assessed because both are - we earned the distinction of celebrating the worlds
"correct. longest Christmas Season with Christmas Carols
8. Cultural relativism can turn perceptions into heard as early as September.
truths. Fiestas
- Biases turn become actual facts under cultural - held to celebrate a patron saint
relativism. - it is part and parcel of Filipino Culture through good
Filipino Customs and Traditions times and bad times it must go on.
Tradition Living with Parents
- is a way of behaving thinking,or doing something - Filipino highly value the presence of family more
that has been followed by people in a particular than anything.Many Filipinos continue living with
community society, family. their parents until they get married.
- can be an idea beliefs that is passed down from Characteristics of Filipino Culture
one generation to another.
- pagmamano Filipino Family Values
- bayanihan Values
- pamamanhikan -are the set of principles and beliefs of an individual
- fiesta that motivates them to act one way or another.  
- panliligaw They serve as a guide for human behavior.
- po at opo The Importance of Values in Family
- pamahiin - Values give families an outlook on life, a way to
Custom view the world and their situation as well as an
- is a practice common to many or a particular place identity. Values can also add to relationships and
or group of people influence judgement, behaviors, and parenting
- It is commonly accepted way of behaving or doing styles. Family values serve as the core of what family
something in a particular society, place or time. members do the opinions they have.
Close Family Ties Filipino Family Values
- They takes care for each other and is taught to be - Majority of Philippine population is bonded by
loyal to family and elders by simply obeying their common values and traits that are first taught at
authorities. home being applied in our day to day lives.
Bayanihan 1. Paggalang (Respect)
- It is the spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve - Filipinos are accustomed to using the words “po”,
a particular object. People give their all to the “opo”, and “ho” when they are conversing with older
common good without expecting recognition or people or, sometimes, with those who are in a high
personal gain. role or a prestigious member of a society. Using
Courtship these words is customary in the Philippines, and it
- Filipinos are very romantic when it comes to heart shows a sign of respect if you do so.
affairs. Serenading is one of the most popular forms 2. Pakikisama (Helping Others)
of courtship to show that a man is very serious with - has the connection of getting along with people in
his intentions to a woman. general.
Religion - There is general yearning to be accepted and well-
- Philippines is one of two predominantly Roman liked among Filipinos. This applies to one and his or
Catholic nation in Asia Pacific. Filipino believe that her friends, colleagues, boss, and even relatives.
having a strong devotion may lead to be a better life This desire is what steers one to perform
and their guidance to face everyday life. pakikisama.
Superstition 3. Utang na Loob (Debt of Gratitude)
- These beliefs have come from the different saying - there is usually a system of obligation.
of our ancestor that aims to prevent danger from - When this value is applied, it imparts a sense of
happening or to make a person refrain from doing duty and responsibility on the younger siblings to
something in particular. serve and repay the favors done to them by their
Marriage and Wedding Customs elders.
- Marriage is a sacred union of man and woman after 4. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya
a period of courtship and engagement ,It is a - putting importance on your family. This implies that
covenant between two people who loves each a person will place a high regards on his/her family
other ,whose joining becomes an expression of the and prioritize that before anything else.
desire of each other to love and serve God 5. Hiya (Shame)
Death - This controls the social behaviors and interactions
- For many Filipino, death of a relatives is an of a Filipino. It is a value that drives Filipino to be
opportunity to strengthen the ties in the family. To obedient and respectful to their parents, older
pay respect and honor the relationship to the siblings, and other authorities.
deceased, long lost relatives, friends, and even - This is also a key ingredient in the loyalty of one’s
relatives working an abroad are reunited. family.
Society 6. Damayan System
- Philippines is a combined society, both singular and - Extending sympathy for people who lost their loved
plural in form. It is singular as one nation but plural in ones. In case of death of a certain member of the
that it is fragmented geographically and culturally community, the whole community sympathizes with
Christmas the bereaved family. Neighbors, friends, and
relatives of the deceased usually give certain amount
of money as their way of showing sympathy.
7. Compassionate
- A Filipino trait of being sympathetic to others even
the person is a  stranger. An example of this is giving
alms to the beggars. This is observed when we hear
Filipinos ‘saying, “kawawa or nakakaawa naman.”
8. Fun-Loving Trait
- A trait that found in Filipinos, a trait that makes
them unique that even in times of calamities and
other challenges  in life, they always have something
to be happy about, a reason to celebrate.
“Good morals and values start at home and a
uniform won't change that.” - Jamie Sawyer
Social Values of the Filipinos
Weaknesses of Filipino Character
Extreme Personalism
- Filipinos view the world in terms of personal
- There is no separation between an objective task
and emotional involvement.
- The Filipinos always try to give an interpretation of
the actions or they take things personally
Extreme Family Centeredness
-The Filipinos have very high family protection
whether in good or poor condition and circumstance
(consentidor) (overprotected).
Lack of Discipline
-The Filipinos have a rather relaxed attitude, but bad
time management (famous Filipino time). They are
impatient and unable to postpone incentives or
rewards. They want to take shortcuts or the 'palusot'
scheme and careless.
Passivity and Lack of Initiative
- Acceptance of what happens, without active
response or resistance.
- "Bahala na System"-no matter what, come what
may, at least we tried (paconsuelo) attitude.
Colonial Mentality
- They appreciate too much other nationality and
foreign products than native ones.
- They even lack love and appreciation for what they
Kanya-kanya Syndrome
-Filipinos have self-serving attitude that generates
feeling of envy and competitiveness towards others.
-They have personal ambition but insensitive to
common will (people and own country).
-There is also a crab mentality attitude (Hilahan and
Inggitan System) instead of being happy to what are
the accomplishments of others they try to pull them
Lack of Self Analysis and Reflection
-Filipinos are superficial and dreamy. They lack self-
evaluation and reflection of the situation.
Ningas Cogon
-A Filipino attitude of being enthusiastic only during
the start of new undertaking but ends dismally in
accomplishing nothing.
Gaya-Gaya Attitude
-A Filipino attitude of imitating or copying other
culture specifically in mode of dressing, language,
fashion, trend or even haircut.

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