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UCB BearBuy Focus Group #2

Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:00 am 3:00 pm 150 University Hall

Welcome Recap of Focus Group 1, Goals for Focus Group 2, future engagement System Demonstration
o o o Scenario 1: End to end process (cart to payment) Scenario 2: Error Processing Match Exceptions Scenario 3: Error Processing - PO Change Order

Lunch Break o o o o o Scenario 4: Error Processing Returning a requisition Scenario 5: Forms Non-Catalog form Scenario 6a: Forms Payment Request form (utility example) Scenario 6b: Forms Payment Request form (honorarium example) Scenario 7: Forms bluCard Purchase Request using requisition workflow

Departmental readiness discussion

Thank you for participating in todays session. In addition to filling out your evaluation form, you can send feedback and comments to BearBuy Deputy Project Manager Jon Conhaim at


Departmental Roles in the BearBuy System

Purchase Request
Role Shoppers Description *Shoppers enter purchase requests via a Shopping Cart into BearBuy. The Cart becomes the Requisition. *BearBuy can be used for departmental bluCard purchase requests. Verification and reconciliation will continue to be performed in BFS as it is today. Characteristics *Shoppers must have a UCB employee ID, Affiliate ID, or be a registered Graduate Student. *Using BearBuy for departmental bluCard purchase requests leverages the requisition workflow.

Purchase Authorization (optional, based on Department business process)

Role Cart Authorizer Description Shopping Carts can be routed to multiple Shoppers. When a shopping cart is routed to another Shopper (e.g. a programmatic manager) for authorization prior to the creation of the requisition, this Shopper is referred to as the Cart Authorizer. Characteristics *Can make changes to the cart *Routing to a Shopper as Cart Authorizer is on an ad hoc basis. *Cart Authorizers will not see any changes made to the requisition. *May see the transaction multiple times if they are also a Requisition Authorizer. *Cannot make changes to the requisition *Routing to an Additional Authorizer is assigned on an ad hoc basis. *The available Additional Authorizers is different than Additional Approvers in ePro and cannot be assigned the role in SARA. *Cannot make changes to requisition. *Use of this authorization step is determined before the purchase. *Will route every requisition that uses a ChartField 1 & 2 value that has an Authorizer assigned. *ChartField 1 & 2 Authorizers is set up in BFS.

Additional Authorizer

Requisitions can be routed to Additional Authorizers (up to 2) on an ad hoc basis. The available Additional Authorizers are Principal Investigators and those who have the role of Requisition Approver. Requisitions can be routed to Authorizers assigned to ChartField 1 & 2 chartstring attributes in BFS. Unlike the Additional Authorizer, the ChartField 1 & 2 Authorizers will be systematically invoked if it is opted in by assigning an Authorizer.

ChartField 1 & 2 Authorizer

Purchase Approval
Role Requisition Org Node Approver Description Requisitions are approved by the Requisition Org Node Approver. Characteristics *Approvers can approve/return requisitions from the worklist based on org node permissions. *The Requisition Approver cannot make changes to the requisition. Characteristics *Use of receiving is optional. *Receipt can be entered at any time. *Receiving is not subject to matching. Characteristics *Voucher Approvers can approve/deny vouchers from the worklist based on org node permissions. Characteristics *BearBuy will not stop inappropriate changes to a PO such as reducing the amount below the sum of existing vouchers, thus, this role should be granted to a limited number of sophisticated users. *There is no PO change order approval step in BearBuy. *Clearing match exceptions (okay to pay) is performed without making changes to the PO. *This is a powerful role and should be granted to a limited number of sophisticated users. *Clearing match exceptions (okay to pay) is performed without making changes to the PO.

Role Receiver Description Receivers can acknowledge receipt of goods and services in BearBuy and attach packing slips or other relevant documents. This record will be tied to the PO & invoice. Description Vouchers are approved by a Voucher Approver to release payment to the vendor. Description Processes changes to Purchase Orders.

Role Voucher Approver

Error Processing
Role PO Change Order Processor

Match Exception Preparer Researches and processes the clearing of exceptions when the invoice and Purchase Order do not match. When appropriate, works with the vendor to correct erroneous invoices. Approves the clearing of match exceptions when it is okay to pay the invoice in match exception.

Match Exception Approver

Items marked with a check mark indicate roles that exist in BearBuy that do not exist in BFS. Note that PO Change Order Processor is marked as new because system functionality is significantly different from BFS. DRAFT r. 7/12/2011

BearBuy Workflow - Standard Transaction

Is vendor set up in system?


See Vendor Setup Process


Step 1 Shopper/Requester Selects items and creates shopping cart Step 2 Requisition Creator Reviews cart and creates requisition Step 3 Requisition Approver (Org node approver) Reviews and approves requisition Requires Central approval?


Step 7 - Voucher Approver Approves voucher for payment

Optional R eceiving -- Department can enter receipt of goods and attach scanned image file of Packing Slip Online receiving is optional, may be done at any time, and can be the system of record for receipt of goods on a PR/PO/Voucher

Optional -- Cart Authorizer Determined by department

Optional -- Additional Authorizers Departments can assign up to four additional levels of authorization (by PI, chartfield 1 or 2, etc.)


Step 4 - Buyer/ Commodity Approver Routes to buyer if value exceeds limits, or to commodity approver if required Step 6 - Invoice Processing Scans invoice and enters voucher in BearBuy Auto-match invoice to PO qty and amt PO & invoice match?

Central Offices

See Match Exception Process PO created and transmitted to vendor; funds encumbered; ledgers updated


eInvoice electronically received and validated

Releases payment; relieves encumbrance; posts expense to GL



Step 5 - Vendor Fulfills order and issues invoice

Electronic invoice?


Step 8 - Vendor Receives payment

BearBuy Workflow - DRAFT - 7/13/11

Procurement Workflow Process


Shopping Cart

Catalog Add catalog items to cart via hosted or punchout catalogs

Form Add noncatalog items to cart via the appropriate Form

Shopper * Employees & affiliate ID * Can assign Additional Authorizer 1 &2

Cart Authorizer * Employees & affiliate ID * Can assign Additional Authorizer 1 &2

A Requisition
Requisition Creator
* Role assigned in SARA * Can assign Additional Authorizer 1 & 2

Additional Authorizer 1
PIs from fund panel, all Req Approvers

Additional Authorizer 2
PIs from fund panel, all Req Approvers

ChartField 2 Authorizer
*Managed by Department * Always invoked if opted in

ChartField 1 Authorizer
* Managed by Department * Always invoked if opted in

Requisition Approver
(Org Node Approver) Role assigned in SARA

* High Value Buyer 1 * EH&S * Controlled Substance Approver * Commodity Approver

PO Dispatch

Items are added to the shopping cart via catalog or via form Steps A & F are mandatory Step G is conditional based on purchasing rules Steps B, C, D, & E are optional and determined by the Department Additional Authorizers in steps B & C can be selected by the Shopper, Cart Authorizer, or PR Creator ChartField 1 & 2 Authorizers in steps D & E are predetermined by the Department 1

Central and/or Department Buyers

r. 7/12/11

Payment Workflow Process


Step 1 - Vendor Receives PO, fulfills order and issues invoice

Electronic invoice?


Step 5 - Vendor Receives payment


Step 2 - Invoice Processing Scans invoice and enters voucher in BearBuy

eInvoice electronically received and validated

Central Offices

BearBuy auto-matches invoice to PO qty and amt

Releases payment, relieves encumbrance, and posts expense to GL


PO & invoice match?



Optional Online Receiving -Department can enter receipt of goods and attach scanned image file of Packing Slip. Online receiving is optional, may be done at any time, and can be the system of record for receipt of goods on a PR/PO/Voucher

Step 3 Match Exception Preparer Researches quantity or price discrepancy; enters correction to clear the exception; adds comment with explanation; attaches email or other supporting documentation

Step 4 - Voucher Approver Approves voucher for payment

Payment Workflow - DRAFT - 7/13/11

Match Exception Workflow Process

Department Match Exception Preparer
BearBuy auto-matches invoice to PO quantity and amount; match exceptions over $500 or 10% are sent to Match Exception List

Step 4 - ME Preparer Request corrected invoice from Vendor; enter comment explaining issue.

No Step 1 - ME Preparer Review Match Exception List daily for new invoice/PO exception items exceeding the allowable match threshold Step 2 - ME Preparer Research discrepancy by reviewing voucher, PO, receipt, and receipt attachment for quantity and amount. Compare all items to vendor invoice. Step 3 - ME Preparer Confer with receiver of goods for quantity discrepancy, or with Voucher Approver for price discrepancy, to determine if invoice payment should be approved. Step 5 - ME Preparer Clear the exception; enter a comment explaining the discrepancy; attach email or other documentation.

OK to pay invoice?


Department Voucher Approver

Step 6 - Voucher Approver Review PO, receipt, receipt attachment and comments/attachments provided by ME Preparer. Approve voucher for payment.

Match Exception Workflow - DRAFT - 7/13/11

Form Non Catalog Form Payment Request Service Order Request Subaward/Intercampus Subaward Temporary Labor Request Vehicle Charter Request Moving Services Request Professional/Personal/Consultant Services Facility Rental Copier Lease Sole Source After the Fact

Available at Go Live
Purpose Used for procurement of goods not found in the Catalogs. Used for payment for cost types that do not require a Purchase Order. Used for procurement of services (not goods). Payment of services is based on amount, not on quantity. Used for Subaward Purchase Orders including Intercampus subawards. Used for temporary non-employee staffing from approved suppliers. Used for renting vehicles from approved suppliers. Used for household /relocation services from approved suppliers. Used for professional arrangements and other contracted needs. Used for renting space for a University event. Used for copier leases. Used to supply justification for the use of a specific vendor when multiple quotes have not been sought. Used when a purchase has been placed with a supplier prior to a requisition being created.

Payment Request
Payment Request Cost Types Donations & Contributions Express Delivery Services Freight Government Regulatory Fees Honoraria (non-employee) Human Subject Fees Loan Repayment Assistance Program Refunds

Cost Types

Reimbursements of Out-Of-Pocket Expenses Royalties Sports Officials Fees Telephone/Data Transmission Services Travel Advances Utilities

Petty Cash Visa Application Fees Allowable Payment Request cost types, however bluCard is the preferred method of payment Conference/Event Registration Journals/Subscriptions Memberships

PO Change Orders in BearBuy

You will need to create a change order for the below types of requests: Changing Chartfields Decreasing quantity or amount Increasing the amount on a service order Lien closures Canceling a PO line Canceling a Purchase Order

The recommended best practice to obtain additional goods is to place a new order. Please note that change orders will no longer be performed as a mechanism to clear up a match exception. Match exceptions will be manually cleared and approved by the departments.

BearBuy Focus Group 2


Thank you for assisting us in developing the best eProcurement system to meet the business needs of our campus. We would like to know how this session went and how it has prepared you for the upcoming implementation of BearBuy. Please take a moment to complete this evaluation form. Your feedback is important and will help shape our future training sessions and communications.

Excellent Overall Evaluation of the Session Business Presentation System Demo Feedback Q&A Presentation Materials Presenter(s)

Very Good



Very Effective Communication to come to this meeting Invitation reached the right participants

Somewhat Effective

Not Effective

Does not Apply

Please describe the most valuable aspect(s) of the session.

Please describe the least valuable aspect(s) of the session.

Please describe what you think might improve the session.

What is your current role?

____Department Manager ____Department Processor ____Department Approver Other ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Thursday, July 14, 2011

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