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Star Wars Episode VI – The Force Awakens REDONE Part 2

(Version 1)
Written and Illustrated by Won Hwang
A fanfiction based on the screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan, J.J.
Abrams & Michael Arndt.

Space. The Republic Battlecruiser.

The Finalizer hovers on the planet of Jakku.


The Republic Battlecruiser bridge.

Lieutenant Mitaka, a Mon Calamari, moves to Kylo Ren, who looks
at the display on the wall. Mitaka swallows, uneasy with his task.
Lieutenant Mitaka: "Sir. We were unable to acquire the droid on
Kylo turns to look at him. He says nothing.
The soldiers and officers in the room start backing off from them.
Lieutenant Mitaka: "Reports from our troopers on the ground
indicate that the droid escaped capture aboard a Corellian YT
model freighter."
Kylo Ren: "A Corellian... freighter...?"
Lieutenant Mitaka begins to sweat. "Yes, sir. It had help."
Kylo says nothing, which says everything.
Lieutenant Mitaka: "We have no confirmation, but we believe FN-
2187 may have helped in the escape–"

Kylo ignites his blue lightsaber, turns, and slashes at the console,
at the wall, at the deck, rending and ripping everything in front of
HOLD ON Mitaka, who reacts, looks away, and winces.
The horrible sounds of Kylo's rage continue, leaving long lines of
bleeding metal onto the machinery. He then shuts off his
Kylo Ren: "Anything else?"
Mitaka hates to say the following. "The two were accompanied by
a girl–"
Kylo reaches out.
Mitaka is pulled toward Kylo, into his black glove. As Mitaka
struggles to breathe in that remorseless grasp, Kylo Ren's voice
changes even more menacing than before.
Kylo Ren: "What girl?!"


Millennium Falcon. The lounge area.

CLOSE IN Rey's face.
Under the floor, instruments beeping rapidly, the constant hiss of
escaping steam makes it difficult to hear or see anything for Rey
and Han.
Han: "It's the motivator."
Finn looks down at Rey and Han. "Anything I can do?"
Rey: "Do you know how to fix a ship?"
Finn: "I'm good at blowing ships up. Not so good at putting them
Rey: "Grab me a Harris wrench. Check in there!" She points
behind Finn.
Turning, Finn checks a storage container and rummages through
the contents as Rey disappears down below. BB-8 watches Finn
searching a selection of tools.
Finn: "How bad is it?"
Han: "If we wanna live, not good!"
Chewie growls.
Han: "Chewie, get to the cockpit! Make sure if there's anyone else
chasing after us."
Chewie heads off.
Finn: "They're out hunting for us now. We've gotta get out of this
Han: "That ain't an option until we fix the motivator."
Rey re-emerges. "BeeBee-Ate said the location of the Resistance
base is ‘need to know’. If we're taking you there, we need to
Finn throws a tool. "This?"
She catches it and goes under again, leaving Finn and BB-8
Rey (Voice): "Is this it?"
Han (Voice): "No, no. It's..."
Busy as they are attempting to make the necessary repairs, Finn
knees to BB-8, says quietly, urgently.
Finn: "You gotta tell us where your base is."
BB-8 confused-beeps.
Finn: "I don't speak that. All right, between us... I'm not with the
Resistance, okay?"
BB-8 backs up, alarmed.
Finn: "I'm just trying to get away from the First Order. But you
tell us where the base is... I'll get you there first. Deal?"
BB-8 cocks his head.
Finn: "Droid, please!"
Rey pops up from under the grating. "Plex driver, hurry."
Finn returns to the storage container for the tool.
Rey: "So where's your base?"
Finn: "Go on, BeeBee-Ate, tell her."
BB-8 turns to Rey, to Finn, and to Rey, then to Finn again.
Finn whispers. "Please..."
BB-8 reluctant-beeps.
Rey: "The Ileenium system?"
Finn: "Yeah, the Ileenium system, that's the one!" Finn hands her
the tool, surprised but thrilled.
Rey disappears below again.
Finn: "Get us there as fast as you can!" A smiling Finn gives BB-8
a thumbs up.
BB-8 quickly extends his welding torch and turns it upward in
imitation of the human's gesture, then retracts it.
Han (Voice): "I need the bonding tape, hurry!"
Finn: "Rey, what about you?"
Rey pops up. "I gotta get back to Jakku."
Finn: "Back to Jakk-?!" He loses his mind. "Why does everyone
wanna go back to Jakku?!" He holds a tool.
Rey: "It's not that one."
Finn: "That place is–"
Rey: "No. No. The one I'm pointing to. No. NO. NO!"
Finn does his best to follow her directions.
Rey: "If we don't patch it up, the propulsion tank will overflow
and flood the ship with poisonous gas!"
BB-8 moves to Finn, tips his head, shows him the tool.
Finn picks the tape up. "This?"
Rey: "Yes." She catches it and sinks below.
Finn: "Hey, Rey. Why go back? There's nothing there! You got a
family? You got a boyfriend...? Cute boyfriend?"
Rey pops up again. "None of your business, that's why."
All of a sudden, all the ship power goes out. The regular lights
replaced with red emergency lights.
BB-8 nervous-beeps.
Finn: "That can't be good."
Han finally pops up. "No, it can't be."
They hear Chewie's growling from the cockpit.
Rey and Han climb out of the opening. They head back toward
the cockpit.

Millennium Falcon. Cockpit.

Chewie is in the pilot seat.
Han settles into the copilot seat this time. "What is it?"
Rey asks Han. "It's the motivator, isn't it?"
Chewie growls and points at the instrumentation panel.
Han: "Worse. Someone's locked onto us. All controls are
Rey: "Who's taken control of us?"
Finn quickly, awkwardly climbs up Chewie, looks out. Chewie
growls as to say, 'Get off!'
The realization hits Finn. "Oh, no."
The Millennium Falcon, powerless, is a sitting duck.
The other ship is large in comparison, a bulky Republic freighter,
appears from above.
The Falcon's instrumentation frozen, its engines powerless, and
its weapons systems dead. The paralyzed ship is drawn upward
into the opening.

Millennium Falcon. Cockpit.

Finn: "They've got us. It's all over."
Behind him, BB-8 scared-beeps.
Han: "Doesn't seem like it chased after us."
Finn: "Why not?"
Han: "That's only a freighter, not a battleship. It's likely an
inspection for every vessel coming out of the planet."
Rey looks at Han. "What do we do? There must be something."
Han stands up. "Get under the floor and stay there with the droid
until I say so. I'll talk my way out of it."
Rey: "If they spot us?"
Han pulls out his blaster. "Same thing I always do. It works
Chewie moan-growls.
Han: "Yes, always! Every time!"
Finn's mind races. He thinks something up. "Poisonous gas."
Rey: "We fixed that."
Finn: "Can you unfix it?"
They stare at him and get his plan. Rey and Finn head off, and
Han follows.

Millennium Falcon.
Han, Finn, and Rey grab the gas masks designed to protect
against loss of atmosphere hanging on the storage stations in the
lounge. BB-8 trails close behind.
Han: "That'll work on Republic troopers?"
Finn: "Yeah. Standard issue helmets are designed to filter out
smoke, not toxins."
Han eyes him suspiciously.
Finn realizes he talked too much. "You know what they say. Know
your enemy." He wears the mask.
Han puts his mask into the pocket. Chewie puts his one into his
Rey and Finn carry unconscious Poe into the grating area.
Rey: "Come on."
Finn: "I got it–" But Poe weighs a ton and falls down with Poe in
his arms. "I'm okay..." He puts Poe away.
BB-8 drops to the grating area.

Han looks down at Rey and Finn. "When you hear blasters, open
up the seal. Any kind of internal defense, much less something as
nebulous as a gas counterattack, would be the last thing a squad
would expect. Until then, keep quiet."
Han and Chewie head off.
Rey pulls the grating over them as lights come on. The metal
clanging sound of the ship ramp lowering.
Under the grating, Finn asks Rey. "What now?"
Rey: "We follow his instructions. After all, he's Han Solo. He must
know what he's doing."

The Republic freighter. Cargo bay.

The Falcon's ramp lowers as Han and Chewie await at the door,
REVEALING a dozen Republic troopers.
Han changes his voice into a humble, sleazy tone. "Welcome
aboard. I'm Dardell Thorpe, a drifting caravan." He turns to
Chewbacca. "This is Tarik. Always good to see working
compatriots of the Republic. What's the problem?"

We hear a feminine voice OFFSCREEN. "The problem is this is an

old Corellian YT-1300f light freighter." The regular troopers step
away to REVEAL Captain Phasma.


Millennium Falcon. Under the floor.

Finn pulls the grating over them to look.
Rey whispers. "Can you see them?"
Finn: "No. At least they aren't shooting at each other yet."
BB-8 notices something and pushes himself to Rey.
Rey: "What?"
BB-8 beeps and nods down at the floor of the grating area. Rey
examines and finds a switch on the floor.
Finn: "What is it?"
Rey: "It's a door switch." She presses a switch.
Finn: "Hey, Rey, carefu–"
The floor opens downward, instantly dropping Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-
8, and all the tools into the even lower floor of the Falcon with the
large crashing noises.

The Republic freighter. Cargo bay.

Everyone outside the Falcon hears the crash.
Han is taken aback but pretends it was nothing. "Aw, don't tell
me a rathtar's gotten loose."
Phasma: "What's gotten loose?"
Han: "Rathtars. I'm hauling rathtars."
Troopers around Phasma whisper with each other. "Wait, wait.
Did he just say rathtars?", "Rathtars from the Trillia Massacre?",
"On that ship?"


Millennium Falcon. Deep below the floor.

Rey, Finn, and BB-8 get entangled with the old ship parts,
forgotten cargo goods, and cables underneath. Dark inside.
Rey: "Aww."
BB-8 beeps.
Finn looks around. "Where are we?"
They hear someone talking somewhere.
Han (Voice): "I got three of them going to King Prana. Some
collectors have funny hobbies, you know."
Rey tracks where the voice is coming from. Again, from the floor,
this time the valve handle attached to it.
Phasma (Voice): "I know who you two are. Wanted on at least
three hundred systems for interfering with military operations,
committing acts of sabotage against the New Republic authority,
and collaborating with the Resistance. Han Solo and Chewbacca.
There is nowhere left to hide, terrorist scum."
Rey turns the valve and the smaller door to outside opens.
Finn whispers. "Hey, not again! Be careful..."

The Republic freighter. Cargo bay.

With a little shoosh, a tiny circular part of the bottom wall of the
Falcon opens automatically. Rey, her head, pops down, peeping
There, Rey is able to see the Republic troopers surrounding the
ramp of the Falcon.
Troopers whisper with each other again. "Han Solo?", "Was he
real?", "Didn't he fight against the Empire?", "Wasn't he one of
Han laughs. "I'm Han Solo? Tarik, can you believe this?"
Chewie shrugs.
Finn pops down. Finn turns pale upon witnessing Phasma.
Finn: "Phasma...!"
Rey: "Who?"
Phasma: "Troopers, arrest them. Search the ship."
Troopers raise their blasters on Han and Chewbacca. After taking
their weapons, five troopers force the captives out of the Falcon
and into the narrow corridor of the freighter. Phasma follows.
The other five walk into the ship, leaving only two
troopers guarding the ramp.
Rey: "They're gone." She climbs out of the ship, taking BB-8
down to the cargo floor carefully.
Finn whispers. "Whoa. What are you doing?"
Rey: "Trying to find a tractor beam controller on this ship. Do you
not want to get out of here?" She opens another grating under
the cargo floor.
Finn: "Rey...!" Flustered, he hesitantly catches up to her.
The Falcon's wall door closes automatically.


The Republic freighter. The corridor.

Surrounded by five troopers, handcuffed Han Solo gets rifle-
butted by Phasma. Han falls to the floor.
Chewie, handcuffed, growls at her, but troopers immediately aim
their blasters at him.
One trooper guard carries their weapons, Han's blaster and
Wookiee bowcaster.
Phasma: "Where are the two fugitives. Where is the droid."
Han gets up. "Two fugitives? A droid? First I've heard of it."
Phasma rifle-butts him again. "Usually a senile old fool knows
when to retire. But sometimes they simply need to be retired."
She turns to one of the troopers. "Trooper, hand me the baton."
Trooper: "Yes, Captain."

The Republic freighter. Cargo bay. Below the deck.

Finn and Rey, in a quiet panic below, crawl fast.
Rey: "We could die here."
Finn: "I'd say it's almost likely."
Rey: "That's right. So try to be optimistic, please."

They quickly arrive at a junction box area.

Rey looks at the controls. "Wait, wait, wait. If this is a flow panel,
I might be able to manually disrupt the programming." She taps
the cover that protects a bulge in the wall.
Finn: "We'll cut the tractor beam from here?"
Rey opens the panel, exposing the intricate electrics within.
"Resetting the fuses should do it." Rey begins resetting the fuses,
sparks shooting from them as she does.
Finn quickly joins in.


The Republic freighter. The corridor.

A trooper brings the Z6 riot control baton.
Phasma takes the stun baton and turns it on with a flash.


The Republic freighter. Cargo bay. Below the deck.

Rey smiles optimistically. Finn looks hopeful too.
With one large spark, the lights go off, only an emergency light
from the junction box.
Rey: "Oh, no. Wrong fuses."

The Republic freighter. The corridor.
All of a sudden, the ceiling lights turn off, leaving the baton the
only light source.

Growl! A furious roar of a Wookiee, and sounds of beat down

follow. We see flashes of the baton that REVEAL Chewbacca using
it to destroy his and Han's handcuffs. Beating and screaming
Red emergency lights come on. Alarms blaring.
Phasma gets up and sees her troopers fallen on the floor, just
waking up. Han and Chewbacca are nowhere to be seen, only
their shattered handcuffs lying on the floor.
Phasma: "Kill them!"
The troopers spread out.

The Republic freighter. The other corridor.

Han and Chewbacca, with their weapons back, run down the
Chewie moans.
Han: "No kidding! Come on!"
A trooper stops their path. "Halt!"
Chewie fires his bowcaster. The trooper flies across the corridor.
Han looks at Chewie’s weapon. "Wow."


The Republic freighter. Cargo bay. Below the deck.

Finn looks up as he hears alarms and footsteps above. "Uhh,
Rey frantically resets the fuses. Another flash of spark.
Rey: "The beam is off! Let's go!" She crawls off fast.
Finn: "I have a bad feeling about this!"


The Republic freighter. The corridor.

Han and Chewbacca run down the corridor, which is closed by the
blast door. Its window shows the parked Falcon in the cargo.
Han works with door control. "I got the door!"
But the enemy blaster fires fly toward them. The five troopers at
the other end of the hall.
Han narrowly dodges the blaster bolts, but Chewbacca is not too
lucky. Chewbacca gets hit in the shoulder by enemy fire. He goes
down with a loud groan.
Han hides behind the cover. "Chewie!" He grabs Chewie's
bowcaster, fires at troopers.
The hit trooper flies across the corridor.
Han: "You okay?" Han then looks at the bowcaster, impressed.


The Republic freighter. The cargo bay.

Rey opens a floor hatch and they climb out. Finn runs toward the
A guard comes out of the Falcon's ramp and raises his blaster at

Rey takes out her staff and beats the trooper down, knocking him
Finn: "Nice hit."
Rey then stops, noticing a blast door control panel. Her eyes light
up as she moves to it.
A bank of video monitors of the ship corridors. She can see Han
and Chewbacca cornered at the corridor.
Finn on the ramp shouts, "Rey, come on!"
Rey presses the button. Monitor beeping.

The Republic freighter. The corridor.

The blast door between Han and the troopers shuts down, locked.
Han gets out of the cover, confused.
And then the door to the cargo opens, REVEALING Rey in the
cargo bay, flickering the blast door control panel.
Han smiles. He turns to Chewie and struggles to help him to walk.
"Chewie, we're almost there!"

The Republic freighter. The cargo bay.

Finn and Rey enter the Falcon, and Han and Chewie follow them.
Millennium Falcon.
Rey: "Han."
Han: "You, close the door behind us." He points at Finn. "You,
take care of Chewie!"
Finn heads up with Chewie, who screams in pain.

Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Han stands at the navicomputer, hitting switches. The ship
powers up.
Rey enters fast, moves past him to the copilot seat.
Han: "Hey, where are you going? Passengers back there."
Rey hits buttons: "You could use a co-pilot."
Han: "I got one, he's back there."

Millennium Falcon.
In the lounge, Chewbacca cries in pain.
Finn goes through a first aid kit.

Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Han: "Watch the thrust, we're goin' out of here at lightspeed."
Rey: "From inside the hangar? Is that even possible?"
Han: "I never ask that question until after I've done it."
Boom! Blast fires at the cockpit, surprising both pilots.

The Republic freighter. The cargo bay.

Troopers surround the Falcon as they blast the Falcon.
Han: "This is not how I thought this day was gonna go. Angle the
shields. Hang on back there!"

Millennium Falcon.
Finn: "No problem!" From the bag, Finn finds a training remote.

The Republic freighter. The cargo bay.

More troopers race out and fire at the Falcon, hitting fuel lines,
blasting the ship hard.
Phasma enters the cargo bay. "Bring the rocket launcher!"
An rocket trooper comes in, loading the rocket into the launcher.
The Falcon rotates to head toward the open hangar of the
freighter, readying for lightspeed.

Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Han: "Come on, baby, don't let me down."
Han pulls on the main hyperdrive control, but nothing.
Han: "What?"
Rey: "Compressor on the ignition line. They must've put it there."
Han does not like it but she is right. He hits the switch again and
the hyperdrive fires.

The Republic freighter. The cargo bay.

An enormous, overpowering thunder fills the cargo hangar as the
Falcon's engines come to life. The lightspeed blast push the
attacking troopers back like dry leaves, except for Phasma.
Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.
The stars stretch like elastic.

The Republic freighter. The cargo bay.

The SCREEN rotates as the Falcon disappears in a streak, leaving
the huge Republic freighter behind.
PUSH IN on Phasma. She makes a call. "Supreme Leader, Han
Solo has the droid we want with two fugitives aboard the
Millennium Falcon."
Hux (Voice): "Have you secured a homing beacon aboard their
Phasma: "Yes, Supreme Leader. We'll be able to track their next
ㄴ Since Han and Chewbacca are no longer smugglers, REDONE
changes the freighter part in a significant way. I always found
this to be one of the weakest parts of the Force Awakens. Some
gangsters attacking our heroes because Han Solo owed some
money feels like a fluff that could have been cut from the movie.
It goes nowhere and barely advances the plot as if it was thrown
in just because the same thing happened to Han Solo in the
original trilogy with Jabba. I will elaborate on how the film treated
Han's return to a smuggler profession later.
ㄴ REDONE replaces the attackers with the First Order. Logically,
why would the First Order not blockade the system? Did they
really do nothing after the Falcon escaped the planet? Now, this
sequence gives Phasma something to do rather than doing
nothing but opening up the Starkiller shields. The First Order
assaulting the Falcon elevates the stakes more than some
gangsters and rathtars who never even come up in the movie and
the trilogy again. This sequence also has more character-
revealing moments. Finn getting horrified upon watching Phasma,
setting up his confrontations against her later. Han's history with
the First Order and the Resistance. Setting up Rey's physical
capability by beating down a soldier. Rey saving Han, which
builds up to Han offering her a crew job.
ㄴ A little easter egg: Dardell Thrope was the original name for
Han Solo from the original Star Wars draft, borrowing from "Han
Dardell Thorpe". Chewbacca's fake name, Tarik, was borrowed
from the bear that offered Chewbacca's voice.


The Republic fleet flies around a gigantic mushroom-like
structure floating in space. A small shield gate is floating below
the structure. This is the Starkiller Command Base.
ㄴ This replaces the original Starkiller Base from the movie. This
is more of a traditional space station than the planet-sized
superweapon unlike Death Stars and Starkiller Base. Its design
borrowed from the Emperor's Fortress from The Old Republic. The
function is radically different from the original Starkiller Base,
which will be elaborated later.

The Starkiller Command Base. The assembly room.

Supreme Leader Hux and Kylo Ren walk across the dark hallway,
both tensed and worried. At the end of the hallway, a large gate
stands before them.
Kylo Ren waves his hand, and the gate opens. They walk into it.
Like a meditation garden or a temple, a dim brutalist empty
assembly room lit by spears of artificial sunlight. A deep fog owns
the floor.
Kylo Ren waves his hand again and the gate closes behind.
Hux mutters the word. "Lord Valum."
We hear a deep, almost soothing voice. A voice very much in
control of power. "The droid will soon be in the hands of the
Resistance" The hologram of Dark Lord of the Sith Tor
Valum appears, but only his face. Not entirely human, at nearly
twenty-five feet tall. A Lovecraftian-looking alien with taut and
leathery skin, and four eyes. Old, wounded, fragile, and powerful,
all at the same time. "Giving the enemy the means to locate the
last Jedi and bring to their cause a most powerful ally. If
Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise."
Hux: "My Lord, I take full responsibility for th–"
Tor Valum: "Supreme Leader! Your apologies are not a strategy.
We are here now. It is what happens next that matters."
Kylo Ren steps forward. "My master, I have seen the mind of the
captured Resistance pilot. Their location, we have it. Their base is
on the planet of D'Qar in the Ileenium system."
Hux, dumbfounded, turns to Kylo. "You didn't tell me that."
Kylo Ren: "I believe the time has come to eradicate them. With
our Starkiller Command Base, we will trap them before they
reach Skywalker."
Tor Valum makes a satisfied smile. "Hux. Go. Oversee the
necessary preparations."
Hux, his face disgruntled. "Lord Valum. It should be noted I am
still the Supreme Leader of the Republic, and you're not supposed
to exist officially. There've been whispers circulating in the
Republic as you know..."
Tor Valum: "No matter. Time will come to reveal the return of the
Hux: "But the Republic won't accept–"
Tor Valum, with a new intimidation in his voice. "Hux, you are
Hux, frustrated. He stares at Kylo Ren, then walks away.
Tor Valum asks Kylo. "There's been an awakening. Have you felt
Kylo Ren: "Yes, my master."
Tor Valum: "There's something more. The droid we seek is
aboard the Millennium Falcon."
Kylo Ren stays silent.
Tor Valum: "Kylo Ren, I watched the Empire rise, and then fall.
The historians have it all wrong. It was neither poor strategy nor
arrogance that brought down the Empire. You know too well what
Kylo Ren: "Sentiment."
Tor Valum: "Yes, such a simple thing. Such a foolish error of
judgment. A momentary lapse in an otherwise exemplary life.
Had Lord Vader not scummed to emotion at the crucial moment,
had the father killed the son, the Empire would have prevailed.
And there would be no threat of Skywalker's return today."
Kylo Ren: "I am immune to the light. By the grace of your
training, I will not be seduced."
Tor Valum: "No one knows the limits of his own power until it has
been tested to the utmost, as yours has not been. Even you,
master of the Knights of Ren, have never faced such a test. That
day may come."
Kylo Ren: "There is no need to concern, master. My allegiance is
with you. No one will stand in our way."
Tor Valum: "We shall see... We shall see..."
A gentle, satisfied nod from the Sith Lord. Kylo Ren watches him
disappear as he makes a grotesque evil smile growing as he
ㄴ If you have read Colin Trevorrow's Duel of the Fates script that
was meant to be Episode 9, a new villain named Tor Valum is
introduced. Tor Valum would have been a Dark Lord of the Sith
who trained Darth Plagueis and whom Supreme Leader Kylo Ren
would have sought so he could train him in the ways of the Dark
Side of the Force. Due to the director change, this script was
scrapped. REDONE incorporates Tor Valum replacing Snoke's role.
His new backstory in REDONE will be revealed in The Last Jedi
REDONE, but for The Force Awakens REDONE, his character is
pretty much identical as Snoke except for the design and the
ㄴ It might be a smaller difference, but Tor Valum is 'technically'
not in charge of the First Order. Hux is the Supreme Leader of the
Republic, not Tor Valum. Tor Valum remains hidden but serves as
a true mastermind of the First Order. Their dynamic is a lot
similar to Nute Gunray and Sidious in the prequels than Tarkin
and the Emperor in the originals. Similar to how many separatist
systems and politicians broke up with the Republic due to the
rumor that the Sith is in the control of the Republic, not knowing
the Sith is also in control of the CIS, the First Order, founded on
the anti-Imperial sentiment within the Republic, is in control of
the Sith mastermind. In reality, Hux is an opportunist hungry for
power disguised as an ideologue, which is the reason why he
joined hands with Tor Valum.
ㄴ I have not seen this plot inconsistency being pointed out. In
the movie, Kylo Ren interrogates Poe and mind probes him,
obtaining information about where did he put the map. However,
he somehow has not thought to pull out information where the
Resistance base is? It is weird how he was not able to do that
when the movie has shown his mind probe to be so powerful that
it allowed him to look into Rey's past. In REDONE, he actually
does figure out about the Resistance base. This also works as a
point of the clash between Kylo and Hux regarding who is in
charge of the First Order, that Kylo is in the interest of furthering
the Sith's agenda while Hux is more concerned with the
Republic's agenda.
ㄴ Kylo Ren's father reveal always seemed somewhat awkward,
"Your father, Han Solo" sounded as if the movie tried to replicate
"I am your father" moment. REDONE does not play this revelation
as an earth-shattering moment, but subtler in a way the audience
can figure out through clues.


Racing with the Falcon through the light of hyperspace.

Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Sparks! Chaos between the cockpit where Han and Rey work
around the controls. Fuses blowing. Alarms sounding. Problems
Han: "Electrical overload."
Rey: "I can fix that."
Han: "Coolant's leaking."
Rey looks at the control. "Try transferring auxiliary power to the
secondary tank–"
Han: "–Secondary tank. I got it!"

Millennium Falcon.
Chewbacca howls in pain. Finn hangs in there, wraps a bandage
on Chewie's shoulder.
Finn: "Chewie, come on!" He shouts at the cockpit. "I need help
with this giant hairy thing!"
BB-8 rolls to him.
Finn: "Stop moving! Chewie!"
Chewie roars at BB-8, who scared-beeps and scurries off to the

Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Han turns back. "You hurt Chewie, you're gonna deal with me!"

Millennium Falcon.
As Finn struggles to bandage the Wookiee. "Hurt him?! He almost
killed me six times!"
Chewie grabs him by the collar.
Finn: "Which is fine."

Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Han: "This hyperdrive blows there's gonna be pieces of us in
three different systems."
Rey pulls something out from the ceiling. Abruptly, all the alarms
stop. Hyperdrive normalizing.
Rey, satisfied, sits in the co-pilot seat.
Han is confused. "What'd you do?"
Rey smiles as she shows the chip. "I bypassed the compressor.
Field has stabilized. Total containment temperature is dropping
back toward normal."
Han looks at her. A little, appreciative "Huh".
Han exits, walking past BB-8. "Move, ball."

Millennium Falcon.
Han moves at Chewie, who lies awake but recovering. Han checks
his friend's wound with care. Chewie moan-talks.
Han: "Ah, don't say that. You did great. Just rest."
Han turns to Finn, who sits at the holochess set, BB-8 beside him.
This is awkward for Han, but he says it. "Good job on Chewie,
kid. Thanks."
Finn: "You're welcome." Beep. Finn has accidentally hit a button
on the chess set, and the hologram pieces appear. The pieces
start to fight.
Chewie growls.
Han: "So, fugitives, huh?"
Finn turns the chess off.
Rey: "The First Order wants the map. Finn is with the Resistance.
I'm just a scavenger."
Han gives Finn a skeptical look. Han turns to BB-8. "Let's see
what you got."
Rey, to BB-8. "Go ahead."

BB-8 rolls forward and project a enormously detailed and

complex holographic star map, filling the lounge. Nebulae, solo
stars, and translucent splashes of systems are hovering in the air
before them.
Chewie sits up to have a better look.
Han: "This map's not complete. It's just a piece." He moves
through stars, becomes reflective. "Ever since Luke disappeared
with his droid, people have been looking for him."
Rey: "Why did he leave?"
Han: "He was training a new generation of Jedi. Rebuilding the
Jedi Order. Everything was going good, until one boy, an
apprentice turned against him and destroyed it all."
Finn: "Maybe he felt responsible?"
Han: "There've been all kinds of rumors. Stories. When people
don't have access to facts, they invent what they'd like to believe,
or what they think others would like to hear. The people who
knew him the best think he went looking for the first Jedi
Rey: "The Jedi were real?"
Han: "I used to wonder that myself. Thought it was a bunch of
mumbo-jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil,
the dark side, and the light." He pauses. "Crazy thing is..." He
turns to them. "It's true."
Finn and Rey listen to him, fascinated.
Han: "The Force. The Jedi. All of it. It's all true."
A terminal beeps from the control station. BB-8 cuts off the
Chewie rises and talks to Han.
Han motions for Chewie to lay back. "No, you rest." He flickers
some switches on the control station. To Rey and Finn, "You want
my help? You're getting it. This is our stop." Han moves towards
the cockpit.
Rey and Finn follow him.

The Falcon drops out of lightspeed, REVEALING a beautiful green
planet ahead, Takodana.


Millennium Falcon. The cockpit.

Han pilots. Finn, Rey, and BB-8 beside him. Chewie as co-pilot.
Han: "Chewie, we're home."
Rey looks out the windshield, almost in tears as the slowed
Falcon flies over an endless green forest. "...I didn't know there
was this much green in the whole galaxy..."
Han watches her, sees a vulnerability that touches him.
Takodana. Day.
Flying toward a castle on a picturesque Nymeve Lake, glistening
with sunshine, the Falcon lands near the castle, among dozens of
worn, smallish freighters.


Landing pad. Near Han's castle. Day.

Disembarking from the Falcon, Rey and BB-8 marvel at
environments of the heavenly world. She takes in the towering
stone castle, forest to one side, the lake to the other. Serene,
beautiful, birds chirping. All new to her.


Millennium Falcon.
Han rummages the storage unit, retrieving old blasters. Finn
arrives behind him, concerned.
Finn: "Hey, Solo, I'm not sure what we're walking into here–"
Han: "Did you just call me Solo?"
Finn: "Sorry. Han. Mr. Solo. You should know, I'm a big deal in
the Resistance. Which puts a real target on my back. Are there
any conspirators here? First Order sympathizers?"
Han turns. "Listen, big deal. Back in Jakku, when we rescued Poe,
there was someone else. Someone lying on the desert in
the trooper armor."
Han's words freeze Finn.
Han: "You've got another problem. Women always figure out the
truth." He hands him the blaster. "Always." Han walks off.
Finn watches him go, wracked with guilt.


Landing pad. Near Han's castle. Day.

Han walks to Rey as she stands at looks at the castle.
Rey: "I can't believe this place is real. It doesn't even smell real."
Han: "You got all this greenery pumping out all this oxygen.
Makes a big change when all you've been sucking is recycled ship
atmosphere." Han struggles to mutter the words but says it. "I've
been thinkin' about bringing on some more crew, Rey. A second
mate. Need a bigger crew for a bigger task."
Rey: "A bigger task?"
Han: "I've been on a... personal quest to fight the First Order. To
find someone close to me."
Rey: "You are with the Resistance."
Han: "Used to be. Didn't see eye to eye with Leia. She's a
politician after all. I need someone to help out. Someone who can
keep up with Chewie and me, appreciates the Falcon."
Rey: "Are you offering me a job?"
Han: "It would be dangerous. It doesn't pay right away and I'm
not going to be nice to you–"
Rey, with a smile on her face. "You're offering me a job."
Han: "I'm thinking about it."
Rey wants to say yes. But something stops her. A line she cannot
Han: "Well?"
Rey: "If you were, I'd be flattered. But I have to get home."
Han looks at her, questioningly. "Where, Jakku? That junkyard?"
Rey: "I've already been away too long."
Han turns to Chewbacca back on the ramp. "Chewie, check out
the ship as best you can. And take care of Poe." He turns to Rey.
"It's too bad. Chewie kind of likes you." Han heads off to the
HOLD on Rey.
ㄴ Han Solo in The Force Awakens is one of my favorite parts of
the movie, but the decision to reverting Han back to a smuggler's
life was a tremendous mistake, and it is surprising there was only
a small fan pushback. Remember Han's arc in the original trilogy?
Han Solo in A New Hope was a smuggler because he liked money
and lived in a galaxy that was ruled by a tyrannical Empire, so it
makes sense that Han would become a smuggler. He grew from a
smuggler thug to a hero in A New Hope, and The Empire Strikes
Back grew his character from wanting to hide from all the
conflicts to a true hero who accepts his responsibility of his
friends. Han Solo in The Force Awakens is a father who ran from
his responsibility because he did not care and became a criminal
smuggler again inside the very Republic he helped to form. Think
about it: A smuggler, a profession about smuggling
things discretely from the authority. A smuggler, who is one of
the most famous heroes in the galaxy, paired with another
famous hero, on the ship that has become a legend, so famous
that some girl who has lived her entire life on the desolate planet
has heard about them. Not only that, why does he need to work
as a smuggler? "I went back to the only thing I was ever good
at", which is not even true at all. Han Solo in The Force Awakens
is an incompetent smuggler who gets his crew killed and becomes
indebted to two separate gangs. Why does he even need the
money in the first place? Nothing in Han Solo's backstory makes
any sense. We know the reasons behind this decision, it is
because Han appeared as a smuggler in A New Hope, so Han had
to be the Han we all remember in A New Hope for the sake of
fanservice. On the other hand, I agree with the writers' rational
that Han would not have stayed the same as a hero of the
Rebellion when his son fell into the dark side. He cannot be an
upstanding Resistance member. There needed to be a turn to
dark for him.
ㄴ REDONE makes some changes for Han Solo. Here, while not a
part of the Resistance, Han is still a fighter in his own desperate
quest to find Ben to make up for his mistakes as a parent. Han is
motivated by personal reasons while Leia is motivated by politics.
Leia, who has always been a rebel at heart, dedicated herself to a
cause of democracy, liberty, and justice. In contrast, Han does
not much care about Galactic politics, he cares about his son. This
is where they were at odds with their main objectives and had a
falling out, which will be elaborated further later.

The door to Han's castle. Day.
Han walks them to the castle with Finn and Rey. Its impressive
structure and odd stonework, they find themselves unable to
estimate the castle's age. Numerous flags are hanging above the
Han: "The galaxy's full of watering holes, but nothing like this
place. I bought this cantina dirt cheap, converted into my own
little base of operations."
Finn: "But why are we here again?"
Han: "To get your droid on a clean ship."
Rey: "Clean?"
Han: "Well, you saw that the Falcon is not an ideal ship to stay
Finn: "Is this place safe?"
Han: "Customers here are mostly old retired smugglers, pirates,
and bounty hunters."
Finn: "That's not relieving at all."
Han: "Relax, kid. It's been run by an old pirate named Maz
Kanata while I was away, and she's lived long enough to tell who
is clean or who is not. Maz is a bit of an acquired taste, so let me
do the talking." He stops at the door and turns to Rey and Finn.
"And whatever you do, don't stare."
Rey and Finn: "At what?"
Han: "Any of it."
The entrance opens. Music. Madness. And...

Han's castle. Main room.

The loud, crowded mess of an open hall, PUSHING past a room
full of rough and odd aliens and humans, who gamble, drink,
scheme, negotiate, argue...
Until we end up on the back of a thousand-year-old creature, who
suddenly senses something. The orange alien turns to the
SCREEN. She is female, wearing large adjustable goggles. This
is Maz Kanata.
Glass shatters. Chatter ceases. All activity in the hall stops as
everyone, regardless of species, turns to look in the newcomers'
Han: "Oh boy." He waves his hand. "Hey, Maz!"
Finn mutters. "Under the radar. Perfect."
Noise returns as Maz walks to them.
Han: "Is everything going well?"
Maz: "Barely! Thanks to a certain mooch who's left the work
without a word. Can you imagine something so horrible?"
Han is embarrassed. "I might be able to."
Maz peers up at Han. "Where's my boyfriend?"
Han: "Chewie's working on the Falcon."
Maz: "I like that Wookiee." She turns to Finn and Rey. "I'm so
Rey: "For what?"
Maz: "Whatever trouble he's dragged you into. Come! I can't wait
to hear what your stories are." Maz walks off, gesturing for them
to follow.
Rey and Finn are left confused. Han indicates for them to follow
her. They do, passing many different aliens, people, and a small
droid, GA-97, who turns its head to see BB-8 following Rey across
the room.
GA-97, now animated, takes out a comlink. (Subtitled) "Alert the
Resistance... Their missing droid is here!"
ㄴ Maz Kanata is still in REDONE, but she is merely Han's
colleague. Han is the one who owns the cantina on Takodana,
which he secretly uses it as his hideout in his fight against the
First Order. Owning a bar means he is still in the know with what
is going on in the galaxy while also having a place to live.
ㄴ I disliked her design in the movie with her jarring CGI look. I
have changed the design to match Lupita Nyong'o's appearance.


A massive Republic Battlecruiser hovers over the Starkiller
Command Base.


The Republic Battlecruiser. Kylo Ren's chamber.

A dark space. Somewhere very private to Kylo Ren, who sits
He speaks, addresses someone OFFSCREEN whom we do not see.
Kylo Ren: "Forgive me. I feel it again. The pull to the light. My
master senses it. Show me again, the power of the darkness, and
I will let nothing stand in our way. Show me, Grandfather, and I
will finish what you started."

As his emotion builds, he stands and heads off to REVEAL whom

he was talking to. The burnt, ashen, ghostly deformed mask that
had once belonged to another, to a figure of rumor and
fear: Darth Vader.


Han's castle. Day.

Maz is putting together some food on the table. "A map to
Skywalker himself? I've never given up hope for him."
The meal on the table is comprised of interplanetary foods from
across the galaxy. It is possible these could be a favorite treat of
her 'boyfriend' Chewbacca. Rey and Finn devour the food as if
they had never eaten real food in their lives.
Han: "Maz, you still got that spare ship, right? Because I have a
favor to ask."
Maz looks at Rey. "How's the food?"
Rey: "So delicious!" Rey says between bites.
Han whispers. "I need you to get this droid to the Resistance..."
Maz: "Me?"
Han: "Being a hero of the Rebellion isn't always a welcoming
thing in times like these, you know."
Rey begs Maz. "Please."
Maz: "I see you're in trouble. I'll help you find a passage, avoid
the First Order's hunter squads, but this journey to the
Resistance isn't mine to take. Han, nyakee nago wadda. Go back
to your wife!"
Han: "Leia doesn't wanna see me."
Maz: "Who can blame her! Take it to her yourself whether you
believe that she wants to see you or not. I'm surprised, frankly.
You were always so good at looking ahead. I think now it's your
time to look back. At what, and who, you've left behind."
Han's face shows guilt and remorse.
Maz: "This fight is about more than you and that good woman."
Finn: "Please, we came here for your help."
Rey, holding a handful of fruits. "What fight?"
Maz: "The only fight: against the dark side. Through the ages,
I've seen evil take many forms. The Sith. The Separatists. The
Old Republic. The Empire. Today, it is the First Order. Their
shadow is spreading across the galaxy. We must face them. Fight
them. All of us."
Finn: "There is no fight against the First Order! Not one we can
win. Look around."
Rey, puzzled, stares at him.
Finn: "There's no chance we haven't been recognized already. I
bet you the First Order is on their way right–"
Finn stops, seeing Maz adjusting her goggles, scrutinizing him.
Gears clicking. Her eyes get huge.
Finn: "What's this?"
Maz adjusts the goggles again. Her eyes get impossibly bigger.
Finn: "What are you doing?"
She hoists herself on the tabletop, knocking over food and plates
to BB-8 on the floor, crawling towards Finn.
Finn: "Solo, what is she doing?"
Han: "I don't know, but it ain't good."
Maz: "If you live long enough you see the same eyes in different
people, son. I'm looking at the eyes of a man who wants to run."
Finn eyes on Maz. "You don't know a thing about me. Where I'm
from. What I've seen. You don't know the First Order like I do.
They'll slaughter us. We all need to run."
Rey is stunned.
Maz, not so much. She crawls back to her chair. She points to
some old smugglers in the corner. "You see those two? They'll
trade work for transportation to the Outer Rim. There, you can
disappear. Go."
Finn sees them. Considers.
Rey: "Finn!"
Finn: "Come with me."
Rey: "What about BeeBee-Ate? We're not done yet. We have to
get him back to your base."
BB-8 anxious-beeps.
Finn looks at BB-8. "I can't." Finn stands to leave. He offers the
blaster back to Han.
Han: "Keep it, kid."
Finn heads off.
Rey and BB-8 exchange a glance. Rey gets up to follow.
Maz dials her lenses back to normal and turns to Han. "Who's the
Meanwhile, on Finn, who has arrived at the table with the alien
Finn: "I was told you could get me to the Outer Rim."
Rey barges into the conversation, interrupting. "What are you
Finn gets up to talk to her. He turns to the big head alien, "Don't
leave without me." Embarrassed, Finn heads off.
Rey stops him. "You heard what Maz said. You're part of this
fight. You can't just go."
Finn: "I'm not who you think I am."
Rey: "Finn, what are you talking about?"
Finn's voice tightens. "I'm not Resistance! I'm not a hero."
That silenced Rey.
Finn: "I'm a Republic trooper." He gets emotional. "I was taken
from a family I'll never know. And raised to do one thing. But my
first battle, I made a choice. I wasn't going to kill for them. So I
ran. Right into you. And you asked me if I was Resistance, and
looked at me like no one ever had. So I said the first thing that
came to mind that I thought would please you. I was ashamed of
what I was. But I'm done with the First Order. I'm never going
back. Rey, come with me."
Rey: "Don't go."
A beat. Finn says, "Take care of yourself. Please."
Rey looks at him, crushed. With quiet resignation, Rey watches
Finn return to the aliens.
And all three head off. He gets to the front door and walks
through it.
Rey is heartsick, making her wonder what she is doing here,
feeling lost and alone. Under the weight of her
loneliness, something comes. A sound somehow familiar to her.
The sound of a young girl in anguish, crying. "No! No!"
Drawn to it, Rey turns toward a distant corridor. There is a
stairway, ancient stonework leading downward. She follows the
sound into the castle, so she cannot see that Finn has looked
back at her one last time before the door closes.

Han's castle. Basement corridor.

Young Girl (Voice): "No! Come back! No!"
Rey steps down into the basement corridor.
BB-8 follows her, carefully moving down the stairs.
Walking carefully and confused, she is not sure why she is down
here. She keeps hearing the echoing sounds of a young girl
crying. "Come back!"
She heads down the hall... to the very end, where there is a door.
It is almost as if a soulful vibration draws her closer.
She looks at a seal, a lock, on the door. She walks to it,
which opens before she can make contact.
Hesitant, Rey enters.

Han's castle. Crypt room.

Rey moves into the dark, small, vaulted storage room. Old
treasures line the floors and walls, but there is something specific
Rey is drawn to: on a table, an old wooden box.
She moves to it, unsure, afraid as if energy from inside the box
has been calling her here. BB-8 nervously follows.
Rey reaches out, very slowly, to touch the box. A moment heavy
with tension. Rey opens the box and sees inside...

REVEALING the original Skywalker lightsaber, held by Luke, and

his father, Anakin.
With hesitation, Rey reaches towards it. She cannot resist. As her
hand makes contact with it...
There is the piercing hiss of a lightsaber igniting. She moves her
hand away, as Rey hears mechanical breathing. The SCREEN
moves as she stands, looking around. The lighting changes, and
we see behind her something impossible.
A hallway of deep inside Cloud City.
Disembodied voices fill the air. Vader's breathing. And...
Young Girl (Voice): "NO!"
Yoda (Voice): "Its energy…"
Confused by all she sees and hears, Rey turns and sees, through
a doorway. We follow Rey and she runs down the corridor, but it
all tilts, turns, and she lands on the wall, which is now the ground
with dried grass.

Luke's Jedi Temple.

Yoda (Voice): "...surrounds us..."
Luke (Voice): "NO!"
Yoda (Voice): "...and binds us..."
The girl's screaming.
She looks up as the Screen pivots, and see Luke, whose face we
do not see. He falls to his knees, reaches out to R2-D2, who
watches the flames somewhere distant, with a mechanical right

PUSH IN on Rey as rain begins, and day turns to night. She looks
up, we tilt-up, to see we are looking up at a warrior as he is
stabbed by a fiery blue lightsaber.
He screams and falls to the ground. We follow him, revealing Rey
again, now in a nighttime battlefield.
Obi-Wan (Voice): "The Force will be..."
She gets to her feet, frightened by what she sees.
Kylo Ren, and the six other Knights of Ren, moving toward Rey.
Come back around to Rey, soaking now, who walks backward.
Young Girl (Voice): "NO!"
She turns to look as the rain stops and sunlight illuminates her.
She sees
A little girl. Rey as a child. She is sobbing, hysterical.
Unkar Plutt's meaty hand holds her thin arm. She is on Jakku.
Young Rey screams in the direction of where our Rey is standing.
"Come back!"
Unkar Plutt: "Quiet, girl!"
Young Rey: "No!"

Our Rey turns to see a starship flying into the sky, toward the
desert sun, abandoning young Rey.
The sun strangely eclipses as if being eaten by darkness. Rey
looks around her to see she is

Somewhere else.
Obi-Wan (Voice): "Rey."
In a nighttime, barren, snowy woods. She is losing her mind,
confounded and lost and she gets to her feet, her breath seen in
the frigid air. Rey runs, heart-pounding, until
Kylo Ren with a crimson lightsaber emerges from behind a tree.
She stops, falls back, lands on

Han's castle. Basement corridor.

The basement floor.
Obi-Wan (Voice): "These are your first steps..."
She falls back, out of the room, suddenly sitting in the hall, out of
breath, alarmed and perplexed. She hears something and turns
to look.
Han and Maz stand at the end of the corridor with BB-8, realizing
what has just happened.
Rey stammers as she struggles to catch her breath. "What was
Han and Maz walk to her.
Han: "That lightsaber was Luke's. And his father's before him and
now, it calls to you."
Rey stands, fast. Still overwhelmed, emotional. "I shouldn't have
gone in there. I'm sorry... I have to get back to Jakku."
Maz: "Yes, Han told me that." She reaches out, holds Rey's

Rey and Maz kneel.

Maz: "Dear child. I see your eyes. You've known it all along...
Whomever you're waiting for on Jakku, they're never coming
Rey tears up.
Maz: "But... there's someone who still could."
Rey, her eyes teared up. "Luke..."
Maz: "The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead. I am
no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds
every living thing." She takes the Force in, breathing in. "Close
your eyes. Feel it. The light. It's always been there. It will guide
you... The saber. Take it."
A long beat. Rey suddenly stands. "I'm never touching that thing
again. I don't want any part of this." Without another word Rey
runs off, passing Maz, toward the stairs.
Maz and Han stammer.
Rey's mind is spinning. She cannot take it.
BB-8 follows her.
TIGHT ON Maz and Han, watching her go. Maz sighs, feeling for
the young girl.


The door to Han's castle. Day.

Rey exits the castle, needs to run but does not know where to.
She heads toward the woods outside the castle.

The Forrest. Day.

Rey moves through the foliage, heart racing.
ㄴ So one of the many things The Rise of Skywalker failed to
resolve or give a satisfying answer was Maz Kanata and her
mystery box about Anakin's lightsaber. The movie specifically
draws attention to this with the line, "A good question for another
time." As he did with LOST, J.J. introduced this mystery likely
because he thought it was intriguing in its premise without
actually planning an answer. Rian Johnson seemed not interested
in playing his game and ditched it. J.J. himself had not figured the
answer to his own setup so he did not bother to address this. It
sets up the hype that never pays off. Since Han Solo owns the
cantina in REDONE, it is now Han who has the Skywalker
lightsaber, which makes more sense than Han's old friend he
visits to just happens to have it somehow. This effectively
removes the mystery box and the element of coincidence that the
old friend Han goes to just so happens to have Luke's lightsaber.


Han's castle. Day.

Finn boards the alien freighter, but the sound of the crowd makes
him turn back. The crowd of visitors has turned their eyes to the
sky. Dozens of languages exclaiming fear and horror.

A flock of the X-Wings and gunships flying in front of a low

orange sun.
Finn's blood runs cold, his heart sinks. He finds Han and Chewie
moving out, looking up. "It's the Republic! The First Order,
they're here!" A concerned Finn looks around the crowd. "Where's


The forest.
Rey races through the forest and finally comes to a stop,
overwhelmed and exhausted. At an emotional breaking point, she
has no idea where to go, whom to turn to.
Then she hears a beep, turns behind to see BB-8, catching up
with her.
Rey: "What are you doing?"
BB-8 beeps.
Rey: "You have to go back."
BB-8 inquisitive-beeps.
Rey: "I'm leaving." She kneels. "BeeBee-Ate."
BB-8 beeps.
Rey: "No, you can't. You have to go back, you're too important.
They'll help you."
Then another sound, far louder. Engines roaring.
They lookup.

A group of X-Wings and gunships thunder overhead, flying toward

the castle where her friends still were. She knows her friends are
in danger.
Rey races through the trees and back toward the castle, and BB-8

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace REDONE (Version 4)
Star Wars: Episode II – Shroud of the Darkness REDONE (Version 4)
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith REDONE (Version 4)
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi REDONE (Version 3)

Star Wars REDONE timeline:

27 BBY - Episode I – The Phantom Menace REDONE
24 BBY - Episode II – Shroud of the Darkness (Attack of the
Clones REDONE)
19 BBY - Episode III – Revenge of the Sith REDONE
0 ABY - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story REDONE (Planned)
0 ABY - Episode IV – A New Hope
3 ABY - Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
4 ABY - Episode VI – Return of the Jedi REDONE
36 ABY - Episode VII – The Force Awakens REDONE
36 ABY - Episode VIII – The Last Jedi REDONE (Planned)
40 ABY - Episode IX – Balance in the Force (The Rise of
Skywalker REDONE) (Planned)

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